
Defines functions Train.Boot approx.equal which.equal index get.foldid cv.gbm mkNewReTrmsV2 mkNewReTrms .measure.single normalizeMinusOneToOne normalize multilevelboot.list multilevelboot Multilevel.boot opt.thresh rhs.form lhs.form sigmoid Performance.measures LongiLagSplit.current LongiLagSplit.visit.boot LongiLagSplit.visit LongiLagSplit.boot LongiLagSplit levelfun reOnly safeDeparse cprod collect.garbage

Documented in collect.garbage LongiLagSplit normalize opt.thresh Performance.measures

# Utility functions: 

#' @title collect gabbage 
#' @description
#' Collects garbage until the memory is clean
#' @export
collect.garbage = function(){
  #if (exists("collect.garbage") ) rm(collect.garbage)
  ## The following function collects garbage until the memory is clean.
  ## Usage: 1. immediately call this function after you call a function or
  ##        2. rm()
  while (gc()[2,4] != gc()[2,4]){}
# returns t(x).y 
cprod <- function(x,y=NULL){
 if(is.complex(x) | is.complex(y)){
    } else {
 } else {
###  parse and manipulating mixed-model formulas
## deparse(.) returning \bold{one} string
## @param x,collapse character vector and how to combine them 
## @note Protects against the possibility that results from deparse() will be
##       split after 'width.cutoff' (by default 60, maximally 500)
safeDeparse <- function(x, collapse=" ") paste(deparse(x, 500L), collapse=collapse)


# Random Effects formula only
reOnly <- function(f) {
    reformulate(paste0("(", vapply(findbars(f), safeDeparse, ""), ")"))
##  @param x a random effect (i.e., data frame with rows equal to levels, columns equal to terms
##  @param n vector of new levels
levelfun <- function(x,nl.n,allow.new.levels=FALSE) {
    ## 1. find and deal with new levels
    if (!all(nl.n %in% rownames(x))) {
        if (!allow.new.levels) stop("new levels detected in newdata")
        ## create an all-zero data frame corresponding to the new set of levels ...
        newx <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, nrow=length(nl.n), ncol=ncol(x),
                                     dimnames=list(nl.n, names(x))))
        ## then paste in the matching RE values from the original fit/set of levels
        newx[rownames(x),] <- x
        x <- newx
    ## 2. find and deal with missing old levels
    ## ... these should have been dropped when making the Z matrices
    ##     etc. in mkReTrms, so we'd better drop them here to match ...
    if (!all(r.inn <- rownames(x) %in% nl.n)) {
        x <- x[r.inn,,drop=FALSE]

#################  Train-Test split longitudinal data: train data lags test data by lag 
#################  there must be at least 2 visit times for each observation 
#' @title  Train-Test  longitudinal data split
#' @description
#' Split longitudinal data into training and test set, where the training set lags the 
#' test set by an amount "lag". e.g predict an outcome at lag=x hospital visits in advanced.  
#' There must be at least 2 repeated measurements for each unit 
#' @export
LongiLagSplit <- function(dat, id, rhs.vars, resp.vars, order.vars = "time", lag=1){ 

  tab <- data.frame(table(dat[, id]))
  idx <- tab$Var1[tab$Freq >= lag+3]
  dat <- unique(na.omit(dat[dat$id%in%idx, ]))
  dat$id <- factor(dat$id, levels = unique(dat$id))
  lag.split <- function(x){
    x <- unique(x) 
    x <- x[order(x[, order.vars], decreasing = FALSE), , drop=FALSE]
    ix1 <- 1:(nrow(x)-lag)
    ix2 <- ix1 + lag 
    dd <- cbind.data.frame(x[ix1, c(id, rhs.vars, resp.vars)], response = x[ix2, resp.vars]) 
    dd[,resp.vars]  <- factor(dd[, resp.vars])
    train <- head(dd, nrow(dd)-1)
    test <- tail(dd, 1) ### test using patients last observation 
    return(list(train = train, test = test))
  X <- dlply(dat, .variables = id, .fun = lag.split)
  X[sapply(X, is.null)] <- NULL 
  train <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, lapply(X, function(x) x$train))
  test <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, lapply(X, function(x) x$test))
  list(train = train, test = test, resp.vars = "response", rhs.vars = c(rhs.vars, resp.vars))

##### do not split into training and testing 
LongiLagSplit.boot <- function(dat, id, rhs.vars, resp.vars, order.vars = "time", lag=1){ 

  tab <- data.frame(table(dat[, id]))
  idx <- tab$Var1[tab$Freq >= lag+3]
  dat <- unique(na.omit(dat[dat$id%in%idx, ]))
  dat$id <- factor(dat$id, levels = unique(dat$id))
  lag.split <- function(x){
    x <- unique(x) 
    x <- x[order(x[, order.vars], decreasing = FALSE), , drop=FALSE]
    ix1 <- 1:(nrow(x)-lag)
    ix2 <- ix1 + lag 
    dd <- cbind.data.frame(x[ix1, c(id, rhs.vars, resp.vars)], response = x[ix2, resp.vars]) 
    dd[,resp.vars]  <- factor(dd[, resp.vars])
  X <- ddply(dat, .variables = id, .fun = lag.split)  
  list(dat = X, resp.vars = "response", rhs.vars = c(rhs.vars, resp.vars))

#### Always predict the next or last visit, i.e use all repeated measure seen so far and predict the next possible one 
### i.e for visit =1 (next visit) data = (x0, y1), (x1, y2), .....
### visit = 2 data (x1, y2), (x2, y3), .... so y0, and y1 must be available before this will work 
LongiLagSplit.visit <- function(dat, id, rhs.vars, resp.vars, order.vars = "time", visit=1){ 
  tab <- data.frame(table(dat[, id]))
  idx <- tab$Var1[tab$Freq >= (visit+3)]
  dat <- unique(na.omit(dat[dat$id%in%idx, ]))
  dat$id <- factor(dat$id, levels = unique(dat$id))
  lag.split <- function(x){
    x <- unique(x)
    x <- x[order(x[, order.vars], decreasing = FALSE), , drop=FALSE]    
    ix1 <- 1:(nrow(x)-1)
    ix2 <- ix1 + 1    
    dd <- cbind.data.frame(x[ix1, c(id, rhs.vars, resp.vars)], response = x[ix2, resp.vars])  
    train <- head(dd, nrow(dd)-1)
    test <- tail(dd, 1) ### test using patients last observation 
    return(list(train = train, test = test))
  X <- dlply(dat, .variables = id, .fun = lag.split)
  X[sapply(X, is.null)] <- NULL 
  train <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, lapply(X, function(x) x$train))
  test <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, lapply(X, function(x) x$test))
  list(train = train, test = test, resp.vars = "response", rhs.vars = c(rhs.vars, resp.vars))

LongiLagSplit.visit.boot <- function(dat, id, rhs.vars, resp.vars, order.vars = "time", visit=1, parallel=TRUE){ 
  tab <- data.frame(table(dat[, id]))
  idx <- tab$Var1[tab$Freq >= (visit+3)]
  dat <- unique(na.omit(dat[dat$id%in%idx, ]))
  dat$id <- factor(dat$id, levels = unique(dat$id))
  lag.split <- function(x){
    x <- unique(x)
    x <- x[order(x[, order.vars], decreasing = FALSE), , drop=FALSE]    
    ix1 <- 1:(nrow(x)-1)
    ix2 <- ix1 + 1    
    cbind.data.frame(x[ix1, c(id, rhs.vars, resp.vars)], response = x[ix2, resp.vars])  
   X <- ddply(dat, .variables = id, .fun = lag.split, .parallel = parallel)     
  list(dat = X, resp.vars = "response", rhs.vars = c(rhs.vars, resp.vars))

LongiLagSplit.current <- function(dat, id, rhs.vars, resp.vars, order.vars = "time"){ 
  tab <- data.frame(table(dat[, id]))
  idx <- tab$Var1[tab$Freq >= 3]
  dat <- unique(na.omit(dat[dat$id%in%idx, ]))
  dat$id <- factor(dat$id, levels = unique(dat$id))
  dat$past.HbA1c <- 0
  lag.split <- function(x){
    x <- x[order(x[, order.vars], decreasing = FALSE), , drop=FALSE] 
    ix1 <- 1:(nrow(x)-1)
    ix2 <- 2:nrow(x)
    x1 <- x[1, ,drop=FALSE]
    r1 <- x[ix1, resp.vars]
    r2 <- x[ix2, resp.vars]
    dd <- cbind.data.frame(visit = 2:nrow(x), x[ix2, c(id, rhs.vars)], past.HbA1c=r1, response=r2)
    x1 <- cbind.data.frame(visit = 1, x1[, c(id, rhs.vars)], past.HbA1c=x1$past.HbA1c, 
                           response= as.numeric(unlist(x1[, resp.vars])))
    rbind.data.frame(x1, dd)
X <- dlply(dat, .variables = id, .fun = lag.split)
X[sapply(X, is.null)] <- NULL 
X <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, X)
rhs.vars <- c("past.HbA1c", rhs.vars[rhs.vars!=resp.vars])
list(dd = X, resp.vars = "response", rhs.vars = rhs.vars)

#' @title  Performance measures 
#' @description
#' Compute accuracy, AUC, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values, etc. 
#' @param pred  predicted probabilities 
#' @param obs  true class 
#' @param threshold class probability threshold (default to NULL)
#' @param prevalence class prevalence in the population (default to NULL)
#' @export
Performance.measures <- function(pred, obs, threshold=NULL, prevalence=NULL){
if(length(unique(obs)) == 2) {
obs <- as.numeric(factor(obs))-1 
## get best cut-off 
threshold <- opt.thresh(pred, obs)
### get these performance measures
nme = c("PCC", "PCC.sd", "AUC", "AUC.sd", "sensitivity", "sensitivity.sd", 
"specificity", "specificity.sd")
xx = cbind.data.frame(plotID = 1:length(pred), Observed = obs, Predicted = pred)
accuracy <- presence.absence.accuracy(xx, threshold = threshold, st.dev = TRUE)[, nme]
accuracy$G.mean <- sqrt(as.numeric(accuracy$sensitivity)*as.numeric(accuracy$specificity))
accuracy$BER <- 1 - 0.5*(as.numeric(accuracy$sensitivity) + as.numeric(accuracy$specificity)) 
pred.prev <- predicted.prevalence(DATA=xx,threshold=threshold)[, c("Obs.Prevalence", "Predicted")]

nme <- c("Pos Pred Value", "Neg Pred Value", "Balanced Accuracy")
if(is.null(prevalence)) prevalence <- as.numeric(pred.prev$Obs.Prevalence)
obs <- factor(ifelse(obs==1, "Yes", "No"), levels=c("Yes", "No"))
pred <- factor(ifelse(pred >= threshold, "Yes", "No"), levels = c("Yes","No"))
cmx <- confusionMatrix(data=pred, reference=obs,prevalence=prevalence)$byClass[nme]

#fmeas <- F.measure.single(pred= as.character(pred),labels= as.character(obs))
#accuracy$F.measure <- fmeas["F"]
#accuracy$Accuracy <- fmeas["A"] 
#colnames(cmx) <- c("PPV", "NPV", "BACC")
accuracy$PPV <- cmx[1]; accuracy$NPV = cmx[2]; accuracy$BACC <- cmx[3]
accuracy$F.measure  = 2 *(accuracy$PPV * accuracy$sensitivity) / (accuracy$PPV + accuracy$sensitivity); 

accuracy$threshold = threshold 
} else 
accuracy = data.frame(t(regr.eval(obs, pred, stats= c("mae","mse","rmse"))))  

sigmoid <- function(x) 1.0 / (1 + exp(-x))
# get left hand side of formula
lhs.form <- function(formula) {
    tt <- terms(formula)
    vars <- as.character(attr(tt, "variables"))[-1] ## [1] is the list call
    response <- attr(tt, "response") # index of response var
# get right hand side of formula 
rhs.form <- function(formula) {
    tt <- terms(formula)
    vars <- as.character(attr(tt, "variables"))[-1] ## [1] is the list call
    response <- attr(tt, "response") # index of response var

#' @title Optimal threshold
#' @description
#' Compute the the optimal classification threshold
#' @param prob Predicted probabilities by a classifier
#' @param obs ground truth (correct) 0-1 labels vector
#' @param opt.method  optima classifcation threshold method see package \code{PresenceAbsence}. Default 
#'  is the minRoc distance: i.e the threshold value at the minimum distance between the ROC curve and the 
#' to left hand corner (0,1)
#' @return threhold 

#' @export 
opt.thresh <- function(pred, obs){
thresh = 0.5 
if(length(unique(obs)) > 1){
obs <- as.numeric(as.factor(obs))-1 
SIMDATA = cbind.data.frame(plotID = 1:length(obs), Observed = obs, Predicted = pred)
thresh <- optimal.thresholds(SIMDATA, threshold = 101, which.model = 1, opt.methods = 9)
thresh <- ifelse(length(thresh["Predicted"]) >= 1,as.numeric(thresh["Predicted"]), 0.5)

myapplyLearner <- function (learner, X) 
  leftIx <- 1:nrow(X)
  predY <- rep("", nrow(X))
  predCond <- rep("", nrow(X))
  for (i in 1:nrow(learner)) {
    ixMatch <- eval(parse(text = paste("which(", learner[i, "condition"], ")")))
    ixMatch <- intersect(leftIx, ixMatch)
    if (length(ixMatch) > 0) {
      predY[ixMatch] <- learner[i, "pred"]
      predCond[ixMatch] <- learner[i, "condition"] 
      leftIx <- setdiff(leftIx, ixMatch)
    if (length(leftIx) == 0) {

SplitVector <- function (v, K = 3) 
  splitV <- quantile(v, probs = seq(0, 1, 1/K), na.rm = FALSE, 
                     names = TRUE, type = 3)
  splitV <- splitV[-c(1, length(splitV))]
  numSplit <- length(splitV)
  if (numSplit == 0) 
  newV <- vector("character", length(v))
  newV[which(v <= splitV[1])] = paste("L1", sep = "")
  if (numSplit >= 2) {
    for (jj in 2:numSplit) {
      newV[which(v > splitV[jj - 1] & v <= splitV[jj])] = paste("L", 
                                                                jj, sep = "")
  newV[which(v > splitV[numSplit])] = paste("L", (numSplit + 
                                                    1), sep = "")
  return(list(newV=newV, splitV = splitV))

predictSplitVector <- function (v, splitV) 

  numSplit <- length(splitV)
  if (numSplit == 0) 
  newV <- vector("character", length(v))
  newV[which(v <= splitV[1])] = paste("L1", sep = "")
  if (numSplit >= 2) {
    for (jj in 2:numSplit) {
      newV[which(v > splitV[jj - 1] & v <= splitV[jj])] = paste("L", 
                                                                jj, sep = "")
  newV[which(v > splitV[numSplit])] = paste("L", (numSplit + 
                                                    1), sep = "")

mapLabels <- function (pred, splitV) 
  newV <- rep(0, length(pred))
  labs <- pred
  xx <- unique(labs)
  ix <- 1:length(xx)
  is <- which(xx == "L1")
  newV[which(labs == "L1")] <- splitV[1]
  ll <- xx[xx != "L1"]
  names(splitV) <- ll
  if (length(splitV) >= 2) {
    for (jj in 1:(length(ll)-1)) {    
      newV[which(labs == ll[jj])] <- 0.5*(splitV[jj] + splitV[jj+1])
  newV[which(labs == ll[length(ll)])] <- splitV[length(ll)] + 0.5     

sparseFactor <- function (dummy, thresh = 0.00016) 
  nme <- FALSE     
  lunique = length(unique(dummy))
  if (lunique == 1) {
    nme <- TRUE
  if (lunique == 2) {
    levs <- sort(unique(dummy))
    m1 = mean(dummy == levs[1], na.rm = TRUE)
    m0 = mean(dummy == levs[2], na.rm = TRUE)
    if (m1 <= thresh | m0 <= thresh) 
      nme <- TRUE


sortImp <- function (object, top) 
  best <- "max"
  featureRank <- switch(best, max = rank(-apply(object, 1, max, na.rm = TRUE)), 
                        min = rank(apply(object, 1, min, na.rm = TRUE)), 
                        maxabs = rank(-apply(abs(object), 1, max, na.rm = TRUE)))
  tiedRanks <- as.numeric(names(table(featureRank)[table(featureRank) > 1]))
  if (length(tiedRanks) > 0) {
    for (i in seq(along = tiedRanks)) {
      tmp <- featureRank[featureRank == tiedRanks[i]]
      featureRank[featureRank == tiedRanks[i]] <- tmp + 
        runif(length(tmp), min = 0.001, max = 0.999)
  featureOrder <- order(featureRank)
  out <- object[featureOrder, , drop = FALSE]
  out <- out[1:top, , drop = FALSE]

varImpPlot.RF <- function (x, sort = TRUE, n.var = min(30, nrow(x$importance)), 
          type = NULL, class = NULL, scale = TRUE, main = "", xlab = "", ...) 
  if (!inherits(x, "randomForest")) 
    stop("This function only works for objects of class `randomForest'")
  imp <- importance(x, class = class, scale = scale, type = type, 
  if (ncol(imp) > 2) 
    imp <- imp[, -(1:(ncol(imp) - 2))]
  nmeas <- ncol(imp)
  if (nmeas > 1) {
    op <- par(mfrow = c(1, 2), mar = c(4, 5, 4, 1), mgp = c(2, 
                                                            0.8, 0), oma = c(0, 0, 2, 0), no.readonly = TRUE)
  for (i in 1:nmeas) {
    ord <- if (sort) 
      rev(order(imp[, i], decreasing = TRUE)[1:n.var])
    else 1:n.var
    xmin <- if (colnames(imp)[i] %in% c("IncNodePurity", "MeanDecreaseGini")) 
    else min(imp[ord, i])
    dotchart(imp[ord, i], xlab = xlab, ylab = "", 
             main = if (nmeas == 1) 
             else NULL, xlim = c(xmin, max(imp[, i])), color = "blue", ...)
  if (nmeas > 1) 
    mtext(outer = TRUE, side = 3, text = main, cex = 1.2)

Multilevel.boot <- function(dat, groups, nboots = 10) {
  cid <- unique(dat[, groups])
  ncid <- length(cid)    
  recid <- sample(cid, size = ncid * nboots, replace = TRUE)
  tst <- data.frame()
  trn <-  data.frame()
  for(ii in 1:length(recid)){
    idx <- which(dat[, groups] == recid[ii])
    trn.ix = sample(idx, size = length(idx), replace = TRUE)
    tst.ix =  setdiff(idx, trn.ix)
    if(length(tst.ix) <= 1) next 
    trn = rbind(trn, cbind(id = ii, trn.ix))
    tst = rbind(tst, cbind(id = ii, tst.ix))
  #       rid <- lapply(seq_along(recid), function(i) {
  #           idx <- which(dat[, groups] == recid[i])
  ##           trn.ix = sample(idx, size = length(idx), replace = TRUE)
  #           tst.ix =  setdiff(idx, trn.ix)
  #           list(trn.ix = cbind(id = i, trn.ix), 
  ##           tst.ix = cbind(id = i, tst.ix))})        
  #    trn <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(rid, function(x) x$trn.ix)))
  #    tst <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(rid, function(x) x$tst.ix)))
  trn$Replicate <- cut(trn$id, breaks = c(1, ncid * 1:nboots), include.lowest = TRUE,
                       labels = FALSE) 
  tst$Replicate <- cut(tst$id, breaks = c(1, ncid * 1:nboots), include.lowest = TRUE,
                       labels = FALSE)
  return(list(trn = trn, tst=tst))
multilevelboot <- function(dat, id = "id", inbag, outbag) {
### for each patient, select time indices that appeared in the inbag sample, sort these and keep aside the last 
### index 
res <- dlply(dat, .variables = id, .fun = function(xx){
p.ix <- xx[, "time.id"]
ix <- sort(inbag[inbag%in%p.ix]) 
last.ix <- ix[which(ix == tail(ix, 1))]  ### select the last index and remove from the inbag, this then goes in to test set 
inbag <- inbag[!inbag%in%last.ix] 
## get all outbags that are greater than last.ix - 1 
ix1 <- sort(inbag[inbag%in%p.ix]) 
last.ix1 <- unique(ix1[which(ix1 == tail(ix1, 1))])
out.ix <- outbag[which(outbag >= last.ix1)] 
test.ix <- unique(last.ix, out.ix)
train.ix <- inbag 
trn <- subset(xx, time.id%in%train.ix)
tst <- subset(xx, time.id%in%test.ix) 
list(trn = trn, tst=tst)

trn <- do.call(rbind, lapply(res, function(x) x$trn))
tst <- do.call(rbind, lapply(res, function(x) x$tst))
rownames(trn) <- NULL
rownames(tst) <- NULL
list(trn = trn, tst=tst)

multilevelboot.list <- function(dat.list, inbag, outbag) {
### for each patient, select time indices that appeared in the inbag sample, sort these and keep aside the last 
### index 
res <- llply(dat.list, .fun = function(xx){

p.ix <- xx[, "time.id"]
ix <- sort(inbag[inbag%in%p.ix]) 
last.ix <- ix[which(ix == tail(ix, 1))]  ### select the last index and remove from the inbag, this then goes in to test set 
inbag <- inbag[!inbag%in%last.ix] 
## get all outbags that are greater than last.ix - 1 
ix1 <- sort(inbag[inbag%in%p.ix]) 
last.ix1 <- unique(ix1[which(ix1 == tail(ix1, 1))])
out.ix <- outbag[which(outbag >= last.ix1)] 
test.ix <- unique(last.ix, out.ix)
train.ix <- inbag 
trn <- subset(xx, time.id%in%train.ix)
tst <- subset(xx, time.id%in%test.ix)

list(trn = trn, tst=tst)

trn <- do.call(rbind, lapply(res, function(x) x$trn))
tst <- do.call(rbind, lapply(res, function(x) x$tst))
rownames(trn) <- NULL
rownames(tst) <- NULL
list(trn = trn, tst=tst)

createBootSamples <- function (y, times = 10, replace = TRUE, prob = NULL) {        
    trainIndex <- matrix(0, ncol = times, nrow = length(y))
    out <- apply(trainIndex, 2, function(data) {
        index <- seq(along = data)
        out <- sort(sample(index, size = length(index), replace = replace,  prob = prob))
#        out <- sample(index, size = length(index), replace = replace,  prob = prob)

multiClassSummary <- function (data, class.names=NULL, eps = 1e-15){  
  #Check data
#  if (!all(levels(data[, "pred"]) == levels(data[, "obs"]))) 
#    stop("levels of observed and predicted data do not match")
  #Calculate custom one-vs-all stats for each class
  prob_stats <- lapply(class.names, function(class){
    #Grab one-vs-all data for the class
    pred <- ifelse(data[, "pred"] == class, 1, 0)
    obs  <- ifelse(data[,  "obs"] == class, 1, 0)
    prob <- data[,class]
    #Calculate one-vs-all AUC and logLoss and return
#    cap_prob <- pmin(pmax(prob, .000001), .999999)
    cap_prob <- pmin(pmax(prob, eps), 1-eps)
#    prob_stats <- auc(obs, prob)
#    names(prob_stats) <- 'ROC'
prob_stats <- c(auc(obs, prob), logLoss(obs, cap_prob))
names(prob_stats) <- c('ROC', 'logLoss')
  prob_stats <- do.call(rbind, prob_stats)
  rownames(prob_stats) <- paste('Class:', class.names)
  #Calculate confusion matrix-based statistics
  CM <- confusionMatrix(data[, "pred"], data[, "obs"])
  #Aggregate and average class-wise stats
  #Todo: add weights
  class_stats <- cbind(CM$byClass, prob_stats)
  class_stats <- colMeans(class_stats, na.rm=TRUE)
  #Aggregate overall stats
  overall_stats <- c(CM$overall)
  #Combine overall with class-wise stats and remove some stats we don't want 
  stats <- c(overall_stats, class_stats)
  stats <- stats[! names(stats) %in% c('AccuracyNull', 
                                       'Prevalence', 'Detection Prevalence')]
  #Clean names and return
  names(stats) <- gsub('[[:blank:]]+', '_', names(stats))

#' @title normalize data
#' @description
#' Normalize matrix or data frame to the min-max range of the variables.
#' @param x  matrix or data frame 
#' @return nomalized matrix/data frame with min and max of each variable as attributes 
#' @export
# normalize data to 

normalize <- function(x) { 
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  minAttr=apply(x, 2, min, na.rm=TRUE)
  maxAttr=apply(x, 2, max, na.rm=TRUE)
  x <- sweep(x, 2, minAttr, FUN="-") 
  x=sweep(x, 2,  maxAttr-minAttr, "/") 
  attr(x, 'min') = minAttr
  attr(x, 'max') = maxAttr
  return (x)

normalizeMinusOneToOne <- function(x, a = -1, b = 1) {   
  A= min(x, na.rm=TRUE)
  B <-max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  (((x - A)*(b-a))/(B-A) + a)

#' @title denomalize data 
#' @description 
#' tranform normalized data back to original scale  
#' @param  normalized  the normalized data frame/matrix 
#' @param  min,max the min and max of each variable in the data. This can be otained by retrieving the attribute values of 
#' the normalized data, i.e. output of \code{normalize}
#' @export
# denormalize back to original scale

# denormalize back to original scale
denormalize <- function (normalized, min, max) {
  if(dim(normalized)[2]!= length(min)) stop("length of min or max must equal number of columns of data ")
  nme <- colnames(normalized)
  if( !all(nme%in%names(min)) ) stop("colnames of data do not match names of min or max")
  sapply(nme, function(x)   normalized[, x] * (max[x]-min[x]) + min[x] )

######## 2. F-score ########################################
# Function to compute the F-measure for a single class
# Input
# pred : vector of the predicted labels
# labels : vector of the true labels
# Note that 0  stands for negative and 1 for positive.
# In general the first level is negative and the second positive
# Output:
# a named vector with six elements:
# P: precision
# R : recall (sensitivity)
# S : specificity
# F : F measure
# A : 0/1 loss accuracy
# npos : number of positives
F.measure.single <- function(pred,labels) {      
   if (length(pred)!=length(labels))
       stop("F.measure: lengths of true and predicted labels do not match.");
   neg.ex <- which(labels <= 0);	
   np <- length(neg.ex);
   pos.ex <- which(labels > 0);
   npos <- length(pos.ex);	 
   TP <- sum(pred[pos.ex] > 0);
   FN <- sum(pred[pos.ex] <= 0);	
   TN <- sum(pred[neg.ex] <= 0);
   FP <- sum(pred[neg.ex] > 0);	           
   acc <- (TP+TN)/length(labels);
   if ((TP+FP) == 0)
     precision <- 0
     precision <- TP/(TP+FP);
   if ((TP+FN) == 0)
     recall <- 0
     recall <- TP/(TP+FN);
   if ((TN+FP) == 0)
     specificity <- 0
     specificity <- TN/(TN+FP);
   if ((precision+recall) == 0)
      F <- 0
      F = 2 *(precision*recall) / (precision+recall); 
   res <- c(precision,recall,specificity,F,acc, npos);
   names(res) <- c("P", "R", "S", "F", "A", "Pos.");
   return (res);

#################### predict method for mixed effect model based tree 
################ create a new mixed effect model frame 
## Make new random effect terms from specified object and new data,
## possibly omitting some random effect terms
## @param object fitted model object
## @param newdata (optional) data frame containing new data
## @param re.form,allow.new.levels formula specifying random effect terms to include (NULL=all, ~0)
## @note Hidden; _only_ used (twice) in this file
mkNewReTrms <- function(object, newdata, re.form = NULL,  allow.new.levels=FALSE)
  ## construct (fixed) model frame in order to find out whether there are
  ## missing data/what to do about them
  ## need rfd to inherit appropriate na.action; need grouping
  ## variables as well as any covariates that are included
  ## in RE terms
  if (is.null(newdata)) 
    rfd <- model.frame(object)
    rfd <- newdata
  ## note: mkReTrms automatically *drops* unused levels
  ReTrms <- mkReTrms(findbars(re.form[[2]]), rfd)
  ## update Lambdat (ugh, better way to do this?)
  ReTrms <- within(ReTrms,Lambdat@x <- unname(getME(object,"theta")[Lind]))
  if (!allow.new.levels && any(vapply(ReTrms$flist, anyNA, NA)))
    stop("NAs are not allowed in prediction data",
         " for grouping variables unless allow.new.levels is TRUE")
  ns.re <- names(re <- ranef(object))
  nRnms <- names(Rcnms <- ReTrms$cnms)
  if (!all(nRnms %in% ns.re))
    stop("grouping factors specified in re.form that were not present in original model")
  new_levels <- lapply(ReTrms$flist, function(x) levels(factor(x)))
  ## fill in/delete levels as appropriate
  re_x <- Map(function(r,n) levelfun(r,n,allow.new.levels=allow.new.levels),
              re[names(new_levels)], new_levels)
  ## pick out random effects values that correspond to
  ##  random effects incorporated in re.form ...
  ## NB: Need integer indexing, as nRnms can be duplicated: (age|Subj) + (sex|Subj) :
  re_new <- lapply(seq_along(nRnms), function(i) {
    rname <- nRnms[i]
    if (!all(Rcnms[[i]] %in% names(re[[rname]])))
      stop("random effects specified in re.form that were not present in original model")
  re_new <- unlist(lapply(re_new, t))  ## must TRANSPOSE RE matrices before unlisting
  Zt <- ReTrms$Zt
  list(Zt=Zt, b=re_new, Lambdat = ReTrms$Lambdat)

mkNewReTrmsV2 <- function(object, newdata, re.form=NULL, na.action=na.pass,
  ## construct (fixed) model frame in order to find out whether there are
  ## missing data/what to do about them
  ## need rfd to inherit appropriate na.action; need grouping
  ## variables as well as any covariates that are included
  ## in RE terms
  if (is.null(newdata)) {
    rfd <- mfnew <- model.frame(object)
  } else {
    mfnew <- model.frame(delete.response(terms(object,fixed.only=TRUE)),
                         newdata, na.action=na.action)
    ## make sure we pass na.action with new data
    ## it would be nice to do something more principled like
    ## rfd <- model.frame(~.,newdata,na.action=na.action)
    ## but this adds complexities (stored terms, formula, etc.)
    ## that mess things up later on ...
    rfd <- na.action(newdata)
    if (is.null(attr(rfd,"na.action")))
      attr(rfd,"na.action") <- na.action
  if (inherits(re.form, "formula")) {
    ## DROP values with NAs in fixed effects
    if (length(fit.na.action <- attr(mfnew,"na.action")) > 0) {
      newdata <- newdata[-fit.na.action,]
    ## note: mkReTrms automatically *drops* unused levels
    ReTrms <- mkReTrms(findbars(re.form[[2]]), rfd)
    ## update Lambdat (ugh, better way to do this?)
    ReTrms <- within(ReTrms,Lambdat@x <- unname(getME(object,"theta")[Lind]))
    if (!allow.new.levels && any(vapply(ReTrms$flist, anyNA, NA)))
      stop("NAs are not allowed in prediction data",
           " for grouping variables unless allow.new.levels is TRUE")
    ns.re <- names(re <- ranef(object))
    nRnms <- names(Rcnms <- ReTrms$cnms)
    if (!all(nRnms %in% ns.re))
      stop("grouping factors specified in re.form that were not present in original model")
    new_levels <- lapply(ReTrms$flist, function(x) levels(factor(x)))
    ## fill in/delete levels as appropriate
    re_x <- Map(function(r,n) levelfun(r,n,allow.new.levels=allow.new.levels),
                re[names(new_levels)], new_levels)
    ## pick out random effects values that correspond to
    ##  random effects incorporated in re.form ...
    ## NB: Need integer indexing, as nRnms can be duplicated: (age|Subj) + (sex|Subj) :
    re_new <- lapply(seq_along(nRnms), function(i) {
      rname <- nRnms[i]
      if (!all(Rcnms[[i]] %in% names(re[[rname]])))
        stop("random effects specified in re.form that were not present in original model")
    re_new <- unlist(lapply(re_new, t))  ## must TRANSPOSE RE matrices before unlisting
    ## FIXME? use vapply(re_new, t, FUN_VALUE=????)
  Zt <- ReTrms$Zt
  attr(Zt, "na.action") <- attr(re_new, "na.action") <- attr(mfnew, "na.action")
  list(Zt=Zt, b=re_new, Lambdat = ReTrms$Lambdat)

myextractRules <- function (treeList, X, ntree = 100, maxdepth = 6, random = FALSE, 
                            digits = NULL, verbose = FALSE) 
  if (is.numeric(digits)) 
    digits <- as.integer(abs(digits))
  levelX = list()
  for (iX in 1:ncol(X)) levelX <- c(levelX, list(levels(X[, 
  ntree = min(treeList$ntree, ntree)
  allRulesList = list()
  for (iTree in 1:ntree) {
    if (random == TRUE) {
      max_length = sample(1:maxdepth, 1, replace = FALSE)
    else {
      max_length = maxdepth
    rule = list()
    count = 0
    rowIx = 1
    tree <- treeList$list[[iTree]]
    if (nrow(tree) <= 1) 
    ruleSet = vector("list", length(which(tree[, "status"] == 
    res = treeVisit(tree, rowIx = rowIx, count, ruleSet, 
                    rule, levelX, length = 0, max_length = max_length, 
                    digits = digits)
    allRulesList = c(allRulesList, res$ruleSet)
  allRulesList <- allRulesList[!unlist(lapply(allRulesList, 
  if(verbose) cat(paste(length(allRulesList), " rules (length<=", max_length, 
                        ") were extracted from the first ", ntree, " trees.", 
                        "\n", sep = ""))
  rulesExec <- ruleList2Exec(X, allRulesList)

############# Tuning by CV concordance for GBM ###################
cv.gbm <- function(X, y, outcome=NULL, n.trees=seq(150,500,by=10), interaction.depth, n.minobsinnode = 5, 
                   shrinkage=10^(seq(-3,-1,length=10)), bag.fraction = .5, distribution="bernoulli", foldid=NULL, nfolds=10, seed=220, verbose=FALSE){
  n <- nrow(X)
    foldid <- get.foldid(n,10, seed=seed)
  nfolds <- max(foldid)
  ns <- length(shrinkage)
  nnt <- length(n.trees)
  concord.mat <- foreach(s=1:ns, .combine=rbind)%dopar%{
    concord.s <- rep(0,nnt)
    yhat <- matrix(0,n,nnt)
    for(k in 1:nfolds){
      X.k <- X[foldid==k,,drop=F]
      y.k <- y[foldid==k]
      X.mk <- X[foldid!=k,,drop=F]
      y.mk <- y[foldid!=k]
        outcome.mk <- outcome[foldid!=k]
        ans.sk <- gbm.fit(X.mk, outcome.mk, offset=y.mk, n.trees=n.trees[nnt], 
                          interaction.depth=interaction.depth, n.minobsinnode=n.minobsinnode, shrinkage=shrinkage[s], 
                          bag.fraction=bag.fraction, distribution=distribution, verbose=verbose)
        ans.sk <- gbm.fit(X.mk, y.mk, n.trees=n.trees[nnt], interaction.depth=interaction.depth, 
                          n.minobsinnode=n.minobsinnode, shrinkage=shrinkage[s], bag.fraction=bag.fraction, distribution=distribution, verbose=verbose)
        for(t in 1:nnt){
          foo <- predict(ans.sk, X.k, n.trees=n.trees[t],type="response", verbose=verbose)
          fuh <- foo[cbind(1:length(y.k),as.numeric(y.k),1)]
          fuh[is.na(fuh)] <- 0
          yhat[foldid==k,t] <- fuh
        for(t in 1:nnt)
          yhat[foldid==k,t] <- predict(ans.sk, X.k, n.trees=n.trees[t])
    for(t in 1:nnt){
        concord.s[t] <- survConcordance(y~yhat[,t])$concord
      else if(distribution=="poisson")
        concord.s[t] <- survConcordance(Surv(y,outcome)~yhat[,t])$concord
      else if(distribution=="multinomial")
        concord.s[t] <- sum(log(yhat[,t]))
      #        concord.s[t] <- mean(y==yhat[,t])
      else if(distribution=="gaussian")
        concord.s[t] <- 1-sum((y-yhat[,t])^2)/sum((y-mean(y))^2)
        concord.s[t] <- get.ROC(y, yhat[,t])$auc
  inds <- which(concord.mat==max(concord.mat), arr.ind=TRUE)
  opt.shrink <- shrinkage[inds[1]]
  opt.n.trees <- n.trees[inds[2]]
  opt.concord <- concord.mat[inds[1], inds[2]]
  return(list(shrinkage=opt.shrink, n.trees=opt.n.trees, concord=opt.concord))

get.foldid <- function(n, nfolds=10, seed=220){
  replace.seed <- T
    replace.seed <- F
    ## set seed to specified value
    if(!any(ls(name='.GlobalEnv', all.names=T)=='.Random.seed')){
    save.seed <- .Random.seed
  perm <- sample(1:n, n)
  n.cv <- rep(floor(n/nfolds),nfolds)
  rem <- n - n.cv[1]*nfolds
  n.cv[index(1,rem)] <- n.cv[index(1,rem)]+1
  foldid <- rep(0,n)
  ind2 <- 0
  for(i in 1:nfolds){
    ind1 <- ind2+1
    ind2 <- ind2+n.cv[i]
    foldid[perm[ind1:ind2]] <- i
    ## restore random seed to previous value
    .Random.seed <<- save.seed

index <- function(m,n){
  if(m<=n) return(m:n)
  else return(numeric(0))

which.equal <- function(x, y){
  n <- length(x)
  ans <- rep(0,n)
  for(i in 1:n){
    ans[i] <- any(approx.equal(y,x[i]))

approx.equal <- function(x, y, tol=1E-9){
  return(abs(x - y) < tol)

Train.Boot <- function(classifier, nboots = 2, XY.dat, resp.vars, rhs.vars, part.vars, reg.vars, 
                       para, parallel=TRUE, n.cores = 2, seed=12345678){
  form.rules <- as.formula(paste0(paste0(resp.vars, " ~"), paste0(rhs.vars, collapse = "+")))
  form.glm <- as.formula(paste0(paste0(resp.vars, " ~"), paste0(c(paste0(rhs.vars,collapse="+"), "+", "(", 
                                                                  paste0(c(rand.vars),collapse = "+"), "|", groups, ")"), collapse="")))
  if(parallel) {
    cl <- makeCluster(n.cores)  
    pfun <-  get("parLapply")
  } else {
    pfun = get("lapply")
  names(XY.dat)[names(XY.dat)==para$group] <- "old.id"
  tmp <- Multilevel.boot(dat=XY.dat, groups="old.id", nboots = nboots)
  trn <- cbind.data.frame(tmp$trn, XY.dat[tmp$trn$trn.ix, ])
  tst <- cbind.data.frame(tmp$tst, XY.dat[tmp$tst$tst.ix, ])
  #if(parallel) clusterExport(cl, varlist=c("trn", "tst"))
  #ix.boot <- unique(trn$Replicate)
  res <- pfun(X= unique(trn$Replicate), function(kk, ...){    
    dat.trn <- trn[trn$Replicate==kk, ] 
    dat.tst <- tst[tst$Replicate==kk, ] 
    Y.trn <- dat.trn[, resp.vars]
    X.trn <- dat.trn[, unique(c(reg.vars, part.vars, para$group)), drop = FALSE]
    Y.tst <- dat.tst[, resp.vars]
    X.tst <- dat.tst[, unique(c(reg.vars, part.vars, para$group)), drop = FALSE] 
    Train.Models <- lapply(TrainModels(), function(x) x)     
    mod <- tryCatch(
        lapply(classifier, function(x) {
          if(any(x%in%c("MEglmTree", "MECTree")))
            Train.Models[[x]](X.trn, Y.trn, X.tst, Y.tst, para, rand.vars, part.vars, reg.vars, rhs.vars, ...)
            if(x=="GBMrules") form <- form.rules else form <- form.glm  
            Train.Models[[x]](trn=dat.trn, tst=dat.tst, form, para, rand.vars, ...)
      }, error=function(e){ 
        cat("Error in the Expression: ",  paste(e$call, collapse= ", "), 
            ": original error message = ", e$message, "\n") 
      }) ## tryCatch
    cat("Done boot :", kk,  "\n")
    names(mod) <- classifier
  }, cl = cl)  ## pfun 
nguforche/MEml documentation built on April 20, 2020, 7:26 a.m.