
Defines functions psichomics loadTestData appServer browserHistory appUI traceInList replaceStrInList modTabPanel navSelectize globalSelectize getUiFunctions getServerFunctions loadBy linkToArticles

Documented in appServer appUI browserHistory getServerFunctions getUiFunctions globalSelectize linkToArticles loadBy modTabPanel navSelectize psichomics replaceStrInList traceInList

#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @useDynLib psichomics, .registration=TRUE
#' @include globalAccess.R

# TODO(NunoA): increase allowed size and warn the user to wait for large files
# Refuse files with size greater than the specified
MB = 20 # File size in GB
options(shiny.maxRequestSize = MB * 1024^5)

# Sanitize errors
options(shiny.sanitize.errors = TRUE)

#' psichomics article's link interface
#' @importFrom shiny tags icon
#' @return HTML elements
#' @keywords internal
linkToArticles <- function() {
    article <- list()
    article$description <- "Original article"
    article$authors <- c("N Saraiva-Agostinho", "NL Barbosa-Morais")
    article$title   <- paste(
        "psichomics: graphical application for alternative splicing",
        "quantification and analysis")
    article$year    <- 2019
    article$journal <- "Nucleic Acids Research"
    article$volume  <- 47
    article$number  <- 2
    article$pages   <- "e7"
    article$url     <- "https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gky888"

    chapter <- list()
    chapter$description <- "Methods article"
    chapter$authors <- c("N Saraiva-Agostinho", "NL Barbosa-Morais")
    chapter$title   <- paste("Interactive Alternative Splicing Analysis of",
                             "Human Stem Cells Using psichomics")
    chapter$year    <- 2020
    chapter$journal <- "Methods in Molecular Biology"
    chapter$volume  <- 2117
    chapter$pages   <- "179-205"
    chapter$url     <- "https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-0301-7_10"

    prepareInfo <- function(data) {
        number <- data$number
        if (!is.null(number)) {
            number <- sprintf("(%s)", number)
        } else {
            number <- ""
        link <- tags$a(target="_blank", href=data$url,
                       tags$b(data$title), sprintf("(%s)", data$year),
                       tags$i(paste0(data$journal, ".")),
                       sprintf("%s%s, %s", data$volume, number, data$pages))
        tagList(tags$dt(style="width: 110px", data$description),
                tags$dd(style="margin-left: 120px", link))
    tags$div(class="alert alert-info", role="alert", style="padding: 10px",
                     style="margin-bottom: 0px !important;",
                     prepareInfo(article), prepareInfo(chapter)))

#' Check if a given function should be loaded by the calling module
#' @param loader Character: name of the file responsible to load such function
#' @param FUN Function
#' @return Boolean vector
#' @keywords internal
loadBy <- function(loader, FUN) {
    attribute <- attr(FUN, "loader")
    if (is.null(attribute))
        return(attribute == loader)

#' Matches server functions from a given loader
#' @param ... Extra arguments to pass to server functions
#' @inheritParams getUiFunctions
#' @importFrom shiny callModule
#' @return Invisible TRUE
#' @keywords internal
getServerFunctions <- function(loader, ..., priority=NULL) {
    # Get all functions ending with "Server"
    server <- ls(getNamespace("psichomics"), all.names=TRUE, pattern="Server$")
    server <- c(priority, server[!server %in% priority])

    lapply(server, function(name) {
        # Parse function name to get the function itself
        FUN <- eval(parse(text=name))
        # Check if module should be loaded by app
        if (loadBy(loader, FUN)) {
            # Remove last "Server" from the name and use it as ID
            id <- gsub("Server$", "", name)
            callModule(FUN, id, ...)

#' Matches user interface (UI) functions from a given loader
#' @param ns Shiny function to create IDs within a namespace
#' @param loader Character: loader to run the functions
#' @param ... Extra arguments to pass to the user interface (UI) functions
#' @param priority Character: name of functions to prioritise by the given
#' order; for instance, \code{c("data", "analyses")} would load \code{data},
#' then \code{analyses} and finally the remaining functions
#' @return List of functions related to the given loader
#' @keywords internal
getUiFunctions <- function(ns, loader, ..., priority=NULL) {
    # Get all functions ending with "UI"
    ui <- ls(getNamespace("psichomics"), all.names=TRUE, pattern="UI$")
    ui <- c(priority, ui[!ui %in% priority])

    # Get the interface of each tab
    uiList <- lapply(ui, function(name) {
        # Parse function name to get the function itself
        FUN <- eval(parse(text=name))
        # Check if module should be loaded by app
        if (loadBy(loader, FUN)) {
            # Remove last "UI" from the name and use it as ID
            id  <- gsub("UI$", "", name)
            res <- FUN(ns(id), ...)
            # Pass all attributes and add identifier
            attributes(res) <- c(attributes(res), attributes(FUN)[-1])
    # Remove NULL elements from list
    uiList <- Filter(Negate(is.null), uiList)

#' Create a \code{selectize} input available from any page
#' @param id Character: input identifier
#' @param placeholder Character: input placeholder
#' @param ASevent Boolean: select alternative splicing events?
#' @importFrom shiny selectizeInput tagAppendAttributes
#' @return HTML element for a global \code{selectize} input
#' @keywords internal
globalSelectize <- function(id, placeholder, ASevent=FALSE) {
    elem <- paste0(id, "Elem")
    hideElem <- sprintf("$('#%s')[0].style.display = 'none';", id)
    unmark   <- "this.$dropdown_content.unmark();"
    mark     <- "this.$dropdown_content.unmark()
                                       .mark(value, {exclude: ['text']});"

    onItemAdd <- I(paste("function(value, $item) {", hideElem, "}"))
    onBlur    <- I(paste("function() {", hideElem, "}"))
    onType    <- I(paste("function(value) {", mark, "}"))
    onLoad    <- I(paste(
        "function(data) { var value = this.currentResults.query;", mark, "}"))
    onOptionAdd <- I(paste(
        "function(value, data) {
            var tmp = data.label.split(\" __ \");
            data.svg = tmp[1];
            data.label = tmp[0];
    onDropdownOpen <- I(paste("function($dropdown) {", unmark, "}"))

    render <- NULL
    if (ASevent) render <- I("{ option: renderEvent }")

    opts <- list(onItemAdd=onItemAdd, onBlur=onBlur, maxOptions=20,
                 placeholder=placeholder, render=render, highlight=FALSE,
                 onType=onType, onLoad=onLoad, onOptionAdd=onOptionAdd,

    select <- selectizeInput(elem, "", choices=NULL, width="95%", options=opts)
    select[[3]][[1]] <- NULL
    select <- tagAppendAttributes(select, id=id, style=paste(
        "display: none;",
        "position: absolute;",  "margin-top: 5px !important;"))

#' Create a special \code{selectize} input in the navigation bar
#' @inheritParams globalSelectize
#' @param label Character: input label
#' @return HTML element to be included in a navigation bar
#' @keywords internal
navSelectize <- function(id, label, placeholder=label, ASevent=FALSE) {
    value <- paste0(id, "Value")
    tags$li( tags$div(
        style="margin-top: 5px !important; margin-bottom: 0px !important;",
        globalSelectize(id, placeholder, ASevent=ASevent),
        tags$small(tags$b(label), tags$a(
            "Change...", onclick=paste0(
                '$("#', id, '")[0].style.display = "block";',
                '$("#', id, ' > div > select")[0].selectize.clear();',
                '$("#', id, ' > div > select")[0].selectize.focus();'))),
        tags$br(), uiOutput(value)))

#' Modified \code{tabPanel} function to show icon and title
#' @note Icon is hidden at small viewports
#' @param title Character: title of the tab
#' @param icon Character: name of the icon
#' @param ... HTML elements to render
#' @param menu Boolean: create a dropdown menu-like tab?
#' @importFrom shiny navbarMenu tabPanel
#' @return HTML interface
#' @keywords internal
modTabPanel <- function(title, ..., icon=NULL, menu=FALSE) {
    if (is.null(icon))
        display <- title
        display <- tagList(icon(class="hidden-sm", icon), title)

    if (menu)
        navbarMenu(display, ...)
        tabPanel(display, ..., value=title)

#' Replace a string with another in a list
#' @keywords internal
replaceStrInList <- function(tag, old, new) {
    FUN <- function(x) {
        res <- x
        if (any(grepl(old, x))) res <- gsub(old, new, x, fixed=TRUE)
    rapply(tag, FUN, how="replace", classes="character")

#' Find an item in list of lists and return its coordinates
#' @keywords internal
traceInList <- function(ll, item) {
    if (is.list(ll)) {
        for (elem in seq(ll)) {
            res <- traceInList(ll[[elem]], item)
            if (!is.null(res)) return(c(elem, res))
    } else if (is.character(ll)) {
        if (any(grepl(item, ll, fixed=TRUE))) return(numeric(0))

#' User interface
#' The user interface (UI) controls the layout and appearance of the app. All
#' CSS modifications are in the file \code{shiny/www/styles.css}
#' @importFrom shinyjs useShinyjs
#' @importFrom shiny includeCSS includeScript conditionalPanel div h4 icon
#' shinyUI navbarPage tagAppendChild tagAppendAttributes
#' @importFrom purrr pluck pluck<-
#' @return HTML elements
appUI <- function() {
    uiList <- getUiFunctions(paste, "app", modTabPanel,
                             priority=c("dataUI", "analysesUI"))

    header <- tagList(
        # Include CSS files
        includeCSS(insideFile("shiny", "www", "animate.compat.css")),
        includeCSS(insideFile("shiny", "www", "psichomics.css")),
        # Include JavaScript files
        includeScript(insideFile("shiny", "www", "jquery.mark.min.js")),
        includeScript(insideFile("shiny", "www", "highcharts.ext.js")),
        includeScript(insideFile("shiny", "www", "fuzzy.min.js")),
        includeScript(insideFile("shiny", "www", "jquery.textcomplete.min.js")),
        includeScript(insideFile("shiny", "www", "shinyBS.min.js")),
        includeScript(insideFile("shiny", "www", "psichomics.js")),
            div(class="text-right", id="loadmessage",
                h4(tags$span(class="label", class="label-info",
                             icon("flask", "fa-spin"), "Working...")))))

    nav <- do.call(navbarPage, c(
        list(title="psichomics", id="nav", collapsible=TRUE,
             header=header, position="fixed-top", footer=useShinyjs()),

    # Hide the header from the navigation bar if the viewport is small
    nav <- replaceStrInList(nav, "navbar-header", "navbar-header hidden-sm")

    # Add global selectize input elements to navigation bar
    globalSelectizeElems <- tags$ul(
        class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right",
        navSelectize("selectizeCategory", "Selected dataset", "Select dataset"),
        navSelectize("selectizeEvent", "Selected splicing event",
                     "Search by gene and coordinates...", ASevent=TRUE))

    pos <- traceInList(nav, "navbar-nav")
    pos <- head(pos, -3)
    pluck(nav, !!!pos) <- tagList(pluck(nav, !!!pos, 1), globalSelectizeElems)

#' Enable history navigation
#' Navigate app according to the location given by the navigation bar. Code
#' and logic adapted from
#' \url{https://github.com/daattali/advanced-shiny/blob/master/navigate-history}
#' @param navId Character: identifier of the navigation bar
#' @param input Input object
#' @param session Session object
#' @importFrom shiny observe parseQueryString updateTabsetPanel
#' @inherit psichomics return
#' @keywords internal
browserHistory <- function(navId, input, session) {
    # Update browser history when user changes the active tab
    observeEvent(input[[navId]], {
        autoNav <- getAutoNavigation()
        if (isTRUE(autoNav)) {
        } else {
            # Update browser history
            runjs(paste0("updateHistory({ page: '", input[[navId]], "'})"))

    # Navigate to a tab according to a given query string
    restorePage <- function(qs) {
        data <- parseQueryString(qs)
        if (!is.null(data$page)) {
            updateTabsetPanel(session, navId, data$page)

    # Navigate tabs while browsing history
    observeEvent(input$appLocation, { restorePage(input$appLocation) })

# Prepare representation of alternative splicing events
prepareASeventsRepresentation <- reactive({
    ASevent <- getASevents()
    if (!is.null(ASevent)) {
        diagram <- suppressWarnings(
            plotSplicingEvent(ASevent, class="pull-right"))
        parsed  <- parseSplicingEvent(ASevent, coords=TRUE, pretty=TRUE)
        coords  <- attr(diagram, "position")
        gene    <- prepareGenePresentation(parsed$gene)

        # Replace unsupported diagrams by text
        unsupported <- vapply(diagram, `==`, "", FUN.VALUE=logical(1))
        pos <- parsed$`full coordinates`
        if (is.null(pos)) {
            pos <- parsed$pos
            if (is.null(pos)) pos <- paste(parsed$start, parsed$end, sep=", ")
        if (!is.null(pos)) {
            altText <- paste("altText:", prepareWordBreak(pos[unsupported]))
            diagram[unsupported] <- altText
            coords[unsupported]  <- paste("Full coordinates:", pos[unsupported])
        id <- parsed$id
        if (is.null(parsed)) id <- ASevent
        info <- paste(sep=";", parsed$subtype,
                      sprintf("(chr%s, %s strand)", parsed$chr, parsed$strand),
                      id, gene, coords, ASevent)
        representation <- setNames(ASevent, paste(info, " __ ", diagram))
    } else {
        representation <- NULL
}, label="app_prepareASeventsRepresentation")

#' Server logic
#' Instructions to build the Shiny app
#' @param input Shiny input
#' @param output Shiny output
#' @param session Shiny session
#' @importFrom shiny observe stopApp
#' @inherit psichomics return
appServer <- function(input, output, session) {
    ns <- session$ns
    groupsServerOnce(input, output, session)
    getServerFunctions("app", priority=c("dataServer", "analysesServer"))
    browserHistory("nav", input, session)

    updateSelectizeChoices <- function(session, id, choices, server=FALSE) {
        if (!is.null(choices)) {
            selected <- choices[[1]]
        } else {
            choices  <- list()
            selected <- list()
        updateSelectizeInput(session, id, choices=choices, selected=selected,

    # Update available categories
    observe(updateSelectizeChoices(session, "selectizeCategoryElem",
                                   names(getData()), server=FALSE))

    # Set data category
    observeEvent(input$selectizeCategoryElem, {
        selected <- input$selectizeCategoryElem
        if (!is.null(selected) && selected != "") setCategory(selected)

    # Update available alternative splicing events
        representation <- prepareASeventsRepresentation()
        selected <- getASevent()
        if (!is.null(representation) && !is.null(selected)) {
            # Move the selected alternative splicing event to the top
            find <- match(selected, representation)
            if (!is.na(find)) {
                sort <- unique(c(find, seq(representation)))
                representation <- representation[sort]
        updateSelectizeChoices(session, "selectizeEventElem", representation,
    }, label="app_updateASevents")

    # Set alternative splicing event
    observeEvent(input[["selectizeEventElem"]], {
        selected <- input[["selectizeEventElem"]]
        if (!is.null(selected) && selected != "") {
            psi <- isolate(getInclusionLevels())
            attr(selected, "eventData") <- getSplicingEventData(psi)

    # Display selected category
    output$selectizeCategoryValue <- renderUI({
        category <- getCategory()
        if (is.null(category)) {
            return("No dataset loaded")
        } else if(category == "") {
            return("No dataset selected")
        } else {

    # Display selected event
    output$selectizeEventValue <- renderUI({
        areEventsLoaded  <- !is.null(getASevents())

        selected <- getASevent()
        isSelectionValid <- !is.null(selected) && selected != ""

        if (!areEventsLoaded) {
            return("No events quantified")
        } else if (!isSelectionValid) {
            return("No event is selected")
        } else {

    if (!getOption("psichomics.shinyproxy", FALSE)) {
        session$onSessionEnded(function() {
            # Stop app and print message to console
            message("\n-- psichomics was closed --")

loadTestData <- function(unparsableEvents) {
    loadFile <- function(file) {
        if (!file.exists(file)) {
            # Fetch file online if not locally available
            link <- file.path("https://github.com/nuno-agostinho/psichomics",
                              "raw/master", file)
            file <- url(link)
    data <- NULL
    data[["Clinical data"]]    <- loadFile("vignettes/BRCA_clinical.RDS")
    data[["Gene expression"]]  <- loadFile("vignettes/BRCA_geneExpr.RDS")
    psi                        <- loadFile("vignettes/BRCA_psi.RDS")

    # Test events with ID that cannot be parsed
    if (unparsableEvents) {
        rownames(psi) <- paste0("undefASevent", seq(nrow(psi)))
    data[["Inclusion levels"]] <- psi
    data[["Sample metadata"]]  <- parseTCGAsampleInfo(colnames(psi))

    eventData <- suppressWarnings(
        parseSplicingEvent(rownames(psi), coords=TRUE))
    if (!is.null(eventData)) {
        class(eventData) <- c("eventData", class(eventData))
        attr(data[["Inclusion levels"]], "rowData") <- eventData

#' Start graphical interface of psichomics
#' @inheritParams shiny::runApp
#' @inheritDotParams shiny::runApp -appDir -launch.browser
#' @param shinyproxy Boolean: prepare visual interface to run in Shinyproxy?
#' @param testData Boolean: load with test data
#' @inheritParams loadAnnotationHub
#' @importFrom shiny shinyApp runApp addResourcePath
#' @importFrom AnnotationHub getAnnotationHubOption setAnnotationHubOption
#' @return \code{NULL} (function is only used to modify the Shiny session's
#' state or internal variables)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' psichomics()
#' }
psichomics <- function(..., launch.browser=TRUE, shinyproxy=FALSE,
                       testData=FALSE, cache=getAnnotationHubOption("CACHE")) {
    setAnnotationHubOption("CACHE", cache)

    # Load icons related to set operations
                    insideFile("shiny", "www", "set-operations"))
    if (testData) {
        data <- loadTestData(unparsableEvents=FALSE)
        setData(list("Test data"=data))
    app <- shinyApp(appUI(), appServer)
    runApp(app, launch.browser=launch.browser, ...)
nuno-agostinho/psichomics documentation built on Jan. 2, 2025, 4:10 a.m.