
Defines functions view_plot plot_module_heatmap plot_module_distribution plot_module_network plot_annotation_network get_available_plot_methods

Documented in get_available_plot_methods plot_annotation_network plot_module_distribution plot_module_heatmap plot_module_network view_plot

#' show all available plot methods
#' @param compendium A string - the selected compendium
#' @return A list with plot methods for distribution, heatmap and network
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_available_plot_methods()
get_available_plot_methods <- function(compendium = "vespucci"){
  my_query <- paste0('{
  plotName(compendium:\"', compendium, '\"){
  tmp <- build_query(my_query)$plotName
  list(distributions = sapply(tmp$distribution, unlist),
       heatmap = tmp$heatmap,
       network = tmp$network)

#' plot rdf network
#' @param compendium A string - the selected compendium
#' @param ids A string - unique id of a biofeature, a sample, etc.
#' @param viewer A logical - if TRUE will plot the html widget
#' @param normalization A string - 'tpm' (as default), 'limma' or 'legacy'
#' @return Either a json, an html or a plotly htmlwidget
#' @export
#' @examples
#' my_ids <- get_biofeature_id(id_In = c("U2FtcGxlU2V0VHlwZTo3MTA=","U2FtcGxlU2V0VHlwZToxMDI4",
#'  "U2FtcGxlU2V0VHlwZToxMDI5"))
#' plot_annotation_network(ids = my_ids$id, viewer = TRUE)
#' }
plot_annotation_network <- function(compendium = "vespucci",
                                    ids = NULL,
                                    normalization = "limma",
                                    viewer = FALSE) {
  if(normalization == "legacy") version <- "legacy"
  else if(normalization %in% c("limma","tpm")) version <- "2.0"
  else stop("normalization HAS TO BE either legacy, limma or tpm.")
  if(is.null(ids)) stop("You need to provide and id")
  type <- "html"
  my_query <- paste0('{
  annotationPrettyPrint(compendium:\"', compendium, '\", ids:["', paste0(ids, collapse = '","'),'\" ]) {',
  my_html <- build_query(my_query)$annotationPrettyPrint
  if(type == "html" && viewer){
    h <- xml2::read_html(my_html)
    tmpDir <- tempfile()
    htmlFile <- file.path(tmpDir, "viewer.html")
    xml2::write_html(h, tmpDir,file = htmlFile)
    # rstudioapi::viewer(htmlFile)
    viewer <- getOption("viewer")
    if (!is.null(viewer))
  } else my_html

#' Plot a network from a model
#' @param compendium A string - the selected compendium
#' @param module A matrix with valid rownames (biofeatureNames) and colnames (samplesetsNames)
#' @param normalization A string - either 'limma','tpm' or legacy as normalization
#' @param type  A string -  either 'html'  or 'json
#' @param threshold A numeric
#' @param plot A logical - It return the graphics object
#' @return Either a json, an html or a plotly htmlwidget
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gene_names <- c('VIT_00s0246g00220','VIT_00s0332g00060','VIT_00s0332g00110',
#' 'VIT_00s0332g00160','VIT_00s0396g00010','VIT_00s0505g00030','VIT_00s0505g00060'
#' ,'VIT_00s0873g00020','VIT_00s0904g00010')
#' module_1 <- create_module(biofeaturesNames=gene_names, normalization = "legacy")
#' plot_module_network(module = module_1, plot = FALSE)
plot_module_network <- function(compendium = "vespucci",
                                module = NULL,
                                normalization = "legacy",
                                type = "json",
                                threshold = 0.7,
                                plot = TRUE){
  if (is.null(module)) stop ("Provide a module.")
  if (is.null(normalization)) stop ("Normalization has to be either 'limma','tpm' or 'legacy'.")
  else if (normalization == "limma" | normalization == "tpm") version <- "2.0"
  else version <- "legacy"

  # biofeaturesIds <- get_biofeature_id(name_In = rownames(module))$id
  # samplesetIds <- get_sampleset_id(name_In = colnames(module))$id
  samplesetIds <- colnames(module)
  biofeaturesIds <- rownames(module)
  my_query <- paste0('{
      plotNetwork(compendium:\"', compendium, '\", version:\"', version, '\",
      threshold:', threshold, ', plotType:"module_coexpression_network",
        biofeaturesIds:["', paste0(biofeaturesIds, collapse = '","'),'\"],
        samplesetIds:["', paste0(samplesetIds, collapse = '","'),'\"]), {',
  output <- build_query(my_query)$plotNetwork
  if (plot) {
    my_data <- RJSONIO::fromJSON(output)$data
    my_layout <- RJSONIO::fromJSON(output)$layout
    fig <- plotly::plot_ly(x = my_data[[20]]$x, y = my_data[[20]]$y,
                           type = my_data[[20]]$type,
                           mode = "scatter")
    fig <- plotly::layout(fig, title = list(title = my_layout$title$text,
                                            titlefont = my_layout$title$font),
                          margin = my_layout$margin,
                          showlegend = my_layout$showlegend)
  else output

#' Plot a distribution from a model
#' @param compendium A string - the selected compendium
#' @param module A matrix with valid rownames (biofeatureNames) and colnames (samplesetsNames)
#' @param normalization A string - either 'limma','tpm' or legacy as normalization
#' @param type  A string -  either 'html'  or 'json
#' @param plot A logical - it return the graphics object
#' @param plotType A string - see \code{\link{get_available_plot_methods}}
#' @param getRank A logical - if TRUE return the ranking
#' @return Either a json, an html, a plotly htmlwidget or a data.frame with the ranking
#' @export
#' @examples
#'gene_names <- c('VIT_00s0246g00220','VIT_00s0332g00060','VIT_00s0332g00110',
#' module_1 <- create_module(biofeaturesNames=gene_names, normalization = "legacy")
#' plot_module_distribution(module = module_1,
#' plotType = "biological_features_uncentered_correlation_distribution", plot = TRUE)
#' plot_module_distribution(module = module_1,
#' plotType = "sample_sets_magnitude_distribution", plot = TRUE)
#' plot_module_distribution(module = module_1,
#' plotType = "sample_sets_coexpression_distribution", plot = TRUE)
plot_module_distribution <- function(compendium = "vespucci",
                                module = NULL,
                                normalization = "legacy",
                                type = "json",
                                plot = TRUE,
                                plotType = "biological_features_uncentered_correlation_distribution",
                                getRank = FALSE){
  if (is.null(module)) stop ("Provide a module.")
  if (is.null(normalization)) stop ("Normalization has to be either 'limma','tpm' or 'legacy'.")
  else if (normalization == "limma" | normalization == "tpm") version <- "2.0"
  else version <- "legacy"

  # biofeaturesIds <- get_biofeature_id(name_In = rownames(module))$id
  # samplesetIds <- get_sampleset_id(name_In = colnames(module))$id
  samplesetIds <- colnames(module)
  biofeaturesIds <- rownames(module)
  my_query <- paste0('{
    plotDistribution(compendium:\"', compendium, '\", version:\"', version, '\",
    plotType:\"', plotType, '\", normalization:\"', normalization, '\",
        biofeaturesIds:["', paste0(biofeaturesIds, collapse = '","'),'\"],
        samplesetIds:["', paste0(samplesetIds, collapse = '","'),'\"]), {',
  output <- build_query(my_query)$plotDistribution
  if (plot) {
    my_data <- RJSONIO::fromJSON(output)$data
    my_layout <- RJSONIO::fromJSON(output)$layout
    fig1 <- plotly::plot_ly(x = my_data[[1]]$x, y = my_data[[1]]$y, type = my_data[[1]]$type,
                            mode = my_data[[1]]$mode )
    fig1 <- plotly::layout(fig1, xaxis = list(title = my_layout$xaxis2$title),
                           yaxis = list(title = my_layout$yaxis2$title), showlegend = FALSE)
    fig2 <- plotly::plot_ly(x = my_data[[2]]$x, y=my_data[[2]]$y, type = my_data[[2]]$type,
                            mode = my_data[[1]]$mode)
    fig2 <- plotly::layout(fig2, xaxis = list(title =  my_layout$xaxis$title),
                           yaxis = list(title =  my_layout$yaxis$title))
    plotly::subplot(fig2, fig1, nrows = 2, shareX = TRUE, titleX = TRUE, titleY = TRUE)
  else output
  } else {
    plot <- FALSE
    my_query <- paste0('{
    plotDistribution(compendium:\"', compendium, '\", version:\"', version, '\",
    plotType:\"', plotType, '\", normalization:\"', normalization, '\",
        biofeaturesIds:["', paste0(biofeaturesIds, collapse = '","'),'\"],
        samplesetIds:["', paste0(samplesetIds, collapse = '","'),'\"]), {

    # as.data.frame(sapply(build_query(my_query)$plotDistribution$ranking,unlist))

#' plot heatmap from a module
#' @param compendium A string - the selected compendium
#' @param module A matrix with valid rownames (biofeatureNames) and colnames (samplesetsNames)
#' @param normalization A string - either 'limma','tpm' or legacy as normalization
#' @param type  A string -  either 'html'  or 'json
#' @param plot A logical - it returns the graphics object
#' @param sorted A logical - it returns sorted index for both bf and ss
#' @param min A numeric (-6 default)
#' @param max A numeric (6 default)
#' @param alternativeColoring A logical - if TRUE (defautl) a color blind friendly palette is used
#' @return Either a json, an html, a plotly htmlwidget, or a list of sorted features
#' @export
#' @examples
#'gene_names <- get_biofeature_id(id_In = c('VIT_00s0246g00220',
#' 'VIT_00s0332g00060','VIT_00s0332g00110'), useIds = F)
#' mod <- create_module(biofeaturesNames=gene_names$id, normalization = "tpm", useIds = T)
#' plot_module_heatmap(module = mod, normalization = "tpm", plot = TRUE)
#' sorted_idx <- plot_module_heatmap(mod = mod, sorted = TRUE, plot = FALSE)
plot_module_heatmap <- function(compendium = "vespucci",
                                module = NULL,
                                normalization = "tpm",
                                type = "json",
                                plot = TRUE,
                                alternativeColoring = TRUE,
                                min = -6,
                                max= 6,
                                sorted = FALSE){
  if (is.null(module)) stop ("Provide a module.")
  if (is.null(normalization)) stop ("Normalization has to be either 'limma','tpm' or 'legacy'.")
  else if (normalization == "limma" | normalization == "tpm") version <- "2.0"
  else version <- "legacy"
  if(alternativeColoring) altCol <- "true"
  else altCol <- "false"
  samplesetIds <- colnames(module)
  biofeaturesIds <- rownames(module)

    my_query <- paste0('{
      plotHeatmap(compendium:\"', compendium, '\", version:\"', version, '\", normalization:\"', normalization, '\", plotType:"module_heatmap_expression",
        biofeaturesIds:["', paste0(biofeaturesIds, collapse = '","'),'\"],
        samplesetIds:["', paste0(samplesetIds, collapse = '","'),'\"]), {
                       sortedBiofeatures {
                       sortedSamplesets {
    output <- build_query(my_query)$plotHeatmap
    return(list(sortedSamplesets = sapply(output$sortedSamplesets, unlist),
                sortedBiofeatures = sapply(output$sortedBiofeatures, unlist)))
  } else {
  my_query <- paste0('{
      plotHeatmap(compendium:\"', compendium, '\", version:\"', version, '\", normalization:\"', normalization, '\", alternativeColoring:', noquote(altCol), ', plotType:"module_heatmap_expression",min:',min,',max:',max,',
        biofeaturesIds:["', paste0(biofeaturesIds, collapse = '","'),'\"],
        samplesetIds:["', paste0(samplesetIds, collapse = '","'),'\"]), {',
  # cat(my_query, "\n")
  output <- build_query(my_query)$plotHeatmap
  if (plot) {
    my_data <- RJSONIO::fromJSON(output)$data
    my_layout <- RJSONIO::fromJSON(output)$layout
    fig <- plotly::plot_ly(x = my_data[[2]]$x, y = my_data[[2]]$y, z = my_data[[2]]$z,
                           type = my_data[[1]]$type)
    fig <- plotly::layout(fig, xaxis = list(title = my_layout$xaxis$title),
                          yaxis = list(title = my_layout$yaxis$title))
  else output

#' Show a plot using the rstudio viewer
#' @param module A matrix with valid rownames (biofeatureNames) and colnames (samplesetsNames)
#' @param plotType A string - see \code{\link{get_available_plot_methods}}
#' @param normalization A string - either 'limma','tpm' or legacy as normalization
#' @param threshold A numeric - A Pearson correalation value
#' @param alternativeColoring A logical - if TRUE (defautl) a color blind friendly palette is used
#' @param min A numeric (-6 default)
#' @param max A numeric (6 default)
#' @return A plotly htmlwidget
#' @export
view_plot <- function(module = NULL,
                      plotType = "biological_features_uncentered_correlation_distribution",
                      normalization = "legacy",
                      alternativeColoring = TRUE,
                      threshold = 0.7,
                      min = -6,
                      max = 6){
  if(is.null(module)) stop("Provide a module build by create_module()")
  if (plotType == "module_coexpression_network"){
    my_html <- plot_module_network(module = module,
                                   type = "html",
                                   normalization = normalization,
                                   threshold = threshold,
                                   plot = FALSE)
  } else if(plotType == "module_heatmap_expression"){
    my_html <- plot_module_heatmap(module = module,
                                   type = "html",
                                   normalization = normalization,
                                   alternativeColoring = alternativeColoring,
                                   min = min,
                                   max = max,
                                   plot = FALSE)
  } else if(plotType %in% c("biological_features_uncentered_correlation_distribution",
    my_html <- plot_module_distribution(module = module,
                                   type = "html",
                                   plotType = plotType,
                                   normalization = normalization,
                                   plot = FALSE)

  } else stop("type has to be one of available plot methods.")
  h <- xml2::read_html(my_html)
  tmpDir <- tempfile()
  htmlFile <- file.path(tmpDir, "viewer.html")
  xml2::write_html(h, tmpDir,file = htmlFile)
  # rstudioapi::viewer(htmlFile)
  viewer <- getOption("viewer")
  if (!is.null(viewer))
onertipaday/rcompass documentation built on Sept. 18, 2021, 5:13 p.m.