getTaxData: Taxonomic Classification Taxonomic classification matched to...

Description Usage Format


Taxonomic Classification

Taxonomic classification matched to scientific names




A dim = 3548 x 11 data.table data.frame:

[,1] sppCorr character insert_description_here
[,2] taxLvl character the most specific level of classification indicated by spp
[,3] species character the species name of the species
[,4] genus character the genus of the species
[,5] family character taxonomic family
[,6] order character taxonomic order
[,7] class character taxonomic class
[,8] superclass character taxonomic superclass
[,9] subphylum character taxonomic subphylum
[,10] phylum character insert_description_here
[,11] kingdom character taxonomic kingdom

rBatt/trawlData documentation built on May 26, 2019, 7:45 p.m.