#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr ungroup
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr slice
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange between bind_cols bind_rows distinct everything filter first funs full_join group_by group_by_at groups inner_join lag last lead left_join matches mutate mutate_at one_of pull rename right_join row_number select semi_join slice summarise summarise_all summarise_at tbl_df ungroup vars
#' @importFrom stringr boundary fixed invert_match str_c str_detect str_extract str_extract_all str_locate str_locate_all str_match str_match_all str_pad str_remove str_remove_all str_replace str_replace_all str_replace_na str_split str_sub str_subset str_trim str_which word
#' @importFrom tidyr complete crossing extract fill gather nesting separate spread unite nest unnest
#' @importFrom readr parse_number read_delim read_file read_lines read_table write_lines
#' @importFrom purrr compact flatten keep quietly safely map map_chr map_df map_dbl map_lgl map_int map2 map2_chr map2_dbl modify modify_if pmap pmap_chr update_list
#' @importFrom tibble add_column add_row as_tibble tibble tribble
#' @importFrom lubridate interval seconds ymd_hms
#' @importFrom rlang caller_env as_quosure parse_quo quo quos set_names sym syms !! !!!
#' @import XML ggplot2
#' Recode categorical covariates levels
#' Change the name of categorical covariates levels.
#' @param covariates_levels list of categorical covariates, each list item
#' contains the corresponding categorical levels.
#' @inheritParams plot_dv_vs_predictions
#' @return A NONMEM run object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' recoded_EXAMPLERUN <-
#' recode_categorical_covariates(run = EXAMPLERUN,
#' covariates_levels =
#' list(STUD = list(`Study 1` = "1",
#' `Study 2` = "2",
#' `Study 3` = "3")))
#' # before
#' group_by(STUD) %>%
#' plot_parameters_distributions(type = "boxplot", parameters = "CL")
#' # after
#' recoded_EXAMPLERUN %>%
#' group_by(STUD) %>%
#' plot_parameters_distributions(type = "boxplot", parameters = "CL")
recode_categorical_covariates <- function(run, covariates_levels = NULL) {
missing_column <- names(covariates_levels)[!(names(covariates_levels) %in% colnames(run$tables$pmxploitab))]
if (length(missing_column) > 0) {
stop(simpleError(sprintf("Missing column(s): %s.", missing_column)))
for (i in seq_along(covariates_levels)) {
column <- names(covariates_levels)[i]
levels <- covariates_levels[[i]]
updated_levels <- run$model$categorical_covariates_levels[[column]] %>% unname()
names(run$model$categorical_covariates_levels[[column]]) <- plyr::mapvalues(updated_levels, from = levels, to = names(levels))
#' Switch covariate type (categorical <-> continuous)
#' Convert categorical covariates to continuous covariates and vice versa.
#' @param covariates character vector of covariates names.
#' @inheritParams plot_dv_vs_predictions
#' @return A NONMEM run object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' switched_EXAMPLERUN <- switch_covariates_type(run = EXAMPLERUN, covariates = c("WT", "STUD"))
#' EXAMPLERUN %>% plot_continuous_covariates_distributions()
#' switched_EXAMPLERUN %>% plot_continuous_covariates_distributions()
#' EXAMPLERUN %>% plot_categorical_covariates_distributions()
switch_covariates_type <- function(run, covariates = NULL) {
col_ids <- with(run$model$covariates, {
which((name %in% covariates) | (column %in% covariates))
if (length(col_ids) == 0) {
stop(simpleError(sprintf("%s not found in continuous covariates.", paste(covariates, collapse = ", "))))
for (i in col_ids) {
cov <- run$model$covariates[i, ]
values <- run$tables$pmxploitab[[cov$column]]
if (cov$type == "continuous") {
cat_levels <- unique(values)
run$tables$pmxploitab[[cov$column]] <- factor(values, levels = sort(cat_levels), ordered = TRUE)
run$model$categorical_covariates_levels[[cov$column]] <- setNames(as.character(cat_levels), cat_levels)
run$model$covariates[i, ]$type <- "categorical"
} else if (cov$type == "categorical") {
# if factor levels are numeric -> convert factor to numeric
# else -> convert factor to integer level
as_num_values <- values %>% as.character() %>% as.numeric()
all_numerics <- all(!is.na(as_num_values))
if (all(!is.na(as_num_values))) {
values <- as_num_values
} else {
run$tables$pmxploitab[[cov$column]] <- values
run$model$categorical_covariates_levels[[cov$column]] <- NULL
run$model$covariates[i, ]$type <- "continuous"
run$model$covariates <- run$model$covariates %>%
arrange(type, name)
#' Rename model compartments
#' @param compartments named integer vector with new compartments names as items names and
#' old compartments number as values.
#' @inheritParams plot_dv_vs_predictions
#' @return A NONMEM run object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' rename_compartments(compartments = c("Alirocumab (nM)" = 2,
#' "PCSK9 (nM)" = 3))
#' EXAMPLERUN %>% plot_dv_vs_predictions(compartment = 2:3)
#' renamed_EXAMPLERUN %>% plot_dv_vs_predictions(compartment = 2:3)
rename_compartments <- function(run, compartments = NULL) {
missing_cmt <- compartments[!compartments %in% run$model$compartments$cmt]
if (length(missing_cmt) > 0) {
stop(simpleError(sprintf("Missing compartment(s): %s.", paste(missing_cmt, collapse = ", "))))
df <- run$model$compartments
for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {
if (df[i, ]$cmt %in% compartments) {
df[i, ]$name <- names(compartments[compartments == df[i, ]$cmt])
run$model$compartments <- df
#' Set compartment units
#' @param units
#' @inheritParams plot_dv_vs_predictions
#' @return A NONMEM run object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set_compartments_units(units = c("2" = "nM", "3" = "nM"))
set_compartments_units <- function(run, units = NULL) {
compartments <- names(units)
new_units <- unname(units)
missing_cmt <- compartments[!(compartments %in% run$model$compartments$cmt | compartments %in% run$model$compartments$name)]
if (length(missing_cmt) > 0) {
stop(simpleError(sprintf("Missing compartment(s): %s.", paste(missing_cmt, collapse = ", "))))
df <- run$model$compartments %>%
mutate(unit = pmap_chr(list(cmt = cmt, name = name, unit = unit), function(cmt, name, unit) {
if (as.character(cmt) %in% compartments) return(units[as.character(cmt)])
if (name %in% compartments) return(units[name])
run$model$compartments <- df
#' Rename model covariates
#' @param covariates named character vector with new covariates names as items names and
#' old covariates names as values.
#' @inheritParams plot_dv_vs_predictions
#' @return A NONMEM run object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' rename_covariates(covariates = c("Weight" = "WT", "Study" = "STUD"))
#' group_by(STUD) %>%
#' plot_continuous_covariates_distributions(type = "boxplot")
#' renamed_EXAMPLERUN %>%
#' group_by(STUD) %>%
#' plot_continuous_covariates_distributions(type = "boxplot")
#' # splitting also works using the original column name
#' renamed_EXAMPLERUN %>%
#' group_by(STUD) %>%
#' plot_continuous_covariates_distributions(type = "boxplot")
rename_covariates <- function(run, covariates = NULL) {
missing_covariate <- covariates[!covariates %in% colnames(run$tables$pmxploitab)]
if (length(missing_covariate) > 0) {
stop(simpleError(sprintf("Missing covariate(s): %s.", paste(missing_covariate, collapse = ", "))))
col_dots <- setNames(covariates, names(covariates))
run$model$covariates$name <- plyr::mapvalues(run$model$covariates$name, from = covariates, to = names(covariates))
get_selected_parameters <- function(source_df, parameters) {
param_labs <- names(parameters)
parameters <- unlist(parameters)
if (no_param_names <- is.null(names(parameters))) {
names(parameters) <- parameters
selected_parameters <- source_df %>%
filter(name %in% parameters | as.character(id) %in% parameters) %>%
mutate(label = ifelse(!no_param_names & as.character(id) %in% parameters, as.character(id), name))
missing_parameters <- setdiff(parameters, unique(c(as.character(selected_parameters$id), selected_parameters$name)))
if (length(missing_parameters) > 0) {
stop(simpleError(paste("Missing parameter(s):", paste(missing_parameters, collapse = ", "))))
if (!is.null(param_labs)) {
renamed_params <- parameters[param_labs != ""]
selected_parameters$label <- plyr::mapvalues(selected_parameters$label, from = renamed_params, to = names(renamed_params))
selected_parameters <- selected_parameters %>%
mutate(matching_order = match(column, parameters)) %>%
mutate(matching_order = ifelse(is.na(matching_order), match(name, parameters), matching_order)) %>%
parameters <- setNames(selected_parameters$column, nm = selected_parameters$label)
get_selected_covariates <- function(source_df, covariates) {
cov_labs <- names(covariates)
covariates <- unlist(covariates)
if (no_cov_names <- is.null(names(covariates))) names(covariates) <- covariates
selected_covariates <- source_df %>%
filter(column %in% covariates | name %in% covariates) %>%
mutate(label = ifelse(!no_cov_names & column %in% covariates, column, name))
missing_covariates <- setdiff(covariates, unique(c(selected_covariates$column, selected_covariates$name)))
if (length(missing_covariates) > 0) {
stop(simpleError(paste("Missing covariate(s):", paste(missing_covariates, collapse = ", "))))
if (!is.null(cov_labs)) {
renamed_covs <- covariates[cov_labs != ""]
selected_covariates$label <- plyr::mapvalues(selected_covariates$label, from = renamed_covs, to = names(renamed_covs))
selected_covariates <- selected_covariates %>%
mutate(matching_order = match(column, covariates)) %>%
mutate(matching_order = ifelse(is.na(matching_order), match(name, covariates), matching_order)) %>%
covariates <- setNames(selected_covariates$column, nm = selected_covariates$label)
get_reduced_dataset <- function(source_df, baseline_only) {
df <- source_df
original_groups <- NULL
if (!is.null(groups(df)) && length(groups(df)) > 0) {
original_groups <- as.character(groups(df))
df <- ungroup(df)
if (baseline_only) {
df <- df %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
slice(1) %>%
} else {
df <- df %>%
group_by(ID, TIME) %>%
slice(1) %>%
# re-group like the original
if (!is.null(original_groups)) {
df <- df %>% group_by(!!!(syms(original_groups)))
#' Get an estimation step of a run
#' Get an estimation step of a run from its number
#' @param run \code{pmxploit} NONMEM run object.
#' @param estimation_number integer. Number of the estimation step.
#' Default is NULL, returning the last estimation step.
#' @return A list containing the estimation information and results
get_estimation <- function(run, estimation_number = NULL) {
run_est_numbers <- map_int(run$estimations, "number")
if (is.null(estimation_number)) {
est_with_iterations <- run$estimations %>%
estimation_number <- est_with_iterations %>%
map_int(~.$number) %>%
} else {
if (!(estimation_number %in% run_est_numbers)) {
stop(simpleError(str_c("No estimation step number ", estimation_number)))
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