
# 0. help -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Query SHiNeMaS and return the datasets
#' @description
#' \code{get.data} queries SHiNeMaS and returns the data-sets.
#' @param db_user user name of SHiNeMaS
#' @param db_host IP address of the computer where SHiNeMaS is. If local host db_host = ""
#' @param db_name name of the data base
#' @param db_password your password to login. If no password is needed, put ""
#' @param query.type Type of query, which will create a data set. There are eight types:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item "network": network relations between seed-lots. All filters are possible.
#' \item "cross": seed-lots used to give a cross: father, grandfather, mother, grandmother and cross. All filters are possible except variable.in, relation.in, seed.lots.in, seed.lots.out and reproduction.type.in.
#' \item raw information on levels and variables contained in SHiNeMaS :
#' \itemize{
#' \item "species"
#' \item "variable"
#' \item "person"
#' \item "year"
#' \item "project"
#' \item "seed.lot"
#' \item "selection.person": persons that performed intra-varietal mass selection
#' \item "reproduction.type"
#' \item "germplasm.type"
#' \item "germplasm"
#' }
#' \item data with variable on specific seed-lots :
#' \itemize{
#' \item "data-classic": default dataframe.
#' \item "data-S": selection differential for a given year.
#' \item "data-SR": seed-lots pairs of selection differential for year n-1 and response to selection for year n.
#' \item "data-mixture-1": seed-lots used in a mixture
#' }
#' \item "methods": information related to the methods used for each variable in SHiNeMaS with its description and units
#' Filters can be applied on variables. Possible filter is variable.in.
#' \item "person.info": information regarding persons stored in SHiNeMaS. 
#' Possible filters are person.in and person.out.
#' \item "grandfather": information on son, father and grandfather. 
#' All filters are possible except relation.in and variable.in.
#' }
#' @param filter.on This argument is needed if you want to use filters. It chooses on which seed-lots the filters are applied: "son", "father" or "father-son". Filter.on is not used for data.type = "seed-lots", query.type = "methods" and query.type = "person.info"
#' @param germplasm.in Filter: vector with germplasms to keep. By default, all the germplasms are in.
#' @param germplasm.out Filter: vector with germplasms to discard. By default, no germplasm is out.
#' @param germplasm.type.in Filter: vector with germplasms to keep. By default, all the germplasm types are in.
#' @param germplasm.type.out Filter: vector with germplasms to discard. By default, no germplasm type is out.
#' @param year.in Filter: vector with years to keep. By default, all the years are in.
#' @param year.out Filter: vector with years to discard. By default, no year is out.
#' @param project.in Filter: vector of projects to keep. By default, all the projects are in.
#' @param project.out Filter: vector of projects to discard. By default, no project is out.
#' @param person.in Filter: vector of persons to keep. By default, all the persons are in.
#' @param person.out Filter: vector of persons to discard.  By default, no person is out.
#' @param seed.lot.in Filter: vector of seed-lots to keep. By default, all the seed-lots are in.
#' @param seed.lot.out Filter: vector of seed-lots to discard. By default, no seed-lot is out.
#' @param relation.in Filter on a relation to keep: "reproduction", "mixture", "selection" or "diffusion". By default, all relations are in.
#' @param reproduction.type.in Filter on reproduction types
#' @param variable.in Filter: vector with variables to keep. If NULL, all variables in SHiNeMaS are displayed.
#' @param data.type For queries in "data-". Type of data: "relation" for data linked to relation between seed lots and "seed-lots" for data linked to seed lots
#' @param network.info For query.type = "network". If TRUE, aggregates information on relations and seed-lots on the network and return it in the results.
#' @param Mdist For query.type = "network". If TRUE, computes the Mdist matrix and return it in the results. See details.
#' @param fill.diffusion.gap For query.type = "network", create a network with no gaps between seed-lots (as long as there is information!)
#' @param mixrep_to_repro For query.type = "network", tranform the mixtures of replications into reproductions, i.e. the network keeps only 'real' mixtures (i.e. different germplasm for father and son) and correct the information regarding what have been harvested and sown after as the mixture disappear. TRUE by default.
#' @details
#' \itemize{
#' \item Queries "cross"
#' The data frame returned has a column "expe" which corresponds to an id of the set of seed-lots used in the cross
#' \item Queries "S"
#' The data frame returned has a column "expe" which corresponds to an id of one selection differential 
#' \item Queries "SR"
#' The data frame returned has a column "expe" which corresponds to an id of one selection differential and the corresponding response to selection
#' The query "data-SR" takes into account when selection has been done to get a seed lot, that this seed lot has been merged and then has been sown. It is the case when selection has been carried out in a replication that has been merged afterwards. Even if this case should not arrise, it might happen.
#' \item Query "network"
#' The Mdist square matrix can be compared to a differentiation distance. It can be put in relation with genetic Fst for example.
#' Note that a value of 1 means a distance between 
#' \itemize{
#' 	\item a seed-lot that has been diffused to location A without beeing sown and harvested on location B and
#' 	\item a seed-lot that has been diffused to location B and beeing sown and harvested on location B
#' 	}
#' \item Correlated data or not
#' Note that for data linked to seed-lots, all the data are correlated as there is one measure for a given seed-lot. 
#' Therefore the element of the list for non correlated data is always NULL.
#' For data linked to relations, as it can be linked to individual within a seed-lot, data may be correlated (data taken on the same individual) or not.
#' }
#' @return The function returns a list with 
#' \itemize{
#' \item data according to the query type.
#' \enumerate{
#' \item For network it returns a list with
#' \itemize{
#' \item the network object with information on:
#' 	\itemize{
#' 	\item vertex: year, person, germplasm, germplasm.type, sex
#' 	\item edges: relation type, number of generations on a given location + confidence of the information, number of generations since the information is known + confidence of the information
#' 	}
#' \item the network.query dataframe coming from the query
#' \item the network.info matrix with information on relations in the network. The possible information are:
#'  \itemize{
#'  \item reproduction: "sow", "harvest", "harvest-sow"
#'  \item selection: "selection"
#'  \item mixture: "mixture_real" (for 'real' mixture i.e. seed-lots of different germplasm), "mixture_rep" (for mixture of replication i.e. seed-lots of identical germplasm)
#'  \item diffusion: "give", "receive", "give-receive"
#'  }
#' \item the Mdist square matrix with the number of reproductions that separate two seed-lots since their last common diffusion.
#' }
#' \item For raw information on levels and variables present in SHiNeMaS it returns a vector
#' \item For data with variables on specific seed-lots it returns a list with
#' \itemize{
#' 		\item a data frame with the data set 
#' 		\item a list with data set with individuals that are correlated for a set of variables
#' 		\item the description of methods used for each variable with its description and units
#' 		}
#' }
#' \item information to connect to SHiNeMaS
#' }
#' @examples
#' # See the vignette
#' @author Pierre Riviere for R code and Yannick de Oliveira for SQL code 
#' @seealso \code{\link{encrypt.data}}, \code{\link{translate.data}},, \code{\link{format.data}}, \code{\link{get.ggplot}}, \code{\link{get.table}}
get.data <- function(
db_user = "pierre",
db_host = "",
db_name = "shinemas_tuto",
db_password = "pierre",
query.type = "person",
filter.on = NULL,
germplasm.in = NULL,
germplasm.out = NULL,
germplasm.type.in = NULL,
germplasm.type.out = NULL,
year.in = NULL,
year.out = NULL,
project.in = NULL,
project.out = NULL,
person.in = NULL,
person.out = NULL,
seed.lot.in = NULL,
seed.lot.out = NULL,
relation.in = NULL,
reproduction.type.in = NULL,
variable.in = NULL,
data.type = NULL,
network.info = TRUE,
Mdist = FALSE,
fill.diffusion.gap = FALSE,
mixrep_to_repro = TRUE

# lets go !!! ----
# 1. Check parameters ----------

# 1.1. Possibles values of arguments ----------
if(!is.element(query.type, c("network", "data-classic", "data-S", "data-SR", "data-mixture-1", "cross", "species", "variable", "person", "year", "project", "seed.lots", "selection.person", "reproduction.type", "germplasm.type", "germplasm", "methods", "person.info", "grandfather")))  { 	stop("query.type must be \"network\", \"data-classic\", \"data-S\", \"data-SR\", \"data-mixture-1\", \"cross\", \"species\", \"variable\", \"person\", \"year\", \"project\", \"seed.lots\", \"selection.person\", \"reproduction.type\", \"germplasm.type\", \"germplasm\", \"methods\", \"person.info\" or \"grandfather\".") }

test = c(germplasm.in, germplasm.out, germplasm.type.in, germplasm.type.out, year.in, year.out, project.in, project.out, person.in, person.out, seed.lot.in, seed.lot.out, relation.in, reproduction.type.in, variable.in)
if(is.element(query.type, c( "variable", "person", "year", "project", "seed.lots", "selection.person", "reproduction.type", "germplasm.type", "germplasm")) & !is.null(test)) { stop("You can not use a filter on raw information on levels and variables.") }

	if( !is.element(relation.in, c("reproduction", "mixture", "selection", "diffusion")) )  { stop("relation.in must be \"reproduction\", \"mixture\", \"selection\" or \"diffusion\".") }

# 1.2. Possible filters regarding query.types or data.type ----------
if( query.type == "cross" & (!is.null(relation.in) | !is.null(variable.in)) ) { warning("With query.type == \"cross\", filter relation.in and variable.in are not used.") }

if( query.type == "methods" & (
	!is.null(germplasm.in) | 
	!is.null(germplasm.out) | 
	!is.null(germplasm.type.in) | 
	!is.null(germplasm.type.out) | 
	!is.null(year.in) | 
	!is.null(year.out) | 
	!is.null(project.in) | 
	!is.null(project.out) | 
	!is.null(person.in) | 
	!is.null(person.out) | 
	!is.null(seed.lot.in) | 
	!is.null(seed.lot.out) | 
	!is.null(relation.in) | 
) ) { warning("With query.type == \"methods\", filters germplasm.in, germplasm.out, germplasm.type.in, germplasm.type.out, year.in, year.out, project.in, project.out, person.in, person.out, seed.lot.in, seed.lot.out, relation.in and reproduction.type.in are not used.") }

if( query.type == "person.info" & (
	!is.null(germplasm.in) | 
	!is.null(germplasm.out) | 
	!is.null(germplasm.type.in) | 
	!is.null(germplasm.type.out) | 
	!is.null(year.in) | 
	!is.null(year.out) | 
	!is.null(project.in) | 
	!is.null(project.out) | 
	!is.null(seed.lot.in) | 
	!is.null(seed.lot.out) | 
	!is.null(relation.in) | 
	!is.null(reproduction.type.in) |
) ) { warning("With query.type == \"person.info\", filters germplasm.in, germplasm.out, germplasm.type.in, germplasm.type.out, year.in, year.out, project.in, project.out, seed.lot.in, seed.lot.out, relation.in, reproduction.type.in and variable.in are not used.") }

if( query.type == "grandfather" & (!is.null(relation.in) | !is.null(variable.in)) ) { warning("With query.type == \"grandfather\", filter relation.in and variable.in is not used.") }

if( !is.null(data.type) ) {
	if( data.type == "seed-lots" & !is.null(relation.in)) { warning("With data.type == \"seed-lots\", filter relation.in is not used.") }

# 1.3. Possible values of data.type ----------
if( is.null(data.type) & length(grep("data-", query.type)) > 0 ) { stop("With query.type in \"data-\", data.type must not be NULL. data.type can be \"relation\" or \"seed-lots\".")


if(!is.element(data.type, c("relation", "seed-lots"))) { 	stop("data.type must be \"relation\" or \"seed-lots\"") }	

# 1.4. Possible values of filter.on regarding query.types ----------

if( data.type == "seed-lots" ) { filter.on = "son" ; message("With data.type == \"seed-lots\", \"filter.on\" is not used.") } # To be ok with filters

if( query.type == "person.info" | query.type == "methods" ) { filter.on = "son" ; message("With query.type == \"", query.type, "\", \"filter.on\" is not used.") } # To be ok with filters

if(!is.element(filter.on, c("son", "father", "father-son")))  { stop("filter.on must be \"son\", \"father\" or \"father-son\".") }

# 1.5. Do not forget to set filter.on if there are filters ----------

test = c(germplasm.in,

if( !is.null(test[1]) & is.null(filter.on)) { stop("You must set filter.on: \"son\", \"father\" or \"father-son\".") }

# 2. Connection to SHiNeMaS ----------
info_db = list("db_user" = db_user, "db_host" = db_host, "db_name" = db_name, "db_password" = db_password)
# function to get data from a query
get.d = function(requete, info_db) {
	# call driver which handle the connexion
	drv = dbDriver("PostgreSQL") 
	# get the connexion
	con = dbConnect(drv, user = info_db$db_user, host = info_db$db_host, dbname = info_db$db_name, password = info_db$db_password) 	
	# clean the query when there are filters
	requete = sub("WHERE AND", "WHERE", requete)
	rs = dbSendQuery(con, requete)
	d = fetch(rs,n=-1) # n=-1 : get everything
	d = as.data.frame(d)

# 3. Queries ----------

query.species = function(info_db){
	d = get.d("SELECT DISTINCT species FROM entities_species", info_db)
	out = sort(unlist(d)); names(out) = NULL	

query.variable = function(info_db){
	d = get.d("SELECT DISTINCT name FROM eppdata_variable", info_db)
	out = sort(unlist(d)); names(out) = NULL	

query.person = function(info_db){
	d = get.d("SELECT short_name FROM actors_person", info_db)
	out = sort(unlist(d)); names(out) = NULL	

query.year = function(info_db){
	d = get.d("SELECT DISTINCT(date) FROM entities_seed_lot ORDER BY date", info_db)
	out = sort(unlist(d)); names(out) = NULL	

query.project = function(info_db){
	d = get.d("SELECT project_name FROM actors_project", info_db)
	out = sort(unlist(d)); names(out) = NULL	

query.seed.lots = function(info_db){
	d = get.d("SELECT name FROM entities_seed_lot", info_db)
	out = sort(unlist(d)); names(out) = NULL	

query.selection.person = function(info_db){
	d = get.d("SELECT DISTINCT(short_name) FROM network_selection sel LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_person p ON sel.person_id = p.id", info_db)
	out = sort(unlist(d)); names(out) = NULL	

query.reproduction.type = function(info_db){
	d = get.d("SELECT reproduction_methode_name FROM network_reproduction_method", info_db)
	out = sort(unlist(d)); names(out) = NULL	

query.germplasm = function(info_db){
	d = get.d("SELECT gp.germplasm_name FROM entities_germplasm gp", info_db)	
	out = sort(unlist(d)); names(out) = NULL	

query.germplasm.type = function(info_db){
	d = get.d("SELECT germplasm_type FROM entities_germplasm_type", info_db)	
	out = sort(unlist(d)); names(out) = NULL	

query.network = function( P = NULL, G = NULL, GT = NULL, Y = NULL, R = NULL, SL = NULL, Proj = NULL, info_db) {
	f = c( P, G, GT, Y, R, SL, Proj)
	if( !is.null (f[1]) ) { 
		f = f[!is.null(f)]
		f = paste(f, collapse = " AND ")
		filters = paste(" WHERE ", f, sep = "") 
	} else { filters = NULL }
if( !is.null(R[1]) ) { if(length(grep("nr.reproduction_id", R[1])) == 1) { filters = paste(filters, " AND nr.selection_id IS NULL ", sep = "") } }

query = 

sp1.species AS son_species, sl1.name AS son, gp1.germplasm_name AS son_germplasm, l1.short_name AS son_person, sl1.date AS son_year, gpt1.germplasm_type AS son_germplasm_type, 
l1.altitude AS son_alt, l1.longitude AS son_long, l1.latitude AS son_lat, ",
# waiting for generation and sl comments to be implemented in SHiNeMaS
#sl1.generation AS son_total_generation_nb, sl1.lgeneration AS son_local_generation_nb, sl1.confidence AS son_generation_confidence, sl1.comments AS son_comments, 
"", "
string_agg(DISTINCT pro1.project_name,',') AS son_project,
sp2.species AS father_species, sl2.name AS father, gp2.germplasm_name AS father_germplasm, l2.short_name AS father_person, sl2.date AS father_year, gpt2.germplasm_type AS father_germplasm_type,
l2.altitude AS father_alt, l2.longitude AS father_long, l2.latitude AS father_lat,  ",
# waiting for generation and sl comments to be implemented in SHiNeMaS
#sl2.generation AS father_total_generation_nb, sl2.lgeneration AS father_local_generation_nb, sl2.confidence AS father_generation_confidence, sl2.comments AS father_comments,
"", "
string_agg(DISTINCT pro2.project_name,',') AS father_project,
nr.reproduction_id AS reproduction_id, nrm.reproduction_methode_name AS reproduction_method_name, nr.is_male, nr.block,
nr.selection_id AS selection_id, psel.short_name AS selection_person, 
nr.mixture_id AS mixture_id, nr.diffusion_id AS diffusion_id,
rep.start_date AS relation_year_start, rep.end_date AS relation_year_end

FROM network_relation nr
LEFT OUTER JOIN network_selection sel ON nr.selection_id = sel.id 
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_person psel ON sel.person_id = psel.id 
LEFT OUTER JOIN network_reproduction rep ON nr.reproduction_id = rep.id 
LEFT OUTER JOIN network_reproduction_method nrm ON rep.reproduction_method_id = nrm.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl1 ON nr.seed_lot_son_id = sl1.id 
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl2 ON nr.seed_lot_father_id = sl2.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm gp1 ON sl1.germplasm_id = gp1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm gp2 ON sl2.germplasm_id = gp2.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_species sp1 ON gp1.species_id = sp1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_species sp2 ON gp2.species_id = sp2.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm_type gpt1 ON gp1.germplasm_type_id = gpt1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm_type gpt2 ON gp2.germplasm_type_id = gpt2.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_location l1 ON sl1.location_id = l1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_location l2 ON sl2.location_id = l2.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN network_relation_project rp1 ON rp1.relation_id = nr.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_project pro1 ON pro1.id = rp1.project_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN network_relation_project rp2 ON rp2.relation_id = nr.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_project pro2 ON pro2.id = rp2.project_id",

GROUP BY sp1.species, sl1.name, gp1.germplasm_name, l1.short_name, sl1.date, gpt1.germplasm_type, l1.altitude, l1.longitude, l1.latitude, sp2.species, sl2.name, gp2.germplasm_name, l2.short_name, sl2.date, gpt2.germplasm_type, l2.altitude, l2.longitude, l2.latitude, nr.reproduction_id, nrm.reproduction_methode_name, nr.is_male, nr.block, nr.selection_id, psel.short_name, nr.mixture_id, nr.diffusion_id, rep.start_date, rep.end_date
sep = "")

d = get.d(query, info_db)

if(nrow(d) > 0) {
	son_species = as.factor(d$son_species)
	son_project = as.factor(d$son_project)
	son = as.factor(d$son)
	son_germplasm = as.factor(d$son_germplasm)
	son_person = as.factor(d$son_person)
	son_year = as.factor(d$son_year)
	son_germplasm_type = as.factor(d$son_germplasm_type)
	son_alt = as.numeric(as.character(d$son_alt))
	son_long = as.numeric(as.character(d$son_long))
	son_lat = as.numeric(as.character(d$son_lat))
	son_total_generation_nb = rep(1, nrow(d)) # as.numeric(as.character(d$son_total_generation_nb))
	son_local_generation_nb = rep(1, nrow(d)) # as.numeric(as.character(d$son_local_generation_nb))
	son_generation_confidence = rep(1, nrow(d)) # as.character(d$son_generation_confidence)
	son_comments = rep("blablabla", nrow(d)) # as.character(d$son_comments)
	father_species = as.factor(d$father_species)
	father_project = as.factor(d$father_project)
	father = as.factor(d$father)
	father_germplasm = as.factor(d$father_germplasm)
	father_person = as.factor(d$father_person)
	father_year = as.factor(d$father_year)
	father_germplasm_type = as.factor(d$father_germplasm_type)
	father_alt = as.numeric(as.character(d$father_alt))
	father_long = as.numeric(as.character(d$father_long))
	father_lat = as.numeric(as.character(d$father_lat))
	father_total_generation_nb = rep(1, nrow(d)) # as.numeric(as.character(d$father_total_generation_nb))
	father_local_generation_nb = rep(1, nrow(d)) # as.numeric(as.character(d$father_local_generation_nb))
	father_generation_confidence = rep(1, nrow(d)) # as.character(d$father_generation_confidence)
	father_comments = rep("blablabla", nrow(d)) # as.character(d$father_comments)
	reproduction_id = as.character(d$reproduction_id)
	reproduction_method_name = as.factor(d$reproduction_method_name)
	is_male = as.factor(d$is_male)
	block = as.factor(d$block)
	selection_id = as.character(d$selection_id)
	selection_person = as.factor(d$selection_person)
	mixture_id = as.character(d$mixture_id)
	diffusion_id = as.character(d$diffusion_id)
	relation_year_start = as.factor(d$relation_year_start)
	relation_year_end = as.factor(d$relation_year_end)
	d = data.frame(
	} else { d = NULL }


query.data.seed_lots = function(G = NULL, GT = NULL, Y = NULL, P = NULL, V = NULL, SL = NULL, Proj = NULL, info_db) {

	f = c(G, GT, Y, P, V, SL, Proj)
	if( !is.null (f[1]) ) { 
		f = f[!is.null(f)]
		f = paste(f, collapse = " AND ")
		filters = paste(" WHERE ", f, sep = "") 
	} else { filters = NULL }
query = 
SELECT sl1.name AS sl, sl1.date AS year, gp1.germplasm_name AS germplasm, gpt1.germplasm_type AS germplasm_type, sp1.species, l1.short_name AS person, v1.name AS variable_name,rd.raw_data, rd.date AS raw_data_date, met.method_name, l1.latitude AS lat, l1.longitude AS long, l1.altitude AS alt, string_agg(DISTINCT pro1.project_name,',')|| ', ' || string_agg(DISTINCT pro2.project_name,',') AS project
# waiting for generation and sl comments to be implemented in SHiNeMaS
#, sl1.generation AS total_generation_nb, sl1.lgeneration AS local_generation_nb, sl1.confidence AS generation_confidence, sl1.comments AS sl_comments 

FROM entities_seed_lot sl1 
LEFT OUTER JOIN eppdata_raw_data_seed_lot dr ON sl1.id = dr.seed_lot_id 
LEFT OUTER JOIN eppdata_raw_data rd ON dr.raw_data_id = rd.id 
LEFT OUTER JOIN eppdata_method met ON rd.method_id=met.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN eppdata_variable v1 ON rd.variable_id = v1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm gp1 ON sl1.germplasm_id = gp1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm_type gpt1 ON gp1.germplasm_type_id = gpt1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_species sp1 ON sp1.id = gp1.species_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_location l1 ON sl1.location_id = l1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN network_relation r1 ON r1.seed_lot_father_id=sl1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN network_relation_project rp1 ON rp1.relation_id = r1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_project pro1 ON pro1.id = rp1.project_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN network_relation r2 ON r2.seed_lot_son_id=sl1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN network_relation_project rp2 ON rp2.relation_id = r2.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_project pro2 ON pro2.id = rp2.project_id


#LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_person p1 ON sl1.location_id = p1.location_id
#LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_location l1 ON p1.location_id = l1.id


GROUP BY sl1.name, sl1.date, gp1.germplasm_name, gpt1.germplasm_type, sp1.species, l1.short_name, v1.name, rd.raw_data, rd.date, met.method_name, l1.latitude, l1.longitude, l1.altitude
sep = "")

d = get.d(query, info_db)

if(nrow(d) > 0) {
		species = as.factor(d$species)
		project = as.factor(d$project)
		sl = as.factor(d$sl)
		germplasm = as.factor(d$germplasm)
		germplasm_type = as.factor(d$germplasm_type)
		person = as.factor(d$person)
		year = as.factor(d$year)
		variable_name = as.character(d$variable_name)
		raw_data = as.character(d$raw_data)
		raw_data_date = as.character(d$raw_data_date)
		method_name = as.factor(d$method_name)
		lat = as.numeric(as.character(d$lat))
		long = as.numeric(as.character(d$long))
		alt = as.numeric(as.character(d$alt))
		total_generation_nb = rep(1, nrow(d)) # as.numeric(as.character(d$total_generation_nb))
		local_generation_nb = rep(1, nrow(d)) # as.numeric(as.character(d$local_generation_nb))
		generation_confidence = rep(1, nrow(d)) # as.character(d$generation_confidence)
		sl_comments = rep("blablabla", nrow(d)) # as.character(d$sl_comments)

	d = data.frame(
		} else { d = NULL }


query.data.relation = function(G = NULL, GT = NULL, Y = NULL, P = NULL, R = NULL, V = NULL, SL = NULL, Proj = NULL, info_db) {
	f = c(G, GT, Y, P, R, V, SL, Proj)
	if( !is.null (f[1]) ) { 
		f = f[!is.null(f)]
		f = paste(f, collapse = " AND ")
		filters = paste(" WHERE ", f, sep = "") 
	} else { filters = NULL }

	if( !is.null(R[1]) ) { if(length(grep("nr.reproduction_id", R[1]))) { filters = paste(filters, " AND nr.selection_id IS NULL ", sep = "")} }

query = paste("	
sl1.name AS son, rd1.individual AS son_ind, sl1.date AS son_year, gp1.germplasm_name AS son_germplasm, sp1.species AS son_species, gpt1.germplasm_type AS son_germplasm_type, l1.short_name AS son_person, l1.altitude AS son_alt, l1.longitude AS son_long, l1.latitude AS son_lat, ",
# waiting for generation and sl comments to be implemented in SHiNeMaS
# sl1.generation AS son_total__generation_nb, sl1.lgeneration AS son_local_generation_nb, sl1.generation_confidence AS son_confidence, sl1.generation_comments AS son_comments,
string_agg(DISTINCT pro1.project_name,',') AS son_project,

sl2.name AS father, sl2.date AS father_year, gp2.germplasm_name AS father_germplasm, sp2.species AS father_species, gpt2.germplasm_type AS father_germplasm_type, l2.short_name AS father_person, l2.altitude AS father_alt, l2.longitude AS father_long, l2.latitude AS father_lat, ",
# waiting for generation and sl comments to be implemented in SHiNeMaS
# sl2.generation AS father_total_generation_nb, sl2.lgeneration AS father_local_generation_nb, sl2.confidence AS father_generation_confidence, sl2.comments AS father_comments,
string_agg(DISTINCT pro2.project_name,',') AS father_project,
v1.name AS variable_name, rd1.raw_data, rd1.group AS correlation_group, rd1.date AS raw_data_date, met1.method_name, rep1.start_date AS relation_year_start, rep1.end_date AS relation_year_end,
nr.reproduction_id AS reproduction_id, nrm1.reproduction_methode_name AS reproduction_method_name, nr.selection_id AS selection_id, psel1.short_name AS selection_person, nr.mixture_id AS mixture_id, nr.diffusion_id AS diffusion_id, 
nr.\"X\", nr.\"Y\", nr.block
FROM network_relation nr
LEFT OUTER JOIN network_selection sel1 ON nr.selection_id = sel1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_person psel1 ON sel1.person_id = psel1.id 
LEFT OUTER JOIN network_reproduction rep1 ON nr.reproduction_id = rep1.id	
LEFT OUTER JOIN network_reproduction_method nrm1 ON rep1.reproduction_method_id = nrm1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl1 ON nr.seed_lot_son_id = sl1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm gp1 ON sl1.germplasm_id = gp1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_species sp1 ON sp1.id = gp1.species_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm_type gpt1 ON gp1.germplasm_type_id = gpt1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_location l1 ON sl1.location_id = l1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl2 ON nr.seed_lot_father_id=sl2.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm gp2 ON sl2.germplasm_id = gp2.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_species sp2 ON sp2.id = gp2.species_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm_type gpt2 ON gp2.germplasm_type_id = gpt2.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_location l2 ON sl2.location_id = l2.id ",

#LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_person p1 ON sl1.location_id = p1.location_id
#LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_location l1 ON p1.location_id = l1.id
#LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_person p2 ON sl2.location_id = p2.location_id
#LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_location l2 ON p2.location_id = l2.id ",
# LEFT OUTER JOIN network_relation relfat ON nr.seed_lot_father_id = relfat.seed_lot_son_id
# LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot slf ON relfat.seed_lot_father_id = slf.id
# LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm gpf ON slf.germplasm_id = gpf.id
# LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_person pf ON slf.person_id = pf.id,
"LEFT OUTER JOIN eppdata_raw_data_relation dr1 ON nr.id = dr1.relation_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN eppdata_raw_data rd1 ON dr1.raw_data_id = rd1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN eppdata_variable v1 ON rd1.variable_id = v1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN eppdata_method met1 ON rd1.method_id = met1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN network_relation_project rp1 ON rp1.relation_id = nr.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_project pro1 ON pro1.id = rp1.project_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN network_relation_project rp2 ON rp2.relation_id = nr.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_project pro2 ON pro2.id = rp2.project_id",


GROUP BY sl1.name, rd1.individual, sl1.date, gp1.germplasm_name, sp1.species, gpt1.germplasm_type, l1.short_name, l1.altitude, l1.longitude, l1.latitude, sl2.name, sl2.date, gp2.germplasm_name, sp2.species, gpt2.germplasm_type, l2.short_name, l2.altitude, l2.longitude, l2.latitude, v1.name, rd1.raw_data, rd1.group, rd1.date, met1.method_name, rep1.start_date, rep1.end_date, nr.reproduction_id, nrm1.reproduction_methode_name, nr.selection_id, psel1.short_name, nr.mixture_id, nr.diffusion_id, nr.\"X\", nr.\"Y\", nr.block
", sep = "")

d = get.d(query, info_db)

if( nrow(d) > 0 ) {

	son_species = as.factor(d$son_species)
	son_project = as.factor(d$son_project)
	son = as.factor(d$son)
	son_ind = as.factor(d$son_ind)
	son_year = as.factor(d$son_year)
	son_germplasm = as.factor(d$son_germplasm)
	son_germplasm_type = as.factor(d$son_germplasm_type)
	son_person = as.factor(d$son_person)
	son_alt = as.numeric(d$son_alt)
	son_long = as.numeric(d$son_long)
	son_lat = as.numeric(d$son_lat)
	son_total_generation_nb = rep(1, nrow(d)) # as.numeric(as.character(son_total_generation_nb))
	son_local_generation_nb = rep(1, nrow(d)) # as.numeric(as.character(son_local_generation_nb))
	son_generation_confidence = rep(1, nrow(d)) # as.character(son_generation_confidence)
	son_comments = rep("blablabla", nrow(d)) # as.character(d$son_comments)
	father_species = as.factor(d$father_species)
	father_project = as.factor(d$father_project)
	father = as.factor(d$father)
	father_year = as.factor(d$father_year)
	father_germplasm = as.factor(d$father_germplasm)
	father_germplasm_type = as.factor(d$father_germplasm_type)
	father_person = as.factor(d$father_person)
	father_alt = as.numeric(d$father_alt)
	father_long = as.numeric(d$father_long)
	father_lat = as.numeric(d$father_lat)
	father_total_generation_nb = rep(1, nrow(d)) # as.numeric(as.character(d$father_total_generation_nb))
	father_local_generation_nb = rep(1, nrow(d)) # as.numeric(as.character(d$father_local_generation_nb))
	father_generation_confidence = rep(1, nrow(d)) # as.character(d$father_generation_confidence)
	father_comments = rep("blablabla", nrow(d)) # as.character(d$father_comments)
	variable_name = as.character(d$variable_name)
	raw_data = as.character(d$raw_data)
	raw_data_date = as.character(d$raw_data_date)
	correlation_group = as.character(d$correlation_group)
	method_name = as.factor(d$method_name)
	reproduction_id = as.character(d$reproduction_id)
	reproduction_method_name = as.factor(d$reproduction_method_name)
	selection_id = as.character(d$selection_id)
	selection_person = as.factor(d$selection_person)
	mixture_id = as.character(d$mixture_id)
	diffusion_id = as.character(d$diffusion_id)
	relation_year_start = as.factor(d$relation_year_start)
	relation_year_end = as.factor(d$relation_year_end)
	X = as.factor(d$X)
	Y = as.factor(d$Y)
	block = as.factor(d$block)

	d = data.frame(

d = d[order(d$son, d$son_ind), ] 

} else { d = NULL }


query.cross = function(G = NULL, GT = NULL, Y = NULL, P = NULL, Proj = NULL, info_db) {

	f = c(G, GT, Y, P, Proj)
	if( !is.null (f[1]) ) { 
		f = f[!is.null(f)]
		f = paste(f, collapse = " AND ")
		filters = paste(" AND ", f, sep = "") 
	} else { filters = NULL }
query = paste(
sl10.name AS father, gp10.germplasm_name AS father_germplasm, gpt10.germplasm_type AS father_germplasm_type, l10.short_name AS father_person, sl10.date AS father_year, pro10.project_name AS father_project, l10.altitude AS father_alt, l10.longitude AS father_long, l10.latitude AS father_lat,

sl3.name AS grandfather, gp3.germplasm_name AS grandfather_germplasm, gpt3.germplasm_type AS grandfather_germplasm_type, l3.short_name AS grandfather_person, sl3.date AS grandfather_year, pro3.project_name AS grandfather_project, l3.altitude AS grandfather_alt, l3.longitude AS grandfather_long, l3.latitude AS grandfather_lat,

sl2.name AS mother, gp2.germplasm_name AS mother_germplasm, gpt2.germplasm_type AS mother_germplasm_type, l2.short_name AS mother_person, sl2.date AS mother_year, pro2.project_name AS mother_project, l2.altitude AS mother_alt, l2.longitude AS mother_long, l2.latitude AS mother_lat,

sl4.name AS grandmother, gp4.germplasm_name AS grandmother_germplasm, gpt4.germplasm_type AS grandmother_germplasm_type, l4.short_name AS grandmother_person, sl4.date AS grandmother_year, pro4.project_name AS grandmother_project, l4.altitude AS grandmother_alt, l4.longitude AS grandmother_long, l4.latitude AS grandmother_lat,

sl1.name AS cross, gp1.germplasm_name AS cross_germplasm, gpt1.germplasm_type AS cross_germplasm_type, l1.short_name AS cross_person, sl1.date AS cross_year, pro1.project_name AS cross_project, l1.altitude AS cross_alt, l1.longitude AS cross_long, l1.latitude AS cross_lat

FROM network_relation r1 JOIN network_relation r2 ON r1.seed_lot_son_id = r2.seed_lot_son_id

LEFT OUTER JOIN network_relation r3 ON r1.seed_lot_father_id = r3.seed_lot_son_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN network_relation r4 ON r2.seed_lot_father_id = r4.seed_lot_son_id

LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl10 ON r1.seed_lot_father_id = sl10.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm gp10 ON sl10.germplasm_id = gp10.id

LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl2 ON r2.seed_lot_father_id = sl2.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm gp2 ON sl2.germplasm_id = gp2.id

LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl3 ON r3.seed_lot_father_id = sl3.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm gp3 ON sl3.germplasm_id = gp3.id

LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl4 ON r4.seed_lot_father_id = sl4.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm gp4 ON sl4.germplasm_id = gp4.id

LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl1 ON r1.seed_lot_son_id = sl1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm gp1 ON sl1.germplasm_id = gp1.id

LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm_type gpt10 ON gp10.germplasm_type_id=gpt10.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm_type gpt2 ON gp2.germplasm_type_id=gpt2.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm_type gpt1 ON gp1.germplasm_type_id=gpt1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm_type gpt3 ON gp3.germplasm_type_id=gpt3.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm_type gpt4 ON gp4.germplasm_type_id=gpt4.id

LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_location l10 ON sl10.location_id = l10.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_location l2 ON sl2.location_id = l2.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_location l1 ON sl1.location_id = l1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_location l3 ON sl3.location_id = l3.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_location l4 ON sl4.location_id = l4.id

LEFT OUTER JOIN network_relation_project nrp ON nrp.relation_id = r2.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_project pro1 ON nrp.project_id = pro1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_project pro2 ON nrp.project_id = pro2.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_project pro3 ON nrp.project_id = pro3.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_project pro4 ON nrp.project_id = pro4.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_project pro10 ON nrp.project_id = pro10.id

WHERE r1.seed_lot_father_id <> r2.seed_lot_father_id AND r1.reproduction_id IS NOT NULL AND r1.is_male = 'M'",


sep = "")

d = get.d(query, info_db)

if( nrow(d) > 0 ) {
	dok = as.data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = 12, nrow = 1))
	colnames(dok) = c("expe", "sl", "type", "germplasm", "germplasm_type", "year", "year_cross", "person", "project", "lat", "long", "alt")
	for(i in 1:nrow(d)){
		expe = rep(i, times = 5)
		sl = c(d[i, "cross"], d[i, "father"], d[i, "grandfather"], d[i, "mother"], d[i, "grandmother"])
		type = c("cross", "father", "grandfather", "mother", "grandmother")
		germplasm = c(d[i, "cross_germplasm"], d[i, "father_germplasm"], d[i, "grandfather_germplasm"], d[i, "mother_germplasm"], d[i, "grandmother_germplasm"])
		germplasm_type = c(d[i, "cross_germplasm_type"], d[i, "father_germplasm_type"], d[i, "grandfather_germplasm_type"], d[i, "mother_germplasm_type"], d[i, "grandmother_germplasm_type"])
		year = c(d[i, "cross_year"], d[i, "father_year"], d[i, "grandfather_year"], d[i, "mother_year"], d[i, "grandmother_year"])
		year_cross = rep(d[i, "cross_year"], times = 5)
		person = c(d[i, "cross_person"], d[i, "father_person"], d[i, "grandfather_person"], d[i, "mother_person"], d[i, "grandmother_person"])
		project = c(d[i, "cross_project"], d[i, "father_project"], d[i, "grandfather_project"], d[i, "mother_project"], d[i, "grandmother_project"])
		lat = c(d[i, "cross_lat"], d[i, "father_lat"], d[i, "grandfather_lat"], d[i, "mother_lat"], d[i, "grandmother_lat"])
		long = c(d[i, "cross_long"], d[i, "father_long"], d[i, "grandfather_long"], d[i, "mother_long"], d[i, "grandmother_long"])
		alt = c(c(d[i, "cross_alt"], d[i, "father_alt"], d[i, "grandfather_alt"], d[i, "mother_alt"], d[i, "grandmother_alt"]))
		d_tmp = cbind.data.frame(expe, sl, type, germplasm, germplasm_type, year, year_cross, person, project, lat, long, alt)
		dok = rbind.data.frame(dok, d_tmp)
	d = dok[-1,]
	if( nrow(d) > 0 ) {
		d$expe = as.factor(d$expe)
		d$sl = as.factor(d$sl)
		d$germplasm = as.factor(d$germplasm)
		d$germplasm_type = as.factor(d$germplasm_type)
		d$year = as.factor(d$year)
		d$year_cross = as.factor(d$year_cross)
		d$person = as.factor(d$person)
		d$project = as.factor(d$project)
		d$lat = as.numeric(as.character(d$lat))
		d$long = as.numeric(as.character(d$long))
		d$alt = as.numeric(as.character(d$alt))
	} else { d = NULL }
} else { d = NULL }


query.S = function(info_db) {

query = "
SELECT sl1.name AS vrac_S, sl2.name AS bouquet_S

FROM network_relation nr

LEFT JOIN network_relation nrsel ON (nr.seed_lot_father_id = nrsel.seed_lot_father_id AND nr.reproduction_id = nrsel.reproduction_id)
LEFT JOIN entities_seed_lot sl1 ON nr.seed_lot_son_id = sl1.id
LEFT JOIN entities_seed_lot sl2 ON nrsel.seed_lot_son_id = sl2.id

WHERE nrsel.selection_id IS NOT NULL AND nr.reproduction_id IS NOT NULL AND nr.selection_id IS NULL "

d = get.d(query, info_db)

if(nrow(d) > 0) {		
	d = cbind.data.frame(
		sl = c(d$vrac_s, d$bouquet_s),
		sl_stat = rep( c("vracS", "bouquetS"), each = nrow(d) ),
		expe = rep( seq(1, nrow(d), 1), times = 2 )

	d$sl_statut = paste(sapply(d$sl, function(x){unlist(strsplit(as.character(x),"_"))[3]}), d$sl_stat, sep = ":")
	d = select(d, - sl_stat)
	expinfo = unique(
																	exp = d$expe,
																	sl = d$sl,
																	g = sapply(d$sl,function(x){unlist(strsplit(as.character(x),"_"))[1]}), 
																	sl_statut = d$sl_statut
	expinfo = expinfo[order(expinfo$exp, expinfo$sl_statut, decreasing = TRUE), ]
	expinfo$ok = sapply( expinfo$exp, function(x){floor(as.numeric(as.character(x)))} )
	liste = unique(expinfo$ok); name.exp.1 = name.exp.2 = NULL
	for(i in 1:length(liste)) {
		toto = filter(expinfo, ok %in% liste[i])
		toget = grep("vracS", toto[,"sl_statut"])[1]
		n11 = toto[toget, "g"]
		n21 = toto[toget, "sl"]
		toget = grep("bouquetS", toto[,"sl_statut"])[1]
		n12 = toto[toget, "g"]
		n22 = toto[toget,"sl"]
		n1 = paste( as.character(n11), as.character(n12), sep = " | " )
		n1 = rep( n1, nrow(toto) ); names(n1) = toto[, "exp"]
		n2 = paste( as.character(n21), as.character(n22), sep = " | " )
		n2 = rep( n2, nrow(toto) ); names(n2) = toto[, "exp"]

		name.exp.1 = c(name.exp.1, n1)
		name.exp.2 = c(name.exp.2, n2)
	d$expe_name = name.exp.1[as.character(d$expe)]	
	d$expe_name_2 = name.exp.2[as.character(d$expe)]	
	d$sl = as.factor(d$sl)
	d$sl_statut = as.factor(d$sl_statut)
	d$expe = as.factor(d$expe)
	d$expe_name = as.factor(d$expe_name)
	d$expe_name_2 = as.factor(d$expe_name_2)
} else { d = NULL }


query.SR = function(info_db) {

query = "
SELECT sl1.name AS vrac_S, sl2.name AS bouquet_S, sl3.name AS vrac_R, sl4.name AS bouquet_R, nr1.block AS bloc_vrac, nr1.\"X\" AS X_vrac, nr1.\"Y\" AS Y_vrac, nr2.block AS bloc_bouquet, nr2.\"X\" AS X_bouquet, nr2.\"Y\" AS Y_bouquet
FROM network_relation nr
JOIN network_relation nrsel ON nr.seed_lot_father_id = nrsel.seed_lot_father_id
JOIN network_relation nr1 ON nr1.seed_lot_father_id = nr.seed_lot_son_id
JOIN network_relation nr2 ON nr2.seed_lot_father_id = nrsel.seed_lot_son_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl1 ON nr.seed_lot_son_id = sl1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl2 ON nrsel.seed_lot_son_id = sl2.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl3 ON nr1.seed_lot_son_id = sl3.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl4 ON nr2.seed_lot_son_id = sl4.id


nrsel.selection_id IS NOT NULL AND 
nr.reproduction_id IS NOT NULL AND 
nr.selection_id IS NULL AND 
nr1.reproduction_id IS NOT NULL AND 
nr2.reproduction_id IS NOT NULL AND 
nr1.selection_id IS NULL AND 
nr2.selection_id IS NULL AND
nr1.is_male = 'X' AND

d1 = get.d(query, info_db)

# special query when selection have been done in a seed-lot that have been merged after
query = "
SELECT sl1.name AS vrac_S, sl2.name AS bouquet_S, sl3.name AS vrac_R, sl4.name AS bouquet_R, nr1.block AS bloc_vrac, nr1.\"X\" AS X_vrac, nr1.\"Y\" AS Y_vrac, nr2.block AS bloc_bouquet, nr2.\"X\" AS X_bouquet, nr2.\"Y\" AS Y_bouquet

FROM network_relation nr
JOIN network_relation nrsel ON nr.seed_lot_father_id = nrsel.seed_lot_father_id
JOIN network_relation nr1mix ON nr1mix.seed_lot_father_id = nr.seed_lot_son_id
JOIN network_relation nr1 ON nr1.seed_lot_father_id = nr1mix.seed_lot_son_id
JOIN network_relation nr2 ON nr2.seed_lot_father_id = nrsel.seed_lot_son_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl1 ON nr.seed_lot_son_id = sl1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl2 ON nrsel.seed_lot_son_id = sl2.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl3 ON nr1.seed_lot_son_id = sl3.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl4 ON nr2.seed_lot_son_id = sl4.id


sl1.germplasm_id = sl3.germplasm_id AND
nrsel.selection_id IS NOT NULL AND
nr.reproduction_id IS NOT NULL AND
nr.selection_id IS NULL AND
nr1.reproduction_id IS NOT NULL AND
nr2.reproduction_id IS NOT NULL AND
nr1.selection_id IS NULL AND
nr2.selection_id IS NULL AND
nr1mix.mixture_id IS NOT NULL AND
sl4.germplasm_id = sl3.germplasm_id AND

nr.block = nrsel.block AND
(nr.\"X\" = nrsel.\"X\" OR (nr.\"X\" IS NULL AND nr.\"X\" IS NULL)) AND
(nr.\"Y\" = nrsel.\"Y\" OR (nr.\"Y\" IS NULL AND nr.\"Y\" IS NULL))"

d2 = get.d(query, info_db)

# special query when selection have been done in a seed-lot that have been merged after
query = "
SELECT sl1.name AS vrac_S, sl2.name AS bouquet_S, sl3.name AS vrac_R, sl4.name AS bouquet_R, nr1.block AS bloc_vrac, nr1.\"X\" AS X_vrac, nr1.\"Y\" AS Y_vrac, nr2.block AS bloc_bouquet, nr2.\"X\" AS X_bouquet, nr2.\"Y\" AS Y_bouquet

FROM network_relation nr
JOIN network_relation nrsel ON nr.seed_lot_father_id = nrsel.seed_lot_father_id
JOIN network_relation nr2mix ON nr2mix.seed_lot_father_id = nrsel.seed_lot_son_id
JOIN network_relation nr1 ON nr1.seed_lot_father_id = nr.seed_lot_son_id
JOIN network_relation nr2 ON nr2.seed_lot_father_id = nr2mix.seed_lot_son_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl1 ON nr.seed_lot_son_id = sl1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl2 ON nrsel.seed_lot_son_id = sl2.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl3 ON nr1.seed_lot_son_id = sl3.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl4 ON nr2.seed_lot_son_id = sl4.id


sl1.germplasm_id = sl3.germplasm_id AND
nrsel.selection_id IS NOT NULL AND
nr.reproduction_id IS NOT NULL AND
nr.selection_id IS NULL AND
nr1.reproduction_id IS NOT NULL AND
nr2.reproduction_id IS NOT NULL AND
nr1.selection_id IS NULL AND
nr2.selection_id IS NULL AND
nr2mix.mixture_id IS NOT NULL AND
sl4.germplasm_id = sl3.germplasm_id AND

nr.block = nrsel.block AND
(nr.\"X\" = nrsel.\"X\" OR (nr.\"X\" IS NULL AND nr.\"X\" IS NULL)) AND
(nr.\"Y\" = nrsel.\"Y\" OR (nr.\"Y\" IS NULL AND nr.\"Y\" IS NULL))"

d3 = get.d(query, info_db)

# special query when selection have been done in a seed-lot that have been merged after
query = "
SELECT sl1.name AS vrac_S, sl2.name AS bouquet_S, sl3.name AS vrac_R, sl4.name AS bouquet_R, nr1.block AS bloc_vrac, nr1.\"X\" AS X_vrac, nr1.\"Y\" AS Y_vrac, nr2.block AS bloc_bouquet, nr2.\"X\" AS X_bouquet, nr2.\"Y\" AS Y_bouquet

FROM network_relation nr
JOIN network_relation nrsel ON nr.seed_lot_father_id = nrsel.seed_lot_father_id
JOIN network_relation nr1mix ON nr1mix.seed_lot_father_id = nr.seed_lot_son_id
JOIN network_relation nr2mix ON nr2mix.seed_lot_father_id = nrsel.seed_lot_son_id
JOIN network_relation nr1 ON nr1.seed_lot_father_id = nr1mix.seed_lot_son_id
JOIN network_relation nr2 ON nr2.seed_lot_father_id = nr2mix.seed_lot_son_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl1 ON nr.seed_lot_son_id = sl1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl2 ON nrsel.seed_lot_son_id = sl2.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl3 ON nr1.seed_lot_son_id = sl3.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl4 ON nr2.seed_lot_son_id = sl4.id


sl1.germplasm_id = sl3.germplasm_id AND
nrsel.selection_id IS NOT NULL AND
nr.reproduction_id IS NOT NULL AND
nr.selection_id IS NULL AND
nr1.reproduction_id IS NOT NULL AND
nr2.reproduction_id IS NOT NULL AND
nr1.selection_id IS NULL AND
nr2.selection_id IS NULL AND
nr1mix.mixture_id IS NOT NULL AND
nr2mix.mixture_id IS NOT NULL AND
sl4.germplasm_id = sl3.germplasm_id AND

nr.block = nrsel.block AND
(nr.\"X\" = nrsel.\"X\" OR (nr.\"X\" IS NULL AND nr.\"X\" IS NULL)) AND
(nr.\"Y\" = nrsel.\"Y\" OR (nr.\"Y\" IS NULL AND nr.\"Y\" IS NULL))"

d4 = get.d(query, info_db)

# On nettoie les données
# Choper dans la réponse le vrac le plus proche du bouquet dans le cas de répétitions
	print("transformet en as num as factor les X et Y, comme ça on retrouve et on est pas contraint par la nature de X et Y")
# GÉRER LES 4A, 4B, ETC Cf redmine 583 ---------------------------
NUM = paste(rep(c(1:26),each=length(letters)),rep(c("",letters),rep=26),sep="")
liste_bouquet_r = unique(d2$bouquet_r)
for(bouquet in liste_bouquet_r) {
	db = subset(d2,bouquet_r==bouquet)

	if(nrow(db)>1) {
		# 1ere vérif : le bloc
		a.bloc_vrac = db[1,"bloc_vrac"]
		a.bloc_bouquet = db[1,"bloc_bouquet"]
		testa = a.bloc_vrac == a.bloc_bouquet
		b.bloc_vrac = db[2,"bloc_vrac"]
		b.bloc_bouquet = db[2,"bloc_bouquet"]
		testb = b.bloc_vrac == b.bloc_bouquet
		if(testa) {line = rownames(db)[1]}
		if(testb) {line = rownames(db)[2]}
		if(testa & testb) {
			a.Xvrac = db[1,"x_vrac"]
			a.Yvrac = db[1,"y_vrac"]
			a.Xbouquet = db[1,"x_bouquet"]
			a.Ybouquet = db[1,"y_bouquet"]
			a.distX = abs( which(LETTERS==a.Xvrac) - which(LETTERS==a.Xbouquet) )
			a.distY = abs( which(NUM==a.Yvrac) - which(NUM==a.Ybouquet) )
			a.dist = a.distX + a.distY
			b.Xvrac = db[2,"x_vrac"]
			b.Yvrac = db[2,"y_vrac"]
			b.Xbouquet = db[2,"x_bouquet"]
			b.Ybouquet = db[2,"y_bouquet"]
			b.distX = abs( which(LETTERS==b.Xvrac) - which(LETTERS==b.Xbouquet) )
			b.distY = abs( which(NUM==b.Yvrac) - which(NUM==b.Ybouquet) )
			b.dist = b.distX + b.distY
			if(a.dist<b.dist) {line=rownames(db)[1]} else {line=rownames(db)[2]}
		} else {line = rownames(db) }

	LINE = c(LINE,line)

d2 = d2[LINE,]

print("vérifier ce que donne d2, est ce que ça a un sens?")

d = rbind(d1,d2,d3,d4)[,1:4]

if(nrow(d) > 0)  { 
	d = cbind.data.frame(
											"sl" = c(d$vrac_s, d$bouquet_s, d$vrac_r, d$bouquet_r), 											
											"sl_stat"= rep( c("vracS", "bouquetS", "vracR", "bouquetR"), each = nrow(d) ),
											"expe"= rep( seq(1, nrow(d), 1), times = 4 )
	d$sl_statut = paste(sapply(d$sl, function(x){unlist(strsplit(as.character(x),"_"))[3]}), d$sl_stat, sep = ":")
	d = select(d, - sl_stat)
	d$g = sapply(d$sl, function(x){unlist(strsplit(as.character(x),"_"))[1]})
	d$exp_stat = paste(d$expe, d$sl_statut, sep = "-")

	#expinfo = unique(
	#								cbind.data.frame(
	#																	exp = d$expe,
	#																	g = sapply(d$sl, function(x){unlist(strsplit(as.character(x),"_"))[1]}), 
	#																	sl_statut = d$sl_statut,
	#																	sl = d$sl
	#																)
	#								)
	#expinfo = expinfo[order(expinfo$exp, expinfo$sl_statut, decreasing = TRUE), ]
	#expinfo$ok = sapply( expinfo$exp, function(x){floor(as.numeric(as.character(x)))} )
	#liste = sort(unique(expinfo$ok)); name.exp = NULL
	liste = sort(unique(d$expe))

	name.exp.1 = name.exp.2 = NULL
	for(i in 1:length(liste)) {
		toto = droplevels(subset(d, expe %in% liste[i]))
		toget_v = grep("vracS", toto[,"sl_statut"])
		toget_b = grep("bouquetS", toto[,"sl_statut"])

		n1_S = paste( as.character(toto[toget_v,"g"]), "|", as.character(toto[toget_b,"g"]), "(S)" )
		n1_S = rep( n1_S, 2 ); names(n1_S) = toto[c(toget_v, toget_b), "exp_stat"]
		n2_S = paste( as.character(toto[toget_v, "sl"]), "|", as.character(toto[toget_b, "sl"]), "(S)" )
		n2_S = rep( n2_S, 2 ); names(n2_S) = toto[c(toget_v, toget_b), "exp_stat"]

		toget_v = grep("vracR", toto[,"sl_statut"])
		toget_b = grep("bouquetR", toto[,"sl_statut"])
		n1_R = paste( as.character(toto[toget_v,"g"]), "|", as.character(toto[toget_b,"g"]), "(R)" )
		n1_R = rep( n1_R, 2 ); names(n1_R) = toto[c(toget_v, toget_b), "exp_stat"]
		n2_R = paste( as.character(toto[toget_v, "sl"]), "|", as.character(toto[toget_b, "sl"]), "(R)" )
		n2_R = rep( n2_R, 2 ); names(n2_R) = toto[c(toget_v, toget_b), "exp_stat"]
		name.exp.1 = c(name.exp.1, n1_S, n1_R)
		name.exp.2 = c(name.exp.2, n2_S, n2_R)
	d$expe_name = name.exp.1[as.character(d$exp_stat)]	
	d$expe_name_2 = name.exp.2[as.character(d$exp_stat)]	
	d = select(d, - exp_stat)
	d$sl = as.factor(d$sl)
	d$sl_statut = as.factor(d$sl_statut)
	d$expe = as.factor(d$expe)
	d$expe_name = as.factor(d$expe_name)
	d$expe_name_2 = as.factor(d$expe_name_2)
} else { d = NULL }


query.grand.father = function(G = NULL, GT = NULL, Y = NULL, P = NULL, SL = NULL, Proj = NULL, info_db) {

	f = c(G, GT, Y, P, SL, Proj)
	if( !is.null (f[1]) ) { 
		f = f[!is.null(f)]
		f = paste(f, collapse = " AND ")
		filters = paste(" WHERE ", f, sep = "") 
	} else { filters = NULL }
query = paste(
sp1.species AS son_species, sl1.name AS son, gp1.germplasm_name AS son_germplasm, l1.short_name AS son_person, sl1.date AS son_year, gpt1.germplasm_type AS son_germplasm_type,
l1.altitude AS son_alt, l1.longitude AS son_long, l1.latitude AS son_lat,",
# waiting for generation and sl comments to be implemented in SHiNeMaS
#sl1.generation AS son_total_generation_nb, sl1.lgeneration AS son_local_generation_nb, sl1.confidence AS son_generation_confidence,
#sl1.comments AS son_comments, 
"","string_agg(DISTINCT pro1.project_name,',') AS son_project,

sp2.species AS father_species, sl2.name AS father, gp2.germplasm_name AS father_germplasm, l2.short_name AS father_person, sl2.date AS father_year, gpt2.germplasm_type AS father_germplasm_type,
l2.altitude AS father_alt, l2.longitude AS father_long, l2.latitude AS father_lat,",
# waiting for generation and sl comments to be implemented in SHiNeMaS
# sl2.generation AS father_total_generation_nb, sl2.lgeneration AS father_local_generation_nb, sl2.confidence AS father_generation_confidence,
#sl2.comments AS father_comments, 
"", "string_agg(DISTINCT pro2.project_name,',') AS father_project,

rep1.start_date AS relation_year_start, rep1.end_date AS relation_year_end,

spf.species AS grandfather_species, slf.name AS grandfather, gpf.germplasm_name AS grandfather_germplasm, lf.short_name AS grandfather_person, slf.date AS grandfather_year, gptf.germplasm_type AS grandfather_germplasm_type,
lf.altitude AS grandfather_alt, lf.longitude AS grandfather_long, lf.latitude AS grandfather_lat,",
# waiting for generation and sl comments to be implemented in SHiNeMaS
# slf.generation AS grandfather_total_generation_nb, slf.lgeneration AS grandfather_local_generation_nb, slf.confidence AS grandfather_generation_confidence,
# slf.comments AS grandfather_comments, 
"", "string_agg(DISTINCT pro2.project_name,',')  AS grandfather_project,

repf.start_date AS relation_father_grandfather_year_start, repf.end_date AS relation_father_grandfather_year_end

FROM network_relation nr
LEFT OUTER JOIN network_selection sel1 ON nr.selection_id = sel1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_person psel1 ON sel1.person_id = psel1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN network_reproduction rep1 ON nr.reproduction_id = rep1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN network_reproduction_method nrm1 ON rep1.reproduction_method_id = nrm1.id

LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl1 ON nr.seed_lot_son_id=sl1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm gp1 ON sl1.germplasm_id = gp1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm_type gpt1 ON gp1.germplasm_type_id = gpt1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_location l1 ON sl1.location_id = l1.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_species sp1 ON gp1.species_id = sp1.id

LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot sl2 ON nr.seed_lot_father_id=sl2.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm gp2 ON sl2.germplasm_id = gp2.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm_type gpt2 ON gp2.germplasm_type_id = gpt2.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_location l2 ON sl2.location_id = l2.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_species sp2 ON gp2.species_id = sp2.id

LEFT OUTER JOIN network_relation relfat ON nr.seed_lot_father_id = relfat.seed_lot_son_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_seed_lot slf ON relfat.seed_lot_father_id = slf.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm gpf ON slf.germplasm_id = gpf.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_species spf ON gpf.species_id=spf.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN entities_germplasm_type gptf ON gpf.germplasm_type_id=gptf.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_location lf ON slf.location_id = lf.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN network_reproduction repf ON relfat.reproduction_id=repf.id

LEFT OUTER JOIN network_relation_project rp1 ON rp1.relation_id = nr.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_project pro1 ON pro1.id = rp1.project_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN network_relation_project rp2 ON rp2.relation_id = nr.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_project pro2 ON pro2.id = rp2.project_id",


GROUP BY sp1.species, sl1.name, gp1.germplasm_name, l1.short_name, sl1.date, gpt1.germplasm_type, l1.altitude, l1.longitude, l1.latitude, sp2.species, sl2.name, gp2.germplasm_name, l2.short_name, sl2.date, gpt2.germplasm_type, l2.altitude, l2.longitude, l2.latitude, rep1.start_date, rep1.end_date, spf.species, slf.name, gpf.germplasm_name, lf.short_name, slf.date, gptf.germplasm_type, lf.altitude, lf.longitude, lf.latitude, repf.start_date, repf.end_date

sep = "")

d = get.d(query, info_db)

if( nrow(d) > 0 ) {
	son_species = as.factor(d$son_species)
	son_project = as.factor(d$son_project)
	son = as.factor(d$son)
	son_germplasm = as.factor(d$son_germplasm)
	son_person = as.factor(d$son_person)
	son_year = as.factor(d$son_year)
	son_germplasm_type = as.factor(d$son_germplasm_type)
	son_alt = as.numeric(as.character(d$son_alt))
	son_long = as.numeric(as.character(d$son_long))
	son_lat = as.numeric(as.character(d$son_lat))
	son_total_generation_nb = rep(1, nrow(d)) # as.numeric(as.character(d$son_total_generation_nb))
	son_local_generation_nb = rep(1, nrow(d)) # as.numeric(as.character(d$son_local_generation_nb))
	son_generation_confidence = rep(1, nrow(d)) # as.character(d$son_generation_confidence)
	son_comments = rep("blablabla", nrow(d)) # as.character(d$son_comments)
	father_species = as.factor(d$father_species)
	father_project = as.factor(d$father_project)
	father = as.factor(d$father)
	father_germplasm = as.factor(d$father_germplasm)
	father_person = as.factor(d$father_person)
	father_year = as.factor(d$father_year)
	father_germplasm_type = as.factor(d$father_germplasm_type)
	father_alt = as.numeric(as.character(d$father_alt))
	father_long = as.numeric(as.character(d$father_long))
	father_lat = as.numeric(as.character(d$father_lat))
	father_total_generation_nb = rep(1, nrow(d)) # as.numeric(as.character(d$father_total_generation_nb))
	father_local_generation_nb = rep(1, nrow(d)) # as.numeric(as.character(d$father_local_generation_nb))
	father_generation_confidence = rep(1, nrow(d)) # as.character(d$father_generation_confidence)
	father_comments = rep("blablabla", nrow(d)) # as.character(d$father_comments)
	relation_year_start = as.factor(d$relation_year_start)
	relation_year_end = as.factor(d$relation_year_end)
	grandfather_species = as.factor(d$grandfather_species)
	grandfather_project = as.factor(d$grandfather_project)
	grandfather = as.factor(d$grandfather)
	grandfather_germplasm = as.factor(d$grandfather_germplasm)
	grandfather_person = as.factor(d$grandfather_person)
	grandfather_year = as.factor(d$grandfather_year)
	grandfather_germplasm_type = as.factor(d$grandfather_germplasm_type)
	grandfather_alt = as.numeric(as.character(d$grandfather_alt))
	grandfather_long = as.numeric(as.character(d$grandfather_long))
	grandfather_lat = as.numeric(as.character(d$grandfather_lat))
	grandfather_total_generation_nb = rep(1, nrow(d)) # as.numeric(as.character(d$grandfather_total_generation_nb))
	grandfather_local_generation_nb = rep(1, nrow(d)) # as.numeric(as.character(d$grandfather_local_generation_nb))
	grandfather_generation_confidence = rep(1, nrow(d)) # as.character(d$grandfather_generation_confidence)
	grandfather_comments = rep("blablabla", nrow(d)) # as.character(d$grandfather_comments)
	relation_father_grandfather_year_start = as.factor(d$relation_father_grandfather_year_start)
	relation_father_grandfather_year_end = as.factor(d$relation_father_grandfather_year_end)
	d = data.frame(


query.methods = function(V = NULL, info_db){

if( !is.null (V) ) { filters = paste(" WHERE", V, sep = "") } else { filters = NULL }

query = paste(
"SELECT DISTINCT m.method_name AS method_name, v1.name AS variable_name, m.method_description ,m.unit 
FROM eppdata_raw_data d 
INNER JOIN eppdata_method m ON d.method_id=m.id 
INNER JOIN eppdata_variable v1 ON d.variable_id=v1.id",


sep = "")

d = get.d(query, info_db)


query.person.info = function(P = NULL, info_db){

if( !is.null (P) ) { filters = paste(" WHERE ", P, sep = "") } else { filters = NULL }
query = paste("
SELECT p1.first_name, p1.last_name, p1.short_name, p1.email, p1.phone1, p1.fax, l1.address, l1.post_code, l1.country, l1.altitude AS alt, l1.latitude AS lat, l1.longitude AS long

FROM actors_person p1

LEFT OUTER JOIN actors_location l1 ON p1.location_id = l1.id",

sep = "")

d = get.d(query, info_db)

if( nrow(d) > 0 ) {
	first_name = as.factor(d$first_name)
	last_name = as.factor(d$last_name)
	short_name = as.factor(d$short_name)
	email = as.character(d$email)
	phone1 = as.character(d$phone1)
	fax = as.character(d$fax)
	address = as.character(d$address)
	post_code = as.character(d$post_code)
	country = as.character(d$country)
	alt = as.numeric(d$alt)
	lat = as.numeric(d$lat)
	long = as.numeric(d$long)
	d = data.frame(




query.mixture1 = function(P = NULL, G = NULL, GT = NULL, Y = NULL, R = NULL, SL = NULL, Proj = NULL, info_db){
	dtmp = query.network( P = P, G = G, GT = GT, Y = Y, R = R, SL = SL, Proj = Proj, info_db)
	if(!is.null(dtmp)) {
		dtmp = droplevels(dtmp[which(!is.na(dtmp$mixture_id)),])
		d = cbind.data.frame(
			sl = c(as.character(dtmp$father), as.character(dtmp$son)),
			sl_statut = rep( c("father", "son"), each = nrow(dtmp) ),
			expe = dtmp$mixture_id
		d$sl = as.factor(d$sl)
		d$sl_statut = as.factor(d$sl_statut)
		d$expe = as.factor(d$expe)
		d = unique(d) # to have one row for the result of the mixture

	} else { d= NULL }

# 4. Filters --------------------------------------------------------------

# 4.1. Check if filters exist ---------------------------------------------

update.error.messages = function(x, possible.x) {
		t = which(!is.element(x, possible.x))
		if( length(t) > 0 ) { stop(paste(x, collapse = ", "), " do not exist in SHiNeMaS") }

if( !is.null(variable.in) ){
	vec.variable.names = query.variable(info_db)
	update.error.messages(variable.in, vec.variable.names)		

if( !is.null(person.in) | !is.null(person.in) ){ 
	vec.person.names = query.person(info_db) 
	update.error.messages(person.in, vec.person.names)
	update.error.messages(person.out, vec.person.names) 

if( !is.null(year.in) | !is.null(year.in) ){
	vec.years = query.year(info_db)
	update.error.messages(year.in, vec.years)
	update.error.messages(year.out, vec.years)	

if( !is.null(project.in) | !is.null(project.in) ){
	vec.project.names = query.project(info_db)
	update.error.messages(project.in, vec.project.names)
	update.error.messages(project.out, vec.project.names)

if( !is.null(seed.lot.in) |  !is.null(seed.lot.out)){
	vec.seed_lots = query.seed.lots(info_db)
	update.error.messages(seed.lot.in, vec.seed_lots)
	update.error.messages(seed.lot.out, vec.seed_lots)

if( !is.null(reproduction.type.in) ){
	vec.reproduction.type = query.reproduction.type(info_db)
	update.error.messages(reproduction.type.in, vec.reproduction.type)

if( !is.null(germplasm.in) | !is.null(germplasm.out) ){
	vec.germplasm.names = query.germplasm(info_db)
	update.error.messages(germplasm.in, vec.germplasm.names)
	update.error.messages(germplasm.out, vec.germplasm.names)	

if( !is.null(germplasm.type.in) | !is.null(germplasm.type.out)){
	vec.germplasm.type = query.germplasm.type(info_db)	
	update.error.messages(germplasm.type.in, vec.germplasm.type)
	update.error.messages(germplasm.type.out, vec.germplasm.type)

# 4.2. get filters --------------------------------------------------------

get.filters = function(filter.in, filter.out, filter.on, sql.son.tag, sql.father.tag) {
	yo = function(P1, P2, filter.on) # P because it has been created based on person example
		P1 = paste(P1, collapse = " OR ")
		P2 = paste(P2, collapse = " OR ")
		if( filter.on == "son" ) { P = paste(" (", P1, ")", sep = "") }
		if( filter.on == "father" ) { P = paste(" (", P2, ")", sep = "") }
		if( filter.on == "father-son" ) {	P = paste(" ((", P1,") OR (", P2, "))", sep = "") }	

if( !is.null(filter.in) ) {
	P1.in = paste(sql.son.tag, "='", filter.in, "'", sep = "")
	P2.in = paste(sql.father.tag, "='", filter.in, "'", sep = "")
	P.in = yo(P1.in, P2.in, filter.on)	
} else {P.in = NULL}

if( !is.null(filter.out) ) {
	P1.out = paste(sql.son.tag, "<>'", filter.out, "'", sep = "")
	P2.out = paste(sql.father.tag, "<>'", filter.out, "'", sep = "")
	P.out = yo(P1.out, P2.out, filter.on)	
} else {P.out = NULL}

P = paste(P.in, P.out, collapse = "") 
if(P == ""){ P = NULL }

clean.ap = function(a) { # be careful with the ' in names with SQL queries
	a[grep("'", a)] = sub("'", "''", a[grep("'",a)])		

# 4.2.1. person -----------------------------------------------------------
if( !is.null(person.in) ) { person.in = clean.ap(person.in) }
if( !is.null(person.out) ) { person.out = clean.ap(person.out) }

filter_P = get.filters(filter.in = person.in, filter.out = person.out, filter.on, sql.son.tag = "l1.short_name", sql.father.tag = "l2.short_name")

# 4.2.2. germplasm --------------------------------------------------------
if( !is.null(germplasm.in) ) { germplasm.in = clean.ap(germplasm.in) }
if( !is.null(germplasm.out) ) { germplasm.out = clean.ap(germplasm.out) }

filter_G = get.filters(filter.in = germplasm.in, filter.out = germplasm.out, filter.on, sql.son.tag = "gp1.germplasm_name", sql.father.tag = "gp2.germplasm_name")

# 4.2.3. germplasm type -------------------------------------------------------------
if( !is.null(germplasm.type.in) ) { germplasm.type.in = clean.ap(germplasm.type.in) }
if( !is.null(germplasm.type.out) ) { project.out = clean.ap(germplasm.type.out) }

filter_GT = get.filters(filter.in = germplasm.type.in, filter.out = germplasm.type.out, filter.on, sql.son.tag = "gpt1.germplasm_type", sql.father.tag = "gpt2.germplasm_type")

# 4.2.4. year -------------------------------------------------------------
filter_Y = get.filters(filter.in = year.in, filter.out = year.out, filter.on, sql.son.tag = "sl1.date", sql.father.tag = "sl2.date")

# 4.2.5. seed lots --------------------------------------------------------
if( !is.null(seed.lot.in) ) { seed.lot.in = clean.ap(seed.lot.in) }
if( !is.null(seed.lot.out) ) { seed.lot.out = clean.ap(seed.lot.out) }

filter_SL = get.filters(filter.in = seed.lot.in, filter.out = seed.lot.out, filter.on, sql.son.tag = "sl1.name", sql.father.tag = "sl2.name")

# 4.2.6. project ----------------------------------------------------------
if( !is.null(project.in) ) { project.in = clean.ap(project.in) }
if( !is.null(project.out) ) { project.out = clean.ap(project.out) }

filter_Proj = get.filters(filter.in = project.in, filter.out = project.out, filter.on, sql.son.tag = "pro1.project_name", sql.father.tag = "pro2.project_name")

# 4.2.7. relation ---------------------------------------------------------
R.sql = function(relation) {
	if( !is.null(relation) ) {
		R = paste("nr.", relation, "_id IS NOT NULL", sep = "")
		R = paste(R, collapse = " OR ")
		R = paste(" (", R, ")", sep = "")
	} else {R = NULL}
filter_R = R.sql(relation.in)

# 4.2.8. variable ---------------------------------------------------------
V.sql = function(variable) {
	if( !is.null(variable) ) {
		V = paste("v1.name='", variable, "'", sep = "")
		V = paste(V, collapse = " OR ")
		V = paste(" (", V, ")", sep = "")
	} else {V = NULL}
filter_V = V.sql(variable.in)

# 5. Get data from queries ------------------------------------------------

	# 5.1. network ----------	
 	if(query.type == "network") {	
 		# 5.1.1. Query SHiNeMaS ----------	
 		message("1. Query SHiNeMaS ...")
 		reseau = query.network(filter_P, filter_G, filter_GT, filter_Y, filter_R, filter_SL, filter_Proj, info_db = info_db)
 		if( is.null(reseau) ) 
 			n = Minfo = M_dist = NULL
 			message("There is no network for these filters in SHiNeMaS.")
 		} else {
 				row_id_mix_rep = which(!is.na(reseau$mixture_id) & (as.character(reseau$son_germplasm) == as.character(reseau$father_germplasm)))
 				id_mix_rep = unique(as.character(reseau[row_id_mix_rep, "mixture_id"]))
 				if ( length(id_mix_rep)>0 ) {
	 				for(id in id_mix_rep){
	 					row_mix_rep = which(id %in% as.character(reseau$mixture_id))
	 					sl_harvested = reseau[row_mix_rep, "father"]
	 					row = which(as.character(reseau$son) == sl_harvested)
	 					reseau[row, "son"] = reseau[row_mix_rep, "son"]
	 				reseau = droplevels(reseau[-row_id_mix_rep,])
	 				message("Mixtures from replication have been deleted and replaced by reproductions.")
 			# 5.1.2. Create network matrix ----------	
 			message("2. Create network matrix ..."); {
 				# fill diffusion gap
 				fill.diff.gap = function(reseau, info_db){
 					message("2.1. Fill diffusion gaps ...")
 					RESEAU = query.network(P = NULL, G = NULL, Y = NULL, R = NULL, SL = NULL, Proj = NULL, info_db = info_db)
 					# get seed-lots sent (=father) but never received (=son) that are not in reseau
 					f = unique(as.character(reseau$father)) # vector of seed-lots father
 					s = unique(as.character(reseau$son)) # vector of seed-lots son
 					sl = f[!is.element(f, s)] # seed-lots that are father and not son, the relation is not in reseau
 					# Generate the network from sl
 					R_to_add = NULL
 					for(s in sl) {
 						toget = s
 						for(letsgo in 1:1000000)
 							R = RESEAU[which(is.element(RESEAU$son, toget)),]
 							if(nrow(R) == 0) { break() }
 							R_to_add = rbind(R_to_add, R)
 							toget = as.character(R[1,"father"])
 					# on concatène
 					reseau = unique(rbind(reseau, R_to_add))
 				if(fill.diffusion.gap | Mdist) { # To get Mdist, you need to fill the gap
 					reseau = fill.diff.gap(reseau, info_db)	
 				point = unique(c(as.character(reseau[,"father"]),as.character(reseau[,"son"])))
 				M = matrix(0, ncol = length(point), nrow = length(point))
 				colnames(M) = rownames(M) = point
 				for (i in 1:nrow(reseau)) {
 					Father = as.character(reseau[i, "father"])
 					Son = as.character(reseau[i, "son"])
 					M[Father, Son] = 1 + M[Father, Son] # From column to the row
 				n <- network(M, directed = TRUE)
 			# 5.1.3. Link information to vertex and edges ----------	
 			message("3. Link information to vertex and edges ..."); {
 				# A. information on seed-lots
 				f = as.character(reseau[,"father"])
 				s = as.character(reseau[,"son"])	
 				Y = P = G = TG = SEX = NULL
 				for (p in point) {
 					# year
 					a = unique(reseau[which(f == p), "father_year"])
 					b = unique(reseau[which(s == p), "son_year"])
 					if(length(a) == 0 & length(b) == 1) { pp = b }
 					if(length(a) == 0 & length(b) == 0) { pp = NULL }
 					if(length(a) == 1 & length(b) == 0) { pp = a }
 					if(length(a) == 1 & length(b) == 1) { pp = unique(a, b) }
 					Y = c(Y, as.character(pp))
 					# person
 					a = unique(reseau[which(f == p),"father_person"])
 					b = unique(reseau[which(s == p),"son_person"])
 					if(length(a) == 0 & length(b) == 1) { pp = b }
 					if(length(a) == 0 & length(b) == 0) { pp = NULL }
 					if(length(a) == 1 & length(b) == 0) { pp = a }
 					if(length(a) == 1 & length(b) == 1) { pp = unique(a,b) }
 					P = c(P, as.character(pp))	
 					# germplasm
 					a = unique(reseau[which(f == p), "father_germplasm"])
 					b = unique(reseau[which(s == p), "son_germplasm"])
 					if(length(a) == 0 & length(b) == 1) { g = b }
 					if(length(a) == 0 & length(b) == 0) { g = NULL }
 					if(length(a) == 1 & length(b) == 0) { g = a }
 					if(length(a) == 1 & length(b) == 1) { g = unique(a,b) }
 					G = c(G, as.character(g))
 					# germplasm type
 					a = unique(reseau[which(f == p), "father_germplasm_type"])
 					b = unique(reseau[which(s == p), "son_germplasm_type"])
 					if(length(a) == 0 & length(b) == 1) { tg = b }
 					if(length(a) == 0 & length(b) == 0) { tg = NULL }
 					if(length(a) == 1 & length(b) == 0) { tg = a }
 					if(length(a) == 1 & length(b) == 1) { tg = unique(a,b) }
 					TG = c(TG, as.character(tg))
 					# sex associated to seed-lots if it is a cross
 					sex = reseau[which(f==p),]
 					sex = sex[which(sex$reproduction_type == "cross"), "is_male"]
 					if(length(sex) > 0) { sex = sex } else { sex = "" }
 					SEX = c(SEX, as.character(sex))	
 				set.vertex.attribute(n, "year", value = as.vector(Y))
 				set.vertex.attribute(n, "person", value = as.vector(P))
 				set.vertex.attribute(n, "germplasm", value = as.vector(G))
 				set.vertex.attribute(n, "germplasm.type", value = as.vector(TG))
 				set.vertex.attribute(n, "sex", value = as.vector(SEX))
 				# B. information on relations and generations
 				R = M_generation_local = M_generation_total = matrix("", ncol = length(point), nrow = length(point))
 				colnames(R) = rownames(R) = colnames(M_generation_local) = rownames(M_generation_local) = colnames(M_generation_total) = rownames(M_generation_total) = point
 				# number of generations local, total and confidence
 				DD = filter(reseau, !is.na(reproduction_id))
 				DD = filter(DD, is_male == "X") # get rid off crossed

 				D_generation = unique(DD[,c("father", "son", "son_local_generation_nb", "son_total_generation_nb", "son_generation_confidence")])
 				D_generation$toto = paste(D_generation$father, D_generation$son, sep = ":")
 				D_generation$info_local = paste("F", D_generation$son_local_generation_nb, " (", D_generation$son_generation_confidence, ")", sep = "")
 				D_generation$info_total = paste("F", D_generation$son_total_generation_nb, " (", D_generation$son_generation_confidence, ")", sep = "")
 				stock_type_relation = NULL
 				for (i in 1:nrow(reseau)) {
 					Father = as.character(reseau[i, "father"])
 					Son = as.character(reseau[i, "son"])
 					r = as.character(reseau[i, "reproduction_id"])
 					s = as.character(reseau[i, "selection_id"])
 					m = as.character(reseau[i, "mixture_id"])
 					d = as.character(reseau[i, "diffusion_id"])
 					generation_local = generation_total = ""
 					if(!is.na(r)) {
 						type = "reproduction"
 						get = which(D_generation$toto == paste(Father, Son, sep = ":"))
 						if(length(get) > 0) { # deal with crosses
 							generation_local = D_generation[get, "info_local"]
 							generation_total = D_generation[get, "info_total"]
 					if(!is.na(s)) {type = "selection"} # selection erase reproduction
 					if(!is.na(m)) {type = "mixture"}
 					if(!is.na(d)) {type = "diffusion"}
 					R[Father, Son] = type
 					M_generation_local[Father, Son] = generation_local
 					M_generation_total[Father, Son] = generation_total
 				set.edge.value(n, "relation", value = R)
 				set.edge.value(n, "generation_local", value = M_generation_local)
 				set.edge.value(n, "generation_total", value = M_generation_total)
 			# 5.1.4. Get network information on seed-lots ----------	
 				message("4. Get network information on seed-lots ..."); {
 					# update point with the updated reseau without mixture for replication event
 					point = unique(c(as.character(reseau[,"father"]), as.character(reseau[,"son"])))
 					# These datas are also useful for part 5. with Mdist
 					repro = filter(reseau, !is.na(reproduction_id))
 					reseau_repro = filter(repro, is.na(selection_id))
 					reseau_sel = filter(reseau, !is.na(selection_id))			
 					reseau_diff = filter(reseau, !is.na(diffusion_id))
 					# get Minfo
 					Minfo = matrix(NA, ncol = 24, nrow = nrow(reseau))
 					colnames(Minfo) = c(
 						"father", "father_germplasm", "father_germplasm_type", "father_year", "father_person",
 						"son", "son_germplasm", "son_germplasm_type", "son_year", "son_person",
 						"diffusion_father_info", "diffusion_son_info", "id.diff_son", "id.diff_father", 
 						"reproduction_father_info", "reproduction_son_info", "selection_info", 
 						"father_alt", "father_long", "father_lat", 
 						"son_alt", "son_long", "son_lat")
 					for(i in 1:nrow(reseau)) {
 						Minfo[i, "father"] = f = as.character(reseau[i, "father"])
 						Minfo[i, "father_germplasm"] = as.character(reseau[i, "father_germplasm"])
 						Minfo[i, "father_germplasm_type"] = as.character(reseau[i, "father_germplasm_type"])
 						Minfo[i, "father_year"] = as.character(reseau[i, "father_year"])
 						Minfo[i, "father_person"] = as.character(reseau[i, "father_person"])
 						Minfo[i, "son"] = s = as.character(reseau[i, "son"])
 						Minfo[i, "son_germplasm"] = as.character(reseau[i, "son_germplasm"])
 						Minfo[i, "son_germplasm_type"] = as.character(reseau[i, "son_germplasm_type"])
 						Minfo[i, "son_year"] = as.character(reseau[i, "son_year"])
 						Minfo[i, "son_person"] = as.character(reseau[i, "son_person"])
 						# coordinates and id.diff information
 						Minfo[i, "father_alt"] = reseau[i, "father_alt"]
 						Minfo[i, "father_long"] = reseau[i, "father_long"]
 						Minfo[i, "father_lat"] = reseau[i, "father_lat"]
 						Minfo[i, "son_alt"] = reseau[i, "son_alt"]
 						Minfo[i, "son_long"] = reseau[i, "son_long"]
 						Minfo[i, "son_lat"] = reseau[i, "son_lat"]
 						Minfo[i, "id.diff_son"] = Minfo[i, "id.diff_father"] = reseau[i, "diffusion_id"]
 						# relation information
 						if( !is.na(reseau[i, "diffusion_id"]) ) { relation = "diffusion" }
 						if( !is.na(reseau[i, "mixture_id"]) ) { relation = "mixture"}
 						if( !is.na(reseau[i, "reproduction_id"]) ) { relation = "reproduction"}
 						if( !is.na(reseau[i, "selection_id"]) ) { relation = "selection"} # erase relation = "reproduction"
 						if( relation == "diffusion") {				
 							# info on father
 							sent = 1 # because is father
 							if( is.element(f, reseau_diff[, "son"]) ) { receive = 1 } else { receive = 0 }				
 							if(sent == 1 & receive == 1) { info.f = gettext("give-receive") }	else { info.f = gettext("give")}
 							Minfo[i, "diffusion_father_info"] = info.f
 							# info on son
 							receive = 1 # because is son
 							if( is.element(s, reseau_diff[, "father"]) ) { sent = 1 } else { sent = 0 }
 							if(sent == 1 & receive == 1) { info.s = gettext("give-receive") }	else { info.s = gettext("receive") }
 							Minfo[i, "diffusion_son_info"] = info.s
 						if( relation == "reproduction" ) {		
 							# info on father
 							if( is.element(f, reseau_repro[, "father"]) ) { sown = 1 } else { sown = 0 }
 							if( is.element(f, reseau_repro[, "son"]) ) { harvested = 1 } else { harvested = 0 }
 							if(harvested == 1 & sown == 0) { info.f = gettext("harvest") }
 							if(harvested == 0 & sown == 1) { info.f = gettext("sow") }
 							if(harvested == 1 & sown == 1) { info.f = gettext("harvest-sow") } 					
 							Minfo[i, "reproduction_father_info"] = info.f
 							# info on son
 							if( is.element(s, reseau_repro[, "son"]) ) { harvested = 1 } else { harvested = 0 }
 							if( is.element(s, reseau_repro[, "father"]) ) { sown = 1 } else { sown = 0 }
 							if(harvested == 1 & sown == 0) { info.s = gettext("harvest") }
 							if(harvested == 0 & sown == 1) { info.s = gettext("sow") }
 							if(harvested == 1 & sown == 1) { info.s = gettext("harvest-sow") }
 							Minfo[i, "reproduction_son_info"] = info.s
 						if( relation == "selection" ) { Minfo[i, "selection_info"] = "selection" }
 						if( relation == "mixture") { 
 							Minfo[i, "mixture_info"] = "mixture_real" 
 							if(as.character(reseau[i, "father_germplasm"]) == as.character(reseau[i, "son_germplasm"])) { Minfo[i, "mixture_info"] = "mixture_rep" } 
 					# Get duplicated information, there must be one information per seed-lot
 					Minfo = unique(Minfo)
 					# reshape Minfo
 					Minfo = as.data.frame(Minfo)
 					Mcross = query.cross(filter_G, filter_GT, filter_Y, filter_P, filter_Proj, info_db = info_db)
 					if( is.null(Mcross) ) { 
 						Mcross = as.data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = 12, nrow = 1))
 						colnames(Mcross) = c("expe", "sl", "type", "germplasm", "germplasm_type", "year", "year_cross", "person", "project", "lat", "long", "alt")
 					Minfo = cbind.data.frame(
 						sl = c(as.character(Minfo$son), as.character(Minfo$father), as.character(Mcross$sl)),
 						germplasm = as.factor(c(as.character(Minfo$son_germplasm), as.character(Minfo$father_germplasm), as.character(Mcross$germplasm))),
 						germplasm_type = as.factor(c(as.character(Minfo$son_germplasm_type), as.character(Minfo$father_germplasm_type), as.character(Mcross$germplasm_type))),
 						person = as.factor(c(as.character(Minfo$son_person), as.character(Minfo$father_person), as.character(Mcross$person))),
 						year = as.factor(c(as.character(Minfo$son_year), as.character(Minfo$father_year), as.character(Mcross$year))),
 						alt = c(as.numeric(as.character(Minfo$son_alt)), as.numeric(as.character(Minfo$father_alt)), as.numeric(as.character(Mcross$alt))),
 						long = c(as.numeric(as.character(Minfo$son_long)), as.numeric(as.character(Minfo$father_long)), as.numeric(as.character(Mcross$long))),
 						lat = c(as.numeric(as.character(Minfo$son_lat)), as.numeric(as.character(Minfo$father_lat)), as.numeric(as.character(Mcross$lat))),
 						diffusion = c(as.character(Minfo$diffusion_son_info), as.character(Minfo$diffusion_father_info), rep(NA, nrow(Mcross))),
 						id.diff = c(as.character(Minfo$id.diff_son), as.character(Minfo$id.diff_father), rep(NA, nrow(Mcross))),
 						reproduction = c(as.character(Minfo$reproduction_son_info), as.character(Minfo$reproduction_father_info), rep(NA, nrow(Mcross))),
 						mixture = c(as.character(Minfo$mixture_info), rep(NA, nrow(Minfo)), rep(NA, nrow(Mcross))), # only associated to son
 						selection = c(as.character(Minfo$selection_info), rep(NA, nrow(Minfo)), rep(NA, nrow(Mcross))), # only associated to son
 						cross.info = c(rep(NA, nrow(Minfo)), rep(NA, nrow(Minfo)), as.character(Mcross$type))
 			} else { Minfo = NULL }

 			# 5.1.5. Get Mdist square matrix ----------	
 			if(Mdist) {
 				message("5. Get Mdist square matrix ...")
 				# Mdist square matrix with the number of reproductions that separate two seed-lots since their last common diffusion.
 				# A. For each seed-lot of the network, get their last diffusion_id and the number of reproductions since the last diffusion ----------
 				fun = function(sl) {
 					test = TRUE
 					nb_repro = 0
 					id_diffusion_sl = NULL
 					while(test) {
 						d_sl_repro = reseau_repro[which(reseau_repro$son == sl),]
 						d_sl_sel = reseau_sel[which(reseau_sel$son == sl),]
 						d_sl_mix = reseau_diff[which(reseau_diff$son == sl),]
 						d_sl_diff = reseau_diff[which(reseau_diff$son == sl),]
 						test = FALSE # default if the sl does not match a son i.e. it is only father => the relations stop
 						if(nrow(d_sl_mix) > 0){ test = FALSE }
 						# if the seed-lot (sl) come from a reproduction or a selection: get the diffusion or go back in the history of the reproduction
 						if(nrow(d_sl_repro) > 0 | nrow(d_sl_sel) > 0) {
 							# increase the number of reproductions by 1 and get the sl father to go back in the history of network
 							nb_repro = nb_repro + 1
 							if(nrow(d_sl_repro) > 0) { sl = as.character(d_sl_repro[1, "father"]) }
 							if(nrow(d_sl_sel) > 0) { sl = as.character(d_sl_sel[1, "father"]) }	
 							# check if the sl is the son of a diffusion (i.e. the location receive the sl and then sow it)
 							d_sl_diff_1 = reseau_diff[which(reseau_diff$son == sl),]
 							# check if the sl is the father of a diffusion (i.e. the location send AND sow the sl)
 							d_sl_diff_2 = reseau_diff[which(reseau_diff$father == sl),]
 							# A sl can not be father AND son in a diffusion event
 							if(nrow(d_sl_diff_1) > 0) { d_sl_diff = d_sl_diff_1 } else { d_sl_diff = d_sl_diff_2 }

 						# if the seed-lot (sl) come from a diffusion: get the sl father, that has been sent, and get the diffusion id
 						if(nrow(d_sl_diff) > 0) {
 							sl = as.character(d_sl_diff[1, "father"])	
 							id_diffusion_sl = as.character(sl)
 							test = FALSE
 					names(nb_repro) = id_diffusion_sl
 					L = c(list("id_diffusion" = id_diffusion_sl), list("nb_repro" = nb_repro))
 				OUT = lapply(point, function(x){fun(x)})
 				names(OUT) = point
 				# B. For each pair of seed-lots, find the last diffusion in common and calculate the distance ----------
 				M_dist = matrix(NA, ncol = length(point), nrow = length(point))
 				diag(M_dist) = 1
 				colnames(M_dist) = rownames(M_dist) = point
 				liste_combi = combn(rownames(M_dist), 2)
 				for(i in 1:ncol(liste_combi)) {
 					# sl1
 					sl1 = liste_combi[1,i]
 					farm1 = unlist(strsplit(sl1, "_"))[2]
 					out = OUT[[sl1]]
 					id_diffusion_sl1 = out$id_diffusion
 					nb_repro_sl1 = out$nb_repro
 					# sl2
 					sl2 = liste_combi[2,i]
 					farm2 = unlist(strsplit(sl2, "_"))[2]
 					out = OUT[[sl2]]
 					id_diffusion_sl2 = out$id_diffusion
 					nb_repro_sl2 = out$nb_repro
 					# Do seed-lots have their last diffusion event in common?
 					t1 = t2 = FALSE
 					if(!is.null(id_diffusion_sl1) & !is.null(id_diffusion_sl2) & !is.null(farm1) & !is.null(farm2)) { t1 = id_diffusion_sl1 == id_diffusion_sl2 ; t2 = farm1 != farm2} # They must be on different farms otherwise it is a non sens !
 					if(t1 & t2) { nb_repro = nb_repro_sl1 + nb_repro_sl2 } else { nb_repro = 0 } 
 					M_dist[sl1, sl2] = nb_repro
 			} else { M_dist = NULL }

 	d = list("network" = n, "network.query" = reseau, "network.info" = Minfo, "Mdist" = M_dist)
 	attributes(d)$shinemas2R.object = "network"
	# 5.3. cross ----------
	if(query.type == "cross") {
		message("1. Query SHiNeMaS ...")
		d = query.cross(filter_G, filter_GT, filter_Y, filter_P, filter_Proj, info_db = info_db)
		attributes(d)$shinemas2R.object = "cross"

 	# 5.4. raw information on levels and variables present in SHiNeMaS ----------
	if( query.type == "species"){ d = query.species(info_db = info_db); attributes(d)$shinemas2R.object = "species"

	if( query.type == "variable"){ d = query.variable(info_db = info_db); attributes(d)$shinemas2R.object = "variable"
 	if( query.type == "person"){ d = query.person(info_db = info_db); attributes(d)$shinemas2R.object = "person"
 	if( query.type == "year"){ d = query.year(info_db = info_db); attributes(d)$shinemas2R.object = "year"
 	if( query.type == "project"){ d = query.project(info_db = info_db); attributes(d)$shinemas2R.object = "project"
 	if( query.type == "seed.lots"){ d = query.seed.lots(info_db = info_db); attributes(d)$shinemas2R.object = "seed.lots"
 	if( query.type == "selection.person"){ d = query.selection.person(info_db = info_db); attributes(d)$shinemas2R.object = "selection.person"
 	if( query.type == "reproduction.type"){ d = query.reproduction.type(info_db = info_db); attributes(d)$shinemas2R.object = "reproduction.type"
 	if( query.type == "germplasm"){ d = query.germplasm(info_db = info_db); attributes(d)$shinemas2R.object = "germplasm"
 	if( query.type == "germplasm.type"){ d = query.germplasm.type(info_db = info_db); attributes(d)$shinemas2R.object = "germplasm.type"

	# 5.5. data with variable on specific relation or seed-lots ----------	
	if(query.type == "data-classic") {
		if(data.type == "seed-lots") { message("1. Query SHiNeMaS ..."); d = query.data.seed_lots(filter_G, filter_GT, filter_Y, filter_P, filter_V, filter_SL, filter_Proj, info_db = info_db) }
		if(data.type == "relation") { message("1. Query SHiNeMaS ..."); d = query.data.relation(filter_G, filter_GT, filter_Y, filter_P, filter_R, filter_V, filter_SL, filter_Proj, info_db = info_db) }	

	if(query.type == "data-S" | query.type == "data-SR" | query.type == "data-mixture-1") { 
		if(query.type == "data-S") { message("1. Query SHiNeMaS ..."); tab = query.S(info_db = info_db) }
		if(query.type=="data-SR") { message("1. Query SHiNeMaS ..."); tab = query.SR(info_db = info_db) }
		if(query.type=="data-mixture-1") { message("1. Query SHiNeMaS ..."); tab = query.mixture1(P = filter_P, G = filter_G , GT = filter_GT , Y = filter_Y, R = filter_R, SL = filter_SL, Proj = filter_Proj, info_db = info_db) }
		if(!is.null(tab)) {
			vec.seed_lots = tab[,"sl"]
			if(data.type == "seed-lots") { dv = query.data.seed_lots(filter_G, filter_GT, Y = filter_Y, filter_P, filter_R, filter_V, SL = get.filters(filter.in = vec.seed_lots, filter.out = NULL, filter.on = "son", sql.son.tag = "sl1.name", sql.father.tag = "sl2.name"), filter_Proj, info_db = info_db) } 
			if(data.type == "relation") { dv = query.data.relation(filter_G, filter_GT, Y = filter_Y, filter_P, filter_R, filter_V, SL = get.filters(filter.in = vec.seed_lots, filter.out = NULL, filter.on = "son", sql.son.tag = "sl1.name", sql.father.tag = "sl2.name"), filter_Proj, info_db = info_db) }
			tab = plyr::rename(tab, replace = c("sl" = "son"))
			if( !is.null(dv) ) { d = join(tab, dv, by = "son" ) ; if(query.type=="data-mixture-1"){ attributes(d)$shinemas2R.object = "data-mixture"}} else { d = NULL }
			} else { d = NULL }

	# Set up datasets
	if( query.type == "data-classic" | query.type == "data-S" | query.type == "data-SR" ) {
		if( !is.null(unique(d$variable_name)[1]) ) { variable = unique(d$variable_name) }
		if( is.null(d) ) { variable = NULL }
			if( !is.null(d) & !is.null(variable)) {
			vec_variable = na.omit(unique(as.character(d$variable_name)))		
			if(length(vec_variable) != 0) { # If there are no variables, nothing is done
				message("2. Set up data set ...")	
				# All the data set for both data.type
				out_d = list(d)
				# Get subset of correlated variable for data.type = relation
				if(data.type == "relation") { 
					corr_gp = unique(as.character(d$correlation_group))
					corr_gp = corr_gp[!is.na(corr_gp)]
					corr_gp = corr_gp[which(corr_gp != "")]
					if( length(corr_gp) == 0 ) { out_corr = NULL } else {
						out_corr = list()
						for(corr in corr_gp){ out_corr = c(out_corr, list(NULL)) }
						names(out_corr) = corr_gp
						for(cg in corr_gp){	out_corr[[cg]] = d[grep(cg, d$correlation_group),] }
				if(data.type == "seed-lots") { out_corr = NULL }
				# Arrange datasets
				arrange.data = function(data, data.type){
						# an ID is needed to get unicity
						# sl_name for data.type = "seed-lots"
						# son & son_ind & father for data.type = "relation"
						# expe for query.type = "S" or "SR"
						if(data.type == "relation") {
							data$ID = paste(as.character(data$sl_name), as.character(data$son), as.character(data$son_ind), as.character(data$expe), as.character(data$father), sep = "~") 
						if(data.type == "seed-lots") { data$ID = as.character(data$sl) }
						data$var_meth = paste(data$variable_name, data$method_name, sep = "---")
						var_meth = unique(data$var_meth)
						if( is.element("NA---NA", var_meth) ) {
							data = data[-which(data$var_meth == "NA---NA"),]
							var_meth = var_meth[-which(var_meth == "NA---NA")]
						D = select(data, -method_name, -variable_name, -raw_data, -var_meth, -raw_data_date)
						D = droplevels(D[!duplicated(D$ID),]) # In case there is redondant information. This is not possible with SHiNeMaS v1, but it occured in the dev version
						# In the following: *2 to take into account a column with the date				
						D = cbind.data.frame(D, matrix(NA, ncol = length(var_meth)*2, nrow = nrow(D))) 
						colnames(D)[(ncol(D) - length(var_meth)*2 + 1) : ncol(D)] = sort(c(var_meth, paste(var_meth, "date", sep = "$")))
						pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(var_meth), style = 3)
						for(j in 1:length(var_meth)) {
							v = var_meth[j]
							row = which(data$var_meth == v)
							data_tmp = droplevels(data[row,])
							id = data_tmp$ID
							# In case there is redondant information. This is not possible with SHiNeMaS v1, but it occured in the dev version
							raw_data = as.character(data_tmp$raw_data[which(!duplicated(id))])
							raw_data_date = as.character(data_tmp$raw_data_date[which(!duplicated(id))])
							id = as.character(id[which(!duplicated(id))])
							D[which(D$ID %in% id), v] = raw_data
							D[which(D$ID %in% id), paste(v, "$date", sep= "")] = raw_data_date
							setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
						if(data.type == "relation") { D = select(D, -ID, -correlation_group) }
						if(data.type == "seed-lots") { D = select(D, -ID) }
					} else { D = NULL }
				d1 = lapply(out_d, arrange.data, data.type); if(length(d1) == 0) { d1 = NULL }
				d2 = lapply(out_corr, arrange.data, data.type); if(length(d2) == 0) { d2 = NULL }
				out.d = list("data" = d1[[1]], "data.with.correlated.variables" = d2)
				# description of methods
				filter_V = V.sql(vec_variable)
				m = query.methods(filter_V, info_db = info_db)
				m$"variable---methods" = paste(m$variable_name, m$method_name, sep = "---")
				m = list("methods" = m)
				d = c(out.d, m)
				if(query.type == "data-classic" & data.type == "seed-lots") { attributes(d)$shinemas2R.object = "data-classic-seed-lots" }
				if(query.type == "data-classic" & data.type == "relation") { attributes(d)$shinemas2R.object = "data-classic-relation" }
				if(query.type == "data-S"& data.type == "seed-lots") { attributes(d)$shinemas2R.object = "data-S-seed-lots" }
				if(query.type == "data-S"& data.type == "relation") { attributes(d)$shinemas2R.object = "data-S-relation" }
				if(query.type == "data-SR"& data.type == "seed-lots") { attributes(d)$shinemas2R.object = "data-SR-seed-lots" }
				if(query.type == "data-SR"& data.type == "relation") { attributes(d)$shinemas2R.object = "data-SR-relation" }

# 5.6. data on methods ----------	
if(query.type == "methods") {
	message("1. Query SHiNeMaS ...")
	d = query.methods(filter_V, info_db = info_db)
	attributes(d)$shinemas2R.object = "methods"

# 5.7. query.person.info ----------
if(query.type == "person.info") {
	message("1. Query SHiNeMaS ...")
	d = query.person.info(filter_P, info_db = info_db)
	attributes(d)$shinemas2R.object = "person.info"

# 5.8. query.grand.father ----------
if(query.type == "grandfather") {
	message("1. Query SHiNeMaS ...")
	d = query.grand.father(filter_G, filter_GT, filter_Y, filter_P, filter_SL, filter_Proj, info_db = info_db)
	attributes(d)$shinemas2R.object = "grandfather"

# 6. Return results ----------
d = list("data" = d, "info_db" = info_db)
priviere/shinemas2R_deprecated documentation built on May 8, 2019, 1:21 p.m.