
Defines functions cross_validation_model_bh_GxE

Documented in cross_validation_model_bh_GxE

#' Run complete cross validation with Hierarchical Bayesian GxE model
#' @description
#' \code{cross_validation_model_bh_GxE} runs complete cross validation with Hierarchical Bayesian GxE model
#' @param data The data frame on which the model will be run. It should have at least the following columns : c("year", "germplasm", "location", "block", "X", "Y", "..."), with "..." the variables.
#' @param variable The variable on which runs the model
#' @param nb_iterations Number of iterations of the MCMC
#' @param mc.cores The number of cores used for parallelisation of the computing
#' @details
#' The convergence is not checked for each validation. If the parameters converge (cf \code{\link{check_model}}), then it is assumed that the parameters in the cross validation converge as well.
#' The model is run on data sets where germplasms are on at least three environments so the smallest data set where the cross validation is run has germplasms on at least two environments. 
#' Parallelization is done with the function \code{parallel::mclapply}.
#' @return 
#' The function returns a data frame with real values and estimated values by cross validation
#' @author Pierre Riviere
#' @seealso 
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link{model_bh_GxE}}
#' \item \code{\link{check_model}} 
#' \item \code{\link{check_model.fit_model_bh_GxE}}
#' }
#' @import parallel
#' @export
cross_validation_model_bh_GxE = function(
  nb_iterations = 100000,
  mc.cores = 1)
  ## TODO: Ideally, there should be a generic cross_validation()
  ## which only has a method for a "check_model_bh_GxE" object.
  ## This way is extensible to a future situation where there might be more
  ## models that can be "cross-validated" with other methods.
  ## For the moment, I leave it as it to preserve back-compatibility.

  # 1. Error message ----------
  check_data_vec_variables(data, variable)
  # The other error messages are done with the used of the function model_bh_GxE
  # 2. Data formating ----------
  # 2.1. Get the environments ----------
  environment = paste(as.character(data$location), as.character(data$year), sep = ":")
  D = cbind.data.frame(
    germplasm = as.factor(as.character(data$germplasm)),
    year = as.factor(as.character(data$year)),
    location = as.factor(as.character(data$location)),
    environment = as.factor(environment),
    block = as.factor(as.character(data$block)),
    X = as.factor(as.character(data$X)),
    Y = as.factor(as.character(data$Y)),
    variable = as.numeric(as.character(data[,variable]))
  formule = as.formula("variable ~ germplasm + year + location + environment + block + X + Y")
  D = droplevels(aggregate(formule, FUN = mean, data = D))
  # 2.2. Get only germplasm that are on at least three environments ----------
  w = with(D, table(germplasm, environment))
  t = apply(w, 1, sum)
  germ.to.get = names(t[which(t>=3)])
  germplasm.to.get = is.element(D$germplasm, germ.to.get)
  D = droplevels(D[germplasm.to.get,])
  # 3. Create datasets ----------
  list_data = NULL
  for(i in 1:nrow(D)) {
    d = D[-i,]
    env = as.character(D[i, "environment"])
    germ = as.character(D[i, "germplasm"])
    observed.value = d[i, "variable"]
    out = list("data" = d, "num_data" = i, "nb_total_data" = nrow(D), "observed.value" = observed.value, "germplasm" = germ, "environment" = env, "nb_iterations" = nb_iterations)
    list_data = c(list_data, list(out))

  # 4. Run the FWH model on each data set ----------
  fun = function(x) {
            Model runs for data ", x$num_data, "/", x$nb_total_data, ". 
    d = format_data_PPBstats(x$data, type = "data_agro")
    out = model_bh_GxE(  data = d,
                variable = "variable",
                nb_iterations = x$nb_iterations,
                return.alpha = TRUE,
                return.sigma_alpha = FALSE,
                return.beta = TRUE,
                return.sigma_beta = FALSE,
                return.theta = TRUE,
                return.sigma_theta = FALSE,
                return.epsilon = FALSE,
                return.sigma_epsilon = FALSE,
                return.DIC = FALSE
    germ = x$germplasm
    env = x$environment
    MCMC = rbind.data.frame(out$MCMC[[1]], out$MCMC[[2]])
    estimated.value = median(MCMC[, paste("alpha[", germ, "]", sep = "")] + MCMC[, paste("beta[", germ, "]", sep = "")] * MCMC[, paste("theta[", env, "]", sep = "")])
    out = c("observed.value" = x$observed.value, "estimated.value" = estimated.value)
  OUT = parallel::mclapply(list_data, function(x) {fun(x)}, mc.cores = mc.cores)
  observed.value = unlist(OUT)[grep("observed.value", names(unlist(OUT)))]
  estimated.value = unlist(OUT)[grep("estimated.value", names(unlist(OUT)))]
  # 5. Return results ----------
  out = cbind.data.frame(observed.value, estimated.value)
  class(out) <- c("PPBstats", "cross_validation_model_bh_GxE", "data.frame")
priviere/PPBstats documentation built on May 6, 2021, 1:20 a.m.