mergeFlankedLGs.func <- function(linkageGroupList,
switchAroo <- function(dataFrameToSwitch)
apply(dataFrameToSwitch, c(1,2),
if(!'3') return('1')
if(!'1') return('3')
#Find those elements greater than twice the build consensus (so flanking regions aren't made from the same contigs)
buildOver <- sapply(seq_len(length(linkageGroupList)), function(x) length(linkageGroupList[[x]]) > (buildConsensus*2))
#Do this so long as at least one TRUE element in buildOver
includeCon <- linkageGroupList[buildOver]
#Use first contig name from LG as an identified. We'll use this to merge groups back later.
consensusNames <- sapply(includeCon, head, 1)
#calculate consensus for upstream flank of LG
upCont <- lapply(seq_len(length(includeCon)), function(x) head(includeCon[[x]], buildConsensus))
consensusTableUp <- data.frame(, lapply(upCont, computeConsensus, strandStateMatrix)))
#Calculate consensus for downstream flank of LG
downCont <- lapply(seq_len(length(includeCon)), function(x) tail(includeCon[[x]], buildConsensus))
consensusTableDown <- data.frame(, lapply(downCont, computeConsensus, strandStateMatrix)))
#merge these together
conTab <- rbind(consensusTableUp, consensusTableDown)
colnames(conTab) <- colnames(strandStateMatrix)
#Those contigs with not enough elements to make a flank, just compute consensus
excludeCon <- linkageGroupList[buildOver == FALSE]
if(length(excludeCon) > 0)
consensusNamesEx <- sapply(excludeCon, head, 1)
consensusTableExclude <- data.frame(, lapply(excludeCon, computeConsensus, strandStateMatrix)))
rownames(consensusTableExclude) <- NULL
colnames(consensusTableExclude) <- colnames(strandStateMatrix)
consensusNamesEx <- NULL
consensusTableExclude <- NULL
nameIndex <- c(consensusNames, consensusNamesEx)
conName <- c(consensusNames, consensusNames, consensusNamesEx)
conLoc <- c(rep('up', length(consensusNames)), rep('down', length(consensusNames)), rep('all', length(consensusNamesEx)) )
nameIndex <- consensusNamesEx
conTab <- NULL
conName <- consensusNamesEx
conLoc <- rep('all', length(consensusNamesEx))
justFlankMatrix <- StrandStateMatrix(as.matrix(rbind(conTab, consensusTableExclude)))
#Make a ket so the rownames can be traced back to the contig names/LGs
flankKey <- data.frame(clusterName=rownames(justFlankMatrix),
#Cluster these consensus regions to see if LGs need to be merged
linkageflank <- clusterContigs(justFlankMatrix,
#take only those groups with more than one member (ie these should be merged)
linkClusters <- sapply(seq_len(length(linkageflank)), function(x) length(linkageflank[[x]]) > 1)
linkageflank <- linkageflank[linkClusters]
flankCount <- seq_len(length(linkageflank))
if(verbose){message(' -> ', length(flankCount), ' mergable LGs found!')}
#if there are no mergeable contigs, then just return then stop here.
if(length(flankCount) == 0)
return(list(linkageGroupList,strandStateMatrix) )
#Now check orientation is ok...
toReorient <- vector()
for(listElement in flankCount)
if(verbose){message(' -> checking orientation for group ', listElement, ' of ', length(flankCount))}
clus <- linkageflank[[listElement]]
thisElement <- StrandStateMatrix(justFlankMatrix[clus,])
orientClusters <- clusterContigs(thisElement,
#If it falls nicely into two groups, take the smaller group to reorient
if(length(orientClusters) == 2)
if(verbose){message(' -> Found misorientation in ', listElement)}
flipGroup <- as.character(flankKey[match(orientClusters[[2]], flankKey$clusterName), 2])
flippedIndex <- names(nameIndex[which(nameIndex %in% toReorient)])
flipNames <- unlist(linkageGroupList[names(linkageGroupList) %in% flippedIndex])
flippedStateMatrix <- switchAroo(strandStateMatrix[flipNames,])
flippedStateMatrix <- as.matrix(data.frame(lapply(data.frame(flippedStateMatrix),
strandStateMatrix[flipNames,] <- flippedStateMatrix
#extract names of the contigs from the contig key
linkageflank <- lapply(flankCount, function(x) as.character(flankKey[match(linkageflank[[x]], flankKey$clusterName), 2]))
#and remove elements where both upstream and downstream merged...
linkageflank <- lapply(flankCount, function(x) unique(linkageflank[[x]]))
#and remove any cluster where the same contig is represented more than one LG...
duplicateElements <- sort(unlist(linkageflank))
uniqueElements <- duplicateElements[!(duplicated(duplicateElements) | duplicated(duplicateElements, fromLast=TRUE))]
linkageflank <- lapply(flankCount, function(x) linkageflank[[x]][linkageflank[[x]] %in% uniqueElements])
#take only those groups with more than one member (ie these should be merged)
linkClusters <- sapply(seq_len(length(linkageflank)), function(x) length(linkageflank[[x]]) > 1)
return(list(linkageGroupList,strandStateMatrix) )
linkageflank <- linkageflank[linkClusters]
#take only those groups with more than one member (ie these should be merged)
linkClusters <- sapply(seq_len(length(linkageflank)), function(x) length(linkageflank[[x]]) > 1)
linkageflank <- linkageflank[linkClusters]
groupsToMerge <- lapply(seq_len(length(linkageflank)), function(x) names(nameIndex[which(nameIndex %in% linkageflank[[x]])]))
revisedList <- linkageGroupList[!(names(linkageGroupList) %in% unlist(groupsToMerge))]
mergeList <- lapply(seq_len(length(groupsToMerge)), function(x) unname(unlist(linkageGroupList[which(names(linkageGroupList) %in% groupsToMerge[[x]])])))
revisedList <- c(revisedList, mergeList)
revisedList <- revisedList[order(sapply(revisedList, length), decreasing=TRUE)]
revisedList <- LinkageGroupList(
names= sapply(1:length(revisedList),
paste('LG', x, ' (', length(revisedList[[x]]), ')', sep='')
return(list(revisedList, strandStateMatrix))
#' mergeFlankedLGs -- searches for similarities at the ends of ordered linkage groups to chain groups together
#' @param linkageGroupList List of ordered vectors containing names of contigs belonging to each LG, of type LinkageGroupList
#' @param strandStateMatrix Table of type strandStateMatrix encompassing strand state for all contigs. Product of StrandSeqFreqTable.
#' @param buildConsensus number of contigs to take at the end of the linkage group to build a consensus strand state. Default is 5
#' @param cluster Number of times to recluster and take the consensus of. If NULL, clustering is
#' run only once.
#' @param clusterParam optional \code{BiocParallelParam} specifying cluster to use for parallel execution. When NULL, execution will be serial.
#' @param similarityCutoff merge contigs that are more similar this this
#' @param verbose Outputs information to the terminal. Default is TRUE.
#' @return a list containing a revised LinkageGroupList with merged groups, if appropriate, and
#' a StrandStateMatrix with contigs reoriented, if newly merged groups were in opposite orientations.
#' @aliases mergeFlankedLGs mergeFlankedLGs,LinkageGroupList,StrandStateMatrix-method
#' @rdname mergeFlankedLGs
#' @importFrom cluster daisy
#' @export
#' @include AllClasses.R
signature = signature(linkageGroupList='LinkageGroupList', strandStateMatrix='StrandStateMatrix'),
definition = mergeFlankedLGs.func
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