Man pages for rBatt/trawlData
Read and Clean Data from Bottom Trawl Surveys

add_gridAdd Gridded Data
calcareaCalculate Area
check_stratCheck Strata
clean.aiClean Aleutian Islands Clean data from the Aleutian Islands...
clean.columnsClean Columns
clean.ebsClean Eastern Berring Sea Clean data set for the Eastern...
clean.formatClean Format
clean.gmexClean Gulf of Mexico Clean data set for the Gulf of Mexico...
clean.goaClean Gulf of Alaska Clean data set for the Gulf of Alaska...
clean.namesClean Names
clean.neusClean Northeast US Clean data set for the Northeast US bottom...
clean.newfClean Newfoundland Clean data set for the Newfoundland bottom...
clean.saClean South Atlantic (Southeast US) Clean data set for the...
clean.sgulfClean Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Clean data set for the...
clean.shelfClean Scotian Shelf Clean data set for the Scotian Shelf...
clean.taxClean Taxonomy
clean.trimColClean by Triming Columns
clean.trimRowClean by Indicating Rows to Trim
clean.wcannClean West Coast Annual Clean data set for the West Coast...
clean.wctriClean West Coast Triennial Clean data set for the West Coast...
cullCull Bad Species Characters
depthETOPO Depth
fill.meanFill Mean
fread.fwfFWF Fread
getCmmnGet Common
getCmmnDataCommon Names Species's common names matched to scientific...
getDateGet Date
getSeasonGet Season
getSppGet Species Lookup, and correct, species names
getSppDataSpp Names Scientific names matched to raw taxonomic name...
getTaxGet Taxonomy
getTaxDataTaxonomic Classification Taxonomic classification matched to...
HadISSTHadISST Surface Temperatures
is.speciesIs Species
ll2kmLon Lat to km
ll2stratLon lat to strat
luLength Unique
makeAsciiCharMake it an ASCII 'Character'
match.tblMatch Table
meannaMean NA
mpickSubsetting by picking random levels from multiple factors
orderD1Order Dimension 1
pickPick example values
plot_checkPlot Check
raw.aiRaw Aleutian Islands Raw data from the Aleutian Islands...
raw.ebsRaw Eastern Berring Sea Raw data set for the Eastern Berring...
raw.gmexRaw Gulf of Mexico Raw data set for the Gulf of Mexico bottom...
raw.goaRaw Gulf of Alaska Raw data set for the Gulf of Alaska bottom...
raw.neusRaw Northeast US Raw data set for the Northeast US bottom...
raw.newfRaw Newfoundland Raw data set for the Newfoundland bottom...
raw.saRaw South Atlantic (Southeast US) Raw data set for the South...
raw.sgulfRaw Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Raw data set for the...
raw.shelfRaw Scotian Shelf Raw data set for the Scotian Shelf bottom...
raw.wcannRaw West Coast Annual Raw data set for the West Coast Annual...
raw.wctriRaw West Coast Triennial Raw data set for the West Coast...
read.trawlRead Trawl
read.zipRead Zip
rm9sRemove 9's
rmWhiteRemove White Space
roundGridRound Grid
s2cString to call
SODASODA Gridded SODA bottom temperatures
spp.corr1Corrected Species Names (legacy) Species names that had been...
sppImgSpecies Image
spp.keySpecies Key Key to taxonomic and ecological information for...
sumnaSum NA
taxInfoTaxonomic Information (legacy) Taxonomic classification and...
trawlAggAggregate Trawl Data
trawlCastCast Trawl
trawlTrimTrim Trawl Data
trim.autoColumnTrim Automatic Columns
unaUnique non-NA
wtAvgWeighted Average, NA
rBatt/trawlData documentation built on May 26, 2019, 7:45 p.m.