
Defines functions ewaff.cpg.plot ewaff.coxph.plot ewaff.glm.residuals.plot ewaff.glm.plot ewaff.manhattan.plot qq.lambda ewaff.qq.plot scatter.thinning

Documented in ewaff.glm.plot ewaff.glm.residuals.plot ewaff.manhattan.plot ewaff.qq.plot scatter.thinning

#' Remove points from a scatter plot where density is really high
#' @param x x-coordinates vector
#' @param y y-coordinates vector
#' @param resolution number of partitions for the x and y-dimensions.
#' @param max.per.cell maximum number of points per x-y partition.
#' @return index into the points that omits points from x-y partitions
#' so that each has at most \code{max.per.cell} points.
scatter.thinning <- function(x,y,resolution=100,max.per.cell=100) {
    x.cell <- floor((resolution-1)*(x - min(x,na.rm=T))/diff(range(x,na.rm=T))) + 1
    y.cell <- floor((resolution-1)*(y - min(y,na.rm=T))/diff(range(y,na.rm=T))) + 1
    z.cell <- x.cell * resolution + y.cell
    frequency.table <- table(z.cell)
    frequency <- rep(0,max(z.cell, na.rm=T))
    frequency[as.integer(names(frequency.table))] <- frequency.table
    f.cell <- frequency[z.cell]
    big.cells <- length(which(frequency > max.per.cell))
    sort(c(which(f.cell <= max.per.cell),
           sample(which(f.cell > max.per.cell),
                  size=big.cells * max.per.cell, replace=F)),

#' QQ plot 
#' @param p.values A vector of p-values, one per association test.
#' @param sig.threshold P-value threshold for significance (Default: 1e-7).
#' @param sig.color Color for points corresponding to significant tests (Default: "red").
#' @param title Title for the plot (Default: "QQ plot").
#' @param xlab Label for the x-axis (Default: -log_10(expected p-values)).
#' @param ylab Label for the y-axis (Default: -log_10(observed p-values)).
#' @param lambda.method Method for calculating genomic inflation lambda.
#' Valid values are "median", "regression", "robust", or "none" (Default: "median"). A value of "none" will prevent the lambda value being displayed on the plot.
#' @return An \code{\link{ggplot}} object.
#' @export
ewaff.qq.plot <- function(p.values,
                          title="QQ plot",
                          xlab=bquote(-log[10]("expected p-values")),
                          ylab=bquote(-log[10]("observed p-values")),
                          lambda.method="median") {
    p.values <- sort(p.values, decreasing=T)
    p.values[which(p.values < .Machine$double.xmin)] <- .Machine$double.xmin
    stats <- data.frame(is.sig=p.values < sig.threshold,
                        observed=-log(p.values, 10))    
    selection.idx <- scatter.thinning(stats$observed, stats$expected,
                                      resolution=100, max.per.cell=100)
    lim <- range(c(0, stats$expected, stats$observed))
    st <- format(sig.threshold, digits=3)
    p <- ggplot(stats[selection.idx,], aes(x=expected, y=observed)) + 
         geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, colour="black") +              
         geom_point(aes(colour=factor(sign(is.sig)))) +
         scale_colour_manual(values=c("black", sig.color),
                             labels=c(paste("p-value >", st),
                                 paste("p-value <", st))) +
         xlim(lim) + ylim(lim) + 
         xlab(xlab) + ylab(ylab) +
         coord_fixed() +
    if (lambda.method == "none") {
    } else {
      lambda <- qq.lambda(p.values[which(p.values > sig.threshold)],
      label.x <- min(stats$expected) + diff(range(stats$expected))*0.1
      label.y <- min(stats$expected) + diff(range(stats$observed))*0.9
      lambda.label <- paste("lambda == ", format(lambda$estimate,digits=3),
                            "%+-%", format(lambda$se, digits=3),
                            "~(", lambda.method, ")", sep="")
      (p + 
        annotate(geom="text", x=label.x, y=label.y, hjust=0,

qq.lambda <- function(p.values, method="median", B=100) {
    stopifnot(method %in% c("median","regression","robust"))
    p.values <- na.omit(p.values)
    observed <- qchisq(p.values, df=1, lower.tail = FALSE)
    observed <- sort(observed)
    expected <- qchisq(ppoints(length(observed)), df=1, lower.tail=FALSE)
    expected <- sort(expected)

    lambda <- se <- NA
    if (method == "median")  {
        lambda <- median(observed)/qchisq(0.5, df=1)
        boot.medians <- sapply(1:B, function(i) median(sample(observed, replace=T)))
        se <- sd(boot.medians/qchisq(0.5,df=1))
    } else if (method %in% c("regression","robust")) {
        if (method == "regression")
            coef.table <- summary(lm(observed ~ 0 + expected))$coeff
            coef.table <- summary(rlm(observed ~ 0 + expected))$coef
        lambda <- coef.table["expected",1]
        se <- coef.table["expected", "Std. Error"]
    list(method=method, estimate=lambda, se=se)

#' Manhattan plot
#' @param chr Chromosome.
#' @param pos Position.
#' @param estimates A vector of estimates.
#' @param p.values A vector of p-values, one per association test.
#' @param sig.threshold P-value threshold for significance (Default: 1e-7).
#' @param title Title for the plot (Default: "Manhattan plot").
#' @return \code{\link{ggplot}} showing the Manhattan plot. 
#' @export
ewaff.manhattan.plot <- function(chr, pos, estimates, p.values, 
                                 title="Manhattan plot") {
    stopifnot(length(p.values) == length(estimates))
    stopifnot(length(p.values) == length(chr))
    stopifnot(length(p.values) == length(pos))

    chromosomes <- sort(unique(chr))

    stats <- data.frame(chromosome=chr,
    stats$chr.colour[stats$chromosome %in% chromosomes[seq(1,length(chromosomes),2)]] <- 1
    p.values[which(p.values < .Machine$double.xmin)] <- .Machine$double.xmin

    if (all(!is.na(estimates))) {
      stats$stat <- -log(p.values,10) * sign(estimates) 
    } else {
      stats$stat <- -log(p.values,10)
    stats <- stats[order(stats$stat, decreasing=T),]
    chromosome.lengths <- sapply(chromosomes, function(chromosome)
                                 max(stats$position[which(stats$chromosome == chromosome)]))
    chromosome.lengths <- as.numeric(chromosome.lengths)
    chromosome.starts <- c(1,cumsum(chromosome.lengths)+1)
    names(chromosome.starts) <- c(chromosomes, "NA")
    stats$global <- stats$position + chromosome.starts[stats$chromosome] - 1
    selection.idx <- scatter.thinning(stats$global, stats$stat,
                                      resolution=100, max.per.cell=100)
    p <- ggplot(stats[selection.idx,], aes(x=position, y=stat)) +
         geom_point(aes(colour=chr.colour)) +
         facet_grid(. ~ chromosome, space="free_x", scales="free_x") +
         theme(strip.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)) +
         guides(colour=FALSE) +
              y=bquote(-log[10]("p-value") * sign(beta))) +             
         geom_hline(yintercept=-log(sig.threshold,10), colour="red") +
         theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.ticks.x = element_blank()) +

     if (all(!is.na(estimates))) {
      (p + geom_hline(yintercept=log(sig.threshold,10), colour="red"))
     } else {

#' Plots GLM regression of a CpG site
#' @param variable.of.interest Name in \code{colnames(data)} for the variable of interest.
#' @param data Data frame containing all variables.
#' @param title Title of the plot.
#' @param methylation Vector of methylation levels.
#' @param \code{\link{ggplot}} object showing the scatterplots
#' (for continuous variables) or boxplots (for categorical variables) of methylation
#' vs the variable of interest.  Each plot corresponds to a covariate set.
#' Methylation levels are in fact residuals from fitting a model with DNA methylation
#' and the covariates.
#' @export
ewaff.glm.plot <- function(variable.of.interest, data, methylation, title, bp.threshold=20) {
    stopifnot(variable.of.interest %in% colnames(data))
    stopifnot(length(methylation) == nrow(data))

    is.constant <- sapply(data, function(col) length(unique(na.omit(col))) <= 1)
    data <- data[,which(!is.constant),drop=F]
    covariates <- data
    covariates[[variable.of.interest]] <- NULL
    ## remove missing values
    idx <- which(!is.na(methylation) & !is.na(data[[variable.of.interest]]))
    if (length(idx) < 3) {
        warning("Not enough data points to plot CpG methylation.")
    methylation <- methylation[idx]
    data <- data[idx,,drop=F] 
    covariates <- covariates[idx,,drop=F]
    fit <- lm(methylation ~ ., data=data)
    if (is.null(covariates) || ncol(covariates) == 0)
        base <- lm(methylation ~ 1)
        base <- lm(methylation ~ ., data=covariates)
    p.value.lm <- anova(fit,base)[2,"Pr(>F)"]

    stats.desc <- paste(variable.of.interest, "\np[lm]= ", format(p.value.lm, digits=3), sep="")
    has.betareg <- all(c("lmtest", "betareg") %in% rownames(installed.packages()))
    if (has.betareg) {
        ## beta regression model fit
        min.value <- 1e-5
        meth <- methylation
        meth[which(meth < min.value)] <- min.value
        meth[which(meth > 1-min.value)] <- 1-min.value
        fit <- betareg(meth ~ ., data=data)
        if (is.null(covariates) || ncol(covariates) == 0)
            base <- betareg(meth ~ 1)
            base <- betareg(meth ~ ., data=covariates)

        p.value.beta <- lrtest(fit, base)[2,"Pr(>Chisq)"]

        stats.desc <- paste(stats.desc, "; p[beta] = ", format(p.value.beta, digits=3), sep="")
    y.axis.label <- "DNA methylation"
    if (!is.null(covariates) && ncol(covariates) > 0) {
        methylation <- residuals(base)
        y.axis.label <- "adjusted DNA methylation"

    ## plot
    data <- data.frame(methylation=methylation, variable=data[[variable.of.interest]])
    if (is.factor(data$variable) || length(unique(data$variable)) <= bp.threshold) {
        data$variable <- as.factor(data$variable)
        p <- (ggplot(data, aes(x=variable, y=methylation)) +
    } else {
        p <- (ggplot(data, aes(x=variable, y=methylation)) +
              geom_point() + geom_smooth(method=lm,formula=y~x))

    (p + ggtitle(title) +
     xlab(stats.desc) + ylab(y.axis.label))

#' Plots GLM regression residuals vs fitted values for a CpG site
#' @param variable.of.interest Name in \code{colnames(data)} for the variable of interest.
#' @param data Data frame containing all variables.
#' @param title Title of the plot.
#' @param methylation Vector of methylation levels.
#' @param \code{\link{ggplot}} object showing the scatterplot
#' of fitted values vs residuals for the model \code{methylation ~ variable + covariates}.
#' @examples
#' methylation <- ... ## methylation matrix
#' data <- ... ## variable of interest (smoking) and covariates
#' obj <- ewaff.sites(methylation ~ smoking + ., methylation, data)
#' cpg <- "cg05575921"
#' p <- ewaff.glm.residuals.plot("smoking", as.data.frame(object$design), methylation[cpg,], cpg)
#' print(p)
#' @export
ewaff.glm.residuals.plot <- function(variable.of.interest, data, methylation, title) {
    stopifnot(variable.of.interest %in% colnames(data))
    stopifnot(length(methylation) == nrow(data))

    is.constant <- sapply(data, function(col) length(unique(na.omit(col))) <= 1)
    data <- data[,which(!is.constant),drop=F]
    covariates <- data
    covariates[[variable.of.interest]] <- NULL
    ## remove missing values
    idx <- which(!is.na(methylation) & !is.na(data[[variable.of.interest]]))
    if (length(idx) < 3) {
        warning("Not enough data points to plot CpG methylation.")
    methylation <- methylation[idx]
    data <- data[idx,,drop=F] 
    covariates <- covariates[idx,,drop=F]
    fit <- lm(methylation ~ ., data=data)
    data <- data.frame(fitted=fitted(fit), residuals=residuals(fit))
    (ggplot(data, aes(x=fitted, y=residuals)) +
     geom_point() + geom_smooth(method="loess",formula=y~x) +
     ggtitle(title) +
     xlab("Fitted values") + ylab("Residuals"))    

ewaff.coxph.plot <- function(survival.expression, data, methylation, title) {
    survival.variables <- ewaff:::extract.survival.variables(survival.expression)

    ## Having more than a few covariates makes survfit **very** slow
    ## Even setting se.fit=F and conf.type="none" does not help
    ## Consequently we just include methylation in the formula
    formula <- as.formula(paste("Surv(", paste(survival.variables, collapse=","), ") ~ ",
                                "strata(methylation)", sep=""))
    ## formula <- as.formula(paste("Surv(", paste(survival.variables, collapse=","), ") ~ ",
    ##                             paste(setdiff(colnames(data), survival.variables), collapse=" + "),
    ##                             " + strata(methylation)",
    ##                             sep=""))
    data <- data.frame(data, methylation=ifelse(methylation > median(methylation,na.rm=T), "high", "low"))
    fit <- survfit(formula, data=data)

    ## ggsurvplot bug work-around
    fit$call$formula <- formula 
    ggsurvplot(fit, data=data, title=title, risk.table = TRUE)

ewaff.cpg.plot <- function(variable.of.interest, data, methylation, title) {
    if (is.survival.expression(variable.of.interest))
        ewaff.coxph.plot(variable.of.interest, data, methylation, title)
        ewaff.glm.plot(variable.of.interest, data, methylation, title)
perishky/ewaff documentation built on July 3, 2024, 12:55 a.m.