
Defines functions SS_readdat_3.30

Documented in SS_readdat_3.30

#' read data file from SS version 3.30
#' Read Stock Synthesis (version 3.30) data file into list object in R.
#' This function was formerly called SS_readdat. That name is now used
#' for a wrapper function that calls either SS_readdat_3.24 or SS_readdat_3.30
#' (and potentially additional functions in the future).
#' @template file
#' @template verbose
#' @param echoall Deprecated.
#' @param section Which data set to read. Only applies for a data.ss_new file
#' created by Stock Synthesis. Allows the choice of either expected values
#' (section=2) or bootstrap data (section=3+). Leaving default of section=NULL
#' will read input data, (equivalent to section=1).
#' @author Ian G. Taylor, Yukio Takeuchi, Z. Teresa A'mar, Chris J. Grandin,
#' Kelli F. Johnson, Chantel R. Wetzel, Kathryn L. Doering, Nathan R. Vaughan
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils type.convert
#' @seealso [SS_readdat()], [SS_readdat_3.30()]
#' [SS_readstarter()], [SS_readforecast()],
#' [SS_writestarter()],
#' [SS_writeforecast()], [SS_writedat()]
SS_readdat_3.30 <-
  function(file, verbose = TRUE, echoall = lifecycle::deprecated(), section = NULL) {
    if (lifecycle::is_present(echoall)) {
        when = "1.45.0",
        what = "SS_readdat_3.30(echoall)",
        details = "Please use verbose = TRUE instead"

    if (verbose) {
      message("Running SS_readdat_3.30")
    dat <- readLines(file, warn = FALSE)
    if (length(dat) < 20) {
        "Data file appears to be empty or incomplete.\n",
        "  If this is data.ss_new, change starter file to have\n",
        "  nonzero value for 'Number of datafiles to produce'"

    Comments <- get_comments(dat)
    ## Divide data file into sections ----
    sec.end.inds <- grep("^999\\b", dat)
    ## Run some checks to ensure that only the section break 999's are being captured
    ## and not things such as year 999 or a catch of 999mt etc
    incorr.secs <- NULL
    for (i in seq_along(sec.end.inds)) {
      check_section <- dat[sec.end.inds[i]]
      check_section <- strsplit(check_section, "#")[[1]][1]
      check_section <- unlist(strsplit(unlist(strsplit(check_section, "\t")), " "))
      check_section <- check_section[check_section != ""]
      if (length(check_section) > 1) {
        incorr.secs <- c(incorr.secs, i)
    if (length(incorr.secs) > 0) {
      sec.end.inds <- sec.end.inds[-incorr.secs]

    Nsections <- length(sec.end.inds)
    if (!Nsections) {
      stop("Error - There was no EOF marker (999) in the data file.")
    if (is.null(section)) {
      if (Nsections > 1 & verbose) {
          "The supplied data file has ", Nsections,
          ifelse(Nsections == 1, " section. ", " sections. "),
          " Using section = 1."
      section <- 1
    if (!section %in% 1:Nsections) {
      if (Nsections == 1) {
        stop("The 'section' input must be 1 for this data file.\n")
      } else {
          "The 'section' input must be between 1 and ", Nsections,
          " for this data file.\n"
    if (!is.null(section)) {
      start <- 1
      end <- sec.end.inds[section]
      if (section > 1) {
        start <- sec.end.inds[section - 1] + 1
      dat <- dat[start:end]
    ## Internally defined functions ----
    find.index <- function(dat, ind, str) {
      ## Find the first line at position ind or later that
      ## contains the string str and return the index of that
      ## line. If the end of the data is reached, an error
      ## will be shown.
      while (ind < length(dat) & !length(grep(str, dat[ind]))) {
        ind <- ind + 1
      if (ind == length(dat)) {
          "SS_readdat_3.30-find.index: Error - ",
          "the value of ", str, " was not found. ",
          "Check the data file and make sure all ",
          "data frames are correctly formed.\n"

    get.val <- function(dat, ind) {
      ## Returns the next numeric value in the dat vector.
      ## Increments ind in the parent environment.
      assign("ind", ind + 1, parent.frame())

    get.vec <- function(dat, ind) {
      ## Returns the next vector of numbers in the dat vector.
      ## Increments ind in the parent environment.
      assign("ind", ind + 1, parent.frame())
      ## Split by whitespace and collapse (+).
      vec <- strsplit(dat[ind], "[[:blank:]]+")

    get.df <- function(dat, ind, nrow = NULL) {
      ## Returns the next data frame in the dat vector.
      ## If nrow is NULL, the function will:
      ##  1. search for the next line starting with -9999.
      ##  2. ind will be incremented in the parent frame
      ##     to 1 past the end of the data frame.
      ##  3. if the ind line starts with -9999,
      ##     the function will return NULL
      ## If nrow is not NULL, the function will:
      ##  1. will return a data frame with rows from
      ##     ind to ind + nrow - 1.
      ##  2. ind will be incremented in the parent frame
      ##     to 1 past the end of the data frame.
      if (is.null(nrow)) {
        end.ind <- find.index(dat, ind, "-9999")
        assign("ind", end.ind + 1, parent.frame())
        if (ind != end.ind) {
          df <- dat[ind:(end.ind - 1)]
        } else {
      } else {
        df <- dat[ind:(ind + nrow - 1)]
        assign("ind", ind + nrow, parent.frame())
      df <- strsplit(df, "[[:blank:]]+") ## Split by whitespace and collapse (+)
      df <- as.list(df) ## Must be a list for the next operation
      df <- do.call("rbind", df) ## Make it into a dataframe
      df <- as.data.frame(df, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      df <- utils::type.convert(df, as.is = TRUE)

    ## Set up the data lines for parsing ----
    ## Remove any preceeding whitespace on all lines.
    dat <- gsub("^[[:blank:]]+", "", dat)
    ## Remove all comments.
    dat <- gsub("#.*", "", dat)
    ## Remove trailing whitespace on all lines
    dat <- gsub("[[:blank:]]+$", "", dat)
    ## Remove blank lines.
    dat <- dat[dat != ""]
    datlist <- list()
    datlist[["sourcefile"]] <- file
    datlist[["type"]] <- "Stock_Synthesis_data_file"
    datlist[["ReadVersion"]] <- "3.30"
    datlist[["Comments"]] <- Comments

    ## Get general model information ----
    ind <- 1
    datlist[["styr"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
    datlist[["endyr"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
    datlist[["nseas"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
    datlist[["months_per_seas"]] <- get.vec(dat, ind)
    datlist[["Nsubseasons"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
    datlist[["spawn_month"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
    datlist[["Nsexes"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
    datlist[["Nages"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
    datlist[["N_areas"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
    datlist[["Nfleets"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
    if (verbose) {
      message("Read general model dimensions.")
    ## Fleet data ----
    datlist[["fleetinfo"]] <- get.df(dat, ind, datlist[["Nfleets"]])
    colnames(datlist[["fleetinfo"]]) <- c(
    # If need_catch_mult is 1 for fleets other than catch fleets,
    #   stop execution as SS do so.
    if (any(datlist[["fleetinfo"]][["type"]] != 1 &
      datlist[["fleetinfo"]][["need_catch_mult"]] == 1)) {
        "Catch multipler can be used only for fleet_type = 1; Check fleet = ",
          which(datlist[["fleetinfo"]][["type"]] != 1 &
            datlist[["fleetinfo"]][["need_catch_mult"]] == 1),
          collapse = ", "
        " in fleet info."
    if (verbose) {
      message("Read Fleet information.")

    datlist[["fleetnames"]] <- datlist[["fleetinfo"]][["fleetname"]]
    datlist[["surveytiming"]] <- as.numeric(datlist[["fleetinfo"]][["surveytiming"]])
    datlist[["units_of_catch"]] <- as.numeric(datlist[["fleetinfo"]][["units"]])
    datlist[["areas"]] <- as.numeric(datlist[["fleetinfo"]][["area"]])

    ### Bycatch Data (only added for fleets with type = 2) ----
    if (any(datlist[["fleetinfo"]][["type"]] == 2)) {
      nbycatch <- length(datlist[["fleetinfo"]][["type"]][datlist[["fleetinfo"]][["type"]] == 2])
      datlist[["bycatch_fleet_info"]] <- get.df(dat, ind, nbycatch)

      colnames(datlist[["bycatch_fleet_info"]]) <- c(
      # add a fleetname column, as in fleet info.
      datlist[["bycatch_fleet_info"]] <- cbind(
        datlist[["fleetinfo"]][datlist[["fleetinfo"]][["type"]] == 2, "fleetname", drop = FALSE]
      if (verbose) {
        message("Read bycatch data.")

    ## Catch data ----
    datlist[["catch"]] <- get.df(dat, ind)
    colnames(datlist[["catch"]]) <- c(
    if (verbose) {
      message("Read catches.")
    ## CPUE data  ----
    datlist[["CPUEinfo"]] <- get.df(dat, ind, datlist[["Nfleets"]])
    # note SD_Report column wasn't present in early 3.30 versions of SS
    CPUEinfo_names <- c("Fleet", "Units", "Errtype", "SD_Report")
    colnames(datlist[["CPUEinfo"]]) <- CPUEinfo_names[1:ncol(datlist[["CPUEinfo"]])]
    rownames(datlist[["CPUEinfo"]]) <- datlist[["fleetnames"]]

    if (verbose) {
      message("Read CPUE data.")

    ## CPUE data matrix
    CPUE <- get.df(dat, ind)
    if (!is.null(CPUE)) {
      datlist[["CPUE"]] <- CPUE
      colnames(datlist[["CPUE"]]) <- c("year", "seas", "index", "obs", "se_log")
    } else {
      datlist[["CPUE"]] <- NULL

    ## Discard data ----
    ## fleet.nums.with.catch is defined in the catch section above.
    datlist[["N_discard_fleets"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
    if (datlist[["N_discard_fleets"]]) {
      ## Discard info data
      datlist[["discard_fleet_info"]] <- get.df(dat, ind, datlist[["N_discard_fleets"]])
      colnames(datlist[["discard_fleet_info"]]) <- c("Fleet", "Units", "Errtype")
      rownames(datlist[["discard_fleet_info"]]) <-

      ## Discard data
      datlist[["discard_data"]] <- get.df(dat, ind)
      colnames(datlist[["discard_data"]]) <- c("Yr", "Seas", "Flt", "Discard", "Std_in")
      if (verbose) {
        message("Read discards.")
    } else {
      datlist[["discard_fleet_info"]] <- NULL
      datlist[["discard_data"]] <- NULL

    ## Mean body weight data ----""
    datlist[["use_meanbodywt"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
    if (datlist[["use_meanbodywt"]]) {
      datlist[["DF_for_meanbodywt"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
      datlist[["meanbodywt"]] <- get.df(dat, ind)
      if (!is.null(datlist[["meanbodywt"]])) {
        colnames(datlist[["meanbodywt"]]) <- c(
          "Year", "Seas", "Fleet", "Partition", "Type",
          "Value", "Std_in"
      if (verbose) {
        message("Read mean body weight.")
    } else {
      datlist[["DF_for_meanbodywt"]] <- NULL
      datlist[["meanbodywt"]] <- NULL

    ## Population size structure - Length ----
    datlist[["lbin_method"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
    if (datlist[["lbin_method"]] == 2) {
      bin_info_tmp <- get.val(dat, ind)
      # if as.numeric doesn't match, probably has 3 values on one line
      if (is.na(bin_info_tmp)) {
        ind <- ind - 1 # reset index to allow read of that value again
        bin_info_tmp <- get.vec(dat, ind)
        datlist[["binwidth"]] <- bin_info_tmp[1]
        datlist[["minimum_size"]] <- bin_info_tmp[2]
        datlist[["maximum_size"]] <- bin_info_tmp[3]
      } else {
        # otherwise, more likely separate lines
        datlist[["binwidth"]] <- bin_info_tmp
        datlist[["minimum_size"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
        datlist[["maximum_size"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
    } else if (datlist[["lbin_method"]] == 3) {
      datlist[["N_lbinspop"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
      datlist[["lbin_vector_pop"]] <- get.vec(dat, ind)
    } else {
      datlist[["binwidth"]] <- NULL
      datlist[["minimum_size"]] <- NULL
      datlist[["maximum_size"]] <- NULL
      datlist[["N_lbinspop"]] <- NULL
      datlist[["lbin_vector_pop"]] <- NULL
    ## Length Comp information matrix (new for 3.30)
    datlist[["use_lencomp"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
    # only read all the stuff related to length comps if switch above = 1 or 2
    if (datlist[["use_lencomp"]] %in% 1:2) {
      # read table in format used up through 3.30.20
      # note: minsamplesize column not present in early 3.30 versions of SS
      if (datlist[["use_lencomp"]] == 1) {
        datlist[["len_info"]] <- get.df(dat, ind, datlist[["Nfleets"]])
        colnames(datlist[["len_info"]]) <- c(
          "mintailcomp", "addtocomp", "combine_M_F",
          "CompressBins", "CompError", "ParmSelect",
        rownames(datlist[["len_info"]]) <- datlist[["fleetnames"]]
      # read table in format used in 3.30.21
      # when data-weighting by partition was added
      # (more columns and "minsamplesize" column always present)
      if (datlist[["use_lencomp"]] == 2) {
        datlist[["len_info"]] <- get.df(dat, ind, nrow = NULL)
        colnames(datlist[["len_info"]]) <- c(
          "fleet", "partition", "mintailcomp", "addtocomp", "combine_M_F",
          "CompressBins", "CompError", "ParmSelect",
      ## Length comp data
      datlist[["N_lbins"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
      datlist[["lbin_vector"]] <- get.vec(dat, ind)
      datlist[["lencomp"]] <- get.df(dat, ind)
      if (!is.null(datlist[["lencomp"]])) {
        colnames(datlist[["lencomp"]]) <-
            "Yr", "Seas", "FltSvy", "Gender", "Part", "Nsamp",
            if (abs(datlist[["Nsexes"]]) == 1) {
              paste0("l", datlist[["lbin_vector"]])
            } else {
            if (datlist[["Nsexes"]] > 1) {
                paste0("f", datlist[["lbin_vector"]]),
                paste0("m", datlist[["lbin_vector"]])
            } else {
      # warn if any 0 values in the lencomp, because SS will exit on error
      if (!is.null(datlist[["lencomp"]])) {
        zero_lencomp <- apply(datlist[["lencomp"]][, -(1:6)], MARGIN = 1, FUN = sum) == 0
        if (any(zero_lencomp == TRUE)) {
            "Lines of all zero length comp found. SS will exit on error if",
            " a line of comps is all zeroes and year is positive. Line(s) ",
            paste0(which(zero_lencomp), collapse = ", ")

      if (verbose) {
        message("Read Length composition data.")

    ## Population size structure - Age ----
    datlist[["N_agebins"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
    if (datlist[["N_agebins"]]) {
      datlist[["agebin_vector"]] <- get.vec(dat, ind)
    } else {
      datlist[["agebin_vector"]] <- NULL

    ## Age error data
    if (datlist[["N_agebins"]]) {
      datlist[["N_ageerror_definitions"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
      if (datlist[["N_ageerror_definitions"]]) {
        datlist[["ageerror"]] <- get.df(dat, ind, datlist[["N_ageerror_definitions"]] * 2)
        colnames(datlist[["ageerror"]]) <- paste0("age", 0:datlist[["Nages"]])
      } else {
        datlist[["ageerror"]] <- NULL
      # echo values

    ## Age Comp information matrix ----
    if (datlist[["N_agebins"]]) {
      datlist[["age_info"]] <- get.df(dat, ind, datlist[["Nfleets"]])
      # note: minsamplesize column not present in early 3.30 versions of SS
      colnames(datlist[["age_info"]]) <- c(
      rownames(datlist[["age_info"]]) <- datlist[["fleetnames"]]
      ## Length bin method for age data
      # note that Lbin_method below is related to the interpretation of
      # conditional age-at-length data and differs from lbin_method for the length
      # data read above
      datlist[["Lbin_method"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
    ## Age comp matrix ----
    if (datlist[["N_agebins"]]) {
      datlist[["agecomp"]] <- get.df(dat, ind)
      if (!is.null(datlist[["agecomp"]])) {
        colnames(datlist[["agecomp"]]) <-
            "Yr", "Seas", "FltSvy", "Gender",
            "Part", "Ageerr", "Lbin_lo", "Lbin_hi", "Nsamp",
            if (abs(datlist[["Nsexes"]]) == 1) {
              paste0("a", datlist[["agebin_vector"]])
            } else {
            if (datlist[["Nsexes"]] > 1) {
                paste0("f", datlist[["agebin_vector"]]),
                paste0("m", datlist[["agebin_vector"]])
            } else {
      # warn if any 0 values in the agecomp:
      if (!is.null(datlist[["agecomp"]])) {
        zero_agecomp <- apply(datlist[["agecomp"]][, -(1:9)], MARGIN = 1, FUN = sum) == 0
        if (any(zero_agecomp == TRUE)) {
            "Lines of all zero age comp found. SS will exit on error if",
            " a line of comps is all zeros. Line(s) ",
            paste0(which(zero_agecomp), collapse = ", ")

      if (verbose) {
        message("Read age composition data.")
    # check DM pars ----)
    if (any(datlist[["len_info"]][["CompError"]] == 1) |
      any(datlist[["age_info"]][["CompError"]] == 1)) {
      N_dirichlet_parms <- max(c(
      # double check this
      N_dir_labs <- seq_len(N_dirichlet_parms)
      for (i in N_dir_labs) {
        if (!i %in% c(
        )) {
            "Dirichlet multinomial parameters must be sequential with no ",
            " missing integers starting from 1. \nMissing DM parameter ",
            "labeled  ", i, ", so SS will exit on error for this model ",
            "configuration. \nPlease revise the numbering of the DM ",
            "parameters in the length/age info ParmSelect column."
    ## Mean size-at-age data ----
    datlist[["use_MeanSize_at_Age_obs"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
    if (datlist[["use_MeanSize_at_Age_obs"]]) {
      ind.tmp <- ind # save current position in case necessary to re-read
      endmwa <- ind - 2 + grep("-9999", dat[ind:length(dat)])[1]
      xx <- dat[ind:endmwa]
      if (length(unique(sapply(strsplit(xx, "\\s+"), length))) > 1) {
        if (verbose) {
            "Format of MeanSize_at_Age_obs appears to have sample sizes\n",
            "on separate lines than other inputs."
        xx <- paste(xx[seq_along(xx) %% 2 == 1], xx[seq_along(xx) %% 2 == 0])
      datlist[["MeanSize_at_Age_obs"]] <- data.frame(do.call("rbind", strsplit(xx, "\\s+")),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
      ind <- endmwa + 1
      # check terminator row
      test <- get.vec(dat, ind)
      if (test[1] != -9999) {
        warning("Problem with read of MeanSize_at_Age, terminator value != -9999")

      colnames(datlist[["MeanSize_at_Age_obs"]]) <-
          "Yr", "Seas", "FltSvy", "Gender", "Part", "AgeErr", "Ignore",
          if (abs(datlist[["Nsexes"]]) == 1) {
            paste0("a", datlist[["agebin_vector"]])
          } else {
          if (datlist[["Nsexes"]] > 1) {
              paste0("f", datlist[["agebin_vector"]]),
              paste0("m", datlist[["agebin_vector"]])
          } else {
          if (abs(datlist[["Nsexes"]]) == 1) {
            paste0("N_a", datlist[["agebin_vector"]])
          } else {
          if (datlist[["Nsexes"]] > 1) {
              paste0("N_f", datlist[["agebin_vector"]]),
              paste0("N_m", datlist[["agebin_vector"]])
          } else {

      # The formatting of the mean size at age in data.ss_new has sample sizes
      # on a separate line below the mean size values, and this applies to the
      # -9999 line as well. The lines below is an attempt to work around this
      test <- get.vec(dat, ind)
      # if only 1 value, then this isn't an issue and need to adjust ind
      if (length(test) == 1) {
        ind <- ind - 1
      if (verbose) {
        "Read Mean Size at Age observations."
    } else {
      datlist[["MeanSize_at_Age_obs"]] <- NULL

    ## Environment variables ----
    datlist[["N_environ_variables"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)

    if (datlist[["N_environ_variables"]]) {
      datlist[["envdat"]] <- get.df(dat, ind)
      colnames(datlist[["envdat"]]) <- c("Yr", "Variable", "Value")

      if (verbose) {
        message("Read environmental variable data.")
    } else {
      datlist[["envdat"]] <- NULL

    ## Size frequency methods ----
    datlist[["N_sizefreq_methods_rd"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
    if (datlist[["N_sizefreq_methods_rd"]] == -1) {
      # new code added for 3.30.20 to support D-M likelihood
      datlist[["N_sizefreq_methods"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
    } else {
      # no additional line to read, just copy over value
      datlist[["N_sizefreq_methods"]] <- datlist[["N_sizefreq_methods_rd"]]
    if (datlist[["N_sizefreq_methods"]] > 0) {
      ## Get details of generalized size frequency methods
      datlist[["nbins_per_method"]] <- get.vec(dat, ind)
      datlist[["units_per_method"]] <- get.vec(dat, ind)
      datlist[["scale_per_method"]] <- get.vec(dat, ind)
      datlist[["mincomp_per_method"]] <- get.vec(dat, ind)
      datlist[["Nobs_per_method"]] <- get.vec(dat, ind)
      ## Get additional info on composition error distribution (likelihood)
      if (datlist[["N_sizefreq_methods_rd"]] == -1) {
        datlist[["Comp_Error_per_method"]] <- get.vec(dat, ind)
        datlist[["ParmSelect_per_method"]] <- get.vec(dat, ind)
      ## Get list of bin vectors
      datlist[["sizefreq_bins_list"]] <- list()
      for (imethod in seq_len(datlist[["N_sizefreq_methods"]])) {
        datlist[["sizefreq_bins_list"]][[imethod]] <- get.vec(dat, ind)
      ## Read generalized size frequency data
      datlist[["sizefreq_data_list"]] <- list()
      for (imethod in seq_len(datlist[["N_sizefreq_methods"]])) {
        Ncols <- 7 + abs(datlist[["Nsexes"]]) * datlist[["nbins_per_method"]][imethod]
        Nrows <- datlist[["Nobs_per_method"]][imethod]
        datlist[["sizefreq_data_list"]][[imethod]] <- get.df(dat, ind, Nrows)
        colnames(datlist[["sizefreq_data_list"]][[imethod]]) <-
            "Method", "Yr", "Seas", "FltSvy",
            "Gender", "Part", "Nsamp",
            if (abs(datlist[["Nsexes"]]) == 1) {
              paste0("a", datlist[["sizefreq_bins_list"]][[imethod]])
            } else {
            if (datlist[["Nsexes"]] > 1) {
                paste0("f", datlist[["sizefreq_bins_list"]][[imethod]]),
                paste0("m", datlist[["sizefreq_bins_list"]][[imethod]])
            } else {
        if (any(datlist[["sizefreq_data_list"]][[imethod]][, "Method"] != imethod)) {
            "Problem with method in size frequency data:\n",
            "Expecting method: ", imethod, "\n",
            "Read method(s): ",
            paste(unique(datlist[["sizefreq_data_list"]][["Method"]]), collapse = ", ")
      if (verbose) {
        message("Read size frequency data.")
    } else {
      datlist[["nbins_per_method"]] <- NULL
      datlist[["units_per_method"]] <- NULL
      datlist[["scale_per_method"]] <- NULL
      datlist[["mincomp_per_method"]] <- NULL
      datlist[["Nobs_per_method"]] <- NULL
      datlist[["sizefreq_bins_list"]] <- NULL
      datlist[["sizefreq_data_list"]] <- NULL

    ## Tag data ----
    datlist[["do_tags"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
    if (datlist[["do_tags"]] > 0) {
      datlist[["N_tag_groups"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
      datlist[["N_recap_events"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
      datlist[["mixing_latency_period"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
      datlist[["max_periods"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
      if (datlist[["do_tags"]] == 2) {
        datlist[["TG_min_recap"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
      ## Read tag release data
      if (datlist[["N_tag_groups"]] > 0) {
        Ncols <- 8
        datlist[["tag_releases"]] <- get.df(dat, ind, datlist[["N_tag_groups"]])
        colnames(datlist[["tag_releases"]]) <- c(
          "TG", "Area", "Yr", "Season",
          "tfill", "Gender", "Age", "Nrelease"
      } else {
        datlist[["tag_releases"]] <- NULL
      ## Read tag recapture data
      if (datlist[["N_recap_events"]] > 0) {
        Ncols <- 5
        datlist[["tag_recaps"]] <- get.df(dat, ind, datlist[["N_recap_events"]])
        colnames(datlist[["tag_recaps"]]) <- c("TG", "Yr", "Season", "Fleet", "Nrecap")
        if (verbose) {
          message("Read tag recapture data.")
      } else {
        datlist[["tag_recaps"]] <- NULL

    ## Morphometrics composition data ----
    datlist[["morphcomp_data"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)
    if (datlist[["morphcomp_data"]]) {
        "Morph comp data not yet supported by SS_readdat_3.30\n",
        "  Please post issue to https://github.com/r4ss/r4ss/issues\n",
        "  or email ian.taylor@noaa.gov",
        "if you want this functionality added."

    ## Selectivity priors ----
    datlist[["use_selectivity_priors"]] <- get.val(dat, ind)

    ## End of file ----
    eof <- get.val(dat, ind)
    if (verbose) {
      if (Nsections == 1) {
        message("Read of data file complete. Final value = ", eof)
      } else {
          "Read of section ", section,
          " of data file complete. Final value = ", eof
    datlist[["eof"]] <- FALSE
    if (eof == 999) datlist[["eof"]] <- TRUE

    ## Fixes pulled in from SS_readdat wrapper ----
    ## Note from IGT 27-March-2020:
    ## Many of the list elements created below are related to the format of SSv3.24
    ## data files and should likely be deprecated at some point in the future

    datlist[["spawn_seas"]] <- datlist[["spawn_month"]]
    # compatibility: get the old number values
    datlist[["Nfleet"]] <- nrow(subset(datlist[["fleetinfo"]], datlist[["fleetinfo"]][["type"]] <= 2))
    datlist[["Nsurveys"]] <- datlist[["Nfleets"]] - datlist[["Nfleet"]]
    totfleets <- datlist[["Nfleet"]] + datlist[["Nsurveys"]]
    # fleet details
    if (nrow(datlist[["fleetinfo"]]) > 1) {
      # if more than 1 fleet in the model, create legacy format tables associated with 3.24
      datlist[["fleetinfo1"]] <- t(datlist[["fleetinfo"]])
      colnames(datlist[["fleetinfo1"]]) <- datlist[["fleetinfo"]][["fleetname"]]
      datlist[["fleetinfo1"]] <- datlist[["fleetinfo1"]][1:5, ]
      datlist[["fleetinfo2"]] <- datlist[["fleetinfo1"]][4:5, ]
      datlist[["fleetinfo1"]] <- datlist[["fleetinfo1"]][c(2:3, 1), ]
      rownames(datlist[["fleetinfo1"]]) <- c("surveytiming", "areas", "type")
      datlist[["fleetinfo1"]] <- data.frame(datlist[["fleetinfo1"]]) # convert all to numeric
      datlist[["fleetinfo2"]] <- data.frame(datlist[["fleetinfo2"]]) # convert all to numeric
    } else {
      # if only 1 fleet, skip those things rather than revise code to work with vectors
      # instead of transposed matrices of values
      datlist[["fleetinfo1"]] <- NULL
      datlist[["fleetinfo2"]] <- NULL
    if (!is.null(datlist[["discard_fleet_info"]])) {
      colnames(datlist[["discard_fleet_info"]]) <- c("Fleet", "units", "errtype")
    # compatibility: create the old format catch matrix
    datlist[["catch"]] <- datlist[["catch"]][datlist[["catch"]][, 1] >= -999, ]
    colnames(datlist[["catch"]]) <- c("year", "seas", "fleet", "catch", "catch_se")
    # mean body weight
    if (datlist[["use_meanbodywt"]] == 0) {
      datlist[["N_meanbodywt"]] <- 0
    # length info
    datlist[["comp_tail_compression"]] <- datlist[["len_info"]][["mintailcomp"]]
    datlist[["add_to_comp"]] <- datlist[["len_info"]][["addtocomp"]]
    datlist[["max_combined_lbin"]] <- datlist[["len_info"]][["combine_M_F"]]
    if (is.null(datlist[["lencomp"]])) datlist[["N_lencomp"]] <- 0
    if (datlist[["use_MeanSize_at_Age_obs"]] == 0) {
      datlist[["N_MeanSize_at_Age_obs"]] <- 0
    ## !!! need to add fixes to pop len bins? (see 3.24)
    # fix some things
    if (!is.null(datlist[["lbin_method"]])) {
      if (datlist[["lbin_method"]] == 1) # same as data bins
          datlist[["N_lbinspop"]] <- datlist[["N_lbins"]]
          datlist[["lbin_vector_pop"]] <- datlist[["lbin_vector"]]

      if (datlist[["lbin_method"]] == 2) # defined wid, min, max
          if (!is.null(datlist[["binwidth"]]) &&
            !is.null(datlist[["minimum_size"]]) &&
            !is.null(datlist[["maximum_size"]])) {
            datlist[["N_lbinspop"]] <- (datlist[["maximum_size"]] - datlist[["minimum_size"]]) / datlist[["binwidth"]] + 1
            datlist[["lbin_vector_pop"]] <- vector()
            for (j in 0:datlist[["N_lbinspop"]])
              datlist[["lbin_vector_pop"]] <- c(
                datlist[["minimum_size"]] + (j * datlist[["binwidth"]])
      if (datlist[["lbin_method"]] == 3) # vector
          if (!is.null(datlist[["lbin_vector_pop"]])) {
            datlist[["N_lbinspop"]] <- length(datlist[["lbin_vector_pop"]])

r4ss/r4ss documentation built on April 30, 2024, 4:42 a.m.