Man pages for perllb/deseqAbstraction
A set of functions to make DESeq pipes more smooth

closeGenescloseGenes : Get close features (genes )
deseqAbsClass a simple interface to deseq data
deseqTEClass a simple interface to deseq with transposons - inherits...
getAverageGet average read numbers within each condition
getGenesgetGenes: Get data for your genes of interest!
getSigngetSign genes as table with test data
getSignNamegetSign IDs of genes that are sign. up or down
getSubIDgetSubID - easy parsing
getVariableGenesgetVariableGenes - get genes with high variation
GO_geneFCGOanalysis in R - GO terms
GO_pathviewGOanalysis in R - pathways
GO_topGO_geneSetGOanalysis in R - topGO enrichment test terms
GO_topGO_rankGOanalysis in R - topGO enrichment test terms RANK based
heatGenesHeatGenes: Heatmap of your genes of interest!
maPlotmaPlot - my awesome function #2
meanBarmeanBar: Barplot of your genes of interest!
meanBarGenericmeanBarGeneric: Barplot of your genes of interest!
meanPlotmeanPlot compare gene expression
mostSignificantHeatPlot most significant genes: heatmap
mostVariableHeatmostVariableHeat - heatmap of variable genes
PCAplotterPCAplotter my awesome function #1
sampleToSamplesampleToSample my awesome function #2
volcanoPlotvolcano plot
perllb/deseqAbstraction documentation built on Oct. 31, 2023, 2:13 a.m.