
Defines functions .aggregate_ind aggregate_files

Documented in aggregate_files

#' Deconvolute and aggregate debarcoded files
#' @description Performs aggregation of debarcoded files, assigning user defined
#' name to each file.
#' @param fcs_files Character, full path to the fcs_files.
#' @param md Metadata. Must contain the following columns:
#' batch_column: defines to which batch each file belongs;
#' barcode_name: defines to which barcode each file belongs
#' fcs_new_name: a name for the fcs file that will be given after deconvolution
#' and aggregation.
#' @param cores Number of cores to be used.
#' @param channels_to_keep Character vector with channel names to be kept.
#' Default NULL.
#' @param maxcells Numeric, maximum cells to randomly aggregate from each file,
#' default is set to NULL, which means that all the cells will be aggregated.
#' @param write_agg_file Logical, if the fcs files should be saved, if TRUE
#' files will be saved in out_dir. Default set to TRUE.
#' @param out_dir Character, pathway to where the files should be saved,
#' if NULL (default) files will be saved to file.path(getwd(), Aggregated).
#' @return List of the pathways to aggregated files.
#' @examples
#' # Set input directory
#' debarcode_dir <- file.path(dir, "Debarcoded")

#' # Define files for debarcoding
#' files <- list.files(debarcode_dir,
#'                     pattern = "_debarcoded.fcs$",
#'                     full.names = TRUE, recursive = T)
#' # Define out_dir for aggregated files
#' aggregate_dir <- file.path(dir, "Aggregated")
#' # Bring metadata
#' md <- utils::read.csv(file.path(dir, "RawFiles", "meta_data.csv"))
#' # Assign barcodes names
#' md$barcode_name <- paste0(rownames(CATALYST::sample_key)[md$BARCODE])
#' # Assign new sample names specifying patient id and its batch name
#' md$fcs_new_name <- paste0(md$ID, "_", md$STIM, "_", md$BATCH, ".fcs")
#' # Aggregate and deconvolute file names
#' aggregate_files(fcs_files = files,
#'                 md,
#'                 barcode_column = "barcode_name",
#'                 batch_column = "BATCH",
#'                 cores = 1,
#'                 out_dir = aggregate_dir,
#'                 write_agg_file = TRUE)
#' @export
aggregate_files <- function(fcs_files,
                            cores = 1,
                            channels_to_keep = NULL,
                            maxcells = NULL,
                            write_agg_file = TRUE,
                            out_dir = NULL){

  # Check parameters
  if(!is(fcs_files, "character") & !is(fcs_files, "list")) {
    stop("files must be a character vector or a list")

  if (!all(file.exists(fcs_files))){
    stop("incorrect file path, the fcs file does not exist")

  if (any(!is(cores, "numeric") | cores < 1)){
    stop("cores must be a positive number")

  # create out_dir if does not exist
    out_dir <- file.path(getwd(), "Aggregated")

  # Parallelized analysis
  aggregatedFiles <- BiocParallel::bplapply(seq_len(nrow(md)), function(i) {
    patterns <- as.character(md[i, c(barcode_column, batch_column)])

    files_to_agg <- grep(pattern = patterns[2],
                         grep(pattern = patterns[1],
                              fcs_files, value = TRUE),
                         value = TRUE)

    print(paste0("Creating ", md[[i, "fcs_new_name"]]))

    outputFile = md[[i, "fcs_new_name"]]

    .aggregate_ind(fcs_files = files_to_agg,
                   channels_to_keep = channels_to_keep,
                   outputFile = outputFile,
                   maxcells = maxcells,
                   write_agg_file = write_agg_file,
                   out_dir = out_dir)
  BPPARAM = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = cores))



.aggregate_ind <- function(fcs_files,
                           cores = 1,
                           channels_to_keep = NULL,
                           outputFile = "aggregate.fcs",
                           maxcells = NULL,
                           write_agg_file = FALSE,
                           out_dir = getwd()) {
  nFiles <- length(fcs_files)
  flowFrame <- NULL


  for (i in seq_len(nFiles)) {
    f <- flowCore::read.FCS(fcs_files[i])

      c <- sample(seq_len(nrow(f)), min(nrow(f), maxcells))
      f <- f[c,]

    m <- matrix(rep(i, nrow(f)))
    m2 <- m + stats::rnorm(length(m), 0, 0.1)
    m <- cbind(m, m2)
    colnames(m) <- c("File", "File_scattered")
    prev_agg <- length(grep("File[0-9]*$", colnames(f)))
    if (prev_agg > 0) {
      colnames(m) <- paste0(colnames(m), prev_agg + 1)
      f <- flowCore::fr_append_cols(f, m)
    } else {
      f <- flowCore::fr_append_cols(f[ , channels_to_keep], m)
    if (is.null(flowFrame)) {
      flowFrame <- f
      flowFrame@description$`$FIL` <- gsub(".*/", "",
      flowFrame@description$FILENAME <- gsub(".*/", "",
    else {
      f@exprs[, "Time"] <- f@exprs[, "Time"] + max(flowFrame@exprs[,"Time"]) + 1000
      flowCore::exprs(flowFrame) <- rbind(flowCore::exprs(flowFrame),
  flowFrame@description[[paste("flowCore_$P", ncol(flowFrame) -
                                 1, "Rmin", sep = "")]] <- 0
  flowFrame@description[[paste("flowCore_$P", ncol(flowFrame) -
                                 1, "Rmax", sep = "")]] <- nFiles + 1
  flowFrame@description[[paste("flowCore_$P", ncol(flowFrame),
                               "Rmin", sep = "")]] <- 0
  flowFrame@description[[paste("flowCore_$P", ncol(flowFrame),
                               "Rmax", sep = "")]] <- nFiles + 1
  flowFrame@description[[paste("$P", ncol(flowFrame) - 1,
                               "B", sep = "")]] <- 32
  flowFrame@description[[paste("$P", ncol(flowFrame), "B",
                               sep = "")]] <- 32
  flowFrame@description$FIL <- gsub(".*/", "", outputFile)

  if(write_agg_file == TRUE){

    flowCore::write.FCS(x = flowFrame, filename = file.path(out_dir, outputFile), endian = "big")

  return(file.path(out_dir, outputFile))

  # return(flowFrame)
prybakowska/CytoQP documentation built on June 28, 2022, 12:36 a.m.