
Defines functions date_with_pbdb summarize_fossil_range get_fossil_range tree_from_taxonomy classification_paths_from_taxonomy

Documented in classification_paths_from_taxonomy date_with_pbdb get_fossil_range summarize_fossil_range tree_from_taxonomy

# functions to create a tree from taxonomy

#' Gets classification paths for a vector of taxa
#' This uses the taxize package's wrapper of the Global Names Resolver to get taxonomic paths for the vector of taxa you pass in. Sources is a vector of source labels in order (though it works best if everything uses the same taxonomy, so we recommend doing just one source). You can see options by doing taxize::gnr_datasources(). Our default is Catalogue of Life
#' @param taxa Vector of taxon names
#' @param sources Vector of names of preferred sources; see taxize::gnr_datasources(). Currently supports 100 taxonomic resources, see details.
#' @return A list with resolved taxa (a tibble, from taxize::gnr_resolve) and a vector of taxa not resolved
#' @details Taxonomies supported by taxize::gnr_datasources()
#' \enumerate{
#' 		\item Catalogue of Life
#' 		\item Wikispecies
#' 		\item ITIS
#' 		\item NCBI
#' 		\item Index Fungorum
#' 		\item GRIN Taxonomy for Plants
#' 		\item Union 4
#' 		\item The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera
#' 		\item World Register of Marine Species
#' 		\item Freebase
#' 		\item GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
#' 		\item EOL
#' 		\item Passiflora vernacular names
#' 		\item Inventory of Fish Species in the Wami River Basin
#' 		\item Pheasant Diversity and Conservation in the Mt. Gaoligonshan Region
#' 		\item Finding Species
#' 		\item Birds of Lindi Forests Plantation
#' 		\item Nemertea
#' 		\item Kihansi Gorge Amphibian Species Checklist
#' 		\item Mushroom Observer
#' 		\item TaxonConcept
#' 		\item Amphibia and Reptilia of Yunnan
#' 		\item Common names of Chilean Plants
#' 		\item Invasive Species of Belgium
#' 		\item ZooKeys
#' 		\item COA Wildlife Conservation List
#' 		\item AskNature
#' 		\item China: Yunnan, Southern Gaoligongshan, Rapid Biological Inventories Report No. 04
#' 		\item Native Orchids from Gaoligongshan Mountains, China
#' 		\item Illinois Wildflowers
#' 		\item Coleorrhyncha Species File
#' 		\item /home/dimus/files/dwca/zoological names.zip
#' 		\item Peces de la zona hidrogeográfica de la Amazonia, Colombia (Spreadsheet)
#' 		\item Eastern Mediterranean Syllidae
#' 		\item Gaoligong Shan Medicinal Plants Checklist
#' 		\item birds_of_tanzania
#' 		\item AmphibiaWeb
#' 		\item tanzania_plant_sepecimens
#' 		\item Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument
#' 		\item Taiwanese IUCN species list
#' 		\item BioPedia
#' 		\item AnAge
#' 		\item Embioptera Species File
#' 		\item Global Invasive Species Database
#' 		\item Sendoya S., Fernández F. AAT de hormigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) del Neotrópico 1.0 2004 (Spreadsheet)
#' 		\item Flora of Gaoligong Mountains
#' 		\item ARKive
#' 		\item True Fruit Flies (Diptera, Tephritidae) of the Afrotropical Region
#' 		\item 3i - Typhlocybinae Database
#' 		\item CATE Sphingidae
#' 		\item ZooBank
#' 		\item Diatoms
#' 		\item AntWeb
#' 		\item Endemic species in Taiwan
#' 		\item Dermaptera Species File
#' 		\item Mantodea Species File
#' 		\item Birds of the World: Recommended English Names
#' 		\item New Zealand Animalia
#' 		\item Blattodea Species File
#' 		\item Plecoptera Species File
#' 		\item /home/dimus/files/dwca/clemens.zip
#' 		\item Coreoidea Species File
#' 		\item Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment - Normalized export
#' 		\item Catalogue of Vascular Plant Species of Central and Northeastern Brazil
#' 		\item Wikipedia in EOL
#' 		\item Database of Vascular Plants of Canada (VASCAN)
#' 		\item Phasmida Species File
#' 		\item OBIS
#' 		\item USDA NRCS PLANTS Database
#' 		\item Catalog of Fishes
#' 		\item Aphid Species File
#' 		\item The National Checklist of Taiwan
#' 		\item Psocodea Species File
#' 		\item FishBase
#' 		\item 3i - Typhlocybinae Database
#' 		\item Belgian Species List
#' 		\item EUNIS
#' 		\item CU*STAR
#' 		\item Orthoptera Species File
#' 		\item Bishop Museum
#' 		\item IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
#' 		\item BioLib.cz
#' 		\item Tropicos - Missouri Botanical Garden
#' 		\item nlbif
#' 		\item The International Plant Names Index
#' 		\item Index to Organism Names
#' 		\item uBio NameBank
#' 		\item Arctos
#' 		\item Checklist of Beetles (Coleoptera) of Canada and Alaska. Second Edition.
#' 		\item The Paleobiology Database
#' 		\item The Reptile Database
#' 		\item The Mammal Species of The World
#' 		\item BirdLife International
#' 		\item Checklist da Flora de Portugal (Continental, Açores e Madeira)
#' 		\item FishBase Cache
#' 		\item Silva
#' 		\item Open Tree of Life Reference Taxonomy
#' 		\item iNaturalist
#' 		\item The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera
#' 		\item Gymno
#' }
#' @export
classification_paths_from_taxonomy <- function(taxa, sources = "Catalogue of Life") {
  all_sources <- taxize::gnr_datasources()
  # write(paste0(all_sources$title, collapse = "\n#'\t\t\\item "), file = "data-raw/all_sources.txt")
  match.arg(arg = sources, choices = all_sources$title, several.ok = FALSE)
  source_ids <- rep(NA, length(sources))
  for (i in seq_along(sources)) {
    source_ids[i] <- all_sources$id[grepl(sources[i], all_sources$title, ignore.case = TRUE)]
  source_ids <- source_ids[!is.na(source_ids)]
  resolved_taxa <- taxize::gnr_resolve(taxa, best_match_only = TRUE, fields = "all", preferred_data_sources = source_ids, with_context = TRUE)
  # head(resolved_taxa)
  # names(resolved_taxa)
  # data.frame(resolved_taxa$submitted_name, resolved_taxa$matched_name)
  resolved_taxa <- resolved_taxa[grepl("\\|", resolved_taxa$classification_path), ] # sometimes PBDB resolves taxa but doesn't have a taxonomy for them. This isn't what we want.
  missing_taxa <- taxa[!taxa %in% resolved_taxa$user_supplied_name]

  return(list(resolved = resolved_taxa, unresolved = missing_taxa))

#' Gets a taxonomic tree from a vector of taxa
#' This uses the taxize package's wrapper of the Global Names Resolver to get taxonomic paths for the vector of taxa you pass in. Sources is a vector of source labels in order (though it works best if everything uses the same taxonomy, so we recommend doing just one source). You can see options by doing taxize::gnr_datasources(). Our default is Catalogue of Life. The output is a phylo object (typically with many singleton nodes if collapse_singles is FALSE: nodes with only one descendant (like "Homo" having "Homo sapiens" as its only descendant) but these singletons typically have node.labels
#' @inheritParams classification_paths_from_taxonomy
#' @param collapse_singles If true, collapses singleton nodes
#' @return A list containing a phylo object with resolved names and a vector with unresolved names
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ # This is a flag for package development. You are welcome to run the example.
#' taxa <- c(
#'   "Homo sapiens", "Ursus arctos", "Pan paniscus", "Tyrannosaurus rex",
#'   "Ginkgo biloba", "Vulcan", "Klingon"
#' )
#' results <- tree_from_taxonomy(taxa)
#' print(results$unresolved) # The taxa that do not match
#' ape::plot.phylo(results$phy) # may generate warnings due to problems with singletons
#' ape::plot.phylo(ape::collapse.singles(results$phy), show.node.label = TRUE)
#' # got rid of singles, but this also removes a lot of the node.labels
# tree_from_taxonomy(taxa = c("Felis", "pan", "ursus"), sources = "Open Tree of Life Reference Taxonomy") # this is not working for some reason
# tree_from_taxonomy(taxa = c("Felis", "pan", "ursus"), sources = "NCBI")
#' } # end dontrun
#' @export
tree_from_taxonomy <- function(taxa, sources = "Catalogue of Life", collapse_singles = TRUE) {
  # taxa <- tax_dqall[[7]]$cleaned_names # Primates spp
  # classification_results <- classification_paths_from_taxonomy(taxa=taxa, sources="NCBI")
  classification_results <- classification_paths_from_taxonomy(taxa = taxa, sources = sources)
  # names(classification_results$resolved)
  # classification_results$resolved$matched_names
  paths <- classification_results$resolved$classification_path
  if (length(paths) < 2) { # not enough for a tree
  paths <- gsub("Not assigned\\|", "", paths) # CoL gives Not assigned for some taxa. We don't want these. Then we split
  paths <- strsplit(paths, "\\|")
  paths <- unique(paths)
  # fix: check that last name in classification path is from a species not a subspecies:
  # example that generates trouble:
  # taxa_dq <- make_datelife_query("Phyllostomidae", get_spp_from_taxon = TRUE)
  # taxa <- unname(taxa_dq$cleaned_names)
  # taxtree_col <- tree_from_taxonomy(taxa, source = "Catalogue of Life")
  # # Artibeus aztecus gives trouble in Catalogue of Life because it is assigned
  # # a subspecies, so ranks do not coincide anymore, ending up with nodes that
  # # are parents of themselves. Compare to Dermanura azteca wich has a coherent taxonomy.
  # # we still need to develop the test, this is just the example:
  # classification_results <- classification_paths_from_taxonomy(taxa=c("Dermanura azteca", "Artibeus aztecus"), sources="Catalogue of Life")
  # paths <- classification_results$resolved$classification_path

  leaves <- sapply(paths, utils::tail, n = 1)
  tip.label <- leaves
  node.label <- rev(unique(unlist(paths)))
  node.label <- node.label[!node.label %in% leaves]
  node.label <- c("Life", node.label)
  edge <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 2)
  edges.names <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 2)
  for (path_index in seq_along(paths)) {
    local_path <- rev(paths[[path_index]])
    tip.id <- which(local_path[1] == tip.label)
    ancestor.id <- 1 + length(tip.label) + which(local_path[2] == node.label)
    edge <- rbind(edge, c(ancestor.id, tip.id))
    edges.names <- rbind(edges.names, local_path[2:1])
    for (step_index in seq_along(local_path)) {
      if (step_index > 1 & step_index < length(local_path)) { # since we've done the first step already, and the last node requires special treatment (since it connects to root)
        tipward.id <- 1 + length(tip.label) + which(local_path[step_index] == node.label)
        rootward.id <- 1 + length(tip.label) + which(local_path[step_index + 1] == node.label)
        edge <- rbind(edge, c(rootward.id, tipward.id))
        edges.names <- rbind(edges.names, local_path[(step_index + 1):(step_index)])
      if (step_index == length(local_path)) {
        tipward.id <- 1 + length(tip.label) + which(local_path[step_index] == node.label)
        edge <- rbind(edge, c(1 + length(tip.label), tipward.id))
  edge <- unique(edge) # get rid of edges added multiple times
  edge <- edge[edge[, 1] != edge[, 2], ] # sometimes have the same edge be its own parent. This is bad.
  phy <- list(edge = edge, tip.label = tip.label, node.label = node.label, Nnode = nrow(edge))
  class(phy) <- "phylo"
  message("has class")
  # save(phy, paths, classification_results, collapse_singles, file="~/Desktop/badtree.rda")
  phy <- ape::reorder.phylo(phy)
  if (collapse_singles) {
    phy <- ape::collapse.singles(phy)
  return(list(phy = phy, unresolved = classification_results$unresolved))

#' Get the ages for a taxon from PBDB
#' This uses the Paleobiology Database's API to gather information on the ages for all specimens of a taxon. It will also look for all descendants of the taxon. It fixes name misspellings if possible.
#' @param taxon The scientific name of the taxon you want the range of occurrences of
#' @param recent If TRUE, forces the minimum age to be zero
#' @param assume_recent_if_missing If TRUE, any taxon missing from pbdb is assumed to be recent
#' @return a data.frame of max_ma and min_ma for the specimens
#' @export
get_fossil_range <- function(taxon, recent = FALSE, assume_recent_if_missing = TRUE) {
  all_sources <- taxize::gnr_datasources()
  source_id <- all_sources$id[grepl("The Paleobiology Database", all_sources$title, ignore.case = TRUE)]
  taxon_gnred_df <- taxize::gnr_resolve(taxon, best_match_only = TRUE, fields = "all", preferred_data_sources = source_id)
  if (nrow(taxon_gnred_df) == 0) {
    if (assume_recent_if_missing) {
      dates <- data.frame(max_ma = 0, min_ma = 0)
      rownames(dates) <- taxon
    } else {
  taxon_gnred <- utils::tail(strsplit(taxon_gnred_df$classification_path, "\\|")[[1]], 1)
  if (length(taxon_gnred) == 0) {
    message("Unable to get classification path for '", taxon, "'. Returning NA.")
  taxon_string <- utils::URLencode(taxon_gnred)
  dates <- data.frame()
  try(dates <- utils::read.csv(url(paste0("https://paleobiodb.org/data1.2/occs/list.txt?base_name=", taxon_string))))
  try(dates <- dates[, c("max_ma", "min_ma")])
  if (recent) { # we know it still exists
    dates <- rbind(dates, c(min(c(0, dates$min_ma), na.rm = TRUE), 0))
  } else { # check to see if exists
    taxon_info <- NULL
    try(taxon_info <- utils::read.csv(url(paste0("https://paleobiodb.org/data1.2/taxa/single.txt?name=", taxon_string))))
    if (!is.null(taxon_info)) {
      if (taxon_info$is_extant == "extant") {
        dates <- rbind(dates, c(min(c(0, dates$min_ma), na.rm = TRUE), 0)) # so that even if it has no fossils, record it exists
  if (any(is.na(dates)) & assume_recent_if_missing) {
    dates[1, ] <- c(0, 0)

#' Summarize taxon age from PBDB to just a single min and max age
#' This uses the Paleobiology Database's API to gather information on the ages for all specimens of a taxon. It will also look for all descendants of the taxon. It fixes name misspellings if possible. It is basically a wrapper for get_fossil_range.
#' @param taxon The scientific name of the taxon you want the range of occurrences of
#' @param recent If TRUE, forces the minimum age to be zero
#' @param assume_recent_if_missing If TRUE, any taxon missing from pbdb is assumed to be recent
#' @return a single row data.frame of max_ma and min_ma for the specimens, with rowname equal to taxon input
#' @export
summarize_fossil_range <- function(taxon, recent = FALSE, assume_recent_if_missing = TRUE) {
  dates <- get_fossil_range(taxon, recent, assume_recent_if_missing)
  if (is.na(dates)) {
    message("Unable to get fossil range. Returning NA.")
  result <- data.frame(max_ma = max(dates$max_ma), min_ma = min(dates$min_ma), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  rownames(result) <- taxon

#' Date with Paleobiology Database and paleotree.
#' This will take a topology, look up information about fossils for taxa on the tree, and use [paleotree::timePaleoPhy()] to compute branch lengths.
#' @inheritParams phylo_check
#' @param recent If `TRUE`, forces the minimum age to be zero for any taxon
#' @param assume_recent_if_missing If `TRUE`, any taxon missing from PBDB is assumed to be recent.
#' @return A dated tree.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ # This is a flag for package development. You are welcome to run the example.
#' taxa <- c(
#'   "Archaeopteryx", "Pinus", "Quetzalcoatlus", "Homo sapiens",
#'   "Tyrannosaurus rex", "Megatheriidae", "Metasequoia", "Aedes", "Panthera"
#' )
#' phy <- tree_from_taxonomy(taxa, sources = "The Paleobiology Database")$phy
# uncomment the following part when we paleotree can be imported
# #' chronogram <- date_with_pbdb(phy)
# #' ape::plot.phylo(chronogram)
# #' ape::axisPhylo()
#' } # end dontrun
date_with_pbdb <- function(phy, recent = FALSE, assume_recent_if_missing = TRUE) {
  all_dates <- as.data.frame(t(sapply(phy$tip.label, summarize_fossil_range, recent = recent, assume_recent_if_missing = assume_recent_if_missing)))
  all_dates$max_ma <- as.numeric(all_dates$max_ma)
  all_dates$min_ma <- as.numeric(all_dates$min_ma)
  chronogram <- paleotree::timePaleoPhy(phy, all_dates, add.term = TRUE)
phylotastic/datelife documentation built on June 9, 2024, 6:50 p.m.