Man pages for r3fang/SnapATAC
Single Nucleus Analysis Package for ATAC-Seq

addBmatToSnapAdd cell-by-bin matrix
addGmatToSnapAdd cell-by-gene matrix
addPmatToSnapAdd cell-by-peak matrix
barcodeInSnapFileCheck barcode existance in snap file
boxPlotFeatureFeature Enrichment Boxplot
calBmatCorCheck correlation of cell-by-bin matrix
colMeans-methodscolMeans for snap objects
colSums-methodscolSums for snap objects
createGmatFromMatCreate Cell-by-Gene Matrix
createPmatCreate Cell-by-Peak Matrix
createSnapCreate a snap object from a snap file
createSnapFromBmatCreate a snap object from cell-by-bin matrix
createSnapFromGmatCreate a snap object from cell-by-gene matrix
createSnapFromPmatCreate a snap object from cell-by-peak matrix
demo.spSingle Nucleus ATAC-seq Object
dim.reduct-classAn S4 class to represent dimentionality reduction object.
exportMetaDataExport barcode meta data
extractReadsExtract Reads By Barcodes
filterBinsFeature filtration
filterCellsCell filtration
findDARIdentifiy Differential Accessible Regions (DARs)
isSnapFileCheck a snap-format file
is.snap-methodsCheck snap object
jaccard-classAn S4 class jaccard to represent a jaccard object.
kgraph-classAn S4 class jaccard to represent a knn graph object.
makeBinaryConvert the count matrix to binary matrix
newSnapCreate an empty snap object
nrow-methodsnrow for snap object.
plotBarcodePlot Barocde Quality Control Distribution
plotBinCoveragePlot Bin Coverage Distribution
plotDimReductElbowElbow Plot for Dimentionality Reduction Result
plotDimReductPWPairwise plot for Dimentionality Reduction Result
plotGenePlot gene-body accessibility level
predictGenePeakPairLink Distal Regulatory Elements (peaks) to Putative Target...
readMetaDataRead meta data from a snap file
rmBmatFromSnapRemove cell-by-bin matrix
rmGmatFromSnapRemove cell-by-gene matrix
rmPmatFromSnapRemove cell-by-peak matrix
rowMeans-methodsrowMeans for snap objects
rowSums-methodsrowSums for snap objects
runChromVAREstimate Motif Variability Using ChromVAR
runClusterFind Clusters Using Louvain/Leiden Algorithm
runDiffusionMapsDimentionality Reduction by Diffusion Maps Algorithm
runDiffusionMapsExtensionDiffusion Maps Extension
runDimReductLinear Dimentionality Reduction
runHarmonyPerform batch effect using harmony
runHomerMotif Analysis Using Homer
runJaccardCalcualte Jaccard Index Matrix
runKNNK Nearest Neighbour Graph Construction
runLDALatent Dirichlet Allocation
runLSALatent Semantic Analysis
runMACSCall Peaks Using MACS2
runMACSForAllCall Peaks Using MACS2 For All Clusters
runMagicAffinity Graph-based Smoothing
runNormJaccardNormalize Jaccard Index Matrix
runSnapAddPmatAdd cell-by-peak matrix to a snap file
runVizDimentionality Reduction for Visualization
scaleCountMatrixNormlaize Count Matrix
showBinSizesShow bin sizes in a snap file
snap-classAn S4 class snap to represent single-nucleus accessibility...
snapRbindCombine snap objects
snapToSeuratConvert a snap object to a seurat object
sub-dim.reduct-ANY-ANY-ANY-methodsubsetting for dim.reduct objects
sub-jaccard-ANY-ANY-ANY-methodsubsetting for jaccard objects
sub-kgraph-ANY-ANY-ANY-methodsubsetting for kgraph objects
sub-snap-ANY-ANY-ANY-methodsubsetting for snap objects
summarySnap-methodssummarySnap for snap object.
r3fang/SnapATAC documentation built on March 29, 2022, 4:33 p.m.