
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## add interactions (by reference) to input design matrix (data.table) that is about to be used for fitting or predictions
## (this will not modify the observed data stored in DataStorageClass in any way)
## The function purposefully returns nothing (NULL), since the input data.table is being modified by REFERENCE.
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
add_interactions_toDT <- function(XmatDT, interactions) {
  prod.matrix <- function(x) {
    y <- x[,1]
    for(i in 2:dim(x)[2])
      y <- y*x[,i]

  prod.DT <- function(x) {
    y <- x[[1]]
    for(i in 2:ncol(x))
      y <- y*x[[i]]

  for (i in seq_along(interactions)) {
    interact <- interactions[[i]]
    name <- names(interactions)[i]
    if (is.null(name)) name <- paste0(interact, collapse = "_")
    if (all(interact %in% names(XmatDT)))
      XmatDT[, (name) := prod.DT(.SD), .SD = interact]


## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Remove const cols from data.table. Return the names of constant columns
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
test_remove_const_cols <- function(XmatDT) {
  constFlag <- as.list(XmatDT[, lapply(.SD, function(x) length(unique(x)) == 1L)])
  const_cols <- names(constFlag)[unlist(constFlag)]
  for (col in const_cols) {
    XmatDT[, (col) := NULL]

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Create an H2OFrame and save a pointer to it as a private field (using faster data.table::fwrite)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
fast.load.to.H2O = function(dat.sVar, destination_frame = "H2O.dat.sVar", use_DTfwrite = TRUE) {
  # tmpf <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
  temp.dir <- options()[["gridisl.temp.dir"]]
  tmpf <- tempfile(tmpdir = temp.dir, fileext = ".csv")

  # devDTvs <- exists("fwrite", where = "package:data.table")

  if (!use_DTfwrite) {
    message("For optimal performance please install the most recent version of data.table package.")
    H2O.dat.sVar <- h2o::as.h2o(data.frame(dat.sVar), destination_frame = destination_frame)
  } else {
    data.table::fwrite(dat.sVar, tmpf, verbose = FALSE, na = "NA_h2o")
    # data.table::fwrite(dat.sVar, tmpf, verbose = gvars$verbose, na = "NA_h2o")

    types <- sapply(dat.sVar, class)
    types <- gsub("integer64", "numeric", types)
    types <- gsub("integer", "numeric", types)
    types <- gsub("double", "numeric", types)
    types <- gsub("complex", "numeric", types)
    types <- gsub("logical", "enum", types)
    types <- gsub("factor", "enum", types)
    types <- gsub("character", "string", types)
    types <- gsub("Date", "Time", types)

    # replace all irregular characters to conform with destination_frame regular exprs format:
    tmpf.dest1 <- gsub('/', 'X', tmpf, fixed = TRUE)
    tmpf.dest2 <- gsub('.', 'X', tmpf.dest1, fixed = TRUE)
    tmpf.dest3 <- gsub('_', 'X', tmpf.dest2, fixed = TRUE)

    # if (gvars$verbose) h2o::h2o.show_progress() else h2o::h2o.no_progress()
    H2O.dat.sVar <- h2o::h2o.importFile(path = tmpf,
                                        header = TRUE,
                                        col.types = types,
                                        na.strings = rep(c("NA_h2o"), ncol(dat.sVar)),
                                        destination_frame = destination_frame)


ResampleDataClass <- R6Class(classname = "ResampleDataClass",
  portable = TRUE,
  class = TRUE,
  inherit = DataStorageClass,
  public = list(
    data = NULL,
    fold_idx = NULL, ## original fold assignments (rows)
    idx = NULL,      ## the actual rows used, this can be a subset of self$fold_idx if "subset_idx" is provided
    # subset_idx = NULL,

    initialize = function(data, idx, subset_idx = NULL, ...) {
      self$data <- data
      self$fold_idx <- idx

    define_subset_idx = function(subset_idx = NULL) {
      self$idx <- self$fold_idx
      if (!is.null(subset_idx)) self$idx <- intersect(self$idx, subset_idx)

    evalsubst = function(subset_vars, subset_exprs = NULL) {
      x <- intersect(self$data$evalsubst(subset_vars, subset_exprs), self$idx)

    get.outvar = function(rowsubset = TRUE, var) {
      if (!is.logical(rowsubset)) {
        rowsubset <- intersect(rowsubset, self$idx)
      } else {
        rowsubset <- self$idx
      self$data$get.outvar(rowsubset, var)

    get.dat.sVar = function(rowsubset = TRUE, covars) {
      if (!is.logical(rowsubset)) {
        rowsubset <- intersect(rowsubset, self$idx)
      } else {
        rowsubset <- self$idx
      self$data$get.dat.sVar(rowsubset, covars)

  active = list(
    dat.sVar = function(dat.sVar) {
      if (missing(dat.sVar)) {
        rowsubset <- self$idx
        return(self$data$dat.sVar[rowsubset, ])
      } else {
        assert_that(is.matrix(dat.sVar) | is.data.table(dat.sVar))
        self$data$dat.sVar <- dat.sVar

    nodes = function() {

    as.integer = function() {

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
##  DataStorageClass CLASS:
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that is.count is.flag
DataStorageClass <- R6Class(classname = "DataStorageClass",
  portable = TRUE,
  class = TRUE,
  public = list(
    modelfit = NULL,
    new.factor.names = NULL,
    YnodeVals = NULL,       # Values of the binary outcome (Ynode) in observed data where det.Y = TRUE obs are set to NA
    det.Y = NULL,           # Logical vector, where YnodeVals[det.Y==TRUE] are deterministic (0 or 1)
    curr_data_A_g0 = TRUE,  # is the current data in OdataDT generated under observed (g0)? If FALSE, current data is under g.star (intervention)
    fold_column = NULL,
    nfolds = NULL,
    hold_column = NULL,
    H2Oframe = NULL,
    H2Oframe_ID = NULL,

    initialize = function(Odata, nodes, YnodeVals, det.Y, ...) {
      assert_that(is.data.frame(Odata) | is.data.table(Odata))
      self$dat.sVar <- data.table(Odata) # makes a copy of the input data (shallow)

      # set the keys for quick search:
      setkeyv(self$dat.sVar, cols = c(nodes$IDnode, nodes$tnode))

      if (!missing(nodes)) self$nodes <- nodes

      if (!missing(YnodeVals)) self$addYnode(YnodeVals = YnodeVals, det.Y = det.Y)

      # self$def.types.sVar() # Define the type of each sVar[i]: bin, cat or cont


    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Create an H2OFrame and save a pointer to it as a private field (using faster data.table::fwrite)
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    fast.load.to.H2O = function(dat.sVar, saveH2O = TRUE, destination_frame = "H2O.dat.sVar") {
      if (missing(dat.sVar)) dat.sVar <- self$dat.sVar
      H2Oframe <- fast.load.to.H2O(dat.sVar, destination_frame = destination_frame)
      if (saveH2O) {
        self$H2Oframe <- H2Oframe
        self$H2Oframe_ID <- h2o::h2o.getId(H2Oframe)

    # add protected Y nodes to private field and set to NA all determinisitc Y values for public field YnodeVals
    addYnode = function(YnodeVals, det.Y) {
        if (missing(det.Y)) det.Y <- rep.int(FALSE, length(YnodeVals))
        self$noNA.Ynodevals <- YnodeVals  # Adding actual observed Y as protected (without NAs)
        self$YnodeVals <- YnodeVals
        self$YnodeVals[det.Y] <- NA       # Adding public YnodeVals & setting det.Y values to NA
        self$det.Y <- det.Y

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Eval the subsetting expression (in the environment of the data.table "data" + global constants "gvars"):
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Could also do evaluation in a special env with a custom subsetting fun '[' that will dynamically find the correct dataset that contains
    # sVar.name (dat.sVar or dat.bin.sVar) and will return sVar vector
    evalsubst = function(subset_vars, subset_exprs = NULL) {
      res <- rep.int(TRUE, self$nobs)
      if (!missing(subset_vars)) {
        for (subsetvar in subset_vars) {
          # (*) find the var of interest (in self$dat.sVar or self$dat.bin.sVar), give error if not found
          sVar.vec <- self$get.outvar(var = subsetvar)
          # (*) reconstruct correct expression that tests for missing values
          res <- res & (!gvars$misfun(sVar.vec))

      if (length(subset_exprs)==0L && !is.null(subset_exprs)) return(as.integer(subset_exprs))

      if (!is.null(subset_exprs) && !is.na(subset_exprs)) {
        if (is.logical(subset_exprs)) {
          return(which(res & subset_exprs))
        } else if (is.character(subset_exprs)) {
          ## ******************************************************
          ## data.table evaluation of the logical subset expression
          ## Note: This can be made faster by using keys in data.table on variables in eval(parse(text = subset_exprs))
          ## ******************************************************
          res.tmp <- self$dat.sVar[, eval(parse(text = subset_exprs)), by = get(self$nodes$ID)][["V1"]]
          return(which(res & res.tmp))
        } else if (is.integer(subset_exprs)) {
          ## The expression is already a row index, hence should be returned unchanged

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Functions for subsetting/returning covariate design mat for PredictionModel Class or outcome variable
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    get.dat.sVar = function(rowsubset = TRUE, covars) {
      if (!missing(covars)) {
        if (length(unique(colnames(self$dat.sVar))) < length(colnames(self$dat.sVar))) {
          warning("repeating column names in the final data set; please check for duplicate summary measure / node names")
        # columns to select from main design matrix (in the same order as listed in covars):
        sel.sWsA <- intersect(covars, colnames(self$dat.sVar))
        if (is.matrix(self$dat.sVar)) {
          dfsel <- self$dat.sVar[rowsubset, sel.sWsA, drop = FALSE] # data stored as matrix
        } else if (is.data.table(self$dat.sVar)) {
          dfsel <- self$dat.sVar[rowsubset, sel.sWsA, drop = FALSE, with = FALSE] # data stored as data.table
        } else {
          stop("self$dat.sVar is of unrecognized class: " %+% class(self$dat.sVar))
        # columns to select from binned continuous/cat var matrix (if it was previously constructed):
        if (!is.null(self$dat.bin.sVar)) {
          sel.binsA <- intersect(covars, colnames(self$dat.bin.sVar))
        } else {
          sel.binsA <- NULL
        if (length(sel.binsA)>0) {
          dfsel <- cbind(dfsel, self$dat.bin.sVar[rowsubset, sel.binsA, drop = FALSE])
        found_vars <- covars %in% colnames(dfsel)
        if (!all(found_vars)) stop("some covariates can't be found (perhaps not declared as summary measures (def_sW(...) or def_sW(...))): "%+%
                                    paste(covars[!found_vars], collapse=","))
      } else {
        return(self$dat.sVar[rowsubset, , drop = FALSE])

    get.outvar = function(rowsubset = TRUE, var) {
      if (length(self$nodes) < 1) stop("DataStorageClass$nodes list is empty!")
      if (var %in% self$names.sVar) {
        out <- self$dat.sVar[rowsubset, var, with = FALSE]
      } else if (var %in% colnames(self$dat.bin.sVar)) {
        out <- self$dat.bin.sVar[rowsubset, var]
      } else if ((var %in% self$nodes$Ynode) && !is.null(self$YnodeVals)) {
        out <- self$YnodeVals[rowsubset]
      } else {
        stop("requested variable " %+% var %+% " does not exist in the input data!")
      if ((is.list(out) || is.data.table(out)) && (length(out)>1)) {
        stop("selecting regression outcome covariate resulted in more than one column: " %+% var)
      } else if (is.list(out) || is.data.table(out)) {
      } else {

    # --------------------------------------------------
    # Replace all missing (NA) values with a default integer (0)
    # --------------------------------------------------
    fixmiss_sVar = function() {
      if (is.matrix(self$dat.sVar)) {
      } else if (is.data.table(self$dat.sVar)) {
      } else {
        stop("self$dat.sVar is of unrecognized class")

    set.sVar.type = function(name.sVar, new.type) { private$.type.sVar[[name.sVar]] <- new.type },
    get.sVar.type = function(name.sVar) { if (missing(name.sVar)) { private$.type.sVar } else { private$.type.sVar[[name.sVar]] } },
    is.sVar.bin = function(name.sVar) { self$get.sVar.type(name.sVar) %in% gvars$sVartypes$bin },
    is.sVar.cat = function(name.sVar) { self$get.sVar.type(name.sVar) %in% gvars$sVartypes$cat },
    is.sVar.cont = function(name.sVar) { self$get.sVar.type(name.sVar) %in% gvars$sVartypes$cont },

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Directly replace variable(s) in the storage data.table (by reference)
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    get.sVar = function(name.sVar) {
      x <- self$dat.sVar[, name.sVar, with=FALSE]
      if (is.list(x) || is.data.table(x) || is.data.frame(x)) x <- x[[1]]
    set.sVar = function(name.sVar, new.sVarVal) {
      assert_that(length(new.sVarVal)==self$nobs | length(new.sVarVal)==1)
      assert_that(name.sVar %in% colnames(self$dat.sVar))
      self$dat.sVar[, (name.sVar) := new.sVarVal]

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Cast long format data into wide format:
    # bslcovars - names of covariates that shouldn't be cast (remain invariant with t)
    # TO DO - add excludevars arg to exclude covariates
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    convert.to.wide = function(cast.vars) {
      # nodes <- self$nodes
      # cast.vars <- c(nodes$Lnodes,nodes$Cnodes, nodes$Anodes, nodes$Nnodes, nodes$Ynode)
      # if (!missing(bslcovars)) cast.vars <- setdiff(cast.vars, bslcovars)
      odata_wide <- dcast(self$dat.sVar, formula = nodes$ID %+% " ~ " %+% nodes$tnode, value.var = cast.vars)

  active = list(
    min.t = function() { min(self$dat.sVar[[self$nodes[['tnode']]]], na.rm = TRUE) },
    max.t = function() { max(self$dat.sVar[[self$nodes[['tnode']]]], na.rm = TRUE) },
    nobs = function() { nrow(self$dat.sVar) },
    nuniqueIDs = function() { length(unique(self$dat.sVar[[self$nodes$IDnode]])) },
    nuniquets = function() { length(unique(self$dat.sVar[[self$nodes$tnode]])) },
    names.sVar = function() { colnames(self$dat.sVar) },
    ncols.sVar = function() { length(self$names.sVar) },
    dat.sVar = function(dat.sVar) {
      if (missing(dat.sVar)) {
      } else {
        assert_that(is.matrix(dat.sVar) | is.data.table(dat.sVar))
        private$.mat.sVar <- dat.sVar
   # H2O.dat.sVar = function(dat.sVar) {
   #    if (missing(dat.sVar)) {
   #      return(private$.H2O.mat.sVar)
   #    } else {
   #      assert_that(is.H2OFrame(dat.sVar))
   #      private$.H2O.mat.sVar <- dat.sVar
   #    }
   #  },
    emptydat.sVar = function() { private$.mat.sVar <- NULL },         # wipe out mat.sVar
    # wipe out binirized .mat.sVar:
    noNA.Ynodevals = function(noNA.Yvals) {
      if (missing(noNA.Yvals)) return(private$.protected.YnodeVals)
      else private$.protected.YnodeVals <- noNA.Yvals
    nodes = function(nodes) {
      if (missing(nodes)) {
      } else {
        private$.nodes <- nodes
    type.sVar = function() { private$.type.sVar }

  private = list(
    .nodes = list(),              # names of the important nodes in the data (ID, t, outcome)
    .protected.YnodeVals = NULL,  # Actual observed values of the binary outcome (Ynode), along with deterministic vals
    .mat.sVar = NULL,             # pointer to data.table object storing the entire dataset
    # .H2O.mat.sVar = NULL,         # pointer to H2OFrame object that stores equivalent data to private$.mat.sVar
    .type.sVar = NULL,            # Named list with sVar types: list(names.sVar[i] = "binary"/"categor"/"contin"), can be overridden
    # Replace all missing (NA) values with a default integer (0) for matrix
    fixmiss_sVar_mat = function() {
      self$dat.sVar[gvars$misfun(self$dat.sVar)] <- gvars$misXreplace
    # Replace all missing (NA) values with a default integer (0) for data.table
    fixmiss_sVar_DT = function() {
      # see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7235657/fastest-way-to-replace-nas-in-a-large-data-table
      dat.sVar <- self$dat.sVar
      for (j in names(dat.sVar))
        set(dat.sVar, which(gvars$misfun(dat.sVar[[j]])), j , gvars$misXreplace)
osofr/longGriDiSL documentation built on May 24, 2019, 4:56 p.m.