# rMSIproc - R package for MSI data processing
# Copyright (C) 2014 Pere Rafols Soler
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#Wrapper to move ff data objects in rMSI format between R and C
#' printrMSIdataInfo.
#' Prints HDD storing information of rMSI data object using the C++ backend.
#' @param img and rMSI object image.
#' @export
printrMSIdataInfo <- function( img )
dataInf <- getrMSIdataInfo(img)
PrintrMSIObjectInfo( dataInf$filenames, dataInf$masschannels, dataInf$nrows, dataInf$datatype )
#' loadDataCube.
#' Loads an rMSI data cube (aka. ramdisk file) to an R matrix using C++ backend.
#' This method is just for testing convinience and should not be used because it copies a matrix indexed by rows to a
#' matrix indexed by columns so it performs very slowly. Instead of using this method use rMSI::loadImgCunckFromCube.
#' @param img and rMSI object image.
#' @param cubeSel the cube to load R index.
#' @return an R matrix with spectra in rows.
#' @export
loadDataCube <- function( img, cubeSel )
dataInf <- getrMSIdataInfo(img)
return(LoadrMSIDataCube( dataInf$filenames, dataInf$masschannels, dataInf$nrows, dataInf$datatype, cubeSel - 1))
#' getrMSIdataInfo.
#' Obtains all storing information of an rMSI object and returns it as a list.
#' @param img an rMSI data object.
#' @return a list containing all storing information.
getrMSIdataInfo <- function( img )
ffData <- list()
ffData$filenames <- unlist(lapply(img$data, function(x){ path.expand(attr(attr(x, "physical"), "filename")) }))
ffData$masschannels <- length(img$mass)
ffData$nrows <- unlist(lapply(img$data, function(x) { attr(attr(x, "virtual"), "Dim")[1]}))
ffData$datatype <- attr(attr(img$data[[1]], "physical"), "vmode")
#' getrMSIdataInfoMultipleDataSets.
#' Obtains all storing information of various rMSI objects and returns them unified in a list.
#' The supplied rMSI objects must have the same number of mass channels and the same data type.
#' Otherwise an error will be raised.
#' The returned list contains an extra file "datasets" to indecate at which dataset belongs each ramdisk.
#' @param imgs_list a list of rMSI objects.
#' @return a list containing all storing information unified.
getrMSIdataInfoMultipleDataSets <- function( imgs_list )
imgInfo <- getrMSIdataInfo(imgs_list[[1]])
imgInfo$dataset <- rep(1, length( imgInfo$filenames ))
if( length(imgs_list) > 1)
for( i in 2:length(imgs_list))
aux <- getrMSIdataInfo(imgs_list[[i]])
if( imgInfo$masschannels != aux$masschannels )
stop("Error: Number of mass channels of images are different\n")
if( !identical(imgs_list[[1]]$mass, imgs_list[[1]]$mass) )
stop("Error: Mass axis of images are different\n")
if( imgInfo$datatype != aux$datatype)
stop("Error: Data type of images are different\n")
imgInfo$filenames <- c(imgInfo$filenames, aux$filenames)
imgInfo$nrows <- c( imgInfo$nrows, aux$nrows)
imgInfo$dataset <- c( imgInfo$dataset, rep(i, length( aux$filenames )))
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