
Defines functions SSplotNumbers

Documented in SSplotNumbers

#' Plot numbers-at-age related data and fits.
#' Plot numbers-at-age related data and fits from Stock Synthesis output.
#' Plots include bubble plots, mean age, equilibrium age composition,
#' sex-ratio, and ageing imprecision patterns.
#' @template replist
#' @param subplots vector controlling which subplots to create
#' Numbering of subplots is as follows,
#' \itemize{
#'   \item 1: Expected numbers at age
#'   \item 2: Mean age in the population
#'   \item 3: Fraction female in numbers at age
#'   \item 4: Equilibrium age distribution
#'   \item 5: Ageing imprecision: SD of observed age (plot using image() formerly
#' included in this group but now replaced by better distribution plots)
#'   \item 6: Expected numbers at length
#'   \item 7: Mean length in the population
#'   \item 8: Fraction female in numbers at length
#'   \item 9: no plot yet
#'   \item 10: Distribution of observed age at true age by ageing error type
#' }
#' @template plot
#' @template print
#' @param numbers.unit Units for numbers. Default (based on typical Stock Synthesis
#' setup) is thousands (numbers.unit=1000).
#' @param areas optional subset of areas to plot for spatial models
#' @param areanames names for areas. Default is to use Area1, Area2,...
#' @template areacols
#' @param pntscalar maximum bubble size for bubble plots; each plot scaled
#' independently based on this maximum size and the values plotted. Often some
#' plots look better with one value and others with a larger or smaller value.
#' Default=2.6
#' @param bub.bg background color for bubbles
#' (no control over black border at this time)
#' @param bublegend Add legend with example bubble sizes?
#' @param period indicator of whether to make plots using numbers at age just
#' from the beginning ("B") or middle of the year ("M") (new option starting
#' with SSv3.11)
#' @param meanlines add lines for mean age or length on top of bubble plots
#' @param add add to existing plot? (not yet implemented)
#' @template labels
#' @template pwidth
#' @template pheight
#' @template punits
#' @template ptsize
#' @template res
#' @template cex.main
#' @template plotdir
#' @template mainTitle
#' @template verbose
#' @author Ian Stewart, Ian Taylor
#' @export
#' @seealso [SS_output()], [SS_plots()]
SSplotNumbers <-
  function(replist, subplots = c(1:10),
           plot = TRUE, print = FALSE,
           numbers.unit = 1000,
           areas = "all",
           areanames = "default",
           areacols = NULL,
           pntscalar = 2.6,
           bub.bg = gray(0.5, alpha = 0.5),
           bublegend = TRUE,
           period = c("B", "M"),
           meanlines = TRUE,
           add = FALSE,
           labels = c(
             "Year", # 1
             "Age", # 2
             "True age (yr)", # 3
             "SD of observed age (yr)", # 4
             "Mean observed age (yr)", # 5
             "Mean age (yr)", # 6
             "mean age in the population", # 7
             "Ageing imprecision", # 8
             "Numbers at age at equilibrium", # 9
             "Equilibrium age distribution", # 10
             "Fraction female in numbers at age", # 11
             "Length", # 12
             "Mean length (cm)", # 13
             "mean length (cm) in the population", # 14
             "expected numbers at age", # 15
             "Beginning of year", # 16
             "Middle of year", # 17
             "expected numbers at length", # 18
             # 19 below is out of order, runumbering others would be tedious
             "Fraction female in numbers at length"
           ), # 19
           pwidth = 6.5, pheight = 6.5, punits = "in", res = 300, ptsize = 10,
           cex.main = 1,
           plotdir = "default",
           mainTitle = FALSE,
           verbose = TRUE) {
    # table to store information on each plot
    plotinfo <- NULL

    natage <- replist[["natage"]]
    if (is.null(natage)) {
        "Skipped some plots because NUMBERS_AT_AGE unavailable\n",
        " in the report file. The starter file may be set to produce\n",
        " limited report detail."
    } else {
      # get stuff from replist
      ngpatterns <- max(natage[["Bio_Pattern"]])
      natlen <- replist[["natlen"]]
      nsexes <- replist[["nsexes"]]
      nareas <- replist[["nareas"]]
      nseasons <- replist[["nseasons"]]
      spawnseas <- replist[["spawnseas"]]
      morph_indexing <- replist[["morph_indexing"]]
      accuage <- replist[["accuage"]]
      agebins <- replist[["agebins"]]
      endyr <- replist[["endyr"]]
      N_ageerror_defs <- replist[["N_ageerror_defs"]]
      AAK <- replist[["AAK"]]
      age_error_mean <- replist[["age_error_mean"]]
      age_error_sd <- replist[["age_error_sd"]]
      lbinspop <- replist[["lbinspop"]]
      nlbinspop <- replist[["nlbinspop"]]
      mainmorphs <- replist[["mainmorphs"]]
      SS_versionNumeric <- replist[["SS_versionNumeric"]]

      if (plotdir == "default") {
        plotdir <- replist[["inputs"]][["dir"]]

      if (areas[1] == "all") {
        areas <- 1:nareas
      } else {
        if (length(intersect(areas, 1:nareas)) != length(areas)) {
          stop("Input 'areas' should be 'all' or a vector of values between 1 and nareas.")
      if (areanames[1] == "default") {
        areanames <- paste0("area", 1:nareas)

      # set default area-specific colors if not specified
      areacols <- get_areacols(areacols, nareas)

      if (SS_versionNumeric <= 3.1) {
        stop("numbers at age plots no longer supported for SS version 3.10 and earlier")

      # Numbers at age plots

      # combining across platoons/submorphs and growth patterns
      column1 <- 12
      if (SS_versionNumeric >= 3.30) {
        column1 <- 13
      remove <- -(1:(column1 - 1)) # removes first group of columns

      if ("Settlement" %in% names(natage)) {
        settlement <- unique(natage[["Settlement"]])
        if (length(settlement) > 1) {
          message("Numbers at age plots only show first settlement event")
      birth_seas_name <- grep("^BirthSeas", colnames(natage), value = TRUE)
      bseas <- unique(natage[[birth_seas_name]])
      if (length(bseas) > 1) {
        message("Numbers at age plots are for only the first birth season")
      if (ngpatterns > 1) {
          "Numbers at age plots may not deal correctly with growth patterns:",
          "no guarantees!"
      if (nseasons > 1) {
        message("Numbers at age plots are for season 1 only")
        # change plot labels for seasonal models
        labels[16] <- gsub(pattern = "of year", replacement = "of season 1", x = labels[16])
        labels[17] <- gsub(pattern = "of year", replacement = "of season 1", x = labels[17])
      for (iarea in areas) {
        for (iperiod in seq_along(period)) {
          for (m in 1:nsexes) {
            # warning! implementation of birthseasons may not be correct in this section
            # data frame to combine values across factors
            natagetemp_all <- natage[natage[["Area"]] == iarea &
              natage[["Sex"]] == m &
              natage[["Seas"]] == 1 &
              natage[["Era"]] != "VIRG" &
              !is.na(natage$"0") &
              natage[["Yr"]] < (endyr + 2) &
              natage[[birth_seas_name]] == min(bseas), ]
            # natage[["Bio_Pattern"]]==1,] # formerly filtered
            natagetemp_all <- natagetemp_all[natagetemp_all$"Beg/Mid" == period[iperiod], ]
            # create data frame with 0 values to fill across platoons/submorphs
            morphlist <- unique(natagetemp_all[["Platoon"]])
            natagetemp0 <- natagetemp_all[natagetemp_all[["Platoon"]] == morphlist[1] &
              natagetemp_all[["Bio_Pattern"]] == 1, ]
            for (iage in 0:accuage) {
              # matrix of zeros for upcoming calculations
              natagetemp0[, column1 + iage] <- 0

            for (imorph in seq_along(morphlist)) {
              for (igp in 1:ngpatterns) {
                natagetemp_imorph_igp <-
                  natagetemp_all[natagetemp_all[["Platoon"]] == morphlist[imorph] &
                    natagetemp_all[["Bio_Pattern"]] == igp, ]
                natagetemp0[, column1 + 0:accuage] <-
                  natagetemp0[, column1 + 0:accuage] +
                  natagetemp_imorph_igp[, column1 + 0:accuage]
              } # end growth pattern loop
            } # end morph loop
            if (ngpatterns > 0) {
              natagetemp0[["Bio_Pattern"]] == 999

            nyrsplot <- nrow(natagetemp0)
            resx <- rep(natagetemp0[["Yr"]], accuage + 1)
            resy <- NULL
            for (i in 0:accuage) {
              resy <- c(resy, rep(i, nyrsplot))
            resz <- NULL
            for (i in column1 + 0:accuage) {
              # numbers here are scaled by units
              resz <- c(resz, numbers.unit * natagetemp0[, i])

            # clean up big numbers
            units <- ""
            if (max(resz, na.rm = TRUE) > 1e9) {
              resz <- resz / 1e9
              units <- "billion"
            if (max(resz, na.rm = TRUE) > 1e6 & units == "") {
              resz <- resz / 1e6
              units <- "million"
            if (max(resz, na.rm = TRUE) > 1e3 & units == "") {
              resz <- resz / 1e3
              units <- "thousand"
            # assign unique name to data frame for area, sex (beginning of year only)
            if (iperiod == 1) {
              assign(paste0("natagetemp0area", iarea, "sex", m), natagetemp0)
            if (m == 1 & nsexes == 1) sextitle <- ""
            if (m == 1 & nsexes == 2) sextitle <- " of females"
            if (m == 2) sextitle <- " of males"
            if (nareas > 1) sextitle <- paste0(sextitle, " in ", areanames[iarea])
            if (!period[iperiod] %in% c("B", "M")) {
              stop("'period' input to SSplotNumbers should include only 'B' or 'M'")
            if (period[iperiod] == "B") {
              periodtitle <- labels[16]
              fileperiod <- "_beg"
            if (period[iperiod] == "M") {
              periodtitle <- labels[17]
              fileperiod <- "_mid"
            # title for use in title or caption
            plottitle1 <- paste0(
              periodtitle, " ", labels[15], sextitle,
              " in (max ~ ", format(round(max(resz, na.rm = TRUE), 1), nsmall = 1),
              " ", units, ")"
            # title if requested
            main <- ""
            if (mainTitle) {
              main <- plottitle1

            ### calculations related to mean age

            # removing the first columns to get just numbers
            natagetemp1 <- as.matrix(natagetemp0[, remove])
            ages <- 0:accuage
            natagetemp2 <- as.data.frame(natagetemp1)
            natagetemp2[["sum"]] <- as.vector(apply(natagetemp1, 1, sum))

            # remove rows with 0 fish (i.e. no growth pattern in this area)
            natagetemp0 <- natagetemp0[natagetemp2[["sum"]] > 0, ]
            natagetemp1 <- natagetemp1[natagetemp2[["sum"]] > 0, ]
            natagetemp2 <- natagetemp2[natagetemp2[["sum"]] > 0, ]
            prodmat <- t(natagetemp1) * ages

            prodsum <- as.vector(apply(prodmat, 2, sum))
            natagetemp2[["sumprod"]] <- prodsum
            natagetemp2[["meanage"]] <-
              natagetemp2[["sumprod"]] / natagetemp2[["sum"]] - (natagetemp0[[birth_seas_name]] - 1) / nseasons
            natageyrs <- sort(unique(natagetemp0[["Yr"]]))
            if (iperiod == 1) {
              natageyrsB <- natageyrs # unique name for beginning of year
            meanage <- 0 * natageyrs

            for (i in seq_along(natageyrs)) {
              # averaging over values within a year (depending on birth season)
              meanage[i] <- sum(natagetemp2[["meanage"]][natagetemp0[["Yr"]] == natageyrs[i]] *
                natagetemp2[["sum"]][natagetemp0[["Yr"]] == natageyrs[i]]) /
                sum(natagetemp2[["sum"]][natagetemp0[["Yr"]] == natageyrs[i]])

            if (m == 1 & nsexes == 2) {
              meanagef <- meanage # save value for females in 2 sex models

            ylab <- labels[6]
            main <- ""
            plottitle2 <- paste(periodtitle, labels[7])
            if (nareas > 1) plottitle2 <- paste(plottitle2, "in", areanames[iarea])
            if (mainTitle) {
              main <- plottitle2
            ageBubble.fn <- function() {
              # bubble plot with line
                x = resx, y = resy, z = resz,
                xlab = labels[1], ylab = labels[2],
                legend = bublegend, bg.open = bub.bg,
                main = main, maxsize = (pntscalar + 1.0),
                las = 1, cex.main = cex.main, allopen = TRUE
              # add line for mean age
              if (meanlines & all(!is.nan(meanage))) {
                lines(natageyrs, meanage, col = "red", lwd = 3)
            meanAge.fn <- function() {
              # mean age for males and females
              ylim <- c(0, max(meanage, meanagef, na.rm = TRUE))
              plot(natageyrs, meanage,
                col = "blue", lty = 1, pch = 4, xlab = labels[1],
                ylim = ylim, type = "o", ylab = ylab, main = main, cex.main = cex.main
              points(natageyrs, meanagef, col = "red", lty = 2, pch = 1, type = "o")
                bty = "n", c("Females", "Males"), lty = c(2, 1),
                pch = c(1, 4), col = c("red", "blue")
            if (plot) {
              if (1 %in% subplots) ageBubble.fn()
              if (2 %in% subplots & m == 2 & nsexes == 2) {
            if (print) {
              filepartsex <- paste0("_sex", m)
              filepartarea <- ""
              if (nareas > 1) {
                filepartarea <- paste0("_", areanames[iarea])
              if (1 %in% subplots) {
                file <- paste0(
                  "numbers1", filepartarea, filepartsex,
                  fileperiod, ".png"
                caption <- plottitle1
                plotinfo <- save_png(
                  plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
                  pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
                  caption = caption
              # make 2-sex plot after looping over both sexes
              if (2 %in% subplots & m == 2 & nsexes == 2) {
                file <- paste0("numbers2_meanage", filepartarea,
                  fileperiod, ".png",
                  sep = ""
                caption <- plottitle2
                plotinfo <- save_png(
                  plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
                  pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
                  caption = caption
            } # end printing to PNG file
          } # end sex loop
        } # end period loop
      } # end area loop
      if (nsexes > 1) {
        for (iarea in areas) {
          plottitle3 <- paste0(labels[11], sep = "")
          if (nareas > 1) {
            plottitle3 <- paste0(plottitle3, " for ", areanames[iarea])
          main <- ""
          if (mainTitle) {
            main <- plottitle3
          # get objects that were assigned earlier
          natagef <- get(paste0("natagetemp0area", iarea, "sex", 1))
          natagem <- get(paste0("natagetemp0area", iarea, "sex", 2))
          natagefyrs <- natagef[["Yr"]]
          natageratio <- as.matrix(natagef[, remove] /
            (natagem[, remove] + natagef[, remove]))
          natageratio[is.nan(natageratio)] <- NA
          if (diff(range(natageratio, finite = TRUE)) != 0) {
            numbersRatioAge.fn <- function(...) {
              contour(natagefyrs, 0:accuage, natageratio,
                xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i",
                xlab = labels[1], ylab = labels[2], main = main,
                cex.main = cex.main, ...
            if (plot & 3 %in% subplots) {
              numbersRatioAge.fn(labcex = 1)
            if (print & 3 %in% subplots) {
              filepart <- ""
              if (nareas > 1) filepart <- paste0("_", areanames[iarea], filepart)
              file <- paste0("numbers3_frac_female_age", filepart, ".png")
              caption <- plottitle3
              plotinfo <- save_png(
                plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
                pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
                caption = caption
              numbersRatioAge.fn(labcex = 0.6)
          } else {
            if (verbose) {
                "skipped sex ratio contour plot because females=males ",
                "for all ages and years"
        } # end area loop
      } # end if nsexes>1

      # repeat code above for numbers at length (subplots 6, 7 and 8)
      if (length(intersect(6:8, subplots)) > 0 & !is.null(natlen) & all(!is.na(lbinspop))) {
        column1 <- column1 - 1 # because index of lengths starts at 1, not 0 as in ages

        for (iarea in areas) {
          for (iperiod in seq_along(period)) {
            for (m in 1:nsexes) {
              # warning! implementation of birthseasons may not be correct in this section
              # data frame to combine values across factors
              natlentemp_all <- natlen[natlen[["Area"]] == iarea &
                natlen[["Sex"]] == m &
                natlen[["Seas"]] == 1 &
                natlen[["Era"]] != "VIRG" &
                # natlen[["Era"]]!="FORE" &
                natlen[["Yr"]] < (endyr + 2) &
                natlen[[birth_seas_name]] == min(bseas), ]
              # natlen[["Bio_Pattern"]]==1,] # formerly filtered
              natlentemp_all <- natlentemp_all[natlentemp_all$"Beg/Mid" == period[iperiod], ]

              # create data frame with 0 values to fill across platoons/submorphs
              morphlist <- unique(natlentemp_all[["Platoon"]])
              natlentemp0 <- natlentemp_all[natlentemp_all[["Platoon"]] == morphlist[1] &
                natlentemp_all[["Bio_Pattern"]] == 1, ]
              for (ilen in 1:nlbinspop) {
                # matrix of zeros for upcoming calculations
                natlentemp0[, column1 + ilen] <- 0
              for (imorph in seq_along(morphlist)) {
                for (igp in 1:ngpatterns) {
                  natlentemp_imorph_igp <-
                    natlentemp_all[natlentemp_all[["Platoon"]] == morphlist[imorph] &
                      natlentemp_all[["Bio_Pattern"]] == igp, ]
                  natlentemp0[, column1 + 1:nlbinspop] <-
                    natlentemp0[, column1 + 1:nlbinspop] +
                    natlentemp_imorph_igp[, column1 + 1:nlbinspop]
                } # end growth pattern loop
              } # end morph loop
              if (ngpatterns > 0) natlentemp0[["Bio_Pattern"]] == 999

              nyrsplot <- nrow(natlentemp0)
              resx <- rep(natlentemp0[["Yr"]], nlbinspop)
              resy <- NULL
              for (ilen in 1:nlbinspop) resy <- c(resy, rep(lbinspop[ilen], nyrsplot))
              resz <- NULL
              for (ilen in column1 + 1:nlbinspop) {
                # numbers here are scaled by units
                resz <- c(resz, numbers.unit * natlentemp0[, ilen])

              # clean up big numbers
              units <- ""
              if (max(resz, na.rm = TRUE) > 1e9) {
                resz <- resz / 1e9
                units <- "billion"
              if (max(resz, na.rm = TRUE) > 1e6 & units == "") {
                resz <- resz / 1e6
                units <- "million"
              if (max(resz, na.rm = TRUE) > 1e3 & units == "") {
                resz <- resz / 1e3
                units <- "thousand"

              # assign unique name to data frame for area, sex
              assign(paste0("natlentemp0area", iarea, "sex", m), natlentemp0)

              if (m == 1 & nsexes == 1) sextitle <- ""
              if (m == 1 & nsexes == 2) sextitle <- " of females"
              if (m == 2) sextitle <- " of males"
              if (nareas > 1) sextitle <- paste0(sextitle, " in ", areanames[iarea])
              if (period[iperiod] == "B") {
                periodtitle <- labels[16]
              } else if (period[iperiod] == "M") {
                periodtitle <- labels[17]
              } else {
                stop("'period' input to SSplotNumbers should include only 'B' or 'M'")
              plottitle1 <- paste0(
                periodtitle, " ", labels[18], sextitle,
                " in (max ~ ", format(round(max(resz, na.rm = TRUE), 1), nsmall = 1),
                " ", units, ")"
              main <- ""
              if (mainTitle) {
                main <- plottitle1

              ### calculations related to mean len
              # removing the first columns to get just numbers
              natlentemp1 <- as.matrix(natlentemp0[, remove])
              natlentemp2 <- as.data.frame(natlentemp1)
              natlentemp2[["sum"]] <- as.vector(apply(natlentemp1, 1, sum))

              # remove rows with 0 fish (i.e. no growth pattern in this area)
              natlentemp0 <- natlentemp0[natlentemp2[["sum"]] > 0, ]
              natlentemp1 <- natlentemp1[natlentemp2[["sum"]] > 0, ]
              natlentemp2 <- natlentemp2[natlentemp2[["sum"]] > 0, ]
              prodmat <- t(natlentemp1) * lbinspop

              prodsum <- as.vector(apply(prodmat, 2, sum))
              natlentemp2[["sumprod"]] <- prodsum
              natlentemp2[["meanlen"]] <-
                natlentemp2[["sumprod"]] / natlentemp2[["sum"]] - (natlentemp0[[birth_seas_name]] - 1) / nseasons
              natlenyrs <- sort(unique(natlentemp0[["Yr"]]))
              if (iperiod == 1) {
                natlenyrsB <- natlenyrs # unique name for years associated with period=="B"

              meanlen <- 0 * natlenyrs
              for (i in seq_along(natlenyrs)) {
                # averaging over values within a year (depending on birth season)
                meanlen[i] <-
                  sum(natlentemp2[["meanlen"]][natlentemp0[["Yr"]] == natlenyrs[i]] *
                    natlentemp2[["sum"]][natlentemp0[["Yr"]] == natlenyrs[i]]) /
                    sum(natlentemp2[["sum"]][natlentemp0[["Yr"]] == natlenyrs[i]])

              if (m == 1 & nsexes == 2) {
                meanlenf <- meanlenf <- meanlen # save value for females in 2 sex models

              ylab <- labels[13]
              plottitle2 <- paste(periodtitle, labels[14])
              if (nareas > 1) plottitle2 <- paste(plottitle2, "in", areanames[iarea])
              main <- ""
              if (mainTitle) {
                main <- plottitle2

              lenBubble.fn <- function() {
                # bubble plot with line
                  x = resx, y = resy, z = resz,
                  xlab = labels[1], ylab = labels[12],
                  legend = bublegend, bg.open = bub.bg,
                  main = main, maxsize = (pntscalar + 1.0),
                  las = 1, cex.main = cex.main, allopen = TRUE
                # add line for mean length
                if (meanlines & all(!is.nan(meanlen))) {
                  lines(natlenyrs, meanlen, col = "red", lwd = 3)
              meanLen.fn <- function() {
                # mean length for males and females
                ylim <- c(0, max(meanlen, meanlenf))
                plot(natlenyrs, meanlen,
                  col = "blue", lty = 1, pch = 4, xlab = labels[1], ylim = ylim,
                  type = "o", ylab = ylab, main = main, cex.main = cex.main
                points(natlenyrs, meanlenf, col = "red", lty = 2, pch = 1, type = "o")
                  bty = "n", c("Females", "Males"),
                  lty = c(2, 1), pch = c(1, 4), col = c("red", "blue")
              if (plot) {
                if (6 %in% subplots) lenBubble.fn()
                if (7 %in% subplots & m == 2 & nsexes == 2) meanLen.fn()
              if (print) {
                filepartsex <- paste0("_sex", m)
                filepartarea <- ""
                if (nareas > 1) {
                  filepartarea <- paste0("_", areanames[iarea])
                if (6 %in% subplots) {
                  file <- paste0(
                    "numbers6_len", filepartarea,
                    filepartsex, ".png"
                  caption <- plottitle1
                  plotinfo <- save_png(
                    plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
                    pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
                    caption = caption
                # make 2-sex plot after looping over both sexes
                if (7 %in% subplots & m == 2 & nsexes == 2) {
                  file <- paste0("numbers7_meanlen", filepartarea, ".png")
                  caption <- plottitle2
                  plotinfo <- save_png(
                    plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
                    pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
                    caption = caption
              } # end printing of plot 14
            } # end sex loop
          } # end period loop
        } # end area loop

        if (nsexes > 1) {
          for (iarea in areas) {
            # get objects that were assigned earlier
            natlenf <- get(paste0("natlentemp0area", iarea, "sex", 1))
            natlenm <- get(paste0("natlentemp0area", iarea, "sex", 2))
            natlenratio <- as.matrix(natlenf[, remove] /
              (natlenm[, remove] + natlenf[, remove]))
            if (diff(range(natlenratio, finite = TRUE)) != 0) {
              main <- ""
              caption <- labels[19]
              if (nareas > 1) {
                caption <- paste0(main, " for ", areanames[iarea])
              if (mainTitle) {
                main <- caption
              numbersRatioLen.fn <- function(...) {
                z <- natlenratio
                # check for mismatch that caused crash in one particular model
                # note from Ian (11/1/2018): taking too long to sort this out so
                #                            just skipping the plot for the rare case
                #                            that has the error
                if (length(natlenyrsB) == nrow(z)) {
                  contour(natlenyrsB, lbinspop, z,
                    xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", xlab = labels[1], ylab = labels[12],
                    main = main, cex.main = cex.main, ...
                } else {
                    "Skipping plot of sex ratio by length and year\n  ",
                    "due to mismatch in length of table and vector of years.\n  ",
                    "This may be due to 0 values in the table."
              if (plot & 8 %in% subplots) {
                numbersRatioLen.fn(labcex = 1)
              if (print & 8 %in% subplots) {
                filepart <- ""
                if (nareas > 1) {
                  filepart <- paste0("_", areanames[iarea], filepart)
                file <- paste0("numbers8_frac_female_len", filepart, ".png")
                caption <- caption
                plotinfo <- save_png(
                  plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
                  pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
                  caption = caption
                numbersRatioLen.fn(labcex = 0.6)
            } else {
              if (verbose) {
                  "skipped sex ratio contour plot because females=males",
                  " for all lengths and years"
          } # end area loop
        } # end if nsexes>1
      } # end numbers at length plots

      # plot of equilibrium age composition by sex and area
      equilibfun <- function() {
        # subset to unfished equilibrium
        equilage <- natage[natage[["Era"]] == "VIRG", ]
        # remove rows with all zeros
        equilage <- equilage[as.vector(apply(equilage[, remove], 1, sum)) > 0, ]
        # figure out birth season / spawning seaso
        BirthSeas <- spawnseas
        if (!(spawnseas %in% bseas)) BirthSeas <- min(bseas)
        if (length(bseas) > 1) {
          message("showing equilibrium age for first birth season", BirthSeas)

        # sort out plot title
        main <- ""
        if (mainTitle) {
          main <- labels[10]

        ymax <- max(equilage[
          equilage[[birth_seas_name]] == BirthSeas &
            equilage[["Seas"]] == BirthSeas &
            equilage[["Beg/Mid"]] == "B",
          type = "n", xlim = c(0, accuage),
          ylim = c(0, 1.05 * ymax),
          xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", xlab = "Age", ylab = labels[9],
          main = main, cex.main = cex.main

        # now fill in legend
        legendlty <- NULL
        legendcol <- NULL
        legendlegend <- NULL
        for (iarea in areas) {
          for (m in 1:nsexes) {
            # subset to beginning of the year and birth season within each area and sex
            equilagetemp <- equilage[equilage[["Area"]] == iarea &
              equilage[["Sex"]] == m &
              equilage[[birth_seas_name]] == BirthSeas &
              equilage[["Seas"]] == BirthSeas &
              equilage[["Beg/Mid"]] == "B", ]
            # subset to columns with numbers at age values only
            equilagetemp <- equilagetemp[, remove]
            if (nrow(equilagetemp) == 1) {
              lines(0:accuage, equilagetemp, lty = m, lwd = 3, col = areacols[iarea])
            } else {
                x = 0:accuage, y = t(equilagetemp), type = "l",
                lty = m, lwd = 3, col = areacols[iarea], add = TRUE
                "Multiple matching lines in equilibrium plot indicate multiple ",
                "morphs or platoons within each area/sex combination."
            legendlty <- c(legendlty, m)
            legendcol <- c(legendcol, areacols[iarea])

            if (m == 1 & nsexes == 1) sextitle <- ""
            if (m == 1 & nsexes == 2) sextitle <- "Females"
            if (m == 2) sextitle <- "Males"
            if (nareas > 1) {
              sextitle <- paste0(sextitle, " in ", areanames[iarea])
            legendlegend <- c(legendlegend, sextitle)
        if (length(legendlegend) > 1) {
          legend("topright", legend = legendlegend, col = legendcol, lty = legendlty, lwd = 3)

      if (plot & 4 %in% subplots) {
      if (print & 4 %in% subplots) {
        file <- "numbers4_equilagecomp.png"
        caption <- labels[10]
        plotinfo <- save_png(
          plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
          pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
          caption = caption
      } # end print to PNG

      # plot the ageing imprecision for all age methods
      if (!is.null(N_ageerror_defs) && N_ageerror_defs > 0) {
        xvals <- age_error_sd[["age"]] + 0.5
        yvals <- age_error_sd[, -1]
        ylim <- c(0, max(yvals))
        if (N_ageerror_defs == 1) {
          colvec <- "black"
        } else {
          colvec <- rich.colors.short(N_ageerror_defs)

        main <- ""
        if (mainTitle) {
          main <- labels[8]

        ageingfun <- function() {
          matplot(xvals, yvals,
            ylim = ylim, type = "o", pch = 1, lty = 1, col = colvec,
            xlab = labels[3], ylab = labels[4], main = main, cex.main = cex.main
          abline(h = 0, col = "grey") # grey line at 0
            bty = "n", pch = 1, lty = 1, col = colvec,
            # more columns for crazy models like hake with many ageing matrices
            ncol = ifelse(N_ageerror_defs < 20, 1, 2),
            legend = paste("Ageing method", 1:N_ageerror_defs)

        # check for bias in ageing error pattern
        ageingbias <- age_error_mean[, -1] - (age_error_mean[["age"]] + 0.5)

        if (mean(ageingbias == 0) != 1) {
          ageingfun2 <- function() {
            yvals <- age_error_mean[, -1]
            ylim <- c(0, max(yvals))
            matplot(xvals, yvals,
              ylim = ylim, type = "o", pch = 1, lty = 1, col = colvec,
              xlab = labels[3], ylab = labels[5], main = main
            abline(h = 0, col = "grey") # grey line at 0
            abline(0, 1, col = "grey") # grey line with slope = 1
              bty = "n", pch = 1, lty = 1, col = colvec,
              # more columns for crazy models like hake with many ageing matrices
              ncol = ifelse(N_ageerror_defs < 20, 1, 2),
              legend = paste("Ageing method", 1:N_ageerror_defs)

        # run functions to make requested plots
        if (plot & 5 %in% subplots) {
          # make plots of age error standard deviations
          # make plots of age error means
          if (mean(ageingbias == 0) != 1) ageingfun2()
        if (print & 5 %in% subplots) {
          # make files with plots of age error standard deviations
          file <- "numbers5_ageerrorSD.png"
          caption <- paste0(labels[8], ": ", labels[4])
          plotinfo <- save_png(
            plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
            pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
            caption = caption

          # make files with plots of age error means
          if (mean(ageingbias == 0) != 1) {
            file <- "numbers5_ageerrorMeans.png"
            caption <- paste0(labels[8], ": ", labels[5])
            plotinfo <- save_png(
              plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
              pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
              caption = caption
        } # end print to PNG

        if (10 %in% subplots) {
          # newer plot of ageing matrix as histogram-style figure
          plotinfo.tmp <- SSplotAgeMatrix(
            replist = replist, option = 2,
            plot = plot, print = print,
            plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
            pheight = pheight, punits = punits,
            res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
            cex.main = cex.main,
            mainTitle = mainTitle
          plotinfo <- rbind(plotinfo, plotinfo.tmp)
      } # end if AAK
    } # end if data available
    if (!is.null(plotinfo)) plotinfo[["category"]] <- "Numbers"
  } # end function
r4ss/r4ss documentation built on April 30, 2024, 4:42 a.m.