Species Key
Key to taxonomic and ecological information for all species surveyed
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A dim = 7146 x 27 data.table data.frame:
[,1] | ref | character | reference taxonomic ID from raw data |
[,2] | val.src | character | indicates the degree of 'fuzziness' required to find a match to ref in a data.base of taxonomic information; m1 indicates perfect match, m2 indicates that capitalization, whitespace, etc (see cull ) needed to be adjusted, m3 indicates that agrep was used, and m4 means that measures in both m2 and m3 were taken to find the match. See match.tbl . |
[,3] | tbl.row | integer | the row in the taxonomic data base where a match was found. See match.tbl . |
[,4] | mtch.src | integer | the database containing the match; 1 is taxInfo, 2 is spp.corr1, 3 is getSppData; if matches are found in multiple sources, a match to 1 takes precedence over 1 & 2, and 2 over 3. See match.tbl . |
[,5] | tax.src | character | informs source of taxonomic correction of ref to spp and other tax info; is taxInfo if found from manually checked spreadsheet |
[,6] | spp | character | species scientific name; Genus species |
[,7] | common | character | the common name of the organism sampled |
[,8] | taxLvl | character | the most specific level of classification indicated by spp |
[,9] | species | character | the species name of the species |
[,10] | genus | character | the genus of the species |
[,11] | family | character | taxonomic family |
[,12] | order | character | taxonomic order |
[,13] | class | character | taxonomic class |
[,14] | superclass | character | taxonomic superclass |
[,15] | subphylum | character | taxonomic subphylum |
[,16] | phylum | character | insert_description_here |
[,17] | kingdom | character | taxonomic kingdom |
[,18] | trophicDiet | character | source of trophic level from Fish Base or Sea Life Base; 'y' means it was from this source |
[,19] | trophicOrig | character | from Fish Base or Sea Life Base; was the trophic level estimated from an 'Original sample'? |
[,20] | Picture | character | Is there a picture of this critter assoicated with the package? Note: this isn't always accurate |
[,21] | trophicLevel | numeric | the trophic level from Fish Base or Sea Life Base |
[,22] | trophicLevel.se | numeric | the standard error of the trophic level |
[,23] | tax.src2 | character | informs source of taxonomic correct; the name of a source of taxonomic information other than taxInfo (other than manual entries) |
[,24] | conflict | logical | for a given 'spp' value in spp.key, was there a conflict in the other taxonomic columns? E.g., a single spp corresponding to multiple common names; also TRUE if different ref values were found in different databases (affecting the val.src, tbl.row, mtch.src, tax.src, etc columns), but then the refs converged to same spp -- that would not necessarily be an error, but might deserve checking |
[,25] | flag | character | flag related to correcting taxonomic information; relates to automated input, potential errors, and signature of people or methods that have made corrections to spp.key |
[,26] | website | character | URL reference for taxonomic information |
[,27] | website2 | character | secondary URL reference for taxonomic information; often used when website finds the name for a spp name as entered, but website2 points to the most up-to-date scientific name |
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