#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom tribe %@>% %<@>%
#' @importFrom keystone %_% cordon is_invalid dataframe %nin% nop
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
## http://cytoforum.stanford.edu/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1026
## 1. Acquisition of raw data (hot off the machine, no additional processing)
## 2. Normalization. Either MATLAB/Finck style, or Fluidigm-style.
## 3. Debarcoding, if applicable.
## 4. Gating down to live intact singlets (removal of debris, beads, dead cells,
## remaining cell-cell and bead-cell doublets).
## 5. Depending on your analysis pipeline, often export of new FCS files from the gated live intact singlets
## (if using Cytobank or a FlowJo plug-in, you can usually specify the population to cluster without having to re-export).
## 6. Clustering.
### Apply silhouette cutoffs to flow data.
#' @export
find_plus_minus_by_channel <- function(
x, # flowCore::flowFrame
bins = 4, intensity_levels = c("-", "d", "+", "++"),
zero_threshold = 0.90,
excluded_channels_re = stringr::regex("time|event_length", ignore_case = TRUE),
pmm_channels = NULL,
multisect... = list(),
resample_on_error = 15,
verbose = TRUE
if (!is.null(resample_on_error)) {
if (is.logical(resample_on_error)) {
if (resample_on_error) resample_on_error <- 5
else resample_on_error <- 1
} else {
resample_on_error <- 1
channels <- pmm_channels
if (is.null(channels))
channels <- stringr::str_subset(flowCore::colnames(x), excluded_channels_re, negate = TRUE)
e <- flowCore::exprs(x)
colNames <- colnames(e)
cutoffs <- list(); starting_random_seed <- NULL
i <- 1
pmm <- plyr::alply(e, 2,
sampleName <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(flowCore::description(x)$FILENAME))
if (verbose) {
cat(sprintf("Processing sample %s, channel %s...", sampleName, colNames[i])); utils::flush.console()
if (colNames[i] %nin% channels) {
rr <- rep(NA_integer_, length(b)); names(rr) <- colNames[i]
} else {
## If too many zeros etc., might be a blank channel.
if (
(sum(b == 0, na.rm = TRUE) / length(b) >= zero_threshold) ||
all(is.na(b)) ||
isTRUE(all.equal(sd(b), 0))
) {
cutoff <- rep(NA_real_, bins - 1)
r <- rep(NA_integer_, length(b))
} else {
multisectArgs <- list(
x = b %>% `attr<-`("main_title", sprintf("%s|%s", sampleName, colNames[i])),
bins = bins,
plot_cutoff = FALSE,
random_seed = 666
multisectArgs <- utils::modifyList(multisectArgs, multisect...)
if (is.null(starting_random_seed) && !is.null(multisectArgs$random_seed))
starting_random_seed <<- multisectArgs$random_seed
cutoff <- rep(NA_real_, bins - 1) %>%
`attr<-`("random_seed", multisectArgs$random_seed)
j <- 0
while (TRUE) {
if (j >= resample_on_error) {
cat("\nError: Too many restarts"); flush.console()
cutoff <- rep(NA_real_, length(bins - 1)) %>%
`attr<-`("random_seed", multisectArgs$random_seed)
cutoff <- do.call(multisect, multisectArgs)
## Try to deal w/ errors resulting from quasi-successful 'multisect()' call.
if (any(duplicated(cutoff))) {
cat("\n Warning: Duplicate cutoffs. Resampling..."); flush.console()
j <- j + 1
multisectArgs$random_seed <- attr(cutoff, "random_seed") + 1
if (any(cutoff %in% range(b))) {
cat("\n Warning: Cutoff at data boundary. Resampling..."); flush.console()
j <- j + 1
multisectArgs$random_seed <- attr(cutoff, "random_seed") + 1
}, error =
message("\nError: ", e$message); flush.console()
j <<- j + 1
## Try bumping up random seed & rerunning
multisectArgs$random_seed <<- multisectArgs$random_seed + 1
## On utter failure of 'multisect()', estimate cutoffs differently
if (all(is.na(cutoff))) {
## Use mean as estimate of bisection points; cf. algorithm in file "flowpipe-silhouette.R"
cat("\n Warning: Falling back on mean estimates of cutpoints..."); flush.console()
d <- stats::dist(b %>% `attributes<-`(NULL))
cutoff1 <- mean(b, na.rm = TRUE)
cutoff2 <- cutoff3 <- NULL
if (bins != 2) {
t1 <- mean(b[b > cutoff1], na.rm = TRUE)
if (bins == 3) {
cluster <- .bincode(b, sort(c(-Inf, cutoff1, t1, +Inf), decreasing = FALSE))
ss <- cluster::silhouette(cluster, d) # Original R code (now in C++): cluster:::silhouette.default.R
s1 <- mean(ss[, 3])
t2 <- mean(b[b <= cutoff1], na.rm = TRUE)
if (bins == 3) {
cluster <- .bincode(b, sort(c(-Inf, cutoff1, t2, +Inf), decreasing = FALSE))
ss <- cluster::silhouette(cluster, d)
s2 <- mean(ss[, 3])
if (s2 > s1) cutoff2 <- t2
else cutoff2 <- t1
} else {
cutoff2 <- t1; cutoff3 <- t2
cutoff <- sort(c(cutoff1, cutoff2, cutoff3), decreasing = FALSE)
attr(cutoff, "random_seed") <- multisectArgs$random_seed
if (multisectArgs$plot_cutoff) {
plot(stats::density(b), main = sprintf("%s|%s", sampleName, colNames[i]), cex.main = 0.8)
keystone::vline(sprintf("%.2f", cutoff), abline... = list(col = "red"), text... = list(y = keystone::cp_coords()$y))
r <- Hmisc::cut2(b, cutoff)
#length(intensity_levels) <- length(cutoff) + 1
levels(r) <- intensity_levels
cutoffs <<- c(cutoffs, list(cutoff))
rr <- r; names(rr) <- colNames[i]
if (verbose) {
cat(". Done.", fill = TRUE); utils::flush.console()
i <<- i + 1
colNames <- colnames(e)
plyr::l_ply(seq_along(pmm), function(i) { pmm[[i]] <<- as.data.frame(pmm[[i]]); names(pmm[[i]]) <<- colNames[i] })
pmm <- purrr::reduce(pmm, dplyr::bind_cols)
names(cutoffs) <- channels
attr(pmm, "cutoffs") <- structure(cutoffs, starting_random_seed = starting_random_seed)
## usage:
# pmm <- find_plus_minus_by_channel(ff, stringr::regex("time|event_length|sample_id", ignore_case = TRUE))
#' @export
get_fcs_expression_subset <- function(
x, # Vector of file paths
b = 1/150, # asinh transformation parameter: FCM = 1/150, CyTOF = 1/8 (NULL for no transformation)
channels_subset = NULL,
excluded_transform_channels_re = stringr::regex("time|event_length", ignore_case = TRUE),
sample_size = 10000, # 'Inf' for all events
seed = 666,
channels_by_sample = NULL # "cbs" object
## Transformation is 'asinh(a + b * x) + c'; a = shift about 0, b = scale factor, c = additive constant
asinhTrans <- flowCore::arcsinhTransform(transformationId = "flowpipe-transformation", a = 1, b = b, c = 0)
if (!is.null(seed))
l <- keystone::psapply(x,
if (inherits(a, "flowFrame")) {
ff <- a
baseName <- a %>% flowCore::keyword() %>% `$`("FILE") %>% basename
} else {
ff <- flowCore::read.FCS(a, transformation = FALSE, truncate_max_range = FALSE)
baseName <- basename(a)
if (is.null(channels_subset))
channels_subset <- flowCore::colnames(ff)
ff <- ff[, channels_subset]
tff <- ff
if (!is.null(b)) {
transformChannels <- flowCore::colnames(ff)[stringr::str_detect(flowCore::colnames(ff),
excluded_transform_channels_re, negate = TRUE)]
transList <- flowCore::transformList(transformChannels, asinhTrans)
tff <- flowCore::transform(ff, transList)
e <- cbind(id = tools::file_path_sans_ext(baseName), flowCore::exprs(tff) %>%
`[`(sample(NROW(.), pmin(sample_size, NROW(.))), ) %>% keystone::dataframe())
}, simplify = FALSE)
exprs <- l %>% purrr::reduce(dplyr::bind_rows) %>%
dplyr::mutate(id = as.factor(id)) %>%
structure(.$id %>% keystone::unfactor() %>% unique, .Names = .$id %>% as.numeric %>% unique)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(id = id %>% as.numeric)
sample_id_map <- attr(exprs, "sample_id_map")
exprs <- structure(data.matrix(exprs), sample_id_map = sample_id_map)
## Make a channels name-description map
if (!is.null(channels_by_sample)) {
attr(exprs, "channels_name_desc_map") <-
attr(channels_by_sample, "channels_by_sample_full_desc") %>%
(function(o) { structure(o$desc_01, .Names = o$name) })(.)
## Create augmented 'flowCore::flowFrame' object files to use for analysis.
#' @export
prepare_augmented_fcs_data <- function(
x, # Vector of file paths
b = 1/150, # asinh transformation parameter: FCM = 1/150, CyTOF = 1/8 (v. MetaCyto vignette)
excluded_transform_channels_re = stringr::regex("time|event_length", ignore_case = TRUE),
channels_subset = NULL,
remove_outliers = TRUE, flowCut... = list(),
outfile_prefix = expression(rep("", length(x))),
outfile_suffix = "_pmm", # &c, also possibly 'NULL'
overwrite = TRUE,
... # Additional arguments to 'find_plus_minus_by_channel()'
if (missing(data_dir))
stop("Must specify a write directory for augmented FCS files")
if (!missing(data_dir) && !dir.exists(data_dir))
dir.create(data_dir, recursive = TRUE)
if (is.null(outfile_prefix))
outfile_prefix <- ""
outfile_prefix <- keystone::poly_eval(outfile_prefix)
if (is.null(outfile_suffix))
outfile_suffix <- ""
outfile_suffix <- keystone::poly_eval(outfile_suffix)
asinhTrans <- flowCore::arcsinhTransform(transformationId = "flowpipe-transformation", a = 1, b = b, c = 0)
## Invoke parallel processing for no. files > 1
sapply_fun <- sapply
if (length(x) > 1L)
sapply_fun <- keystone::psapply
r <- sapply_fun(seq_along(x),
augmentedFcsFileName <-
sprintf("%s%s%s.RData", outfile_prefix[i], basename(x[i]), outfile_suffix)
augmentedFcsFilePath <- paste(data_dir, augmentedFcsFileName, sep = "/")
if (!overwrite) {
if (fs::file_exists(augmentedFcsFilePath)) {
cat(sprintf("Skipping existing augmented FCS file %s.", augmentedFcsFileName), fill = TRUE); utils::flush.console()
return (augmentedFcsFilePath)
ff <- flowCore::read.FCS(x[i], transformation = FALSE, truncate_max_range = FALSE)
if (is.null(channels_subset))
channels_subset <- flowCore::colnames(ff)
ff <- ff[, channels_subset]
if (remove_outliers) {
flowCutArgs <- list(
f = ff,
Directory = paste(data_dir, "flowCut", sep = "/")
flowCutArgs <- utils::modifyList(flowCutArgs, flowCut..., keep.null = TRUE)
flowCut_results <- do.call(flowCut::flowCut, flowCutArgs)
ff <- flowCut_results$frame
flowCut_results <- flowCut_results[names(flowCut_results) != "frame"]
tff <- ff
if (!is.null(b)) {
transformChannels <- flowCore::colnames(ff)[stringr::str_detect(flowCore::colnames(ff),
excluded_transform_channels_re, negate = TRUE)]
transList <- flowCore::transformList(transformChannels, asinhTrans)
tff <- flowCore::transform(ff, transList)
pmm <- find_plus_minus_by_channel(tff, ...)
exprs_tff <- flowCore::exprs(tff)
attr(exprs_tff, "plus_minus_matrix") <- pmm
class(exprs_tff) <- c("pmm", class(exprs_tff))
## This bypasses the type checking on the 'exprs' slot; trick described here:
## https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/methods/html/slot.html
attr(tff, "exprs") <- exprs_tff
if (exists("flowCut_results"))
attr(tff, "flowCut_results") <- flowCut_results
cat(sprintf("Saving augmented FCS file as %s...", augmentedFcsFileName)); utils::flush.console()
save(tff, file = augmentedFcsFilePath)
cat(". Done.", fill = TRUE)
}, simplify = TRUE)
if (any(duplicated(r)))
warning("Output file paths should be unique; use an 'outfile_prefix' expression to prevent overwriting", immediate. = TRUE)
ret_val <- r
RBasicClasses <- NULL
## Assure that 'exprs' subsetting includes the plus-minus matrix.
#' @export
`[.pmm` <- function(x, ...)
y <- NextMethod("[") # Dispatch to generic
attr(y, "plus_minus_matrix") <- attr(x, "plus_minus_matrix") %>% `[`(...)
## Correctly subset 'cluster_id' vector attribute if present
if (!is.null(attr(x, "cluster_id"))) {
cluster_id <- c()
## The following is hacky, but it appears to always work:
extant_colname <- head(colnames(y), 1)
if (!is_invalid(extant_colname)) {
cim <- structure(rep(NA, prod(dim(x), na.rm = TRUE)),
.Dim = dim(x), .Dimnames = dimnames(x)) %>% as.data.frame
cim[, extant_colname] <- attr(x, "cluster_id")
cluster_id <- cim %>% `[`(...) %>% `[`(, extant_colname)
attr(y, "cluster_id") <- cluster_id
class(y) <- setdiff(class(x), RBasicClasses)
if (is_invalid(dim(y))) {
## Resolves problems caused by not removing these classes from un'dim'med vectors
class(y) <- setdiff(class(x), c("matrix", "array"))
## Transfer unchanged attributes to 'y'
uncommonAttributes <- setdiff(names(attributes(x)), names(attributes(y))) %>%
`[`(. %nin% c("dim", "dimnames")) # In case of single-column subset
function(a) { attr(y, a) <<- attributes(x)[[a]] })
#' @export
print.pmm <- function(x, n = formals(utils:::head.default)$n, ...)
head(x, n) %>% print.default(...)
#' @export
as.matrix.pmm <- function(x, ...)
#' @export
`colnames<-` <- function(x, value)
#' @export
`colnames<-.default` <- function(x, value)
base::`colnames<-`(x, value)
#' @export
`colnames<-.pmm` <- function(x, value)
x <- `colnames<-.default`(x, value)
colnames(attr(x,"plus_minus_matrix")) <- value
#' @export
gate <- function(
x, # Expression matrix of class "pmm"
strategy = list(),
visualize_channels... = list(),
verbose = TRUE
if (length(strategy) == 0) {
warning("No gating strategy supplied; returning original expression matrix.")
return (x)
lstrategy <- keystone::psapply(strategy,
with(attr(x, "plus_minus_matrix") %>% tibble::as_tibble(), keystone::poly_eval(a))
}, simplify = FALSE, .parallel = FALSE) %>%
{ Reduce(`&`, ., accumulate = TRUE) } %>%
{ c(list(rep(TRUE, NROW(x))), .) }
gatePlots <- keystone::psapply(seq_along(strategy),
gatePlotPath <- tempfile()
grDevices::png(file = gatePlotPath, bg = "transparent")
dev.control(displaylist = "enable")
## Plot gating strategy
visualize_channelsArgs <- list(
#x = x,
x = x[lstrategy[[a]], , drop = FALSE],
channels = strategy[a] # Named list w/ a single element
visualize_channelsArgs <-
utils::modifyList(visualize_channelsArgs, visualize_channels..., keep.null = TRUE)
do.call(visualize_channels, visualize_channelsArgs)
gatePlot <- grDevices::recordPlot()
}, simplify = FALSE, .parallel = FALSE)
x <- x[tail(lstrategy, 1)[[1]], , drop = FALSE]
if (verbose && !is_invalid(names(strategy))) {
cat("Gating strategies applied:", paste(names(strategy), collapse = ", "), fill = TRUE)
list(pmm = x, grobs = gatePlots)
#' @export
get_expression_subset <- function(
x, # Vector of file paths to augmented 'flowCore::flowFrame' objects
gate... = list(), # Preprocess samples individually
save_plot_fun = grDevices::cairo_pdf, save_plot... = list(),
seed = 666,
sample_size = 10000,
callback = NULL # An expression
if (length(gate...) == 0L)
save_plot... <- NULL
ss <- keystone::psapply(seq_along(x),
## N.B. I may want to load into an environment if object naming isn't consistent.
## (Then use the only object in the environment.)
exprs_tff <- flowCore::exprs(tff)
sampleName <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(flowCore::description(tff)$FILENAME))
grobs <- NULL
if (length(gate...) != 0L) {
gateArgs <- list(
x = exprs_tff,
visualize_channels... =
# N.B. Change the following line to use 'rlang::enquo()' leading to a call to 'mtext()':
#plot... = list(sub = sampleName),
plot_end_callback = expression({
graphics::title(main = sprintf("Gating strategy: %s", names(channels)))
if (visualize_gates) {
graphics::mtext(sprintf("Events: %d/%d", NROW(xx), NROW(x)),
side = 1, line = -1, cex = 0.8)
gateArgs <- utils::modifyList(gateArgs, gate..., keep.null = TRUE)
flit <- do.call(gate, gateArgs)
exprs_tff <- flit$pmm
grobs <- flit$grobs
if (!is.null(seed))
## Create a new "pmm" object with a sample ID column
e <- exprs_tff[sample(NROW(exprs_tff), pmin(sample_size, NROW(exprs_tff))), ]
pmm <- attr(e, "plus_minus_matrix"); rownames(pmm) <- NULL
id <- rep(a, NROW(e))
r <- cbind(id = id, e)
attr(r, "plus_minus_matrix") <- cbind(id = id, pmm)
class(r) <- class(e)
structure(r, total_gated_events = NROW(exprs_tff), grobs = grobs, sample_name = sampleName)
}, simplify = FALSE) %>% `names<-`(x)
## Create pre-gating poster
grobs <- structure(sapply(ss, function(a) attr(a, "grobs"), simplify = FALSE),
.Names = sapply(ss, function(a) attr(a, "sample_name"), simplify = FALSE))
anyGrobs <- !is_invalid(grobs %>% unlist %>% purrr::compact())
if (anyGrobs) {
max_gates <- sapply(grobs, length) %>% max
grobs <- sapply(grobs, `length<-`, value = max_gates, simplify = FALSE)
if (!is_invalid(save_plot...)) { # Save gating sequences to PDF
save_plotArgs <- list(
width = 5.0 * max_gates + 1,
height = 5.0 * length(grobs) + 1
save_plotArgs <- utils::modifyList(save_plotArgs, save_plot..., keep.null = TRUE)
if (!is.null(save_plotArgs$file)) {
image_dir <- dirname(save_plotArgs$file)
if (!dir.exists(image_dir))
dir.create(image_dir, recursive = TRUE)
do.call(save_plot_fun, save_plotArgs)
## This creates a list of "recordedplot" objects:
#plotlist = sapply(grobs, function(a) if (is.null(a)) list(NULL) else a),
plotlist = grobs %>% purrr::flatten(),
ncol = max_gates,
hjust = 0, label_x = 0.01,
labels = rep("", max_gates * length(grobs)) %>%
`[<-`(seq(from = 1, by = max_gates, length.out = length(grobs)), names(grobs)),
#label_colour = "darkgreen",
label_size = 16
) %>% print
if (!is.null(save_plotArgs$file))
## Convert PDF to PNG
if (!is.null(save_plotArgs$file)) {
pdf = save_plotArgs$file,
format = "png",
dpi = 100,
filenames = sprintf("%s.png", tools::file_path_sans_ext(save_plotArgs$file))
## Resize very large PNGs to fit into LaTeX documents
filePath <- sprintf("%s.png", tools::file_path_sans_ext(save_plotArgs$file))
i <- magick::image_read(filePath)
ii <- magick::image_info(i)[, c("width", "height")]
if (any(ii %>% unlist > 16384)) {
ni <- magick::image_scale(i, ifelse(ii$width > 16384, "", "x") %_% "16384")
magick::image_write(ni, sprintf("%s-resized.%s", tools::file_path_sans_ext(filePath), tools::file_ext(filePath)))
if (!is.null(callback))
keystone::poly_eval(callback) # E.g. standardize column names
## Assemble a new "pmm" object from all subsets.
e <- purrr::reduce(ss, rbind)
pmm <- purrr::reduce(sapply(ss, function(a) attr(a, "plus_minus_matrix"), simplify = FALSE), rbind); rownames(pmm) <- NULL
attr(e, "plus_minus_matrix") <- pmm
attr(e, "id_map") <- structure(pmm$id %>% unique, .Names = x[pmm$id %>% unique])
attr(e, "total_gated_events") <- sapply(ss, function(a) attr(a, "total_gated_events"))
class(e) <- class(ss[[1]])
#' @export
rename_duplicates <- function(
x, # Character vector
fmt = "%s-%02d"
if (any(duplicated(x))) {
duplicateNames <- x %>% intersect(.[duplicated(.)])
for(i in duplicateNames) {
dupIndex <- which(x == i)
## Replace w/ sequential numbers:
x[dupIndex] <- sapply(seq_along(dupIndex), function(j) sprintf(fmt, x[dupIndex[j]], j))
#' @export
make_sample_id_map <- function(
x, # Expression matrix of class "pmm"
re, # Regular expression or vector of IDs the same length as 'attr(x, "id_map")'
rename_dups = TRUE,
sample_id_map <- attr(x, "id_map")
if (length(re) == length(sample_id_map))
mapNames <- re
mapNames <- names(sample_id_map) %>% basename %>% stringr::str_extract(re[1])
if (rename_dups)
mapNames <- rename_duplicates(mapNames, ...)
names(sample_id_map) <- mapNames
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