
Defines functions exact.2AC clm2twoAC binExact binPwr Potter Pears pearsonPwr LRtest.2AC twoACpwr logLik.twoAC vcov.twoAC estimate.2AC nll.2AC plot.profile.twoAC confint.profile.twoAC confint.twoAC profile.twoAC print.twoAC twoAC

Documented in clm2twoAC confint.profile.twoAC confint.twoAC plot.profile.twoAC print.twoAC profile.twoAC twoAC twoACpwr

### Check **ALL** implementations of the likelihood root statistic in
### profile functions etc. for correctness!

### In print.twoAC: Print the distribution of answers?

twoAC <-
  function(data, d.prime0 = 0, conf.level = 0.95,
           statistic = c("likelihood", "Wald"),
           alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
           ## test = c("difference", "similarity"),
### Have 'alternative' or 'test' argument?
### Include an "equiv[alent]" option to the alternative argument to
### allow for a TOST equivalence test?
### Gain argument method = c("preference", "discrimination") to
### disallow negative d-primes for discrimination (estimates, CIs,
### tests)?

### data - numeric vector of length 3 with non-negative entries.
###        Courced to integer.
### d.prime0 - numeric scalar
### conf.level - numeric scalar between 0 and 1.
  ## Initial argument matching:
  statName <- match.arg(statistic)
  alt <- match.arg(alternative)

  ## Initial argument consistency testing:
  if(!isTRUE(all.equal(round(data), data)))
    stop("non-integer numbers not allowed in 'data'")
  data <- as.integer(data)
  if(length(data) != 3)
    stop("'data' argument should be of length 3")
  stopifnot(is.numeric(conf.level) && length(conf.level) == 1 &&
            conf.level > 0 && conf.level < 1)
  stopifnot(is.numeric(d.prime0) && length(d.prime0) == 1)

  ## Get ML estimates, vcov, logLik:
  res <- estimate.2AC(data = data, vcov = TRUE, warn = FALSE)
  d.prime <- res$coefficients[2,1]
  se.d.prime <- res$coefficients[2,2]

  ## Add output to res:
  res <- c(list(alternative = alt, statistic = statName,
                conf.level = conf.level, call = match.call(),
                d.prime0 = d.prime0), res)
  class(res) <- "twoAC"

  ## Compute test statistic:
  if(statName == "likelihood")
    res$stat.value <-
      as.vector(LRtest.2AC(data, d.prime0 = d.prime0,
                           alternative = alt)[,"lroot"])
  if(statName == "Wald" && !is.null(res$vcov))
    res$stat.value <- (d.prime - d.prime0) / se.d.prime

  ## Compute p-value:
    res$p.value <- normalPvalue(statistic = res$stat.value,
                                alternative = alt)

  ## Get confidence intervals:
    res$confint <- confint(res, parm = "d.prime", level = conf.level,
                           type = statName)

  ## return object:

print.twoAC <-
  function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
  ## Match test statistic:
  test.stat <- switch(x$statistic,
                      "likelihood" = "likelihood root statistic:",
                      "Wald" = "Wald statistic:")

  ## Print estimates:
  cat(paste("Results for the 2-AC protocol with data ",
            deparse(x$call$data), ":\n", sep = ""))
  ## printCoefmat(x$coefficients, tst.ind=integer(0), cs.ind=1:2,
  ##              digits=digits, P.values=FALSE, has.Pvalue=FALSE, ...)
### NOTE: Not using printCoefmat here because it wont print Inf and
### -Inf parameter estimates.
  print(x$coefficients, quote = FALSE, digits = digits, ...)

  ## Print confidence interval for d-prime:
    cat("\nUse profile and confint methods to get confidence interval\n")
  else {
    cat(paste("\nTwo-sided ", round(100 * x$conf.level, 3),
              "% confidence interval for d-prime based on the\n", test.stat,
              "\n", sep = ""))
    ci <- x$confint
    colnames(ci) <- c("Lower", "Upper")
    print(ci, digits = digits, ...)

  ## Print result of signifcance test:
  if(is.null(x$stat.value) && x$statistic == "Wald")
    cat("\nSignificance test not available - try with the likelihood statistic\n")
  ## this should never happen, but better safe than sorry:
  else if(is.null(x$stat.value) && x$statistic == "likelihood")
    cat("\nSignificance test not available\n")
  else {
    cat(paste("\nSignificance test:\n"))
    if(x$statistic == "Wald")
      cat(paste(" Wald statistic =", format(x$stat.value, digits),
                "p-value =", format.pval(x$p.value), "\n"))
    if(x$statistic == "likelihood")
      cat(paste(" Likelihood root statistic =",
                format(x$stat.value, digits),
                "p-value =", format.pval(x$p.value), "\n"))
    cat(" Alternative hypothesis: ")
    cat(paste("d-prime is", switch(x$alternative,
                                   "two.sided" = "different from",
                                   "less" = "less than",
                                   "greater" = "greater than"),
              format(x$d.prime0, digits), "\n"))

profile.twoAC <-
  function(fitted, alpha = 1e-3, nSteps = 1e2, range, ...)
  ## Save d.prime for convenience:
  d.prime <- coef(fitted)[2, 1]
    stop("profile is not available for d.prime = NA")
  ## Get range from Wald CI or over-rule with range argument:
  if(missing(range)) {
    ## Get range from Wald interval and supplied alpha:
    range <- as.vector(confint(fitted, parm = "d.prime",
                               level = 1 - alpha, type = "Wald"))
    if(!all(is.numeric(range) || !is.finite(range)))
      stop(paste("could not determine 'range' from fitted object:",
                 "Please specify 'range'"))
  } else {
    stopifnot(all(is.numeric(range)) && all(is.finite(range)) &&
              length(range) >= 2)
    ## Warn if d.prime is finite and not in the range interval:
    if(is.finite(d.prime)) {
      if(d.prime >= max(range) || d.prime <= min(range))
        warning("d.prime should be in the interval given by range")
  dseq <- seq(from = min(range), to = max(range),
              length.out = nSteps)
  nll <- ## negative profile log-likelihood
    sapply(dseq, function(dd)
           optimize(nll.2AC, c(0, 10), d.prime = dd,
                    data = fitted$data)$objective)
  ## Compute the signed likelihood root statistic:
  Lroot <- sign(d.prime - dseq) * sqrt(2 * (fitted$logLik + nll))
    warning("invalid values of the likelihood profile occured")
  res <- data.frame("Lroot" = Lroot, "d.prime" = dseq)
  res <- res[order(res[,1]),]
  if(!all(diff(res[,2]) < 0))
    warning("likelihood is not monotonically decreasing from maximum,\n",
            "  so profile may be unreliable")
  prof <- vector("list", length = 1)
  names(prof) <- "d.prime"
  prof[[1]] <- res
  val <- structure(prof, original.fit = fitted)
  class(val) <- "profile.twoAC"

confint.twoAC <-
  function(object, parm, level = 0.95, type = c("likelihood", "Wald"),
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if(type == "Wald") {
    cf <- coef(object)[,1]
    pnames <- names(cf)
    if (missing(parm))
        parm <- pnames
    else if (is.numeric(parm))
        parm <- pnames[parm]
    a <- (1 - level)/2
    a <- c(a, 1 - a)
    pct <- paste(round(100*a, 1), "%")
    fac <- qnorm(a)
    ci <- array(NA, dim = c(length(parm), 2L),
                dimnames = list(parm, pct))
    ses <- coef(object)[,2][parm]
    ci[] <- cf[parm] + ses %o% fac
  }  else
  if(type == "likelihood") {
    object <- profile(object, alpha = (1 - level) / 4, ...)
    ci <- confint(object, level=level, ...)

confint.profile.twoAC <-
  function(object, parm = "d.prime", level = 0.95, ...)
  if(parm != "d.prime")
    stop("Profile likelihood confidence interval only available for 'd.prime'")
  a <- (1-level)/2
  a <- c(a, 1-a)
  pct <- paste(round(100*a, 1), "%")
  ci <- array(NA, dim = c(1, 2),
              dimnames = list(parm, pct))
  cutoff <- qnorm(a)
  pro <- object[[ "d.prime" ]]
  sp <- spline(x = pro[, 2], y = pro[, 1])
  ci[1, ] <- approx(-sp$y, sp$x, xout = cutoff)$y

plot.profile.twoAC <-
  function(x, level = c(0.95, 0.99), Log = FALSE, relative = TRUE,
           fig = TRUE, n = 1e3, ..., ylim = NULL)
  ML <- attr(x, "original.fit")$logLik
  lim <- sapply(level, function(x)
                exp(-qchisq(x, df = 1)/2) )
  pro <- x[[ "d.prime" ]]
  sp <- spline(x = pro[, 2], y = pro[, 1], n = n)
  sp$y <- -sp$y^2/2
  if(relative && !Log) {
    sp$y <- exp(sp$y)
    ylab <- "Relative profile likelihood"
    dots <- list(...)
      ylim <- c(0, 1)
  if(relative && Log) {
    ylab <- "Relative profile log-likelihood"
    lim <- log(lim)
  if(!relative & Log) {
    sp$y <- sp$y + ML
    ylab <- "profile Log-likelihood"
    lim <- ML + log(lim)
  if(!relative & !Log) {
    stop("Not supported: at least one of 'Log' and 'relative' ",
         "have to be TRUE")
    sp$y <- exp(sp$y + ML)
    ylab <- "Profile likelihood"
    lim <- exp(ML + log(lim))
  x[[ "d.prime" ]] <- sp
  if(fig) {
    plot(sp$x, sp$y, type = "l", ylim = ylim,
         xlab = "d.prime", ylab = ylab, ...)
    abline(h = lim)
  attr(x, "limits") <- lim

nll.2AC <- function(tau, d.prime = 0, data)
### Computes the negative log-likelihood of the 2-AC protocol
  ## get probability vector (prob) from 2-AC parameters:
  p1 <- pnorm(-tau, d.prime, sqrt(2))
  p12 <- pnorm(tau, d.prime, sqrt(2))
  prob <- c(p1, p12 - p1, 1 - p12)
  prob[prob <= 0] <- 1 ## to evaluate log safely

  ## Evaluate negative log likelihood:
  -sum(data * log(prob))

estimate.2AC <- function(data, vcov = TRUE, warn = TRUE)
### Estimate the parameters, vcov and standard errors of the 2-AC
### model given a 3-vector of data.

### data - vector of data of length 3
### vcov - should the variance-covariance matrix, and hence the
### standard errors of the parameters be computed?
  ## test data argument?
  vcov <- as.logical(vcov)

  ## Define negative log-likelihood:
  nll <- function(par) {
    tau <- par[1]
    d.prime <- par[2]
    p1 <- pnorm(-tau, d.prime, sqrt(2))
    p12 <- pnorm(tau, d.prime, sqrt(2))
    prob <- c(p1, p12 - p1, 1 - p12)
    prob[prob <= 0] <- 1 ## to evaluate log safely
    ## Evaluate negative log likelihood:
    -sum(data * log(prob))

  ## Get ML estimates:
  x <- data
  if(x[1] > 0 && x[2] == 0 && x[3] == 0) { # case 1
    tau <- 0
    d.prime <- -Inf
  else if(x[1] == 0 && x[2] > 0 && x[3] == 0) { # case 2
    tau <- NA
    d.prime <- NA
  else if(x[1] == 0 && x[2] == 0 && x[3] > 0) { # case 3
    tau <- 0
    d.prime <- Inf
  else if(x[1] > 0 && x[2] > 0 && x[3] == 0) { # case 4
    d.prime <- -Inf
    tau <- NA
  else if(x[1] == 0 && x[2] > 0 && x[3] > 0) { # case 5
    d.prime <- Inf
    tau <- NA
  else { # case 0 and 6
    prob <- data / sum(data)
    gamma <- cumsum(prob)[-3]
    z <- qnorm(gamma) * sqrt(2)
    tau <- (z[2] - z[1]) / 2
    d.prime <- -z[1] - tau

  ## Get the log likelihood at the MLE:
  prob <- data / sum(data)
  prob[prob <= 0] <- 1 ## to evaluate log safely
  logLikMax <- sum(data * log(prob))

  ## Save estimates in coefficient table
  coef <- matrix(NA, 2, 2, dimnames = list(c("tau", "d.prime"),
                            c("Estimate", "Std. Error")))
  coef[,1] <- c(tau, d.prime)
  res <- list(coefficients = coef, data = data,
              logLik = logLikMax)

  ## Get Hessian, vcov and standard errors:
  if(vcov) {
    makeWarn <- TRUE
    ## If all coef are finite and tau < 0:
    if(all(is.finite(coef[,1])) && tau > 0) {
      makeWarn <- FALSE
      hess <- hessian(nll, x = c(tau, d.prime), method = "Richardson",
                      method.args = list())
      vcov <- try(solve(hess), silent = TRUE)
      ## If hess is not invertible:
      if(!inherits(vcov, "try-error")) {
        makeWarn <- TRUE
        res$coefficients[,2] <- sqrt(diag(vcov))
        res$vcov <- vcov
    ## Not all coef are finite or tau <= 0:
    if(warn && makeWarn)
      warning("vcov and standard errors are not available",
              call. = FALSE)
  } ## end vcov

  ## Return results

vcov.twoAC <- function(object, ...) object$vcov
logLik.twoAC <- function(object, ...) object$logLik

twoACpwr <-
  function(tau, d.prime, size, d.prime0 = 0, alpha = 0.05, tol = 1e-5,
           return.dist = FALSE, statistic = "likelihood",
           alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"))
  ## allow for statistic = c("likelihood", "Wald")?
  ## Match arguments:
  alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
  statistic <- match.arg(statistic)
  return.dist <- as.logical(return.dist)

  ## Initial testing:
  ## test for type/mode, length, valid values, integer values
  stopifnot(is.numeric(d.prime) && length(d.prime) == 1)
  stopifnot(is.numeric(tau) && length(tau) == 1 && tau > 0)
  stopifnot(is.numeric(d.prime0) && length(d.prime0) == 1)
  stopifnot(is.numeric(size) &&
            isTRUE(all.equal(round(size), size)) &&
            size < 5e3 && size >= 2)
  stopifnot(is.numeric(alpha) && length(alpha) == 1 &&
            alpha > 0 && alpha < 1)
  stopifnot(is.numeric(tol) && length(tol) == 1,
            tol >= 0 && tol < 1)

  ## All possible samples:
  n <- as.integer(size)
  Y <- do.call(rbind, lapply(0:n, function(j) cbind(n-j, 0:j, j:0)))

  ## Get pi-vector from tau and d.prime:
  p1 <- pnorm(-tau, d.prime, sqrt(2))
  p2 <- pnorm(tau, d.prime, sqrt(2)) - p1
  p3 <- 1 - p1 - p2
  pvec <- c(p1, p2, p3)

  ## Distribution of samples and p-values:
  dmult <- apply(Y, 1, function(x) dmultinom(x, prob = pvec))

  ## Discard tail of distribution - keep only those obs with large
  ## enough probability mass to avoid computing p-values for samples
  ## that never occur anyway:
  sdmult <- sort(dmult)
  no.discard <- sum(cumsum(sdmult) < tol) ## no. obs to discard
  keep <- dmult > sdmult[no.discard] # obs. to keep indicator
  if(no.discard == 0) keep <- rep(TRUE, length(dmult))
  dmult <- dmult[keep]

  ## Compute p-values:
  pvals <- LRtest.2AC(Y[keep, ], d.prime0 = d.prime0,
                      alternative = alternative)[,1]
  ## pvals <- apply(Y[keep, ], 1, function(x) LRtest.2AC(x)[2])

  ## Compute the cumulative distribution of p-values:
  df <- data.frame(dens=dmult, p.value=pvals, Y=Y[keep, ])
  df <- df[order(pvals),]
  dist <- cumsum(df[,1])
  pvals <- df[,2]
    return(structure(data.frame(dist=dist, df), row.names=1:nrow(df)))
  if(any(pvals <= alpha)) {
    power <- max(dist[pvals <= alpha])
    actual.alpha <- max(pvals[pvals <= alpha])
  else {
    power <- 0
    actual.alpha <- 0
  return(data.frame("power" = power, "actual.alpha" = actual.alpha,
                    "samples" = nrow(Y), "discarded" = no.discard,
                    "kept" = nrow(Y) - no.discard,
                    "p" = round(matrix(pvec, nrow = 1), 4)))

LRtest.2AC <-
  function(data, d.prime0 = 0,
           alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater")
           ## statistic = c("likelihood", "Wald")
### Computes the signed likelihood root statistic and p-value for the
### indicated significance test. Care is taken that the correct
### statistic is computed in boundary cases with null cells.

### data - a 3-vector or a 3-col matrix where each row is taken as a
### trial
### d.prime0 - value of d.prime under the null hypothesis, scalar.
  ## Argument matching:
  alternative <- match.arg(alternative)

  ## Initial testing:
  stopifnot(is.numeric(d.prime0) && length(d.prime0) == 1)
  stopifnot(is.numeric(data) && all(data >= 0))
  if(is.null(dim(data)) && length(data) == 3) dim(data) <- c(1, 3)
  if(is.data.frame(data)) data <- as.matrix(data)
  if(!(is.matrix(data) &&  ncol(data) == 3))
    stop("'data' should be a vector of length 3 or a matrix with 3 cols")
  ## test that isTRUE(all.equal(round(data), data)) ignored here
  ## because of speed.

  ## Make indicator variable with the seven possible data cases:
  cases <- integer(length = nrow(data))
  cases[data[,3] == 0] <- 4L
  cases[data[,1] == 0] <- 5L
  cases[data[,2] == 0] <- 6L
  cases[data[,2] == 0 & data[,3] == 0] <- 1L
  cases[data[,1] == 0 & data[,3] == 0] <- 2L
  cases[data[,1] == 0 & data[,2] == 0] <- 3L

  ## Compute the signed likelihood root statistic in all seven cases:
  lroot <- numeric(length = nrow(data))
  if(sum(ind <- (cases == 1)))
    lroot[ind] <- sapply(which(ind), function(i) {
      nll0 <- nll.2AC(0, d.prime = d.prime0, data = data[i,])
      -sqrt(2 * nll0) ## lroot statistic
  ## Not needed since lroot = 0 by default:
  ## if(sum(ind <- (cases == 2)))
  ##   lroot[ind] <- 0
  if(sum(ind <- (cases == 3)))
    lroot[ind] <- sapply(which(ind), function(i) {
      nll0 <- nll.2AC(0, d.prime = d.prime0, data = data[i,])
      sqrt(2 * nll0) ## lroot statistic
  if(sum(ind <- (cases == 4)))
    lroot[ind] <- sapply(which(ind), function(i) {
      nll0 <- optimize(nll.2AC, c(0, 10), d.prime = d.prime0,
                       data = data[i, ])$objective
      prob <- data[i, ] / sum(data[i, ])
      prob[prob <= 0] <- 1 ## to evaluate log safely
      llMax <- sum(data[i, ] * log(prob))
      -sqrt(2 * (llMax + nll0)) ## lroot statistic
  if(sum(ind <- (cases == 5)))
    lroot[ind] <- sapply(which(ind), function(i) {
      nll0 <- optimize(nll.2AC, c(0, 10), d.prime = d.prime0,
                       data = data[i, ])$objective
      prob <- data[i, ] / sum(data[i, ])
      prob[prob <= 0] <- 1 ## to evaluate log safely
      llMax <- sum(data[i, ] * log(prob))
      sqrt(2 * (llMax + nll0)) ## lroot statistic
  if(sum(ind <- (cases %in% c(0, 6))))
    lroot[ind] <- sapply(which(ind), function(i) {
      nll0 <- optimize(nll.2AC, c(0, 10), d.prime = d.prime0,
                       data = data[i, ])$objective
      prob <- data[i, ] / sum(data[i, ])
      d.prime <- -sum(qnorm(cumsum(prob)[-3]) / sqrt(2))
      prob[prob <= 0] <- 1 ## to evaluate log safely
      llMax <- sum(data[i, ] * log(prob))
      sign(d.prime - d.prime0) * sqrt(2 * (llMax + nll0)) ## lroot statistic

  ## Compute p-value given the alternative hypothesis:
  p.value <-
           "greater" = pnorm(lroot, lower.tail = FALSE),
           "less" = pnorm(lroot, lower.tail = TRUE),
           "two.sided" = 2 * pnorm(abs(lroot), lower.tail = FALSE))

  return(cbind(p.value = p.value, lroot = lroot))

pearsonPwr <-
  function(tau, d.prime, size, tol=1e-5, return.dist=FALSE, alpha=0.05,
           alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"))

### In this function d.prime0, (i.e., d.prime under the null
### hypothesis) is fixed at zero
  alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
  ## All possible samples:
  n <- as.integer(size)
  Y <- do.call(rbind, lapply(0:n, function(j) cbind(n-j, 0:j, j:0)))

  ## Get pi-vector from tau and d.prime:
  p1 <- pnorm(-tau, d.prime, sqrt(2))
  p2 <- pnorm(tau, d.prime, sqrt(2)) - p1
  p3 <- 1 - p1 - p2
  pvec <- c(p1, p2, p3)

  ## Distribution of samples and p-values:
  dmult <- apply(Y, 1, function(x) dmultinom(x, prob = pvec))
  sdmult <- sort(dmult)
  no.discard <- sum(cumsum(sdmult) < tol) ## no. obs to discard
  keep <- dmult > sdmult[no.discard] # obs. to keep indicator
  if(no.discard == 0) keep <- rep(TRUE, length(dmult))
  dmult <- dmult[keep]

  ## pvals <- apply(Y[keep, ], 1, Pears)
  ## pvals[is.na(pvals)] <- 1
  pvals <- apply(Y[keep, ], 1, function(x) Potter(x, alternative=alternative))

  df <- data.frame(dens=dmult, p.value=pvals, Y=Y[keep, ])
  df <- df[order(pvals),]
  dist <- cumsum(df[,1])
  pvals <- df[,2]
    return(structure(data.frame(dist=dist, df), row.names=1:nrow(df)))
  if(any(pvals <= alpha)) {
    power <- max(dist[pvals <= alpha])
    actual.alpha <- max(pvals[pvals <= alpha])
  else {
    power <- 0
    actual.alpha <- 0
  return(data.frame("power" = power, "actual.alpha" = actual.alpha,
                    "samples" = nrow(Y), "discarded" = no.discard,
                    "kept" = nrow(Y) - no.discard,
                    "p" = round(matrix(pvec, nrow = 1), 4)))

Pears <- function(x) {
  y <- (x[1] + x[3])/2
  X <- sum((x[-2] - y)^2 / y)
  pchisq(X, df=1, lower.tail=FALSE)

Potter <- function(x, alternative) {
  n <- sum(x[c(1,3)])
  if(n == 0) return(1)
  X <- (x[1] - x[3]) / sqrt(n)
  p.value <-
           "greater" = pnorm(X, lower.tail = FALSE),
           "less" = pnorm(X, lower.tail = TRUE),
           "two.sided" = 2 * pnorm(abs(X), lower.tail = FALSE))

binPwr <-
  function(tau, d.prime, size, tol=1e-5, return.dist=FALSE, alpha=0.05,
           alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"))
### In this function d.prime0, (i.e., d.prime under the null
### hypothesis) is fixed at zero
  alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
  ## All possible samples:
  n <- as.integer(size)
  Y <- do.call(rbind, lapply(0:n, function(j) cbind(n-j, 0:j, j:0)))

  ## Get pi-vector from tau and d.prime:
  p1 <- pnorm(-tau, d.prime, sqrt(2))
  p2 <- pnorm(tau, d.prime, sqrt(2)) - p1
  p3 <- 1 - p1 - p2
  pvec <- c(p1, p2, p3)

  ## Distribution of samples and p-values:
  dmult <- apply(Y, 1, function(x) dmultinom(x, prob = pvec))
  sdmult <- sort(dmult)
  no.discard <- sum(cumsum(sdmult) < tol) ## no. obs to discard
  keep <- dmult > sdmult[no.discard] # obs. to keep indicator
  if(no.discard == 0) keep <- rep(TRUE, length(dmult))
  dmult <- dmult[keep]

  pvals <- apply(Y[keep, ], 1, function(x) binExact(x, alternative=alternative))
  pvals[is.na(pvals)] <- 1

  df <- data.frame(dens=dmult, p.value=pvals, Y=Y[keep, ])
  df <- df[order(pvals),]
  dist <- cumsum(df[,1])
  pvals <- df[,2]
    return(structure(data.frame(dist=dist, df), row.names=1:nrow(df)))
  if(any(pvals <= alpha)) {
    power <- max(dist[pvals <= alpha])
    actual.alpha <- max(pvals[pvals <= alpha])
  else {
    power <- 0
    actual.alpha <- 0
  return(data.frame("power" = power, "actual.alpha" = actual.alpha,
                    "samples" = nrow(Y), "discarded" = no.discard,
                    "kept" = nrow(Y) - no.discard,
                    "p" = round(matrix(pvec, nrow = 1), 4)))

binExact <- function(x, alternative) {
  n <- x[1] + x[3]
  ifelse(n == 0, 1, binom.test(x[1], x[1]+x[3], alternative=alternative)$p.value)

clm2twoAC <- function(object, ...) {
  if(inherits(object, c("clm", "clmm")))
    theta <- object$alpha
  else if(inherits(object, c("clm2", "clmm2")))
    theta <- object$Theta
    stop("'object' not of appropriate class")
  tab <- coef(summary(object))
  stopifnot(length(theta) == 2)
  mat <- array(NA, dim = c(2, 4))
  rownames(mat) <- c("tau", "d-prime")
  colnames(mat) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)")
  ## parameter estimates:
  mat[1, 1] <- (theta[2] - theta[1]) / sqrt(2)
  mat[2, 1] <- (-theta[2] - theta[1]) / sqrt(2)
  VCOV <- vcov(object)[1:2, 1:2]
  ## standard errors:
  mat[1, 2] <- sqrt((VCOV[1, 1] + VCOV[2,2] - 2* VCOV[2, 1])/2)
  mat[2, 2] <- sqrt((VCOV[1, 1] + VCOV[2,2] + 2* VCOV[2, 1])/2)
  ## z-values and p-values:
  mat[,3] <- mat[,1] / mat[,2]
  mat[,4] <- 2*pnorm(abs(mat[, 3]), lower.tail=FALSE)
  ## add additional rows to coefficient matrix
  if(dim(tab)[1] > 2) {
    tmp <- tab[-(1:2), , drop = FALSE]
    ## scale estimates and standard errors with sqrt(2):
    tmp[,1:2] <- tmp[,1:2] * sqrt(2)
    mat <- rbind(mat, tmp)
    rownames(mat)[-(1:2)] <- rownames(tab)[-(1:2)]
  mat <- as.data.frame(mat)
  mat[,4] <- format.pval(mat[,4])

exact.2AC <-
  function(x, d.prime0=0, tau0=NULL, tol=1e-5,
           alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), ...)
  alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
  coefs <- coef(estimate.2AC(x, vcov=FALSE))[,1]
  dHat <- coefs[2]
  n <- as.integer(sum(x))
  Y <- do.call(rbind, lapply(0:n, function(j) cbind(n-j, 0:j, j:0)))

  ## get pvec under the null hypothesis:
  if(is.null(tau0)) ## tau0 <- coefs[1]
    tau0 <- optimize(nll.2AC, interval=c(0, 10),
                     d.prime=d.prime0, data=x)$minimum

  ## Get pi-vector from tau and d.prime:
  p1 <- pnorm(-tau0, d.prime0, sqrt(2))
  p2 <- pnorm(tau0, d.prime0, sqrt(2)) - p1
  p3 <- 1 - p1 - p2
  pvec <- c(p1, p2, p3)

  ## Distribution of samples under the null:
  dmult <- apply(Y, 1, function(x) dmultinom(x, prob = pvec))

  ## Discard tail of distribution - keep only those obs with large
  ## enough probability mass to avoid computing d.prime for samples
  ## that never occur anyway:
  sdmult <- sort(dmult)
  no.discard <- sum(cumsum(sdmult) < tol) ## no. obs to discard
  keep <- dmult > sdmult[no.discard] # obs. to keep indicator
  if(no.discard == 0) keep <- rep(TRUE, length(dmult))
  dmult <- dmult[keep]

  ## d.primes for each possible outcome:
  d.primes <- apply(Y[keep, ], 1, function(x)
                    coef(estimate.2AC(x, vcov=FALSE))[2,1] )
  df <- data.frame(dens=dmult, d.prime=d.primes)
  df <- df[!is.na(d.primes),]

  p.value <-
           "greater" = with(df, sum(dens[d.prime >= dHat])),
           "less" = with(df, sum(dens[d.prime <= dHat])),
           "two.sided" = with(df,
             sum(dens[d.prime <= -dHat | d.prime >= dHat])))
### FIXME: should be abs(dHat) here?
  res <-
    data.frame("p.value"=p.value, "d.prime0"=d.prime0,
               "tau0"=tau0, "d.prime.hat"=dHat, "samples"=nrow(Y),
               "discarded" = no.discard, "kept"=nrow(Y) - no.discard)
  row.names(res) <- ""

##  LRtest.2AC.old <- function(x, ...) {
##  ### With the fomulation below, this function is only applicable when
##  ### d.prime0 = 0, i.e. when value of d.prime under the null hypothesis
##  ### is zero.
##  ### x: vector of length 3 containing the data for the 2-AC protocol.
##  ### d.prime0: Value under the null hypothesis
##  ### alternative = c("two-sided", "greater", "less")
##  ### statistic = c("likelihood", "Wald")
##    nll.tau <- function(tau, d = 0, data) {
##      p1 <- pnorm(-tau, d, sqrt(2))
##      p12 <- pnorm(tau, d, sqrt(2))
##      prob <- c(p1, p12 - p1, 1 - p12)
##      prob[prob <= 0] <- 1 ## to evaluate log safely
##      -sum(data * log(prob)) # negative log likelihood
##    }
##    ## log-likelihood at ML estimates:
##    prob <- x / sum(x)
##    prob[prob <= 0] <- 1 ## to evaluate log safely
##    llMax <- sum(x * log(prob))
##    ## log-likelihood and tau at d-prime = 0:
##    if(x[2] == 0) { # & other x arbitrary
##      tau <- 0
##      nll.d0 <- nll.tau(0, 0, x)
##    }
##    else if(x[1] == 0 && x[3] == 0) { # & x[2] > 0
##      tau <- Inf
##      nll.d0 <- 0
##    }
##    else {
##      fit <- optimize(nll.tau, c(0, 10), data = x)
##      nll.d0 <- fit$objective
##      tau <- fit$minimum
##    }
##    ## Signed likelihood root statistic:
##    ## lroot <- sign(d.prime.hat - d.prime0) * sqrt(2*(llMax + nll.d0))
##    lroot <- abs(sqrt(2*(llMax + nll.d0))) ## absolute likelihood root
##    ## statistic
##    ## if(alternative == "two-sided")
##    p.value <- 2 * pnorm(abs(lroot), lower.tail = FALSE)
##    ## if(alternative == "difference")
##    ##   p.value <- pnorm(lroot, lower.tail = FALSE)
##    ## if(alternative == "similarity")
##    ##   p.value <- pnorm(lroot, lower.tail = TRUE)
##    return(c(lroot, p.value, tau))
##  }

## getAnywhere("coef.default")
## getAnywhere("logLik.default")
## getAnywhere("AIC.default")
## getAnywhere("BIC.default")
## getAnywhere("logLik")
perbrock/sensR documentation built on Nov. 5, 2023, 10:41 a.m.