##' @include Qhat.boxcox.R
##' @include QhatModel.homo.normal.linear.R
##' ##' @include QhatModel.homo.normal.linear.AR1..R
##' @include markov.annualHomogeneous.R
##' @export
hydroState <- setClass(
# Set the name for the class
# Define the slots
slots = c(
input.data = "data.frame",
Qhat.object = "Qhat",
QhatModel.object = "QhatModel",
markov.model.object = "markov",
calibration.results = "list",
state.labels = "character"
# Set the default values for the slots. (optional)
input.data = data.frame(year=c(0),month=c(0),precipitation=c(0),flow=c(0)),
Qhat.object = new('Qhat.boxcox',input.data = data.frame(year=c(0),month=c(0),precipitation=c(0),flow=c(0))),
QhatModel.object = new('QhatModel.homo.normal.linear',input.data = data.frame(year=c(0),month=c(0),precipitation=c(0),flow=c(0))),
markov.model.object = new('markov.annualHomogeneous',transition.graph = matrix(TRUE,2,2)),
calibration.results = list(optim=0,member=0),
state.labels = c('')
# Valid object?
setGeneric(name="validObject",def=function(.Object) {standardGeneric("validObject")})
Tprob <- getTransitionProbabilities(.Object)
P0 <- getInitialStateProbabilities(.Object)
is.valid <- T
if (any(Tprob>1) || any(Tprob<0)) {
is.valid <- F
warning('The tranistion probabilities ARE NOT between zero and one.')
if (getNumStates(.Object@markov.model.object)>1) {
if (any( abs(rowSums(Tprob)-1)>sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))) {
is.valid <- F
warning('The tranistion probabilities for at least one state DO NOT sum to 1.0.')
if (abs(sum(P0)-1)>sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
is.valid <- F
warning('The initial probabilities DO NOT sum to 1.0.')
#Check the number of states in the QHat model equal that in the markov object
if (getNumStates(.Object@markov.model.object) != .Object@QhatModel.object@nStates)
stop('The number of states in the markov.model input differs from that within the QhatModel.object input.')
# Initialise the object.
#setGeneric(name="initialize",def=function(.Object,input.data, Qhat.object, QhatModel.object, markov.model.object, ...){standardGeneric("initialize")})
setMethod(f="initialize",signature="hydroState",definition=function(.Object, input.data, Qhat.object, QhatModel.object, markov.model.object)
# Check the input data has columns 'precipitation' and 'flow' and the 'recipitation has no gaps.
if (!is.data.frame(input.data))
stop('The input input.data must be a data frame.')
if (!any(names(input.data)=='precipitation'))
stop('The input input.data must contain the column "precipitation".')
if (!any(names(input.data)=='flow'))
stop('The input input.data must contain the column "flow".')
if (!any(names(input.data)=='year'))
stop('The input input.data must contain the column "year".')
if (any(!is.finite(input.data$precipitation)))
stop('The input input.data$precipitation must contain only finite values".')
if (all(!is.finite(input.data$flow)))
stop('The input input.data$flow does not contain any finite values".')
if (max(diff(unique(input.data$year)))!=1)
stop('The input input.data$year cannot contain gaps".')
if (any(!is.numeric(input.data$flow)))
stop('The input input.data$flow must contain only numeric data.')
if (any(!is.numeric(input.data$precipitation)))
stop('The input input.data$flow must contain only numeric data.')
.Object@input.data = input.data
.Object@Qhat.object = Qhat.object
.Object@QhatModel.object = QhatModel.object
.Object@markov.model.object = markov.model.object
# Get the number of states
setGeneric(name="getNumMarkovStates",def=function(.Object) {standardGeneric("getNumMarkovStates")})
# Get the full set of model parameters as a list.
#setGeneric(name="getParameters",def=function(.Object) {standardGeneric("getParameters")})
Qhat = getParameters(.Object@Qhat.object@parameters),
QhatModel = getParameters(.Object@QhatModel.object@parameters),
markov = getParameters(.Object@markov.model.object@parameters)
# Get the full set of model parameters as a list.
#' @exportMethod getParameters.asVector
setGeneric(name="getParameters.asVector",def=function(.Object) {standardGeneric("getParameters.asVector")})
parameters.all = getParameters(.Object);
return( c(
# #' @exportMethod getParameters.transformed
#setGeneric(name="getParameters.transformed",def=function(.Object) {standardGeneric("getParameters.transformed")})
Qhat = getParameters.transformed(.Object@Qhat.object@parameters)
QhatModel = getParameters.transformed(.Object@QhatModel.object@parameters)
markov = getParameters.transformed(.Object@markov.model.object@parameters)
Qhat = Qhat,
QhatModel = QhatModel,
markov = markov
#' @exportMethod getParameters.transformed.asVector
setGeneric(name="getParameters.transformed.asVector",def=function(.Object) {standardGeneric("getParameters.transformed.asVector")})
parameters.all = getParameters.transformed(.Object);
return( c(
#' @exportMethod getBounds.transformed.asVector
setGeneric(name="getBounds.transformed.asVector",def=function(.Object) {standardGeneric("getBounds.transformed.asVector")})
# Get the parameter bounds for each object
Qhat = getBounds.transformed(.Object@Qhat.object@parameters)
QhatModel = getBounds.transformed(.Object@QhatModel.object@parameters)
markov = getBounds.transformed(.Object@markov.model.object@parameters)
lowerBound = c( unlist(Qhat$lower),
upperBound = c( unlist(Qhat$upper),
return( cbind(lowerBound, upperBound))
# Get the full set of model parameters as a list.
#setGeneric(name="setParameters",def=function(.Object,parameters) {standardGeneric("setParameters")})
if (is.list(parameters)) {
.Object@Qhat.object@parameters <- setParameters(.Object@Qhat.object@parameters, parameters$Qhat)
.Object@QhatModel.object@parameters <- setParameters(.Object@QhatModel.object@parameters, parameters$QhatModel)
.Object@markov.model.object@parameters <- setParameters(.Object@markov.model.object@parameters, parameters$markov)
} else if(is.numeric(parameters)) {
.Object@Qhat.object@parameters <- setParameters.fromVector(.Object@Qhat.object@parameters, parameters$Qhat)
.Object@QhatModel.object@parameters <- setParameters.fromVector(.Object@QhatModel.object@parameters, parameters$QhatModel)
.Object@markov.model.object@parameters <- setParameters.fromVector(.Object@markov.model.object@parameters, parameters$markov)
# Get the full set of model parameters as a list.
#setGeneric(name="setParameters",def=function(.Object,parameters) {standardGeneric("setParameters")})
# Get the parameter structure for each object
Qhat = getParameters(.Object@Qhat.object@parameters)
QhatModel = getParameters(.Object@QhatModel.object@parameters)
markov = getParameters(.Object@markov.model.object@parameters)
# Calc. number parameters per object
nQhat <- sum(lengths(Qhat))
nQhatModel <- sum(lengths(QhatModel))
nMarkov <- sum(lengths(markov))
if (nQhat>0) {
from =1;
to = nQhat;
parameters.aslist = relist(parameters[from:to],Qhat)
.Object@Qhat.object@parameters < -setParameters(.Object@Qhat.object@parameters, parameters.aslist)
if (nQhatModel>0)
from =1+nQhat;
to = nQhat+nQhatModel;
parameters.aslist = relist(parameters[from:to],QhatModel)
.Object@QhatModel.object@parameters <- setParameters(.Object@QhatModel.object@parameters, parameters.aslist)
if (nMarkov>0) {
from =1+nQhat+nQhatModel;
to = nQhat+nQhatModel+nMarkov;
parameters.aslist = relist(parameters[from:to],markov)
.Object@markov.model.object@parameters <- setParameters(.Object@markov.model.object@parameters, parameters.aslist)
#' @exportMethod setParameters.fromTransformed.asVector
setGeneric(name="setParameters.fromTransformed.asVector",def=function(.Object,parameters.asVector) {standardGeneric("setParameters.fromTransformed.asVector")})
# Get the parameter structure for each object
Qhat = getParameters(.Object@Qhat.object@parameters)
QhatModel = getParameters(.Object@QhatModel.object@parameters)
markov = getParameters(.Object@markov.model.object@parameters)
# Calc. number parameters per object
nQhat <- sum(lengths(Qhat))
nQhatModel <- sum(lengths(QhatModel))
nMarkov <- sum(lengths(markov))
if (nQhat>0) {
from =1;
to = nQhat;
parameters.aslist = relist(parameters.asVector[from:to],Qhat)
.Object@Qhat.object@parameters <- setParameters.fromTransformed(.Object@Qhat.object@parameters, parameters.aslist)
if (nQhatModel>0)
from =1+nQhat;
to = nQhat+nQhatModel;
parameters.aslist = relist(parameters.asVector[from:to],QhatModel)
.Object@QhatModel.object@parameters <- setParameters.fromTransformed(.Object@QhatModel.object@parameters, parameters.aslist)
if (nMarkov>0) {
from =1+nQhat+nQhatModel;
to = nQhat+nQhatModel+nMarkov;
parameters.aslist = relist(parameters.asVector[from:to],markov)
.Object@markov.model.object@parameters <- setParameters.fromTransformed(.Object@markov.model.object@parameters, parameters.aslist)
# Get a vector of initial state probabilies
setMethod(f="getInitialStateProbabilities",signature="hydroState", definition=function(.Object){})
# Get a vector of transiton probs
setMethod(f="getTransitionProbabilities",signature="hydroState", definition=function(.Object){})
# Get the model negative log liklihood.
#' @exportMethod getNegLogLikelihood
setGeneric(name="getNegLogLikelihood",def=function(.Object, parameters, ...) {standardGeneric("getNegLogLikelihood")})
# Set the parameters.
.Object <- setParameters(.Object, parameters)
#setGeneric(name="getNegLogLikelihood",def=function(.Object) {standardGeneric("getNegLogLikelihood")})
# Get the transformed flow, Qhat
data = getQhat(.Object@Qhat.object, .Object@input.data)
# Add Qhat to the input data
#data = cbind.data.frame(.Object@input.data,Qhat=Qhat)
# Get the probabiity of the observed Qhat for each state at each time point.
emission.probs = getEmissionDensity(.Object@QhatModel.object, data, NA)
if (all(is.na(emission.probs)) || max(emission.probs, na.rm=T)==0) {
# Get the markov likelihod and return. Importantly, the object QhatBar is passed so that
# the markov object can get the model estimates of the transformed flow mean, standard deviation etc.
nll <- getLogLikelihood(.Object@markov.model.object, data, emission.probs)
if (!is.finite(nll)) {
} else {
return( -nll)
#' @exportMethod getNegLogLikelihood.fromTransformedVector
setGeneric(name="getNegLogLikelihood.fromTransformedVector",def=function(parameters,.Object) {standardGeneric("getNegLogLikelihood.fromTransformedVector")})
# Set the parameters.
.Object <- setParameters.fromTransformed.asVector(.Object, parameters)
nll = getNegLogLikelihood(.Object)
#' @exportMethod getAIC
setGeneric(name="getAIC",def=function(.Object, ...) {standardGeneric("getAIC")})
# Set neg. log liklihood
nll <- getNegLogLikelihood(.Object)
# Get the number of parameters
np <- length(getParameters.asVector(.Object))
#' @exportMethod getAICc
setGeneric(name="getAICc",def=function(.Object, ...) {standardGeneric("getAICc")})
# Set neg. log liklihood
nll <- getNegLogLikelihood(.Object)
# Get the number of parameters
np <- length(getParameters.asVector(.Object))
# Calculate small sample size correction.
n <- nrow(getQhat(.Object@Qhat.object, .Object@input.data))
corr <- 2*np*(np + 1)/(n - np - 1)
#' @exportMethod fit
...) {standardGeneric("fit")})
setMethod(f = "fit",signature="hydroState",definition=function(.Object,
print.iterations = 25,
# Get initial parameters and obj valu
par.initial <- getParameters.transformed.asVector(.Object)
obj.initial <- getNegLogLikelihood.fromTransformedVector(par.initial, .Object)
# Get parameter boounds in transformed space.
if (is.na(Domains))
Domains <- getBounds.transformed.asVector(.Object)
# No. parameters
nvars <- nrow(Domains)
# Set population size
NP = nvars*pop.size.perParameter
# Create and initial population WITH the existing model parameters.
# DEstrategy <- 3
# DEstrategy <- 2
if (use.initial.parameters){
par.initial = as.matrix(t(par.initial),1,nvars)
for (i in 2:NP) {
par.initial = rbind(par.initial, runif(nvars,t(Domains[,1]), t(Domains[,2])))
# Set optimizer options
controls = list(initialpop=par.initial,reltol=reltol, steptol=steptol, itermax=max.generations, trace=print.iterations, NP=NP,
c=0.01, strategy=DEstrategy, ...)
} else {
controls = list(reltol=reltol, steptol=steptol, itermax=max.generations, trace=print.iterations, NP=NP, c=0.01,
strategy=DEstrategy, ...)
message('... Starting calibration using the following settings:')
message(paste(' - Initial parameter set neg. log liklihood:',obj.initial))
message(paste(' - total population size:',nvars*pop.size.perParameter))
message(paste(' - relative tolerance:',reltol))
message(paste(' - iterations required that meet the tolerance:',steptol))
message(paste(' - maximum iterations allowed:',max.generations))
message(paste(' - DEoptim strategy type:',DEstrategy))
# Run optimiser and assign solution to the object.
calib.results <- DEoptim(hydroState::getNegLogLikelihood.fromTransformedVector,
lower = as.vector(Domains[,1]),
upper = as.vector(Domains[,2]),
control= controls, .Object=.Object)
# Add calibration outputs to the object
.Object@calibration.results <- calib.results$optim
# Set calibrated parameters
.Object <- setParameters.fromTransformed.asVector(.Object, .Object@calibration.results$bestmem)
message('... Finished Calibration.')
message(paste(' Best solution:',.Object@calibration.results$bestval))
# Check the modle is valid
if (!validObject(.Object))
warning('The model parameters produced an INVALID MODEL.')
#' @exportMethod setStateNames
setGeneric(name="setStateNames",def=function(.Object, year.normalFlow) {standardGeneric("setStateNames")})
setMethod(f="setStateNames",signature=c("hydroState","numeric"),definition=function(.Object, year.normalFlow)
if (!validObject(.Object))
stop('The model parameters produced an INVALID MODEL.')
# Get the viterbi state at the normal year.
states.viterbi <- viterbi(.Object, do.plot=F)
# Find the year defining normal flow and precipitation.
for (i in 1:length(year.normalFlow)) {
filt = states.viterbi[,1] == year.normalFlow[i];
if (!any(is.na(states.viterbi[filt,'Viterbi State Number']))){
states.viterbi <- states.viterbi[filt,]
year.normalFlow = year.normalFlow[i]
# Assess if the model has a monthly or annal time step and get the
# 'normal' precipitation. If the monthly, then
# the monthly precip will be taken rather than the annual average.
year.filt = .Object@input.data$year ==year.normalFlow
if (any(names(.Object@input.data)=="month")) {
is.monthly = T
Pavg = cbind(.Object@input.data$year[year.filt], .Object@input.data$month[year.filt], .Object@input.data$precipitation[year.filt])
} else {
is.monthly = F
Pavg = c(year.normalFlow, .Object@input.data$precipitation[year.filt])
# If monthly, get the most frequent state for the months of the year.
if (is.monthly) {
states.viterbi = c(year.normalFlow, as.numeric(names(sort(table(states.viterbi[,3]),decreasing=TRUE)[1])))
# Derive the Qhat value at each state at the precip defined as a normal year.
# To achieve this the input data precipitation is replaced by the above mean. This is
# undertaken to allow for estimates from the QhatModel object that require a timeseries
# rather than a time-series, eg those wih serial correlation.
# Assign normal precip conditions to all obs data
data = .Object@input.data
data = getQhat(.Object@Qhat.object, .Object@input.data)
Qhat = data$Qhat.flow
if (is.monthly) {
for (i in 1:nrow(Pavg)) {
filt = data$month == Pavg[i,2]
data$precipitation[filt] = Pavg[i,3]
} else {
data$precipitation = Pavg[2]
# get number of states
nStates = getNumStates(.Object@markov.model.object)
# Get the MEDIAN QhatModel value of Qhat at normal precip and at the normal year
state.est <- getDistributionPercentiles(.Object@QhatModel.object, data, 0.5)
state.est <- state.est[[1]]
state.est = state.est[year.filt,]
if (is.monthly) {
if (nStates==1) {
state.est = sum(state.est)
} else {
state.est = colSums(state.est)
states.normal <- states.viterbi[2]
state.est.normal <- state.est[states.normal]
# Assign names to the states!
.Object@state.labels = vector("character",nStates)
.Object@state.labels[states.normal] = 'Normal'
for (i in 1:nStates) {
if (i==states.normal)
if (state.est[i] == state.est.normal) {
# This cae is for 2+ states having the same state as mean as occurs for the normal year.
.Object@state.labels[i] = 'Normal (duplicate)';
} else if (state.est[i] < state.est.normal && state.est[i] == min(state.est) && sum(state.est<state.est.normal)==2) {
.Object@state.labels[i] = 'Very low';
} else if ( state.est[i] < state.est.normal) {
.Object@state.labels[i] = 'Low';
} else if (state.est[i] > state.est.normal && state.est[i] == max(state.est) && sum(state.est>state.est.normal)==2) {
.Object@state.labels[i] = 'Very high';
} else if (state.est[i] > state.est.normal) {
.Object@state.labels[i] = 'High';
} else {
#.Object@state.labels[i] = '(State label error)';
stop('State label error')
#' @exportMethod plot.graph
setGeneric(name="plot.graph",def=function(.Object, main=NA, relsize=NA) {standardGeneric("plot.graph")})
setMethod(f="plot.graph",signature="hydroState",definition=function(.Object, main='Transtion Probability Graph', relsize=0.8)
# Get Transition probs. and round to 4 digits
Tprob<- getTransitionProbabilities(.Object)
Tprob <- round(Tprob,4)
# Set Tprob to -Inf where graph
T.graph <- .Object@markov.model.object@transition.graph;
# Set the posotion of the self arrow
nStates = getNumStates(.Object@markov.model.object)
if (nStates==1) {
self.shiftx =-0.1;
self.shifty =0.1;
} else if (nStates==2) {
self.shiftx =c(-0.1,0.1);
self.shifty =c(0.1,0.1)
} else if (nStates==3) {
self.shiftx =c(0.1,-0.1,-0.1);
self.shifty =c(0.1,0.1,0.1);
} else {
self.shiftx = NULL;
if (length(.Object@state.labels)==0){
plotmat(Tprob,absent=-Inf, , main=main,self.shiftx=self.shiftx, self.shifty=self.shifty,cex.txt=0.8, relsize=relsize)
} else {
plotmat(Tprob,name=.Object@state.labels,absent=-Inf, main=main,self.shiftx=self.shiftx,self.shifty=self.shifty, , cex.txt=0.8, relsize=relsize)
#' @exportMethod viterbi
setGeneric(name="viterbi",def=function(.Object, data, do.plot=NA, plot.percentiles=NA, plot.yearRange=NA) {standardGeneric("viterbi")})
definition=function(.Object, data, do.plot=T, plot.percentiles = c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95), plot.yearRange=numeric())
if (!validObject(.Object))
stop('The model parameters produced an INVALID MODEL.')
# Get the transformed flow, Qhat, and add Qhat to the input data
data = getQhat(.Object@Qhat.object, .Object@input.data)
# data = cbind.data.frame(.Object@input.data,Qhat)
# Run the viterbi algorithm
states <- viterbi(.Object, data, do.plot=T, plot.percentiles = c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95), plot.yearRange)
definition=function(.Object, data, do.plot, plot.percentiles, plot.yearRange)
if (!validObject(.Object))
stop('The model parameters produced an INVALID MODEL.')
# Get the transformed flow, Qhat, and add Qhat to the input data
data = getQhat(.Object@Qhat.object, .Object@input.data)
# Run the viterbi algorithm
states <- viterbi(.Object, data, do.plot, c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95), numeric())
definition=function(.Object, data, do.plot=T, plot.percentiles = c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95), plot.yearRange=numeric())
if (!validObject(.Object))
stop('The model parameters produced an INVALID MODEL.')
# Get the transformed flow, Qhat, and add Qhat to the input data
data = getQhat(.Object@Qhat.object, .Object@input.data)
# data = cbind.data.frame(.Object@input.data,Qhat)
# Run the viterbi algorithm
states <- viterbi(.Object, data, do.plot, plot.percentiles, plot.yearRange)
definition=function(.Object, data, do.plot=T, plot.percentiles = c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95), plot.yearRange=numeric())
if (!validObject(.Object))
stop('The model parameters produced an INVALID MODEL.')
# Handle monthly and yearly time steps
if (any(names(data)=="month")) {
obsDates.asISO = as.Date(ISOdate(data$year,data$month,1))
obsDates = cbind(data$year,data$month)
obsDates.Precip.asISO = as.Date(ISOdate(.Object@input.data$year,.Object@input.data$month,1))
plot.units = 'month'
} else {
obsDates.asISO = as.Date(ISOdate(data$year,1,1))
obsDates = data$year
obsDates.Precip.asISO = as.Date(ISOdate(.Object@input.data$year,1,1))
plot.units = 'yr'
# Get the transformed flow, Qhat
if (!any(names(data)=='Qhat.flow'))
stop('Input "data" must contain a column named "Qhat.flow".')
data.withNAs <- data
Qhat = data$Qhat.flow
nQhat = length(Qhat)
# get number of states
nStates = getNumStates(.Object@markov.model.object)
# Built filter for non NAs.
filt <- !is.na(data$Qhat.flow)
# Exit if modle has one state
if (nStates==1) {
viterbiPath <- rep(1,length(Qhat))
if (is.vector(obsDates)) {
results <- matrix(NA,length(filt), 3)
results[,1] <- obsDates
results[filt,2] <-viterbiPath[filt]
results[,3] <-data$flow
colnames(results) <- c('Year','Viterbi State Number', 'Obs. flow')
} else {
results <- matrix(NA,length(filt), 4)
results[,1:2] <- obsDates
results[filt,3] <-viterbiPath[filt]
results[,4] <-data$flow
colnames(results) <- c('Year','Month','Viterbi State Number', 'Obs. flow')
} else {
# Get transition probs.
transProbs = getTransitionProbabilities(.Object@markov.model.object)
# get emiision probs.
emissionProbs = getEmissionDensity(.Object@QhatModel.object, data, NA)
# Get initial states
startProbs = getInitialStateProbabilities(.Object@markov.model.object)
States = 1:nStates
# Set probs to zero if the is no obs. data
transProbs[is.na(transProbs)] = 0
#emissionProbs[is.na(emissionProbs)] = 0
emissionProbs[!filt,] = 1
nQhat <- nrow(data)
# Set zero emmision probs to machine percision
for(state in States) {
filt.zeros = emissionProbs[,state]==0
emissionProbs[filt.zeros,state] = .Machine$double.eps
#Run Viterbi algorithm. Adapted from https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/HMM
v <- array(NA,c(nStates,nQhat))
dimnames(v) <- list(states=States,index=1:nQhat)
# Init
for(state in States)
v[state,1] = log(startProbs[state] * emissionProbs[1,state])
# Iteration
for(k in 2:nQhat)
for(state in States)
maxi = NULL
for(previousState in States)
temp = v[previousState,k-1] + log(transProbs[previousState,state])
maxi = max(maxi, temp)
v[state,k] = log(emissionProbs[k,state]) + maxi
# Traceback
viterbiPath = rep(NA,nQhat)
for(state in States)
viterbiPath[nQhat] = state
for(k in (nQhat-1):1)
for(state in States)
viterbiPath[k] = state
# Caculate the flow at the percentile AND if the catchment was at the normal state.
# This requires the state names to be set.
if (.Object@state.labels[1]!='') {
if (length(plot.percentiles)!=3)
stop('The input "percentiles" must contain only three values.')
plot.percentiles = sort(plot.percentiles)
# Get the precentiles each state at each time point and remove rows with no obs Qhat
state.est = getDistributionPercentiles(.Object@QhatModel.object, data, plot.percentiles)
# Remove NAs from the input data and Qhat
data <- data[filt,]
Qhat <- Qhat[filt]
obsDates.withNAs <- obsDates
if (is.vector(obsDates)) {
obsDates <- obsDates[filt]
} else {
obsDates <- obsDates[filt,]
obsDates.asISO <- obsDates.asISO[filt]
viterbiPath <- viterbiPath[filt]
nQhat = sum(filt)
for (i in 1:3) {
state.est[[i]] <- as.matrix(state.est[[i]][filt,], ncol=nStates)
# Keep the state.ext for the 'Normal' flow state.
ind.stateNames.normal <- which(.Object@state.labels=='Normal')
state.est.normal <- matrix(0, nQhat,3)
for (i in 1:3) {
for (j in 1:nQhat) {
state.est.normal[j,i] = state.est[[i]][j,ind.stateNames.normal]
# Create an index for if the catchment is in a normal flow state.
ind.flow.normal <- viterbiPath==ind.stateNames.normal
# Extract the percentile Qhat values for each percentile and each time step
viterbi.est =matrix(0, nQhat,3)
for (i in 1:3) {
for (j in 1:nQhat) {
viterbi.est[j,i] = state.est[[i]][j,viterbiPath[j]]
# Back Transform Qhat models estimates to flow
flow.viterbi.est =matrix(0, nQhat,3)
flow.normal.est =matrix(0, nQhat,3)
for (i in 1:length(plot.percentiles)) {
data.tmp <- data.withNAs;
data.tmp$Qhat.flow <- NA
data.tmp$Qhat.flow[filt] = viterbi.est[,i]
flow.viterbi.est[,i] <- getQ.backTransformed(.Object@Qhat.object,data.tmp)$flow.modelled[filt]
data.tmp <- data.withNAs;
data.tmp$Qhat.flow <- NA
data.tmp$Qhat.flow[filt] = state.est.normal[,i]
flow.normal.est[,i] <- getQ.backTransformed(.Object@Qhat.object,data.tmp)$flow.modelled[filt]
# Get the conditional probabilities.
emissionProbs = getEmissionDensity(.Object@QhatModel.object, data, NA)
state.probs = getConditionalStateProbabilities(.Object@markov.model.object, data, emissionProbs)
# Collate returned data.
if (is.vector(obsDates)) {
results <- matrix(NA,length(filt), 9+2*nStates)
results[,1] <- obsDates.withNAs
results[filt,2] <-viterbiPath
results[,3] <-data.withNAs$flow
results[filt,4:9] <- cbind(flow.viterbi.est, flow.normal.est)
results[filt, 10:(10+nStates-1)] = t(state.probs)
results[filt, (10+nStates):(10+2*nStates-1)] = t(emissionProbs)
colnames(results) <- c('Year','Viterbi State Number', 'Obs. flow',
paste('Viterbi Flow -',plot.percentiles*100,'%ile',sep=''),
paste('Normal State Flow-',plot.percentiles*100,'%ile',sep=''),
paste('Conditional Prob.-',.Object@state.labels,sep=''),
paste('Emission Density-',.Object@state.labels,sep=''))
} else {
results <- matrix(NA,length(filt), 10+2*nStates)
results[,1:2] <- obsDates.withNAs
results[filt,3] <-viterbiPath
results[,4] <-data.withNAs$flow
results[filt,5:10] <- cbind(flow.viterbi.est, flow.normal.est)
results[filt, 11:(11+nStates-1)] = t(state.probs)
results[filt, (11+nStates):(11+2*nStates-1)] = t(emissionProbs)
colnames(results) <- c('Year','Month','Viterbi State Number', 'Obs. flow',
paste('Viterbi Flow -',plot.percentiles*100,'%ile',sep=''),
paste('Normal State Flow -',plot.percentiles*100,'%ile',sep=''),
paste('Conditional Prob.-',.Object@state.labels,sep=''),
paste('Emission Density-',.Object@state.labels,sep=''))
} else {
# Collate returned data.
if (is.vector(obsDates)) {
results <- matrix(NA,length(filt), 3)
results[,1] <- obsDates
results[filt,2] <-viterbiPath[filt]
results[,3] <-data$flow
colnames(results) <- c('Year','Viterbi State Number', 'Obs. flow')
} else {
results <- matrix(NA,length(filt), 4)
results[,1:2] <- obsDates
results[filt,3] <-viterbiPath[filt]
results[,4] <-data$flow
colnames(results) <- c('Year','Month','Viterbi State Number', 'Obs. flow')
# Do plotting
if (do.plot) {
if (length(.Object@state.labels)==1 && .Object@state.labels=='') {
warning('State names must be set for plotting.')
# Define colours for the states (derived from command: brewer.pal(5,"Spectral"))
state.colours = rep("grey",nStates)
if (length(.Object@state.labels)==nStates) {
state.colours.all = c("#D7191C","#FDAE61", "#ABDDA4",'#7c9fb6',"#496c83")
for ( i in 1:nStates) {
if (.Object@state.labels[i]=='Very low')
state.colours[i] = state.colours.all[1]
if (.Object@state.labels[i]=='Low')
state.colours[i] = state.colours.all[2]
if (.Object@state.labels[i]=='Normal')
state.colours[i] = state.colours.all[3]
if (.Object@state.labels[i]=='High')
state.colours[i] = state.colours.all[4]
if (.Object@state.labels[i]=='Very high')
state.colours[i] = state.colours.all[5]
# Derive a matrix for the start and end of each bar for the plotting of the range in the percentiles
line.matrix <- cbind(viterbi.est[,1], viterbi.est[,3])
flow.line.matrix <- cbind(flow.viterbi.est[,1], flow.viterbi.est[,3])
# Get input grapics settings
op <- par(no.readonly = T);
# Change graphics settings
nrow.plots = 5
layout(matrix(c(1,2,2,2,3,3,4,5), 8, 1, byrow = TRUE))
par(mar = c(0.2,5,0.2,5))
# Calc axis limits.
ylim.flow <- c(0, ceiling(max( c(max(data$flow,na.rm=T),max(flow.viterbi.est,na.rm=T)))))
ylim.precip.max = max(ylim.flow)*3
ylim.precip <- c(-ylim.precip.max,0)
# Setup year range for plotitng
if (length(plot.yearRange)==2 && all(is.numeric(plot.yearRange)) && all(plot.yearRange>0) && all(plot.yearRange<=as.numeric(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y")))) {
xlim = as.Date(c(ISOdate(plot.yearRange[1],1,1), ISOdate(plot.yearRange[2],12,31)))
} else {
xlim = c(min(obsDates.asISO)-7, max(obsDates.asISO)+7)
# Plot obs precip
plot(obsDates.Precip.asISO, .Object@input.data$precipitation, type='s',col='grey', lwd=1,
xlim=xlim, xlab='', ylab='', main='', xaxt='n')
mtext(paste("[mm/",plot.units,"]",sep=''),side=2,line=2, cex=0.85)
xaxis.ticks = as.Date(ISOdate(seq(1900,2020,by=10),1,1))
abline(v=xaxis.ticks, col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted",lwd = par("lwd"))
text(plot.range[1]+diff(plot.range[1:2])*0.025, plot.range[3]+diff(par("usr")[3:4])*0.95, labels="A", font=1, cex=2,pos=1)
# Plot obs flow
plot(obsDates.asISO, data$flow, type='l',col='grey', lwd=1, ylim=ylim.flow, xlim=xlim,
xlab='', ylab='',xaxt='n')
# ryticks.min = signif(1.2*max(data$precipitation,na.rm=T),1)
# ryticks = seq(-ryticks.min, 0, by=signif(ryticks.min/2,1))
# print(-1*(data$precipitation))
# twoord.plot(obsDates.asISO, data$flow,
# obsDates.asISO, -1*(data$precipitation),
# lylim=ylim.flow,rylim= ylim.precip,type=c("l","s"),
# xlab="Year", ylab=paste("Flow [mm/",plot.units,"]",sep=''),rylab=paste("Precip [mm/",plot.units,"]",sep=''),
# lytickpos=seq(0,max(ylim.flow), by=signif(max(ylim.flow)/5,1)), rytickpos=ryticks,
# lcol='black',rcol='blue')
# Plot Markov states as boxes
for (i in 1:nQhat) {
points(obsDates.asISO[i], flow.viterbi.est[i,2],col=state.colours[viterbiPath[i]], bg=state.colours[viterbiPath[i]], pch=21)
lines(rep(obsDates.asISO[i],2), flow.line.matrix[i,],col=state.colours[viterbiPath[i]], lwd=1)
# Plot the normal flow in years when the Viterbi state is not normal.
if (!ind.flow.normal[i]) {
points(obsDates.asISO[i], flow.normal.est[i,2],col=state.colours.all[3], bg=state.colours.all[3], pch=1)
lines(rep(obsDates.asISO[i],2), c(flow.normal.est[i,1],flow.normal.est[i,3]),col=state.colours.all[3], lwd=1, lty=1)
# Add axis labels and legend
mtext(paste("[mm/",plot.units,"]"),side=2,line=2, cex=0.85)
#legend('topleft', legend=.Object@state.labels, pch=21, col=state.colours, pt.bg=state.colours, xjust=0)
abline(v=xaxis.ticks, col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted",lwd = par("lwd"))
legend('topright', legend=c('Obs. flow',paste(.Object@state.labels,' (5th - 50th - 95th)',sep=''),'Est. normal (5th - 50th - 95th)'),
lty=c(1,1,1,1),lwd=1,pch=c(NA,21,21,1), col=c('grey',state.colours,state.colours.all[3]),
pt.bg=c(NA,state.colours,NA), xjust=0, cex=1.5, bg='white')
text(plot.range[1]+diff(plot.range[1:2])*0.025, plot.range[3]+diff(par("usr")[3:4])*0.95, labels="B", font=1, cex=2,pos=1)
# Calc axis limits.
ylim.qhat <- c(floor(min( c(min(data$Qhat.flow,na.rm=T),min(viterbi.est,na.rm=T)))) ,
ceiling(max( c(max(data$Qhat.flow,na.rm=T),max(viterbi.est,na.rm=T)))))
# Plot obs Qhat
plot(obsDates.asISO, data$Qhat.flow, type='l',col='grey', lwd=1,
ylim=ylim.qhat, xlim=xlim, xlab='', ylab='',xaxt='n')
# Plot Markov states as boxes
for (i in 1:nQhat) {
points(obsDates.asISO[i], viterbi.est[i,2],col=state.colours[viterbiPath[i]], bg=state.colours[viterbiPath[i]], pch=21)
lines(rep(obsDates.asISO[i],2), line.matrix[i,],col=state.colours[viterbiPath[i]], lwd=1)
# Add axis labels
mtext("Transformed flow",side=2,line=3)
mtext(paste("[f(mm) /",plot.units,"]"),side=2,line=2, cex=0.85)
# mtext('Year',side=1,line=2)
abline(v=xaxis.ticks, col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted",lwd = par("lwd"))
text(plot.range[1]+diff(plot.range[1:2])*0.025, plot.range[3]+diff(par("usr")[3:4])*0.95, labels="C", font=1, cex=2,pos=1)
# Plot the cummulative rainfall residual.
# Calculate the means and residuals
if (plot.units == 'yr') {
P.mean = mean(data$precipitation)
P.resid = data$precipitation - P.mean;
} else {
P.mean = rep(NA,length(.Object@QhatModel.object@subAnnual.Monthly.Steps))
P.resid = rep(NA, length(data$precipitation))
for (i in 1:length(.Object@QhatModel.object@subAnnual.Monthly.Steps)) {
filt = data$month == .Object@QhatModel.object@subAnnual.Monthly.Steps[i]
P.mean[i] = mean(data$precipitation[filt])
P.resid[filt] = data$precipitation[filt] - P.mean[i]
# # Plot the residuals
# plot(obsDates.asISO, P.resid,type='p',xlim=xlim, col='white', bg='white', pch=21, xlab='', ylab='')
# for (i in 1:nQhat) {
# points(obsDates.asISO[i], P.resid[i],col=state.colours[viterbiPath[i]], bg=state.colours[viterbiPath[i]], pch=21)
# }
# lines(obsDates.asISO, rep(0,length(obsDates.asISO)),col='grey')
# mtext("Rainfall residual [mm]",side=2,line=3)
# mtext('Year',side=1,line=2)
# Calculate the cumulative residuals.
P.cumResid = cumsum(P.resid)
# Plot the cumm residuals
plot(obsDates.asISO, P.cumResid, type='l',col='grey', lwd=1, xlim=xlim, xlab='', ylab='',xaxt='n')
abline(v=xaxis.ticks, col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted",lwd = par("lwd"))
legend('topright', legend=c('Cum. residual ',.Object@state.labels),
lty=c(1,NA,NA),pch=c(NA,21,21), col=c('grey',state.colours),
pt.bg=c(NA,state.colours), xjust=0, cex=1.5, bg='white')
# Colour the points by the Viterbi state.
for (i in 1:nQhat) {
points(obsDates.asISO[i], P.cumResid[i],col=state.colours[viterbiPath[i]], bg=state.colours[viterbiPath[i]], pch=21)
mtext("Cum. rainfall resid.",side=2,line=3)
mtext(paste("[mm]"),side=2,line=2, cex=0.85)
text(plot.range[1]+diff(plot.range[1:2])*0.025, plot.range[3]+diff(par("usr")[3:4])*0.95, labels="D", font=1, cex=2,pos=1)
# Plot the conditional state probability for each state
#if (nStates>1) {
emissionProbs = getEmissionDensity(.Object@QhatModel.object, data, NA)
state.probs = getConditionalStateProbabilities(.Object@markov.model.object, data, emissionProbs)
# Plot bar graph
par(mar = c(4,5,0.2,5))
plot(obsDates.asISO, state.probs[1,], type = 'l', xlim=xlim, col=state.colours[1],
ylim=c(0,1),xlab='', ylab='', lwd=1, xaxt='n')
if (nStates>1) {
for ( i in 2:nStates) {
lines(obsDates.asISO, state.probs[i,], col=state.colours[i])
mtext("State Prob.",side=2,line=3)
mtext(paste("[-]"),side=2,line=2, cex=0.85)
axis(1,at= xaxis.ticks,labels=seq(1900,2020,by=10))
abline(v=xaxis.ticks, col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted",lwd = par("lwd"))
legend('bottomleft', legend=.Object@state.labels,
lty=c(1,1),pch=c(NA,NA), col=state.colours,lwd=1,
xjust=0, cex=1.5, bg='white')
text(plot.range[1]+diff(plot.range[1:2])*0.025, plot.range[3]+diff(par("usr")[3:4])*0.95, labels="E", font=1, cex=2,pos=1)
# Reset graphics options
# Return data
#' @exportMethod check.viterbi
setGeneric(name="check.viterbi",def=function(.Object, nSamples=NA) {standardGeneric("check.viterbi")})
setMethod(f="check.viterbi",signature="hydroState",definition=function(.Object, nSamples=100000)
if (!validObject(.Object))
stop('The model parameters produced an INVALID MODEL.')
# Duplicate the inout data 100 times.
data = .Object@input.data
while (nrow(data)<nSamples) {
date.tmp <- .Object@input.data
date.tmp$year <- date.tmp$year + (max(data$year)-min(data$year))+1
data <- rbind.data.frame(data,date.tmp)
# Get the transformed precipitation.
data = getQhat(.Object@Qhat.object, data)
# Generate a synthtic series from the HMM.
states.sample = generate.sample.states(.Object@markov.model.object, data)
# Get a time series of Qhat using the sample states
Qhat.sample = generate.sample.Qhat.fromViterbi(.Object@QhatModel.object,data, states.sample)
data$Qhat.flow <- NULL
data = cbind.data.frame(data, Qhat.flow = Qhat.sample)
# Find the Viterbi states for the sample Qhat data
states.viterbi = viterbi(.Object, data, do.plot = F, plot.percentiles=c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95),plot.yearRange=numeric())
# Filer out NAs
states.sample = states.sample[is.finite(Qhat.sample)]
data = data[is.finite(Qhat.sample),]
# Assess probability that the inferred state equals the 'known' state.
nStates = getNumStates(.Object@markov.model.object)
nsamples = nrow(data)
Pr = matrix(Inf, nStates,nStates)
for (i in 1:nStates) {
filt = states.sample == i
states.viterbi.filt = states.viterbi[filt,'Viterbi State Number']
for (j in 1:nStates) {
Pr[i,j] = sum(states.viterbi.filt==j,na.rm =T)/sum(filt)
Pr.df = data.frame(Pr)
state.names = .Object@state.labels
if (length(.Object@state.labels)==0 || nchar(state.names)==0) {
names(Pr.df) = paste("Inferred State",1:nStates)
row.names(Pr.df) = paste("Known State",1:nStates)
} else {
names(Pr.df) = paste("Inferred State",state.names)
row.names(Pr.df) = paste("Known State",state.names)
#' @exportMethod check.PseudoResiduals
setGeneric(name="check.PseudoResiduals",def=function(.Object, nIncrements=20, do.plot=T) {standardGeneric("check.PseudoResiduals")})
setMethod(f="check.PseudoResiduals",signature="hydroState",definition=function(.Object, nIncrements, do.plot)
if (!validObject(.Object))
stop('The model parameters produced an INVALID MODEL.')
# This function derives the uniform and normal psedu residuals.
# The approach is based upon Zucchini, McDonald and Langrock, 2016 then section 6.3.2 P 108, 2nd edition
# but modified to allow fow a time varying markov state mean. This required the
# use of the Viterbi state to determine which value to take in the conditional
# distribtion.
# Gte Qhat and add to input.data
data = .Object@input.data
n = nrow(data)
data = getQhat(.Object@Qhat.object, .Object@input.data)
Qhat <- data$Qhat.flow
# data = cbind.data.frame(.Object@input.data,Qhat)
# get number of states
nStates = getNumStates(.Object@markov.model.object)
# Built filter for non NAs.
filt <- !is.na(data$Qhat.flow)
# get emission densities
emissionDensity <- getEmissionDensity(.Object@QhatModel.object, data, NA)
emissionDensity[!filt,] <- NA
# Set the range in Qhat values at which to derive the conditional probs.
Qhat.increments = seq(floor(min(Qhat[filt])),ceiling(max(Qhat[filt])),length.out=100)
# Get the emmision cumulative prob (not density) at each Qhat.increments value at each tiem step
cumProb.increments = array(NA, dim=c(n,nStates, length(Qhat.increments)))
for (j in 1:length(Qhat.increments)) {
cumProb.increments[,,j] <- getEmissionDensity(.Object@QhatModel.object, data, cumProb.threshold.Qhat= rep(Qhat.increments[j], nrow(data)))
# # Get the emission cumulative probs and sort for each state.
# emissionCumProbs <- getEmissionDensity(.Object@QhatModel.object, data, getCumProb=T)
# cumProb.increments = matrix(0,sum(filt),nStates)
# for (i in 1:nStates) {
# cumProb.increments[,i] = sort(emissionCumProbs[filt,i])
# }
# # Identify the most likely emission cumulative probs over time using the viterbi states.
# # This is used in the latter selection of a row within the conditional distribution.
# viterbi.states <- viterbi(.Object, do.plot=F, plot.percentiles = c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95),plot.yearRange=numeric())
# viterbi.emissionCumProbs = rep(0,nrow(data))
# for (i in 1:nrow(data)) {
# if (all(is.finite(emissionCumProbs[i,])))
# viterbi.emissionCumProbs[i] <- emissionCumProbs[i,viterbi.states[i,'Viterbi State Number']]
# }
# Adapted from Zucchini, McDonald and Langrock, 2016, Hidden Markov Models for Time Series, 2nd Edision, Appendix A.
# NOTE, unlilke Zucchini, here the cumulative IS NOT USED. This is because cumProb.increments is
# already the cumulative prob.
cum.prob <- getConditionalProbabilities(.Object@markov.model.object, data, emissionDensity, cumProb.increments)
#cumdists <- rbind(rep(0,n), cdists)
#cumProb.increments <- rbind(rep(0,nStates), cumProb.increments)
P.est <- rep(NA,n)
for (i in 1:n)
if (!filt[i])
# Interpolate the conditional cumulative distribution from the discrete values to Qhat at time point i
# NOTE, to avoid P.est[i]==0 (and hence -inf pseudo normal residuals), data$Qhat.flow[i] is limit to >0
# machine preision.
x = max(data$Qhat.flow[i], sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
ind <- which(Qhat.increments>=x)[1]
if (ind==1) {
P.est[i] <- cum.prob[1,i]
} else if (ind<length(Qhat.increments)) {
P.lo <- cum.prob[ind-1,i]
P.hi <- cum.prob[ind,i]
P.est[i] <- (P.lo + (P.hi - P.lo)/(Qhat.increments[ind] - Qhat.increments[ind-1])*(x - Qhat.increments[ind-1]))
} else{
P.est[i] <- cum.prob[nrow(cum.prob),i]
# Limit to <0.999 to avoid problems withj acf().
P.est[i] <- min(c(0.999,P.est[i]))
npsr <- qnorm(P.est)
data <- cbind.data.frame(data, unif.pseuou.resid=P.est, norm.pseudo.resid=npsr)
# Plot
if (do.plot) {
# Handle monthly and yearly time steps
if (any(names(data)=="month")) {
obsDates = ISOdate(data$year,data$month,1)
} else {
obsDates = data$year
# Get input grapics settings
op <- par(no.readonly = T);
# Change graphics settings
#par(mar = rep(4, 4))
#par(mfrow=c(3,2), cex.axis=1.2, cex.lab=1.2)
par(mfrow=c(5,1), cex.axis=1.2, cex.lab=1.2)
# Plot time series of pseduo normal resdiuals
filt.isfinite = is.finite(npsr)
ylim = c( min(c(npsr[filt.isfinite],-3),na.rm = T), max(c(npsr[filt.isfinite],3),na.rm = T))
if (plot.titles) {
plot(obsDates[filt.isfinite],npsr[filt.isfinite], type='p', xlab='Date',ylab="Normal-pseudo resid.", ylim=ylim,main='(A) Time-series of normal-pseudo residuals')
} else {
plot(obsDates[filt.isfinite],npsr[filt.isfinite], type='p', xlab='Date',ylab="Normal-pseudo resid.", ylim=ylim)
abline(0, 0, col='blue')
abline(qnorm(0.975), 0, col='blue', lwd=0.5, lty=2)
abline(qnorm(0.995), 0, col='blue', lwd=0.5, lty=2)
abline(-qnorm(0.975), 0, col='blue', lwd=0.5, lty=2)
abline(-qnorm(0.995), 0, col='blue', lwd=0.5, lty=2)
if (!plot.titles) {
text(plot.range[1]+diff(plot.range[1:2])*0.05, plot.range[3]+diff(par("usr")[3:4])*0.95, labels="A", font=1, cex=2,pos=1)
# plot auto correlation funtion
if (plot.titles) {
acf(npsr, na.action=na.pass, xlab='Normal-pseudo resid.', main='(B) Auto-correlation of normal-pseudo residuals')
} else {
acf(npsr[filt.isfinite], na.action=na.pass, xlab='Normal-pseudo resid.', main='')
text(plot.range[1]+diff(plot.range[1:2])*0.1, plot.range[3]+diff(par("usr")[3:4])*0.95, labels="B", font=1, cex=2,pos=1)
# Plot histogram of uniform pseduo residuals
if (plot.titles) {
hist(P.est[filt.isfinite], breaks=nIncrements,freq=F, plot=T, xlab="Uniform-pseudo resid.", ylab='Freq.', xlim=c(0,1),main='(C) Histogram of uniform-pseudo residuals')
} else {
hist(P.est[filt.isfinite], breaks=nIncrements,freq=F, plot=T, xlab="Uniform-pseudo resid.", ylab='Freq.', xlim=c(0,1),main='')
text(plot.range[1]+diff(plot.range[1:2])*0.05, plot.range[3]+diff(par("usr")[3:4])*0.95, labels="C", font=1, cex=2,pos=1)
abline(1, 0, col='blue', lwd=0.75, lty=2)
# Plot histogram of normal pseudo resid.
x <- seq(-5, 5, length=10000)
y <- dnorm(x, mean=0, sd=1)
if (plot.titles) {
hist(npsr[filt.isfinite], breaks=nIncrements,freq=F, plot=T, xlim=ylim,xlab="Normal-pseudo resid.", ylab='Freq.',main='(D) Histogram of normal-pseudo residuals')
} else {
hist(npsr[filt.isfinite], breaks=nIncrements,freq=F, plot=T, xlim=ylim,xlab="Normal-pseudo resid.", ylab='Freq.',main='')
text(plot.range[1]+diff(plot.range[1:2])*0.05, plot.range[3]+diff(par("usr")[3:4])*0.95, labels="D", font=1, cex=2,pos=1)
lines(x, y, ylim=c(0, max(c(y,npsr))*1.05), col='blue', lwd=0.75, lty=2)
# # Plot qq plot of uniform pseduo residuals
# qqplot(x=runif(length(P.est[filt.isfinite])),y=P.est[filt.isfinite],xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),xlab = "Theoretical Quantiles",ylab="Uniform-pseudo resid.", main='(E) Q-Q plot of uniform-pseudo residuals')
# #qqplot(x=runif(length(P.est[filt.isfinite])),y=P.est[filt.isfinite],xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),xlab = "Theoretical Quantiles",ylab="Uniform-pseudo resid.", main='')
# qqline(P.est[filt.isfinite], distribution = qunif)
# plot.range=par("usr")
# #text(plot.range[1]+diff(plot.range[1:2])*0.05, plot.range[3]+diff(par("usr")[3:4])*0.95, labels="J", font=1, cex=2,pos=1)
# Plot histogram of normal pseudo resid.
if (plot.titles) {
qqnorm(npsr[filt.isfinite],ylim=ylim, xlab = "Theoretical Quantiles",ylab="Normal-pseudo resid.", main='(E) Q-Q plot of normal-pseudo residuals')
} else {
qqnorm(npsr[filt.isfinite],ylim=ylim, xlab = "Theoretical Quantiles",ylab="Normal-pseudo resid.", main='')
text(plot.range[1]+diff(plot.range[1:2])*0.05, plot.range[3]+diff(par("usr")[3:4])*0.95, labels="E", font=1, cex=2,pos=1)
qqline(npsr, col='blue', lwd=0.75, lty=2)
# Plot the Shapiro–Wilk p-value (normality test) in lower RHS corner.
ShapiroWilk.pvalue = shapiro.test(npsr[filt.isfinite])$p.value
text(plot.range[1]+diff(plot.range[1:2])*0.99, plot.range[3]+diff(par("usr")[3:4])*0.1, labels=paste("Shapiro-Wilk p-value=",round(ShapiroWilk.pvalue,3)), font=1, cex=1.5,pos=2)
# Plot AIC in lower RHS corner.
AIC = getAIC(.Object)
text(plot.range[1]+diff(plot.range[1:2])*0.99, plot.range[3]+diff(par("usr")[3:4])*0.225, labels=paste("AIC=",round(AIC,2)), font=1, cex=1.5,pos=2)
# Reset graphics options
#' @exportMethod drought.resilience.index
setGeneric(name="drought.resilience.index",def=function(.Object, year.drought.start, year.drought.end,year.postdrought.end) {standardGeneric("drought.resilience.index")})
setMethod(f="drought.resilience.index",signature="hydroState",definition=function(.Object, year.drought.start, year.drought.end,year.postdrought.end)
if (getNumStates(.Object@markov.model.object)==1)
# Get the viterbi states.
states.viterbi <- viterbi(.Object, do.plot=F)
# Get the transformed flow, Qhat
data = .Object@input.data
data = getQhat(.Object@Qhat.object, data)
# Generate 10,000 samples of Qhat at each time point and state.
Qhat.sample = generate.sample.Qhat(.Object@QhatModel.object,data, nSamples=nSamples)
# Get viterbi years years during and after the user-defined drought
filt.years.drought = states.viterbi[,1]>=year.drought.start & states.viterbi[,1]<=year.drought.end
filt.years.postDrought = states.viterbi[,1]>year.drought.end & states.viterbi[,1]<=year.postdrought.end
# Build indexes to each named state
ind.verylow = which(.Object@state.labels=='Very low')
ind.low = which(.Object@state.labels=='Low')
ind.normal = which(.Object@state.labels=='Normal')
ind.normal_dup = which(.Object@state.labels=='Normal (duplicate)')
ind.high = which(.Object@state.labels=='High')
ind.veryhigh = which(.Object@state.labels=='Very high')
# Get the fraction of time the catchment is within a flow state lower than normal during the drought.
if (length(ind.verylow)>0){
filt.lowStates.drought = (states.viterbi[,'Viterbi State Number'] == ind.low | states.viterbi[,'Viterbi State Number'] == ind.verylow) &
} else {
filt.lowStates.drought = states.viterbi[,'Viterbi State Number'] == ind.low & filt.years.drought
f.drought = sum(filt.lowStates.drought,na.rm =T)/sum(filt.years.drought,na.rm =T)
# Get the fraction of time the catchment is within a flow state lower than normal after the drought.
if (length(ind.verylow)>0){
filt.lowStates.postDrought = (states.viterbi[,'Viterbi State Number'] == ind.low | states.viterbi[,'Viterbi State Number'] == ind.verylow) &
} else {
filt.lowStates.postDrought = states.viterbi[,'Viterbi State Number'] == ind.low & filt.years.postDrought
f.postdrought = sum(filt.lowStates.postDrought,na.rm =T)/sum(filt.years.postDrought,na.rm =T)
# For all low & very low flow drought year, collate the sampled normal and subnormal flow and the calculate the probability that the flow was below normal.
Qhat.sample.normalState.drought = numeric()
Qhat.sample.lowStates.drought = numeric()
for (i in which(filt.lowStates.drought)) {
if (states.viterbi[i,'Viterbi State Number']==ind.verylow || states.viterbi[i,'Viterbi State Number']==ind.low) {
Qhat.sample.lowStates.drought = c(Qhat.sample.lowStates.drought, Qhat.sample[[states.viterbi[i,'Viterbi State Number']]][i,])
Qhat.sample.normalState.drought = c(Qhat.sample.normalState.drought, Qhat.sample[[ind.normal]][i,])
if (length(Qhat.sample.normalState.drought)==0) {
} else {
P.droughtFlow.le.normal = sum(Qhat.sample.lowStates.drought<Qhat.sample.normalState.drought,na.rm =T)/length(Qhat.sample.normalState.drought)
# For all low & very low flow post-drought year, collate the sampled normal and subnormal flow and the calculate the probability that the flow was below normal.
Qhat.sample.normalState.postDrought = numeric()
Qhat.sample.lowStates.postDrought = numeric()
for (i in which(filt.lowStates.postDrought)) {
if (states.viterbi[i,'Viterbi State Number']==ind.verylow || states.viterbi[i,'Viterbi State Number']==ind.low) {
Qhat.sample.lowStates.postDrought = c(Qhat.sample.lowStates.postDrought, Qhat.sample[[states.viterbi[i,'Viterbi State Number']]][i,])
Qhat.sample.normalState.postDrought = c(Qhat.sample.normalState.postDrought, Qhat.sample[[ind.normal]][i,])
if (length(Qhat.sample.normalState.postDrought)==0) {
} else {
P.postDroughtFlow.le.normal = sum(Qhat.sample.lowStates.postDrought<Qhat.sample.normalState.postDrought,na.rm =T)/length(Qhat.sample.normalState.postDrought)
# Finally calculae resilience index.
R <- sqrt((1-f.drought*P.droughtFlow.le.normal)^2 + (1-f.postdrought*P.postDroughtFlow.le.normal)^2)/sqrt(2)
# Build matrix of componants
R = data.frame(frac.drought = f.drought, Prob_Qdrought_LE_Qnormal = P.droughtFlow.le.normal, frac.postdrought = f.postdrought, Prob_Qpostdrought_LE_Qnormal = P.postDroughtFlow.le.normal, resilience.index = R)
#' @exportMethod forecast
setGeneric(name="forecast",def=function(.Object, t) {standardGeneric("forecast")})
setMethod(f="forecast",signature="hydroState",definition=function(.Object, t)
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