Raw West Coast Annual
Raw data set for the West Coast Annual bottom trawl survey
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A dim = 217514 x 19 data.table data.frame:
[,1] | Trawl Id | integer64 | cleans up to haulid , a unique identifier for the haul; vessel ID - cruise ID - haul number |
[,2] | Species | character | cleans up to spp , species scientific name; Genus species |
[,3] | Haul Weight (kg) | numeric | cleans up to weight , the weight (mass) of all items in the net (may be extrapolated) |
[,4] | Individual Average Weight (kg) | numeric | insert_description_here |
[,5] | Survey | character | insert_description_here |
[,6] | Survey Cycle | character | cleans up to year , year of haul |
[,7] | Vessel | character | cleans up to vessel , vessel ID |
[,8] | Cruise Leg | integer | insert_description_here |
[,9] | Trawl Performance | character | insert_description_here |
[,10] | Trawl Date | character | cleans up to date , date of the tow |
[,11] | Trawl Start Time | character | cleans up to datetime , the day and time of the haul |
[,12] | Best Latitude (dd) | numeric | cleans up to lat , latitude of the haul |
[,13] | Best Longitude (dd) | numeric | cleans up to lon , longitude of the haul, in western hemisphere degrees (for lon > 0, do lon-360) |
[,14] | Best Position Type | character | insert_description_here |
[,15] | Best Depth (m) | numeric | cleans up to depth , the maximum depth of the water at the location of the haul |
[,16] | Best Depth Type | character | insert_description_here |
[,17] | Trawl Duration (min) | numeric | cleans up to towduration , the duration (time) for the tow |
[,18] | Area Swept by the Net (hectares) | numeric | insert_description_here |
[,19] | Temperature At the Gear (degs C) | numeric | cleans up to btemp , water temperature at the bottom at the location of the haul |
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