
Defines functions rich frameStratify stratTest stratTestX pWidth pHt pHe pBase pTop pCover floraDynamics wDyn htDyn heDyn baseDyn topDyn coverDyn mRSE

Documented in baseDyn coverDyn floraDynamics frameStratify heDyn htDyn mRSE pBase pCover pHe pHt pTop pWidth rich stratTest stratTestX topDyn wDyn

#' Finds the RSE for the mean of a vector
#' @param vec A vector of the values being predicted
#' @return value
#' @export

mRSE <- function(dat){
  m <- mean(dat)
  residuals <- vector()
  for (val in 1:length(dat)) {
    residuals[val] <- abs(dat[val] - m)
  rse <- sd(residuals)

#' Builds models for cover dynamics of surveyed Species
#' Input table requires the following fields:
#' Point - numbered point in a transect
#' Species - name of the surveyed Species
#' Age - age of the site since the triggering disturbance
#' Species that are less common than the set threshold are combined as "Minor Species"
#' @param dat The dataframe containing the input data,
#' @param thres The minimum percent cover (0-100) of a Species that will be analysed
#' @param pnts The number of points measured in a transect
#' @param p The maximum allowable p value for a model
#' @param bTest Multiples of mean + mRSE for which Burr & quadratic models can predict 
#' beyond the observed mean + standard deviation
#' @param maxiter The maximum number of iterations for model fitting
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

coverDyn <- function(dat, thres = 5, pnts = 10, p = 0.05, bTest = 10, maxiter = 1000) {
  spCov <- specCover(dat = dat, thres = thres, pnts = pnts)
  priorList <- unique(spCov$Species, incomparables = FALSE)
  fitCov <- data.frame('Species' = character(0), 'lin_a' = numeric(0), 'lin_b' = numeric(0),'lin_Sigma' = numeric(0), 'lin_Rsq' = numeric(0), 'lin_p' = numeric(0),
                       'k' = numeric(0), 'r' = numeric(0), 'NE_sigma' = numeric(0), 'NE_Rsq' = numeric(0), 'NE_p' = numeric(0),
                       'Ba' = numeric(0), 'Bb' = numeric(0), 'B_sigma' = numeric(0), 'B_Rsq' = numeric(0), 'B_p' = numeric(0),
                       'scale' = numeric(0), 'sd' = numeric(0), 'Binm' = numeric(0), 'Bin_sigma' = numeric(0), 'Bin_Rsq' = numeric(0), 'Bin_p' = numeric(0),
                       'Qa' = numeric(0), 'Qb' = numeric(0), 'Qc' = numeric(0), 'Q_sigma' = numeric(0), 'q_Rsq' = numeric(0), 'Q_p' = numeric(0), 
                       'Mean' = character(0), 'Mean_sigma' = character(0), 'Model' = character(0), stringsAsFactors=F)
  for (sp in 1:length(priorList)) {
    SpeciesNumber <- sp
    control=nls.control(maxiter=maxiter, tol=1e-7, minFactor = 1/999999999)
    studySpecies <- spCov %>% filter(Species == priorList[SpeciesNumber])
    x <- as.numeric(studySpecies$Age)
    y <- as.numeric(studySpecies$Cover)
    if (!berryFunctions::is.error(lm(y ~ x))) {
      LM<-lm(y ~ x)
      LMSum <- base::summary(LM)
      LMa <- LMSum$coefficients[2]
      LMb <- LMSum$coefficients[1]
      LMRSE <- LMSum$sigma
      LMRsq <- LMSum$r.squared
      LMp <- if (LMRSE == 0) {
      } else {
    } else {
      LMa <- NA
      LMb <- NA
      LMRSE <- 100
      LMRsq <- 0
      LMp <- 1
    #Negative exponential
    if (!berryFunctions::is.error(nls(y~k * (1-exp(-r*x)),data=studySpecies,start=init1,trace=T))) {
      NE<-nls(y~k * (1-exp(-r*x)),data=studySpecies,start=init1,trace=T)
      NESum <- base::summary(NE)
      k <- NESum$coefficients[1]
      r <- NESum$coefficients[2]
      NERSE <- NESum$sigma
      NERsq <- cor(predict(NE, newdata=x), y)**2
      NEp <- round(max(NESum$coefficients[7],NESum$coefficients[8]),5)
    } else {
      k <- NA
      r <- NA
      NERSE <- 100
      NERsq <- 0
      NEp <- 1
    if (!berryFunctions::is.error(nls(y~a*b*((0.1*x^(a-1))/((1+(0.1*x)^a)^b+1)),data=studySpecies,start=init2,trace=T, control = control))) {
      Burr<-nls(y~a*b*((0.1*x^(a-1))/((1+(0.1*x)^a)^b+1)),data=studySpecies,start=init2,trace=T, control = control)
      BSum <- base::summary(Burr)
      Ba <- BSum$coefficients[1]
      Bb <- BSum$coefficients[2]
      #Added control for Burr
      f <- function(x){Ba*Bb*((0.1*x^(Ba-1))/((1+(0.1*x)^Ba)^Bb+1))}
      if (bTest * (sd(y, na.rm = TRUE) + mean(y, na.rm = TRUE)) < (optimize(f = f, interval=c(0, 150), maximum=TRUE))$objective) {
        BRSE <- 100
        BRsq <- 0
        Bp <- 1
      } else if (bTest * (mean(y, na.rm = TRUE) - sd(y, na.rm = TRUE)) > (optimize(f = f, interval=c(0, 150), maximum=FALSE))$objective) {
        BRSE <- 100
        BRsq <- 0
        Bp <- 1
      } else {
        BRSE <- BSum$sigma
        BRsq <- cor(predict(Burr, newdata=x), y)**2
        Bp <- round(max(BSum$coefficients[7],BSum$coefficients[8]),5)
    } else {
      Ba <- NA
      Bb <- NA
      BRSE <- 100
      BRsq <- 0
      Bp <- 1
    init3<-c(s=1,sd=3, m=20)
    if (!berryFunctions::is.error(nls(y~s*(1/(sd*sqrt(2*pi)))*exp(-((x-m)^2)/(2*sd^2)),data=studySpecies,start=init3,trace=T, control = control))) {
      Bin<-nls(y~s*(1/(sd*sqrt(2*pi)))*exp(-((x-m)^2)/(2*sd^2)),data=studySpecies,start=init3,trace=T, control = control)
      BinSum <- base::summary(Bin)
      Bs <- BinSum$coefficients[1]
      Bsd <- BinSum$coefficients[2]
      Bm <- BinSum$coefficients[3]
      BinRSE <- BinSum$sigma
      BinRsq <- cor(predict(Bin, newdata=x), y)**2
      Binp <- round(max(BinSum$coefficients[10],BinSum$coefficients[11],BinSum$coefficients[12]),5)
    } else {
      Bs <- NA
      Bsd <- NA
      Bm <- NA
      BinRSE <- 100
      BinRsq <- 0
      Binp <- 1
    init4 <- c(a = -1, b = 2, c = 0)
    if (!berryFunctions::is.error(nls(y ~ a*x^2 + b*x + c, data = studySpecies, 
                                      start = init4, trace = T, control = control))) {
      q <- nls(y ~ a*x^2 + b*x + c, data = studySpecies, start = init4, 
               trace = T, control = control)
      qSum <- base::summary(q)
      qa <- qSum$coefficients[1]
      qb <- qSum$coefficients[2]
      qc <- qSum$coefficients[3]
      # Added control for Quadratic
      # Also prevents quadratic increases
      f <- function(x){qa*x^2 + qb*x + qc}
      if ((bTest * (sd(y, na.rm = TRUE) + mean(y, na.rm = TRUE)) < (optimize(f = f, interval=c(0, 150), maximum=TRUE))$objective)||qa > 0) {
        qRSE <- 100
        qRsq <- 0
        qp <- 1
      } else {
        qRSE <- qSum$sigma
        qRsq <- cor(predict(q, newdata=x), y)**2
        qp <- round(max(qSum$coefficients[10], qSum$coefficients[11], 
                        qSum$coefficients[12]), 5)
    } else {
      qa <- NA
      qb <- NA
      qc <- NA
      qRSE <- 100
      qRsq <- 0
      qp <- 1
    #Summary stats
    meanCov <- round(mean(y, na.rm = TRUE),1)
    m_sig <- round(mRSE(dat = y),3)
    #Choose the best model
    listRsq <- c(LMRsq, NERsq, BRsq, BinRsq, qRsq)
    listRSE <- c(LMRSE, NERSE, BRSE, BinRSE, qRSE)
    listMod <- c("Linear", "NegExp", "Burr", "Binomial", "Quadratic")
    if (listRSE[which(listRsq == max(listRsq))]<=m_sig) {
      model <- listMod[which(listRsq == max(listRsq))]
    } else {
      model <= "Mean"
    #Record values
    fitCov[nrow(fitCov)+1,] <- c(as.character(priorList[SpeciesNumber]), LMa, LMb, LMRSE, LMRsq, LMp, k, r, NERSE, NERsq, NEp,
                                 Ba, Bb, BRSE, BRsq, Bp, Bs, Bsd, Bm, BinRSE, BinRsq, Binp, qa, qb, qc, qRSE, qRsq, qp, 
                                 meanCov, m_sig, model)

#' Builds models for top height dynamics of surveyed Species
#' Input table requires the following fields:
#' Point - numbered point in a transect
#' Species - name of the surveyed Species
#' Age - age of the site since the triggering disturbance
#' Species that are less common than the set threshold are combined as "Minor Species"
#' @param dat The dataframe containing the input data,
#' @param thres The minimum percent cover (0-100) of a Species that will be analysed
#' @param pnts The number of points measured in a transect
#' @param p The maximum allowable p value for a model
#' @param bTest Multiples of mean + mRSE for which Burr & quadratic models can predict 
#' beyond the observed mean + standard deviation
#' @param maxiter The maximum number of iterations for model fitting
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

topDyn <- function(dat, base = "base", top = "top", he = "he", ht = "ht", 
                   thres = 5, pnts = 10, p = 0.05, bTest = 10, maxiter = 1000) {
  spCov <- specCover(dat = dat, thres = 0, pnts = pnts)%>%
    summarise_if(is.numeric, mean)
  dat <- left_join(dat, spCov)%>%
    mutate(Species = replace(Species, which(Cover < thres), "Minor Species"))
  priorList <- unique(dat$Species, incomparables = FALSE)
  fitTop <- data.frame('Species' = character(0), 'lin_a' = numeric(0), 'lin_b' = numeric(0),'lin_Sigma' = numeric(0), 'lin_Rsq' = numeric(0), 'lin_p' = numeric(0),
                       'k' = numeric(0), 'r' = numeric(0), 'NE_sigma' = numeric(0), 'NE_Rsq' = numeric(0), 'NE_p' = numeric(0),
                       'Ba' = numeric(0), 'Bb' = numeric(0), 'B_sigma' = numeric(0), 'B_Rsq' = numeric(0), 'B_p' = numeric(0),
                       'scale' = numeric(0), 'sd' = numeric(0), 'Binm' = numeric(0), 'Bin_sigma' = numeric(0), 'Bin_Rsq' = numeric(0), 'Bin_p' = numeric(0),
                       'Qa' = numeric(0), 'Qb' = numeric(0), 'Qc' = numeric(0), 'Q_sigma' = numeric(0), 'q_Rsq' = numeric(0), 'Q_p' = numeric(0), 
                       'Mean' = character(0), 'Mean_sigma' = character(0), 'Model' = character(0), stringsAsFactors=F)
  for (sp in 1:length(priorList)) {
    SpeciesNumber <- sp
    control=nls.control(maxiter=maxiter, tol=1e-7, minFactor = 1/999999999)
    studySpecies <- dat %>% filter(Species == priorList[SpeciesNumber])
    x <- as.numeric(studySpecies$Age)
    y <- as.numeric(studySpecies$top)
    if (length(unique(x, incomparables = FALSE))>2 & length(unique(y, incomparables = FALSE))>1) {
      if (!berryFunctions::is.error(lm(y ~ x))) {
        LM<-lm(y ~ x)
        LMSum <- base::summary(LM)
        LMa <- LMSum$coefficients[2]
        LMb <- LMSum$coefficients[1]
        LMRSE <- LMSum$sigma
        LMRsq <- LMSum$r.squared
        LMp <- if (LMRSE == 0) {
        } else {
      } else {
        LMa <- NA
        LMb <- NA
        LMRSE <- 100
        LMRsq <- 0
        LMp <- 1
      #Negative exponential
      if (!berryFunctions::is.error(nls(y~k * (1-exp(-r*x)),data=studySpecies,start=init1,trace=T))) {
        NE<-nls(y~k * (1-exp(-r*x)),data=studySpecies,start=init1,trace=T)
        NESum <- base::summary(NE)
        k <- NESum$coefficients[1]
        r <- NESum$coefficients[2]
        NERSE <- NESum$sigma
        NERsq <- cor(predict(NE, newdata=x), y)**2
        NEp <- round(max(NESum$coefficients[7],NESum$coefficients[8]),5)
      } else {
        k <- NA
        r <- NA
        NERSE <- 100
        NERsq <- 0
        NEp <- 1
      if (!berryFunctions::is.error(nls(y~a*b*((0.1*x^(a-1))/((1+(0.1*x)^a)^b+1)),data=studySpecies,start=init2,trace=T, control = control))) {
        Burr<-nls(y~a*b*((0.1*x^(a-1))/((1+(0.1*x)^a)^b+1)),data=studySpecies,start=init2,trace=T, control = control)
        BSum <- base::summary(Burr)
        Ba <- BSum$coefficients[1]
        Bb <- BSum$coefficients[2]
        #Added control for Burr
        f <- function(x){Ba*Bb*((0.1*x^(Ba-1))/((1+(0.1*x)^Ba)^Bb+1))}
        if (bTest * (sd(y, na.rm = TRUE) + mean(y, na.rm = TRUE)) < (optimize(f = f, interval=c(0, 150), maximum=TRUE))$objective) {
          BRSE <- 100
          BRsq <- 0
          Bp <- 1
        } else if (bTest * (mean(y, na.rm = TRUE) - sd(y, na.rm = TRUE)) > (optimize(f = f, interval=c(0, 150), maximum=FALSE))$objective) {
          BRSE <- 100
          BRsq <- 0
          Bp <- 1
        } else {
          BRSE <- BSum$sigma
          BRsq <- cor(predict(Burr, newdata=x), y)**2
          Bp <- round(max(BSum$coefficients[7],BSum$coefficients[8]),5)
      } else {
        Ba <- NA
        Bb <- NA
        BRSE <- 100
        BRsq <- 0
        Bp <- 1
      init3<-c(s=1,sd=3, m=20)
      if (!berryFunctions::is.error(nls(y~s*(1/(sd*sqrt(2*pi)))*exp(-((x-m)^2)/(2*sd^2)),data=studySpecies,start=init3,trace=T, control = control))) {
        Bin<-nls(y~s*(1/(sd*sqrt(2*pi)))*exp(-((x-m)^2)/(2*sd^2)),data=studySpecies,start=init3,trace=T, control = control)
        BinSum <- base::summary(Bin)
        Bs <- BinSum$coefficients[1]
        Bsd <- BinSum$coefficients[2]
        Bm <- BinSum$coefficients[3]
        BinRSE <- BinSum$sigma
        BinRsq <- cor(predict(Bin, newdata=x), y)**2
        Binp <- round(max(BinSum$coefficients[10],BinSum$coefficients[11],BinSum$coefficients[12]),5)
      } else {
        Bs <- NA
        Bsd <- NA
        Bm <- NA
        BinRSE <- 100
        BinRsq <- 0
        Binp <- 1
      init4 <- c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 0)
      if (!berryFunctions::is.error(nls(y ~ a*x^2 + b*x + c, data = studySpecies, 
                                        start = init4, trace = T, control = control))) {
        q <- nls(y ~ a*x^2 + b*x + c, data = studySpecies, start = init4, 
                 trace = T, control = control)
        qSum <- base::summary(q)
        qa <- qSum$coefficients[1]
        qb <- qSum$coefficients[2]
        qc <- qSum$coefficients[3]
        #Added control for Quadratic
        f <- function(x){qa*x^2 + qb*x + qc}
        if (bTest * (sd(y, na.rm = TRUE) + mean(y, na.rm = TRUE)) < (optimize(f = f, interval=c(0, 150), maximum=TRUE))$objective) {
          qRSE <- 100
          qRsq <- 0
          qp <- 1
        } else {
          qRSE <- qSum$sigma
          qRsq <- cor(predict(q, newdata=x), y)**2
          qp <- round(max(qSum$coefficients[10], qSum$coefficients[11], 
                          qSum$coefficients[12]), 5)
      } else {
        qa <- NA
        qb <- NA
        qc <- NA
        qRSE <- 100
        qRsq <- 0
        qp <- 1
      #Summary stats
      meanTop <- round(mean(y, na.rm = TRUE),1)
      m_sig <- round(mRSE(dat = y),3)
      #Choose the best model
      listRsq <- c(LMRsq, NERsq, BRsq, BinRsq, qRsq)
      listRSE <- c(LMRSE, NERSE, BRSE, BinRSE, qRSE)
      listMod <- c("Linear", "NegExp", "Burr", "Binomial", "Quadratic")
      if (listRSE[which(listRsq == max(listRsq))]<=m_sig) {
        model <- listMod[which(listRsq == max(listRsq))]
      } else {
        model <- "Mean"
    } else {
      LMa <- NA
      LMb <- NA
      LMRSE <- 100
      LMRsq <- 0
      LMp <- 1
      k <- NA
      r <- NA
      NERSE <- 100
      NERsq <- 0
      NEp <- 1
      Ba <- NA
      Bb <- NA
      BRSE <- 100
      BRsq <- 0
      Bp <- 1
      Bs <- NA
      Bsd <- NA
      Bm <- NA
      BinRSE <- 100
      BinRsq <- 0
      Binp <- 1
      qa <- NA
      qb <- NA
      qc <- NA
      qRSE <- 100
      qRsq <- 0
      qp <- 1
      model <- "Mean"      
      #Summary stats
      meanTop <- round(mean(y, na.rm = TRUE),1)
      m_sig <- round(mRSE(dat = y),3)
    #Record values
    fitTop[nrow(fitTop)+1,] <- c(as.character(priorList[SpeciesNumber]), LMa, LMb, LMRSE, LMRsq, LMp, k, r, NERSE, NERsq, NEp,
                                 Ba, Bb, BRSE, BRsq, Bp, Bs, Bsd, Bm, BinRSE, BinRsq, Binp, qa, qb, qc, qRSE, qRsq, qp, 
                                 meanTop, m_sig, model)

#' Builds models for top-base height allometry dynamics of surveyed Species
#' Input table requires the following fields:
#' Point - numbered point in a transect
#' Species - name of the surveyed Species
#' Age - age of the site since the triggering disturbance
#' Species that are less common than the set threshold are combined as "Minor Species"
#' @param dat The dataframe containing the input data,
#' @param thres The minimum percent cover (0-100) of a Species that will be analysed
#' @param pnts The number of points measured in a transect
#' @param p The maximum allowable p value for a model
#' @param bTest Multiples of mean + mRSE for which Burr & quadratic models can predict 
#' beyond the observed mean + standard deviation
#' @param maxiter The maximum number of iterations for model fitting
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

baseDyn <- function(dat, base = "base", top = "top", he = "he", ht = "ht", 
                    thres = 5, pnts = 10, p = 0.05, bTest = 10, maxiter = 1000) {
  spCov <- specCover(dat = dat, thres = 0, pnts = pnts)%>%
    summarise_if(is.numeric, mean)
  dat <- left_join(dat, spCov)%>%
    mutate(Species = replace(Species, which(Cover < thres), "Minor Species"),
           bRat = base/top)
  priorList <- unique(dat$Species, incomparables = FALSE)
  fitBase <- data.frame('Species' = character(0), 'lin_a' = numeric(0), 'lin_b' = numeric(0),'lin_Sigma' = numeric(0), 'lin_Rsq' = numeric(0), 'lin_p' = numeric(0),
                        'k' = numeric(0), 'r' = numeric(0), 'NE_sigma' = numeric(0), 'NE_Rsq' = numeric(0), 'NE_p' = numeric(0),
                        'Ba' = numeric(0), 'Bb' = numeric(0), 'B_sigma' = numeric(0), 'B_Rsq' = numeric(0), 'B_p' = numeric(0),
                        'scale' = numeric(0), 'sd' = numeric(0), 'Binm' = numeric(0), 'Bin_sigma' = numeric(0), 'Bin_Rsq' = numeric(0), 'Bin_p' = numeric(0),
                        'Qa' = numeric(0), 'Qb' = numeric(0), 'Qc' = numeric(0), 'Q_sigma' = numeric(0), 'q_Rsq' = numeric(0), 'Q_p' = numeric(0), 
                        'Mean' = character(0), 'Mean_sigma' = character(0), 'Model' = character(0), stringsAsFactors=F)
  for (sp in 1:length(priorList)) {
    SpeciesNumber <- sp
    control=nls.control(maxiter=maxiter, tol=1e-7, minFactor = 1/999999999)
    studySpecies <- dat %>% filter(Species == priorList[SpeciesNumber])
    x <- as.numeric(studySpecies$Age)
    y <- as.numeric(studySpecies$bRat)
    if (length(unique(x, incomparables = FALSE))>2 & length(unique(y, incomparables = FALSE))>1) {
      if (!berryFunctions::is.error(lm(y ~ x))) {
        LM<-lm(y ~ x)
        LMSum <- base::summary(LM)
        LMa <- LMSum$coefficients[2]
        LMb <- LMSum$coefficients[1]
        LMRSE <- LMSum$sigma
        LMRsq <- LMSum$r.squared
        LMp <- if (LMRSE == 0) {
        } else {
      } else {
        LMa <- NA
        LMb <- NA
        LMRSE <- 100
        LMRsq <- 0
        LMp <- 1
      #Negative exponential
      if (!berryFunctions::is.error(nls(y~k * (1-exp(-r*x)),data=studySpecies,start=init1,trace=T))) {
        NE<-nls(y~k * (1-exp(-r*x)),data=studySpecies,start=init1,trace=T)
        NESum <- base::summary(NE)
        k <- NESum$coefficients[1]
        r <- NESum$coefficients[2]
        NERSE <- NESum$sigma
        NERsq <- cor(predict(NE, newdata=x), y)**2
        NEp <- round(max(NESum$coefficients[7],NESum$coefficients[8]),5)
      } else {
        k <- NA
        r <- NA
        NERSE <- 100
        NERsq <- 0
        NEp <- 1
      if (!berryFunctions::is.error(nls(y~a*b*((0.1*x^(a-1))/((1+(0.1*x)^a)^b+1)),data=studySpecies,start=init2,trace=T, control = control))) {
        Burr<-nls(y~a*b*((0.1*x^(a-1))/((1+(0.1*x)^a)^b+1)),data=studySpecies,start=init2,trace=T, control = control)
        BSum <- base::summary(Burr)
        Ba <- BSum$coefficients[1]
        Bb <- BSum$coefficients[2]
        #Added control for Burr
        f <- function(x){Ba*Bb*((0.1*x^(Ba-1))/((1+(0.1*x)^Ba)^Bb+1))}
        if (bTest * (sd(y, na.rm = TRUE) + mean(y, na.rm = TRUE)) < (optimize(f = f, interval=c(0, 150), maximum=TRUE))$objective) {
          BRSE <- 100
          BRsq <- 0
          Bp <- 1
        } else if (bTest * (mean(y, na.rm = TRUE) - sd(y, na.rm = TRUE)) > (optimize(f = f, interval=c(0, 150), maximum=FALSE))$objective) {
          BRSE <- 100
          BRsq <- 0
          Bp <- 1
        } else {
          BRSE <- BSum$sigma
          BRsq <- cor(predict(Burr, newdata=x), y)**2
          Bp <- round(max(BSum$coefficients[7],BSum$coefficients[8]),5)
      } else {
        Ba <- NA
        Bb <- NA
        BRSE <- 100
        BRsq <- 0
        Bp <- 1
      init3<-c(s=1,sd=3, m=20)
      if (!berryFunctions::is.error(nls(y~s*(1/(sd*sqrt(2*pi)))*exp(-((x-m)^2)/(2*sd^2)),data=studySpecies,start=init3,trace=T, control = control))) {
        Bin<-nls(y~s*(1/(sd*sqrt(2*pi)))*exp(-((x-m)^2)/(2*sd^2)),data=studySpecies,start=init3,trace=T, control = control)
        BinSum <- base::summary(Bin)
        Bs <- BinSum$coefficients[1]
        Bsd <- BinSum$coefficients[2]
        Bm <- BinSum$coefficients[3]
        BinRSE <- BinSum$sigma
        BinRsq <- cor(predict(Bin, newdata=x), y)**2
        Binp <- round(max(BinSum$coefficients[10],BinSum$coefficients[11],BinSum$coefficients[12]),5)
      } else {
        Bs <- NA
        Bsd <- NA
        Bm <- NA
        BinRSE <- 100
        BinRsq <- 0
        Binp <- 1
      init4 <- c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 0)
      if (!berryFunctions::is.error(nls(y ~ a*x^2 + b*x + c, data = studySpecies, 
                                        start = init4, trace = T, control = control))) {
        q <- nls(y ~ a*x^2 + b*x + c, data = studySpecies, start = init4, 
                 trace = T, control = control)
        qSum <- base::summary(q)
        qa <- qSum$coefficients[1]
        qb <- qSum$coefficients[2]
        qc <- qSum$coefficients[3]
        #Added control for Quadratic
        f <- function(x){qa*x^2 + qb*x + qc}
        if (bTest * (sd(y, na.rm = TRUE) + mean(y, na.rm = TRUE)) < (optimize(f = f, interval=c(0, 150), maximum=TRUE))$objective) {
          qRSE <- 100
          qRsq <- 0
          qp <- 1
        } else {
          qRSE <- qSum$sigma
          qRsq <- cor(predict(q, newdata=x), y)**2
          qp <- round(max(qSum$coefficients[10], qSum$coefficients[11], 
                          qSum$coefficients[12]), 5)
      } else {
        qa <- NA
        qb <- NA
        qc <- NA
        qRSE <- 100
        qRsq <- 0
        qp <- 1
      #Summary stats
      meanBase <- round(mean(y, na.rm = TRUE),1)
      m_sig <- round(mRSE(dat = y),3)
      #Choose the best model
      listRsq <- c(LMRsq, NERsq, BRsq, BinRsq, qRsq)
      listRSE <- c(LMRSE, NERSE, BRSE, BinRSE, qRSE)
      listMod <- c("Linear", "NegExp", "Burr", "Binomial", "Quadratic")
      if (listRSE[which(listRsq == max(listRsq))]<=m_sig) {
        model <- listMod[which(listRsq == max(listRsq))]
      } else {
        model <- "Mean"
    } else {
      LMa <- NA
      LMb <- NA
      LMRSE <- 100
      LMRsq <- 0
      LMp <- 1
      k <- NA
      r <- NA
      NERSE <- 100
      NERsq <- 0
      NEp <- 1
      Ba <- NA
      Bb <- NA
      BRSE <- 100
      BRsq <- 0
      Bp <- 1
      Bs <- NA
      Bsd <- NA
      Bm <- NA
      BinRSE <- 100
      BinRsq <- 0
      Binp <- 1
      qa <- NA
      qb <- NA
      qc <- NA
      qRSE <- 100
      qRsq <- 0
      qp <- 1
      model <- "Mean"      
      #Summary stats
      meanBase <- round(mean(y, na.rm = TRUE),1)
      m_sig <- round(mRSE(dat = y),3)
    #Record values
    fitBase[nrow(fitBase)+1,] <- c(as.character(priorList[SpeciesNumber]), LMa, LMb, LMRSE, LMRsq, LMp, k, r, NERSE, NERsq, NEp,
                                   Ba, Bb, BRSE, BRsq, Bp, Bs, Bsd, Bm, BinRSE, BinRsq, Binp, qa, qb, qc, qRSE, qRsq, qp, 
                                   meanBase, m_sig, model)

#' Builds models for top-he height allometry dynamics of surveyed Species
#' Input table requires the following fields:
#' Point - numbered point in a transect
#' Species - name of the surveyed Species
#' Age - age of the site since the triggering disturbance
#' Species that are less common than the set threshold are combined as "Minor Species"
#' @param dat The dataframe containing the input data,
#' @param thres The minimum percent cover (0-100) of a Species that will be analysed
#' @param pnts The number of points measured in a transect
#' @param p The maximum allowable p value for a model
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

heDyn <- function(dat, thres = 5, pnts = 10, p = 0.05, 
                  base = "base", top = "top", he = "he", ht = "ht") {
  spCov <- specCover(dat = dat, thres = 0, pnts = pnts)%>%
    summarise_if(is.numeric, mean)
  dat <- left_join(dat, spCov)%>%
    mutate(Species = replace(Species, which(Cover < thres), "Minor Species"),
           bRat = he/top)
  priorList <- unique(dat$Species, incomparables = FALSE)
  fithe <- data.frame('Species' = character(0), 'lin_a' = numeric(0), 'lin_b' = numeric(0),'lin_Sigma' = numeric(0), 'lin_p' = numeric(0),
                      'linear' = character(0), 'Mean' = character(0), 'Mean_sigma' = character(0), 'Model' = character(0), stringsAsFactors=F)
  for (sp in 1:length(priorList)) {
    SpeciesNumber <- sp
    studySpecies <- dat %>% filter(Species == priorList[SpeciesNumber])
    x <- as.numeric(studySpecies$Age)
    y <- as.numeric(studySpecies$bRat)
    if (length(unique(x, incomparables = FALSE))>2 & length(unique(y, incomparables = FALSE))>1) {
    if (!berryFunctions::is.error(lm(y ~ x)) && length(unique(x, incomparables = FALSE))>1) {
      LM<-lm(y ~ x)
      LMSum <- base::summary(LM)
      LMa <- LMSum$coefficients[2]
      LMb <- LMSum$coefficients[1]
      LMRSE <- LMSum$sigma
      LMp <- if (LMRSE == 0) {
      } else {
      LM_sig <- if (berryFunctions::is.error(LMp)) {
      else if (LMp < 0.001) {
      } else if (LMp < 0.01) {
      } else if (LMp < 0.05) {
      } else {
    } else {
      LMa <- NA
      LMb <- NA
      LRSE <- NA
      LMp <- 1
      LM_sig <- ""
    #Summary stats
    meanhe <- round(mean(y, na.rm = TRUE),1)
    m_sig <- round(mRSE(dat = y),3)
    model <- if (LMp < p) {
    } else {"Mean"}
    model <- if (LMRSE < m_sig){
    } else {"Mean"}
    #Record values
    fithe[nrow(fithe)+1,] <- c(as.character(priorList[SpeciesNumber]), LMa, LMb, LMRSE, LMp, 
                               LM_sig, meanhe, m_sig, model)

#' Builds models for top-ht height allometry dynamics of surveyed Species
#' Input table requires the following fields:
#' Point - numbered point in a transect
#' Species - name of the surveyed Species
#' Age - age of the site since the triggering disturbance
#' Species that are less common than the set threshold are combined as "Minor Species"
#' @param dat The dataframe containing the input data,
#' @param thres The minimum percent cover (0-100) of a Species that will be analysed
#' @param pnts The number of points measured in a transect
#' @param p The maximum allowable p value for a model
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

htDyn <- function(dat, thres = 5, pnts = 10, p = 0.05) {
  spCov <- specCover(dat = dat, thres = 0, pnts = pnts)%>%
    summarise_if(is.numeric, mean)
  dat <- left_join(dat, spCov)%>%
    mutate(Species = replace(Species, which(Cover < thres), "Minor Species"),
           bRat = ht/top)
  priorList <- unique(dat$Species, incomparables = FALSE)
  fitht <- data.frame('Species' = character(0), 'lin_a' = numeric(0), 'lin_b' = numeric(0),'lin_Sigma' = numeric(0), 'lin_p' = numeric(0),
                      'linear' = character(0), 'Mean' = character(0), 'Mean_sigma' = character(0), 'Model' = character(0), stringsAsFactors=F)
  for (sp in 1:length(priorList)) {
    SpeciesNumber <- sp
    studySpecies <- dat %>% filter(Species == priorList[SpeciesNumber])
    x <- as.numeric(studySpecies$Age)
    y <- as.numeric(studySpecies$bRat)
    if (length(unique(x, incomparables = FALSE))>2 & length(unique(y, incomparables = FALSE))>1) {
    if (!berryFunctions::is.error(lm(y ~ x)) && length(unique(x, incomparables = FALSE))>1) {
      LM<-lm(y ~ x)
      LMSum <- base::summary(LM)
      LMa <- LMSum$coefficients[2]
      LMb <- LMSum$coefficients[1]
      LMRSE <- LMSum$sigma
      LMp <- if (LMRSE == 0) {
      } else {
      LM_sig <- if (berryFunctions::is.error(LMp)) {
      else if (LMp < 0.001) {
      } else if (LMp < 0.01) {
      } else if (LMp < 0.05) {
      } else {
    } else {
      LMa <- NA
      LMb <- NA
      LRSE <- NA
      LMp <- 1
      LM_sig <- ""
    #Summary stats
    meanht <- round(mean(y, na.rm = TRUE),1)
    m_sig <- round(mRSE(dat = y),3)
    model <- if (LMp < p) {
    } else {"Mean"}
    model <- if (LMRSE < m_sig){
    } else {"Mean"}
    #Record values
    fitht[nrow(fitht)+1,] <- c(as.character(priorList[SpeciesNumber]), LMa, LMb, LMRSE, LMp, 
                               LM_sig, meanht, m_sig, model)

#' Builds models for top-w height allometry dynamics of surveyed Species
#' Input table requires the following fields:
#' Point - numbered point in a transect
#' Species - name of the surveyed Species
#' Age - age of the site since the triggering disturbance
#' Species that are less common than the set threshold are combined as "Minor Species"
#' @param dat The dataframe containing the input data,
#' @param thres The minimum percent cover (0-100) of a Species that will be analysed
#' @param pnts The number of points measured in a transect
#' @param p The maximum allowable p value for a model
#' @param bTest Multiples of mean + mRSE for which Burr & quadratic models can predict 
#' beyond the observed mean + standard deviation
#' @param maxiter The maximum number of iterations for model fitting
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

wDyn <- function(dat, width = "width", top = "top", 
                 thres = 5, pnts = 10, p = 0.05, bTest = 10, maxiter = 1000) {

  spCov <- specCover(dat = dat, thres = 0, pnts = pnts)%>%
    summarise_if(is.numeric, mean)
  dat <- left_join(dat, spCov)%>%
    mutate(Species = replace(Species, which(Cover < thres), "Minor Species"),
           Rat = as.numeric(width)/top)  
  # Find missing data
  entries <- which(is.na(dat[width]))
  if (length(entries)>0) {
    cat(" Removed these rows as they were missing crown widths", "\n", entries, "\n", "\n")
    dat <- dat[-entries,] 
  priorList <- unique(dat$Species, incomparables = FALSE)
  fitw <- data.frame('Species' = character(0), 'lin_a' = numeric(0), 'lin_b' = numeric(0),'lin_Sigma' = numeric(0), 'lin_Rsq' = numeric(0), 'lin_p' = numeric(0),
                     'k' = numeric(0), 'r' = numeric(0), 'NE_sigma' = numeric(0), 'NE_Rsq' = numeric(0), 'NE_p' = numeric(0),
                     'Ba' = numeric(0), 'Bb' = numeric(0), 'B_sigma' = numeric(0), 'B_Rsq' = numeric(0), 'B_p' = numeric(0),
                     'scale' = numeric(0), 'sd' = numeric(0), 'Binm' = numeric(0), 'Bin_sigma' = numeric(0), 'Bin_Rsq' = numeric(0), 'Bin_p' = numeric(0),
                     'Qa' = numeric(0), 'Qb' = numeric(0), 'Qc' = numeric(0), 'Q_sigma' = numeric(0), 'q_Rsq' = numeric(0), 'Q_p' = numeric(0), 
                     'Mean' = character(0), 'Mean_sigma' = character(0), 'Model' = character(0), stringsAsFactors=F)
  for (sp in 1:length(priorList)) {
    SpeciesNumber <- sp
    control=nls.control(maxiter=maxiter, tol=1e-7, minFactor = 1/999999999)
    studySpecies <- dat %>% filter(Species == priorList[SpeciesNumber])
    x <- as.numeric(studySpecies$Age)
    y <- as.numeric(studySpecies$Rat)
    if (length(unique(x, incomparables = FALSE))>2 & length(unique(y, incomparables = FALSE))>1) {
      if (!berryFunctions::is.error(lm(y ~ x))) {
        LM<-lm(y ~ x)
        LMSum <- base::summary(LM)
        LMa <- LMSum$coefficients[2]
        LMb <- LMSum$coefficients[1]
        LMRSE <- LMSum$sigma
        LMRsq <- LMSum$r.squared
        LMp <- if (LMRSE == 0) {
        } else {
      } else {
        LMa <- NA
        LMb <- NA
        LMRSE <- 100
        LMRsq <- 0
        LMp <- 1
      #Negative exponential
      if (!berryFunctions::is.error(nls(y~k * (1-exp(-r*x)),data=studySpecies,start=init1,trace=T))) {
        NE<-nls(y~k * (1-exp(-r*x)),data=studySpecies,start=init1,trace=T)
        NESum <- base::summary(NE)
        k <- NESum$coefficients[1]
        r <- NESum$coefficients[2]
        NERSE <- NESum$sigma
        NERsq <- cor(predict(NE, newdata=x), y)**2
        NEp <- round(max(NESum$coefficients[7],NESum$coefficients[8]),5)
      } else {
        k <- NA
        r <- NA
        NERSE <- 100
        NERsq <- 0
        NEp <- 1
      if (!berryFunctions::is.error(nls(y~a*b*((0.1*x^(a-1))/((1+(0.1*x)^a)^b+1)),data=studySpecies,start=init2,trace=T, control = control))) {
        Burr<-nls(y~a*b*((0.1*x^(a-1))/((1+(0.1*x)^a)^b+1)),data=studySpecies,start=init2,trace=T, control = control)
        BSum <- base::summary(Burr)
        Ba <- BSum$coefficients[1]
        Bb <- BSum$coefficients[2]
        #Added control for Burr
        f <- function(x){Ba*Bb*((0.1*x^(Ba-1))/((1+(0.1*x)^Ba)^Bb+1))}
        if (bTest * (sd(y, na.rm = TRUE) + mean(y, na.rm = TRUE)) < (optimize(f = f, interval=c(0, 150), maximum=TRUE))$objective) {
          BRSE <- 100
          BRsq <- 0
          Bp <- 1
        } else if (bTest * (mean(y, na.rm = TRUE) - sd(y, na.rm = TRUE)) > (optimize(f = f, interval=c(0, 150), maximum=FALSE))$objective) {
          BRSE <- 100
          BRsq <- 0
          Bp <- 1
        } else {
          BRSE <- BSum$sigma
          BRsq <- cor(predict(Burr, newdata=x), y)**2
          Bp <- round(max(BSum$coefficients[7],BSum$coefficients[8]),5)
      } else {
        Ba <- NA
        Bb <- NA
        BRSE <- 100
        BRsq <- 0
        Bp <- 1
      init3<-c(s=1,sd=3, m=20)
      if (!berryFunctions::is.error(nls(y~s*(1/(sd*sqrt(2*pi)))*exp(-((x-m)^2)/(2*sd^2)),data=studySpecies,start=init3,trace=T, control = control))) {
        Bin<-nls(y~s*(1/(sd*sqrt(2*pi)))*exp(-((x-m)^2)/(2*sd^2)),data=studySpecies,start=init3,trace=T, control = control)
        BinSum <- base::summary(Bin)
        Bs <- BinSum$coefficients[1]
        Bsd <- BinSum$coefficients[2]
        Bm <- BinSum$coefficients[3]
        BinRSE <- BinSum$sigma
        BinRsq <- cor(predict(Bin, newdata=x), y)**2
        Binp <- round(max(BinSum$coefficients[10],BinSum$coefficients[11],BinSum$coefficients[12]),5)
      } else {
        Bs <- NA
        Bsd <- NA
        Bm <- NA
        BinRSE <- 100
        BinRsq <- 0
        Binp <- 1
      init4 <- c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 0)
      if (!berryFunctions::is.error(nls(y ~ a*x^2 + b*x + c, data = studySpecies, 
                                        start = init4, trace = T, control = control))) {
        q <- nls(y ~ a*x^2 + b*x + c, data = studySpecies, start = init4, 
                 trace = T, control = control)
        qSum <- base::summary(q)
        qa <- qSum$coefficients[1]
        qb <- qSum$coefficients[2]
        qc <- qSum$coefficients[3]
        #Added control for Quadratic
        f <- function(x){qa*x^2 + qb*x + qc}
        if (bTest * (sd(y, na.rm = TRUE) + mean(y, na.rm = TRUE)) < (optimize(f = f, interval=c(0, 150), maximum=TRUE))$objective) {
          qRSE <- 100
          qRsq <- 0
          qp <- 1
        } else {
          qRSE <- qSum$sigma
          qRsq <- cor(predict(q, newdata=x), y)**2
          qp <- round(max(qSum$coefficients[10], qSum$coefficients[11], 
                          qSum$coefficients[12]), 5)
      } else {
        qa <- NA
        qb <- NA
        qc <- NA
        qRSE <- 100
        qRsq <- 0
        qp <- 1
      #Summary stats
      meanw <- round(mean(y, na.rm = TRUE),1)
      m_sig <- round(mRSE(dat = y),3)
      #Choose the best model
      listRsq <- c(LMRsq, NERsq, BRsq, BinRsq, qRsq)
      listRSE <- c(LMRSE, NERSE, BRSE, BinRSE, qRSE)
      listMod <- c("Linear", "NegExp", "Burr", "Binomial", "Quadratic")
      if (listRSE[which(listRsq == max(listRsq))]<=m_sig) {
        model <- listMod[which(listRsq == max(listRsq))]
      } else {
        model <- "Mean"
    } else {
      LMa <- NA
      LMb <- NA
      LMRSE <- 100
      LMRsq <- 0
      LMp <- 1
      k <- NA
      r <- NA
      NERSE <- 100
      NERsq <- 0
      NEp <- 1
      Ba <- NA
      Bb <- NA
      BRSE <- 100
      BRsq <- 0
      Bp <- 1
      Bs <- NA
      Bsd <- NA
      Bm <- NA
      BinRSE <- 100
      BinRsq <- 0
      Binp <- 1
      qa <- NA
      qb <- NA
      qc <- NA
      qRSE <- 100
      qRsq <- 0
      qp <- 1
      model <- "Mean"      
      #Summary stats
      meanw <- round(mean(y, na.rm = TRUE),1)
      m_sig <- round(mRSE(dat = y),3)
    #Record values
    fitw[nrow(fitw)+1,] <- c(as.character(priorList[SpeciesNumber]), LMa, LMb, LMRSE, LMRsq, LMp, k, r, NERSE, NERsq, NEp,
                             Ba, Bb, BRSE, BRsq, Bp, Bs, Bsd, Bm, BinRSE, BinRsq, Binp, qa, qb, qc, qRSE, qRsq, qp, 
                             meanw, m_sig, model)

#' Builds the plant growth table used in dynamic modelling
#' Models plant growth from field data in a series of models,
#' selecting the best model and providing error statistics.
#' Input table requires the following fields:
#' Point - numbered point in a transect
#' Species - name of the surveyed Species
#' Age - age of the site since the triggering disturbance
#' Species that are less common than the set threshold are combined as "Minor Species"
#' @param dat The dataframe containing the input data,
#' @param thres The minimum percent cover (0-100) of a Species that will be analysed
#' @param pnts The number of points measured in a transect
#' @param p The maximum allowable p value for a model
#' @param bTest 
#' @param cTest 
#' @param Sr Rate of increase for surface litter in a negative exponential curve
#' @param Sk Asymptote for surface litter in a negative exponential curve
#' @param Sa 
#' @param Sb 
#' @param Sc 
#' @param NSr Rate of increase for NS fuels in a negative exponential curve
#' @param NSk Asymptote for NS fuels in a negative exponential curve
#' @param NSa 
#' @param NSb 
#' @param NSc 
#' @param maxiter The maximum number of iterations for model fitting
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

floraDynamics <- function(dat, thres = 5, pnts = 10, p = 0.01, bTest  = 2, cTest  = 10, maxiter = 1000,
                          Sr = 0, Sk = 0, Sa = 0, Sb = 0, Sc = 0, 
                          NSr = 0, NSk = 0, NSa = 0, NSb = 0, NSc = 0){
  # Check for faults, then create tables
  dat <- datClean(veg = dat, base, top, he, ht)
  coverChange <- coverDyn(dat, thres = thres, pnts = pnts, p = p, bTest  = cTest, maxiter = maxiter)
  topChange <- topDyn(dat, thres = thres, pnts = pnts, p = p, bTest  = bTest, maxiter = maxiter)
  baseChange <- baseDyn(dat, thres = thres, pnts = pnts, p = p, bTest  = bTest, maxiter = maxiter)
  he_Change <- heDyn(dat, thres = thres, pnts = pnts, p = p)
  ht_Change <- htDyn(dat, thres = thres, pnts = pnts, p = p)
  w_Change <- wDyn(dat, thres = thres, pnts = pnts, p = p, bTest  = bTest, maxiter = maxiter)
  # Collect models
  # Cover
  a <- rep(NA, length(coverChange$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(coverChange$Species)) {
    if (coverChange$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      a[sp] <- coverChange$lin_a[sp]
    } else
      if (coverChange$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        a[sp] <- coverChange$k[sp]
      } else
        if (coverChange$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          a[sp] <- coverChange$Ba[sp]
        } else
          if (coverChange$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            a[sp] <- coverChange$scale[sp]
          } else
            if (coverChange$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              a[sp] <- coverChange$Qa[sp]
            } else {a[sp] <- 0}
  b <- rep(NA, length(coverChange$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(coverChange$Species)) {
    if (coverChange$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      b[sp] <- coverChange$lin_b[sp]
    } else
      if (coverChange$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        b[sp] <- coverChange$r[sp]
      } else
        if (coverChange$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          b[sp] <- coverChange$Bb[sp]
        } else
          if (coverChange$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            b[sp] <- coverChange$sd[sp]
          } else
            if (coverChange$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              b[sp] <- coverChange$Qb[sp]
            } else {b[sp] <- coverChange$Mean[sp]}
  c <- rep(NA, length(coverChange$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(coverChange$Species)) {
    if (coverChange$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      c[sp] <- NA
    } else
      if (coverChange$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        c[sp] <- NA
      } else
        if (coverChange$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          c[sp] <- NA
        } else
          if (coverChange$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            c[sp] <- coverChange$Binm[sp]
          } else
            if (coverChange$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              c[sp] <- coverChange$Qc[sp]
            } else {c[sp] <- NA}
  RSE <- rep(NA, length(coverChange$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(coverChange$Species)) {
    if (coverChange$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      RSE[sp] <- coverChange$lin_Sigma[sp]
    } else
      if (coverChange$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        RSE[sp] <- coverChange$NE_sigma[sp]
      } else
        if (coverChange$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          RSE[sp] <- coverChange$B_sigma[sp]
        } else
          if (coverChange$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            RSE[sp] <- coverChange$Bin_sigma[sp]
          } else
            if (coverChange$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              RSE[sp] <- coverChange$Q_sigma[sp]
            } else {RSE[sp] <- coverChange$Mean_sigma[sp]}
  Rsq <- rep(NA, length(coverChange$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(coverChange$Species)) {
    if (coverChange$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      Rsq[sp] <- coverChange$lin_Rsq[sp]
    } else
      if (coverChange$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        Rsq[sp] <- coverChange$NE_Rsq[sp]
      } else
        if (coverChange$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          Rsq[sp] <- coverChange$B_Rsq[sp]
        } else
          if (coverChange$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            Rsq[sp] <- coverChange$Bin_Rsq[sp]
          } else
            if (coverChange$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              Rsq[sp] <- coverChange$q_Rsq[sp]
            } else {Rsq[sp] <- NA}
  CovMean <- rep(NA, length(coverChange$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(coverChange$Species)) {
    CovMean[sp] <- coverChange$Mean[sp]
  # Height
  aa <- rep(NA, length(topChange$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(topChange$Species)) {
    if (topChange$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      aa[sp] <- topChange$lin_a[sp]
    } else
      if (topChange$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        aa[sp] <- topChange$k[sp]
      } else
        if (topChange$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          aa[sp] <- topChange$Ba[sp]
        } else
          if (topChange$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            aa[sp] <- topChange$scale[sp]
          } else
            if (topChange$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              aa[sp] <- topChange$Qa[sp]
            } else {aa[sp] <- 0}
  bb <- rep(NA, length(topChange$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(topChange$Species)) {
    if (topChange$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      bb[sp] <- topChange$lin_b[sp]
    } else
      if (topChange$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        bb[sp] <- topChange$r[sp]
      } else
        if (topChange$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          bb[sp] <- topChange$Bb[sp]
        } else
          if (topChange$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            bb[sp] <- topChange$sd[sp]
          } else
            if (topChange$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              bb[sp] <- topChange$Qb[sp]
            } else {bb[sp] <- topChange$Mean[sp]}
  cc <- rep(NA, length(topChange$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(topChange$Species)) {
    if (topChange$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      cc[sp] <- NA
    } else
      if (topChange$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        cc[sp] <- NA
      } else
        if (topChange$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          cc[sp] <- NA
        } else
          if (topChange$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            cc[sp] <- topChange$Binm[sp]
          } else
            if (topChange$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              cc[sp] <- topChange$Qc[sp]
            } else {cc[sp] <- NA}
  RSE1 <- rep(NA, length(topChange$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(topChange$Species)) {
    if (topChange$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      RSE1[sp] <- topChange$lin_Sigma[sp]
    } else
      if (topChange$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        RSE1[sp] <- topChange$NE_sigma[sp]
      } else
        if (topChange$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          RSE1[sp] <- topChange$B_sigma[sp]
        } else
          if (topChange$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            RSE1[sp] <- topChange$Bin_sigma[sp]
          } else
            if (topChange$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              RSE1[sp] <- topChange$Q_sigma[sp]
            } else {RSE1[sp] <- topChange$Mean_sigma[sp]}
  Rsq1 <- rep(NA, length(topChange$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(topChange$Species)) {
    if (topChange$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      Rsq1[sp] <- topChange$lin_Rsq[sp]
    } else
      if (topChange$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        Rsq1[sp] <- topChange$NE_Rsq[sp]
      } else
        if (topChange$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          Rsq1[sp] <- topChange$B_Rsq[sp]
        } else
          if (topChange$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            Rsq1[sp] <- topChange$Bin_Rsq[sp]
          } else
            if (topChange$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              Rsq1[sp] <- topChange$q_Rsq[sp]
            } else {Rsq1[sp] <- NA}
  hMean <- rep(NA, length(topChange$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(topChange$Species)) {
    hMean[sp] <- topChange$Mean[sp]
  # Base
  aaa <- rep(NA, length(baseChange$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(baseChange$Species)) {
    if (baseChange$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      aaa[sp] <- baseChange$lin_a[sp]
    } else
      if (baseChange$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        aaa[sp] <- baseChange$k[sp]
      } else
        if (baseChange$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          aaa[sp] <- baseChange$Ba[sp]
        } else
          if (baseChange$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            aaa[sp] <- baseChange$scale[sp]
          } else
            if (baseChange$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              aaa[sp] <- baseChange$Qa[sp]
            } else {aaa[sp] <- 0}
  bbb <- rep(NA, length(baseChange$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(baseChange$Species)) {
    if (baseChange$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      bbb[sp] <- baseChange$lin_b[sp]
    } else
      if (baseChange$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        bbb[sp] <- baseChange$r[sp]
      } else
        if (baseChange$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          bbb[sp] <- baseChange$Bb[sp]
        } else
          if (baseChange$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            bbb[sp] <- baseChange$sd[sp]
          } else
            if (baseChange$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              bbb[sp] <- baseChange$Qb[sp]
            } else {bbb[sp] <- baseChange$Mean[sp]}
  ccc <- rep(NA, length(baseChange$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(baseChange$Species)) {
    if (baseChange$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      ccc[sp] <- NA
    } else
      if (baseChange$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        ccc[sp] <- NA
      } else
        if (baseChange$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          ccc[sp] <- NA
        } else
          if (baseChange$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            ccc[sp] <- baseChange$Binm[sp]
          } else
            if (baseChange$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              ccc[sp] <- baseChange$Qc[sp]
            } else {ccc[sp] <- NA}
  RSE2 <- rep(NA, length(baseChange$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(baseChange$Species)) {
    if (baseChange$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      RSE2[sp] <- baseChange$lin_Sigma[sp]
    } else
      if (baseChange$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        RSE2[sp] <- baseChange$NE_sigma[sp]
      } else
        if (baseChange$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          RSE2[sp] <- baseChange$B_sigma[sp]
        } else
          if (baseChange$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            RSE2[sp] <- baseChange$Bin_sigma[sp]
          } else
            if (baseChange$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              RSE2[sp] <- baseChange$Q_sigma[sp]
            } else {RSE2[sp] <- baseChange$Mean_sigma[sp]}
  Rsq2 <- rep(NA, length(baseChange$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(baseChange$Species)) {
    if (baseChange$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      Rsq2[sp] <- baseChange$lin_Rsq[sp]
    } else
      if (baseChange$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        Rsq2[sp] <- baseChange$NE_Rsq[sp]
      } else
        if (baseChange$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          Rsq2[sp] <- baseChange$B_Rsq[sp]
        } else
          if (baseChange$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            Rsq2[sp] <- baseChange$Bin_Rsq[sp]
          } else
            if (baseChange$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              Rsq2[sp] <- baseChange$q_Rsq[sp]
            } else {Rsq2[sp] <- NA}
  bMean <- rep(NA, length(baseChange$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(baseChange$Species)) {
    bMean[sp] <- baseChange$Mean[sp]
  # He
  aA <- rep(NA, length(he_Change$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(he_Change$Species)) {
    if (he_Change$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      aA[sp] <- he_Change$lin_a[sp]
    } else
      if (he_Change$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        aA[sp] <- he_Change$k[sp]
      } else
        if (he_Change$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          aA[sp] <- he_Change$Ba[sp]
        } else
          if (he_Change$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            aA[sp] <- he_Change$scale[sp]
          } else
            if (he_Change$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              aA[sp] <- he_Change$Qa[sp]
            } else {aA[sp] <- 0}
  bB <- rep(NA, length(he_Change$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(he_Change$Species)) {
    if (he_Change$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      bB[sp] <- he_Change$lin_b[sp]
    } else
      if (he_Change$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        bB[sp] <- he_Change$r[sp]
      } else
        if (he_Change$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          bB[sp] <- he_Change$Bb[sp]
        } else
          if (he_Change$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            bB[sp] <- he_Change$sd[sp]
          } else
            if (he_Change$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              bB[sp] <- he_Change$Qb[sp]
            } else {bB[sp] <- he_Change$Mean[sp]}
  cC <- rep(NA, length(he_Change$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(he_Change$Species)) {
    if (he_Change$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      cC[sp] <- NA
    } else
      if (he_Change$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        cC[sp] <- NA
      } else
        if (he_Change$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          cC[sp] <- NA
        } else
          if (he_Change$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            cC[sp] <- he_Change$Binm[sp]
          } else
            if (he_Change$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              cC[sp] <- he_Change$Qc[sp]
            } else {cC[sp] <- NA}
  RSE3 <- rep(NA, length(he_Change$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(he_Change$Species)) {
    if (he_Change$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      RSE3[sp] <- he_Change$lin_Sigma[sp]
    } else
      if (he_Change$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        RSE3[sp] <- he_Change$NE_sigma[sp]
      } else
        if (he_Change$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          RSE3[sp] <- he_Change$B_sigma[sp]
        } else
          if (he_Change$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            RSE3[sp] <- he_Change$Bin_sigma[sp]
          } else
            if (he_Change$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              RSE3[sp] <- he_Change$Q_sigma[sp]
            } else {RSE3[sp] <- he_Change$Mean_sigma[sp]}
  heMean <- rep(NA, length(he_Change$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(he_Change$Species)) {
    heMean[sp] <- he_Change$Mean[sp]
  # Ht
  aT <- rep(NA, length(ht_Change$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(ht_Change$Species)) {
    if (ht_Change$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      aT[sp] <- ht_Change$lin_a[sp]
    } else
      if (ht_Change$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        aT[sp] <- ht_Change$k[sp]
      } else
        if (ht_Change$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          aT[sp] <- ht_Change$Ba[sp]
        } else
          if (ht_Change$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            aT[sp] <- ht_Change$scale[sp]
          } else
            if (ht_Change$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              aT[sp] <- ht_Change$Qa[sp]
            } else {aT[sp] <- 0}
  bT <- rep(NA, length(ht_Change$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(ht_Change$Species)) {
    if (ht_Change$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      bT[sp] <- ht_Change$lin_b[sp]
    } else
      if (ht_Change$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        bT[sp] <- ht_Change$r[sp]
      } else
        if (ht_Change$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          bT[sp] <- ht_Change$Bb[sp]
        } else
          if (ht_Change$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            bT[sp] <- ht_Change$sd[sp]
          } else
            if (ht_Change$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              bT[sp] <- ht_Change$Qb[sp]
            } else {bT[sp] <- ht_Change$Mean[sp]}
  cT <- rep(NA, length(ht_Change$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(ht_Change$Species)) {
    if (ht_Change$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      cT[sp] <- NA
    } else
      if (ht_Change$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        cT[sp] <- NA
      } else
        if (ht_Change$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          cT[sp] <- NA
        } else
          if (ht_Change$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            cT[sp] <- ht_Change$Binm[sp]
          } else
            if (ht_Change$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              cT[sp] <- ht_Change$Qc[sp]
            } else {cT[sp] <- NA}
  RSEt <- rep(NA, length(ht_Change$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(ht_Change$Species)) {
    if (ht_Change$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      RSEt[sp] <- ht_Change$lin_Sigma[sp]
    } else
      if (ht_Change$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        RSEt[sp] <- ht_Change$NE_sigma[sp]
      } else
        if (ht_Change$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          RSEt[sp] <- ht_Change$B_sigma[sp]
        } else
          if (ht_Change$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            RSEt[sp] <- ht_Change$Bin_sigma[sp]
          } else
            if (ht_Change$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              RSEt[sp] <- ht_Change$Q_sigma[sp]
            } else {RSEt[sp] <- ht_Change$Mean_sigma[sp]}
  htMean <- rep(NA, length(ht_Change$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(ht_Change$Species)) {
    htMean[sp] <- ht_Change$Mean[sp]
  # Width
  aw <- rep(NA, length(w_Change$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(w_Change$Species)) {
    if (w_Change$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      aw[sp] <- w_Change$lin_a[sp]
    } else
      if (w_Change$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        aw[sp] <- w_Change$k[sp]
      } else
        if (w_Change$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          aw[sp] <- w_Change$Ba[sp]
        } else
          if (w_Change$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            aw[sp] <- w_Change$scale[sp]
          } else
            if (w_Change$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              aw[sp] <- w_Change$Qa[sp]
            } else {aw[sp] <- 0}
  bw <- rep(NA, length(w_Change$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(w_Change$Species)) {
    if (w_Change$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      bw[sp] <- w_Change$lin_b[sp]
    } else
      if (w_Change$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        bw[sp] <- w_Change$r[sp]
      } else
        if (w_Change$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          bw[sp] <- w_Change$Bb[sp]
        } else
          if (w_Change$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            bw[sp] <- w_Change$sd[sp]
          } else
            if (w_Change$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              bw[sp] <- w_Change$Qb[sp]
            } else {bw[sp] <- w_Change$Mean[sp]}
  cw <- rep(NA, length(w_Change$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(w_Change$Species)) {
    if (w_Change$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      cw[sp] <- NA
    } else
      if (w_Change$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        cw[sp] <- NA
      } else
        if (w_Change$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          cw[sp] <- NA
        } else
          if (w_Change$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            cw[sp] <- w_Change$Binm[sp]
          } else
            if (w_Change$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              cw[sp] <- w_Change$Qc[sp]
            } else {cw[sp] <- NA}
  RSEw <- rep(NA, length(w_Change$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(w_Change$Species)) {
    if (w_Change$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      RSEw[sp] <- w_Change$lin_Sigma[sp]
    } else
      if (w_Change$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        RSEw[sp] <- w_Change$NE_sigma[sp]
      } else
        if (w_Change$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          RSEw[sp] <- w_Change$B_sigma[sp]
        } else
          if (w_Change$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            RSEw[sp] <- w_Change$Bin_sigma[sp]
          } else
            if (w_Change$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              RSEw[sp] <- w_Change$Q_sigma[sp]
            } else {RSEw[sp] <- w_Change$Mean_sigma[sp]}
  Rsqw <- rep(NA, length(w_Change$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(w_Change$Species)) {
    if (w_Change$Model[sp] == 'Linear') {
      Rsqw[sp] <- w_Change$lin_Rsq[sp]
    } else
      if (w_Change$Model[sp] == 'NegExp') {
        Rsqw[sp] <- w_Change$NE_Rsq[sp]
      } else
        if (w_Change$Model[sp] == 'Burr') {
          Rsqw[sp] <- w_Change$B_Rsq[sp]
        } else
          if (w_Change$Model[sp] == 'Binomial') {
            Rsqw[sp] <- w_Change$Bin_Rsq[sp]
          } else
            if (w_Change$Model[sp] == 'Quadratic') {
              Rsqw[sp] <- w_Change$q_Rsq[sp]
            } else {Rsqw[sp] <- NA}
  wMean <- rep(NA, length(w_Change$Species))
  for (sp in 1:length(w_Change$Species)) {
    wMean[sp] <- w_Change$Mean[sp]
  models <- data.frame('Species'=coverChange$Species, 
                       'Cover' = coverChange$Model, 'C_a' = a, 'C_b' = b, 'C_c' = c, 'C_RSE' = RSE, 'C_Rsq' = Rsq, 'meanCover' = CovMean,
                       'Top' = topChange$Model, 'T_a' = aa, 'T_b' = bb, 'T_c' = cc, 'T_RSE' = RSE1, 'T_Rsq' = Rsq1, 'meanTop' = hMean,
                       'Base' = baseChange$Model, 'B_a' = aaa, 'B_b' = bbb, 'B_c' = ccc, 'B_RSE' = RSE2, 'B_Rsq' = Rsq2, 'meanBase' = bMean,
                       'He' = he_Change$Model, 'He_a' = aA, 'He_b' = bB, 'He_c' = cC, 'He_RSE' = RSE3, 'meanHe' = heMean,
                       'Ht' = ht_Change$Model, 'Ht_a' = aT, 'Ht_b' = bT, 'Ht_c' = cT, 'Ht_RSE' = RSEt, 'meanHt' = htMean,
                       'Width' = w_Change$Model, 'w_a' = aw, 'w_b' = bw, 'w_c' = cw, 'w_RSE' = RSEw, 'w_Rsq' = Rsqw, 'meanW' = wMean)
  # Dead biomass
  litter <- case_when(
    Sr != 0  ~ "NegExp",
    Sa != 0 ~ "Quadratic",
    TRUE ~ as.character("Set")
  suspNS <- case_when(
    NSr != 0  ~ "NegExp",
    NSa != 0 ~ "Quadratic",
    TRUE ~ as.character("Set")
  models[length(models$Species)+1,1] <- "Litter"
  models$Dead[length(models$Species)] <- litter
  models$d_Max[length(models$Species)] <- Sk
  models$d_Rate[length(models$Species)] <- Sr
  models$d_a[length(models$Species)] <- Sa
  models$d_b[length(models$Species)] <- Sb
  models$d_c[length(models$Species)] <- Sc
  models[length(models$Species)+1,1] <- "suspNS"
  models$Dead[length(models$Species)] <- suspNS
  models$d_Max[length(models$Species)] <- NSk
  models$d_Rate[length(models$Species)] <- NSr
  models$d_a[length(models$Species)] <- NSa
  models$d_b[length(models$Species)] <- NSb
  models$d_c[length(models$Species)] <- NSc

#' Predicts proportion cover at a given age
#' Selects model from tabled models per species
#' @param mods A table of models fit to species, format as per modCollector
#' @param sp The name of a species in the table mods
#' @param Age The age of the plant (years since fire)
#' @return value
#' @export
pCover <- function(mods, sp, Age = 10){
  n <- as.numeric(which(mods$Species == sp))
  if (length(n)>1) {
    cat("There is more than one entry for a species", "\n")
  if (mods$Cover[n] == "NegExp") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$C_a[n]) * (1 - exp(-as.numeric(mods$C_b[n]) * Age))
  } else if (mods$Cover[n] == "Burr") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$C_a[n]) * as.numeric(mods$C_b[n]) * ((0.1 * Age ^ (as.numeric(mods$C_a[n]) - 1)) / ((1 + (0.1 * Age) ^ as.numeric(mods$C_a[n])) ^ as.numeric(mods$C_b[n]) + 1))
  } else if (mods$Cover[n] == "Linear") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$C_a[n]) * Age + as.numeric(mods$C_b[n])
  } else if (mods$Cover[n] == "Binomial") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$C_a[n])*(1/(as.numeric(mods$C_b[n])*sqrt(2*pi)))*exp(-((Age-as.numeric(mods$C_c[n]))^2)/(2*as.numeric(mods$C_b[n])^2))
  } else if (mods$Cover[n] == "Quadratic") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$C_a[n])*Age^2 + as.numeric(mods$C_b[n])*Age + as.numeric(mods$C_c[n])
  } else if (mods$Cover[n] == "Mean") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$meanCover[n])
  c <- min(max(0,c),100)

#' Predicts plant top height at a given age
#' Selects model from tabled models per species
#' @param mods A table of models fit to species, format as per modCollector
#' @param sp The name of a species in the table mods
#' @param Age The age of the plant (years since fire)
#' @return value
#' @export
pTop <- function(mods, sp, Age = 10){
  n <- as.numeric(which(mods$Species == sp))
  if (length(n)>1) {
    cat("There is more than one entry for a species", "\n")
  if (mods$Top[n] == "NegExp") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$T_a[n]) * (1 - exp(-as.numeric(mods$T_b[n]) * Age))
  } else if (mods$Top[n] == "Burr") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$T_a[n]) * as.numeric(mods$T_b[n]) * ((0.1 * Age ^ (as.numeric(mods$T_a[n]) - 1)) / ((1 + (0.1 * Age) ^ as.numeric(mods$T_a[n])) ^ as.numeric(mods$T_b[n]) + 1))
  } else if (mods$Top[n] == "Linear") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$T_a[n]) * Age + as.numeric(mods$T_b[n])
  } else if (mods$Top[n] == "Binomial") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$T_a[n])*(1/(as.numeric(mods$T_b[n])*sqrt(2*pi)))*exp(-((Age-as.numeric(mods$T_c[n]))^2)/(2*as.numeric(mods$T_b[n])^2))
  } else if (mods$Top[n] == "Quadratic") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$T_a[n])*Age^2 + as.numeric(mods$T_b[n])*Age + as.numeric(mods$T_c[n])
  } else if (mods$Top[n] == "Mean") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$meanTop[n])
  c <- max(0,c)

#' Predicts plant base height at a given age
#' Selects model from tabled models per species
#' @param mods A table of models fit to species, format as per modCollector
#' @param sp The name of a species in the table mods
#' @param Age The age of the plant (years since fire)
#' @return value
#' @export
pBase <- function(mods, sp, Age = 10){
  n <- as.numeric(which(mods$Species == sp))
  if (length(n)>1) {
    cat("There is more than one entry for a species", "\n")
  if (mods$Base[n] == "NegExp") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$B_a[n]) * (1 - exp(-as.numeric(mods$B_b[n]) * Age))
  } else if (mods$Base[n] == "Burr") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$B_a[n]) * as.numeric(mods$B_b[n]) * ((0.1 * Age ^ (as.numeric(mods$B_a[n]) - 1)) / ((1 + (0.1 * Age) ^ as.numeric(mods$B_a[n])) ^ as.numeric(mods$B_b[n]) + 1))
  } else if (mods$Base[n] == "Linear") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$B_a[n]) * Age + as.numeric(mods$B_b[n])
  } else if (mods$Base[n] == "Binomial") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$B_a[n])*(1/(as.numeric(mods$B_b[n])*sqrt(2*pi)))*exp(-((Age-as.numeric(mods$B_c[n]))^2)/(2*as.numeric(mods$B_b[n])^2))
  } else if (mods$Base[n] == "Quadratic") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$B_a[n])*Age^2 + as.numeric(mods$B_b[n])*Age + as.numeric(mods$B_c[n])
  } else if (mods$Base[n] == "Mean") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$meanBase[n])
  c <- min(max(0,c),1)

#' Predicts plant He at a given age
#' Selects model from tabled models per species
#' @param mods A table of models fit to species, format as per modCollector
#' @param sp The name of a species in the table mods
#' @param Age The age of the plant (years since fire)
#' @return value
#' @export
pHe <- function(mods, sp, Age = 10){
  n <- as.numeric(which(mods$Species == sp))
  if (length(n)>1) {
    cat("There is more than one entry for a species", "\n")
  if (mods$He[n] == "NegExp") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$He_a[n]) * (1 - exp(-as.numeric(mods$He_b[n]) * Age))
  } else if (mods$He[n] == "Burr") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$He_a[n]) * as.numeric(mods$He_b[n]) * ((0.1 * Age ^ (as.numeric(mods$He_a[n]) - 1)) / ((1 + (0.1 * Age) ^ as.numeric(mods$He_a[n])) ^ as.numeric(mods$He_b[n]) + 1))
  } else if (mods$He[n] == "Linear") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$He_a[n]) * Age + as.numeric(mods$He_b[n])
  } else if (mods$He[n] == "Binomial") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$He_a[n])*(1/(as.numeric(mods$He_b[n])*sqrt(2*pi)))*exp(-((Age-as.numeric(mods$He_c[n]))^2)/(2*as.numeric(mods$He_b[n])^2))
  } else if (mods$He[n] == "Quadratic") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$He_a[n])*Age^2 + as.numeric(mods$He_b[n])*Age + as.numeric(mods$He_c[n])
  } else if (mods$He[n] == "Mean") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$meanHe[n])
  c <- max(0,c)

#' Predicts plant Ht at a given age
#' Selects model from tabled models per species
#' @param mods A table of models fit to species, format as per modCollector
#' @param sp The name of a species in the table mods
#' @param Age The age of the plant (years since fire)
#' @return value
#' @export
pHt <- function(mods, sp, Age = 10){
  n <- as.numeric(which(mods$Species == sp))
  if (length(n)>1) {
    cat("There is more than one entry for a species", "\n")
  if (mods$Ht[n] == "NegExp") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$Ht_a[n]) * (1 - exp(-as.numeric(mods$Ht_b[n]) * Age))
  } else if (mods$Ht[n] == "Burr") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$Ht_a[n]) * as.numeric(mods$Ht_b[n]) * ((0.1 * Age ^ (as.numeric(mods$Ht_a[n]) - 1)) / ((1 + (0.1 * Age) ^ as.numeric(mods$Ht_a[n])) ^ as.numeric(mods$Ht_b[n]) + 1))
  } else if (mods$Ht[n] == "Linear") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$Ht_a[n]) * Age + as.numeric(mods$Ht_b[n])
  } else if (mods$Ht[n] == "Binomial") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$Ht_a[n])*(1/(as.numeric(mods$Ht_b[n])*sqrt(2*pi)))*exp(-((Age-as.numeric(mods$Ht_c[n]))^2)/(2*as.numeric(mods$Ht_b[n])^2))
  } else if (mods$Ht[n] == "Quadratic") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$Ht_a[n])*Age^2 + as.numeric(mods$Ht_b[n])*Age + as.numeric(mods$Ht_c[n])
  } else if (mods$Ht[n] == "Mean") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$meanHt[n])
  c <- max(0,c)

#' Predicts plant crown width at a given age
#' Selects model from tabled models per species
#' @param mods A table of models fit to species, format as per modCollector
#' @param sp The name of a species in the table mods
#' @param Age The age of the plant (years since fire)
#' @return value
#' @export
pWidth <- function(mods, sp, Age = 10){
  n <- as.numeric(which(mods$Species == sp))
  if (length(n)>1) {
    cat("There is more than one entry for a species", "\n")
  if (mods$Width[n] == "NegExp") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$w_a[n]) * (1 - exp(-as.numeric(mods$w_b[n]) * Age))
  } else if (mods$Width[n] == "Burr") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$w_a[n]) * as.numeric(mods$w_b[n]) * ((0.1 * Age ^ (as.numeric(mods$w_a[n]) - 1)) / ((1 + (0.1 * Age) ^ as.numeric(mods$w_a[n])) ^ as.numeric(mods$w_b[n]) + 1))
  } else if (mods$Width[n] == "Linear") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$w_a[n]) * Age + as.numeric(mods$w_b[n])
  } else if (mods$Width[n] == "Binomial") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$w_a[n])*(1/(as.numeric(mods$w_b[n])*sqrt(2*pi)))*exp(-((Age-as.numeric(mods$w_c[n]))^2)/(2*as.numeric(mods$w_b[n])^2))
  } else if (mods$Width[n] == "Quadratic") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$w_a[n])*Age^2 + as.numeric(mods$w_b[n])*Age + as.numeric(mods$w_c[n])
  } else if (mods$Width[n] == "Mean") {
    c <- as.numeric(mods$meanW[n])
  c <- max(0,c)

#' Stratum test
#' @param clust 

stratTestX <- function(clust) {
  clust <- clust %>%
    mutate(mid = (base+top+he+ht)/4)
  sTab <- clust %>%
    summarise_if(is.numeric, mean)
  o<- sTab[wrapr::orderv(sTab[,11]),]
  o$test <- 0
  for (n in 2:nrow(o)) {
    o$test[n] <- as.numeric(o$mid[n]<sum(o$top[1]:o$top[n-1])) # Using a sequence of this form adds numbers in increments of 1
  out <- sum(o$test)

#' Stratum test
#' @param clust 

stratTest <- function(clust) {
  clust <- clust %>%
    mutate(low = (base+he)/2,
           high = (top + ht + base + he)/4)
  sTab <- clust %>%
    summarise_if(is.numeric, mean)
  o<- sTab[wrapr::orderv(sTab[,11]),]
  o$test <- 0
  for (n in 2:nrow(o)) {
    o$test[n] <- as.numeric(o$low[n]<= o$high[n-1])
  out <- sum(o$test)

#' Arranges survey data into strata using k-means clustering
#' Data are stratified into 2-4 strata, then the largest number of strata 
#' are chosen where p<0.01. If none qualify, then the most significant
#' division is chosen.
#' Strata are sorted by top height and appended to the original data
#' @param veg A dataframe listing plant species with columns describing crown dimensions using standardised names:
#' veg, pN, spName, base, top, he, ht, wid, Site, sN
#' @param mStrat Maximum number of strata
#' @param sepSig p value to define significant stratum separation
#' @return Dataframe
#' @export

frameStratify <- function(veg, mStrat = 4, sepSig = 0.001)
#  veg_subset <- veg %>% dplyr::select(all_of(c(pN, spName, base, top, he, ht)))
  veg_subset <- veg %>% dplyr::select(pN, spName, base, top, he, ht)
  veg_subset <- veg_subset[complete.cases(veg_subset), ] # Omit NAs in relevant columns
  veg_subset <- veg_subset %>% #log-scale dimensions for stratification
    mutate(base = pmax(veg_subset$base,0.001),
           lBase = log(veg_subset$base),
           lBase = case_when(is.infinite(lBase) ~ -6.9, TRUE ~ lBase),
           lTop = log(veg_subset$top),
           he = case_when(veg_subset$top == 0 ~ 0.001, TRUE ~ veg_subset$top),
           lhe = log(veg_subset$he),
           lhe = case_when(is.infinite(lhe) ~ -6.9, TRUE ~ lhe),
           lht = log(veg_subset$ht))
  df <- scale(veg_subset[, c(7,8,9,10)])
  # Find the best division of strata
  sig <- vector()
  sig[1] <- sepSig
  if (!berryFunctions::is.error(kmeans(df, centers = 2, nstart = 25))) {
    for (nstrat in 2:mStrat) {
      if (!berryFunctions::is.error(kmeans(df, centers = nstrat, nstart = 25))){
        km.res <- kmeans(df, centers = nstrat, nstart = 25)
        clust <- cbind(veg_subset, cluster = km.res$cluster)
        testa <- frame:::stratTest(clust) 
#        testa <- 0
        test <- aov(cluster ~ base * top * he * ht, data = clust)
        sig[nstrat] <- base::summary(test)[[1]][["Pr(>F)"]][[4]]+testa
    if (length(which(sig < sepSig)) > 0) {
      nstrat <- as.numeric(max(which(sig < sepSig)))
    } else {
      if (length(sig[!is.na(sig)])>0) {
        nstrat <- as.numeric(min(which(sig == min(sig, na.rm = TRUE))))
      } else {
        nstrat <- 1
    rm(list=".Random.seed", envir=globalenv())
    km.res <- kmeans(df, centers = nstrat, nstart = 25)
    clust <- cbind(veg_subset, cluster = km.res$cluster)
    # Summarise strata and order by mean height
    h <- clust %>% 
      mutate(mid = (base+top+he+ht)/4)%>%
      group_by(cluster) %>% 
      summarise_if(is.numeric, mean)
    h <- h[wrapr::orderv(h[,11]),] %>% 
      mutate(Stratum = 1:nstrat) %>% 
      select(cluster, Stratum)
    strat <- left_join(clust, h, by = "cluster") %>% 
      dplyr::select(all_of(c(pN, spName, top, "Stratum")))
    veg <- left_join(veg, strat, by = c(pN, spName, top))
  } else {
    veg$Stratum <- 1
  rm(list=".Random.seed", envir=globalenv())

#' Finds the distribution of species richness at a point
#' Input table requires the following fields:
#' Point - numbered point in a transect
#' Species - name of the surveyed Species
#' Age - age of the site since the triggering disturbance
#' Species that are less common than the set threshold are combined as "Minor Species"
#' @param dat The dataframe containing the input data,
#' @param thres The minimum percent cover (0-100) of a Species that will be analysed
#' @param pnts The number of points measured in a transect
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

rich <- function(dat, thres = 5, pnts = 10) {
  # Group minor species
  spCov <- frame::specCover(dat = dat, thres = 0, pnts = pnts)%>%
    summarise_if(is.numeric, mean)
  dat <- suppressMessages(left_join(dat, spCov))%>%
    mutate(Species = replace(Species, which(Cover < thres), "Minor Species"))
  y <- suppressMessages(dat %>%
                          group_by(Site, Point) %>%
  fitr <- data.frame('Mean' = character(0), 'SD' = character(0), 'Min' = character(0), 'Max' = character(0), stringsAsFactors=F)
  #Summary stats
  meanw <- round(mean(y$`n_distinct(Species)`, na.rm = TRUE),1)
  sdw <- round(sd(y$`n_distinct(Species)`, na.rm = TRUE), 2)
  minw <- as.numeric(min(y$`n_distinct(Species)`, na.rm = TRUE))
  maxw <- as.numeric(max(y$`n_distinct(Species)`, na.rm = TRUE))
  #Record values
  fitr[nrow(fitr)+1,] <- c(meanw, sdw, minw, maxw)

#' Finds the distribution of species richness per stratum
#' Species that are less common than the set threshold are combined as "Minor Species"
#' @param dat A dataframe listing plant species with columns describing crown dimensions using standardised names:
#' veg, pN, spName, base, top, he, ht, wid, Site, sN
#' @param thres The minimum percent cover (0-100) of a Species that will be analysed
#' @param sepSig Threshold for determining significance
#' @param pnts The number of points measured in a transect
#' @return dataframe

richS <- function(dat, thres = 0, pnts = 10, sepSig = 0.001) {
  spCov <- frame::specCover(dat = dat, thres = 0, pnts = pnts)%>%
    summarise_if(is.numeric, mean)
  dat <- suppressMessages(left_join(dat, spCov))%>%
    mutate(Species = replace(Species, which(Cover < thres), "Minor Species"))
  datS <- frame::frameStratify(veg = dat, sepSig = sepSig)
  out <- suppressMessages(datS %>%
                            group_by(Stratum) %>%
  out$Richness <- as.numeric(out$`n_distinct(Species)`)
  out <- out %>% select(Stratum, Richness)

#' Divides site data into consecutively numbered strata with
#' base and top heights
#' Species that are less common than the set threshold are combined as "Minor Species"
#' @param dat A dataframe listing plant species with columns describing crown dimensions using standardised names:
#' veg, pN, spName, base, top, he, ht, wid, Site, sN
#' @param sepSig 
#' @param thres The minimum percent cover (0-100) of a Species that will be analysed
#' @return dataframe
#' @export
stratSite <- function(dat, thres = 0, sepSig = 0.001)  {
  pnts <- nrow(dat)
  strataDet <- data.frame(Stratum = numeric(0), Cover = numeric(0), 
                          Base = numeric(0), Top = numeric(0), stringsAsFactors = F)
  strat <- frame::frameStratify(veg = dat, sepSig = sepSig)
  for (st in 1:as.numeric(max(strat$Stratum))) {
    stratSub <- strat %>% filter(Stratum == st)
    spnts <- unique(stratSub$Point, incomparables = FALSE)
    co <- length(spnts)/pnts
    b <- mean(stratSub$base)
    t <- mean(stratSub$top)
    strataDet[nrow(strataDet) + 1, ] <- c(as.numeric(st), as.numeric(co),
                                          as.numeric(b), as.numeric(t))

#' Calculates the range, mean and sd of 
#' species richness in each plant stratum
#' Input table requires the following fields:
#' Point - numbered point in a transect
#' A field with the base height of the plants
#' A field with the top height of the plants
#' Species that are less common than the set threshold are combined as "Minor Species"
#' @param dat The dataframe containing the input data
#' @param thres The minimum percent cover (0-100) of a Species that will be analysed
#' @param pnts The number of points measured in a transect
#' @param pN The number of the point in the transect
#' @param spName Name of the field with the species name
#' @param base Name of the field with the base height
#' @param top Name of the field with the top height
#' @param he Name of the field with dimension he
#' @param ht Name of the field with dimension ht
#' @return dataframe
#' @export
stratRich <- function(dat, thres = 5, pnts = 10) {
  richList <- data.frame('S1' = numeric(0), 'S2' = numeric(0),
                         'S3' = numeric(0), 'S4' = numeric(0))
  slist <- unique(dat$Site, incomparables = FALSE)
  for (s in slist) {
    datSite <- filter(dat, Site == s)
    sRich <- richS(dat = datSite, thres = thres, pnts = pnts)
    nstrat <- as.numeric(max(sRich$Stratum))
    # Record values
    richList[which(slist == s), 1] <- sRich$Richness[1]
    if (nstrat > 1) {
      richList[which(slist == s),2] <- sRich$Richness[2]
    if (nstrat > 2) {
      richList[which(slist == s),3] <- sRich$Richness[3]
    if (nstrat > 3) {
      richList[which(slist == s),4] <- sRich$Richness[4]
  fitr <- data.frame('Stratum' = numeric(0), 'Mean' = numeric(0), 'SD' = numeric(0), 
                     'Min' = numeric(0), 'Max' = numeric(0), stringsAsFactors=F)
  fitr[1,1] <- 1
  fitr[1,2] <- mean(richList$S1, na.rm = TRUE)
  fitr[1,3] <- sd(richList$S1, na.rm = TRUE)
  fitr[1,4] <- min(richList$S1, na.rm = TRUE)
  fitr[1,5] <- max(richList$S1, na.rm = TRUE)
  fitr[2,1] <- 2
  fitr[2,2] <- mean(richList$S2, na.rm = TRUE)
  fitr[2,3] <- sd(richList$S2, na.rm = TRUE)
  fitr[2,4] <- min(richList$S2, na.rm = TRUE)
  fitr[2,5] <- max(richList$S2, na.rm = TRUE)
  fitr[3,1] <- 3
  fitr[3,2] <- mean(richList$S3, na.rm = TRUE)
  fitr[3,3] <- sd(richList$S3, na.rm = TRUE)
  fitr[3,4] <- min(richList$S3, na.rm = TRUE)
  fitr[3,5] <- max(richList$S3, na.rm = TRUE)
  fitr[4,1] <- 4
  fitr[4,2] <- mean(richList$S4, na.rm = TRUE)
  fitr[4,3] <- sd(richList$S4, na.rm = TRUE)
  fitr[4,4] <- min(richList$S4, na.rm = TRUE)
  fitr[4,5] <- max(richList$S4, na.rm = TRUE)

#' Constructs the table F_flora from formatted survey data
#' @param veg A dataframe listing plant species with columns describing crown dimensions using standardised names:
#' veg, pN, spName, base, top, he, ht, wid, Site, sN
#' @param sepSig 
#' @param surf Weight of surface litter in t/ha
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

buildFlora <- function(veg, surf = 20, sepSig = 0.001) {

  vegA <- frame::frameStratify(veg = veg, sepSig = sepSig)
  # Summarise species
  spCount <- vegA %>%
    dplyr::count(Stratum, Species, name = "comp")
  suppressMessages(spM <- vegA %>%
                     group_by(Stratum, Species) %>%
                     summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE))))
  # Remove faulty data
  entries <- which(is.na(spM[wid]))
  if (length(entries)>0) {
    cat(length(entries), "Species were removed due to faulty crown width data", "\n")
    spM <- spM[-entries,]
  suppressMessages(spSD <- vegA %>%
                     group_by(Stratum, Species) %>%
                     summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ sd(.x, na.rm = TRUE))))
  if (length(entries)>0) {
    spSD <- spSD[-entries,]
  # Correct empty entries
  singles <- which(is.na(spSD[top]))
  if (length(singles)>0) {
  vegShort <- vegA %>%
    select(Stratum, Species, top)
  suppressMessages(spMax <- vegShort %>%
                     group_by(Stratum, Species) %>%
                     summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ max(.x, na.rm = TRUE))))
  if (length(entries)>0) {
    spMax <- spMax[-entries,]
  suppressMessages(spMin <- vegShort %>%
                     group_by(Stratum, Species) %>%
                     summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ min(.x, na.rm = TRUE))))
  if (length(entries)>0) {
    spMin <- spMin[-entries,]
  tab <- (left_join(spMin, spCount, by = c("Stratum", "Species")))
  # Collate into table
  ns <- vegA %>% dplyr::select(all_of(c(Site, sN)))
  record <- matrix(nrow = length(spMin$Species))
  florTab <- data.frame(record)
  florTab$record <- ns$Site[1]
  florTab$site <- ns$SiteName[1]
  florTab$species <- tab$Species
  florTab$stratum <- tab$Stratum
  florTab$comp <- tab$comp
  florTab$base <- round(spM$base,2)
  florTab$he <- round(spM$he,2)
  florTab$ht <- round(spM$ht,2)
  florTab$top <- round(spM$top,2)
  florTab$w <- round(spM$width,2)
  florTab$Hs <- round(spSD$top,2)
  florTab$Hr <- max(0.001,round(spMax$top - spMin$top,2))
  florTab$weight <- NA
  florTab$diameter <- NA
  s <- c(florTab$record[1], florTab$site[1], "Litter", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, surf, 0.005)
  florTab <- rbind(florTab, s)

#' Constructs the table F_structure from formatted survey data
#' @param veg A dataframe listing plant species with columns describing crown dimensions using standardised names:
#' veg, pN, spName, base, top, he, ht, wid, Site, sN
#' @param overlap Either 'automatic', or threshold occurrence at which overlap is set to TRUE.
#' @param sepSig Significance at which to recognise separate strata
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

buildStructure <- function(veg, overlap = 0.5, sepSig = 0.001) {
  # 1. Horizontal relationships  
  vegA <- frame::frameStratify(veg = veg, sepSig = sepSig)
  suppressMessages(StratC <- vegA %>%
                     select(Point, Stratum)%>%
                     group_by(Stratum, Point) %>%
                     summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE))))
  suppressMessages(StratW <- vegA %>%
                     select(Stratum, width)%>%
                     group_by(Stratum) %>%
                     summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE))))
  sepTab <- as.data.frame(table(StratC$Stratum))
  pnts <- n_distinct(StratC$Point)
  sep <- vector()
  for (s in 1:max(StratC$Stratum)) {
    sep[s] <- max(sqrt((as.numeric(StratW[s,2])^2)/(sepTab[s,2]/pnts)), as.numeric(StratW[s,2]))
  # 2. Vertical relationships
  StratO <- as.data.frame(table(StratC))
  ns_e <- vector()
  ns_m <- vector()
  e_m <- vector()
  e_c <- vector()
  m_c <- vector()
  for (pt in unique(StratO$Point, incomparables = FALSE)) {
    point <- filter(StratO, Point == pt)
    if (max(StratC$Stratum) > 2) {
      ns_e[pt] <- point$Freq[1]*point$Freq[2]
      if (max(StratC$Stratum) == 4) {
        ns_m[pt] <- point$Freq[1]*point$Freq[3]
        e_m[pt] <- point$Freq[2]*point$Freq[3]
        e_c[pt] <- point$Freq[2]*point$Freq[4]
        m_c[pt] <- point$Freq[3]*point$Freq[4]
      } else {
        e_c[pt] <- point$Freq[2]*point$Freq[3]
  # 3. Species richness
  suppressMessages(StratR <- vegA %>%
                     select(Stratum, Species)%>%
                     group_by(Stratum) %>%
                     summarise(across(everything(), n_distinct)))
  # Collate into table
  ns <- vegA %>% dplyr::select(all_of(c(Site, sN)))
  record <- matrix(nrow = 1)
  strucTab <- data.frame(record)
  strucTab$record <- ns$Site[1]
  strucTab$site <- ns$SiteName[1]
  ## Separation
  strucTab$NS <- NA
  strucTab$El <- NA
  strucTab$Mid <- NA
  strucTab$Can <- NA
  strucTab$Can <- round(sep[length(sep)],2)
  if (max(StratC$Stratum) > 1) {
    strucTab$NS <- round(sep[1],2) 
    if (max(StratC$Stratum) > 2) {
      strucTab$El <- round(sep[2],2)
      if (max(StratC$Stratum) > 3) {
        strucTab$Mid <- round(sep[3],2)
  ## Overlap
  strucTab$ns_e <- NA
  strucTab$ns_m <- NA
  strucTab$e_m <- NA
  strucTab$e_c <- NA
  strucTab$m_c <- NA
  if(overlap != "automatic"){
    if (max(StratC$Stratum) > 2) {
      strucTab$ns_e <- sum(ns_e)>=as.numeric(pnts * overlap)
      if (max(StratC$Stratum) == 4) {
        strucTab$ns_m <- sum(ns_m)>=as.numeric(pnts * overlap)
        strucTab$e_m <- sum(e_m)>=as.numeric(pnts * overlap)
        strucTab$e_c <- sum(e_c)>=as.numeric(pnts * overlap)
        strucTab$m_c <- sum(m_c)>=as.numeric(pnts * overlap)
      } else {
        strucTab$e_c <- sum(e_c)>=as.numeric(pnts * overlap)
  ## Richness
  strucTab$nsR <- NA
  strucTab$eR <- NA
  strucTab$mR <- NA
  strucTab$cR <- StratR$Species[length(sep)]
  if (max(StratC$Stratum) > 1) {
    strucTab$nsR <- StratR$Species[1] 
    if (max(StratC$Stratum) > 2) {
      strucTab$eR <- StratR$Species[2]
      if (max(StratC$Stratum) > 3) {
        strucTab$mR <- StratR$Species[3]

#' Finds the height of near-surface litter
#' @param default.species.params Plant traits database
#' @param density Wood density (kg.m-3)
#' @param cover Percent cover of suspended layer
#' @param wNS Width of NS patches (m)
#' @param age Years since last fire
#' @param aQ Parameter for a quadratic trend; leave as NA if trend is negative exponential
#' @param bQ Parameter for a quadratic trend; leave as NA if trend is negative exponential
#' @param cQ Parameter for a quadratic trend; leave as NA if trend is negative exponential
#' @param dec Logical - TRUE allows for quadratic model to decline as vegetation thins,
#' @param maxNS Asymptote for negative exponential increase in NS
#' @param rateNS Rate for negative exponential increase in NS
#' @return List
#' @export

susp <- function(default.species.params, density = 300, cover = 0.8,
                 age = 10, aQ = NA, bQ = NA, cQ = NA, maxNS = NA, rateNS = NA, dec = TRUE)
  suspDat <- filter(default.species.params, name == "suspNS")
  # Model packing
  if (dec == TRUE) {
    suspNS <- if (!is.na(maxNS)) {
    } else if (!is.na(aQ)) {
      pmax(0,(aQ * age^2 + bQ * age + cQ))
    } else {
  } else {
    preLit <- vector()
    for (x in 1:age) {
      preLit[x] <- if (!is.na(maxNS)) {
      } else if (!is.na(aQ)) {
        pmax(0,(aQ * x^2 + bQ * x + cQ))
      } else {
    suspNS <- max(preLit)
  nSticks <- (0.1*suspNS/cover)/(pi*(suspDat$leafThickness/2)^2*density) #Number of sticks
  top <- max(0.1,floor(nSticks*suspDat$leafSeparation) - 1) * suspDat$leafSeparation # Sets the lowest layer on the ground, finds height as separation * number of layers
  if (length(top) == 0) {
    top <- 0
  return(list(top, suspNS))

#' Models the weight of surface litter from time since fire 
#' using either an Olson negative exponential function or a Burr curve
#' @param negEx Value determining the model used. 
#' 1 = olson, 2 = Burr
#' @param max Maximum weight (t/ha)
#' @param rate Growth rate for a negative exponential function
#' @param a Parameter in the Burr equation
#' @param b Parameter in the Burr equation
#' @param age The number of years since last fire
#' @return value
#' @export

litter <- function(negEx = 1, max = 54.22, rate = 0.026, a = 3.35, b = 0.832, age = 10)
  if (negEx == 1) {
    surf <- max(4, max*(1-exp(-rate*age)))
  } else {
    surf <- max(4, a*b*((0.1*age^(a-1))/((1+(0.1*age)^a)^b+1)))

#' Combines multiple transects into one
#' @param alldata Raw survey data with one or more transects
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

transectLong <- function(alldata){
  Sites <- unique(alldata$Site)
  maxPoint <- max(dplyr::filter(alldata, Site == Sites[1])$Point)
  out <- dplyr::filter(alldata, Site == Sites[1])
  # Rename consecutive sites
  for (s in Sites) {
    if (s > Sites[1]) {
      outA <- dplyr::filter(alldata, Site == Sites[s]) %>%
        mutate(Site = Sites[1],
               Point = Point + maxPoint)
      maxPoint <- max(outA$Point)
      out <- rbind(out, outA)

#' Processes field survey data into tables formatted for fire modelling
#' @param dat The dataframe containing the formatted field survey data
#' @param default.species.params Plant traits database
#' @param pN The number of the point in the transect
#' @param spName Name of the field with the species name
#' @param base Name of the field with the base height
#' @param top Name of the field with the top height
#' @param he Name of the field with dimension he
#' @param ht Name of the field with dimension ht
#' @param wid Name of the field with dimension width
#' @param Site Name of the field with the record number
#' @param sN Optional field with a site name
#' @param max Maximum weight of surface litter (t/ha)
#' @param rate Growth rate for surface litter in a negative exponential function
#' @param age Optional field with site age 
#' @param surf Weight of surface litter in t/ha
#' @param density Wood density (kg.m-3)
#' @param cover Percent cover of suspended layer
#' @param aQ Parameter for a quadratic trend; leave as NA if trend is negative exponential
#' @param bQ Parameter for a quadratic trend; leave as NA if trend is negative exponential
#' @param cQ Parameter for a quadratic trend; leave as NA if trend is negative exponential
#' @param maxNS Parameter for a negative exponential trend; leave as NA if trend is quadratic
#' @param rateNS Parameter for a negative exponential trend; leave as NA if trend is quadratic
#' @param thin Logical - TRUE uses plant self-thinning models in Dynamics,
#' otherwise plant cover remains at the highest point it has reached by that age
#' @param sLit Logical - TRUE allows surface litter to decline if the model does so, otherwise
#' the maximum value to that age is maintained
#' @param dec Logical - TRUE allows near surface surface litter to decline if the model does so, otherwise
#' @param negEx Value determining the model used. 1 = olson, 2 = Burr 
#' @param a 
#' @param b 
#' @param wNS Width of near surface patches (m)
#' @param sepSig 
#' @param messages T or F to display messages from component functions
#' @param overlap Either 'automatic', or threshold occurrence at which overlap is set to TRUE.
#' the maximum value to that age is maintained
#' @return list
#' @export

frameSurvey <- function(dat, default.species.params, pN ="Point", spName ="Species", base = "base", top = "top", he = "he", ht = "ht",
                        wid = "width", Site = "Site", sN = "SiteName", negEx = 1, max = 54.22, rate = 0.026, a = 3.35, b = 0.832, age = NA, 
                        surf = 10, density = 300, cover = 0.8, aQ = NA, bQ = NA, cQ = NA, maxNS = NA, rateNS = NA, wNS = 1,
                        thin = TRUE, sLit  = TRUE, dec = TRUE, sepSig = 0.001, messages = F, overlap = 0.5) {
#  dat <- standardiseNames(dat, pN, spName, base, top, he, ht,
#                                      wid, Site, sN)
  # Find missing data
  entries <- which(is.na(dat[top]))
  if (length(entries)>0) {
    if (messages == T) {
      cat(" These rows were removed as they were missing top heights", "\n", entries, "\n", "\n") 
    dat <- dat[-entries,] 
  # Fill empty dimensions
  entries <- which(is.na(dat[ht])|is.na(dat[he]))
  if (length(entries)>0) {
    if (messages == T) {
      cat(" Empty values of ht & he were filled with top and base heights for these rows", "\n", entries, "\n", "\n")
    for (row in 1:nrow(dat)) {
      if (is.na(dat[row,ht])) {
        dat[row,ht] <- dat[row,top]
      if (is.na(dat[row,he])) {
        dat[row,he] <- dat[row,base]
  # Remove faulty data
  entries <- which(dat[ht]<dat[he]|dat[top]<dat[base])
  if (length(entries)>0) {
    if (messages == T) {
      cat(" These rows were removed as upper and lower heights conflicted", "\n", entries)
    dat <- dat[-entries,]
  # Loop through records
  silist <- unique(dat$Site, incomparables = FALSE)
  Structure <- data.frame()
  Flora <- data.frame()
  for (rec in silist) {
    veg <- filter(dat, Site == rec)
    # Find surface litter
    if (!is.na(age)) {
      AGE <- veg[1,age]
      # Control self-thinning
      (if (thin == TRUE && sLit == TRUE) {
        surf <- round(litter(negEx, max, rate, a, b, AGE),0)
      } else {
        preLit <- vector()
        for (x in 1:AGE) {
          preLit[x] <- litter(negEx, max, rate, a, b, x)
        surf <- max(preLit)
    # Add suspended litter
    if (cover != 0) {
      if (thin == TRUE && dec == TRUE) {
        decline <- TRUE
      } else {
        decline <- FALSE
      suspNS <- susp(default.species.params, density = density, cover = cover,
                     age = AGE, aQ = aQ, bQ = bQ, cQ = cQ, maxNS = maxNS, rate = rateNS, dec = decline)
      topNS <- suspNS[[1]]
      #Update tables
      if (topNS > 0) {
        row <- nrow(veg)
        rows <- round(cover*length(unique(veg$Point)),0)
        for (r in 1:rows) {
          veg[row+r,1] <- AGE
          veg[row+r,2] <- "suspNS"
          veg[row+r,3] <- 0
          veg[row+r,4] <- topNS
          veg[row+r,5] <- 0
          veg[row+r,6] <- topNS
          veg[row+r,7] <- wNS
          veg[row+r,8] <- AGE
          veg[row+r,9] <- rec
    # Check for faults, then create tables
    veg <- datClean(veg = veg, base, top, he, ht)
    Struct <- buildStructure(veg, overlap = overlap, sepSig = sepSig)
    Flor <- buildFlora(veg, surf = surf, sepSig = sepSig)
    Structure <- rbind(Structure, Struct)
    Flora <- rbind(Flora, Flor)
  return(list(Flora, Structure))

#' Grows a table of species to a given age, listing cover and variability
#' Provides options to control for growth, self-thinning and self-pruning
#' @param Dynamics Table of growth models as output by floraDynamics
#' @param Age Age of the site in years
#' @param growth Logical - TRUE uses plant growth models in Dynamics,
#' otherwise mean values are used and plants are not grown
#' @param thin Logical - TRUE uses plant self-thinning models in Dynamics,
#' otherwise plant cover remains at the highest point it has reached by that age
#' @param prune Logical - TRUE uses plant self-pruning models in Dynamics,
#' otherwise plants are not self-pruned and lower canopy heights remain at their lowest points
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

growPlants <- function(Dynamics, Age = 10, growth = TRUE, thin = TRUE, prune = TRUE) {
  Contenders <- data.frame('Species' = character(0), 'Cover' = numeric(0), 'cRSE' = numeric(0),
                           'base' = numeric(0), 'he' = numeric(0), 'ht' = numeric(0), 
                           'top' = numeric(0), 'tRSE' = numeric(0), 'w' = numeric(0))
  for (sp in 1:(nrow(Dynamics)-2)) {
    Contenders[sp,1] <- max(Dynamics$Species[sp],0)
    Contenders[sp,3] <- as.numeric(Dynamics$C_RSE[sp])/100
    # Control growth
    if (growth == TRUE) {
      Contenders[sp,7] <- max(pTop(mods = Dynamics, sp=Dynamics$Species[sp], Age = Age),0)
      Contenders[sp,8] <- as.numeric(Dynamics$T_RSE[sp])/100 
      Contenders[sp,9] <- max(pWidth(mods = Dynamics, sp=Dynamics$Species[sp], Age = Age),0)
    } else {
      Contenders[sp,7] <- max(as.numeric(Dynamics$meanTop[sp]),0)
      Contenders[sp,8] <- 0.01 
      Contenders[sp,9] <- max(as.numeric(Dynamics$meanW[sp]),0) 
    # Plant Ht follows top height in all circumstances
    Contenders[sp,6] <- max(pHt(mods = Dynamics, sp=Dynamics$Species[sp], Age = Age),0)
    # Control self-pruning by keeping base heights at minimum values if prune == FALSE
    if (prune == TRUE) {
      Contenders[sp,5] <- max(min(pHe(mods = Dynamics, sp=Dynamics$Species[sp], Age = Age), Contenders[sp,6]),0)
      Contenders[sp,4] <- max(min(pBase(mods = Dynamics, sp=Dynamics$Species[sp], Age = Age), Contenders[sp,7]),0)
    } else {
      preHe <- vector()
      preBase <- vector()
      for (x in 1:Age) {
        preHe[x] <- max(min(pHe(mods = Dynamics, sp=Dynamics$Species[sp], Age = x), Contenders[sp,6]),0)
        preBase[x] <- max(min(pBase(mods = Dynamics, sp=Dynamics$Species[sp], Age = x), Contenders[sp,7]),0)
      Contenders[sp,5] <- min(preHe)
      Contenders[sp,4] <- min(preBase)
    # Assign no cover to plants with 0 height or foliage
    covTest <- if ((Contenders[sp,7] < 0.05) 
                   || (Contenders[sp,4] == Contenders[sp,7] & Contenders[sp,6] == Contenders[sp,5]) 
                   || (Contenders[sp,9] <= 0.05)) {
    } else {
    # Control self-thinning
    (if (thin == TRUE) {
      Contenders[sp,2] <- covTest * pCover(mods = Dynamics, sp=Dynamics$Species[sp], Age = Age)
    } else {
      preCov <- vector()
      for (x in 1:Age) {
        preCov[x] <- pCover(mods = Dynamics, sp=Dynamics$Species[sp], Age = x)
      Contenders[sp,2] <- covTest * max(preCov)
  # Remove species with no cover
  entries <- which(Contenders$Cover == 0)
  if (length(entries)>0) {
    Contenders <- Contenders[-entries,] 

#' Creates a dataset of plants with expected size and cover
#' randomly varied within natural ranges
#' @param Dynamics Table of growth models as output by floraDynamics
#' @param pointRich table of species richness likelihood for a point
#' as output by function rich
#' @param default.species.params Plant traits database
#' @param pnts number of points in the transect
#' @param Age Age of the site in years
#' @param growth Logical - TRUE uses plant growth models in Dynamics,
#' otherwise mean values are used and plants are not grown
#' @param thin Logical - TRUE uses plant self-thinning models in Dynamics,
#' otherwise mean values are used and plant cover remains constant
#' @param prune Logical - TRUE uses plant self-pruning models in Dynamics,
#' otherwise plants are not self-pruned and lower canopy heights remain at their lowest points
#' @param perspective Use FALSE for vertical to calculate LAI, otherwise TRUE
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

pseudoTransect <- function(Dynamics, pointRich, default.species.params, perspective = FALSE,
                           pnts = 10, Age = 10, growth = TRUE, thin = TRUE, prune = TRUE) 
  # Build species choice function
  chooseSp <- function(L, spList, drops) {
    temp <- L
    xRow <- data.frame()
    Lentry <- as.numeric(nrow(xRow))
    tot <- sum(temp)
    while (Lentry == 0 & tot >= nSpecies) {
      entry <-
        spList[which(temp == Rfast::nth(temp, 1, descending = TRUE)),]
      if (Rfast::nth(temp, 1, descending = TRUE) > 100 * runif(1)*(drops>0)) {
        xRow <- rbind(xRow, entry)
      } else {
        temp[which(temp == Rfast::nth(temp, 1, descending = TRUE))] <-
      Lentry <- as.numeric(nrow(xRow))
      tot <- sum(temp > 0)
  # Potential species
  spList <- growPlants(Dynamics, Age = Age, growth = growth, thin = thin, prune = prune) %>%
    mutate(Cover = if(perspective){100-(pmin(1,5/top)*(100-Cover))} else {Cover}) # Weight cover by height above 5m to reflect angle to canopy
  out <- data.frame('Point' = numeric(0), 'Species' = character(0), 'base' = numeric(0),
                    'top' = numeric(0), 'he' = numeric(0), 'ht' = numeric(0), 'width' = numeric(0),
                    'Age' = numeric(0), 'Site' = numeric(0), 'SiteName' = character(0), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # Build pseudo-transect 
  for (r in 1:pnts) {
    # Find the number of species at this point
    spN  <-  round(rtnorm(n = 1, mean = as.numeric(pointRich$Mean[1]),
                          sd = as.numeric(pointRich$SD[1]),
                          a = as.numeric(pointRich$Min[1]),
                          b = as.numeric(pointRich$Max[1])),0)
    # Calculate likelihood for each species
    L <- vector()
    for (sp in 1:length(spList$Species)) {
      L[sp] <- rtnorm(n = 1, mean = as.numeric(spList$Cover[sp]),
                      sd = as.numeric(spList$cRSE[sp]), a = 0, b = 100)
    # Choose species and record dimensions
    drops <- length(spList$Species) - spN
    for (nSpecies in 1:spN) {
      count <- nrow(out)+1
      entry <- chooseSp(L, spList, drops)
      if (nrow(entry) > 0) {
        # Remove chosen species from next option
        L[which(spList$Species == entry$Species)] <- 0
        out[count, 1] <- r
        out[count, 2] <- entry$Species[1]
        out[count, 4] <- round(rtnorm(n = 1, mean = as.numeric(entry$top[1]),
                                      sd = as.numeric(entry$tRSE[1]), a = 0, b = 150),2)
        out[count, 3] <- round(out[count, 4] * as.numeric(entry$base[1]),2)
        out[count, 5] <- round(out[count, 4] * as.numeric(entry$he[1]),2)
        out[count, 6] <- round(out[count, 4] * as.numeric(entry$ht[1]),2)
        out[count, 7] <- round(out[count, 4] * as.numeric(entry$w[1]),2)
        out[count, 8] <- Age
        out[count, 9] <- Age
        out[count, 10] <- Age
      } else {
        drops <- drops - 1

#' Performs basic data checks on survey data, 
#' fixes or removes data and lists changes
#' @param dat The dataframe to be cleaned
#' @param base Name of the field with the base height
#' @param top Name of the field with the top height
#' @param he Name of the field with dimension he
#' @param ht Name of the field with dimension ht
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

datClean <- function(veg,  base = "base", top = "top", he = "he", ht = "ht", messages = F) {
  # Find missing data
  entries <- which(is.na(veg[top]))
  if (length(entries)>0) {
    if (messages == T) {
      cat(" These rows were removed as they were missing top heights", "\n", entries, "\n", "\n") 
    veg <- veg[-entries,] 
  # Fill empty dimensions
  entries <- which(is.na(veg[ht])|is.na(veg[he]))
  if (length(entries)>0) {
    if (messages == T) {
      cat(" Filled empty values of ht & he with top and base heights for these rows", "\n", entries, "\n", "\n")
  # Remove plants <1cm
  entries <- which(veg[top]<0.01)
  if (length(entries)>0) {
    if (messages == T) {
      cat(" Removed these rows as species were too small to model", "\n", entries, "\n", "\n")
    veg <- veg[-entries,]
  # Set low bases to ground level
  entries <- which(veg[he]<0.01 | veg[base]<0.01)
  if (length(entries)>0) {
    if (messages == T) {
      cat(" Set one or both base values for these rows to zero", "\n", entries, "\n", "\n")
    veg <- veg %>%
      mutate(he = case_when(he < 0.01 ~ 0, TRUE ~ he)) %>%
      mutate(base = case_when(base < 0.01 ~ 0, TRUE ~ base))
  # Remove faulty data
  entries <- which(veg[ht]<veg[he]|veg[top]<veg[base])
  if (length(entries)>0) {
    if (messages == T) {
      cat(" Removed these rows as upper and lower heights conflicted", "\n", entries)
    veg <- veg[-entries,]

#' Removes leaf trait diversity
#' Initially pulls out species names "suspNS" and "Log"
#' @param default.species.params Plant traits database
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

ctrlDiversity <- function(default.species.params){
  no.succession.params <- filter(default.species.params, name != "suspNS" & name != "Log")
  no.succession.params$leafForm <- "Flat"
  means <- no.succession.params %>%
    summarise_if(is.numeric, mean)
  for (name in colnames(means)) {
    no.succession.params[,name] <- means[1,name]
  sus <- filter(default.species.params, name == "suspNS" | name == "Log")
  no.succession.params <- rbind(no.succession.params, sus)

#' Finds percent cover of surveyed Species and groups minor Species
#' Input table requires the following fields:
#' Point - numbered point in a transect
#' Species - name of the surveyed Species
#' Age - age of the site since the triggering disturbance
#' Species that are less common than the set threshold are combined as "Minor Species"
#' @param dat The dataframe containing the input data,
#' @param thres The minimum percent cover (0-100) of a Species that will be kept single
#' @param pnts The number of points measured in a transect
#' @return dataframe
#' @export

specCover <- function(dat, thres = 5, pnts = 10) {
  #List Species and ages
  spList <- unique(dat$Species, incomparables = FALSE)
  ages <- unique(dat$Age, incomparables = FALSE)
  #Create empty summary dataframe
  spCover <- data.frame('Species' = character(0), 'Age' = numeric(0), 'Cover' = numeric(0), stringsAsFactors=F)
  for (sp in 1:length(spList)) {
    for (age in ages) {
      spName <- dat %>% filter(Species == spList[sp])
      spAge <- spName %>% filter(Age == age)
      #Percent cover
      sppnts <- unique(spAge$Point, incomparables = FALSE)
      covSp <- as.numeric(length(sppnts))*(100/pnts)
      #Record values
      spCover[nrow(spCover)+1,] <- c(as.character(spList[sp]), as.numeric(age), as.numeric(covSp))
  #Group minor Species
  spCover$Cover <- as.numeric(as.character(spCover$Cover))
  spShort <- spCover %>%
    group_by(Species) %>%
    summarise_if(is.numeric, mean)
  #List minor Species, then rename in dataset
  minor <- spShort %>% filter(Cover < thres)
  minList <- unique(minor$Species, incomparables = FALSE)
  if (length(minList)>0) {
    for (snew in 1:length(minList)) {
      spCover[spCover == minor$Species[snew]] <- "Minor Species"

#' Adds standardised names to a table of field data 
#' @param dat The input table
#' @param pN A number specifying the point location of a vertical transect
#' @param spName Name of the species
#' @param base Base height of the plant crown (m)
#' @param top Top height of the plant crown (m)
#' @param he Lower edge height of the plant crown (m)
#' @param ht Upper height of the plant crown (m)
#' @param wid Width of the plant crown (m)
#' @param Site A number identifying the transect
#' @param sN A name identifying the transect
#' @return table

standardiseNames <- function(dat, pN, spName, base, top, he, ht,
                             wid, Site, sN) {
  dat$pN <- as.vector(dat[,pN])[[1]]
  dat$spName <- as.vector(dat[,spName])[[1]]
  dat$base <- as.vector(dat[,base])[[1]]
  dat$top <- as.vector(dat[,top])[[1]]
  dat$he <- as.vector(dat[,he])[[1]]
  dat$ht <- as.vector(dat[,ht])[[1]]
  dat$wid <- as.vector(dat[,wid])[[1]]
  dat$Site <- as.vector(dat[,Site])[[1]]
  dat$sN <- as.vector(dat[,sN])[[1]]
pzylstra/frame_r documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 1:55 a.m.