
nsCA <- function (X, ncp = 5, row.sup = NULL, col.sup = NULL, quanti.sup = NULL, 
                  quali.sup = NULL, graph = FALSE, axes = c(1,2), row.w = NULL) {

  excl = NULL
  fct.eta2 <- function(vec, x, weights) {
    VB <- function(xx) {
      return(sum((colSums((tt * xx) * weights)^2)/ni))
    tt <- tab.disjonctif(vec)
    ni <- colSums(tt * weights)
    unlist(lapply(as.data.frame(x), VB))/colSums(x * x * weights)
  if (is.table(X)) X <- matrix(as.vector(X), nrow(X), dimnames = dimnames(X))
  if (is.null(rownames(X))) rownames(X) <- 1:nrow(X)
  if (is.null(colnames(X))) colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "V")
  if (!is.null(row.sup) & !is.numeric(row.sup)) row.sup <- which(rownames(X) %in% row.sup)
  if (!is.null(col.sup) & !is.numeric(col.sup)) col.sup <- which(colnames(X) %in% col.sup)
  if (!is.null(quali.sup) & !is.numeric(quali.sup)) quali.sup <- which(colnames(X) %in% quali.sup)
  if (!is.null(quanti.sup) & !is.numeric(quanti.sup)) quanti.sup <- which(colnames(X) %in% quanti.sup)
  X <- as.data.frame(X)
  is.quali <- which(!unlist(lapply(X, is.numeric)))
  X[, is.quali] <- lapply(X[, is.quali, drop = FALSE], as.factor)
  for (i in is.quali) X[, i] <- as.factor(X[, i])
  X <- droplevels(X)
  Xtot <- X
  if (any(!unlist(lapply(X, is.numeric)))) {
    auxi <- NULL
    for (j in (1:ncol(X))[!((1:ncol(X)) %in% quali.sup)]) if(!is.numeric(X[,j])) auxi <- c(auxi, colnames(X)[j])
    if (!is.null(auxi)) stop(paste("\nThe following variables are not quantitative: ", auxi))
  if (!inherits(X, "data.frame")) stop("X is not a data.frame")
  if (!is.null(row.sup)) X <- as.data.frame(X[-row.sup, ])
  if ((!is.null(col.sup)) || (!is.null(quanti.sup)) || (!is.null(quali.sup))) X <- as.data.frame(X[, -c(col.sup, quanti.sup, quali.sup)])
  if (any(apply(X, 1, sum) == 0)) {
    warning(paste0("The rows ", paste(rownames(X)[which(apply(X, 1, sum) == 0)], collapse = ", "), " sum at 0. They were suppressed from the analysis"))
    X <- X[-which(apply(X, 1, sum) == 0), , drop = FALSE]
  if (any(apply(X, 2, sum) == 0)) {
    warning(paste0("The columns ", paste(colnames(X)[which(apply(X, 2, sum) == 0)], collapse = ", "), " sum at 0. They were suppressed from the analysis"))
    X <- X[, -which(apply(X, 2, sum) == 0), drop = FALSE]
  if (is.null(row.w)) row.w <- rep(1, nrow(X))
  row.w.init <- row.w
  if (length(row.w) != nrow(X)) stop("length of vector row.w should be the number of active rows")
  total <- sum(X * row.w)
  F <- as.matrix(X) * (row.w/total)
  marge.col <- colSums(F)
  marge.row <- rowSums(F)
  ncp <- min(ncp, (nrow(X) - 1), (ncol(X) - 1))
  # Tc <- t(t(F/marge.row)/marge.col) - 1
  Tc <- sweep(F/marge.row, 2, marge.col, "-")
  # Tc <- sweep(F, 2, marge.col, "/") - marge.row
  if (!is.null(excl)) marge.col[excl] <- 1e-15
  # tmp <- svd.triplet(Tc, row.w = marge.row, col.w = marge.col, ncp = ncp)
  tmp <- svd.triplet(Tc, row.w = marge.row, col.w = rep(1, ncol(Tc)), ncp = ncp)
  # tmp <- svd.triplet(Tc, row.w = rep(1, ncol(Tc)), col.w = marge.col, ncp = ncp)
  if (!is.null(excl)) marge.col[excl] <- 0
  eig <- tmp$vs^2
  vp <- matrix(NA, length(eig), 3)
  rownames(vp) <- paste("dim", 1:length(eig))
  colnames(vp) <- c("eigenvalue", "percentage of variance", "cumulative percentage of variance")
  vp[, "eigenvalue"] <- eig
  vp[, "percentage of variance"] <- (eig/sum(eig)) * 100
  vp[, "cumulative percentage of variance"] <- cumsum(vp[, "percentage of variance"])
  V <- tmp$V
  U <- tmp$U
  eig <- eig[1:ncol(U)]
  coord.col <- t(t(V) * sqrt(eig))
  coord.row <- t(t(U) * sqrt(eig))
  dist2.col <- colSums(Tc^2 * marge.row)
  contrib.col <- t(t(coord.col^2 * marge.col)/eig)
  cos2.col <- coord.col^2/dist2.col
  colnames(coord.col) <- colnames(contrib.col) <- colnames(cos2.col) <- paste("Dim", 1:length(eig))
  rownames(coord.col) <- rownames(contrib.col) <- rownames(cos2.col) <- attributes(X)$names
  dist2.row <- rowSums(t(t(Tc^2) * marge.col))
  contrib.row <- t(t(coord.row^2 * marge.row)/eig)
  cos2.row <- coord.row^2/dist2.row
  colnames(coord.row) <- colnames(contrib.row) <- colnames(cos2.row) <- paste("Dim", 1:length(eig))
  rownames(coord.row) <- rownames(contrib.row) <- rownames(cos2.row) <- attributes(X)$row.names
  inertia.row <- marge.row * dist2.row
  inertia.col <- marge.col * dist2.col
  names(inertia.col) <- attributes(coord.col)$row.names
  names(inertia.row) <- attributes(coord.row)$row.names
  res.call <- list(X = X, 
                   marge.col = marge.col,
                   marge.row = marge.row, 
                   ncp = ncp,
                   row.w = row.w,
                   excl = excl,
                   call = match.call(), 
                   Xtot = Xtot,
                   N = sum(row.w * rowSums(X)))
  res.col <- list(coord = as.matrix(coord.col[, 1:ncp]),
                  contrib = as.matrix(contrib.col[, 1:ncp] * 100),
                  cos2 = as.matrix(cos2.col[, 1:ncp]), 
                  inertia = inertia.col)
  res.row <- list(coord = coord.row[, 1:ncp],
                  contrib = contrib.row[, 1:ncp] * 100,
                  cos2 = cos2.row[, 1:ncp],
                  inertia = inertia.row)
  res <- list(eig = vp[1:min(nrow(X) - 1, ncol(X) - 1), , drop = FALSE],
              call = res.call,
              row = res.row,
              col = res.col, 
              svd = tmp)
  if (!is.null(row.sup)) {
    X.row.sup <- as.data.frame(Xtot[row.sup, ])
    if ((!is.null(col.sup)) || (!is.null(quanti.sup)) || (!is.null(quali.sup))) X.row.sup <- as.data.frame(X.row.sup[, -c(col.sup, quanti.sup, quali.sup)])
    somme.row <- rowSums(X.row.sup)
    X.row.sup <- X.row.sup/somme.row
    coord.row.sup <- crossprod(t(as.matrix(X.row.sup)), V)
    dist2.row <- rowSums(t((t(X.row.sup) - marge.col)^2/marge.col))
    cos2.row.sup <- coord.row.sup^2/dist2.row
    coord.row.sup <- coord.row.sup[, 1:ncp, drop = FALSE]
    cos2.row.sup <- cos2.row.sup[, 1:ncp, drop = FALSE]
    colnames(coord.row.sup) <- colnames(cos2.row.sup) <- paste("Dim", 1:ncp)
    rownames(coord.row.sup) <- rownames(cos2.row.sup) <- rownames(X.row.sup)
    res.row.sup <- list(coord = coord.row.sup, cos2 = cos2.row.sup)
    res$row.sup <- res.row.sup
    res$call$row.sup <- row.sup
  if (!is.null(col.sup)) {
    X.col.sup <- as.data.frame(Xtot[, col.sup])
    if (!is.null(row.sup)) X.col.sup <- as.data.frame(X.col.sup[-row.sup, ])
    X.col.sup <- X.col.sup * row.w
    colnames(X.col.sup) <- colnames(Xtot)[col.sup]
    somme.col <- colSums(X.col.sup)
    X.col.sup <- t(t(X.col.sup)/somme.col)
    coord.col.sup <- crossprod(as.matrix(X.col.sup), U)
    dist2.col <- colSums((X.col.sup - marge.row)^2/marge.row)
    coord.col.sup <- as.matrix(coord.col.sup[, 1:ncp, drop = FALSE])
    cos2.col.sup <- coord.col.sup^2/dist2.col
    cos2.col.sup <- cos2.col.sup[, 1:ncp, drop = FALSE]
    colnames(coord.col.sup) <- colnames(cos2.col.sup) <- paste("Dim", 1:ncp)
    rownames(coord.col.sup) <- rownames(cos2.col.sup) <- colnames(X.col.sup)
    res.col.sup <- list(coord = coord.col.sup, cos2 = cos2.col.sup)
    res$col.sup <- res.col.sup
    res$call$col.sup <- col.sup
  if (!is.null(quanti.sup)) {
    coord.quanti.sup <- matrix(NA, length(quanti.sup), ncp)
    if (is.null(row.sup)) 
      coord.quanti.sup <- stats::cov.wt(cbind.data.frame(res$row$coord, Xtot[, quanti.sup, drop = FALSE]), cor = TRUE, 
                                 wt = marge.row, method = "ML")$cor[-(1:ncp), 1:ncp, drop = FALSE]
    else coord.quanti.sup <- stats::cov.wt(cbind.data.frame(res$row$coord, Xtot[-row.sup, quanti.sup, drop = FALSE]), wt = marge.row, 
                                    cor = TRUE, method = "ML")$cor[-(1:ncp), 1:ncp, drop = FALSE]
    dimnames(coord.quanti.sup) <- list(colnames(Xtot)[quanti.sup], paste("Dim", 1:ncp, sep = "."))
    res$quanti.sup$coord <- coord.quanti.sup
    res$quanti.sup$cos2 <- coord.quanti.sup^2
    res$call$quanti.sup <- quanti.sup
  if (!is.null(quali.sup)) {
    if (!is.null(row.sup)) X.del <- as.data.frame(Xtot[-row.sup, -c(col.sup, quanti.sup, quali.sup)])
    else X.del <- Xtot[, -c(col.sup, quanti.sup, quali.sup)]
    X.quali.sup <- NULL
    Xtot2 <- Xtot
    if (!is.null(row.sup)) Xtot2 <- Xtot[-row.sup, ]
    for (j in 1:length(quali.sup)) {
      Xtot2[, quali.sup[j]] <- droplevels(Xtot2[, quali.sup[j]], reorder = FALSE)
      X.quali.sup <- rbind(X.quali.sup, matrix(unlist(by(X.del, Xtot2[, quali.sup[j]], colSums)), ncol = ncol(X.del), byrow = T))
    somme.quali <- rowSums(X.quali.sup)
    X.quali.sup <- X.quali.sup/somme.quali
    coord.quali.sup <- crossprod(t(as.matrix(X.quali.sup)), V)
    dist2.quali <- rowSums(t((t(X.quali.sup) - marge.col)^2/marge.col))
    cos2.quali.sup <- coord.quali.sup^2/dist2.quali
    coord.quali.sup <- coord.quali.sup[, 1:ncp, drop = FALSE]
    cos2.quali.sup <- cos2.quali.sup[, 1:ncp, drop = FALSE]
    rownames(coord.quali.sup) <- rownames(cos2.quali.sup) <- paste(rep(colnames(Xtot2)[quali.sup], lapply(Xtot2[, quali.sup, drop = FALSE], nlevels)), 
                                                                   unlist(lapply(Xtot2[, quali.sup, drop = FALSE], levels)), sep = ".")
    colnames(coord.quali.sup) <- colnames(cos2.quali.sup) <- paste("Dim", 1:ncp)
    res$quali.sup <- list(coord = coord.quali.sup, cos2 = cos2.quali.sup)
    Zqs <- tab.disjonctif(Xtot2[, quali.sup])
    Nj <- colSums(Zqs * row.w)
    Nj <- colSums(Zqs * marge.row) * total
    if (total > 1) coef <- sqrt(Nj * ((total - 1)/(total - Nj)))
    else coef <- sqrt(Nj)
    res$quali.sup$v.test <- res$quali.sup$coord * coef
    eta2 <- matrix(NA, length(quali.sup), ncp)
    eta2 <- sapply(as.data.frame(Xtot2[, quali.sup, drop = FALSE]), fct.eta2, res$row$coord, weights = marge.row)
    eta2 <- t(as.matrix(eta2, ncol = ncp))
    colnames(eta2) <- paste("Dim", 1:ncp)
    rownames(eta2) <- colnames(Xtot)[quali.sup]
    res$quali.sup$eta2 <- eta2
    res$call$quali.sup <- quali.sup
  class(res) <- c("CA", "nsCA", "list")
  if (graph & (ncp > 1)) {
    print(plot(res, axes = axes))
    if (!is.null(quanti.sup)) print(plot(res, choix = "quanti.sup", axes = axes, new.plot = TRUE))
  temp <- as.data.frame(as.table(as.matrix(X)))
  res$GK.tau <- with(temp, descriptio::assoc.twocat(Var1, Var2, Freq)$global$GK.tau.xy)
nicolas-robette/GDAtools documentation built on May 13, 2024, 2:09 a.m.