
Defines functions runCrossval runClassifier fit

Documented in fit runClassifier runCrossval

#  _____       _                   ____            _           #
# |_   _|     | |                 / __ \          (_)          #
#   | |  _ __ | |_ ___  __ _ _ __| |  | |_ __ ___  _  ___ ___  #
#   | | | '_ \| __/ _ \/ _` | '__| |  | | '_ ` _ \| |/ __/ __| #
#   | |_| | | | ||  __| (_| | |  | |__| | | | | | | | (__\__ \ #
# |_____|_| |_|\__\___|\__, |_|   \____/|_| |_| |_|_|\___|___/ #
#                       __/ |                                  #
#                      |___/                                   #

# @script:  predomics.R
# @author:  Edi Prifti
# @author:  Lucas Robin
# @author:  Shasha Cui
# @author:  Blaise Hanczar
# @author:  Yann Chevaleyre
# @author:  Jean-Daniel Zucker
# @date:    May 2016
# @date:    October 2023

#' fit: runs the classifier on a dataset
#' @import doSNOW
#' @import snow
#' @import doRNG
#' @description This function runs a learning experiment based on the classifier
#' object and the given dataset.
#' @param X: Dataset to classify
#' @param y: Variable to predict. This is a two class binary variable.
#' @param clf: The classifier object object containing the settings of the classifier
#' @param cross.validate: Whether or not the classification should be run in
#' cross-validation mode (default:TRUE)
#' @param lfolds: The folds to be used for the cross-validation
#' @param nfolds: The number of folds to use in the cross-validation. If lfolds
#' are not specified this option allows to set them up (default:10)
#' @param parallelize.folds: Switch setting the parallelization mode based on
#' cross-validation folds and nothing else in the algorithm (default:TRUE).
#' This is much more efficient.
#' @param compute.importance: The importance of variables in the learning process
#' during cross-validation can be computed. This is based on data perturbation
#' similar to the mean decrease accuracy in the random forest algorithm. Moreover,
#' this gives feature prevalence in models during CV (default:TRUE)
#' @param return.all: Should all results from the cross-validation steps be
#' returned. This is usually needed when testing stability of the models
#' (default:FALSE)
#' @param log.file: The output file for parallel logs (default:'parallel.log')
#' @param path: The path where to save temporary data
#' @return An experiment object containing the classifier along with the
#' classification results as a sub-element
#' @export
fit <- function(X,
                cross.validate = FALSE,
                lfolds = NULL,
                nfolds = 10,
                parallelize.folds = TRUE,
                compute.importance = TRUE,
                return.all = FALSE,
                log.file = "parallel.log",
                path = NULL)
  # test the classifier object
  if (!isClf(clf))
    stop("fit: please provide a valid classifier object!")
  clf$params$compute.importance <- compute.importance
  check.X_y_w(X, y, w = NULL)
  if (!is.matrix(X))
    cat("... Database X is not a matrix! Converting ...\n")
    # log_info("... Database X is not a matrix! Converting ...")
    # transforming to dataframe first will make sure to keep the dimnames such as for instance when it is sparse table or otu_table (phyloseq)
    X <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(X))
  # if no rownames add some
  if (is.null(rownames(X)))
    rownames(X) <- paste("F", c(1:nrow(X)), sep = "_")
    cat("... No names for X variables: renaming by default\n")
  if (ncol(X) != length(y))
    stop("fit: the number of observations in 'X' is diffrent from the one in 'y' ")
  if (clf$params$objective == "auc")
    cat("... Classification mode, computing factor(y) for speedup and robustness\n")
    y <- factor(as.character(y))
  # The possibility to select and focus on the top best features of X
  if (!is.null(clf$params$max.nb.features))
    max.nb.features <-
      min(nrow(X), clf$params$max.nb.features, na.rm = TRUE)
  } else
    max.nb.features <-  nrow(X)
  # set a flag
  path.feature.cor <- paste(path, "feature.cor.rda", sep = "")
  if (file.exists(path.feature.cor))
    cat("... Loading feature correlation for speedup\n")
    # restore precomputed object from the hard drive
    cat("... Correlation file loaded\n")
    if (exists("feature.cor"))
      if (any(is.na(match(
        rownames(feature.cor), rownames(X)
            "... feature.cor does not match X... needs to be recomputed. You can delete the following file",
    } else
      stop("feature.cor object does not exist. Please check the name.")
  } else
    cat("... Computing feature correlation for speedup\n")
    if (clf$params$objective == "cor")
      # correlation
      # if any NA in y omit them
      if (any(is.na(y)))
        ina <- is.na(y)
            "... y contains ",
            "NA values ... ommiting the observations in both y and X\n"
        # transforming to dataframe first will make sure to keep the dimnames such as for instance when it is sparse table or otu_table (phyloseq)
        y.nona <- y[!ina]
        X.nona <- X[, !ina]
      } else
        y.nona <- y
        X.nona <- X
      feature.cor     <-
          data = t(apply(X.nona, 1, rank)),
          # for speedup
          trait = rank(y.nona),
          # for speedup
          k = max.nb.features,
          type = "pearson",
          # for speedup
          sort = TRUE,
          verbose = clf$params$verbose,
          return.data = FALSE
        ) # to avoid having to recompute this all the time
    } else
      # classification
      feature.cor     <- filterfeaturesK(
        data = X,
        trait = y,
        k = max.nb.features,
        type = "wilcoxon",
        sort = TRUE,
        verbose = clf$params$verbose,
        return.data = FALSE
      ) # to avoid having to recompute this all the time
    if (!is.null(path))
      save(feature.cor, file = path.feature.cor)
      cat("... Correlation file saved\n")
  cat("... Storing data in the classifier object for speedup\n")
  clf$feature.cor <- feature.cor # add them to the clf
  if (all(is.na(clf$feature.cor$p)))
    warning("runClassifier: does not seem to have produced a pvalue")
  # store the initial order and indexes
  clf$data          <- list()
  clf$data$features <- as.character(rownames(X))
  names(clf$data$features) <- clf$data$features
  # select the top "min(nrow(X), clf$params$max.nb.features)" X features
  X <- X[rownames(clf$feature.cor)[1:max.nb.features], ]
  clf$data$X        <- X
  clf$data$X.min    <- min(X, na.rm = TRUE)
  clf$data$X.max    <- max(X, na.rm = TRUE)
  clf$data$y        <- y
  # compute the coefficients once for all to improve performance
  cat("... Computing ternary coefficients for speedup\n")
  coeffs          <-
      X = X,
      y = y,
      clf = clf,
      parallel.local = FALSE
  clf$coeffs_     <- coeffs # add them to the clf
  # check sparsity not to be larger than variables in X
  if (any(is.na(clf$params$sparsity > nrow(X))))
    # adding the maximum number of featuers
    clf$params$sparsity <- c(clf$params$sparsity, nrow(X))
  # mark NAs the bigger ones
  clf$params$sparsity[clf$params$sparsity > nrow(X)] <- NA
  # delete them
  clf$params$sparsity <-
  # set the seed while sanity checking
  if (!(any(clf$params$seed == "NULL")))
    # convert from list to a vector
    if (is.list(clf$params$seed))
      clf$params$seed <- unlist(clf$params$seed)
      if (any(class(clf$params$seed) != "numeric"))
        stop("fit: convertion of seed from list to numeric vector failed.")
    # we can have multiple k-folds per experiment if the seed is vectors of seeds
    if (length(clf$params$seed) == 1)
      cat("... One seed found, setting by default\n")
    } else
      if (length(clf$params$seed) == 0)
        stop("fit: the seed should have at least one value.")
      # if we are here this means that it everything is as expected seed is a
      # vector of numeric values.
      cat("... Multiple seeds found, setting the default\n")
  # check and set the number of folds
  if (!is.null(lfolds))
    cat("... Custom folds are provided\n")
    if (!is.list(lfolds))
      lfolds = NULL
    } else
      #if lfolds exists
      nfolds = length(lfolds)
  if (nfolds == 1)
      "... The number of folds is set to 1. In this case I'm deactivating the cross-validation process\n"
    cross.validate = FALSE
  # set the parallelize.folds parameter. If no crossval than it is deactivated
  clf$params$parallelize.folds <-
    parallelize.folds & cross.validate & clf$params$parallel
  # add a parallel.local parameter if we wish to speed out some local steps
  clf$params$parallel.local <- FALSE
  # START CLUSTER if parallel computing set the cluster
  if (clf$params$parallel)
        "... Running the classifier",
        "in parallel mode with ",
        clf$params$nCores + 1,
    # adding another core for the whole dataset. If it is taken into account
    # during the launch this will be a sleeping thread so no harm, if not it
    # will allow to run faster as we won't forget to increment it
      clf$params$cluster <-
        makeCluster(clf$params$nCores + 1, type = "SOCK", outfile = log.file)
    if (!clf$params$parallelize.folds)
      # if folds are not parallelized
      clf$params$parallel.local <-
        TRUE # switch the local parallel to TRUE
  } else
      "... Running the classifier",
      "with a single CPU\n"
  # for all the predomics learners
  if (!isLearnerSota(clf))
    # if runing the BTR algorithms
    # set the epsilon
    if (!is.null(clf$params$epsilon))
      if (clf$params$epsilon == "NULL")
        #clf$params$epsilon        <- .Machine$double.xmin
        clf$params$epsilon        <- 0
        if (clf$params$verbose)
          cat("... Setting epsilon for predomics learners\n")
    # # for regression rank y since the beginning to avoid doing it for every model
    # if(clf$params$objective == "cor")
    # {
    #   if(clf$params$verbose) cat("... Correlation mode, computing rank(y) for speedup\n")
    #   # for spearman implementation to scale-up. Deactivatet at the current moment
    #   y <- rank(y)
    # }
  # save the data step by step to be able to resume
  if (clf$experiment$save != "nothing")
    if (clf$params$verbose)
      cat("... Saving experiments\n")
    fileNames                 <- gsub(" ", "_", clf$experiment$id)
    saveResults(X, paste("X", fileNames, "yml", sep = "."))
    saveResults(y, paste("Y", fileNames, "yml", sep = "."))
    experiment <- list()
    experiment$desc           <- clf$experiment$description
    experiment$params         <-
      list(clf = list(
        learner = clf$learner,
        params = clf$params,
        experiment = clf$experiment
    if (clf$experiment$save == "full")
      if ((clf$params$popSaveFile == "NULL"))
        clf$params$popSaveFile <- fileNames
    terda =
        # Here we handle also the sota.glmnet as well since this is a derivate of terda
        cat('... terda fitting based on Linear programming relaxation ...\n')
    terga1 =
        cat('... First version of terga fitting based on Genetic Algorithm heuristics ...\n')
    terga2 =
          '... Second and faster version of terga fitting based on Genetic Algorithm heuristics ...\n'
    terBeam =
        cat('... terbeam fitting based on Exhaustive Heuristic beam search ...\n')
    metal =
        cat('... model fitting based on aggregating different Heuristics ...\n')
    sota.svm =
        cat('... SOTA: state of the art SVM fitting ...\n')
    sota.rf =
        cat('... SOTA: state of the art Ranfom Forest fitting ...\n')
      warning('This method does not exist !')
  # open plot file
  if (clf$params$plot)
    pdf(file = paste0("graphics_from_", clf$experiment$description, ".pdf"))
  # lancer le classifier
  if (!cross.validate)
    cat("... No cross validation mode\n")
    res.clf               <- list()
    res.clf$classifier    <- runClassifier(X, y, clf)
  } else
    cat("... Cross validation mode\n")
    res.clf               <- list()
    res.clf$classifier    <- list()
    res.clf$crossVal      <-
        lfolds = lfolds,
        nfolds = nfolds,
        return.all = return.all
    # store the whole dataset results in the right place
    res.clf$classifier    <- res.clf$crossVal$whole
    # unweight the crossVal object that played the role of the transporter
    res.clf$crossVal      <-
      res.clf$crossVal[-match("whole", names(res.clf$crossVal))]
    res.clf$lfolds        <- lfolds
    # add FEATURE IMPORTANCE to the model objects based on the crossval feature importance
    if (compute.importance & cross.validate)
      if (!is.null(res.clf$crossVal$fip))
        feature.importance.cv <-
          rowMeans(res.clf$crossVal$fip$mda, na.rm = TRUE)
        feature.prevalence.cv <-
          res.clf$crossVal$fip$fpf / ncol(res.clf$crossVal$fip$mda) # normalize %
        if (!is.null(res.clf$classifier$fip$mda))
          feature.importance  <- res.clf$classifier$fip$mda
        } else
          feature.importance  <- rep(NA, length(clf$data$features))
          names(feature.importance) <- names(clf$data$features)
        if (isModelCollection(res.clf$classifier$models))
          pop <- modelCollectionToPopulation(res.clf$classifier$models)
        } else
          pop <- NULL
        if (!isPopulation(pop))
          cat("... Bad news! The population of models seems to be empty. No models were found\n")
          res.clf$classifier$models <-
          cat("... Thank you for using Predomics\n")
        # for each model add a vector with feature importance
        for (i in 1:length(pop))
          # MDA generalization
          pop[[i]]$mda.cv_ <- rep(0, length(pop[[i]]$names_))
          names(pop[[i]]$mda.cv_) <- pop[[i]]$names_
          ind.features <-
            intersect(pop[[i]]$names_, names(feature.importance.cv))
          pop[[i]]$mda.cv_[ind.features] <-
          # prevalence in top models in the folds
          pop[[i]]$prev.cv_ <- rep(0, length(pop[[i]]$names_))
          names(pop[[i]]$prev.cv_) <- pop[[i]]$names_
          ind.features <-
            intersect(pop[[i]]$names_, names(feature.prevalence.cv))
          pop[[i]]$prev.cv_[ind.features] <-
          # MDA empirical
          pop[[i]]$mda_ <- rep(0, length(pop[[i]]$names_))
          names(pop[[i]]$mda_) <- pop[[i]]$names_
          ind.features <-
            intersect(pop[[i]]$names_, names(feature.importance))
          pop[[i]]$mda_[ind.features] <-
        # convert to model collection and put back
        res.clf$classifier$models <-
    if (clf$experiment$save != "nothing")
      experiment$params$lfolds <- lfolds
  } # end cross.validate test
  cat("... Learning process is finished succesfuly\n")
  if (clf$params$parallel)
    cat("... Stopping the parallel cluster\n")
  if (clf$experiment$save != "nothing")
    experiment$results    <- res.clf
    saveResults(experiment, paste(fileNames, "yml", sep = "."))
    cat("... Saving exmeriment finished\n")
  # closing graphics
  if (clf$params$plot)
  cat("... Thank you for using Predomics. Don't forget to digest the results now.\n")
  class(res.clf) <- c("experiment", "predomics")

#' Runs the learning on a dataset
#' @export
#' @import doSNOW
#' @import snow
#' @description This function runs a classifier in a given dataset
#' @param X: The dataset to classify
#' @param y: The variable to predict
#' @param clf: The classifier object containing the different settings of the classifier.
#' @param x_test: if not NULL (default) this dataset will be used to evaluate the models in a subset for the feature importance
#' @param y_test: if not NULL (default) this dataset will be used to evaluate the models in a subset for the feature importance
#' @return the classifier along with the classification results as a sub-element
runClassifier <- function(X,
                          x_test = NULL,
                          y_test = NULL)
  if (clf$params$verbose)
    cat("... Entering runClassifier\n")
  # test the classifier object
  if (!isClf(clf))
    stop("fit: please provide a valid classifier object!")
  check.X_y_w(X, y, w = NULL)
  if (clf$params$verbose)
    cat("... Storing data in classifier object for speedup\n")
  # set the epsion
  if (!is.null(clf$params$epsilon))
    if (clf$params$epsilon == "NULL")
      #clf$params$epsilon        <- min(X[X!=0], na.rm = T)/10
      #clf$params$epsilon        <- .Machine$double.xmin
      clf$params$epsilon        <- 0
  # when not in crossval this will be null so we need to initiate this
  if (is.null(clf$params$current_seed))
    clf$params$current_seed <- clf$params$seed[1]
  if (clf$params$debug)
    cat("=> DBG: before fit\n")
  startingTime <- Sys.time()
    terda =
        # Here we handle also the sota.glmnet as well since this is a derivate of terda
        if (clf$params$verbose)
          cat('... terda fitting based on Linear programming relaxation ...\n')
        res <- terda_fit(X, y, clf)
    terga1 =
        if (clf$params$verbose)
          cat('... First version of terga fitting based on Genetic Algorithm heuristics ...\n')
        res <- terga1_fit(X, y, clf)
    terga2 =
        if (clf$params$verbose)
            '... Second and faster version of terga fitting based on Genetic Algorithm heuristics ...\n'
        res <- terga2_fit(X, y, clf)
    terBeam =
        if (clf$params$verbose)
          cat('... terbeam fitting based on Exhaustive Heuristic beam search ...\n')
        res <- terBeam_fit(X, y, clf)
    metal =
        if (clf$params$verbose)
          cat('... model fitting based on aggregating different Heuristics ...\n')
        res <- metal_fit(X, y, clf)
    sota.svm =
        if (clf$params$verbose)
          cat('... SOTA: state of the art SVM fitting ...\n')
        res <- sota.svm_fit(X, y, clf)
    sota.rf =
        if (clf$params$verbose)
          cat('... SOTA: state of the art Ranfom Forest fitting ...\n')
        res <- sota.rf_fit(X, y, clf)
      warning('This method does not exist !')
  if (clf$params$debug)
    cat("=> DBG: after fit\n")
  if (isModelCollection(res))
    clf$models <- res
  } else
    clf$models <- NULL
    warning("runClassifier: major issue - no models produced ... stoping")
  if (clf$params$compute.importance & !isLearnerSota(clf))
    # the population of models that is learned in this fold
    pop.fold <- modelCollectionToPopulation(mod.collection = clf$models)
    # In the case where we are in the whole dataset and x_test is null as is 
    # y_test we use X as a whole to learn the feature importance.
    # In this case we will have an empirical importance
    if (is.null(x_test) | is.null(y_test))
        "runClassifier: setting test data to train. We shouldn't be here... please investigate"
      x_test <- X
      y_test <- y
    # for each of the best models in the population compute the importance in the test population
    efip.fold <- evaluateFeatureImportanceInPopulation(
      pop = pop.fold,
      X = x_test,
      y = y_test,
      clf = clf,
      score = "fit_",
      filter.ci = TRUE,
      method = "extensive",
      seed = c(1:10),
      # 10 times the perturbation for more accurate importance
      aggregation = "mean",
      verbose = clf$params$verbose
    clf$fip <- efip.fold
  if (clf$params$debug)
    cat("=> DBG: after efip\n")
  if (isModelCollection(clf$models))
    # update the final indexes as the input X
    clf$models <- updateObjectIndex(obj = clf$models, features = clf$data$features)
  clf$execTime <-
    as.numeric(Sys.time() - startingTime, units = "mins")
  if (clf$params$debug)
    cat("=> DBG: after end runclassifier\n")

#' Compute the cross-validation emprirical and generalization scores
#' @description Compute the cross-validation emprirical and generalization scores.
#' @param X: the data matrix with variables in the rows and observations in the columns
#' @param y: the response vector
#' @param clf: the classifier parameter object
#' @param nfolds: the number of folds for the cross-validation
#' @param return.all: return all results from the crossvalidation for feature stability testing
#' @return a list containing empirical, generalisation scores for each fold as well as a matrix with the mean values.
#' @export
runCrossval <- function(X,
                        lfolds = NULL,
                        nfolds = 10,
                        return.all = FALSE)
    # test the classifier object
    if (!isClf(clf))
      stop("fit: please provide a valid classifier object!")
    check.X_y_w(X, y, w = NULL)
    # if folds exist
    if (!is.null(lfolds))
      # add the whole dataset
      lfolds            <- c(NA, lfolds)
      names(lfolds)[1]  <- "whole"
      # count
      nfolds <- length(lfolds)
      if (clf$params$verbose)
        cat("... Folds are provided\n")
    } else
      # if they don't exist create them
      if (!myAssertNotNullNorNa(nfolds))
        stop("runCrossval: lfolds or nfolds does not exist, please provide!")
      if (length(clf$params$seed) > 1)
        lfolds <- list()
        for (i in 1:length(clf$params$seed))
          lfolds.tmp      <-
              k = nfolds,
              list = TRUE,
              returnTrain = FALSE,
              seed = clf$params$seed[i]
            ) # Index of 10-fold
          names(lfolds.tmp) <-
            paste(names(lfolds.tmp), "_r", i, sep = "") # modify names
          lfolds          <- c(lfolds, lfolds.tmp)
      } else
        # if only once
        lfolds            <-
            k = nfolds,
            list = TRUE,
            returnTrain = FALSE,
            seed = clf$params$seed
          ) # Index of 10-fold
      clf$lfolds <- lfolds
      # add the whole dataset as a fold to process at the same time in //
      lfolds              <- c(NA, lfolds)
      names(lfolds)[1]    <- "whole"
      # count
      nfolds              <- length(lfolds)
      if (clf$params$verbose)
        cat(paste("... All the ", nfolds, " CV folds are set\n"))
    # create the empty object structure that will be returned
    res.crossval                                <- list()
    res.crossval$nfold                          <- list()
    res.crossval$k                              <- list()
    res.crossval$scores                         <- list()
    res.crossval$scores$empirical.auc           <-
        nrow = max(clf$params$sparsity),
        ncol = (nfolds - 1)
    rownames(res.crossval$scores$empirical.auc) <-
      c(paste("k", c(1:max(
      )), sep = "_"))
    colnames(res.crossval$scores$empirical.auc) <-
      paste("fold", 1:(nfolds - 1), sep = "_") #-1 since the whole won't be taken into account
    # add others using the same model
    res.crossval$scores$generalization.auc      <-
      res.crossval$scores$empirical.auc # auc
    # accuracy
    res.crossval$scores$empirical.acc           <-
      res.crossval$scores$empirical.auc # accuracy
    res.crossval$scores$generalization.acc      <-
      res.crossval$scores$empirical.auc # accuracy
    # recall
    res.crossval$scores$empirical.rec           <-
      res.crossval$scores$empirical.auc # recall
    res.crossval$scores$generalization.rec      <-
      res.crossval$scores$empirical.auc # recall
    # precision
    res.crossval$scores$empirical.prc           <-
      res.crossval$scores$empirical.auc # precision
    res.crossval$scores$generalization.prc      <-
      res.crossval$scores$empirical.auc # precision
    # f1-score
    res.crossval$scores$empirical.f1s           <-
      res.crossval$scores$empirical.auc # f1-score
    res.crossval$scores$generalization.f1s      <-
      res.crossval$scores$empirical.auc # f1-score
    # correlation
    res.crossval$scores$empirical.cor           <-
      res.crossval$scores$empirical.auc # cor
    res.crossval$scores$generalization.cor      <-
      res.crossval$scores$empirical.auc # cor
    # for each fold compute the best models
    if (clf$params$parallelize.folds)
      cat("... Starting CV in parallel\n")
      # execute each crossVal in //
      res.all <- foreach(i = 1:nfolds) %dorng%
          # prepare the datasets
          if (all(is.na(lfolds[[i]])))
            # Here we are in the whole dataset
            # training dataset
            x_train = X
            y_train = y
            # # testing dataset, needed for checking extreme cases
            x_test = X
            y_test = y
          } else
            # Here we are in the whole dataset
            # training dataset
            x_train = X[, -lfolds[[i]]]
            y_train = y[-lfolds[[i]]]
            # # testing dataset needed for checking extreme cases
            if (length(lfolds[[i]]) == 1)
              # for leave one out
              x_test = as.matrix(X[, lfolds[[i]]])
            } else
              x_test = X[, lfolds[[i]]]
            y_test = y[lfolds[[i]]]
          } # end else other folds
          # omit some particular cases
          if (any(table(y_train) == 0) |
              length(table(y_train)) == 1)
            # to take into account the leve one out case
          } else
            # TODO: test saveing all the k-folds during execution
            if (!(clf$params$popSaveFile == "NULL"))
              #dirName <- paste(clf$params$popSaveFile,paste("crossVal.fold", i, sep = ""),sep="/")
              dirName                         <-
                paste("crossVal.fold", i, sep = "")
            # Launch the classifier in the train dataset and digest results
            clf$params$current_seed <-
              clf$params$seed[1] + i # set the current seed
            if (clf$params$debug)
              cat("=> DBG: before runclassifier\n")
                X = x_train,
                y =  y_train,
                clf = clf,
                x_test = x_test,
                y_test = y_test
            } else
                  X = x_train,
                  y =  y_train,
                  clf = clf,
                  x_test = x_test,
                  y_test = y_test
              }, silent = TRUE)
        } # end of folds loop (foreach)
    } else
      # no parallel
      # execute each crossval in serial
      cat("... Starting cross validation not in parallel\n")
      res.all <- list()
      for (i in 1:nfolds)
        if (clf$params$verbose) {
          cat("===> k-fold\t", names(lfolds)[i], "\n")
        # prepare the datasets
        if (all(is.na(lfolds[[i]])))
          # Here we are in the whole dataset
          # training dataset
          x_train = X
          y_train = y
          # # testing dataset, needed for checking extreme cases
          x_test = X
          y_test = y
        } else
          # Here we are in the whole dataset
          # training dataset
          x_train = X[, -lfolds[[i]]]
          y_train = y[-lfolds[[i]]]
          # # testing dataset needed for checking extreme cases
          if (length(lfolds[[i]]) == 1)
            # for leave one out
            x_test = as.matrix(X[, lfolds[[i]]])
          } else
            x_test = X[, lfolds[[i]]]
          y_test = y[lfolds[[i]]]
        } # end other folds
        # omit some particular cases
        if (any(table(y_train) == 0) |
            length(table(y_train)) == 1)
          # to take into account the leve one out case
          warning("runCrossval: only one level in the class impossible to compute fitness")
        # TODO: test saveing all the k-folds during execution
        if (!(clf$params$popSaveFile == "NULL"))
          #dirName <- paste(clf$params$popSaveFile,paste("crossVal.fold", i, sep = ""),sep="/")
          dirName                         <-
            paste("crossVal.fold", i, sep = "")
        # Launch the classifier in the train dataset and digest results
        clf$params$current_seed           <- clf$params$seed[1] + i
        if (clf$params$debug)
          res.all[[i]]                    <-
              X = x_train,
              y =  y_train,
              clf = clf,
              x_test = x_test,
              y_test = y_test
        } else
          res.all[[i]]                    <- try({
              X = x_train,
              y =  y_train,
              clf = clf,
              x_test = x_test,
              y_test = y_test
          }, silent = FALSE)
          # end try
        } # end else debug
      } # end of folds loop (for)
    } # end else parallelize.folds
    if (clf$params$verbose)
      cat("... Cross validation finished\n")
    # store the empirical result separately
    res.crossval$whole <- res.all[[1]]
    # omit it from the empirical results as they will be extracted separately and
    res.all <- res.all[-1]
    # also clean the lfolds object
    lfolds  <- lfolds[-1]
    # results for FEATURE IMPORTANCE
    # the MDA for each fold
    mda.all <-
      as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(X), ncol = length(res.all)))
    rownames(mda.all) <-
    colnames(mda.all) <- names(res.all)
    # create also results for the standard deviation and the prevalence in the folds
    pda.all <- sda.all <- mda.all
    # DISPATCH the results in the custom output structure
    for (i in 1:length(res.all))
      # prepare the datasets
      # training dataset
      x_train = X[, -lfolds[[i]]]
      y_train = y[-lfolds[[i]]]
      # testing dataset
      if (length(lfolds[[i]]) == 1)
        # for leave one out
        x_test = as.matrix(X[, lfolds[[i]]])
      } else
        x_test = X[, lfolds[[i]]]
      y_test = y[lfolds[[i]]]
      res_train <- res.all[[i]]
      if (is.list(res_train))
        # if result object exist
        if (is.null(res_train$models))
          # and is a model collection
          if (!isModelCollection(res_train))
            res_train.digest              <- NULL
          } else
            # digest
            res_train.digest              <-
              digestModelCollection(obj = res_train,
                                    X = x_train,
                                    clf = clf)
        } else
          # is a crossval result
          res_train.digest                <-
            digestModelCollection(obj = res_train$models,
                                  X = x_train,
                                  clf = clf)
        } # end if/else models exist
      } else
        # return nothing
        res_train.digest                  <- NULL
      # if the results could be digested
      if (!is.null(res_train.digest))
        # for all the best models of each k-sparse (create empty matrix) for auc
        res.crossval$k$auc                <-
          as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = max(clf$params$sparsity), ncol = 2))
        rownames(res.crossval$k$auc)      <-
          c(paste("k", c(1:max(
          )), sep = "_"))
        colnames(res.crossval$k$auc)      <-
          c("empirical", "generalization")
        # add another table for accuracy
        res.crossval$k$acc                <- res.crossval$k$auc
        # recall
        res.crossval$k$rec                <- res.crossval$k$auc
        # precision
        res.crossval$k$prc                <- res.crossval$k$auc
        # f1-score
        res.crossval$k$f1s                <- res.crossval$k$auc
        # add another table for correlation
        res.crossval$k$cor                <- res.crossval$k$auc
        # for all k-sparse BEST models
        for (k in 1:length(res_train.digest$best_models))
          k_sparse.name     <- names(res_train.digest$best_models)[k]
          mod               <-
          # update the final indexes as the input X
          mod               <-
            updateObjectIndex(obj = mod, features = rownames(X))
          #mod.train         <- evaluateModel(mod = mod, X=x_train, y=y_train, clf=clf, eval.all = TRUE, force.re.evaluation = TRUE, mode='train')
          mod.train         <-
            mod # since this is the same as computed above
          mod.test          <-
              mod = mod,
              X = x_test,
              y = y_test,
              clf = clf,
              eval.all = TRUE,
              force.re.evaluation = TRUE,
              mode = 'test'
          if (!is.null(mod.train) & !is.null(mod.test))
            # Empirical fitting score
            res.crossval$scores$empirical.auc[k_sparse.name, i]            <-
            res.crossval$scores$empirical.acc[k_sparse.name, i]            <-
            res.crossval$scores$empirical.rec[k_sparse.name, i]            <-
            res.crossval$scores$empirical.prc[k_sparse.name, i]            <-
            res.crossval$scores$empirical.f1s[k_sparse.name, i]            <-
            res.crossval$scores$empirical.cor[k_sparse.name, i]            <-
            # Generalization fitting score
            res.crossval$scores$generalization.auc[k_sparse.name, i]       <-
            res.crossval$scores$generalization.acc[k_sparse.name, i]       <-
            res.crossval$scores$generalization.rec[k_sparse.name, i]       <-
            res.crossval$scores$generalization.prc[k_sparse.name, i]       <-
            res.crossval$scores$generalization.f1s[k_sparse.name, i]       <-
            res.crossval$scores$generalization.cor[k_sparse.name, i]       <-
            # store by k
            # AUC
            res.crossval$k$auc[k_sparse.name, "empirical"]                 <-
            res.crossval$k$auc[k_sparse.name, "generalization"]            <-
            # Accuracy
            res.crossval$k$acc[k_sparse.name, "empirical"]                 <-
            res.crossval$k$acc[k_sparse.name, "generalization"]            <-
            # Recall
            res.crossval$k$rec[k_sparse.name, "empirical"]                 <-
            res.crossval$k$rec[k_sparse.name, "generalization"]            <-
            # Precision
            res.crossval$k$prc[k_sparse.name, "empirical"]                 <-
            res.crossval$k$prc[k_sparse.name, "generalization"]            <-
            # F1-Score
            res.crossval$k$f1s[k_sparse.name, "empirical"]                 <-
            res.crossval$k$f1s[k_sparse.name, "generalization"]            <-
            # Regression
            res.crossval$k$cor[k_sparse.name, "empirical"]                 <-
            res.crossval$k$cor[k_sparse.name, "generalization"]            <-
          } # if training and testing results exist
        } # end of k_sparse loop
        # if saving move one level up
        if (!(clf$params$popSaveFile == "NULL"))
      } # end if null digest
      # Compute FEATURE IMPORTANCE for each classifier in GENERALIZATION
      if (clf$params$compute.importance & !isLearnerSota(clf))
        # we compute the feature importance and BTR languages and algorithms
        if (isClf(res.all[[i]]))
          # if results are valid
          if (!is.null(res.all[[i]]$fip))
            # if object exist
            if (!is.null(res.all[[i]]$fip$mda))
              mda.all[res.all[[i]]$fip$feat.catalogue, i] <- res.all[[i]]$fip$mda
            # if object exist
            if (!is.null(res.all[[i]]$fip$sda))
              sda.all[res.all[[i]]$fip$feat.catalogue, i] <- res.all[[i]]$fip$sda
            # if object exist
            if (!is.null(res.all[[i]]$fip$pda))
              pda.all[res.all[[i]]$fip$feat.catalogue, i] <- res.all[[i]]$fip$pda
        } else
          # print out information (might be errors)
      } # end importance
      # Do we need to return everything back ?
      if (return.all)
        res.crossval$nfold[[i]]             <- list(results = res_train,
                                                    resultsDigest = res_train.digest)
    } # end for (dispatching results)
    if (clf$params$verbose)
      cat("... All results from cross validation are dispatched\n")
    # reorder results function
    reorderByRownamesNumeric <- function(mat)
      ind <- as.numeric(gsub("k_", "", rownames(mat)))
      mat <- mat[order(ind), ]
    # reorder results
    res.crossval$scores$empirical.auc       <-
    res.crossval$scores$empirical.acc       <-
    res.crossval$scores$empirical.rec       <-
    res.crossval$scores$empirical.prc       <-
    res.crossval$scores$empirical.f1s       <-
    res.crossval$scores$empirical.cor       <-
    res.crossval$scores$generalization.auc  <-
    res.crossval$scores$generalization.acc  <-
    res.crossval$scores$generalization.rec  <-
    res.crossval$scores$generalization.prc  <-
    res.crossval$scores$generalization.f1s  <-
    res.crossval$scores$generalization.cor  <-
    # auc
    if (!is.null(dim(res.crossval$scores$empirical.auc)))
      res.crossval$scores$mean.auc            <-
          rowMeans(res.crossval$scores$empirical.auc, na.rm = TRUE),
          rowMeans(res.crossval$scores$generalization.auc, na.rm = TRUE)
      colnames(res.crossval$scores$mean.auc)  <-
        c("empirical", "generalization")
    # accuracy
    if (!is.null(dim(res.crossval$scores$empirical.acc)))
      res.crossval$scores$mean.acc            <-
          rowMeans(res.crossval$scores$empirical.acc, na.rm = TRUE),
          rowMeans(res.crossval$scores$generalization.acc, na.rm = TRUE)
      colnames(res.crossval$scores$mean.acc)  <-
        c("empirical", "generalization")
    # recall
    if (!is.null(dim(res.crossval$scores$empirical.rec)))
      res.crossval$scores$mean.rec            <-
          rowMeans(res.crossval$scores$empirical.rec, na.rm = TRUE),
          rowMeans(res.crossval$scores$generalization.rec, na.rm = TRUE)
      colnames(res.crossval$scores$mean.rec)  <-
        c("empirical", "generalization")
    # precision
    if (!is.null(dim(res.crossval$scores$empirical.prc)))
      res.crossval$scores$mean.prc            <-
          rowMeans(res.crossval$scores$empirical.prc, na.rm = TRUE),
          rowMeans(res.crossval$scores$generalization.prc, na.rm = TRUE)
      colnames(res.crossval$scores$mean.prc)  <-
        c("empirical", "generalization")
    # f1-score
    if (!is.null(dim(res.crossval$scores$empirical.f1s)))
      res.crossval$scores$mean.f1s            <-
          rowMeans(res.crossval$scores$empirical.f1s, na.rm = TRUE),
          rowMeans(res.crossval$scores$generalization.f1s, na.rm = TRUE)
      colnames(res.crossval$scores$mean.f1s)  <-
        c("empirical", "generalization")
    # correlation
    if (!is.null(dim(res.crossval$scores$empirical.cor)))
      res.crossval$scores$mean.cor            <-
          rowMeans(res.crossval$scores$empirical.cor, na.rm = TRUE),
          rowMeans(res.crossval$scores$generalization.cor, na.rm = TRUE)
      colnames(res.crossval$scores$mean.cor)  <-
        c("empirical", "generalization")
    # adding results for feature importance
    if (clf$params$compute.importance & !isLearnerSota(clf))
      res.crossval$fip <- list(
        mda = mda.all,
        sda = sda.all,
        pda = pda.all,
        fpf = rowSums(!is.na(mda.all)) # feature prevalenc in folds

# ################################################################
# ################################################################
# #' Computes the predected classification using a given model
# #'
# #' @description This function computes the predicted classification
# #' @export
# #' @param X: dataset to classify
# #' @param clf: an object containing the different parameters of the classifier
# #' @param mod: a model object to be used in the class prediction
# #' @param intercept: not needed for the ter family
# #' @param lev: the class level to be used for the new class
# #' @return a vector with the predicted classification of the samples
# prediction <- function(X, clf, mod=NULL, intercept=NULL, lev = c(-1,1))
# {
#   # if we don't send a specific model to test we'll use the default best model of the learner
#   if(is.null(mod)){
#     # Make sure we have a model for terLearner family
#     if(clf$learner != "sota.svm" & clf$learner != "sota.rf")
#     {
#       # if the fitting process has not been launched
#       if(is.null(clf$models))
#       {
#         stop("Please provide a model to use in the prediction process")
#       }else
#       {
#         mod <- getTheBestModel(clf)
#       }
#       # # Setting the intercept
#       # if(is.null(intercept))
#       # {
#       #   stop("Setting the default intercept = 0!")
#       # }
#     }
#   }
#   # Setting the intercept
#   if(is.null(intercept))
#   {
#     if(!is.null(mod)) # mod exists
#     {
#       if(!is.null(mod$intercept_)) # mod contains an intercept
#       {
#         intercept <- mod$intercept_
#       }else # mod does not contain an intercept
#       {
#         stop("Setting the default intercept = 0!")
#       }
#     }else # mod does not exist and intercept
#     {
#       intercept <- 0
#       warning("Setting intercept to default 0!")
#     }
#     if(clf$learner=="sota.rf") # output of random forest is posterior probability of class +1
#     {
#       intercept = 0.5
#     }
#   }
#   switch(clf$learner,
#          terda=
#          {
#            # case 'terda' here...
#            score <- computeModelScore(X = X, mod = mod, clf) # compute the score of the model
#            yhat <- lev[factor(score - intercept > 0)]
#          },
#          terga1=
#          {
#            # case 'terga_v1' here...
#            score <- computeModelScore(X = X, mod = mod, clf) # compute the score of the model
#            yhat <- lev[factor(score - intercept > 0)]
#          },
#          terga2=
#          {
#            # case 'terga' here...
#            score <- computeModelScore(X = X, mod = mod, clf) # compute the score of the model
#            yhat <- lev[factor(score - intercept > 0)]
#          },
#          terBeam=
#          {
#            # case 'terbeam' here...
#            score <- computeModelScore(X = X, mod = mod, clf) # compute the score of the model
#            yhat <- lev[factor(score - intercept > 0)]
#          },
#          sota.svm=
#          {
#            # case 'stoa.svm' here...
#            model <- clf$models[[clf$best.model.id]]
#            X.reduced <- t(X[model$selected.features,])
#            score <- as.numeric(predict(model$obj, X.reduced, type="decision"))
#            # yhat <- rep(1,ncol(X))
#            # yhat[score < intercept] <- -1
#            yhat <- lev[factor(score - intercept > 0)]
#          },
#          sota.rf=
#          {
#            # case 'stoa.rf' here...
#            model <- clf$models[[clf$best.model.id]]
#            X.reduced <- t(X[model$selected.features,])
#            score <- predict(model$obj,X.reduced,type="prob")[,"1"]
#            yhat <- lev[factor(score - intercept > 0)]
#          },
#          {
#            stop('This method does not exist !')
#          })
#         names(yhat) = colnames(X)
#         names(score) = colnames(X)
#   return(list(yhat=yhat, score=score))
# }
predomics/predomicspkg documentation built on Dec. 11, 2024, 11:06 a.m.