raw.wctri: Raw West Coast Triennial Raw data set for the West Coast...

Description Usage Format


Raw West Coast Triennial

Raw data set for the West Coast Triennial bottom trawl survey




A dim = 108138 x 42 data.table data.frame:

[,1] SPECIES_CODE integer cleans up to SID, species identification number
[,2] CRUISEJOIN integer insert_description_here
[,3] HAULJOIN integer insert_description_here
[,4] REGION character insert_description_here
[,5] VESSEL integer cleans up to vessel, vessel ID
[,6] CRUISE integer cleans up to cruise, cruise ID
[,7] HAUL integer cleans up to haul, the integer haul number within a cruise
[,8] CATCHJOIN integer insert_description_here
[,9] WEIGHT numeric cleans up to weight, the weight (mass) of all items in the net (may be extrapolated)
[,10] NUMBER_FISH integer cleans up to cnt, number of individuals in the whole net (may be extrapolated)
[,11] SUBSAMPLE_CODE logical insert_description_here
[,12] VOUCHER integer insert_description_here
[,13] AUDITJOIN integer insert_description_here
[,14] HAUL_TYPE integer insert_description_here
[,15] PERFORMANCE numeric insert_description_here
[,16] START_TIME character cleans up to datetime, the day and time of the haul
[,17] DURATION numeric cleans up to towduration, the duration (time) for the tow
[,18] DISTANCE_FISHED numeric insert_description_here
[,19] NET_WIDTH numeric cleans up to gearsize, the dimension of the gear; for trawl net, the width of the mouth in ft
[,20] NET_MEASURED character insert_description_here
[,21] NET_HEIGHT numeric insert_description_here
[,22] STRATUM integer cleans up to stratum, the statistical stratum of the haul
[,23] START_LATITUDE numeric insert_description_here
[,24] END_LATITUDE numeric insert_description_here
[,25] START_LONGITUDE numeric insert_description_here
[,26] END_LONGITUDE numeric insert_description_here
[,27] STATIONID character cleans up to station, the station ID for the haul
[,28] GEAR_DEPTH integer insert_description_here
[,29] BOTTOM_DEPTH integer cleans up to depth, the maximum depth of the water at the location of the haul
[,30] BOTTOM_TYPE character insert_description_here
[,31] SURFACE_TEMPERATURE numeric cleans up to stemp, water temperature at the surface at the location of the haul
[,32] GEAR_TEMPERATURE numeric cleans up to btemp, water temperature at the bottom at the location of the haul
[,33] WIRE_LENGTH integer insert_description_here
[,34] GEAR character cleans up to geartype, code for the type of gear used
[,35] ACCESSORIES character insert_description_here
[,36] SUBSAMPLE character insert_description_here
[,37] SPECIES_NAME character cleans up to spp, species scientific name; Genus species
[,38] COMMON_NAME character cleans up to common, the common name of the organism sampled
[,39] REVISION character insert_description_here
[,40] BS character insert_description_here
[,41] GOA character insert_description_here
[,42] WC character insert_description_here

rBatt/trawlData documentation built on May 26, 2019, 7:45 p.m.