addObjectAttrs | Set attributes to an object |
addTCGAdata | Creates a UI set with options to add data from... |
analysesTableSet | Set of functions to render differential analyses (plot and... |
appendNewGroups | Append new groups to already existing groups |
appServer | Server logic |
appUI | User interface |
areSplicingEvents | Check if string identifies splicing events |
articleUI | Return the interface to display an article |
assignColours | Assign colours to groups |
assignValuePerSubject | Assign average sample values to their corresponding subjects |
basicStats | Basic statistics performed on data |
blendColours | Blend two HEX colours |
browseDownloadFolderInput | Browse download folder input |
browserHistory | Enable history navigation |
calculateInclusionLevels | Calculate inclusion levels using alternative splicing event... |
calculateLoadingsContribution | Calculate the contribution of PCA loadings to the selected... |
checkFileFormat | Checks the format of a file |
checkFirebrowse | Return an user interface depending on the status of the... |
checkGroupType | Check type of groups within file |
checkIntegrity | Compute the 32-byte 'MD5' hashes of one or more files and... |
checkSurvivalInput | Prepare survival terms in case of valid input |
clusterICAset | Server logic for clustering ICA data |
clusterSet | Server logic for clustering PCA data |
colourInputMod | Modified colour input with 100% width |
colSums-EList-method | Sum columns using an 'EList-class' object |
convertGeneIdentifiers | Convert gene identifiers |
correlateGEandAS | Correlate gene expression data against alternative splicing... |
createDataTab | Render a specific data tab (including data table and related... |
createDensitySparklines | Create density sparklines for inclusion levels |
createEventPlotting | Create plot for events |
createGroup | Prepare to create group according to specific details |
createGroupByAttribute | Split elements into groups based on a given column of a... |
createGroupById | Create groups based on given row indexes or identifiers |
createGroupFromInput | Set new groups according to the user input |
createJunctionsTemplate | Creates a template of alternative splicing junctions |
createOptimalSurvData | Create survival data based on a PSI cutoff |
createSparklines | Create sparkline charts to be used in a data table |
customRowMeans | Calculate statistics for each row or column of a matrix |
diagramSplicingEvent | Prepare SVG diagram of alternative splicing events |
diffAnalyses | Perform statistical analyses |
diffExpressionSet | Set of functions to perform differential analyses |
diffSplicingSet | Set of functions to perform differential analyses |
disableTab | Enable or disable a tab from the 'navbar' |
discardLowCoveragePSIvalues | Remove alternative splicing quantification values based on... |
discardOutsideSamplesFromGroups | Discard grouped samples if not within a sample vector |
display | Display characters in the command-line |
dot-onAttach | Print startup message |
downloadFiles | Download files to a given directory |
ensemblToUniprot | Convert from Ensembl to UniProt identifier |
escape | Escape symbols for use in regular expressions |
eventPlotOptions | Options for event plotting |
exportGroupsToFile | Export groups to a file |
export_highcharts | Add an exporting feature to a 'highcharts' object |
fileBrowser | Interactive folder selection using a native dialogue |
fileBrowserInput | File browser input |
filterGeneExpr | Filter genes based on their expression |
filterGroups | Filter groups with less data points than the threshold |
filterPSI | Filter alternative splicing quantification |
findASeventsFromGene | Find splicing events based on given genes |
findEventData | Look for event data in input |
geneExprFileInput | File input for molecular data |
geneExprSurvSet | Logic set to perform survival analysis based on gene... |
geNormalisationFilteringInterface | Interface to normalise and filter gene expression |
getAttributesTime | Get time values for given columns in a clinical dataset |
getClinicalDataForSurvival | Retrieve clinical data based on attributes required for... |
getClinicalMatchFrom | Get or set clinical matches from a given data type |
getData | Get global data |
getDataRows | Get rows of a data frame between two row indexes |
getDifferentialExpression | Get or set differential expression' elements for a data... |
getDifferentialSplicing | Get or set differential splicing' elements for a data... |
getDownloadsFolder | Get the path to the Downloads folder |
getFirebrowseDateFormat | Returns the date format used by the FireBrowse API |
getGeneList | Get curated, literature-based gene lists |
getGlobal | Get or set globally accessible elements |
getGroups | Get or set groups |
getGtexDataTypes | Get GTEx data information |
getGtexDataURL | Get links to download GTEx data |
getGtexTissues | Get GTEx tissues from given GTEx sample attributes |
getHidden | Get or set hidden globally accessible elements |
getHighlightedPoints | Get or set points or regions for plots |
getNumerics | Convert a column to numeric if possible and ignore given... |
getSampleFromSubject | Get samples matching the given subjects |
getSelectedDataPanel | Get or set selected panel in data section |
getServerFunctions | Matches server functions from a given loader |
getSplicingEventCoordinates | Returns the coordinates of interest for a given event type |
getSplicingEventData | Get splicing event information for given alternative splicing... |
getSplicingEventFromGenes | Get alternative splicing events from genes or vice-versa |
getSplicingEventTypes | Get supported splicing event types |
getSubjectFromSample | Get subjects from given samples |
getTCGAdataTypes | Get available parameters for TCGA data |
getUiFunctions | Matches user interface (UI) functions from a given loader |
getValidEvents | Filters the events with valid elements according to the given... |
ggplotServer | Logic set to create an interactive 'ggplot' |
ggplotTooltip | Create the interface for the tooltip of a plot |
ggplotUI | Interface for interactive 'ggplot' |
globalSelectize | Create a 'selectize' input available from any page |
groupByAttribute | Data grouping interface |
groupManipulation | Logic server to manipulate data grouping |
groupManipulationInput | Interface to manipulate data grouping |
groupPerElem | Assign one group to each element |
groupsServerOnce | Server function for data grouping (one call) |
hchart.survfit | Plot survival curves |
hc_scatter | Create scatter plot |
HTMLfast | Faster version of 'shiny::HTML' |
importGroupsFrom | Import groups from a file |
inclusionLevelsFilterInterface | Interface to filter alternative splicing |
inclusionLevelsInterface | Interface to quantify alternative splicing |
inlineDialog | Alert in the style of a dialogue box with a button |
insideFile | Get psichomics file inside a given directory |
isFile | Check if files exist |
isFirebrowseUp | Check if FireBrowse API is running |
isRStudioServer | Check if running in RStudio Server |
is.whole | Check if a number is whole |
joinEventsPerType | Full outer join all given events based on select columns |
junctionString | String used to search for matches in a junction... |
labelBasedOnCutoff | Label groups based on a given cutoff |
leveneTest | Levene's test |
linkToArticles | psichomics article's link interface |
linkToRunJS | Link to run arbitrary JavaScript code |
listAllAnnotations | List alternative splicing annotation files available, as well... |
listSplicingAnnotations | List alternative splicing annotations |
loadAnnotation | Load alternative splicing annotation from 'AnnotationHub' |
loadAnnotationHub | Load AnnotationHub |
loadBy | Check if a given function should be loaded by the calling... |
loadCustomSplicingAnnotationSet | Set of functions to load a custom alternative splicing... |
loadedDataModal | Warn user about loaded data |
loadFile | Load file based on its format |
loadFileFormats | Load supported file formats |
loadFirebrowseFolders | Load FireBrowse folders |
loadGeneExpressionSet | Set of functions to load splicing quantification |
loadGtexData | Download and load GTEx data |
loadGtexDataShiny | Shiny wrapper to load GTEx data |
loadGtexFile | Load GTEx file |
loadLocalFiles | Load local files |
loadSplicingQuantificationSet | Set of functions to load splicing quantification |
loadSRAproject | Download and load SRA projects via recount2 |
loadTCGAdata | Download and process TCGA data |
loadTCGAsampleMetadata | Prepare TCGA sample metadata from loaded datasets |
matchGroupASeventsAndGenes | Match AS events and genes in a group |
matchGroupSubjectsAndSamples | Match subjects and samples in a group |
matchSplicingEventsWithGenes | Match splicing events with respective genes |
missingDataModal | Missing information modal template |
modTabPanel | Modified 'tabPanel' function to show icon and title |
navSelectize | Create a special 'selectize' input in the navigation bar |
normaliseGeneExpression | Filter and normalise gene expression |
operateOnGroups | Set operations on groups |
optimalSurvivalCutoff | Calculate optimal data cutoff that best separates survival... |
optimSurvDiffSet | Optimal survival difference given an inclusion level cutoff... |
parseCategoricalGroups | Parse categorical columns in a data frame |
parseDateResponse | Parse the date from a response |
parseFile | Parse file according to its format |
parseFirebrowseMetadata | Query the FireBrowse API for metadata |
parseMatsEvent | Parse alternative splicing events from MATS |
parseMatsGeneric | Parse junctions of an alternative splicing event from MATS... |
parseMisoAnnotation | Parse events from alternative splicing annotation |
parseMisoEvent | Parse an alternative splicing event from MISO |
parseMisoEventID | Match MISO's splicing event IDs with the IDs present in the... |
parseMisoGeneric | Parse junctions of an event from MISO according to event type |
parseMisoId | Parse MISO's alternative splicing event identifier |
parseSplicingEvent | Parse alternative splicing event identifier |
parseSuppaEvent | Parses splicing events of a specific event type from SUPPA |
parseSuppaGeneric | Parse junctions of an event from SUPPA |
parseTcgaSampleInfo | Parse sample information from TCGA sample identifiers |
parseUniprotXML | Parse XML from UniProt REST service |
parseUrlsFromFirebrowseResponse | Retrieve URLs from a response to a FireBrowse data query |
parseVastToolsEvent | Parses an alternative splicing event from VAST-TOOLS |
parseVastToolsSE | Parse junctions of an event from VAST-TOOLS according to... |
performICA | Perform independent component analysis after processing... |
performPCA | Perform principal component analysis after processing missing... |
plotClusters | Add clusters to 'highchart' object |
plotDistribution | Plot sample distribution |
plot.GEandAScorrelation | Display results of correlation analyses |
plotGeneExprPerSample | Plot distribution of gene expression per sample |
plotGroupIndependence | Plot '-log10(p-values)' of the results obtained after... |
plotICA | Create multiple scatterplots from ICA |
plotLibrarySize | Plot library size |
plotPCA | Create a scatterplot from a PCA object |
plotPCAvariance | Create the explained variance plot from a PCA |
plotPointsStyle | Interface to modify the style of the plot points |
plotProtein | Plot protein features |
plotRowStats | Plot row-wise statistics |
plotSingleICA | Create a scatterplot for ICA |
plotSplicingEvent | Plot diagram of alternative splicing events |
plotSurvivalCurves | Plot survival curves |
plotSurvivalPvaluesByCutoff | Plot p-values of survival difference between groups based on... |
plottableXranges | HTML code to plot a X-ranges series |
plotTranscripts | Plot transcripts |
prepareAnnotationFromEvents | Prepare annotation from alternative splicing events |
prepareEventPlotOptions | Prepare event plot options |
prepareFileBrowser | Prepare file browser dialogue and update the input's value... |
prepareFirebrowseArchives | Prepares FireBrowse archives in a given directory |
prepareGenePresentation | Prepare presentation of multiple genes for the same splicing... |
prepareJunctionQuantSTAR | Prepare user-provided files to be loaded into psichomics |
preparePreMadeGroupForSelection | Prepare list of pre-made groups for a 'selectize' element |
prepareSRAmetadata | Prepare user-provided files to be loaded into psichomics |
prepareWordBreak | Create word break opportunities (for HTML) using given... |
preserveAttributes | Preserve attributes when extracting values |
processButton | Style button used to initiate a process |
processDatasetNames | Process dataset names |
processSRAdata | Process SRA quantification data |
processSurvData | Process survival data to calculate survival curves |
processSurvival | Check if survival analyses successfully completed or returned... |
processSurvTerms | Process survival curves terms to calculate survival curves |
psichomics | Start graphical interface of psichomics |
pubmedUI | Return the interface of relevant PubMed articles for a given... |
quantifySplicing | Quantify alternative splicing events |
quantifySplicingSet | Set of functions to quantify alternative splicing |
queryEnsembl | Query the Ensembl REST API |
queryEnsemblByGene | Query information from Ensembl |
queryFirebrowseData | Query the FireBrowse API for TCGA data |
queryPubMed | Query the PubMed REST API |
queryUniprot | Query the UniProt REST API |
readAnnot | Read custom or remote annotation |
readFile | Load psichomics-specific file |
reduceDimensionality | Reduce dimensionality after processing missing values from... |
renameDuplicated | Rename vector to avoid duplicated values with another vector |
renameGroups | Rename duplicated names from a new group |
renderBoxplot | Render boxplot |
renderDataTableSparklines | Render a data table with sparkline HTML elements |
renderGeneticInfo | Render genetic information |
renderGroupInterface | Render group interface |
renderProteinInfo | Render protein information |
replaceStrInList | Replace a string with another in a list |
rm.null | Filter 'NULL' elements from a vector or a list |
roundDigits | Round by the given number of digits |
roundMinDown | Round down/up the minimum/maximum value |
saveProcessedSRAdata | Save processed SRA data in file |
selectGroupsUI | Group selection |
selectizeGeneInput | Create input to select a gene |
selectPreMadeGroup | Select pre-made groups from a selected item |
setFirebrowseData | Set data from FireBrowse |
setLocalData | Load local files |
setOperation | Perform set operations on selected groups |
setOperationIcon | Create an icon based on set operations |
showAlert | Show or remove an alert |
showGroupsTable | Present groups table |
sidebar | Sidebar without a well |
signifDigits | Get number of significant digits |
singleDiffAnalyses | Perform statistical analysis on a given splicing event |
sortCoordinates | Sort coordinates for some event types |
startProcess | Set the status of a process to style a given button |
startProgress | Create, set and terminate a progress object |
styleModal | Create a modal window |
subjectMultiMatchWarning | Helper text to explain what happens when a subject matches... |
subsetGeneExpressionFromMatchingGenes | Subset gene expression based on (full or partial) matching... |
survdiffTerms | Test Survival Curve Differences |
survfit.survTerms | Create survival curves |
tabDataset | Creates a 'tabPanel' template for a 'datatable' with a title... |
table2html | Create HTML table from data frame or matrix |
tableRow | Create a row for a HTML table |
testGroupIndependence | Multiple independence tests between reference groups and list... |
testSingleIndependence | Multiple independence tests between a reference group and... |
testSurvival | Test the survival difference between groups of subjects |
testSurvivalCutoff | Test the survival difference between two survival groups... |
textSuggestions | Create script for auto-completion of text input |
toJSarray | Convert vector of values to JavaScript array |
traceInList | Find an item in list of lists and return its coordinates |
transformData | Transform data in data frame |
transformOptions | Show variable transformation(s) |
transformValues | Transform values as per a given type of transformation |
trimWhitespace | Trims whitespace from a word |
t.sticky | Preserve attributes of 'sticky' objects when extracting or... |
uniqueBy | Check unique rows of a data frame based on a set of its... |
updateClinicalParams | Update available clinical attributes when the clinical data... |
updateFileBrowserInput | Change the value of a 'fileBrowserInput()' on the client |
vennEvents | Compare the number of events from the different programs in a... |
wilcox | Perform and display statistical analysis |
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