
Defines functions step4_plot process_components2 process_components

process_components = function(cdt, o) {
	gs = tmap_graphics_name()
	# update added legends
	is_added_leg = vapply(cdt$comp, inherits, logical(1), "tm_add_legend")
	if (any(is_added_leg)) {
		cdt$comp[is_added_leg] = lapply(cdt$comp[is_added_leg], tmapAddedLegend, o = o)
	cdt$class = sapply(cdt$comp, function(l) l$position$type)
	cdt$cell.h = sapply(cdt$comp, function(l) {x = l$position$cell.h; if (is.null(x)) NA else x})
	cdt$cell.v = sapply(cdt$comp, function(l) {x = l$position$cell.v; if (is.null(x)) NA else x})
	cdt$pos.h = sapply(cdt$comp, function(l) {x = l$position$pos.h; if (is.null(x)) NA else x})
	cdt$pos.v = sapply(cdt$comp, function(l) {x = l$position$pos.v; if (is.null(x)) NA else x})
	cdt$z = sapply(cdt$comp, function(l) {x = l$z; if (is.null(x)) as.integer(NA) else x})
	# to make sure legends positions are based on one-facet-per-page
	if (o$type == "page") {
		cdt[, by3__ := by1__]
		cdt[, by1__ := NA]
	if (gs != "Grid") {
		cdt[class == "out", class := "in"]
		cdt[class == "autoout", class := "in"]
	funP = paste0("tmap", gs, "CompPrepare")
	funW = paste0("tmap", gs, "CompWidth")
	funH = paste0("tmap", gs, "CompHeight")

	cdt$comp = lapply(cdt$comp, function(comp) do.call(funP, list(comp = comp, o = o)))
	# split components into facets (if needed)
	is_multi = sapply(cdt$comp, inherits, what = "tm_multi_comp")

	if (any(is_multi)) {
		cdt_single = cdt[!is_multi, ]
		cdt_multi = cdt[is_multi, ]
		allby_temp = as.data.table(do.call(expand.grid, lapply(o$fn, seq_len)))
		names(allby_temp) = paste0("by", 1:3, "__")
		cdt_rows = data.table::rbindlist(lapply(seq_len(nrow(cdt_multi)), function(i) {
			if (cdt_multi$class[i] %in% c("out", "autoout")) {
				if (length(cdt_multi$comp[[i]]) > 1) {
					warning("Component is specified for multiple facets (e.g. title text), but since placement is outside, only the first is used", call. = FALSE)				}
				cdt_multi$comp[[i]] = cdt_multi$comp[[i]][[1]]
				cdt_multi[i, ]
			} else {
					  comp = rep(cdt_multi$comp[[i]], length.out = nrow(allby_temp)),
					  cdt_multi[i, setdiff(names(cdt_multi), c(names(allby_temp), "comp")), with = FALSE])		
		cdt = rbind(cdt_single, cdt_rows)
	# filter components that are not shown (e.g. not implemented), which is determined in the Prepare step
	cdt$show = sapply(cdt$comp, function(l) l$show)
	cdt = cdt[cdt$show,][,show:=NULL]
	## do to: proper S3 methods
	#if (gs == "Grid") {
		cdt$comp = lapply(cdt$comp, function(comp) do.call(funW, list(comp = comp, o = o)))
		cdt$comp = lapply(cdt$comp, function(comp) do.call(funH, list(comp = comp, o = o)))
		cdt[, ':='(facet_row = character(), facet_col = character())]
		cdt$stack_auto = vapply(cdt$comp, function(l) {
			s = l$stack
			length(s) > 1
		}, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
		cdt$stack = vapply(cdt$comp, function(l) {
			s = l$stack
			if (length(s) > 1 && "manual" %in% names(s)) s["manual"] else s[1]
		}, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
		getLW = function(x) sapply(x, function(y) {
			yW = y$Win
			if (is.null(yW)) 0 else yW
		getLH = function(x) sapply(x, function(y) {
			yH = y$Hin
			if (is.null(yH)) 0 else yH
		# attempt to determine margins
		cdt[, legW := getLW(comp)]
		cdt[, legH := getLH(comp)]
		if (any(is.na(cdt$z))) {
			cdt[is.na(z), z := seq(1L,(sum(is.na(z))))]
		if (nrow(cdt)>0L) {
			data.table::setorder(cdt, "z")
	# } else if (gs == "Leaflet") {
	# }
	#cdt[, page := as.integer(NA)]

process_components2 = function(cdt, o) {
	gs = tmap_graphics_name()
	## do to: proper S3 methods
	#if (gs == "Grid") {
		# when facets are wrapped:
		if (o$type != "grid" && o$n > 1) {
			#if (o$nrows == 1 && o$ncols == 1)
			if (o$nrows == 1) {
				# -use by2 and not by1 when they form a row
				cdt[, by2__ := by1__]
				cdt[, by1__ := NA]
		stacks = o$legend.stack
		# place legends inside if needed
		#if (o$ncols > 1 && o$nrows > 1) {
		if (o$type == "wrap") {
			# all free legends inside
			cdt[!is.na(by1__) | !is.na(by2__) & class == "autoout", ':='(class = "in")]	
		} else if (o$type == "grid") {
			# all free-per-facet legends inside
			cdt[!is.na(by1__) & !is.na(by2__) & class == "autoout", ':='(class = "in")]	
		# update auto position (for 'all', 'rows', 'columns' legends)
		cdt[is.na(by1__) & is.na(by2__) & class == "autoout", ':='(cell.h = o$legend.position.all$cell.h, cell.v = o$legend.position.all$cell.v)]
		cdt[!is.na(by1__) & is.na(by2__) & class == "autoout", ':='(cell.h = o$legend.position.sides$cell.h, cell.v = "by")]
		cdt[is.na(by1__) & !is.na(by2__) & class == "autoout", ':='(cell.h = "by", cell.v = o$legend.position.sides$cell.v)]
		cdt[is.na(by1__) & is.na(by2__) & class == "autoout", ':='(stack = ifelse(stack_auto, ifelse(cell.h == "center", stacks["all_col"], ifelse(cell.v == "center", stacks["all_row"], stacks["all"])), stack))]
		cdt[!is.na(by1__) & is.na(by2__) & class == "autoout", ':='(stack = ifelse(stack_auto, stacks["per_row"], stack))]
		cdt[is.na(by1__) & !is.na(by2__) & class == "autoout", ':='(stack = ifelse(stack_auto, stacks["per_col"], stack))]
		cdt[class == "autoout", class := "out"]
		lai = which(cdt$class == "autoin")
		if (length(lai)) {
			cdt$comp = lapply(cdt$comp, function(l) {
				l$position[c("pos.h", "pos.v")] = as.list(o$legend.autoin.pos)
			cdt[class == "autoin", ":="(pos.h = o$legend.autoin.pos[1], pos.v = o$legend.autoin.pos[2], class = "in")]
		vby = any(cdt$cell.v == "by" & !is.na(cdt$cell.v))
		hby = any(cdt$cell.h == "by" & !is.na(cdt$cell.h))
		toC = function(x) {
			paste(x, collapse = "_")
		# manual outside legends -2 is top or left, -1 is bottom or right
		cdt[class %in% c("autoout", "out"), ':='(facet_row = 
				ifelse(cell.v == "center", ifelse(vby, "1", toC(1:o$nrows)),
				ifelse(cell.v == "by", as.character(by1__), 
				ifelse(cell.v == "top", as.character(-2), as.character(-1)))),
			facet_col = 
				ifelse(cell.h == "center", ifelse(hby, "1", toC(1:o$ncols)), 
				ifelse(cell.h == "by", as.character(by2__), 
				ifelse(cell.h == "left", as.character(-2), as.character(-1)))))]
		if (o$type == "page") {
			cdt[cell.v == "by", facet_row := "1"]
			cdt[cell.h == "by", facet_col := "1"]
	if (o$type == "page") {
		cdt[, by1__ := by3__]
		cdt[, by3__ := NA]

step4_plot = function(tm, vp, return.asp, show, knit, args) {
	tmx = tm$tmo
	o = tm$o
	aux = tm$aux
	cmp = tm$cmp
	if (length(tmx) && ("bbx" %in% names(tmx[[o$main]]))) {
		bbm = tmx[[o$main]]$bbx
	} else {
		bbm = NULL
	# remove empty data layers
	any_groups = (length(tmx) > 0L)
	tmx = lapply(tmx, function(tmxi) {
		tmxi$layers = lapply(tmxi$layers, function(tml) {
			empt = vapply(tml$shpDT$shpTM, function(sdt) {
				length(sdt$shp) == 0L
			}, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
			if (all(empt)) NULL else tml
		empt = vapply(tmxi$layers, is.null, logical(1))
		if (all(empt)) {
		} else {
			tmxi$layers = tmxi$layers[!empt]
	empt = vapply(tmx, is.null, logical(1))
	tmx = tmx[!empt]
	any_data_layer = (length(tmx) > 0L)
	# split tm in case of as.layers in tm_facets

	# get name of graphics engine (for function names e.g. tmapGridInit)
	gs = tmap_graphics_name()
	o = prepreprocess_meta(o, vp)
	# get legends from layer data and put them in "components data.table" (cdt)

	cdt_cmp = if (length(cmp) && !o$legend.only) {
		 data.table::rbindlist(lapply(cmp, function(cp) {
			data.table::data.table(by1__ = as.integer(NA),
								   by2__ = as.integer(NA),
								   by3__ = as.integer(NA),
								   comp = list(cp))	
	} else {
		data.table::data.table(by1__ = integer(0),
							   by2__ = integer(0),
							   by3__ = integer(0),
							   comp = list())	
	cdt = if (any_data_layer) {
		cdt_legs = step4_plot_collect_legends(tmx)
		cdt_crts = step4_plot_collect_charts(tmx)
		data.table::rbindlist(list(cdt_legs, cdt_crts, cdt_cmp))
	} else {

	## place components top left
	if (o$legend.only) {
		cdt$comp = lapply(cdt$comp, function(cc) {
			cc$position = l = complete_options(tm_pos_in("left", "top"), o$legend.position)
	if (nrow(cdt)) cdt = process_components(cdt, o)

	# determine panel type, inner margins, and automatic comp placement
	if (!o$legend.only) {
		o = preprocess_meta(o, cdt)
		# add shape unit (needed for e.g. tm_scale_bar)
		unit = ifelse(o$unit == "metric", "km", ifelse(o$unit == "imperial", "mi", o$unit))
		crs = get_option_class(o$crs, "sf") #o$crs
		longlat = sf::st_is_longlat(crs)
	} else {
		o$npages = 1L
	# function to get shape object
	get_shpTM = function(shpDT, by1, by2, by3) {
		b = list(by1, by2, by3)
		bynames = intersect(names(shpDT), paste0("by", 1:3, "__"))
		byids = as.integer(substr(bynames, 3, 3))
		sel = rep(TRUE, nrow(shpDT))
		if (length(bynames)) {
			for (i in 1L:length(bynames)) {
				sel = sel & shpDT[[bynames[i]]] %in% b[[byids[i]]]		
	# function to subset data
	get_dt = function(dt, by1, by2, by3) {
		b = list(by1, by2, by3)
		bynames = intersect(names(dt), paste0("by", 1:3, "__"))
		byids = as.integer(substr(bynames, 3, 3))
		sel = rep(TRUE, nrow(dt))
		if (length(bynames)) {
			for (i in 1:length(bynames)) {
				sel = sel & dt[[bynames[i]]] %in% b[[byids[i]]]			
	# function to get bbox per facet
	get_bbox = function(by1, by2, by3) {
		bbxs = lapply(tmain, function(tmi) {
			shpTM = get_shpTM(tmi$shpDT, by1, by2, by3)
			mdt = get_dt(tmi$mapping_dt, by1, by2, by3)
			bbxs2 = lapply(shpTM, stm_bbox, tmapID = mdt$tmapID__, crs = crs)
			bbx = stm_merge_bbox(bbxs2)
			if (is.na(bbx)) bbx else tmaptools::bb(bbx, asp.limit = 10)
		list(list(bb_ext(stm_merge_bbox(bbxs), o$inner.margins)))
	# main group (that determines bounding box)
	# TODO take into account multiple main groups (see step1_rearrange and get_main_ids)
	if (o$legend.only) {
		d = NULL
	} else if (any_data_layer) {
		# create table with meta data for the facets (row, col id, bbox, asp)
		d = data.table::data.table(do.call(expand.grid, lapply(structure(o$nby, names = c("by1", "by2", "by3")), seq_len)))
		d[, i := seq_len(nrow(d))]
		grps = c("by1", "by2", "by3")[o$free.coords]
		grp_ids = as.integer(substr(names(tmx), 6, nchar(names(tmx))))
		if (o$main %in% grp_ids) {
			tmain = tmx[[which(grp_ids == o$main)]][[1]]
			d[, bbox:=do.call(get_bbox, as.list(.SD)), by = grps, .SDcols = c("by1", "by2", "by3")]
		} else {
			if (is.null(bbm)) {
				bbo = o$bbox
				if (!is.null(bbo)) {
					bbm = tmaptools::bb(bbo)
				} else {
					bbm = sf::st_bbox()
			d[, bbox:=rep(list(bbm),nrow(d))]	
	} else {
		if (is.null(bbm)) {
			bbo = o$bbox
			if (!is.null(bbo)) {
				bbm = tmaptools::bb(bbo)
			} else {
				bbm = sf::st_bbox()
		d = data.table::data.table(by1 = 1L, by2 = 1L, by3 = 1L, i = 1, bbox = list(bbm))
	if (!o$legend.only) {
		d[, asp:=get_asp(bbox)]
		d = d[!is.na(asp)]
		if (!(o$type %in% c("grid", "page")) && !is.na(o$nrows) && !is.na(o$ncols)) {
			# limit facets
			n_lim = limit_nx(o$n)
			if (n_lim != o$n) {
				fn_lim = pmin(o$fn, n_lim)
				while(prod(fn_lim) > n_lim) {
					fn_lim[which.max(fn_lim)] = fn_lim[which.max(fn_lim)] - 1L
				d = d[by1<= fn_lim[1] & by2<= fn_lim[2] & by3<= fn_lim[3]]
				o$fl = mapply(function(a, b) a[1:b], o$fl, fn_lim, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
				o$fn = fn_lim
				o$n = n_lim
		d[, bbox:=lapply(bbox, FUN = function(bbx) {
			if (!is.na(bbx) && !is.na(longlat) && longlat && !st_is_longlat(bbx)) {
				sf::st_bbox(sf::st_transform(tmaptools::bb_poly(bbx), crs = 4326))
			} else {
		d[, units:=lapply(bbox, FUN = function(bbx) {
			if (is.na(bbx)) {
			} else {
				if (!is.na(bbx) && !is.na(longlat) && longlat) {
					latitude <- mean.default(bbx[c(2,4)])
					bbxll <- c(xmin=0, ymin=latitude, xmax=1, ymax=latitude)
					ad <- suppressWarnings({tmaptools::approx_distances(bbxll, projection=crs)})
					to <- as.numeric(units::set_units(ad$hdist, units::as_units(unit), mode = "standard"))
				} else {
					ad <- suppressWarnings({tmaptools::approx_distances(bbx, projection=crs)})
					if (is.na(crs)) {
						to <- ad$hdist
					} else {
						to <- as.numeric(units::set_units(units::set_units(1, attr(ad$hdist, "units")$numerator, mode = "standard"), units::as_units(unit), mode = "standard"))
				list(projection=crs, unit=unit, to=to, projected = !longlat)
		# determine automatic position of inside comp
		if (!any(o$free.coords) && any(cdt$class == "autoin")) {
			shp = tmain[[1]]$shpDT$shpTM[[1]]$shp
			# TODO take into account multiple main shapes
			# TODO take use areas instead of coordinates for polygons
			if (inherits(shp, c("sf", "sfc"))) {
				bbx = d$bbox[[1]]
				co = sf::st_coordinates(sf::st_centroid(shp))
				xn = (co[,1]-bbx[1])/(bbx[3]-bbx[1])
				yn = (co[,2]-bbx[2])/(bbx[4]-bbx[2])
				cornerID = which.max(c(
					bl = min(sqrt((xn^2) + (yn^2)), na.rm = TRUE),
					tl = min(sqrt((xn^2) + ((1-yn)^2)), na.rm = TRUE),
					tr = min(sqrt(((1-xn)^2) + ((1-yn)^2)), na.rm = TRUE),
					br = min(sqrt(((xn-1)^2) + (yn^2)), na.rm = TRUE)))
				o$legend.autoin.pos = switch(names(cornerID), tl = c("left", "top"), tr = c("right", "top"), bl = c("left", "bottom"), br = c("right", "bottom"))
			} else {
				o$legend.autoin.pos = c("left", "top")	
		} else {
			o$legend.autoin.pos = c("left", "top")
	# calculate margins, number of rows and colums, etc.
	o = process_meta(o, d, cdt, aux)
	if (!o$legend.only) {
		# workaround to move panels to titles in view mode
		# TO DO: make this generic (e.g. component prep function?)
		if (gs != "Grid") {
			if (o$panel.type != "none") {
				cdt = rbindlist(c(list(cdt), mapply(function(lab, i) {
					data.table::data.table(by1__ = i, 
										   by2__ = as.integer(NA), 
										   by3__ = as.integer(NA), 
										   comp = list(impute_comp(tm_title(lab)[[1]], o)),
										   class=  "in",
										   cell.h = NA,
										   cell.v = NA,
										   pos.h = "left",
										   pos.v = "top",
										   z = 1,
										   facet_row = as.character(NA),
										   facet_col = as.character(NA),
										   stack_auto = TRUE,
										   stack = "vertical",
										   legW = 0,
										   legH = 0)	
				}, o$panel.labels[[1]], seq_len(o$fn[1]), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)))
			o$panel.type = "none"
		o$ng = length(tmx)
		# determine row and col ids	
		if (o$type == "grid") {
			d[, row := as.integer((i - 1) %% o$nrows + 1)]
			d[, col := as.integer((((i - 1) %/% o$nrows + 1) - 1) %% o$ncols + 1)]
		} else {
			# wrap
			if (o$facet.flip) {
				d[, row := as.integer((i - 1) %% o$nrows + 1)]
				d[, col := as.integer((((i - 1) %/% o$nrows + 1) - 1) %% o$ncols + 1)]
			} else {
				d[, col := as.integer((i - 1) %% o$ncols + 1)]
				d[, row := as.integer((((i - 1) %/% o$ncols + 1) - 1) %% o$nrows + 1)]
		d[, page := as.integer(i - 1) %/% (o$nrows * o$ncols) + 1]
		### facet.flip and reverse
		# if (o$facet.flip) {
		# 	labcols= o$panel.labels[[1]]
		# 	labrows = o$panel.labels[[2]]
		# 	nr = o$nrows
		# 	o$nrows = o$ncols
		# 	o$ncols = nr
		# } else {
		# 	labrows = o$panel.labels[[1]]
		# 	labcols = o$panel.labels[[2]]
		# }
		# # reverse if specified (with '-' in front of row/col/page variable name in tm_facets)
		# if (o$rev1) {
		# 	labs1 = o$panel.labels[[1]]
		# 	d[, by1:=(1L+length(labs1)) - by1]
		# 	o$panel.labels[[1]] = structure(rev(labs1), showNA = attr(labs1, "showNA"))
		# }
		# if (o$rev2) {
		# 	labs2 = o$panel.labels[[2]]
		# 	d[, by2:=(1L+length(labs2)) - by2]
		# 	o$panel.labels[[2]] = rev(labs2)
		# }
		# if (o$rev3) {
		# 	d[, by3:=(1L+max(by3)) - by3]
		# }		
	#####o$legend.autoin.pos = c("left", "top")

	# prepare function names
	FUNinit = paste0("tmap", gs, "Init")
	FUNaux = paste0("tmap", gs, "Aux")
	FUNrun = paste0("tmap", gs, "Run")
	FUNshape = paste0("tmap", gs, "Shape")
	FUNoverlay = paste0("tmap", gs, "Overlay")
	FUNwrap = paste0("tmap", gs, "Wrap")
	FUNxtab = paste0("tmap", gs, "Xtab")

	FUNxlab = paste0("tmap", gs, "Xlab")
	FUNylab = paste0("tmap", gs, "Ylab")
	FUNgridxlab = paste0("tmap", gs, "GridXLab")
	FUNgridylab = paste0("tmap", gs, "GridYLab")
	if (!o$legend.only) {
		# create table with bounding boxes (the only important property, apart from settings)
		db = data.table(bbox = unique(d$bbox[!is.na(d$asp)]))
		db[, i:=1L:nrow(db)]
		d[, bi:=db$i[match(d$bbox, db$bbox)]]
		## process components
		if (nrow(cdt)) cdt = process_components2(cdt, o)
		# init
		asp = do.call(FUNinit, list(o = o, return.asp = return.asp, vp = vp))
		if (return.asp) return(asp)
		## prepare aux layers
		# prepare aux layers and return group label (in case it is not user specified)
		aux_group_def = mapply(function(a, id) {
			FUNaux_prep = paste0("tmap", gs, a$mapping.fun, "Prep")
			do.call(FUNaux_prep, list(a = a$args, bs = db$bbox, id = id, o = o))
		}, aux, 1:length(aux))
		aux_group = mapply(function(a, agd) {
			if (is.na(a$group)) agd else as.character(a$group)
		}, aux, aux_group_def, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
		aux_group.control = vapply(aux, function(a) {
		}, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
		# find lid (layer plot id values) for aux layers
		aux_lid = vapply(aux, function(a) a$lid, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
		if (!any_data_layer && !length(aux_lid)) {
		# data frame for layer ids
		q = do.call(rbind, c( 
			{if (any_data_layer) {
				lapply(1L:o$ng, function(ig) {
					tmxi = tmx[[ig]]
					nl = length(tmxi$layers)
					lid = vapply(tmxi$layers, function(l) {l$lid}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
					group = vapply(tmxi$layers, function(l) {l$group}, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
					group.control = vapply(tmxi$layers, function(l) {l$group.control}, FUN.VALUE = character(1)) # used to determine control layer group (view mode)
					data.frame(gid = ig, glid = 1:nl, lid = lid, group = group, group.control = group.control)
			} else {
			{if (length(aux_lid)) list(data.frame(gid = 0, glid = 1L:length(aux), lid = aux_lid, group = aux_group, group.control = aux_group.control)) else NULL}))
		q$lid2 = 0
		qnotnull = (q$lid != 0)
		if (any(qnotnull)) q$lid2[qnotnull] = rank(q$lid[qnotnull])
		q = q[order(q$lid2), ]
		q$pane = "tilePane"
		q$pane[q$lid2 > 0] = paste0("tmap", 400 + q$lid2[q$lid2 > 0])
		# q data frame:
		# gid = tmap-group counter
		# glid = layer counter inside tmap-group
		# lid = possibly-user-defined layer order number
		# lid2 = same as lid, but 1,2,3,...
		# pane = pane name (for view mode)
		# group = group name (for selecting layers in view mode)
		do.call(FUNaux, list(o = o, q = q))
		# plot xtab headers
		if (o$panel.type == "xtab") {
			for (k in 1:o$npages) {
				labrows = o$panel.labels[[1]]
				labcols = o$panel.labels[[2]]
				if (length(labrows) == o$nrows) for (i in 1:o$nrows) do.call(FUNxtab, list(label = labrows[i], facet_row = i, facet_page = k, o = o)) 
				if (length(labcols) == o$ncols) for (j in 1:o$ncols) do.call(FUNxtab, list(label = labcols[j], facet_col = j, facet_page = k, o = o)) 
		# plot xlab and ylab
		if (o$xlab.show) {
			for (k in 1:o$npages) {
				do.call(FUNxlab, list(facet_page = k, o = o))
		if (o$ylab.show) {
			for (k in 1:o$npages) {
				do.call(FUNylab, list(facet_page = k, o = o))
		for (i in seq_len(nrow(d))) {
			bbx = d$bbox[[i]]
			if (o$panel.type == "wrap") do.call(FUNwrap, list(label = o$panel.labels[[1]][d$i[i]], facet_row = d$row[i], facet_col = d$col[i], facet_page = d$page[i], o = o)) 
			if (is.na(d$asp[i])) next 
			do.call(FUNshape, list(bbx = bbx, facet_row = d$row[i], facet_col = d$col[i], facet_page = d$page[i], o = o))
			# plot grid labels
			if (o$grid.show && !o$grid.labels.inside.frame) {
				if (o$grid.labels.show[2] && ((o$grid.labels.pos[1] == "left" && d$col[i] == 1) || (o$grid.labels.pos[1] == "right" && d$col[i] == o$ncols))) {
					do.call(FUNgridylab, list(bi = d$bi[i], bbx = bbx, facet_row = d$row[i], facet_col = d$col[i], facet_page = d$page[i], o = o))
				if (o$grid.labels.show[1] && ((o$grid.labels.pos[2] == "top" && d$row[i] == 1) || (o$grid.labels.pos[2] == "bottom" && d$row[i] == o$nrows))) {
					do.call(FUNgridxlab, list(bi = d$bi[i], bbx = bbx, facet_row = d$row[i], facet_col = d$col[i], facet_page = d$page[i], o = o))
			for (qi in 1L:nrow(q)) {
				gid = q$gid[qi]
				glid = q$glid[qi]
				pane = q$pane[qi]
				group = q$group[qi]
				if (gid > 0) {
					# data layer
					bl = tmx[[gid]]$layers[[glid]]
					shpTM = get_shpTM(bl$shpDT, d$by1[i], d$by2[i], d$by3[i])[[1]]
					mdt = get_dt(bl$mapping_dt, d$by1[i], d$by2[i], d$by3[i])
					id = paste0("f", sprintf("%03d", i), "g", sprintf("%02d", gid), "l", sprintf("%02d", glid))
					if (nrow(mdt) != 0) {
						gp = bl$gp
						FUN = paste0("tmap", gs, bl$mapping_fun)
						do.call(FUN, c(list(shpTM = shpTM, dt = mdt, pdt = bl$popup.data, popup.format = bl$popup.format, hdt = bl$hover.data, idt = bl$id.data, gp = gp, bbx = bbx, facet_col = d$col[i], facet_row = d$row[i], facet_page = d$page[i], id = id, pane = pane, group = group, o = o), bl$mapping_args))
				} else {
					glid = q$glid[qi]
					# aux layer
					a = aux[[glid]]							
					FUNaux_plot = paste0("tmap", gs, a$mapping.fun)
					id = glid # to do: test!
					do.call(FUNaux_plot, list(bi = d$bi[i], bbx = bbx, facet_col = d$col[i], facet_row = d$row[i], facet_page = d$page[i], id = id, pane = pane, group = group, o = o))
			do.call(FUNoverlay, list(facet_row = d$row[i], facet_col = d$col[i], facet_page = d$page[i], o = o))
	} else {
		# init
		asp = do.call(FUNinit, list(o = o, return.asp = return.asp, vp = vp))
	if (o$legend.only) {
		cdt[, facet_row := "1"]
		cdt[, facet_col := "1"]
		cdt[, page := 1L]
		cdt[, bbox := list()]
	} else {
		is_in = cdt$class == "in"
		#is_in = rep(TRUE, nrow(cdt))
		if (any(is_in)) {
			legs_in = lapply(which(is_in), function(i) {
				d2 = data.table::copy(d)
				legsi = cdt[i, ]
				if (o$type != "grid" && o$nrows == 1) {
					# reverse above
					d2[, by2 := by1]
					d2[, by1 := 1]
				if (is.na(legsi$by1__)) d2[, by1:= NA]
				if (is.na(legsi$by2__)) d2[, by2:= NA]
				if (is.na(legsi$by3__)) d2[, by3:= NA]
				legsi = merge(legsi, d2[, c("by1", "by2", "by3", "row", "col", "page", "bbox", "units"), with = FALSE], by.x = c("by1__", "by2__", "by3__"), by.y = c("by1", "by2", "by3"))
				legsi[, ':='(facet_row = as.character(row), facet_col = as.character(col), row = NULL, col = NULL)]
		} else {
			legs_in = NULL
		legs_out = copy(cdt[!is_in])
		legs_out[, page:=as.integer(NA)]
		# legs_out[, bbox:=list()]
		# legs_out[, units:=list()]
		# ad-hoc method: take first bbox and units
		bbox_nb = d$bbox[1]
		attr(bbox_nb, "borrow") = list(col = d$col[1], row = d$row[1])
		legs_out[, bbox:=bbox_nb]
		legs_out[, units:=d$units[1]]
		cdt = data.table::rbindlist(c(list(legs_out), legs_in))

		cdt$comp = mapply(function(cmp, bbx, u) {
			cmp$bbox = bbx
			cmp$units = u
		}, cdt$comp, cdt$bbox, cdt$units, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

	legfun = paste0("tmap", gs, "Legend")
	toI = function(x) {
		as.integer(strsplit(x, split = "_")[[1]])
	if (o$type == "page") {
		cdt$page = cdt$by1__
	if (nrow(cdt) > 0L) for (k in seq_len(o$npages)) {
		klegs = cdt[is.na(page) | (page == k), ] # was by3__ instead of page
		klegs[, pos.h.id := pos.h][pos.h %in% c("left", "center", "right"), pos.h.id:="lower"][pos.h %in% c("LEFT", "CENTER", "RIGHT"), pos.h.id:="upper"]
		klegs[, pos.v.id := pos.v][pos.v %in% c("top", "center", "bottom"), pos.v.id:="lower"][pos.v %in% c("TOP", "CENTER", "BOTTOM"), pos.v.id:="upper"]
		klegs[, id:=paste(pos.h.id, pos.v.id, sep = "__")]
		klegs[, do.call(legfun, args = list(comp = .SD$comp, o = o, facet_row = toI(.SD$facet_row[1]), facet_col = toI(.SD$facet_col[1]), facet_page = k, class = .SD$class[1], stack = .SD$stack, stack_auto = .SD$stack_auto, pos.h = .SD$pos.h, pos.v = .SD$pos.v, .SD$bbox)), by = list(facet_row, facet_col, id), .SDcols = c("comp", "facet_row", "facet_col", "class", "stack", "stack_auto", "pos.h", "pos.v", "bbox")]
	if (show) save_last_map()		

	do.call(FUNrun, list(o = o, show = show, knit = knit, args))
r-tmap/tmap documentation built on June 23, 2024, 9:58 a.m.