# Support for queries from canned flywire connectivity datasets
flywire_connectome_basedir <- function(d=getOption('fafbseg.flywire_connectome_dir', NULL),
create=NA, check_contents=!create) {
if(is.null(d)) {
if(is.na(create)) create=TRUE
} else if(is.na(create)) create=FALSE
if(!file.exists(d)) {
dir.create(d, recursive = TRUE)
else stop("Please set options(fafbseg.flywire_connectome_dir='') to point to the correct location of cached flywire connectome data.")
if(!isTRUE(check_contents)) return(d)
subd=dir(d, include.dirs = T)
if(!(length(subd)>0)) {
# if(interactive() && grepl("darwin", R.version$os))
# system(paste("open", shQuote(d)))
stop("No connection data found. Please run\ndownload_flywire_release_data()")
flywire_connectome_latest_nomemo <- function() {
dd=dir(d, include.dirs = T, full.names = T)
if(length(dd)==0) return(NA_character_)
if(as.numeric(version)<630) {
warning("We recommend updating to connection data version 630. ",
"You can do this by running\ndownload_flywire_release_data()")
flywire_connectome_latest <- memoise::memoise(flywire_connectome_latest_nomemo, ~ memoise::timeout(3600))
flywire_connectome_dir <- function(version=NULL, cached=TRUE, mustWork=TRUE) {
if(is.null(version)) {
} else {
d=file.path(flywire_connectome_basedir(), version)
if(isTRUE(mustWork) && !file.exists(d))
if(version %in% c(630, 783))
stop("No connection data found for version 630 or 783. Please run\ndownload_flywire_release_data()") else
stop("Unable to find flywire connectome data for that version!")
flywire_connectome_file <- function(type=c("syn", "pre", "post"), version=NULL,
cached=TRUE, mustWork=TRUE) {
d=flywire_connectome_dir(version=version, cached=cached, mustWork=TRUE)
df=file.path(d, f)
if(isTRUE(mustWork) && !file.exists(df))
stop("Path: ", df, " does not exist!")
#' Access precomputed flywire connectivity data
#' @description \code{flywire_connectome_data} returns a \code{\link{dplyr}}
#' compatible connection to connectivity dumps on disk.
#' @details This depends on precomputed data dumps prepared periodically by Sven
#' Dorkenwald. You can download the public release version using the function
#' \code{\link{download_flywire_release_data}}.
#' You can download other versions from Sven's Google drive folder. See
#' \href{https://flywire-forum.slack.com/archives/C01M4LP2Y2D/p1644529750249139}{this FlyWire
#' Slack message} for more details and the URL.
#' @param type Character vector specifying the kind of data
#' @param version Optional CAVE version. The default value of \code{NULL} uses
#' the latest data dump available unless
#' \code{options(fafbseg.flywire_connectome_data_version)} has been set (which
#' you can conveniently do using
#' \code{\link{flywire_connectome_data_version}()}).
#' @param cached When version is \code{NULL} whether to use a cached value
#' (lasting 1 hour) of the latest available version.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{arrow::open_dataset}.
#' @return An arrow object that you can use with \code{dplyr} verbs like
#' \code{filter} in order to find neurons/connectivity data of interest.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{download_flywire_release_data}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # latest available version/
#' syn=try(flywire_connectome_data('syn'), silent=TRUE)
#' syn450=try(flywire_connectome_data('syn', version=450), silent=TRUE)
#' if(!inherits(syn450, 'try-error')) {
#' syn450
#' syn450$metadata
#' dl4ds <- syn450 %>%
#' filter(pre_pt_root_id==flywire_ids("DL4_adPN_L", version=450, integer64 = TRUE)) %>%
#' collect()
#' }
#' }
flywire_connectome_data <- function(type=c("syn", "pre", "post"),
cached=TRUE, ...) {
f=flywire_connectome_file(type, version = version, cached = cached)
ds=arrow::open_dataset(f, format = 'arrow', ...)
attr(ds, "version")=basename(dirname(f))
#' @export
#' @description \code{flywire_connectome_data_version} sets the integer version
#' number of the preferred flywire connectome data dump or returns the
#' currently version.
#' @details Two pieces of information are used to determine the \emph{version} when it
#' is queried. First the value of
#' \code{options(fafbseg.flywire_connectome_data_version)}, second the latest
#' available version of the connectivity dumps provided by
#' \code{flywire_connectome_data()}.
#' @param set When \code{set=<number>} is passed as an argument the specified
#' data version will be used going forwards in this session as the default.
#' This is achieved by setting the
#' \code{fafbseg.flywire_connectome_data_version} option. When \code{set=NA}
#' is specified then the option is cleared. When \code{set=FALSE}, the latest
#' version on disk will be returned regardless of the value of
#' \code{options("fafbseg.flywire_connectome_data_version"))}. See examples.
#' @param default A version to return when no other information is available.
#' Defaults to \code{NA} to indicate no version information available.
#' @return An integer version number \emph{or} a list with the previous value of
#' \code{options(fafbseg.flywire_connectome_data_version)} when
#' \code{set=<number>}.
#' @rdname flywire_connectome_data
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # report active connectome dump version (defaults to most recent available)
#' flywire_connectome_data_version()
#' # use the June 2023 public release version as the default
#' flywire_connectome_data_version(set=630)
#' # confirm this is the default
#' flywire_connectome_data_version()
#' # check the latest version on disk
#' flywire_connectome_data_version(set=FALSE)
#' # stop defaulting to specific version (therefore using the latest on disk)
#' flywire_connectome_data_version(set=NA)
#' flywire_connectome_data_version()
#' }
flywire_connectome_data_version <- function(set=NULL, default=NA) {
if(!missing(set) && !isFALSE(set)) {
if(is.null(set) || is.na(set))
else ver=as.integer(checkmate::assert_integerish(set))
ondisk <- as.integer(basename(flywire_connectome_dir()))
op <- getOption('fafbseg.flywire_connectome_data_version')
res <- if(isFALSE(set) || is.null(op)) ondisk else op
if(!is.finite(res)) res <- default
flywire_connectome_data_message <- function() {
if(interactive() && grepl("darwin", R.version$os))
system(paste("open", shQuote(d)))
message("You can get flywire connectome data",
"\nby downloading a numbered data folder (eg 630) from the Google drive link in this slack message",
"\nand place it in in this folder:\n", d)
#' Rapid flywire connectivity summaries using cached connectome data
#' @details Note that the threshold is applied to each row left after any
#' grouping operations. Therefore when \code{by.roi=TRUE} only neuropil
#' regions exceeding this threshold will be returned.
#' CAVE specifies versions (effectively timestamps) for the connectome data.
#' Every so often Sven makes a dump of the connectivity and synapse
#' information for all proofread neurons. In order to use the data
#' @param ids Root ids to query (passed to \code{\link{flywire_ids}})
#' @param add_cell_types Whether to add cell type information to the result
#' @param by.roi Whether to break the connectivity down into rows for each
#' neuropil region containing synapses.
#' @param summarise Whether to collapse down the results for multiple query
#' neurons into a single entry for each partner neuron.
#' @inheritParams flywire_connectome_data
#' @inheritParams flywire_partner_summary
#' @importFrom dplyr ungroup n_distinct collect .data
#' @return A data.frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' flywire_partner_summary2('DA2_lPN', partners='out')
#' flywire_partner_summary2('DA2_lPN', partners='out', summarise=T)
#' flywire_partner_summary2('DA2_lPN', partners='out', summarise=T, by.roi=T)
#' flywire_partner_summary2('DA2_lPN', partners='out', summarise=T,
#' by.roi=T, add_cell_types=F) %>%
#' filter(!grepl("AL", neuropil)) %>%
#' group_by(post_pt_root_id) %>%
#' summarise(weight = sum(weight), top_np = neuropil[1]) %>%
#' arrange(desc(weight)) %>%
#' # nb version = TRUE will use ensure that ids match the default CAVE version
#' add_celltype_info(version=TRUE)
#' }
flywire_partner_summary2 <- function(ids, partners=c("outputs", "inputs"),
version=NULL) {
syn <- flywire_connectome_data("syn", version = version)
version=attr(syn, 'version')
ids <- flywire_ids(ids, version=version, integer64 = T)
idcols=c("pre_pt_root_id", "post_pt_root_id")
partner_col=if(partners=='inputs') idcols[1] else idcols[2]
query_col=setdiff(idcols, partner_col)
syn2 <- syn %>%
filter(.data[[query_col]] %in% ids) %>%
collect() %>%
rename(weight=syn_count) %>%
# In the wild we now have some summary data that does not have a neuropil col
if(!"neuropil" %in% colnames(syn2)) {
syn2 <- if(by.roi && summarise) {
# collapse query but leave neuropil info intact
syn2 %>% group_by(across(all_of(c(partner_col, "neuropil")))) %>%
summarise(weight = sum(weight), n=n_distinct(.data[[query_col]]))
} else if(!by.roi && summarise) {
# collapse query and neuropil info
syn2 %>% group_by(across(all_of(partner_col))) %>%
summarise(weight = sum(weight), n=n_distinct(.data[[query_col]]),
top_np = neuropil[1])
} else if(!by.roi && !summarise) {
# leave separate query neurons intact but collapse neuropil info
syn2 %>% group_by(pre_pt_root_id, post_pt_root_id) %>%
summarise(weight = sum(weight), top_np = neuropil[1]) %>%
} else syn2
res <- syn2 %>%
filter(weight>threshold) %>%
res <- add_celltype_info(res, idcol=partner_col, version=version)
attr(res, "version")=version
#' Fast adjacency matrices based on flywire connectome dumps
#' @inheritParams flywire_adjacency_matrix
#' @inheritParams flywire_partner_summary2
#' @return A sparse matrix (\code{Matrix::dgCMatrix}) or regular \code{matrix}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dm2pnkc=flywire_adjacency_matrix2(inputids="DM2_lPN_R", outputids="class:Kenyon_Cell_R")
#' }
flywire_adjacency_matrix2 <- function(rootids = NULL, inputids = NULL,
outputids = NULL, sparse = TRUE,
Verbose=interactive()) {
syn <- flywire_connectome_data("syn", version = version)
version=attr(syn, 'version')
if (is.null(rootids)) {
if (is.null(inputids) || is.null(outputids))
stop("You must either specify bodyids OR (inputids AND outputids)!")
inputids = flywire_ids(inputids, version=version, integer64 = T, unique = T)
outputids = flywire_ids(outputids, version=version, integer64 = T, unique = T)
} else {
if (!is.null(inputids) || !is.null(outputids))
stop("You must either specify bodyids OR (inputids AND outputids)!")
inputids <- flywire_ids(rootids, version=version, integer64 = T, unique = T)
outputids <- inputids
dd <- syn %>%
filter(pre_pt_root_id %in% inputids) %>%
filter(post_pt_root_id %in% outputids) %>%
collect() %>%
group_by(pre_pt_root_id, post_pt_root_id) %>%
summarise(weight = sum(syn_count), top_np = neuropil[1])
sm = sparseMatrix(
i = match(dd$pre_pt_root_id, inputids),
j = match(dd$post_pt_root_id, outputids),
dims = c(length(inputids), length(outputids)),
x = dd$weight,
dimnames = list(as.character(inputids), as.character(outputids))
if (isTRUE(sparse))
else as.matrix(sm)
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