format_output: Run the EM for several values of K

View source: R/estimateEM.R

format_outputR Documentation

Run the EM for several values of K


estimateEM_several_K.OUsr uses function estimateEM on the data, for all values of K between 0 and K_max.


format_output(results_estim_EM, phylo, time = NA)



output of function estimateEM


to run the function


The EM is first launched for K=0, with alpha and gamma estimated. The estimated values of alpha, gamma and beta_0 found by this first EM are then used as initialization parameters for all the other runs of the EM for other K. The EMs are parallelized thanks to packages foreach and doParallel. WARNING : this code only work of OU with stationary root, on an ultrametric tree.


summary a data frame with K_max lines, and columns: - alpha_estim the estimated selection strength - gamma_estim the estimated root variance - beta_0_estim the estimated value of root optimum - EM_steps number of iterations needed before convergence - DV_estim has the EM diverged ? - CV_estim has the EM converged ? - log_likelihood log likelihood of the data using the estimated parameters - mahalanobis_distance_data_mean the Mahalanobis distance between the data and the estimated means at the tips - least_squares the Mahalanobis distance, renormalized by gamma^2: mahalanobis_distance_data_mean * gamma_estim. - mean_number_new_shifts the mean number of shifts that changed over the iterations of the EM - number_equivalent_solutions the number of equivalent solutions to the solution found. - K_try the number of shifts allowed. - complexity the complexity for K_try - time the CPU time needed.

params a list of inferred parameters

params_init a list of initial parameters

alpha_0 initial values of alpha

gamma_0 initial values of gamma

Zhat reconstructed node states

m_Y_estim reconstructed tip states

edge.quality for each edge, relative number of iterations in which they were present.

pbastide/PhylogeneticEM documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 1:27 a.m.