### Check **ALL** implementations of the likelihood root statistic in
### profile functions etc. for correctness!
### In print.twoAC: Print the distribution of answers?
twoAC <-
function(data, d.prime0 = 0, conf.level = 0.95,
statistic = c("likelihood", "Wald"),
alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
## test = c("difference", "similarity"),
### Have 'alternative' or 'test' argument?
### Include an "equiv[alent]" option to the alternative argument to
### allow for a TOST equivalence test?
### Gain argument method = c("preference", "discrimination") to
### disallow negative d-primes for discrimination (estimates, CIs,
### tests)?
### data - numeric vector of length 3 with non-negative entries.
### Courced to integer.
### d.prime0 - numeric scalar
### conf.level - numeric scalar between 0 and 1.
## Initial argument matching:
statName <- match.arg(statistic)
alt <- match.arg(alternative)
## Initial argument consistency testing:
if(!isTRUE(all.equal(round(data), data)))
stop("non-integer numbers not allowed in 'data'")
data <- as.integer(data)
if(length(data) != 3)
stop("'data' argument should be of length 3")
stopifnot(is.numeric(conf.level) && length(conf.level) == 1 &&
conf.level > 0 && conf.level < 1)
stopifnot(is.numeric(d.prime0) && length(d.prime0) == 1)
## Get ML estimates, vcov, logLik:
res <- estimate.2AC(data = data, vcov = TRUE, warn = FALSE)
d.prime <- res$coefficients[2,1]
se.d.prime <- res$coefficients[2,2]
## Add output to res:
res <- c(list(alternative = alt, statistic = statName,
conf.level = conf.level, call = match.call(),
d.prime0 = d.prime0), res)
class(res) <- "twoAC"
## Compute test statistic:
if(statName == "likelihood")
res$stat.value <-
as.vector(LRtest.2AC(data, d.prime0 = d.prime0,
alternative = alt)[,"lroot"])
if(statName == "Wald" && !is.null(res$vcov))
res$stat.value <- (d.prime - d.prime0) / se.d.prime
## Compute p-value:
res$p.value <- normalPvalue(statistic = res$stat.value,
alternative = alt)
## Get confidence intervals:
res$confint <- confint(res, parm = "d.prime", level = conf.level,
type = statName)
## return object:
print.twoAC <-
function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
## Match test statistic:
test.stat <- switch(x$statistic,
"likelihood" = "likelihood root statistic:",
"Wald" = "Wald statistic:")
## Print estimates:
cat(paste("Results for the 2-AC protocol with data ",
deparse(x$call$data), ":\n", sep = ""))
## printCoefmat(x$coefficients, tst.ind=integer(0), cs.ind=1:2,
## digits=digits, P.values=FALSE, has.Pvalue=FALSE, ...)
### NOTE: Not using printCoefmat here because it wont print Inf and
### -Inf parameter estimates.
print(x$coefficients, quote = FALSE, digits = digits, ...)
## Print confidence interval for d-prime:
cat("\nUse profile and confint methods to get confidence interval\n")
else {
cat(paste("\nTwo-sided ", round(100 * x$conf.level, 3),
"% confidence interval for d-prime based on the\n", test.stat,
"\n", sep = ""))
ci <- x$confint
colnames(ci) <- c("Lower", "Upper")
print(ci, digits = digits, ...)
## Print result of signifcance test:
if(is.null(x$stat.value) && x$statistic == "Wald")
cat("\nSignificance test not available - try with the likelihood statistic\n")
## this should never happen, but better safe than sorry:
else if(is.null(x$stat.value) && x$statistic == "likelihood")
cat("\nSignificance test not available\n")
else {
cat(paste("\nSignificance test:\n"))
if(x$statistic == "Wald")
cat(paste(" Wald statistic =", format(x$stat.value, digits),
"p-value =", format.pval(x$p.value), "\n"))
if(x$statistic == "likelihood")
cat(paste(" Likelihood root statistic =",
format(x$stat.value, digits),
"p-value =", format.pval(x$p.value), "\n"))
cat(" Alternative hypothesis: ")
cat(paste("d-prime is", switch(x$alternative,
"two.sided" = "different from",
"less" = "less than",
"greater" = "greater than"),
format(x$d.prime0, digits), "\n"))
profile.twoAC <-
function(fitted, alpha = 1e-3, nSteps = 1e2, range, ...)
## Save d.prime for convenience:
d.prime <- coef(fitted)[2, 1]
stop("profile is not available for d.prime = NA")
## Get range from Wald CI or over-rule with range argument:
if(missing(range)) {
## Get range from Wald interval and supplied alpha:
range <- as.vector(confint(fitted, parm = "d.prime",
level = 1 - alpha, type = "Wald"))
if(!all(is.numeric(range) || !is.finite(range)))
stop(paste("could not determine 'range' from fitted object:",
"Please specify 'range'"))
} else {
stopifnot(all(is.numeric(range)) && all(is.finite(range)) &&
length(range) >= 2)
## Warn if d.prime is finite and not in the range interval:
if(is.finite(d.prime)) {
if(d.prime >= max(range) || d.prime <= min(range))
warning("d.prime should be in the interval given by range")
dseq <- seq(from = min(range), to = max(range),
length.out = nSteps)
nll <- ## negative profile log-likelihood
sapply(dseq, function(dd)
optimize(nll.2AC, c(0, 10), d.prime = dd,
data = fitted$data)$objective)
## Compute the signed likelihood root statistic:
Lroot <- sign(d.prime - dseq) * sqrt(2 * (fitted$logLik + nll))
warning("invalid values of the likelihood profile occured")
res <- data.frame("Lroot" = Lroot, "d.prime" = dseq)
res <- res[order(res[,1]),]
if(!all(diff(res[,2]) < 0))
warning("likelihood is not monotonically decreasing from maximum,\n",
" so profile may be unreliable")
prof <- vector("list", length = 1)
names(prof) <- "d.prime"
prof[[1]] <- res
val <- structure(prof, original.fit = fitted)
class(val) <- "profile.twoAC"
confint.twoAC <-
function(object, parm, level = 0.95, type = c("likelihood", "Wald"),
type <- match.arg(type)
if(type == "Wald") {
cf <- coef(object)[,1]
pnames <- names(cf)
if (missing(parm))
parm <- pnames
else if (is.numeric(parm))
parm <- pnames[parm]
a <- (1 - level)/2
a <- c(a, 1 - a)
pct <- paste(round(100*a, 1), "%")
fac <- qnorm(a)
ci <- array(NA, dim = c(length(parm), 2L),
dimnames = list(parm, pct))
ses <- coef(object)[,2][parm]
ci[] <- cf[parm] + ses %o% fac
} else
if(type == "likelihood") {
object <- profile(object, alpha = (1 - level) / 4, ...)
ci <- confint(object, level=level, ...)
confint.profile.twoAC <-
function(object, parm = "d.prime", level = 0.95, ...)
if(parm != "d.prime")
stop("Profile likelihood confidence interval only available for 'd.prime'")
a <- (1-level)/2
a <- c(a, 1-a)
pct <- paste(round(100*a, 1), "%")
ci <- array(NA, dim = c(1, 2),
dimnames = list(parm, pct))
cutoff <- qnorm(a)
pro <- object[[ "d.prime" ]]
sp <- spline(x = pro[, 2], y = pro[, 1])
ci[1, ] <- approx(-sp$y, sp$x, xout = cutoff)$y
plot.profile.twoAC <-
function(x, level = c(0.95, 0.99), Log = FALSE, relative = TRUE,
fig = TRUE, n = 1e3, ..., ylim = NULL)
ML <- attr(x, "original.fit")$logLik
lim <- sapply(level, function(x)
exp(-qchisq(x, df = 1)/2) )
pro <- x[[ "d.prime" ]]
sp <- spline(x = pro[, 2], y = pro[, 1], n = n)
sp$y <- -sp$y^2/2
if(relative && !Log) {
sp$y <- exp(sp$y)
ylab <- "Relative profile likelihood"
dots <- list(...)
ylim <- c(0, 1)
if(relative && Log) {
ylab <- "Relative profile log-likelihood"
lim <- log(lim)
if(!relative & Log) {
sp$y <- sp$y + ML
ylab <- "profile Log-likelihood"
lim <- ML + log(lim)
if(!relative & !Log) {
stop("Not supported: at least one of 'Log' and 'relative' ",
"have to be TRUE")
sp$y <- exp(sp$y + ML)
ylab <- "Profile likelihood"
lim <- exp(ML + log(lim))
x[[ "d.prime" ]] <- sp
if(fig) {
plot(sp$x, sp$y, type = "l", ylim = ylim,
xlab = "d.prime", ylab = ylab, ...)
abline(h = lim)
attr(x, "limits") <- lim
nll.2AC <- function(tau, d.prime = 0, data)
### Computes the negative log-likelihood of the 2-AC protocol
## get probability vector (prob) from 2-AC parameters:
p1 <- pnorm(-tau, d.prime, sqrt(2))
p12 <- pnorm(tau, d.prime, sqrt(2))
prob <- c(p1, p12 - p1, 1 - p12)
prob[prob <= 0] <- 1 ## to evaluate log safely
## Evaluate negative log likelihood:
-sum(data * log(prob))
estimate.2AC <- function(data, vcov = TRUE, warn = TRUE)
### Estimate the parameters, vcov and standard errors of the 2-AC
### model given a 3-vector of data.
### data - vector of data of length 3
### vcov - should the variance-covariance matrix, and hence the
### standard errors of the parameters be computed?
## test data argument?
vcov <- as.logical(vcov)
## Define negative log-likelihood:
nll <- function(par) {
tau <- par[1]
d.prime <- par[2]
p1 <- pnorm(-tau, d.prime, sqrt(2))
p12 <- pnorm(tau, d.prime, sqrt(2))
prob <- c(p1, p12 - p1, 1 - p12)
prob[prob <= 0] <- 1 ## to evaluate log safely
## Evaluate negative log likelihood:
-sum(data * log(prob))
## Get ML estimates:
x <- data
if(x[1] > 0 && x[2] == 0 && x[3] == 0) { # case 1
tau <- 0
d.prime <- -Inf
else if(x[1] == 0 && x[2] > 0 && x[3] == 0) { # case 2
tau <- NA
d.prime <- NA
else if(x[1] == 0 && x[2] == 0 && x[3] > 0) { # case 3
tau <- 0
d.prime <- Inf
else if(x[1] > 0 && x[2] > 0 && x[3] == 0) { # case 4
d.prime <- -Inf
tau <- NA
else if(x[1] == 0 && x[2] > 0 && x[3] > 0) { # case 5
d.prime <- Inf
tau <- NA
else { # case 0 and 6
prob <- data / sum(data)
gamma <- cumsum(prob)[-3]
z <- qnorm(gamma) * sqrt(2)
tau <- (z[2] - z[1]) / 2
d.prime <- -z[1] - tau
## Get the log likelihood at the MLE:
prob <- data / sum(data)
prob[prob <= 0] <- 1 ## to evaluate log safely
logLikMax <- sum(data * log(prob))
## Save estimates in coefficient table
coef <- matrix(NA, 2, 2, dimnames = list(c("tau", "d.prime"),
c("Estimate", "Std. Error")))
coef[,1] <- c(tau, d.prime)
res <- list(coefficients = coef, data = data,
logLik = logLikMax)
## Get Hessian, vcov and standard errors:
if(vcov) {
makeWarn <- TRUE
## If all coef are finite and tau < 0:
if(all(is.finite(coef[,1])) && tau > 0) {
makeWarn <- FALSE
hess <- hessian(nll, x = c(tau, d.prime), method = "Richardson",
method.args = list())
vcov <- try(solve(hess), silent = TRUE)
## If hess is not invertible:
if(!inherits(vcov, "try-error")) {
makeWarn <- TRUE
res$coefficients[,2] <- sqrt(diag(vcov))
res$vcov <- vcov
## Not all coef are finite or tau <= 0:
if(warn && makeWarn)
warning("vcov and standard errors are not available",
call. = FALSE)
} ## end vcov
## Return results
vcov.twoAC <- function(object, ...) object$vcov
logLik.twoAC <- function(object, ...) object$logLik
twoACpwr <-
function(tau, d.prime, size, d.prime0 = 0, alpha = 0.05, tol = 1e-5,
return.dist = FALSE, statistic = "likelihood",
alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"))
## allow for statistic = c("likelihood", "Wald")?
## Match arguments:
alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
statistic <- match.arg(statistic)
return.dist <- as.logical(return.dist)
## Initial testing:
## test for type/mode, length, valid values, integer values
stopifnot(is.numeric(d.prime) && length(d.prime) == 1)
stopifnot(is.numeric(tau) && length(tau) == 1 && tau > 0)
stopifnot(is.numeric(d.prime0) && length(d.prime0) == 1)
stopifnot(is.numeric(size) &&
isTRUE(all.equal(round(size), size)) &&
size < 5e3 && size >= 2)
stopifnot(is.numeric(alpha) && length(alpha) == 1 &&
alpha > 0 && alpha < 1)
stopifnot(is.numeric(tol) && length(tol) == 1,
tol >= 0 && tol < 1)
## All possible samples:
n <- as.integer(size)
Y <- do.call(rbind, lapply(0:n, function(j) cbind(n-j, 0:j, j:0)))
## Get pi-vector from tau and d.prime:
p1 <- pnorm(-tau, d.prime, sqrt(2))
p2 <- pnorm(tau, d.prime, sqrt(2)) - p1
p3 <- 1 - p1 - p2
pvec <- c(p1, p2, p3)
## Distribution of samples and p-values:
dmult <- apply(Y, 1, function(x) dmultinom(x, prob = pvec))
## Discard tail of distribution - keep only those obs with large
## enough probability mass to avoid computing p-values for samples
## that never occur anyway:
sdmult <- sort(dmult)
no.discard <- sum(cumsum(sdmult) < tol) ## no. obs to discard
keep <- dmult > sdmult[no.discard] # obs. to keep indicator
if(no.discard == 0) keep <- rep(TRUE, length(dmult))
dmult <- dmult[keep]
## Compute p-values:
pvals <- LRtest.2AC(Y[keep, ], d.prime0 = d.prime0,
alternative = alternative)[,1]
## pvals <- apply(Y[keep, ], 1, function(x) LRtest.2AC(x)[2])
## Compute the cumulative distribution of p-values:
df <- data.frame(dens=dmult, p.value=pvals, Y=Y[keep, ])
df <- df[order(pvals),]
dist <- cumsum(df[,1])
pvals <- df[,2]
return(structure(data.frame(dist=dist, df), row.names=1:nrow(df)))
if(any(pvals <= alpha)) {
power <- max(dist[pvals <= alpha])
actual.alpha <- max(pvals[pvals <= alpha])
else {
power <- 0
actual.alpha <- 0
return(data.frame("power" = power, "actual.alpha" = actual.alpha,
"samples" = nrow(Y), "discarded" = no.discard,
"kept" = nrow(Y) - no.discard,
"p" = round(matrix(pvec, nrow = 1), 4)))
LRtest.2AC <-
function(data, d.prime0 = 0,
alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater")
## statistic = c("likelihood", "Wald")
### Computes the signed likelihood root statistic and p-value for the
### indicated significance test. Care is taken that the correct
### statistic is computed in boundary cases with null cells.
### data - a 3-vector or a 3-col matrix where each row is taken as a
### trial
### d.prime0 - value of d.prime under the null hypothesis, scalar.
## Argument matching:
alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
## Initial testing:
stopifnot(is.numeric(d.prime0) && length(d.prime0) == 1)
stopifnot(is.numeric(data) && all(data >= 0))
if(is.null(dim(data)) && length(data) == 3) dim(data) <- c(1, 3)
if(is.data.frame(data)) data <- as.matrix(data)
if(!(is.matrix(data) && ncol(data) == 3))
stop("'data' should be a vector of length 3 or a matrix with 3 cols")
## test that isTRUE(all.equal(round(data), data)) ignored here
## because of speed.
## Make indicator variable with the seven possible data cases:
cases <- integer(length = nrow(data))
cases[data[,3] == 0] <- 4L
cases[data[,1] == 0] <- 5L
cases[data[,2] == 0] <- 6L
cases[data[,2] == 0 & data[,3] == 0] <- 1L
cases[data[,1] == 0 & data[,3] == 0] <- 2L
cases[data[,1] == 0 & data[,2] == 0] <- 3L
## Compute the signed likelihood root statistic in all seven cases:
lroot <- numeric(length = nrow(data))
if(sum(ind <- (cases == 1)))
lroot[ind] <- sapply(which(ind), function(i) {
nll0 <- nll.2AC(0, d.prime = d.prime0, data = data[i,])
-sqrt(2 * nll0) ## lroot statistic
## Not needed since lroot = 0 by default:
## if(sum(ind <- (cases == 2)))
## lroot[ind] <- 0
if(sum(ind <- (cases == 3)))
lroot[ind] <- sapply(which(ind), function(i) {
nll0 <- nll.2AC(0, d.prime = d.prime0, data = data[i,])
sqrt(2 * nll0) ## lroot statistic
if(sum(ind <- (cases == 4)))
lroot[ind] <- sapply(which(ind), function(i) {
nll0 <- optimize(nll.2AC, c(0, 10), d.prime = d.prime0,
data = data[i, ])$objective
prob <- data[i, ] / sum(data[i, ])
prob[prob <= 0] <- 1 ## to evaluate log safely
llMax <- sum(data[i, ] * log(prob))
-sqrt(2 * (llMax + nll0)) ## lroot statistic
if(sum(ind <- (cases == 5)))
lroot[ind] <- sapply(which(ind), function(i) {
nll0 <- optimize(nll.2AC, c(0, 10), d.prime = d.prime0,
data = data[i, ])$objective
prob <- data[i, ] / sum(data[i, ])
prob[prob <= 0] <- 1 ## to evaluate log safely
llMax <- sum(data[i, ] * log(prob))
sqrt(2 * (llMax + nll0)) ## lroot statistic
if(sum(ind <- (cases %in% c(0, 6))))
lroot[ind] <- sapply(which(ind), function(i) {
nll0 <- optimize(nll.2AC, c(0, 10), d.prime = d.prime0,
data = data[i, ])$objective
prob <- data[i, ] / sum(data[i, ])
d.prime <- -sum(qnorm(cumsum(prob)[-3]) / sqrt(2))
prob[prob <= 0] <- 1 ## to evaluate log safely
llMax <- sum(data[i, ] * log(prob))
sign(d.prime - d.prime0) * sqrt(2 * (llMax + nll0)) ## lroot statistic
## Compute p-value given the alternative hypothesis:
p.value <-
"greater" = pnorm(lroot, lower.tail = FALSE),
"less" = pnorm(lroot, lower.tail = TRUE),
"two.sided" = 2 * pnorm(abs(lroot), lower.tail = FALSE))
return(cbind(p.value = p.value, lroot = lroot))
pearsonPwr <-
function(tau, d.prime, size, tol=1e-5, return.dist=FALSE, alpha=0.05,
alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"))
### In this function d.prime0, (i.e., d.prime under the null
### hypothesis) is fixed at zero
alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
## All possible samples:
n <- as.integer(size)
Y <- do.call(rbind, lapply(0:n, function(j) cbind(n-j, 0:j, j:0)))
## Get pi-vector from tau and d.prime:
p1 <- pnorm(-tau, d.prime, sqrt(2))
p2 <- pnorm(tau, d.prime, sqrt(2)) - p1
p3 <- 1 - p1 - p2
pvec <- c(p1, p2, p3)
## Distribution of samples and p-values:
dmult <- apply(Y, 1, function(x) dmultinom(x, prob = pvec))
sdmult <- sort(dmult)
no.discard <- sum(cumsum(sdmult) < tol) ## no. obs to discard
keep <- dmult > sdmult[no.discard] # obs. to keep indicator
if(no.discard == 0) keep <- rep(TRUE, length(dmult))
dmult <- dmult[keep]
## pvals <- apply(Y[keep, ], 1, Pears)
## pvals[is.na(pvals)] <- 1
pvals <- apply(Y[keep, ], 1, function(x) Potter(x, alternative=alternative))
df <- data.frame(dens=dmult, p.value=pvals, Y=Y[keep, ])
df <- df[order(pvals),]
dist <- cumsum(df[,1])
pvals <- df[,2]
return(structure(data.frame(dist=dist, df), row.names=1:nrow(df)))
if(any(pvals <= alpha)) {
power <- max(dist[pvals <= alpha])
actual.alpha <- max(pvals[pvals <= alpha])
else {
power <- 0
actual.alpha <- 0
return(data.frame("power" = power, "actual.alpha" = actual.alpha,
"samples" = nrow(Y), "discarded" = no.discard,
"kept" = nrow(Y) - no.discard,
"p" = round(matrix(pvec, nrow = 1), 4)))
Pears <- function(x) {
y <- (x[1] + x[3])/2
X <- sum((x[-2] - y)^2 / y)
pchisq(X, df=1, lower.tail=FALSE)
Potter <- function(x, alternative) {
n <- sum(x[c(1,3)])
if(n == 0) return(1)
X <- (x[1] - x[3]) / sqrt(n)
p.value <-
"greater" = pnorm(X, lower.tail = FALSE),
"less" = pnorm(X, lower.tail = TRUE),
"two.sided" = 2 * pnorm(abs(X), lower.tail = FALSE))
binPwr <-
function(tau, d.prime, size, tol=1e-5, return.dist=FALSE, alpha=0.05,
alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"))
### In this function d.prime0, (i.e., d.prime under the null
### hypothesis) is fixed at zero
alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
## All possible samples:
n <- as.integer(size)
Y <- do.call(rbind, lapply(0:n, function(j) cbind(n-j, 0:j, j:0)))
## Get pi-vector from tau and d.prime:
p1 <- pnorm(-tau, d.prime, sqrt(2))
p2 <- pnorm(tau, d.prime, sqrt(2)) - p1
p3 <- 1 - p1 - p2
pvec <- c(p1, p2, p3)
## Distribution of samples and p-values:
dmult <- apply(Y, 1, function(x) dmultinom(x, prob = pvec))
sdmult <- sort(dmult)
no.discard <- sum(cumsum(sdmult) < tol) ## no. obs to discard
keep <- dmult > sdmult[no.discard] # obs. to keep indicator
if(no.discard == 0) keep <- rep(TRUE, length(dmult))
dmult <- dmult[keep]
pvals <- apply(Y[keep, ], 1, function(x) binExact(x, alternative=alternative))
pvals[is.na(pvals)] <- 1
df <- data.frame(dens=dmult, p.value=pvals, Y=Y[keep, ])
df <- df[order(pvals),]
dist <- cumsum(df[,1])
pvals <- df[,2]
return(structure(data.frame(dist=dist, df), row.names=1:nrow(df)))
if(any(pvals <= alpha)) {
power <- max(dist[pvals <= alpha])
actual.alpha <- max(pvals[pvals <= alpha])
else {
power <- 0
actual.alpha <- 0
return(data.frame("power" = power, "actual.alpha" = actual.alpha,
"samples" = nrow(Y), "discarded" = no.discard,
"kept" = nrow(Y) - no.discard,
"p" = round(matrix(pvec, nrow = 1), 4)))
binExact <- function(x, alternative) {
n <- x[1] + x[3]
ifelse(n == 0, 1, binom.test(x[1], x[1]+x[3], alternative=alternative)$p.value)
clm2twoAC <- function(object, ...) {
if(inherits(object, c("clm", "clmm")))
theta <- object$alpha
else if(inherits(object, c("clm2", "clmm2")))
theta <- object$Theta
stop("'object' not of appropriate class")
tab <- coef(summary(object))
stopifnot(length(theta) == 2)
mat <- array(NA, dim = c(2, 4))
rownames(mat) <- c("tau", "d-prime")
colnames(mat) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)")
## parameter estimates:
mat[1, 1] <- (theta[2] - theta[1]) / sqrt(2)
mat[2, 1] <- (-theta[2] - theta[1]) / sqrt(2)
VCOV <- vcov(object)[1:2, 1:2]
## standard errors:
mat[1, 2] <- sqrt((VCOV[1, 1] + VCOV[2,2] - 2* VCOV[2, 1])/2)
mat[2, 2] <- sqrt((VCOV[1, 1] + VCOV[2,2] + 2* VCOV[2, 1])/2)
## z-values and p-values:
mat[,3] <- mat[,1] / mat[,2]
mat[,4] <- 2*pnorm(abs(mat[, 3]), lower.tail=FALSE)
## add additional rows to coefficient matrix
if(dim(tab)[1] > 2) {
tmp <- tab[-(1:2), , drop = FALSE]
## scale estimates and standard errors with sqrt(2):
tmp[,1:2] <- tmp[,1:2] * sqrt(2)
mat <- rbind(mat, tmp)
rownames(mat)[-(1:2)] <- rownames(tab)[-(1:2)]
mat <- as.data.frame(mat)
mat[,4] <- format.pval(mat[,4])
exact.2AC <-
function(x, d.prime0=0, tau0=NULL, tol=1e-5,
alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), ...)
alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
coefs <- coef(estimate.2AC(x, vcov=FALSE))[,1]
dHat <- coefs[2]
n <- as.integer(sum(x))
Y <- do.call(rbind, lapply(0:n, function(j) cbind(n-j, 0:j, j:0)))
## get pvec under the null hypothesis:
if(is.null(tau0)) ## tau0 <- coefs[1]
tau0 <- optimize(nll.2AC, interval=c(0, 10),
d.prime=d.prime0, data=x)$minimum
## Get pi-vector from tau and d.prime:
p1 <- pnorm(-tau0, d.prime0, sqrt(2))
p2 <- pnorm(tau0, d.prime0, sqrt(2)) - p1
p3 <- 1 - p1 - p2
pvec <- c(p1, p2, p3)
## Distribution of samples under the null:
dmult <- apply(Y, 1, function(x) dmultinom(x, prob = pvec))
## Discard tail of distribution - keep only those obs with large
## enough probability mass to avoid computing d.prime for samples
## that never occur anyway:
sdmult <- sort(dmult)
no.discard <- sum(cumsum(sdmult) < tol) ## no. obs to discard
keep <- dmult > sdmult[no.discard] # obs. to keep indicator
if(no.discard == 0) keep <- rep(TRUE, length(dmult))
dmult <- dmult[keep]
## d.primes for each possible outcome:
d.primes <- apply(Y[keep, ], 1, function(x)
coef(estimate.2AC(x, vcov=FALSE))[2,1] )
df <- data.frame(dens=dmult, d.prime=d.primes)
df <- df[!is.na(d.primes),]
p.value <-
"greater" = with(df, sum(dens[d.prime >= dHat])),
"less" = with(df, sum(dens[d.prime <= dHat])),
"two.sided" = with(df,
sum(dens[d.prime <= -dHat | d.prime >= dHat])))
### FIXME: should be abs(dHat) here?
res <-
data.frame("p.value"=p.value, "d.prime0"=d.prime0,
"tau0"=tau0, "d.prime.hat"=dHat, "samples"=nrow(Y),
"discarded" = no.discard, "kept"=nrow(Y) - no.discard)
row.names(res) <- ""
## LRtest.2AC.old <- function(x, ...) {
## ### With the fomulation below, this function is only applicable when
## ### d.prime0 = 0, i.e. when value of d.prime under the null hypothesis
## ### is zero.
## ### x: vector of length 3 containing the data for the 2-AC protocol.
## ### d.prime0: Value under the null hypothesis
## ### alternative = c("two-sided", "greater", "less")
## ### statistic = c("likelihood", "Wald")
## nll.tau <- function(tau, d = 0, data) {
## p1 <- pnorm(-tau, d, sqrt(2))
## p12 <- pnorm(tau, d, sqrt(2))
## prob <- c(p1, p12 - p1, 1 - p12)
## prob[prob <= 0] <- 1 ## to evaluate log safely
## -sum(data * log(prob)) # negative log likelihood
## }
## ## log-likelihood at ML estimates:
## prob <- x / sum(x)
## prob[prob <= 0] <- 1 ## to evaluate log safely
## llMax <- sum(x * log(prob))
## ## log-likelihood and tau at d-prime = 0:
## if(x[2] == 0) { # & other x arbitrary
## tau <- 0
## nll.d0 <- nll.tau(0, 0, x)
## }
## else if(x[1] == 0 && x[3] == 0) { # & x[2] > 0
## tau <- Inf
## nll.d0 <- 0
## }
## else {
## fit <- optimize(nll.tau, c(0, 10), data = x)
## nll.d0 <- fit$objective
## tau <- fit$minimum
## }
## ## Signed likelihood root statistic:
## ## lroot <- sign(d.prime.hat - d.prime0) * sqrt(2*(llMax + nll.d0))
## lroot <- abs(sqrt(2*(llMax + nll.d0))) ## absolute likelihood root
## ## statistic
## ## if(alternative == "two-sided")
## p.value <- 2 * pnorm(abs(lroot), lower.tail = FALSE)
## ## if(alternative == "difference")
## ## p.value <- pnorm(lroot, lower.tail = FALSE)
## ## if(alternative == "similarity")
## ## p.value <- pnorm(lroot, lower.tail = TRUE)
## return(c(lroot, p.value, tau))
## }
## getAnywhere("coef.default")
## getAnywhere("logLik.default")
## getAnywhere("AIC.default")
## getAnywhere("BIC.default")
## getAnywhere("logLik")
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