
Defines functions qpCov .qpCliqueNumberOstergard .qpCliqueNumberLowerBound .qpFastHTF .qpFastIPF .qpFastPACSE .qpFastUpdateCliquesRemoving .qpFastCliquerGetCliques .qpFastEdgeNrrHMGM .qpFastEdgeNrr .qpFastNrrIdenticalQsPar .qpFastNrrPar .qpFastNrrIdenticalQs .qpFastNrr clPrCall .qpIsPackageInstalled .qpIsPackageLoaded .qpFilterByGO .qpIPFstep .qpIPFpass .qpEdgePACSE qpPlotMap qpPlotNetwork qpTopPairs .qpFunctionalCoherence qpImportNrr qpPRscoreThreshold qpPrecisionRecall qpK2ParCor .qpPCC .qpPAC qpHTF qpIPF qpUpdateCliquesRemoving qpGetCliques qpBoundary qpClique qpCliqueNumber qpGraphDensity qpAnyGraph .old_qpGraph qpHist .qpEdgeNrrHMGM .qpEdgeNrrIdenticalQs .qpEdgeNrr .processParameters .qpGenNrr .qpAvgNrr .qpNrrIdenticalQs .qpNrr

Documented in qpAnyGraph qpBoundary qpClique qpCliqueNumber qpCov qpGetCliques qpGraphDensity qpHist qpHTF qpImportNrr qpIPF qpK2ParCor qpPlotMap qpPlotNetwork qpPrecisionRecall qpPRscoreThreshold qpTopPairs qpUpdateCliquesRemoving

## qpgraph package - this R code implements functions to learn qp-graphs from
##                   data, to estimate partial correlations, simulate undirected Gaussian
##                   graphical models and deal with microarray and genetic data in order
##                   to build network models of molecular regulation
## Copyright (C) 2008-2014 R. Castelo and A. Roverato, with contributions from Inma Tur.
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, you can obtain one via WWW at
## http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html, or by writing to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

## function: qpNrr
## purpose: estimate non-rejection rates for every pair of variables
## parameters: X - data set from where to estimate the non-rejection rates
##             q - partial-correlation order to be employed
##             I - indexes or names of the variables in X that are discrete
##             restrict.Q - indexes or names of variables to which the conditioning
##                          subsets Q should be restricted. this can be a logical
##                          squared matrix indicating differerent restriction subsets
##                          per variable row-wise
##             fix.Q - indexes or names of variables that should be fixed within
##                     every conditioning subset Q
##             nTests - number of tests for each pair of variables
##             alpha - significance level of each test (Type-I error probability)
##             pairup.i - subset of vertices to pair up with subset pairup.j
##             pairup.j - subset of vertices to pair up with subset pairup.i
##             long.dim.are.variables - if TRUE it assumes that when the data is
##                                      a data frame or a matrix, the longer
##                                      dimension is the one defining the random
##                                      variables, if FALSE then random variables
##                                      are assumed to be at the columns
##             verbose - show progress on the calculations
##             identicalQs - use identical conditioning subsets for all pairs
##                           of variables
##             exact.test - employ an exact test when I!=NULL
##             R.code.only - flag set to FALSE when using the C implementation
##             clusterSize - size of the cluster of processors to do calculations
##                           in parallel via 'snow' and 'rlecuyer'
## return: a matrix with the estimates of the non-rejection rates

## X comes as an ExpressionSet object
setMethod("qpNrr", signature(X="ExpressionSet"),
          function(X, q=1, restrict.Q=NULL, fix.Q=NULL, nTests=100,
                   alpha=0.05, pairup.i=NULL, pairup.j=NULL, verbose=TRUE,
                   identicalQs=TRUE, exact.test=TRUE, use=c("complete.obs", "em"),
                   tol=0.01, R.code.only=FALSE, clusterSize=1, estimateTime=FALSE,
                   nAdj2estimateTime=10) {

            use <- match.arg(use)

            p <- as.integer(nrow(X))
            h <- as.integer(ncol(Biobase::pData(X)))
            pNames <- colnames(Biobase::pData(X))

            startTime <- c(user.self=0, sys.self=0, elapsed=0, user.child=0, sys.child=0)
            class(startTime) <- "proc_time"
            if (estimateTime)
              startTime <- proc.time()

            if (clusterSize > 1 && R.code.only)
              stop("Using a cluster (clusterSize > 1) only works with R.code.only=FALSE\n")

            if (clusterSize > 1 &&
               (!.qpIsPackageLoaded("rlecuyer") || !.qpIsPackageLoaded("snow")))
              stop("Using a cluster (clusterSize > 1) requires first loading packages 'snow' and 'rlecuyer'\n")

            XP <- matrix(NA, nrow=ncol(X), ncol=0)
            I <- NULL
            if (h > 0) { ## if there are phenotypic variables, they are allowed to
                         ## to be included in pairup.i, pairup.j or fix.Q
              if (is.character(pairup.i)) {
                mt <- match(pairup.i, pNames)
                for (i in mt[!is.na(mt)]) {
                  x <- Biobase::pData(X)[, i]
                  cnames <- colnames(XP)
                  if (is.character(x) || is.factor(x) || is.logical(x)) {
                    XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(factor(x, levels=unique(x))))
                    I <- c(I, p+ncol(XP))
                  } else
                    XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(x))
                  colnames(XP) <- c(cnames, pNames[i])
              } else {
                for (i in which(pairup.i > p)) {
                  x <- Biobase::pData(X)[, pairup.i[i]-p]
                  cnames <- colnames(XP)
                  if (is.character(x) || is.factor(x) || is.logical(x)) {
                    XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(factor(x, levels=unique(x))))
                    I <- c(I, p+ncol(XP))
                  } else
                    XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(x))
                  colnames(XP) <- c(cnames, pNames[pairup.i[i]-p])
                  pairup.i[i] <- p+ncol(XP)
              if (is.character(pairup.j)) {
                mt <- match(pairup.j, pNames)
                for (i in mt[!is.na(mt)]) {
                  x <- Biobase::pData(X)[, i]
                  cnames <- colnames(XP)
                  if (is.character(x) || is.factor(x) || is.logical(x)) {
                    XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(factor(x, levels=unique(x))))
                    I <- c(I, p+ncol(XP))
                  } else
                    XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(x))
                  colnames(XP) <- c(cnames, pNames[i])
              } else {
                for (i in which(pairup.j > p)) {
                  x <- Biobase::pData(X)[, pairup.j[i]-p]
                  cnames <- colnames(XP)
                  if (is.character(x) || is.factor(x) || is.logical(x)) {
                    XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(factor(x, levels=unique(x))))
                    I <- c(I, p+ncol(XP))
                  } else
                    XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(x))
                  colnames(XP) <- c(cnames, pNames[pairup.j[i]-p])
                  pairup.j[i] <- p+ncol(XP)
              if (is.character(fix.Q)) {
                mt <- match(fix.Q, pNames)
                for (i in mt[!is.na(mt)]) {
                  x <- Biobase::pData(X)[, i]
                  cnames <- colnames(XP)
                  if (is.character(x) || is.factor(x) || is.logical(x)) {
                    XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(factor(x, levels=unique(x))))
                    I <- c(I, p+ncol(XP))
                  } else
                    XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(x))
                  colnames(XP) <- c(cnames, pNames[i])
              } else {
                for (i in which(fix.Q > p)) {
                  x <- Biobase::pData(X)[, fix.Q[i]-p]
                  cnames <- colnames(XP)
                  if (is.character(x) || is.factor(x) || is.logical(x)) {
                    XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(factor(x, levels=unique(x))))
                    I <- c(I, p+ncol(XP))
                  } else
                    XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(x))
                  colnames(XP) <- c(cnames, pNames[fix.Q[i]-p])
                  fix.Q[i] <- p+ncol(XP)
            } ## end if (h > 0)

            X <- t(Biobase::exprs(X))
            X <- cbind(X, XP)
            .qpNrr(X, q, I, restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests, alpha,
                             pairup.i, pairup.j, verbose, identicalQs,
                             exact.test, use, tol, R.code.only, clusterSize,
                             startTime, nAdj2estimateTime)

## X comes as a cross object
setMethod("qpNrr", signature(X="cross"),
          function(X, q=1, restrict.Q=NULL, fix.Q=NULL, nTests=100,
                   alpha=0.05, pairup.i=NULL, pairup.j=NULL, verbose=TRUE,
                   identicalQs=TRUE, exact.test=TRUE, use=c("complete.obs", "em"),
                   tol=0.01, R.code.only=FALSE, clusterSize=1, estimateTime=FALSE,
                   nAdj2estimateTime=10) {

            use <- match.arg(use)

            p <- as.integer(qtl::nphe(X) + qtl::totmar(X))
            n <- qtl::nind(X)
            phenoNames <- colnames(X$pheno)
            markerNames <- qtl::markernames(X)

            startTime <- c(user.self=0, sys.self=0, elapsed=0, user.child=0, sys.child=0)
            class(startTime) <- "proc_time"
            if (estimateTime)
              startTime <- proc.time()

            if (clusterSize > 1 && R.code.only)
              stop("Using a cluster (clusterSize > 1) only works with R.code.only=FALSE\n")

            if (clusterSize > 1 &&
               (!.qpIsPackageLoaded("rlecuyer") || !.qpIsPackageLoaded("snow")))
              stop("Using a cluster (clusterSize > 1) requires first loading packages 'snow' and 'rlecuyer'\n")

            XP <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=n, ncol=p, dimnames=list(NULL, c(markerNames, phenoNames)))
            phclass <- sapply(X$pheno, class)
            discreteMask <- phclass == "character" | phclass == "factor" | phclass == "logical"
            I <- c(markerNames, phenoNames[discreteMask])
            XP[, markerNames] <- do.call(cbind, lapply(X$geno, function(x) x$data)) ## assuming all genotype alleles come as 1, 2, ...
            if (any(phclass == "numeric"))
              XP[, phenoNames[phclass == "numeric"]] <- as.matrix(X$pheno[, phenoNames[phclass == "numeric"]])
            if (any(phclass == "integer"))
              XP[, phenoNames[phclass == "integer"]] <- do.call("mode<-",
                                                                list(as.matrix(X$pheno[, phenoNames[phclass == "integer"]]),
            if (any(discreteMask))
              XP[, phenoNames[discreteMask]] <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(lapply(lapply(X$pheno[, phenoNames[discreteMask]], factor), as.numeric)))
            ## different behavior for cross objects: by default only NRR values between markers and phenotypes,
            ## and continuous phenotypes, are estimated
            if (is.null(pairup.i) && is.null(pairup.j)) {
              pairup.i <- c(markerNames, phenoNames)
              pairup.j <- setdiff(phenoNames, I)

            ## different behavior for cross objects: by default the subsets Q are samples from continuous phenotypes
            if (is.null(restrict.Q))
              restrict.Q <- setdiff(phenoNames, I)

            .qpNrr(XP, q, I, restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests, alpha,
                             pairup.i, pairup.j, verbose, identicalQs,
                             exact.test, use, tol, R.code.only, clusterSize,
                             startTime, nAdj2estimateTime)

## X comes as a data frame
setMethod("qpNrr", signature(X="data.frame"),
          function(X, q=1, I=NULL, restrict.Q=NULL, fix.Q=NULL, nTests=100,
                   alpha=0.05, pairup.i=NULL, pairup.j=NULL,
                   long.dim.are.variables=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, identicalQs=TRUE,
                   exact.test=TRUE, use=c("complete.obs", "em"), tol=0.01,
                   R.code.only=FALSE, clusterSize=1, estimateTime=FALSE, nAdj2estimateTime=10) {

            use <- match.arg(use)

            startTime <- c(user.self=0, sys.self=0, elapsed=0, user.child=0, sys.child=0)
            class(startTime) <- "proc_time"
            if (estimateTime)
              startTime <- proc.time()

            if (clusterSize > 1 && R.code.only)
              stop("Using a cluster (clusterSize > 1) only works with R.code.only=FALSE\n")

            if (clusterSize > 1 &&
               (!.qpIsPackageLoaded("rlecuyer") || !.qpIsPackageLoaded("snow")))
              stop("Using a cluster (clusterSize > 1) requires first loading packages 'snow' and 'rlecuyer'\n")

            X <- as.matrix(X)
            if (!is.double(X))
              stop("X should be double-precision real numbers\n")

            if (long.dim.are.variables &&
                sort(dim(X),decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)$ix[1] == 1)
              X <- t(X)

            if (is.null(colnames(X)))
              colnames(X) <- 1:ncol(X)

            .qpNrr(X, q, I, restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests, alpha,
                   pairup.i, pairup.j, verbose, identicalQs,
                   exact.test, use, tol, R.code.only, clusterSize,
                   startTime, nAdj2estimateTime)

## X comes as a matrix
setMethod("qpNrr", signature(X="matrix"),
          function(X, q=1, I=NULL, restrict.Q=NULL, fix.Q=NULL, nTests=100,
                   alpha=0.05, pairup.i=NULL, pairup.j=NULL,
                   long.dim.are.variables=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, identicalQs=TRUE,
                   exact.test=TRUE, use=c("complete.obs", "em"), tol=0.01,
                   R.code.only=FALSE, clusterSize=1, estimateTime=FALSE, nAdj2estimateTime=10) {

            use <- match.arg(use)

            startTime <- c(user.self=0, sys.self=0, elapsed=0, user.child=0, sys.child=0)
            class(startTime) <- "proc_time"
            if (estimateTime)
              startTime <- proc.time()

            if (clusterSize > 1 && R.code.only)
              stop("Using a cluster (clusterSize > 1) only works with R.code.only=FALSE\n")

            if (clusterSize > 1 &&
               (!.qpIsPackageLoaded("rlecuyer") || !.qpIsPackageLoaded("snow")))
              stop("Using a cluster (clusterSize > 1) requires first loading packages 'snow' and 'rlecuyer'\n")

            if (long.dim.are.variables &&
                sort(dim(X),decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)$ix[1] == 1)
              X <- t(X)

            if (is.null(colnames(X))) 
              colnames(X) <- 1:ncol(X)

            .qpNrr(X, q, I, restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests, alpha,
                   pairup.i, pairup.j, verbose, identicalQs,
                   exact.test, use, tol, R.code.only, clusterSize,
                   startTime, nAdj2estimateTime)

.qpNrr <- function(X, q=1, I=NULL, restrict.Q=NULL, fix.Q=NULL, nTests=100,
                   alpha=0.05, pairup.i=NULL, pairup.j=NULL, verbose=TRUE,
                   identicalQs=TRUE, exact.test=TRUE, use=c("complete.obs", "em"),
                   tol=0.01, R.code.only=FALSE, clusterSize=1, startTime, nAdj2estimateTime=10) {

  if (use == "em" && !R.code.only)
    stop("use=\"em\" does not work yet with R.code.only=FALSE\n")

  cl <- NULL
  if (class(clusterSize)[1] == "numeric" || class(clusterSize)[1] == "integer") {
    if (clusterSize > 1) {
      ## copying ShortRead's strategy, 'get()' are to quieten R CMD check, and for no other reason
      makeCl <- get("makeCluster", mode="function")
      clSetupRNG <- get("clusterSetupRNG", mode="function")
      clEvalQ <- get("clusterEvalQ", mode="function")
      clExport <- get("clusterExport", mode="function")
      clApply <- get("clusterApply", mode="function")
      stopCl <- get("stopCluster", mode="function")
      clCall <- get("clusterCall", mode="function")
      clOpt <- get("getClusterOption", mode="function")

      if (startTime["elapsed"] == 0)
        message("Estimating non-rejection rates using a ", clOpt("type"),
                " cluster of ", clusterSize, " nodes\n")
        message("Estimating time of calculation of non-rejection rates using a ", clOpt("type"),
                " cluster of ", clusterSize, " nodes\n")

      cl <- makeCl(clusterSize, type="MPI", snowlib=system.file(package="qpgraph"))
      res <- clEvalQ(cl, require(qpgraph, quietly=TRUE))
      if (!all(unlist(res))) {
        stop("The package 'qpgraph' could not be loaded in some of the nodes of the cluster")
      assign("clusterSize", clusterSize, envir=.GlobalEnv)
      clExport(cl, list("clusterSize"))
      rm("clusterSize", envir=.GlobalEnv)
      clApply(cl, 1:clusterSize, function(x) assign("clusterRank", x, envir=.GlobalEnv))
  } else {
    if (!is.na(match("cluster", class(clusterSize))))
      cl <- clusterSize
      stop("Unknown class for argument clusterSize:", class(clusterSize))

  ## X the matrix of data with columns as r.v. and rows as multivariate observations

  var.names <- colnames(X)
  n.var <- ncol(X)
  N <- nrow(X)

  ## check that the q, nTests and alpha parameters have proper values

  if (q > n.var - 2)
    stop(paste("q=",q," > p-2=", n.var-2))

  if (q < 0)
    stop(paste("q=",q," < 0"))

  if (q > N - 3)
    stop(paste("q=",q," > n-3=",N-3))

  nTests <- as.integer(nTests)
  if (nTests < 1)
    stop(paste("nTests=",nTests," < 1"))

  if (alpha < 0.0 || alpha > 1.0) {
    stop(sprintf("significance level alpha is %.2f and it should lie in the interval [0,1]\n",alpha))

  ## check whether there are discrete variables and whether they're properly set

  Y <- NULL
  if (!is.null(I)) {
    if (is.character(I)) {
      if (any(is.na(match(I, var.names))))
        stop("Some variables in I do not form part of the variable names of the data in X\n")
      I <- match(I, var.names)
    } else {
      if (any(is.na(match(I, 1:n.var))))
        stop("Some variables in I do not form part of the variables of the data in X\n")
    Y <- (1:n.var)[-I]

  ## should the following error messages stop the cluster if it has been started ??

  if (!is.null(restrict.Q)) {
    if (!is.matrix(restrict.Q) && !is.integer(restrict.Q) && !is.character(restrict.Q))
      stop("restrict.Q should be either a matrix or a vector of indexes or variables names\n")

    if (is.matrix(restrict.Q)) {
      if (is.null(I))
        stop("restrict.Q as a matrix can only be employed for restricting conditioning of discrete variables\n")

      if (rownames(restrict.Q) != colnames(X) || colnames(restrict.Q) != colnames(X))
        stop("row and column names in restrict.Q should coincide to the column names in X\n")

      if (q > min(rowSums(restrict.Q))-2)
        stop("The minimum number of variables in restrict.Q from where subsets Q of size q should be sampled is < (q+2)\n")
    } else {
      if (is.character(restrict.Q)) {
        if (any(is.na(match(restrict.Q, var.names))))
          stop("Some variables in restrict.Q do not form part of the variable names of the data in X\n")
        restrict.Q <- match(restrict.Q, var.names)
      } else {
        if (any(is.na(match(restrict.Q, 1:n.var))))
          stop("Some variables in restrict.Q do not form part of the variables of the data in X\n")

      if (q > length(restrict.Q)-2)
        stop("The number of variables in restrict.Q from where subsets Q of size q should be sampled is < (q+2)\n")

  if ((!is.null(pairup.i) && is.null(pairup.j)) ||
      (is.null(pairup.i) && !is.null(pairup.j)))
    stop("pairup.i and pairup.j should both either be set to NULL or contain subsets of variables\n")

  if (is.null(pairup.i) || length(pairup.i) == 0)
    pairup.i <- 1:n.var
  else {
    if (is.character(pairup.i)) {
      if (any(is.na(match(pairup.i, var.names))))
        stop("Some variables in pairup.i do not form part of the variable names of the data in X\n")
      pairup.i <- match(pairup.i, var.names)

  if (is.null(pairup.j) || length(pairup.j) == 0) {
    pairup.j <- 1:n.var
    if (!is.null(I)) { ## by now, interactions between discrete variables are not considered
        pairup.j <- (1:n.var)[-I]
  } else {
    if (is.character(pairup.j)) {
      if (any(is.na(match(pairup.j, var.names))))
        stop("Some variables in pairup.j do not form part of the variable names of the data in X\n")
      pairup.j <- match(pairup.j, var.names)

  if (!is.null(fix.Q)) {
    if (q <= length(fix.Q))
      stop("q should be larger than the number of variables in fix.Q\n")

    if (is.character(fix.Q)) {
      if (any(is.na(match(fix.Q, var.names))))
        stop("Some variables in fix.Q do not form part of the variable names of the data\n")
      fix.Q <- match(fix.Q, var.names)
    } else {
      if (any(is.na(match(fix.Q, 1:n.var))))
        stop("Some variables in fix.Q do not form part of the variables of the data\n")

    if (is.null(restrict.Q))
      restrict.Q <- setdiff(1:n.var, fix.Q)
    else {
      if (is.matrix(restrict.Q)) {
        if (any(apply(restrict.Q[-fix.Q, ], 1, function(x, y) intersect(x, y)) > 0))
          stop("The subsets restrict.Q and fix.Q should be disjoint.\n")
      } else {
        if (length(intersect(restrict.Q, fix.Q)) > 0)
          stop("The subsets restrict.Q and fix.Q should be disjoint.\n")

    ## variables in fix.Q are removed from the pairs for which nrr values are estimated
    pairup.i <- setdiff(pairup.i, fix.Q)
    pairup.j <- setdiff(pairup.j, fix.Q)

  ## pair the two sets pairup.i and pairup.j without pairing the same variable
  l.pairup.i <- length(pairup.i)
  l.pairup.j <- length(pairup.j)
  l.int <- length(intersect(pairup.i, pairup.j))
  l.pairup.i.noint <- l.pairup.i - l.int
  l.pairup.j.noint <- l.pairup.j - l.int
  n.adj <- l.int * l.pairup.j.noint + l.int * l.pairup.i.noint +
           l.pairup.i.noint * l.pairup.j.noint + l.int * (l.int - 1) / 2

  pairup.ij.int <- intersect(pairup.i, pairup.j)
  pairup.i.noint <- setdiff(pairup.i, pairup.ij.int)
  pairup.j.noint <- setdiff(pairup.j, pairup.ij.int)

  nrrMatrix <- NULL

  ## estimate the actual number of necessary tests for number required by the user
  if (identicalQs && is.null(I)) {
    fractionValidQs <- 1-phyper(0, 2, n.var-2-length(fix.Q), q-length(fix.Q), lower.tail=FALSE)
    if (fractionValidQs < 0.9) {
      warning(paste(sprintf("With p=%d and q=%d the estimated fraction of valid Q sets is %.2f.", n.var, q, fractionValidQs),
                      "Increasing nTests from", nTests, "to", floor(nTests/fractionValidQs), "in order to achieve the desired precision\n", sep=" "))
      nTests <- floor(nTests / fractionValidQs)

  if (is.null(I))
    message("Using t tests for zero partial regression coefficients.")
    message(paste("Using", ifelse(exact.test, "exact", "asymptotic"), "likelihood ratio tests."))

  if (!R.code.only) {
    elapsedTime <- 0
    if (startTime["elapsed"] > 0) {
      elapsedTime <- (proc.time() - startTime)["elapsed"]
      startTime <- proc.time()

    if (is.null(cl)) { ## single-processor execution

      if (identicalQs && is.null(I))
        nrrMatrix <- .qpFastNrrIdenticalQs(X, q, restrict.Q, fix.Q,
                                           nTests, alpha, pairup.i.noint,
                                           pairup.j.noint, pairup.ij.int, verbose,
                                           startTime["elapsed"], nAdj2estimateTime)
        nrrMatrix <- .qpFastNrr(X, I, Y, q, restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests, alpha,
                                pairup.i.noint, pairup.j.noint,
                                pairup.ij.int, exact.test, verbose,
                                startTime["elapsed"], nAdj2estimateTime)

      if (startTime["elapsed"] == 0)
        nrrMatrix <- new("dspMatrix", Dim=as.integer(c(n.var, n.var)),
                         Dimnames=list(var.names, var.names), x=nrrMatrix)

    } else {           ## use a cluster !
      clCall <- get("clusterCall", mode="function")
      nrrIdx <- list()
      if (verbose && startTime["elapsed"] == 0) { ## no cluster progress-call when only estimating time
        if (identicalQs && is.null(I))
          nrrIdx <- clPrCall(cl, .qpFastNrrIdenticalQsPar, n.adj, X,
                             q, restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests, alpha, pairup.i.noint,
                             pairup.j.noint, pairup.ij.int, verbose, FALSE,
          nrrIdx <- clPrCall(cl, .qpFastNrrPar, n.adj, X, I, Y, q,
                             restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests, alpha, pairup.i.noint,
                             pairup.j.noint, pairup.ij.int, exact.test, verbose,
                             FALSE, nAdj2estimateTime)
      } else {
        if (identicalQs && is.null(I))
          nrrIdx <- clCall(cl, .qpFastNrrIdenticalQsPar, X, q,
                           restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests, alpha, pairup.i.noint,
                           pairup.j.noint, pairup.ij.int, verbose,
                           startTime["elapsed"] > 0, nAdj2estimateTime)
          nrrIdx <- clCall(cl, .qpFastNrrPar, X, I, Y, q, restrict.Q,
                           fix.Q, nTests, alpha, pairup.i.noint, pairup.j.noint,
                           pairup.ij.int, exact.test, verbose,
                           startTime["elapsed"] > 0, nAdj2estimateTime)

      if (startTime["elapsed"] > 0) {
        ## the following calculation makes important part of the estimation of the time
        ## it assumes that the estimated time per processor is stored on the first position of 'nrr'
        ## and uses the median of the times estimated for each processor to try to be robust against
        ## fluctuations on the execution time taken in some processors
        elapsedTime <- elapsedTime + median(sapply(nrrIdx, function(x) x$nrr[1]))
        startTime <- proc.time()

      if (class(clusterSize)[1] == "numeric" || class(clusterSize)[1] == "integer")

      nrrMatrix <- new("dspMatrix", Dim=as.integer(c(n.var, n.var)),
                       Dimnames=list(var.names, var.names),
                       x=rep(as.double(NA), n.var*(n.var-1)/2+n.var)) 
      nrrMatrix@x[do.call("c", lapply(nrrIdx, function(x) x$idx))] <-
        do.call("c", lapply(nrrIdx, function(x) x$nrr))

      if (startTime["elapsed"] > 0) {
        elapsedTime <- elapsedTime + (proc.time() - startTime)["elapsed"]
        d <- as.vector(floor(elapsedTime / (24*3600)))
        h <- as.vector(floor((elapsedTime-d*24*3600)/3600))
        m <- as.vector(floor((elapsedTime-d*24*3600-h*3600)/60))
        s <- as.vector(ceiling(elapsedTime-d*24*3600-h*3600-m*60))
        nrrMatrix <- c(days=d, hours=h, minutes=m, seconds=s)


  if (identicalQs && is.null(I)) {
    nrrMatrix <- .qpNrrIdenticalQs(X, q, restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests, alpha,
                                   pairup.i.noint, pairup.j.noint, pairup.ij.int,
                                   verbose, startTime, nAdj2estimateTime)


  S <- ssd <- mapX2ssd <- NULL

  missingMask <- apply(X, 1, function(x) any(is.na(x)))
  missingData <- any(missingMask)

  if (!missingData) {
    if (!is.null(I)) {  ## calculate the uncorrected sum of squares and deviations
      ssd <- qpCov(X[, Y, drop=FALSE], corrected=FALSE)
      mapX2ssd <- match(var.names, colnames(ssd))
      ## names(mapX2ssd) <- colnames(X) ## is this necessary
    } else             ## calculate sample covariance matrix
      S <- qpCov(X)

  if (!is.null(I)) {
    nLevels <- rep(NA_integer_, times=ncol(X))
    nLevels[I] <- apply(X[, I, drop=FALSE], 2, function(x) nlevels(as.factor(x)))
    if (any(nLevels[I] == 1))
      stop(sprintf("Discrete variable %s has only one level", colnames(X)[I[nLevels[I]==1]]))

  ## the idea is to return an efficiently stored symmetric matrix
  nrrMatrix <- new("dspMatrix", Dim=as.integer(c(n.var, n.var)),
                   Dimnames=list(var.names, var.names),
                   x=rep(as.double(NA), n.var*(n.var-1)/2+n.var))

  elapsedTime <- 0
  if (startTime["elapsed"] > 0) {
    elapsedTime <- (proc.time() - startTime)["elapsed"]
    startTime <- proc.time()

  ppct <- -1
  k <- 0
  pb <- NULL
  if (verbose && elapsedTime == 0)
    pb <- txtProgressBar(style=3)
  rQs <- NULL
  if (!is.null(restrict.Q) && !is.matrix(restrict.Q))
    rQs <- restrict.Q

  nrr <- NA

  ## intersection variables against ij-exclusive variables
  for (i in pairup.ij.int) {
    for (j in c(pairup.i.noint,pairup.j.noint)) {

      if (is.null(I))
        nrr <- .qpEdgeNrr(X, S, i, j, q, rQs, fix.Q, nTests,
                          alpha, return.pcor=FALSE, R.code.only=TRUE)
      else {
        if (!is.null(restrict.Q) && is.matrix(restrict.Q))
            rQs <- union(which(restrict.Q[i, ]), which(restrict.Q[j, ]))

        nrr <- .qpEdgeNrrHMGM(X, I, nLevels, Y, ssd, mapX2ssd, i, j, q, rQs, fix.Q,
                                        nTests, alpha, exact.test, use, tol, R.code.only=TRUE)

      nrrMatrix[j,i] <- nrrMatrix[i,j] <- nrr
      k <- k + 1
      if (elapsedTime > 0 && k == nAdj2estimateTime)
      pct <- floor((k * 100) / n.adj)
      if (pct != ppct && verbose && elapsedTime == 0) {
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, pct/100)
        ppct <- pct
    if (elapsedTime > 0 && k == nAdj2estimateTime)

  ## i-exclusive variables against j-exclusive variables
  if (elapsedTime == 0 || k < nAdj2estimateTime) {
    for (i in pairup.i.noint) {
      for (j in pairup.j.noint) {

        if (is.null(I))
          nrr <- .qpEdgeNrr(X, S, i, j, q, rQs, fix.Q, nTests,
                            alpha, return.pcor=FALSE, R.code.only=TRUE)
        else {
          if (!is.null(restrict.Q) && is.matrix(restrict.Q))
            rQs <- union(which(restrict.Q[i, ]), which(restrict.Q[j, ]))

          nrr <- .qpEdgeNrrHMGM(X, I, nLevels, Y, ssd, mapX2ssd, i, j, q, rQs, fix.Q,
                                          nTests, alpha, exact.test, use, tol, R.code.only=TRUE)

        nrrMatrix[j,i] <- nrrMatrix[i,j] <- nrr
        k <- k + 1
        if (elapsedTime > 0 && k == nAdj2estimateTime)
        pct <- floor((k * 100) / n.adj)
        if (pct != ppct && verbose && elapsedTime == 0) {
          setTxtProgressBar(pb, pct/100)
          ppct <- pct
      if (elapsedTime > 0 && k == nAdj2estimateTime)

  ## intersection variables against themselves (avoiding pairing of the same)
  if (elapsedTime == 0 || k < nAdj2estimateTime) {
    for (i in seq(along=pairup.ij.int[-1])) { ## 1:(l.int-1) does not work if l.int == 0
      i2 <- pairup.ij.int[i]

      for (j in (i+1):l.int) {
        j2 <- pairup.ij.int[j]

        if (is.null(I))
          nrr <- .qpEdgeNrr(X, S, i2, j2, q, rQs, fix.Q, nTests,
                            alpha, return.pcor=FALSE, R.code.only=TRUE)
        else {
          if (!is.null(restrict.Q) && is.matrix(restrict.Q))
            rQs <- union(which(restrict.Q[i2, ]), which(restrict.Q[j2, ]))

          nrr <- .qpEdgeNrrHMGM(X, I, nLevels, Y, ssd, mapX2ssd, i2, j2, q, rQs, fix.Q,
                                          nTests, alpha, exact.test, use, tol, R.code.only=TRUE)


        nrrMatrix[j2,i2] <- nrrMatrix[i2,j2] <- nrr
        k <- k + 1
        if (elapsedTime > 0 && k == nAdj2estimateTime)
        pct <- floor((k * 100) / n.adj)
        if (pct != ppct && verbose && elapsedTime == 0) {
          setTxtProgressBar(pb, pct/100)
          ppct <- pct
      if (elapsedTime > 0 && k == nAdj2estimateTime)

  if (verbose && elapsedTime == 0) {

  if (elapsedTime > 0) {
    elapsedTime <- elapsedTime + ((proc.time()-startTime)["elapsed"]/k) * n.adj
    startTime <- proc.time()

  ## this is necessary till we find out how to properly assign values in a dspMatrix
  nrrMatrix <- as(as(as(nrrMatrix, "dMatrix"), "symmetricMatrix"), "packedMatrix")

  if (elapsedTime > 0) {
    elapsedTime <- elapsedTime + (proc.time()-startTime)["elapsed"]
    d <- as.vector(floor(elapsedTime / (24*3600)))
    h <- as.vector(floor((elapsedTime-d*24*3600)/3600))
    m <- as.vector(floor((elapsedTime-d*24*3600-h*3600)/60))
    s <- as.vector(ceiling(elapsedTime-d*24*3600-h*3600-m*60))
    nrrMatrix <- c(days=d, hours=h, minutes=m, seconds=s)


.qpNrrIdenticalQs <- function(X, q, restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests, alpha,
                              pairup.i.noint, pairup.j.noint, pairup.ij.int,
                              verbose, startTime, nAdj2estimateTime) {

  ## X the matrix of data with columns as r.v. and rows as multivariate observations
  var.names <- colnames(X)
  n.var <- ncol(X)
  N <- nrow(X)

  ## how many adjacencies do we have to calculate
  l.int <- length(pairup.ij.int)
  l.pairup.i.noint <- length(pairup.i.noint)
  l.pairup.j.noint <- length(pairup.j.noint)
  n.adj <- l.int * l.pairup.j.noint + l.int * l.pairup.i.noint +
           l.pairup.i.noint * l.pairup.j.noint + l.int * (l.int - 1) / 2

  ## calculate sample covariance matrix
  S <- qpCov(X)

  ## sample the Q sets and pre-calculate the inverse matrices
  if (is.null(restrict.Q))
    restrict.Q <- 1:n.var
  n.fQ <- length(fix.Q)
  restrict.Q <- setdiff(restrict.Q, fix.Q)

  ## TODO: work with complete.obs on the margins
  Qs <- as.list(array(dim=nTests))
  Qs <- lapply(Qs, function(x, rQ, fQ, n.fQ) c(sample(rQ, size=q-n.fQ, replace=FALSE), fQ),
               restrict.Q, fix.Q, n.fQ)
  S22invs <- lapply(Qs, function(x) solve(S[x, x]) )

  ## the idea is to return an efficiently stored symmetric matrix
  nrrMatrix <- new("dspMatrix", Dim=as.integer(c(n.var, n.var)),
                   Dimnames=list(var.names, var.names),
                   x=rep(as.double(NA), n.var*(n.var-1)/2+n.var))

  elapsedTime <- 0
  if (startTime["elapsed"] > 0) {
    elapsedTime <- (proc.time() - startTime)["elapsed"]
    startTime <- proc.time()

  ppct <- -1
  k <- 0
  pb <- NULL
  if (verbose && elapsedTime == 0)
    pb <- txtProgressBar(style=3)

  ## intersection variables against ij-exclusive variables
  for (i in pairup.ij.int) {
    for (j in c(pairup.i.noint,pairup.j.noint)) {
      nrrMatrix[j,i] <- nrrMatrix[i,j] <-
        .qpEdgeNrrIdenticalQs(S, Qs, S22invs, i, j, q, nTests,
                                        alpha, R.code.only=TRUE)
      k <- k + 1
      if (elapsedTime > 0 && k == nAdj2estimateTime)
      pct <- floor((k * 100) / n.adj)
      if (pct != ppct && verbose && elapsedTime == 0) {
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, pct/100)
        ppct <- pct
    if (elapsedTime > 0 && k == nAdj2estimateTime)

  ## i-exclusive variables against j-exclusive variables
  if (elapsedTime == 0 || k < nAdj2estimateTime) {
    for (i in pairup.i.noint) {
      for (j in pairup.j.noint) {
        nrrMatrix[j,i] <- nrrMatrix[i,j] <-
          .qpEdgeNrrIdenticalQs(S, Qs, S22invs, i, j, q, nTests,
                                          alpha, R.code.only=TRUE)
        k <- k + 1
        if (elapsedTime > 0 && k == nAdj2estimateTime)
        pct <- floor((k * 100) / n.adj)
        if (pct != ppct && verbose && elapsedTime == 0) {
          setTxtProgressBar(pb, pct/100)
          ppct <- pct
      if (elapsedTime > 0 && k == nAdj2estimateTime)

  l.int <- length(pairup.ij.int)

  ## intersection variables against themselves (avoiding pairing of the same)
  if (elapsedTime == 0 || k < nAdj2estimateTime) {
    for (i in seq(along=pairup.ij.int[-1])) { ## 1:(l.int-1) does not work if l.int==0
      i2 <- pairup.ij.int[i]

      for (j in (i+1):l.int) {
        j2 <- pairup.ij.int[j]
        nrrMatrix[j2,i2] <- nrrMatrix[i2,j2] <-
          .qpEdgeNrrIdenticalQs(S, Qs, S22invs, i2, j2, q, nTests,
                                          alpha, R.code.only=TRUE)
        k <- k + 1
        if (elapsedTime > 0 && k == nAdj2estimateTime)
        pct <- floor((k * 100) / n.adj)
        if (pct != ppct && verbose && elapsedTime == 0) {
          setTxtProgressBar(pb, pct/100)
          ppct <- pct
      if (elapsedTime > 0 && k == nAdj2estimateTime)

  if (verbose && elapsedTime == 0) {

  if (elapsedTime > 0) {
    elapsedTime <- elapsedTime + ((proc.time()-startTime)["elapsed"]/k) * n.adj
    startTime <- proc.time()

  ## this is necessary till we find out how to properly assign values in a dspMatrix
  nrrMatrix <- as(as(as(nrrMatrix, "dMatrix"), "symmetricMatrix"), "packedMatrix")

  if (elapsedTime > 0) {
    elapsedTime <- elapsedTime + (proc.time()-startTime)["elapsed"]
    d <- as.vector(floor(elapsedTime / (24*3600)))
    h <- as.vector(floor((elapsedTime-d*24*3600)/3600))
    m <- as.vector(floor((elapsedTime-d*24*3600-h*3600)/60))
    s <- as.vector(ceiling(elapsedTime-d*24*3600-h*3600-m*60))
    nrrMatrix <- c(days=d, hours=h, minutes=m, seconds=s)


## function: qpAvgNrr
## purpose: estimate average non-rejection rates for every pair of variables
## parameters: X - data set from where to estimate the average non-rejection
##                 rates
##             qOrders - either a number of partial-correlation orders or a
##                       vector of particular orders to be employed in the
##                       calculation
##             I - indexes or names of the variables in X that are discrete
##             restrict.Q - indexes or names of variables to which the conditioning
##                          subsets Q should be restricted. this can be a logical
##                          squared matrix indicating differerent restriction subsets
##                          per variable row-wise
##             fix.Q - indexes or names of variables that should be fixed within
##                     every conditioning subset Q
##             nTests - number of tests to perform for each pair of variables
##             alpha - significance level of each test (Type-I error probability)
##             pairup.i - subset of vertices to pair up with subset pairup.j
##             pairup.j - subset of vertices to pair up with subset pairup.i
##             long.dim.are.variables - if TRUE it assumes that when the data is
##                                      a data frame or a matrix, the longer
##                                      dimension is the one defining the random
##                                      variables, if FALSE then random variables
##                                      are assumed to be at the columns
##             type - type of average (by now only the arithmetic mean is
##                    available)
##             verbose - show progress of the calculations
##             identicalQs - use identical conditioning subsets for all pairs
##                           of variables
##             exact.test - employ an exact test when I!=NULL
##             R.code.only - flag set to FALSE when using the C implementation
##             clusterSize - size of the cluster of processors to do calculations
##                           in parallel via 'snow' and 'rlecuyer'
## return: a matrix with the estimates of the average non-rejection rates

setGeneric("qpAvgNrr", function(X, ...) standardGeneric("qpAvgNrr"))

## X comes as an ExpressionSet object
setMethod("qpAvgNrr", signature(X="ExpressionSet"),
          function(X, qOrders=4, I=NULL, restrict.Q=NULL, fix.Q=NULL, nTests=100,
                   alpha=0.05, pairup.i=NULL, pairup.j=NULL, type=c("arith.mean"),
                   verbose=TRUE, identicalQs=TRUE, exact.test=TRUE,
                   use=c("complete.obs", "em"), tol=0.01, R.code.only=FALSE,
                   clusterSize=1, estimateTime=FALSE, nAdj2estimateTime=10) {

            type <- match.arg(type)
            use <- match.arg(use)

            startTime <- c(user.self=0, sys.self=0, elapsed=0, user.child=0, sys.child=0)
            class(startTime) <- "proc_time"
            if (estimateTime)
              startTime <- proc.time()

            if (clusterSize > 1 && R.code.only)
              stop("Using a cluster (clusterSize > 1) only works with R.code.only=FALSE\n")

            if (clusterSize > 1 &&
               (!.qpIsPackageLoaded("rlecuyer") || !.qpIsPackageLoaded("snow")))
              stop("Using a cluster (clusterSize > 1) requires first loading packages 'snow' and 'rlecuyer'\n")

            X_I <- NULL
            if (!is.null(I)) {
              if (!is.character(I))
                stop("When X is an ExpressionSet, I can only contain variable names from the associated phenotypic data.")
              if (any(is.na(match(I, Biobase::varLabels(X)))))
                stop(sprintf("%s do(es) not form part of the phenotypic data in the ExpressionSet object X.",
                             I[is.na(match(I, Biobase::varLabels(X)))]))

              X_I <- apply(Biobase::pData(X)[, I, drop=FALSE], 2,
                           function(x) as.double(as.factor(as.character(x))))

            X <- cbind(t(Biobase::exprs(X)), X_I)
            .qpAvgNrr(X, qOrders, I, restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests, alpha, pairup.i,
                                pairup.j, type, verbose, identicalQs, exact.test, use, tol,
                                R.code.only, clusterSize, startTime, nAdj2estimateTime)

## X comes as a data frame
setMethod("qpAvgNrr", signature(X="data.frame"),
          function(X, qOrders=4, I=NULL, restrict.Q=NULL, fix.Q=NULL, nTests=100,
                   alpha=0.05, pairup.i=NULL, pairup.j=NULL, long.dim.are.variables=TRUE,
                   type=c("arith.mean"), verbose=TRUE, identicalQs=TRUE, exact.test=TRUE,
                   use=c("complete.obs", "em"), tol=0.01, R.code.only=FALSE, clusterSize=1,
                   estimateTime=FALSE, nAdj2estimateTime=10) {

            type <- match.arg(type)
            use <- match.arg(use)

            startTime <- c(user.self=0, sys.self=0, elapsed=0, user.child=0, sys.child=0)
            class(startTime) <- "proc_time"
            if (estimateTime)
              startTime <- proc.time()

            if (clusterSize > 1 && R.code.only)
              stop("Using a cluster (clusterSize > 1) only works with R.code.only=FALSE\n")

            if (clusterSize > 1 &&
               (!.qpIsPackageLoaded("rlecuyer") || !.qpIsPackageLoaded("snow")))
              stop("Using a cluster (clusterSize > 1) requires first loading packages 'snow' and 'rlecuyer'\n")

            X <- as.matrix(X)
            if (!is.double(X))
              stop("X should be double-precision real numbers\n")

            if (long.dim.are.variables &&
                sort(dim(X), decreasing=TRUE, index.return=TRUE)$ix[1] == 1)
              X <- t(X)
            if (is.null(colnames(X)))
              colnames(X) <- 1:ncol(X)
            .qpAvgNrr(X, qOrders, I, restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests, alpha, pairup.i,
                                pairup.j, type, verbose, identicalQs, exact.test, use, tol,
                                R.code.only, clusterSize, startTime, nAdj2estimateTime)
## X comes as a matrix
setMethod("qpAvgNrr", signature(X="matrix"),
          function(X, qOrders=4, I=NULL, restrict.Q=NULL, fix.Q=NULL, nTests=100,
                   alpha=0.05, pairup.i=NULL, pairup.j=NULL, long.dim.are.variables=TRUE,
                   type=c("arith.mean"), verbose=TRUE, identicalQs=TRUE,
                   exact.test=TRUE, use=c("complete.obs", "em"), tol=0.01,
                   R.code.only=FALSE, clusterSize=1, estimateTime=FALSE, nAdj2estimateTime=10) {

            type <- match.arg(type)
            use <- match.arg(use)

            startTime <- c(user.self=0, sys.self=0, elapsed=0, user.child=0, sys.child=0)
            class(startTime) <- "proc_time"
            if (estimateTime)
              startTime <- proc.time()

            if (clusterSize > 1 && R.code.only)
              stop("Using a cluster (clusterSize > 1) only works with R.code.only=FALSE\n")

            if (clusterSize > 1 &&
               (!.qpIsPackageLoaded("rlecuyer") || !.qpIsPackageLoaded("snow")))
              stop("Using a cluster (clusterSize > 1) requires first loading packages 'snow' and 'rlecuyer'\n")

            if (long.dim.are.variables &&
                sort(dim(X), decreasing=TRUE, index.return=TRUE)$ix[1] == 1)
              X <- t(X)

            if (is.null(colnames(X))) 
              colnames(X) <- 1:ncol(X)
            .qpAvgNrr(X, qOrders, I, restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests, alpha, pairup.i,
                                pairup.j, type, verbose, identicalQs, exact.test, use, tol,
                                R.code.only, clusterSize, startTime,

.qpAvgNrr <- function(X, qOrders=4, I=NULL, restrict.Q=NULL, fix.Q=NULL,
                      nTests=100, alpha=0.05, pairup.i=NULL, pairup.j=NULL,
                      type=c("arith.mean"), verbose=TRUE, identicalQs=TRUE,
                      exact.test=TRUE, use=c("complete.obs", "em"), tol=0.01,
                      R.code.only=FALSE, clusterSize=1, startTime, nAdj2estimateTime) {

  cl <- 1
  if (clusterSize > 1) {
    ## copying ShortRead's strategy, 'get()' are to quieten R CMD check, and for no other reason
    makeCl <- get("makeCluster", mode="function")
    clSetupRNG <- get("clusterSetupRNG", mode="function")
    clEvalQ <- get("clusterEvalQ", mode="function")
    clExport <- get("clusterExport", mode="function")
    clApply <- get("clusterApply", mode="function")
    stopCl <- get("stopCluster", mode="function")
    clCall <- get("clusterCall", mode="function")
    clOpt <- get("getClusterOption", mode="function")

    if (startTime["elapsed"] == 0)
      message("Estimating average non-rejection rates using a ", clOpt("type"),
              " cluster of ", clusterSize, " nodes\n")
      message("Estimating time of calculation of average non-rejection rates using a ",
              clOpt("type"), " cluster of ", clusterSize, " nodes\n")

    cl <- makeCl(clusterSize, type="MPI", snowlib=system.file(package="qpgraph"))
    res <- clEvalQ(cl, require(qpgraph, quietly=TRUE))
    if (!all(unlist(res))) {
      stop("The package 'qpgraph' could not be loaded in some of the nodes of the cluster")
    assign("clusterSize", clusterSize, envir=.GlobalEnv)
    clExport(cl, list("clusterSize"))
    rm("clusterSize", envir=.GlobalEnv)
    clApply(cl, 1:clusterSize, function(x) assign("clusterRank", x, envir=.GlobalEnv))
    clApply(cl, 1:clusterSize, function(x) assign("clusterRank", x, envir=.GlobalEnv))

  var.names <- colnames(X)
  n.var <- ncol(X)
  N <- nrow(X)

  if ((!is.null(pairup.i) && is.null(pairup.j)) ||
      (is.null(pairup.i) && !is.null(pairup.j)))
    stop("pairup.i and pairup.j should both either be set to NULL or contain subsets of variables\n")

  if (length(qOrders) == 1) {
    if (qOrders > min(n.var, N) - 3)
      stop(sprintf("qOrders=%d is larger than the number of available q-orders for the given data set (%d)\n",
                   qOrders, min(n.var, N) - 3))

    qOrders <- as.integer(round(seq(1, min(n.var, N) - 3,
                                    by=(min(n.var, N) - 3) / qOrders), digits=0))
  } else {
    qOrders <- as.integer(qOrders)
    if (min(qOrders) < 1 || max(qOrders) > min(n.var-3, N-3))
      stop(sprintf("for the given data set q-orders should lie in the range [1,%d]\n",
                   min(n.var-3, N-3)))

  w <- 1 / length(qOrders)
  ## the idea is to return an efficiently stored symmetric matrix
  avgNrrMatrix <- new("dspMatrix", Dim=as.integer(c(n.var, n.var)),
                      Dimnames=list(var.names, var.names),
                      x=rep(as.double(0), n.var*(n.var-1)/2+n.var))

  elapsedTime <- 0

  for (q in qOrders) {
    if (verbose && startTime["elapsed"] == 0)

    thisNrr <- .qpNrr(X, q, I, restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests, alpha, pairup.i,
                                pairup.j, verbose, identicalQs, exact.test, use, tol,
                                R.code.only, cl, startTime, nAdj2estimateTime)

    if (startTime["elapsed"] > 0) {
      elapsedTime <- elapsedTime + thisNrr["days"]*24*3600 + thisNrr["hours"]*3600 +
                     thisNrr["minutes"]*60 + thisNrr["seconds"]
      startTime <- proc.time()
    } else {
      ## this is necessary till we find out how to sum two dspMatrices getting a dspMatrix
      avgNrrMatrix <- as(as(as(avgNrrMatrix + w * thisNrr, "dMatrix"), "symmetricMatrix"), "packedMatrix")

  if (clusterSize > 1 && !is.null(cl)) {

    elapsedTime <- elapsedTime + (proc.time() - startTime)["elapsed"]

  if (startTime["elapsed"] > 0) {
    d <- as.vector(floor(elapsedTime / (24*3600)))
    h <- as.vector(floor((elapsedTime-d*24*3600)/3600))
    m <- as.vector(floor((elapsedTime-d*24*3600-h*3600)/60))
    s <- as.vector(ceiling(elapsedTime-d*24*3600-h*3600-m*60))
    avgNrrMatrix <- c(days=d, hours=h, minutes=m, seconds=s)


## function: qpGenNrr
## purpose: estimate average non-rejection rates for every pair of variables
## parameters: X - data set from where to estimate the average non-rejection
##                 rates
##             datasetIdx - index vector of the different datasets. if it is
##                          a single number, it indicates the column in the
##                          phenotypic data (ExpressionSet) or in the data
##                          frame or in the matrix that indicates what samples
##                          belong to what dataset. if it is a name then it
##                          indicates the names of the phenotipic variable with
##                          this information. if it is a vector with as many
##                          positions as samples, then it contains itself the
##                          indexes about what sample belongs to what dataset
##             qOrders - either NULL indicating that a default guess on the q
##                       order will be performed for each data set or a
##                       vector of particular orders to be employed in the
##                       calculation
##             I - indexes or names of the variables in X that are discrete
##             restrict.Q - indexes or names of variables to which the conditioning
##                          subsets Q should be restricted. this can be a logical
##                          squared matrix indicating differerent restriction subsets
##                          per variable row-wise
##             fix.Q - indexes or names of variables that should be fixed within
##                     every conditioning subset Q
##             return.all - logical; set to TRUE if all intervining non-rejection
##                          rates should be return in a list; FALSE (default) if
##                          only generalized non-rejection rates should be returned
##             nTests - number of tests to perform for each pair of variables
##             alpha - significance level of each test (Type-I error probability)
##             pairup.i - subset of vertices to pair up with subset pairup.j
##             pairup.j - subset of vertices to pair up with subset pairup.i
##             long.dim.are.variables - if TRUE it assumes that when the data is
##                                      a data frame or a matrix, the longer
##                                      dimension is the one defining the random
##                                      variables, if FALSE then random variables
##                                      are assumed to be at the columns
##             verbose - show progress of the calculations
##             identicalQs - use identical conditioning subsets for all pairs
##                           of variables
##             exact.test - employ an exact test when I!=NULL
##             R.code.only - flag set to FALSE when using the C implementation
##             clusterSize - size of the cluster of processors to do calculations
##                           in parallel via 'snow' and 'rlecuyer'
## return: a matrix with the estimates of the average non-rejection rates

setGeneric("qpGenNrr", function(X, ...) standardGeneric("qpGenNrr"))

## maybe is better to force datasetIdx to be integer in order to get an order of the
## datasets that matches the order of the q-orders provided

## X comes as an ExpressionSet object
setMethod("qpGenNrr", signature(X="ExpressionSet"),
            function(X, datasetIdx=1, qOrders=NULL, I=NULL, restrict.Q=NULL, fix.Q=NULL,
                     return.all=FALSE, nTests=100, alpha=0.05, pairup.i=NULL,
                     pairup.j=NULL, verbose=TRUE, identicalQs=TRUE, exact.test=TRUE,
                     use=c("complete.obs", "em"), tol=0.01, R.code.only=FALSE,
                     clusterSize=1, estimateTime=FALSE, nAdj2estimateTime=10) {

            use <- match.arg(use)

            startTime <- c(user.self=0, sys.self=0, elapsed=0, user.child=0, sys.child=0)
            class(startTime) <- "proc_time"
            if (estimateTime)
              startTime <- proc.time()

            if (clusterSize > 1 && R.code.only)
              stop("Using a cluster (clusterSize > 1) only works with R.code.only=FALSE\n")

            if (clusterSize > 1 &&
               (!.qpIsPackageLoaded("rlecuyer") || !.qpIsPackageLoaded("snow")))
              stop("Using a cluster (clusterSize > 1) requires first loading packages 'snow' and 'rlecuyer'\n")

            if ((is.null(Biobase::pData(X)) || ncol(Biobase::pData(X)) < 1) && length(datasetIdx) != dim(X)[2])
              stop("Either supply a vector indexing the data sets to which each sample belongs to, or add a column with this information to the phenotypic data of the ExpressionSet indicating then which one is that column\n")

            if (length(datasetIdx) != dim(X)[2] && length(datasetIdx) != 1)
              stop("Argument 'datasetIdx' should be either a single number, or a character string, indicating the column of the phenotypic data of the ExpressionSet containing the indexes to the datasets. Alternatively, it can be a vector of these indexes with as many positions as samples\n")

            if (length(datasetIdx) == 1) {
              if (is.character(datasetIdx))
                datasetIdx <- match(datasetIdx, colnames(Biobase::pData(X)))
              else {
                if (is.integer(datasetIdx) || is.numeric(datasetIdx))
                  datasetIdx <- match(datasetIdx, 1:ncol(Biobase::pData(X)))

              if (is.na(datasetIdx) || (!is.character(datasetIdx) && !is.integer(datasetIdx)))
                stop("Argument 'datasetIdx' does not match any phenotypic column in the input ExpressionSet X. Please look at Biobase::pData(X)\n")

            if (length(datasetIdx) != dim(X)[2])
              datasetIdx <- Biobase::pData(X)[, datasetIdx]

            if (!is.null(qOrders) && any(is.na(qOrders[unique(datasetIdx)])))
              stop("Some values in 'datasetIdx' do not match any position in 'qOrders'\n")

            if (!is.null(qOrders) && is.null(names(qOrders)))
              stop("When they are specified, values in 'qOrders' should have names matching the data sets index names\n")

            X_I <- NULL
            if (!is.null(I)) {
              if (!is.character(I))
                stop("When X is an ExpressionSet, I can only contain variable names from the associated phenotypic data.")
              if (any(is.na(match(I, Biobase::varLabels(X)))))
                stop(sprintf("%s do(es) not form part of the phenotypic data in the ExpressionSet object X.",
                             I[is.na(match(I, Biobase::varLabels(X)))]))

              X_I <- apply(Biobase::pData(X)[, I, drop=FALSE], 2,
                           function(x) as.double(as.factor(as.character(x))))

            X <- cbind(t(Biobase::exprs(X)), X_I)

            .qpGenNrr(X, datasetIdx, qOrders, I, restrict.Q, fix.Q,
                                return.all, nTests, alpha, pairup.i, pairup.j,
                                verbose, identicalQs, exact.test, use, tol,
                                R.code.only, clusterSize, startTime, nAdj2estimateTime)

## X comes as a data frame
setMethod("qpGenNrr", signature(X="data.frame"),
          function(X, datasetIdx=1, qOrders=NULL, I=NULL, restrict.Q=NULL, fix.Q=NULL,
                   return.all=FALSE, nTests=100, alpha=0.05, pairup.i=NULL, pairup.j=NULL,
                   long.dim.are.variables=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, identicalQs=TRUE, exact.test=TRUE,
                   use=c("complete.obs", "em"), tol=0.01, R.code.only=FALSE, clusterSize=1,
                   estimateTime=FALSE, nAdj2estimateTime=10) {

            use <- match.arg(use)

            startTime <- c(user.self=0, sys.self=0, elapsed=0, user.child=0, sys.child=0)
            class(startTime) <- "proc_time"
            if (estimateTime)
              startTime <- proc.time()

            if (clusterSize > 1 && R.code.only)
              stop("Using a cluster (clusterSize > 1) only works with R.code.only=FALSE\n")

            if (clusterSize > 1 &&
               (!.qpIsPackageLoaded("rlecuyer") || !.qpIsPackageLoaded("snow")))
              stop("Using a cluster (clusterSize > 1) requires first loading packages 'snow' and 'rlecuyer'\n")

            X <- as.matrix(X)
            if (!is.double(X))
              stop("X should be double-precision real numbers\n")

            if (long.dim.are.variables &&
                sort(dim(X),decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)$ix[1] == 1)
              X <- t(X)

            if (is.null(colnames(X)))
              colnames(X) <- 1:ncol(X)

            if (length(datasetIdx) != dim(X)[1] && length(datasetIdx) != 1)
              stop("Argument 'datasetIdx' should be either a single number, or a character string, indicating the column (or row) of the input data frame X containing the indexes to the datasets. Alternatively, it can be a vector of these indexes with as many positions as samples\n")

            if (length(datasetIdx) == 1) {
              if (is.character(datasetIdx))
                datasetIdx <- match(datasetIdx, colnames(X))
              else {
                if (is.integer(datasetIdx) || is.numeric(datasetIdx))
                  datasetIdx <- match(datasetIdx, 1:ncol(X))

              if (is.na(datasetIdx) || (!is.character(datasetIdx) && !is.integer(datasetIdx) &&
                stop("Argument 'datasetIdx' does not match any column (or row) in the input data frame X\n")

            if (length(datasetIdx) != dim(X)[1]) {
              tmp <- X[, datasetIdx]
              X <- X[, -datasetIdx]
              datasetIdx <- tmp

            if (!is.null(qOrders) && any(is.na(qOrders[unique(datasetIdx)])))
              stop("Some values in 'datasetIdx' do not match any position in 'qOrders'\n")

            if (!is.null(qOrders) && is.null(names(qOrders)))
              stop("When they are specified, values in 'qOrders' should have names matching the data sets index names\n")

            .qpGenNrr(X, datasetIdx, qOrders, I, restrict.Q, fix.Q,
                                return.all, nTests, alpha, pairup.i, pairup.j,
                                verbose, identicalQs, exact.test, use, tol,
                                R.code.only, clusterSize, startTime, nAdj2estimateTime)

## X comes as a matrix
setMethod("qpGenNrr", signature(X="matrix"),
          function(X, datasetIdx=1, qOrders=NULL, I=NULL, restrict.Q=NULL, fix.Q=NULL,
                   return.all=FALSE, nTests=100, alpha=0.05, pairup.i=NULL, pairup.j=NULL,
                   long.dim.are.variables=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, identicalQs=TRUE, exact.test=TRUE,
                   use=c("complete.obs", "em"), tol=0.01, R.code.only=FALSE, clusterSize=1,
                   estimateTime=FALSE, nAdj2estimateTime=10) {

            use <- match.arg(use)

            startTime <- c(user.self=0, sys.self=0, elapsed=0, user.child=0, sys.child=0)
            class(startTime) <- "proc_time"
            if (estimateTime)
              startTime <- proc.time()

            if (clusterSize > 1 && R.code.only)
              stop("Using a cluster (clusterSize > 1) only works with R.code.only=FALSE\n")

            if (clusterSize > 1 &&
               (!.qpIsPackageLoaded("rlecuyer") || !.qpIsPackageLoaded("snow")))
              stop("Using a cluster (clusterSize > 1) requires first loading packages 'snow' and 'rlecuyer'\n")

            if (long.dim.are.variables &&
              sort(dim(X),decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)$ix[1] == 1)
              X <- t(X)

            if (is.null(colnames(X))) 
              colnames(X) <- 1:ncol(X)

            if (length(datasetIdx) != dim(X)[1] && length(datasetIdx) != 1)
              stop("Argument 'datasetIdx' should be either a single number, or a character string, indicating the column (or row) of the input matrix X containing the indexes to the datasets. Alternatively, it can be a vector of these indexes with as many positions as samples\n")

            if (length(datasetIdx) == 1) {
              if (is.character(datasetIdx))
                datasetIdx <- match(datasetIdx, colnames(X))
              else {
                if (is.integer(datasetIdx) || is.numeric(datasetIdx))
                  datasetIdx <- match(datasetIdx, 1:ncol(X))

              if (is.na(datasetIdx) || (!is.character(datasetIdx) && !is.integer(datasetIdx) &&
                stop("Argument 'datasetIdx' does not match any column (or row) in the input matrix X\n")

            if (length(datasetIdx) != dim(X)[1]) {
              tmp <- X[, datasetIdx]
              X <- X[, -datasetIdx]
              datasetIdx <- tmp

            if (!is.null(qOrders) && any(is.na(qOrders[unique(datasetIdx)])))
              stop("Some values in 'datasetIdx' do not match any position in 'qOrders'\n")

            if (!is.null(qOrders) && is.null(names(qOrders)))
              stop("When they are specified, values in 'qOrders' should have names matching the data sets index names\n")

            .qpGenNrr(X, datasetIdx, qOrders, I, restrict.Q, fix.Q,
                                return.all, nTests, alpha, pairup.i, pairup.j,
                                verbose, identicalQs, exact.test, use, tol,
                                R.code.only, clusterSize, startTime, nAdj2estimateTime)

.qpGenNrr <- function(X, datasetIdx, qOrders=NULL, I=NULL, restrict.Q=NULL, fix.Q=NULL,
                      return.all=FALSE, nTests=100, alpha=0.05, pairup.i=NULL,
                      pairup.j=NULL, verbose=TRUE, identicalQs=TRUE, exact.test=TRUE,
                      use=c("complete.obs", "em"), tol=0.01, R.code.only=FALSE,
                      clusterSize=1, startTime, nAdj2estimateTime) {

  cl <- 1
  if (clusterSize > 1) {
    ## copying ShortRead's strategy, 'get()' are to quieten R CMD check, and for no other reason
    makeCl <- get("makeCluster", mode="function")
    clSetupRNG <- get("clusterSetupRNG", mode="function")
    clEvalQ <- get("clusterEvalQ", mode="function")
    clExport <- get("clusterExport", mode="function")
    clApply <- get("clusterApply", mode="function")
    stopCl <- get("stopCluster", mode="function")
    clCall <- get("clusterCall", mode="function")
    clOpt <- get("getClusterOption", mode="function")

    if (startTime["elapsed"] == 0)
      message("Estimating generalized non-rejection rates using a ", clOpt("type"),
              " cluster of ", clusterSize, " nodes\n")
      message("Estimating time of calculation of generalized non-rejection rates using a ",
              clOpt("type"), " cluster of ", clusterSize, " nodes\n")

    cl <- makeCl(clusterSize, type="MPI", snowlib=system.file(package="qpgraph"))
    res <- clEvalQ(cl, require(qpgraph, quietly=TRUE))
    if (!all(unlist(res))) {
      stop("The package 'qpgraph' could not be loaded in some of the nodes of the cluster")
    assign("clusterSize", clusterSize, envir=.GlobalEnv)
    clExport(cl, list("clusterSize"))
    rm("clusterSize", envir=.GlobalEnv)
    clApply(cl, 1:clusterSize, function(x) assign("clusterRank", x, envir=.GlobalEnv))

  var.names <- colnames(X)
  n.var <- ncol(X)

  if ((!is.null(pairup.i) && is.null(pairup.j)) ||
      (is.null(pairup.i) && !is.null(pairup.j)))
    stop("pairup.i and pairup.j should both either be set to NULL or contain subsets of variables\n")

  datasetIdx <- as.character(datasetIdx)
  N <- table(datasetIdx)

  if (any(N < 3))
    stop("Dataset(s) ", paste(names(N)[which(N < 3)], collapse=","), " has/have less than 3 samples\n")

  ## when qOrders is NULL the median of the possible q-orders is taken for each dataset
  if (is.null(qOrders))
    qOrders <- floor(sapply(N, function(x) median(seq(1, x-3))))

  ## validate qOrders
  if (min(qOrders) < 1 || any(qOrders > N[names(qOrders)]-3))
    stop("Within each data set its q-order should lie in the range [1, N-3] with N being the corresponding number of samples\n")

  ## contribution of each dataset is proportional to its sample size
  w <- N / sum(N)

  ## the idea is to return an efficiently stored symmetric matrix
  result <- list(genNrr=new("dspMatrix", Dim=as.integer(c(n.var, n.var)),
                            Dimnames=list(var.names, var.names),
                            x=rep(as.double(0), n.var*(n.var-1)/2+n.var)),

  if (verbose && startTime["elapsed"] == 0)
    cat("Employing qOrders={", paste(paste(names(qOrders),
                                           qOrders, sep="="),
                                     collapse=", "),"}\n")

  elapsedTime <- 0
  for (idx in unique(datasetIdx)) {

    if (verbose && startTime["elapsed"] == 0)
      cat(sprintf("Data set %s\n", as.character(idx)))

    thisNrr <- .qpNrr(X[datasetIdx == idx, ], qOrders[idx], I, restrict.Q,
                                fix.Q, nTests, alpha, pairup.i, pairup.j, verbose, identicalQs,
                                exact.test, use, tol, R.code.only, cl, startTime, nAdj2estimateTime)

    if (startTime["elapsed"] > 0) {
      elapsedTime <- elapsedTime + thisNrr["days"]*24*3600 + thisNrr["hours"]*3600 +
                     thisNrr["minutes"]*60 + thisNrr["seconds"]
      startTime <- proc.time()
    } else {
      ## this is necessary till we find out how to sum two dspMatrices getting a dspMatrix
      result[["genNrr"]] <- as(as(as(result[["genNrr"]] + w[idx] * thisNrr, "dMatrix"), "symmetricMatrix"), "packedMatrix")

      if (return.all)
        result[[as.character(idx)]] <- thisNrr

  if (clusterSize > 1 && !is.null(cl)) {

    elapsedTime <- elapsedTime + (proc.time() - startTime)["elapsed"]

  if (startTime["elapsed"] > 0) {
    d <- as.vector(floor(elapsedTime / (24*3600)))
    h <- as.vector(floor((elapsedTime-d*24*3600)/3600))
    m <- as.vector(floor((elapsedTime-d*24*3600-h*3600)/60))
    s <- as.vector(ceiling(elapsedTime-d*24*3600-h*3600-m*60))
    result <- c(days=d, hours=h, minutes=m, seconds=s)


## function: qpEdgeNrr
## purpose: estimate the non-rejection rate for one pair of variables as the
##          fraction of tests that accept the null hypothesis of independence given
##          a set of randomly sampled q-order conditionals
## parameters: X - data set from where to estimate the non-rejection rate
##             i - index in S (row or column) matching one of the two variables
##             j - index in S (row or column) matching the other variable
##             q - partial-correlation order
##             I - indexes or names of the variables in X that are discrete
##             restrict.Q - indexes or names of variables to which the conditioning
##                          subsets Q should be restricted
##             fix.Q - indexes or names of variables that should be fixed within
##                     every conditioning subset Q
##             nTests - number of tests to perform
##             alpha - significance level of each test (Type-I error probability)
##             long.dim.are.variables - if TRUE it assumes that when the data is
##                                      a data frame or a matrix, the longer
##                                      dimension is the one defining the random
##                                      variables, if FALSE then random variables
##                                      are assumed to be at the columns
##             exact.test - employ an exact test when working with HMGMs
##             R.code.only - flag set to FALSE when using the C implementation
## return: an estimate of the non-rejection rate for the particular given pair of
##         variables

setGeneric("qpEdgeNrr", function(X, ...) standardGeneric("qpEdgeNrr"))

# X comes as an ExpressionSet object
setMethod("qpEdgeNrr", signature(X="ExpressionSet"),
          function(X, i=1, j=2, q=1, restrict.Q=NULL, fix.Q=NULL,
                   nTests=100, alpha=0.05, exact.test=TRUE,
                   use=c("complete.obs", "em"), tol=0.01, R.code.only=FALSE) {

            use <- match.arg(use)

            p <- as.integer(nrow(X))
            h <- as.integer(ncol(Biobase::pData(X)))
            n <- as.integer(ncol(X))
            fNames <- Biobase::featureNames(X)
            pNames <- colnames(Biobase::pData(X))

            XP <- matrix(NA, nrow=ncol(X), ncol=0)
            I <- NULL
            if (h > 0) { ## if there are phenotypic variables, they are allowed to
                         ## to be included in i, j or fix.Q
              if (is.character(i)) {
                if (!is.na(match(i, pNames))) { ## then 'i' refers to a phenotypic variable (cont. or discrete)
                  x <- Biobase::pData(X)[, i]
                  cnames <- colnames(XP)
                  if (is.character(x) || is.factor(x) || is.logical(x)) {
                    XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(factor(x, levels=unique(x))))
                    I <- c(I, p+ncol(XP))
                  } else
                    XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(x))
                  colnames(XP) <- c(cnames, i)
              } else if (i > p && i <= p+h) { ## then 'i' refers to a phenotypic variable (cont. or discrete)
                x <- Biobase::pData(X)[, i-p]
                cnames <- colnames(XP)
                if (is.character(x) || is.factor(x) || is.logical(x)) {
                  XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(factor(x, levels=unique(x))))
                  I <- c(I, p+ncol(XP))
                } else
                  XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(x))
                colnames(XP) <- c(cnames, pNames[i-p])
                i <- p+ncol(XP)
              } else if (i > p+h)
                stop(sprintf("i=%d is larger than the number of expression profiles (%d) and phenotypic variables (%d) together (%d+%d=%d)\n", i, p, h, p+h))
              if (is.character(j)) {
                if (!is.na(match(j, pNames))) { ## then 'j' refers to a phenotypic variable (cont. or discrete)
                  x <- Biobase::pData(X)[, j]
                  cnames <- colnames(XP)
                  if (is.character(x) || is.factor(x) || is.logical(x)) {
                    XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(factor(x, levels=unique(x))))
                    I <- c(I, p+ncol(XP))
                  } else
                    XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(x))
                  colnames(XP) <- c(cnames, j)
              } else if (j > p && j <= p+h) { ## then 'j' refers to a phenotypic variable (cont. or discrete)
                x <- Biobase::pData(X)[, j-p]
                cnames <- colnames(XP)
                if (is.character(x) || is.factor(x) || is.logical(x)) {
                  XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(factor(x, levels=unique(x))))
                  I <- c(I, p+ncol(XP))
                } else
                  XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(x))
                colnames(XP) <- c(cnames, pNames[j-p])
                j <- p+ncol(XP)
              } else if (j > p+h)
                stop(sprintf("j=%d is larger than the number of expression profiles (%d) and phenotypic variables (%d) together (%d+%d=%d)\n", j, p, h, p+h))
              if (is.character(restrict.Q)) {
                mt <- match(restrict.Q, pNames)
                mt2 <- match(restrict.Q, colnames(XP)) ## avoid including a phen. var. twice
                for (k in mt[!is.na(mt) & is.na(mt2)]) {
                  x <- Biobase::pData(X)[, k]
                  cnames <- colnames(XP)
                  if (is.character(x) || is.factor(x) || is.logical(x)) {
                    XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(factor(x, levels=unique(x))))
                    I <- c(I, p+ncol(XP))
                  } else
                    XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(x))
                  colnames(XP) <- c(cnames, pNames[k])
              } else {
                for (k in which(restrict.Q > p)) {
                  if (is.na(match(pNames[restrict.Q[k]], colnames(XP)))) { ## avoid including a phen. var. twice
                    x <- Biobase::pData(X)[, restrict.Q[k]-p]
                    cnames <- colnames(XP)
                    if (is.character(x) || is.factor(x) || is.logical(x)) {
                      XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(factor(x, levels=unique(x))))
                      I <- c(I, p+ncol(XP))
                    } else
                      XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(x))
                    colnames(XP) <- c(cnames, pNames[restrict.Q[k]-p])
                    restrict.Q[k] <- p+ncol(XP)
              if (is.character(fix.Q)) {
                mt <- match(fix.Q, pNames)
                mt2 <- match(fix.Q, colnames(XP)) ## avoid including a phen. var. twice
                for (k in mt[!is.na(mt) & is.na(mt2)]) {
                  x <- Biobase::pData(X)[, k]
                  cnames <- colnames(XP)
                  if (is.character(x) || is.factor(x) || is.logical(x)) {
                    XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(factor(x, levels=unique(x))))
                    I <- c(I, p+ncol(XP))
                  } else
                    XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(x))
                  colnames(XP) <- c(cnames, pNames[k])
              } else {
                for (k in which(fix.Q > p)) {
                  if (is.na(match(pNames[fix.Q[k]], colnames(XP)))) { ## avoid including a phen. var. twice
                    x <- Biobase::pData(X)[, fix.Q[k]-p]
                    cnames <- colnames(XP)
                    if (is.character(x) || is.factor(x) || is.logical(x)) {
                      XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(factor(x, levels=unique(x))))
                      I <- c(I, p+ncol(XP))
                    } else
                      XP <- cbind(XP, as.numeric(x))
                    colnames(XP) <- c(cnames, pNames[fix.Q[k]-p])
                    fix.Q[k] <- p+ncol(XP)
            } ## end if (h > 0)

            X <- t(Biobase::exprs(X))
            X <- cbind(X, XP)
            varNames <- colnames(X)
            p <- ncol(X)

            if (is.null(I)) {
              param <- .processParameters(varNames, p, p+h, 0, n, i=i, j=j, q=q,
                                                    restrict.Q=restrict.Q, fix.Q=fix.Q)
              i <- param$i
              j <- param$j
              restrict.Q <- param$restrict.Q
              fix.Q <- param$fix.Q

              V <- 1:p
              if (!is.null(restrict.Q)) {
                V <- c(i, j, setdiff(restrict.Q, c(i, j)), fix.Q)
                restrict.Q <- match(restrict.Q, V)
                fix.Q <- match(fix.Q, V)
                i <- 1L
                j <- 2L

              ## S <- qpCov(X[, V, drop=FALSE]) ## here is faster to calculate S for each margin
              S <- NULL

              .qpEdgeNrr(X[, V, drop=FALSE], S, i, j, q, restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests,
                         alpha, return.pcor=FALSE, R.code.only)
            } else {
              Y <- varNames
              if (is.character(I)) ## isn't it I at this point always integer ?
                Y <- setdiff(varNames, I)
                Y <- (1:p)[-I]

              param <- .processParameters(varNames, p, p+h, 0, n, i=i, j=j, q=q, I=I, Y=Y,
                                                      restrict.Q=restrict.Q, fix.Q=fix.Q)
              i <- param$i
              j <- param$j
              I <- param$I
              Y <- param$Y
              restrict.Q <- param$restrict.Q
              fix.Q <- param$fix.Q

              if (length(intersect(restrict.Q, Y)) > 0)
                Y <- unique(c(intersect(i, Y), intersect(j, Y),
                              intersect(restrict.Q, Y), intersect(fix.Q, Y)))

              nLevels <- rep(NA_integer_, times=p)
              nLevels[I] <- apply(X[, I, drop=FALSE], 2, function(x) nlevels(as.factor(x)))
              if (any(nLevels[I] == 1))
                stop(sprintf("Discrete variable %s has only one level", colnames(X)[I[nLevels[I]==1]]))

              ssd <- mapX2ssd <- NULL
              ## here is faster to calculate ssd for each margin
              ## missingMask <- apply(X, 2, function(x) any(is.na(x)))
              ## missingData <- any(missingMask)
              ## if (!missingData) {
              ##   ssd <- qpCov(X[, Y, drop=FALSE], corrected=FALSE)
              ##   mapX2ssd <- match(varNames, colnames(ssd))
              ##   ## names(mapX2ssd) <- colnames(X) ## is this necessary ??
              ## }

              .qpEdgeNrrHMGM(X, I, nLevels, Y, ssd, mapX2ssd, i, j, q,
                                       restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests, alpha,
                                       exact.test, use, tol, R.code.only)

# X comes as a data frame
setMethod("qpEdgeNrr", signature(X="data.frame"),
          function(X, i=1, j=2, q=1, I=NULL, restrict.Q=NULL, fix.Q=NULL,
                   nTests=100, alpha=0.05, long.dim.are.variables=TRUE,
                   exact.test=TRUE, use=c("complete.obs", "em"), tol=0.01,
                   R.code.only=FALSE) {

            use <- match.arg(use)

            X <- as.matrix(X)
            if (!is.double(X))
              stop("X should be double-precision real numbers\n")

            if (long.dim.are.variables &&
                sort(dim(X),decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)$ix[1] == 1)
              X <- t(X)

            if (is.null(colnames(X)))
              colnames(X) <- 1:ncol(X)
            varNames <- colnames(X)
            p <- ncol(X)
            n <- nrow(X)

            if (is.null(I)) {
              param <- .processParameters(varNames, p, p, 0, n, i=i, j=j, q=q,
                                                    restrict.Q=restrict.Q, fix.Q=fix.Q)
              i <- param$i
              j <- param$j
              restrict.Q <- param$restrict.Q
              fix.Q <- param$fix.Q

              V <- 1:p
              if (!is.null(restrict.Q)) {
                V <- c(i, j, setdiff(restrict.Q, c(i, j)), fix.Q)
                restrict.Q <- match(restrict.Q, V)
                fix.Q <- match(fix.Q, V)
                i <- 1L
                j <- 2L

              ## S <- qpCov(X[, V, drop=FALSE]) ## here is faster to calculate S for each margin
              S <- NULL

              .qpEdgeNrr(X[, V, drop=FALSE], S, i, j, q, restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests,
                         alpha, return.pcor=FALSE, R.code.only)
            } else {
              if (!is.character(I) && !is.numeric(I) && !is.integer(I))
                stop("I should be either variables names or indices\n")

              Y <- colnames(X)
              if (is.character(I))
                Y <- setdiff(colnames(X), I)
                Y <- (1:ncol(X))[-I]

              param <- .processParameters(varNames, p, p, 0, n, i=i, j=j, q=q, I=I, Y=Y,
                                                      restrict.Q=restrict.Q, fix.Q=fix.Q)
              i <- param$i
              j <- param$j
              I <- param$I
              Y <- param$Y
              restrict.Q <- param$restrict.Q
              fix.Q <- param$fix.Q

              if (length(intersect(restrict.Q, Y)) > 0)
                Y <- unique(c(intersect(i, Y), intersect(j, Y),
                              intersect(restrict.Q, Y), intersect(fix.Q, Y)))

              nLevels <- rep(NA_integer_, times=ncol(X))
              nLevels[I] <- apply(X[, I, drop=FALSE], 2, function(x) nlevels(as.factor(x)))
              if (any(nLevels[I] == 1))
                stop(sprintf("Discrete variable %s has only one level", colnames(X)[I[nLevels[I]==1]]))

              ssd <- mapX2ssd <- NULL
              ## here is faster to calculate ssd for each margin
              ## missingMask <- apply(X, 2, function(x) any(is.na(x)))
              ## missingData <- any(missingMask)
              ## if (!missingData) {
              ##   ssd <- qpCov(X[, Y, drop=FALSE], corrected=FALSE)
              ##   mapX2ssd <- match(varNames, colnames(ssd))
              ##   ## names(mapX2ssd) <- colnames(X) ## is this necessary ??
              ## }

              .qpEdgeNrrHMGM(X, I, nLevels, Y, ssd, mapX2ssd, i, j, q,
                                       restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests, alpha,
                                       exact.test, use, tol, R.code.only)

# X comes as a matrix
setMethod("qpEdgeNrr", signature(X="matrix"),
          function(X, i=1, j=2, q=1, I=NULL, restrict.Q=NULL, fix.Q=NULL,
                   nTests=100, alpha=0.05, long.dim.are.variables=TRUE,
                   exact.test=TRUE, use=c("complete.obs", "em"), tol=0.01,
                   R.code.only=FALSE) {

            use <- match.arg(use)

            if (long.dim.are.variables &&
              sort(dim(X),decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)$ix[1] == 1)
              X <- t(X)

            if (is.null(colnames(X))) 
              colnames(X) <- 1:ncol(X)
            p <- ncol(X)
            varNames <- colnames(X)

            n <- nrow(X)
            if (is.null(I)) {
              param <- .processParameters(varNames, p, p, 0, n, i=i, j=j, q=q,
                                          restrict.Q=restrict.Q, fix.Q=fix.Q)
              i <- param$i
              j <- param$j
              restrict.Q <- param$restrict.Q
              fix.Q <- param$fix.Q

              V <- 1:p
              if (!is.null(restrict.Q)) {
                V <- c(i, j, setdiff(restrict.Q, c(i, j)), fix.Q)
                restrict.Q <- match(restrict.Q, V)
                fix.Q <- match(fix.Q, V)
                i <- 1L
                j <- 2L

              ## S <- qpCov(X[, V, drop=FALSE]) ## here is faster to calculate S for each margin
              S <- NULL

              .qpEdgeNrr(X[, V, drop=FALSE], S, i, j, q, restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests,
                         alpha, return.pcor=FALSE, R.code.only)
            } else {
              if (!is.character(I) && !is.numeric(I) && !is.integer(I))
                stop("I should be either variables names or indices\n")

              Y <- colnames(X)
              if (is.character(I))
                Y <- setdiff(colnames(X), I)
                Y <- (1:ncol(X))[-I]

              param <- .processParameters(varNames, p, p, 0, n, i=i, j=j, q=q, I=I, Y=Y,
                                                    restrict.Q=restrict.Q, fix.Q=fix.Q)
              i <- param$i
              j <- param$j
              I <- param$I
              Y <- param$Y
              restrict.Q <- param$restrict.Q
              fix.Q <- param$fix.Q

              if (length(intersect(restrict.Q, Y)) > 0)
                Y <- unique(c(intersect(i, Y), intersect(j, Y),
                              intersect(restrict.Q, Y), intersect(fix.Q, Y)))

              nLevels <- rep(NA_integer_, times=ncol(X))
              nLevels[I] <- apply(X[, I, drop=FALSE], 2, function(x) nlevels(as.factor(x)))
              if (any(nLevels[I] == 1))
                stop(sprintf("Discrete variable %s has only one level", colnames(X)[I[nLevels[I]==1]]))

              ssd <- mapX2ssd <- NULL
              ## here is faster to calculate ssd for each margin
              ## missingMask <- apply(X, 2, function(x) any(is.na(x)))
              ## missingData <- any(missingMask)
              ## if (!missingData) {
              ##   ssd <- qpCov(X[, Y, drop=FALSE], corrected=FALSE)
              ##   mapX2ssd <- match(varNames, colnames(ssd))
              ##   ## names(mapX2ssd) <- colnames(X) ## is this necessary ??
              ## }

              .qpEdgeNrrHMGM(X, I, nLevels, Y, ssd, mapX2ssd, i, j, q,
                                       restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests, alpha,
                                       exact.test, use, tol, R.code.only)

# X comes as an SsdMatrix (i.e., a sample covariance matrix calculated with qpCov())
setMethod("qpEdgeNrr", signature(X="SsdMatrix"),
          function(X, i=1, j=2, q=1, restrict.Q=NULL, fix.Q=NULL,
                   nTests=100, alpha=0.05, R.code.only=FALSE) {

            if (is.null(colnames(X))) 
              colnames(X) <- 1:ncol(X)
            p <- ncol(X)
            varNames <- colnames(X)

            if (is.null(rownames(X)))
              rownames(X) <- colnames(X)

            param <- .processParameters(varNames, p, p, 0, X@n, i=i, j=j, q=q,
                                        restrict.Q=restrict.Q, fix.Q=fix.Q)
            i <- param$i
            j <- param$j
            restrict.Q <- param$restrict.Q
            fix.Q <- param$fix.Q

            .qpEdgeNrr(NULL, X, i, j, q, restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests,
                       alpha, return.pcor=FALSE, R.code.only)

## experimental

setMethod("qpEdgeCor", signature(X="matrix"),
          function(X, i=1, j=2, q=1, I=NULL, restrict.Q=NULL, fix.Q=NULL,
                   nTests=100, alpha=0.05, long.dim.are.variables=TRUE,
                   exact.test=TRUE, use=c("complete.obs", "em"), tol=0.01,
                   R.code.only=FALSE) {

            use <- match.arg(use)

            if (long.dim.are.variables &&
              sort(dim(X),decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)$ix[1] == 1)
              X <- t(X)

            if (is.null(colnames(X))) 
              colnames(X) <- 1:ncol(X)
            p <- ncol(X)
            varNames <- colnames(X)

            n <- nrow(X)
            if (is.null(I)) {
              param <- .processParameters(varNames, p, p, 0, n, i=i, j=j, q=q,
                                          restrict.Q=restrict.Q, fix.Q=fix.Q)
              i <- param$i
              j <- param$j
              restrict.Q <- param$restrict.Q
              fix.Q <- param$fix.Q

              V <- 1:p
              if (!is.null(restrict.Q)) {
                V <- c(i, j, setdiff(restrict.Q, c(i, j)), fix.Q)
                restrict.Q <- match(restrict.Q, V)
                fix.Q <- match(fix.Q, V)
                i <- 1L
                j <- 2L

              ## S <- qpCov(X[, V, drop=FALSE]) ## here is faster to calculate S for each margin
              S <- NULL

              matrix(data=.qpEdgeNrr(X[, V, drop=FALSE], S, i, j, q, restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests,
                                     alpha, return.pcor=TRUE, R.code.only),
                     nrow=nTests, ncol=q+2, dimnames=list(NULL, c("pcor", "pval", paste0("Q", 1:q))))
            } else
              stop("'qpEdgeCor()' is not yet implemented for mixed continuous and discrete data.")

setMethod("qpEdgeCor", signature(X="UGgmm"),
          function(X, i=1, j=2, q=1, restrict.Q=NULL, fix.Q=NULL,
                   nTests=100, alpha=0.05, R.code.only=FALSE) {

            p <- X$p
            varNames <- X$X

            param <- .processParameters(varNames, p, p, 0, p+1L, i=i, j=j, q=q,
                                        restrict.Q=restrict.Q, fix.Q=fix.Q)
            i <- param$i
            j <- param$j
            restrict.Q <- param$restrict.Q
            fix.Q <- param$fix.Q

            if (R.code.only)
              stop("R.code.only=TRUE is not implemented yet.")

            ssd <- new("SsdMatrix",
                       ssd=as(as(as(X$sigma, "dMatrix"), "symmetricMatrix"), "packedMatrix"), n=NA_real_)
            matrix(data=.qpEdgeNrr(NULL, ssd, i, j, q, restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests,
                                   alpha, return.pcor=TRUE, R.code.only),
                   nrow=nTests, ncol=q+2, dimnames=list(NULL, c("pcor", "pval", paste0("Q", 1:q))))

setMethod("qpPathWeight", signature(X="dspMatrix"),
          function(X, path, Q=integer(0), M=integer(0), normalized=TRUE, R.code.only=TRUE) {
            qpPathWeight(as.matrix(X), path, Q, M, normalized, R.code.only)

setMethod("qpPathWeight", signature(X="matrix"),
          function(X, path, Q=integer(0), M=integer(0), normalized=TRUE, R.code.only=TRUE) {

            p <- (d <- dim(X))[1]
            if (p != d[2])
              stop("non-squared matrix in 'X'")

            if (!isSymmetric(X))
              stop("non-symmetric matrix in 'X'")

            if (class(X[1, 1]) != "numeric")
              stop("non-numeric values in 'X'")

            if (!all(eigen(X)$values > 0))
              stop("non-positive definite matrix in 'X'")

            S <- X

            if (!is.null(colnames(S))) {
              allvtc <- colnames(S)
              if (!is.character(path))
                path <- allvtc[path]
              if (!is.character(Q))
                Q <- allvtc[Q]
            } else {
              allvtc <- 1:ncol(S)
              stopifnot(class(path) != "character")
              stopifnot(class(Q) != "character")
              stopifnot(class(M) != "character")

            R <- setdiff(allvtc, M)
            map2R <- vector(mode="integer", ncol(S))
            names(map2R) <- allvtc
            map2R[R] <- seq(along=R)
            edges <- cbind(map2R[path[-length(path)]], map2R[path[-1]])
            sgn <- ifelse(length(path) %% 2 == 0, -1, 1)

            if (!R.code.only)
              return(.Call("qp_fast_path_weight", S, as.integer(path), as.integer(Q),
                                                  as.integer(R), as.integer(map2R), edges,
                                                  as.integer(sgn), as.integer(normalized)))

            K <- solve(S[R, R])
            rownames(K) <- colnames(K) <- R
            pw <- sgn*prod(K[edges])*det(S[path, path]) 
            if (normalized) {
              fstvtx <- map2R[path[1]]
              lstvtx <- map2R[path[length(path)]]
              PCOV <- solve(K[c(fstvtx, lstvtx), c(fstvtx, lstvtx)])
              pw <- pw / sqrt(PCOV[1, 1] * PCOV[2, 2])


## private functions

## ph contains the number of profile and phenotypic variables within varNames
## init_ph contains the initial number of profile and phenotypic variables on
## which integer values for i, j, restrict.Q or fix.Q could be based on.
.processParameters <- function(varNames, ph, init_ph, s, n, i, j, q, I=NULL, Y=NULL,
                               restrict.Q=NULL, fix.Q=NULL) {

  p <- length(varNames)

  if (q < 0)
    stop(paste("q=", q, " < 0"))

  if (q > p-2)
    stop(paste("q=", q, " > p-2=", p-2))

  if (q > n-3)
    stop(paste("q=", q, " > n-3=", n-3))

  if (is.character(i)) {
    if (is.na(match(i, varNames)))
      stop(sprintf("i=%s does not form part of the variable names of the data\n",i))
    i <- match(i, varNames)
  } else {
    if (i > init_ph && i <= init_ph+s)
      i <- i - init_ph + ph

  if (is.character(j)) {
    if (is.na(match(j, varNames)))
      stop(sprintf("j=%s does not form part of the variable names of the data\n",j))
    j <- match(j, varNames)
  } else {
    if (j > init_ph && j <= init_ph+s)
      j <- j - init_ph + ph

  if (!is.null(I)) {
    if (is.character(I)) {
      if (any(is.na(match(I, varNames))))
        stop("Some variables in I do not form part of the variable names of the data\n")
      I <- match(I, varNames)

  if (!is.null(Y)) {
    if (is.character(Y)) {
      if (any(is.na(match(Y, varNames))))
        stop("Some variables in Y do not form part of the variable names of the data\n")
      Y <- match(Y, varNames)

  if (!is.null(fix.Q)) {
    if (is.character(fix.Q)) {
      if (any(is.na(match(fix.Q, varNames))))
        stop("Some variables in fix.Q do not form part of the variable names of the data\n")
      fix.Q <- match(fix.Q, varNames)
    } else
      fix.Q[fix.Q > init_ph & fix.Q <= init_ph+s] <- fix.Q[fix.Q > init_ph & fix.Q <= init_ph+s] - init_ph + ph

    if (any(!is.na(match(c(i, j), fix.Q))))
      stop("The subset fix.Q cannot include any of the (i, j) variables.\n")

    if (q <= length(fix.Q))
      stop("q should be larger than the number of variables in fix.Q\n")

  if (!is.null(restrict.Q)) {
    if (is.character(restrict.Q)) {
      if (any(is.na(match(restrict.Q, varNames))))
        stop("Some variables in restrict.Q do not form part of the variable names of the data\n")
      restrict.Q <- match(restrict.Q, varNames)
    } else
      restrict.Q[restrict.Q > init_ph & restrict.Q <= init_ph+s] <- restrict.Q[restrict.Q > init_ph & restrict.Q <= init_ph+s] - init_ph + ph

  if (length(intersect(restrict.Q, fix.Q)) > 0)
    stop("The subsets restrict.Q and fix.Q should be disjoint.\n")

  return(list(i=i, j=j, I=I, Y=Y, restrict.Q=restrict.Q, fix.Q=fix.Q))

## IMPORTANT: .qpEdgeNrr() assumes that .processParameters() has been
##            previously called and all arguments related to variables
##            come as integers
.qpEdgeNrr <- function(X, S, i=1, j=2, q=1, restrict.Q=NULL, fix.Q=NULL,
                       nTests=100, alpha=0.05, return.pcor=FALSE,
                       R.code.only=FALSE) {

  stopifnot(!is.null(X) || !is.null(S))

  if (!R.code.only) { ## assume restrict.Q and fix.Q are coordinately set!!!!
    return(.qpFastEdgeNrr(X, S, i, j, q, restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests, alpha, return.pcor));

  Qm <- NA
  work.with.margin <- FALSE
  if (is.null(S)) {
    work.with.margin <- TRUE
    Qm <- seq(3, q+2)

  p <- ifelse(!is.null(X), ncol(X), ncol(S))
  n <- ifelse(!is.null(X), nrow(X), S@n)
  V <- 1:p
  if (!is.null(restrict.Q))
    V <- restrict.Q

  if (!is.null(fix.Q))
    V <- setdiff(V, fix.Q)

  if (q > length(V)-2)
    stop(paste("q=", q, " > p-2=", p-2))

  q.fix <- length(fix.Q)
  mt <- match(c(i, j), V)
  mt <- mt[!is.na(mt)]
  if (length(mt) > 0)
    V <- V[-mt]

  thr <- qt(p=1-(alpha/2), df=n-q-2, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
  lambda <- c()
  for (k in 1:nTests) {
    Q <- c(sample(V, q-q.fix, replace=FALSE), fix.Q)
    if (work.with.margin) {
      S <- qpCov(X[, c(i, j, Q)], corrected=TRUE)
      cit <- .qpCItest(S, 1L, 2L, Qm, R.code.only=TRUE)
    } else
      cit <- .qpCItest(S, as.integer(i), as.integer(j),
                                 as.integer(Q), R.code.only=TRUE)
    lambda  <- c(lambda, abs(cit$statistic))

  nAcceptedTests <- sum(lambda < thr)

  return(nAcceptedTests / nTests)

## IMPORTANT: .qpEdgeNrrIdenticalQs() assumes that .processParameters() has been
##            previously called and all arguments related to variables
##            com as integers
## TODO: work with complete.obs on the margins
.qpEdgeNrrIdenticalQs <- function(S, Qs, S22invs, i=1, j=2, q=1, nTests=100, alpha=0.05,
                                  R.code.only=FALSE) {
  n <- S@n
  nActualTests <- 0
  thr    <- qt(p=1-(alpha/2), df=n-q-2, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
  lambda <- c()
  for (k in 1:nTests) {
    if (sum(!is.na(match(c(i, j), Qs[[k]]))) == 0) { # those Q sets that include i or j are excluded
      Mmar    <- S[c(i, j, Qs[[k]]), c(i, j, Qs[[k]])]
      par.cov <- Mmar[1:2, 1:2] - Mmar[1:2, 3:(q+2)] %*% S22invs[[k]] %*% Mmar[3:(q+2), 1:2]
      par.cor <- cov2cor(par.cov)[1,2]
      t.value <- sqrt(n - q - 2) * par.cor / sqrt(1 - par.cor^2)
      lambda <- c(lambda, abs(t.value))
      nActualTests <- nActualTests + 1

  nAcceptedTests <- sum(lambda < thr)

  return(nAcceptedTests / nActualTests)

## IMPORTANT: .qpEdgeNrrHMGM() assumes that .processParameters() has been
##            previously called and all arguments related to variables
##            come as integers
.qpEdgeNrrHMGM <- function(X, I, nLevels, Y, ssdMat, mapX2ssdMat, i=1, j=2, q=1,
                           restrict.Q=NULL, fix.Q=NULL, nTests=100,
                           alpha=0.05, exact.test=TRUE, use=c("complete.obs", "em"),
                           tol=0.01, R.code.only=FALSE) {

  if (all(!is.na(match(c(i,j), I))))
    stop("i and j cannot be both discrete at the moment\n")

  if (!is.na(match(j, I))) { ## if any of (i,j) is discrete, it should be i
    tmp <- i
    i <- j
    j <- tmp

  if (!R.code.only) {
    if (use == "em")
      stop("The EM algorithm is not yet implemented in the fast C version of the code for qpEdgeNrr(). Please set either use=\"complete.obs\" (default value) or R.code.only=TRUE\n")

    return(.qpFastEdgeNrrHMGM(X, I, nLevels, Y, ssdMat, mapX2ssdMat, i, j, q,
                                        restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests, alpha, exact.test))

  p <- ncol(X)
  V <- 1:p
  if (!is.null(restrict.Q))
    V <- restrict.Q

  if (!is.null(fix.Q))
    V <- setdiff(V, fix.Q)

  if (q > length(V)-2)
    stop(paste("q=", q, " > p-2=", p-2))

  q.fix <- length(fix.Q)
  mt <- match(c(i, j), V)
  mt <- mt[!is.na(mt)]
  if (length(mt) > 0)
    V <- V[-mt]

  problematicQ <- NA
  nActualTests <- 0
  lambda <- a <- b <- thr <- rep(NA, times=nTests)
  for (k in 1:nTests) {
    Q <- c(sample(V, q-q.fix, replace=FALSE), fix.Q)
    cit <- .qpCItestHMGM(X, I, nLevels, Y, ssdMat, mapX2ssdMat, as.integer(i),
                                   as.integer(j), as.integer(Q), exact.test,
                                   use, tol, R.code.only=TRUE)
    if (!is.nan(cit$statistic)) {
      lambda[k] <- cit$statistic
      if (exact.test) {
        a[k] <- cit$parameter["a"]
        b[k] <- cit$parameter["b"]
        if (k > 1 && a[k] == a[k-1] && b[k] == b[k-1])
          thr[k] <- thr[k-1]
          thr[k] <- qbeta(p=alpha, shape1=a[k], shape2=b[k], lower.tail=TRUE)
      nActualTests <- nActualTests + 1
    } else
      problematicQ <- Q

  nAcceptedTests <- NA
  if (exact.test) {
    nAcceptedTests <- sum(lambda > thr, na.rm=TRUE)
  } else {
    thr <- qchisq(p=(1-alpha), df=1, lower.tail=TRUE)
    nAcceptedTests <- sum(lambda < thr, na.rm=TRUE)

  if (nActualTests < nTests)
    warning(paste(sprintf("Non-rejection rate estimation between i=%s and j=%s with q=%d was based on %d out of %d requested tests.\n",
                          colnames(X)[i], colnames(X)[j], q, nActualTests, nTests),
                  sprintf("For instance, the CI test between i=%s and j=%s given Q={",
                          colnames(X)[i], colnames(X)[j]),
                  paste(colnames(X)[problematicQ], collapse=", "),
                  "}, could not be calculated. Try with smaller Q subsets or increase n if you can.\n",

  return(nAcceptedTests / nActualTests)

## function: qpHist
## purpose: plot the distribution of non-rejection rates
## parameters: nrrMatrix - matrix of non-rejection rates
##             A - adjacency matrix whose present and missing edges will be employed
##                 to show separately the distribution of non-rejection rates
##             freq - logical; if TRUE, the histograms show frequencies (counts)
##                    of occurrence of the different non-rejection rate values;
##                    if FALSE, then probability densities are plotted
## return: none

qpHist <- function(nrrMatrix, A=NULL,
                   titlehist = "all estimated\nnon-rejection rates", freq=TRUE) {
  # all
  nrr <- nrrMatrix[upper.tri(nrrMatrix)]
  nrr_rg <- range(nrr)
    hist(nrr, col="yellow", main=titlehist, xlab="non-rejection rate", freq=freq)
  } else {
    # only beta
    T <- as.matrix(nrrMatrix) ## till [<- works with dspMatrix matrices
    T[!as.matrix(A)] <- -1
    xbeta <- T[upper.tri(T)]
    xbeta <- xbeta[xbeta != -1]
    # not beta
    T <- as.matrix(nrrMatrix) ## till [<- works with dspMatrix matrices
    T[as.matrix(A)] <- -1
    xnotbeta <- T[upper.tri(T)]
    xnotbeta <- xnotbeta[xnotbeta != -1]
    # plots
    split.screen(c(2, 2))
    H <- hist(nrr, plot=FALSE)
       yl <- c(0, max(H$counts))
       yl < NULL
    hist(nrr, freq=freq, col="yellow", xlim=nrr_rg, ylim=yl, main=titlehist,
         xlab="non-rejection rates")
    boxplot(xbeta, xnotbeta, col=c("red", "skyblue"), ylab="non-rejection rate",
    hist(xbeta, freq=freq,  col="yellow", xlim=nrr_rg, ylim=yl,
         main="present edges\nnon-rejection rates", xlab="non-rejection rates",
    hist(xnotbeta, freq=freq, col="yellow", xlim=nrr_rg, ylim=yl,
         main="missing edges\nnon-rejection rates", xlab="non-rejection rates",

## function: qpGraph
## purpose: obtain a qp-graph from a matrix of non-rejection rates
## parameters: nrrMatrix - matrix of non-rejection rates
##             threshold - threshold for edge removal
##             topPairs - form the qp-graph with a number topPairs of edges
##                        starting from the top of the ranking defined by
##                        the values in nrrMatrix
##             pairup.i - subset of vertices to pair up with subset pairup.j
##             pairup.j - subset of vertices to pair up with subset pairup.i
##             return.type - type of data structure on which the graph
##                           should be returned, either an adjacency matrix,
##                           a matrix with the list of edges, a graphNEL object
##                           a graphAM object or a graphBAM object
## return: adjacency matrix of the qp-graph

.old_qpGraph <- function(nrrMatrix, threshold=NULL, topPairs=NULL, pairup.i=NULL,
                    pairup.j=NULL, return.type=c("adjacency.matrix", "edge.list",
                    "graphNEL", "graphAM", "graphBAM")) {

  warning("The function call 'qpGraph()' using arguments 'threshold' or 'return.type' is being deprecated and will dissapear in the next release version. Please consult the help page of qpGraph().")

  return.type <- match.arg(return.type)

  ## by now we need to coerce the dspMatrix into a regular matrix
  ## hopefully this can be removed in the near future
  nrrMatrix <- as(nrrMatrix, "matrix")

  n.var <- nrow(nrrMatrix)

  if (is.null(colnames(nrrMatrix))) {
    vertex.labels <- as.character(1:n.var)
  } else {
    vertex.labels <- colnames(nrrMatrix)

  if (is.null(threshold) && is.null(topPairs))
    stop("either threshold or topPairs should be set different to NULL\n")

  if (!is.null(threshold) && !is.null(topPairs))
    stop("only either threshold or topPairs can be set different to NULL\n")

  if ((!is.null(pairup.i) && is.null(pairup.j)) ||
      (is.null(pairup.i) && !is.null(pairup.j)))
    stop("pairup.i and pairup.j should both either be set to NULL or contain subsets of variables\n")

  if (!is.null(pairup.i) && !is.null(pairup.j))  {
    if (is.null(colnames(nrrMatrix)))
      stop("when using pairup.i and pairup.j, nrrMatrix should have row and column names\n")

    var.names <- colnames(nrrMatrix)
    pairup.i <- match(pairup.i, var.names)
    if (sum(is.na(pairup.i)) > 0)
      stop("pairup.i is not a subset of the variables forming the data\n")
    pairup.j <- match(pairup.j, var.names)
    if (sum(is.na(pairup.j)) > 0)
      stop("pairup.j is not a subset of the variables forming the data\n")

    pairup.ij.int <- intersect(pairup.i, pairup.j)
    pairup.i.noint <- setdiff(pairup.i, pairup.ij.int)
    pairup.j.noint <- setdiff(pairup.j, pairup.ij.int)

    nomeasurementsMask <- matrix(FALSE,nrow=n.var,ncol=n.var)
                                   c(pairup.i.noint, pairup.j.noint)))] <- TRUE
    nomeasurementsMask[as.matrix(expand.grid(pairup.i.noint, pairup.j.noint))] <- TRUE
    nomeasurementsMask[as.matrix(expand.grid(pairup.ij.int, pairup.ij.int))] <- TRUE
    diag(nomeasurementsMask) <- FALSE
    nomeasurementsMask <- nomeasurementsMask | t(nomeasurementsMask)
    nomeasurementsMask <- !nomeasurementsMask
    nrrMatrix[nomeasurementsMask] <- NA

  # not-available NRRs imply no edges
  nrrMatrix[is.na(nrrMatrix)] <- 1.0

  if (!is.null(threshold)) {
    A <- nrrMatrix <= threshold
  } else { # topPairs
    nrrUppTriMatrix <- nrrMatrix[upper.tri(nrrMatrix)]
    rowUppTri <- row(nrrMatrix)[upper.tri(nrrMatrix)]
    colUppTri <- col(nrrMatrix)[upper.tri(nrrMatrix)]
    orderedMeasurementsIdx <- sort(nrrUppTriMatrix, index.return=TRUE,
    ranking <- cbind(rowUppTri[orderedMeasurementsIdx],
    A <- matrix(FALSE, nrow=n.var, ncol=n.var)
    A[ranking[1:topPairs, ]] <- TRUE
    A[cbind(ranking[1:topPairs, 2], ranking[1:topPairs, 1])] <- TRUE

  rownames(A) <- colnames(A) <- vertex.labels
  diag(A) <- FALSE # whatever the threshold is the graph should have no loops

  if (return.type == "adjacency.matrix") {
  } else if (return.type == "edge.list") {
    m <- cbind(vertex.labels[row(A)[upper.tri(A) & A]], vertex.labels[col(A)[upper.tri(A) & A]])
    colnames(m) <- c("i", "j")
  } else {
    from <- vertex.labels[row(A)[upper.tri(A) & A]]
    to <- vertex.labels[col(A)[upper.tri(A) & A]]
    df <- data.frame(from=from, to=to, weight=rep(1, length(from)), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    g <- graph::graphBAM(df, nodes=vertex.labels)
    if (return.type == "graphNEL") {
      ## m <- cbind(vertex.labels[row(A)[upper.tri(A) & A]], vertex.labels[col(A)[upper.tri(A) & A]])
      ## m <- rbind(m, m[, 2:1])
      ## edL <- lapply(split(m[,1], m[,2]), unique)
      ## g <- new("graphNEL", nodes=names(edL), edgeL=edL, edgemode="undirected")
      g <- as(g, "graphNEL")
    } else if (return.type == "graphAM") {
      ## g <- new("graphAM", adjMat=A+0, edgemode="undirected", values=list(weight=1))
      g <- as(g, "graphAM")
    return(g) ## graphBAM


## function: qpAnyGraph
## purpose: obtain a graph from a matrix of measurements by thresholding on
##          these measurements
## parameters: measurementsMatrix - matrix of pairwise associations
##             threshold - threshold for edge removal
##             remove - direction of the removal with the threshold
##             topPairs - form the graph with a number topPairs of edges
##                        starting from the top of the ranking defined by
##                        the measurementsMatrix
##             decreasing - logical, only applies when topPairs is set; if TRUE
##                          then the ranking is made in decreasing order; if
##                          FALSE then is made in increasing order
##             pairup.i - subset of vertices to pair up with subset pairup.j
##             pairup.j - subset of vertices to pair up with subset pairup.i
## return: a graphBAM object

qpAnyGraph <- function(measurementsMatrix, threshold=NA_real_, remove=c("below", "above"),
                       topPairs=NA_integer_, decreasing=TRUE, pairup.i=NULL, pairup.j=NULL) {
  p <- nrow(measurementsMatrix)

  if (!isSymmetric(measurementsMatrix))
    stop("'measurementsMatrix' is not symmetric.")

  remove <- match.arg(remove)

  ## by now we need to coerce the dspMatrix into a regular matrix
  ## hopefully in the near future we can do also [<- on dspMatrix matrices
  ## measurementsMatrix <- as(measurementsMatrix, "matrix")

  vertex.labels <- NULL
  if (is.null(colnames(measurementsMatrix))) {
    vertex.labels <- as.character(1:p)
  } else
    vertex.labels <- as.character(colnames(measurementsMatrix))

  if (is.na(threshold) && is.na(topPairs))
    stop("either 'threshold' or 'topPairs' should be set different to NULL\n")

  if (!is.na(threshold) && !is.na(topPairs))
    stop("only either 'threshold' or 'topPairs' can be set different to NULL\n")

  if ((!is.null(pairup.i) && is.null(pairup.j)) ||
      (is.null(pairup.i) && !is.null(pairup.j)))
    stop("'pairup.i' and 'pairup.j' should both either be set to NULL or contain subsets of variables\n")

  if (!is.null(pairup.i) && !is.null(pairup.j))  {
    if (is.null(colnames(measurementsMatrix)))
      stop("when using 'pairup.i' and 'pairup.j', measurementsMatrix should have row and column names\n")

    var.names <- colnames(measurementsMatrix)
    pairup.i <- match(pairup.i, var.names)
    if (sum(is.na(pairup.i)) > 0)
      stop("'pairup.i' is not a subset of the variables forming the data\n")
    pairup.j <- match(pairup.j, var.names)
    if (sum(is.na(pairup.j)) > 0)
      stop("'pairup.j' is not a subset of the variables forming the data\n")

    pairup.ij.int <- intersect(pairup.i, pairup.j)
    pairup.i.noint <- setdiff(pairup.i, pairup.ij.int)
    pairup.j.noint <- setdiff(pairup.j, pairup.ij.int)

    nomeasurementsMask <- matrix(FALSE,nrow=p,ncol=p)
                                   c(pairup.i.noint, pairup.j.noint)))] <- TRUE
    nomeasurementsMask[as.matrix(expand.grid(pairup.i.noint, pairup.j.noint))] <- TRUE
    nomeasurementsMask[as.matrix(expand.grid(pairup.ij.int, pairup.ij.int))] <- TRUE
    diag(nomeasurementsMask) <- FALSE
    nomeasurementsMask <- nomeasurementsMask | t(nomeasurementsMask)
    nomeasurementsMask <- !nomeasurementsMask
    measurementsMatrix[nomeasurementsMask] <- NA

  measurementsUT <- measurementsMatrix[upper.tri(measurementsMatrix)]
  df <- NULL
  if (!is.na(threshold)) {                                  ## threshold
    idx <- NULL
    if (remove == "below")
      idx <- which(measurementsUT >= threshold)
      idx <- which(measurementsUT <= threshold)
    idx <- .i2e(idx-1) + 1 ## defined in qpGraph-methods.R
    df <- data.frame(from=vertex.labels[idx[, 1]],
                     to=vertex.labels[idx[, 2]],
                     weight=rep(1, nrow(idx)),
  } else {                                                  ## topPairs
    measurementsUTsorted <- sort(measurementsUT, partial=topPairs, decreasing=decreasing)[1:topPairs]
    idx <- which(measurementsUT %in% measurementsUTsorted)
    if (length(idx) > topPairs)
      idx <- idx[order(measurementsUT[idx])][1:topPairs]    ## handle when to measurements are identical
    idx <- .i2e(idx-1) + 1 ## defined in qpGraph-methods.R
    df <- data.frame(from=vertex.labels[idx[, 1]],
                     to=vertex.labels[idx[, 2]],
                     weight=rep(1, topPairs),

  graphBAM(df, nodes=vertex.labels)

## function: qpGraphDensity
## purpose: calculate and plot the graph density as function of the non-rejection
##          rate
## parameters: nrrMatrix - matrix of non-rejection rates
##             threshold.lim - range of threshold values
##             breaks - either a number of threshold bins or a vector of
##             threshold breakpoints
##             plot - flag setting to make a plot of the result
##             qpGraphDensityOutput - output from a previous call to
##                                    qpGraphDensity, this allows one to
##                                    plot the result changing some of the
##                                    plotting parameters without having to do
##                                    the calculation again
##             density.digits - number of digits in the reported graph densities
##             titlegd - title to be shown in the plot
## return: a list with the graph density as function of threshold and an estimate
##         of the sparseness of the resulting qp-graphs across the thresholds

qpGraphDensity <- function(nrrMatrix, threshold.lim=c(0,1), breaks=5,
                           plot=TRUE, qpGraphDensityOutput=NULL,
                           titlegd="graph density as function of threshold") {

  if (is.null(qpGraphDensityOutput)) {

    if (length(breaks) == 1) {
      len <- threshold.lim[2] - threshold.lim[1]
      br <- seq(threshold.lim[1],threshold.lim[2],by=len/breaks)
    } else {
      br <- breaks
      threshold.lim = range(br)

    matgdthr <- matrix(rep(0,length(br)*2),nrow=length(br),ncol=2)
    colnames(matgdthr) <- c("density", "threshold")
    n.var <- nrow(nrrMatrix)
    n.adj <- n.var*(n.var-1)/2

    ## by now we coerce this to a regular matrix
    nrrMatrix <- as(nrrMatrix, "matrix")

    for (i in 1:length(br)) {
      threshold <- br[i]
      nrrMatrix[is.na(nrrMatrix)] <- 1.0 # non-available NRRs imply no edges
      A <- nrrMatrix <= threshold
      diag(A) <- FALSE # if the threshold is 1.0 the resulting qp-graph
                       # will be the complete undirected graph but
                       # still it should have no loops
      n.edg <- sum(A) / 2
      gd <- (n.edg / n.adj) * 100
      matgdthr[i,] <- c(gd,threshold)

  } else {
    br <- qpGraphDensityOutput$data[,2]
    matgdthr <- qpGraphDensityOutput$data

  linetype <- 1
  label <- "graph density"

  if (plot == TRUE) {
         xlab="threshold",ylab="graph density",main=titlegd)
    pct <- round(matgdthr[,1],digits=density.digits)

  m <- matgdthr[,c(2,1)]
  m[,2] <- m[,2] / 100
  f <- approxfun(m)
  area <- integrate(f,min(m[,1]),max(m[,1]))


## function: qpCliqueNumber
## purpose: calculate the size of the largest maximal clique in a given undirected graph
## parameters: g - either a graphNEL, graphAM, graphBAM object or an adjacency matrix of the graph
##             exact.calculation - flag that when set to TRUE the exact maximum clique
##                                 size is calculated and when set to FALSE a lower
##                                 bound is calculated instead
##             return.vertices - returns one set of vertices forming a maximal clique of the
##                               maximum size when this flag is set to TRUE
##             approx.iter - number of iterations performed to calculate
##                           the lower bound on the clique number of
##                           each graph (exact.calculation is FALSE)
##             verbose - show progress on the clique number calculation
##             R.code.only - flag set to FALSE when using the C implementation
## return: the size of the largest maximal clique in the given graph, also known as
##         its clique number

qpCliqueNumber <- function(g, exact.calculation=TRUE, return.vertices=FALSE,
                           approx.iter=100, verbose=TRUE, R.code.only=FALSE) {

  if (any(c("graphNEL", "graphAM", "graphBAM") %in% class(g))) {
    if (graph::edgemode(g) != "undirected")
      stop("g should be an undirected graph\n")

    A <- as(g, "matrix") == 1
  } else if ("matrix" %in% class(g) || length(grep("Matrix", class(g))) > 0) {
    A <- g
    p <- (d <- dim(A))[1]
    if (p != d[2])
      stop("g is not an squared adjacency matrix nor a graphNEL, graphAM or graphBAM object\n")

    if (!isSymmetric(A))
      stop("g is not a symmetric adjacency matrix nor a graphNEL, graphAM or graphBAM object\n")
  } else
    stop("g should be either a graphNEL object, a graphAM object, a graphBAM object or a boolean adjacency matrix\n")

  if (exact.calculation && R.code.only)
    stop("R code is only available for the lower bound approximation and not for the exact calculation\n");

  n.var <- nrow(A)
  n.possibleedges <- (n.var * (n.var-1)) / 2

  if (!any(A)) {
    maximum_clique <- 1
    if (return.vertices) {
        maximum_clique <- list(size=clique.number,vertices=1)

  if (sum(A[upper.tri(A)]) == n.possibleedges) {
    maximum_clique <- n.var
    if (return.vertices) {
        maximum_clique <- list(size=clique.number,vertices=1:n.var)

  maximum_clique <- 0

  if (exact.calculation == TRUE) {

    A <- A == 1 ## make sure we get a boolean matrix

    maximum_clique <-
  } else {
    if (!R.code.only)
      maximum_clique <-
    else {
      if (verbose) {
        cat("calculating lower bound on the maximum clique size\n")

      clique.number <- 0
      clique.vertices <- c()

      A <- as.matrix(A) + 0 ## make sure we get a 0-1 matrix
      deg <- sort(rowsum(A, rep(1,n.var)), index.return=TRUE,
                  decreasing=TRUE) ## order by degree

      ppct <- -1
      for (i in 1:approx.iter) {

        pdeg <- deg$ix
        if (i %% n.var + 1 > 1) {
          sset <- sample(1:n.var, i %% n.var + 1, replace=FALSE) ## we alter the order of the ranking
          ssetelem <- pdeg[sset]                                 ## by degree with increasing levels
          ssetelem <- sample(ssetelem)                           ## of randomness cyclically
          pdeg[sset] <- ssetelem
        clq <- c(pdeg[1])
        j <- 2
        for (j in 2:n.var) {
          v <- pdeg[j]
          clq2 <- c(clq,v)
          if (sum(A[clq2,clq2]) == length(clq2)*length(clq2)-length(clq2)) {
            clq <- clq2
        if (length(clq) > clique.number) {
          clique.number <- length(clq)
          clique.vertices <- clq

        if (verbose) {
          pct <- floor((i*100)/approx.iter)
          if (pct != ppct) {
            if (pct %% 10 == 0) {
            } else {
            ppct = pct

      if (verbose) {

      maximum_clique <- clique.number
      if (return.vertices) {
        maximum_clique <- list(size=clique.number,vertices=clique.vertices)



## function: qpClique
## purpose: calculate and plot the maximum clique size as function of the
##          non-rejection rate
## parameters: nrrMatrix - matrix of non-rejection rates
##             n - sample size
##             threshold.lim - range of threshold values
##             breaks - either a number of threshold bins or a vector of
##                      threshold breakpoints
##             plot - flag that when set it makes a plot of the result
##             exact.calculation - flag that when set to TRUE the exact maximum
##                                 clique size is calculated and when set to
##                                 FALSE a lower bound is calculated instead
##             approx.iter - number of iterations performed to
##                           calculate the lower bound on the
##                           maximum clique size of each graph
##                           (i.e., only applies when
##                           exact.calculation is FALSE)
##             qpCliqueOutput - output from a previous call to qpClique, this
##                              allows one to plot the result changing some of
##                              the plotting parameters without having to do
##                              the calculation again
##             density.digits - number of digits in the reported graph densities
##             logscale.clqsize - whether the maximum clique size in the y-axis
##                                should be plotted in logarithmic scale
##             titleclq - title to be shown in the plot
##             verbose - show progress when doing the calculation
## return: a list with the maximum clique size and the graph density as function
##         of the threshold, an estimate of the complexity of the resulting
##         qp-graphs across the thresholds, the threshold on the non-rejection
##         rate that provides a maximum clique size strictly smaller than the
##         sample size n, and the resulting maximum clique size

qpClique <- function(nrrMatrix, n=NA, threshold.lim=c(0,1), breaks=5, plot=TRUE,
                     exact.calculation=TRUE, approx.iter=100,
                     qpCliqueOutput=NULL, density.digits=0,
                     titleclq="maximum clique size as function of threshold",
                     verbose=FALSE) {
  n.var <- nrow(nrrMatrix)
  n.adj <- n.var*(n.var-1)/2

  if (is.null(qpCliqueOutput)) {

    if (length(breaks) == 1) {
      len <- threshold.lim[2] - threshold.lim[1]
      br <- seq(threshold.lim[1],threshold.lim[2],by=len/breaks)
    } else {
      br <- breaks
      threshold.lim <- range(br)

    maxclqszeunderN <- 0
    thrmaxclqszeunderN <- 0
    mpctedclqsze <- matrix(rep(0,length(br)*3),nrow=length(br),ncol=3)
    colnames(mpctedclqsze) <- c("density","clqsize","threshold")

    ## by now we coerce this to a regular matrix
    nrrMatrix <- as(nrrMatrix, "matrix")

    for (i in 1:length(br)) {
      if (verbose) {
        cat(paste("break: ",i,sep=""))
      threshold <- br[i]
      nrrMatrix[is.na(nrrMatrix)] <- 1.0 # non-available NRRs imply no edges
      A <- nrrMatrix <= threshold
      diag(A) <- FALSE # if the threshold is 1.0 the resulting qp-graph
                       # will be the complete undirected graph but
                       # still it should have no loops
      n.edg <- sum(A) / 2
      dimnames(A) <- list(1:length(A[,1]), 1:length(A[1,]))
      maxsize <- qpCliqueNumber(A, exact.calculation, approx.iter=approx.iter,
      mpctedclqsze[i,] <- c((n.edg / n.adj) * 100, maxsize, threshold)
      if (!is.na(n)) {
        if (maxsize > maxclqszeunderN && maxsize < n) {
          maxclqszeunderN <- maxsize
          thrmaxclqszeunderN <- threshold

    if (is.na(n))
      maxclqszeunderN <- thrmaxclqszunderN <- NA

  } else {
    br <- qpCliqueOutput$data[,3]
    mpctedclqsze <- qpCliqueOutput$data
    thrmaxclqszeunderN <- qpCliqueOutput$threshold
    maxclqszeunderN <- qpCliqueOutput$clqsizeunderN
    n <- qpCliqueOutput$N
    exact.calculation <- qpCliqueOutput$exact.calculation 

  linetype <- 1
  label <- "exact maximum clique size"
  if (exact.calculation == FALSE) {
    linetype <- 2
    label <- "lower bound on the maximum clique size"

  if (plot == TRUE) {
    logscale <- ""
    if (logscale.clqsize == TRUE) {
      logscale <- "y"
         xlab="threshold",ylab="maximum clique size",main=titleclq,log=logscale)
    if (!is.na(n))
    pct <- round(mpctedclqsze[,1],digits=density.digits)

  m <- mpctedclqsze[,c(3,2)]
  m[,2] <- m[,2] / n.var
  f <- approxfun(m)
  area <- integrate(f,min(m[,1]),max(m[,1]))


## function: qpBoundary
## purpose: calculate and plot the maximum clique size as function of the
##          non-rejection rate
## parameters: nrrMatrix - matrix of non-rejection rates
##             n - sample size
##             threshold.lim - range of threshold values
##             breaks - either a number of threshold bins or a vector of
##                      threshold breakpoints
##             vertexSubset - subset of vertices for which we calculate
##                            their maximum boundary with respect to all other vertices
##             plot - flag that when set it makes a plot of the result
##             qpBoundaryOutput - output from a previous call to qpClique, this
##                              allows one to plot the result changing some of
##                              the plotting parameters without having to do
##                              the calculation again
##             density.digits - number of digits in the reported graph densities
##             logscale.bdsize - whether the boundary size in the y-axis
##                               should be plotted in logarithmic scale
##             titlebd - title to be shown in the plot
##             verbose - show progress when doing the calculation
## return: a list with the maximum boundary and the graph density as function
##         of the threshold, an estimate of the complexity of the resulting
##         qp-graphs across the thresholds, the threshold on the non-rejection
##         rate that provides a maximum clique size strictly smaller than the
##         sample size N, and the resulting maximum clique size

qpBoundary <- function(nrrMatrix, n=NA, threshold.lim=c(0,1), breaks=5, vertexSubset=NULL,
                       plot=TRUE, qpBoundaryOutput=NULL, density.digits=0,
                       titlebd="Maximum boundary size as function of threshold",
                       verbose=FALSE) {
  n.var <- nrow(nrrMatrix)
  n.adj <- n.var*(n.var-1)/2

  if (is.null(qpBoundaryOutput)) {

    if (length(breaks) == 1) {
      len <- threshold.lim[2] - threshold.lim[1]
      br <- seq(threshold.lim[1],threshold.lim[2],by=len/breaks)
    } else {
      br <- breaks
      threshold.lim <- range(br)

    maxbdszeunderN <- 0
    thrmaxbdszeunderN <- 0
    mpctedbdsze <- matrix(rep(0,length(br)*3),nrow=length(br),ncol=3)
    colnames(mpctedbdsze) <- c("density","bdsize","threshold")

    ## by now we coerce this to a regular matrix
    nrrMatrix <- as(nrrMatrix, "matrix")

    for (i in 1:length(br)) {
      if (verbose) {
        cat(paste("break: ",i,sep=""))
      threshold <- br[i]
      nrrMatrix[is.na(nrrMatrix)] <- 1.0 # non-available NRRs imply no edges
      A <- nrrMatrix <= threshold
      diag(A) <- FALSE # if the threshold is 1.0 the resulting qp-graph
                       # will be the complete undirected graph but
                       # still it should have no loops
      n.edg <- sum(A) / 2
      ## dimnames(A) <- list(1:length(A[,1]), 1:length(A[1,])) WHY THIS ???
      maxsize <- max(rowSums(A))
      if (!is.null(vertexSubset))
        maxsize <- max(rowSums(A[vertexSubset, ]))

      mpctedbdsze[i,] <- c((n.edg / n.adj) * 100, maxsize, threshold)
      if (!is.na(n)) {
        if (maxsize > maxbdszeunderN && maxsize < n) {
          maxbdszeunderN <- maxsize
          thrmaxbdszeunderN <- threshold

    if (is.na(n))
      maxbdszeunderN <- thrmaxbdszunderN <- NA

  } else {
    br <- qpBoundaryOutput$data[,3]
    mpctedbdsze <- qpBoundaryOutput$data
    thrmaxbdszeunderN <- qpBoundaryOutput$threshold
    maxbdszeunderN <- qpBoundaryOutput$bdsizeunderN
    n <- qpBoundaryOutput$n
    vertexSubset <- qpBoundaryOutput$vertexSubset

  linetype <- 1
  label <- "Maximum boundary size"
  whlog0 <- NULL

  if (plot == TRUE) {
    logscale <- ""
    if (logscale.bdsize == TRUE) {
      logscale <- "y"
      if (any(mpctedbdsze[, 2] == 0)) {
        whlog0 <- which(mpctedbdsze[, 2] == 0)
        mpctedbdsze[whlog0, 2] <- 1 ## just to avoid log(0)
         xlab="threshold",ylab="Maximum boundary size",main=titlebd,log=logscale)
    if (!is.na(n))
    pct <- round(mpctedbdsze[,1],digits=density.digits)

  if (!is.null(whlog0))
    mpctedbdsze[whlog0, 2] <- 0

  m <- mpctedbdsze[,c(3,2)]
  m[,2] <- m[,2] / n.var
  f <- approxfun(m)
  area <- integrate(f,min(m[,1]),max(m[,1]))

  invisible(list(data=mpctedbdsze, complexity=area$value, threshold=thrmaxbdszeunderN,
                 bdsizeunderN=maxbdszeunderN, n=n, vertexSubset=vertexSubset))

## function: qpGetCliques
## purpose: find the set of (maximal) cliques of an undirected graph.
##          it calls the C compiled faster code of the functions
##          from the cliquer library implementing the algorithms from
##          Ostergard, PRJ. A fast algorithm for the maximum clique problem
##          Discrete Appl. Math., 120:195-205, 2002
##          http://users.tkk.fi/~pat/cliquer.html
## parameters: g - either a graphNEL object or an adjacency matrix of the graph
##             clqspervtx - store the indices of the cliques where each vertex
##                          belongs to in the first p entries (|V|=p) of the
##                          returned list
##             verbose - show progress on the clique search
## return: a list of maximal cliques

qpGetCliques <- function(g, clqspervtx=FALSE, verbose=TRUE) {

  if (any(c("graphNEL", "graphAM", "graphBAM") %in% class(g))) {
    if (graph::edgemode(g) != "undirected")
      stop("g should be an undirected graph\n")

    A <- as(g, "matrix") == 1
  } else if ("matrix" %in% class(g) || length(grep("Matrix", class(g))) > 0) {
    A <- g
    p <- (d <- dim(A))[1]
    if (p != d[2])
      stop("g is not an squared matrix nor a graphNEL object\n")

    if (!isSymmetric(A))
      stop("g is not a symmetric matrix nor a graphNEL object\n")
  } else
    stop("g should be either a graphNEL object, a graphAM object, a graphBAM object or a boolean adjacency matrix\n")

  p <- dim(A)[1]
  nEd <- sum(A)/2
  if (nEd == 0) {
    clqlst <- as.list(1:p)
    if (clqspervtx)
      clqlst <- c(clqlst, as.list(1:p))

  if (nEd == (p*(p-1))/2) {
    clqlst <- list(1:p)
    if (clqspervtx)
      clqlst <- c(clqlst, as.list(rep(1, times=p)))

  return(.qpFastCliquerGetCliques(as.matrix(A), clqspervtx=clqspervtx,

## function: qpUpdateCliquesRemoving
## purpose: update the set of maximal cliques of an undirected graph after
##          removing a given edge in order to obtain the corresponding set of
##          maximal cliques after the edge removal. it calls the C compiled faster
##          code of a function implementing the algorithm from
##          Stix, V. Finding all maximal cliques in dynamic graphs
##          Comput. Optimization and Appl., 27:173-186, 2004.
## parameters: g - either a graphNEL object or an adjacency matrix of the graph
##             clqslst - list of cliques of the graph encoded in g. this list should
##                       start on element n+1 (for n vertices) while between elements
##                       1 to n there should be references to the cliques to which each
##                       of the 1 to n vertices belong to (i.e., the output of
##                       qpGetCliques() with parameter clqspervtx=TRUE 
##             v - vertex of the edge being removed
##             w - vertex of the edge being removed
##             verbose - show progress on the clique search
## return: an updated list of maximal cliques

qpUpdateCliquesRemoving <- function(g, clqlst, v, w, verbose=TRUE) {
  if (any(c("graphNEL", "graphAM", "graphBAM") %in% class(g))) {
    if (graph::edgemode(g) != "undirected")
      stop("g should be an undirected graph\n")

    A <- as(g, "matrix") == 1
  } else if ("matrix" %in% class(g) || length(grep("Matrix", class(g))) > 0) {
    A <- g
    p <- (d <- dim(A))[1]
    if (p != d[2])
      stop("g is not an squared matrix nor a graphNEL object\n")

    if (!isSymmetric(A))
      stop("g is not a symmetric matrix nor a graphNEL object\n")
  } else
    stop("g should be either a graphNEL object, a graphAM object, a graphBAM object or a boolean adjacency matrix\n")

  if (is.character(v)) {
    v <- match(v, colnames(A))
    if (is.na(v))
      stop("vertex ", v, " does not match any vertex in 'g'\n")

  if (is.character(w)) {
    w <- match(w, colnames(A))
    if (is.na(w))
      stop("vertex ", w, " does not match any vertex in 'g'\n")

  return(.qpFastUpdateCliquesRemoving(as.matrix(A), clqlst, v, w, verbose=verbose))

## function: qpIPF
## purpose: implement the Iterative Proportional Fitting (IPF) algorithm to
##          perform maximum likelihood estimation of the sample covariance
##          matrix given the independence constraints from an input list of
##          (maximal) cliques.
##          Part of the R code below has been borrowed from an implementation
##          by Graham Wills in June of 1992
## parameters: vv - input matrix (usually the sample variance-covariance matrix)
##             clqlst - list of (maximal) cliques
##             tol - tolerance under which the main loop stops
##             verbose - when set to TRUE the algorithm shows the successive
##                       precision achieved at each iteration
##             R.code.only - flag set to FALSE when using the C implementation
## return: the input matrix adjusted to the constraints of the list of cliques

qpIPF <- function(vv, clqlst, tol = 0.001, verbose = FALSE,
                  R.code.only = FALSE) {

  ## this should be changed so that the rest of the algorithm deals with dspMatrix matrices
  vv <- as(vv, "matrix")

  if (!R.code.only) {
    return(.qpFastIPF(vv, clqlst, tol, verbose))

  if (verbose) {
    n.var <- nrow(vv)
    if (clqlst[[1]][1] <= n.var) {
      n.var <- 0
    cat(paste(paste("qpIPF: ",length(clqlst)-n.var),"cliques\n"))

  V <- diag(length(vv[, 1]))
  precision <- 1
  while(precision > tol) {
    Vold <- V
    V <- .qpIPFpass(vv, V, clqlst)
    precision <- max(abs(V - Vold))
    if (verbose)
      cat("qpIPF: precision =", precision, "\n")

  return(as(as(as(V, "dMatrix"), "symmetricMatrix"), "packedMatrix"))

## function: qpHTF
## purpose: implement the algorithm of Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman to
##          perform maximum likelihood estimation of the sample covariance
##          matrix given the independence constraints from an input
##          undirected graph
##          Part of the R code below has been borrowed from an implementation
##          by Giovanni Machetti in the 'ggm' package (thanks Giovanni!!)
## parameters: S - sample variance-covariance matrix
##             g - input undirected graph
##             tol - tolerance under which the main loop stops
##             verbose - when set to TRUE the algorithm shows the successive
##                       precision achieved at each iteration
##             R.code.only - flag set to FALSE when using the C implementation
## return: the input matrix adjusted to the constraints of the list of cliques

qpHTF <- function(S, g, tol = 0.001, verbose = FALSE,
                  R.code.only = FALSE) {

  inputisdspmatrix <- is(S, "dspMatrix")
  ## this should be changed so that the rest of the algorithm deals with dspMatrix matrices
  S <- as(S, "matrix")

  A <- NULL
  n.var <- NULL
  var.names <- NULL
  if ("matrix" %in% class(g) || length(grep("Matrix", class(g))) > 0) {
    n.var <- nrow(g)
    var.names <- rownames(g)
    if (is.null(rownames(var.names)))
      var.names <- 1:n.var
    A <- g
    if (class(A[1, 1]) != "logical")
      A <- A == 1 ## get a logical adjacency matrix
    ## by now we have to coerce the adjacency matrix to a regular matrix
    ## but in the future this should be working with the more memory-efficient dspMatrix class
    A <- as.matrix(A)
  if (any(c("graphNEL", "graphAM", "graphBAM") %in% class(g))) {
    n.var <- length(graph::nodes(g))
    var.names <- nodes(g)
    A <- as(g, "matrix") == 1 ## get a logical adjacency matrix

  if (is.null(n.var))
    stop("'g' is neither an adjacency matrix, a graphNEL, a graphAM or a graphBAM object.\n")

  if (verbose)
    cat("qpHTF: maximum boundary =", max(rowSums(A)), "\n") 

  if (!R.code.only) {
    return(.qpFastHTF(S, A, tol, verbose))

  ppct <- -1
  pb <- NULL
  if (verbose)
    pb <- txtProgressBar(style=3)

  W <- Wprev <- S
  precision <- 1
  while (precision > tol) {
    Wprev <- W
    for (i in 1:n.var) {
      W11 <- W[-i, -i, drop=FALSE]
      s12 <- S[-i, i, drop=FALSE]
      Ai <- A[i, ]
      Ai <- Ai[-i]
      w <- beta <- rep(0, n.var-1)
      if (any(Ai)) {
        beta[Ai] <- solve(W11[Ai, Ai, drop=FALSE], s12[Ai, , drop=FALSE])
        w <- W11 %*% beta
      W[-i, i] <- W[i, -i] <- w

      pct <- floor((i * 100) / n.var)
      if (pct != ppct && verbose) {
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, pct/100)
        ppct <- pct
    precision <- norm(W-Wprev)
    if (verbose)
      cat("\nqpHTF: precision =", precision, "\n")

  if (inputisdspmatrix)
    W <- as(as(as(W, "dMatrix"), "symmetricMatrix"), "packedMatrix")

## function: qpPAC
## purpose: for a given undirected graph in an adjacency matrix estimate the
##          partial correlation coefficient (PAC) and its corresponding p-value
##          for each edge in the graph
## parameters: X - data set from where to estimate the PACs
##             g - either a qpGraph object, or a graphNEL, graphAM or graphBAM object,
##                 or an adjacency matrix of the graph
##             long.dim.are.variables - if TRUE it assumes that when the data is
##                                      a data frame or a matrix, the longer
##                                      dimension is the one defining the random
##                                      variables, if FALSE then random variables
##                                      are assumed to be at the columns
##             return.K - flag that when set to TRUE the function also returns
##                        the concentration matrix K; if FALSE (default) does not
##                        return K
##             tol - maximum tolerance in the application of the IPF algorithm
##             matrix.completion - algorithm to perform matrix completion operations
##             verbose - flag that when set to TRUE the IPF algorithm
##                       shows the convergence progression
##             R.code.only - flag set to FALSE when using the C implementation
## return: a list with two matrices, one with the estimates of the PACs and
##         the other with their p-values

setGeneric("qpPAC", function(X, ...) standardGeneric("qpPAC"))

# X comes as an ExpressionSet object
setMethod("qpPAC", signature(X="ExpressionSet"),
          function(X, g, return.K=FALSE, tol=0.001, matrix.completion=c("HTF", "IPF"),
                   verbose=TRUE, R.code.only=FALSE) {
            X <- t(Biobase::exprs(X))
            .qpPAC(X, g, return.K, tol, matrix.completion, verbose, R.code.only)

# X comes as a data frame
setMethod("qpPAC", signature(X="data.frame"),
          function(X, g, return.K=FALSE, long.dim.are.variables=TRUE,
                   tol=0.001, matrix.completion=c("HTF", "IPF"), verbose=TRUE,
                   R.code.only=FALSE) {
            X <- as.matrix(X)
            if (!is.double(X))
              stop("X should be double-precision real numbers\n")

            if (long.dim.are.variables &&
                sort(dim(X),decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)$ix[1] == 1)
              X <- t(X)
            if (is.null(colnames(X)))
              colnames(X) <- 1:ncol(X)
            .qpPAC(X, g, return.K, tol, matrix.completion, verbose, R.code.only)

# data comes as a matrix
setMethod("qpPAC", signature(X="matrix"),
          function(X, g, return.K=FALSE, long.dim.are.variables=TRUE,
                   tol=0.001, matrix.completion=c("HTF", "IPF"), verbose=TRUE,
                   R.code.only=FALSE) {
            if (long.dim.are.variables &&
              sort(dim(X),decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)$ix[1] == 1)
              X <- t(X)

            if (is.null(colnames(X))) 
              colnames(X) <- 1:ncol(X)
            .qpPAC(X, g, return.K, tol, matrix.completion, verbose, R.code.only)

.qpPAC <- function(X, g, return.K=FALSE, tol=0.001, matrix.completion=c("HTF", "IPF"),
                   verbose=TRUE, R.code.only=FALSE) {
  matrix.completion <- match.arg(matrix.completion)

  A <- matrix(FALSE, nrow=ncol(X), ncol=ncol(X), dimnames=list(colnames(X), colnames(X)))
  if ("qpGraph" %in% class(g))
    g <- g$g

  if (any(c("graphNEL", "graphAM", "graphBAM") %in% class(g))) {
    if (graph::edgemode(g) != "undirected")
      stop("g should be an undirected graph\n")

    Ag <- as(g, "matrix") == 1
    if (any(is.na(match(rownames(Ag), colnames(X)))))
      stop("some variables in the graph 'g' do not match the variables in the data")

    A[rownames(Ag), colnames(Ag)] <- Ag
  } else if ("matrix" %in% class(g) || length(grep("Matrix", class(g))) > 0) {
    A <- g
    p <- (d <- dim(A))[1]
    if (p != d[2])
      stop("g is not an squared matrix nor a graphNEL object\n")

    if (!isSymmetric(A))
      stop("g is not a symmetric matrix nor a graphNEL object\n")
  } else
    stop("g should be either a graphNEL object or a boolean adjacency matrix\n")

  var.names <- colnames(X)
  n.var <- ncol(X)
  N <- nrow(X)

  ## calculate sample covariance matrix
  S <- qpCov(X)

  ## ensure rows and columns follow the same order
  A <- A[rownames(S), colnames(S)]

  if (matrix.completion == "IPF") {
    ## get the list of maximal cliques
    clqlst <- qpGetCliques(A, verbose=verbose)

    ## get a maximum likelihood estimate of the sample covariance matrix
    ## using the clique list and the IPF algorithm
    Shat <- qpIPF(S, clqlst, tol=tol, verbose=verbose, R.code.only=R.code.only)
  } else
    Shat <- qpHTF(S, A, tol=tol, verbose=verbose, R.code.only=R.code.only)

  ## estimate partial correlation coefficients and their standard errors

  K <- solve(Shat)
  SE <- .qpEdgePACSE(Shat, A, R.code.only=R.code.only)

  ## return matrices of partial correlations, standard errors
  ## and p-values for every edge

  C <- N * (K^2 / SE)
  rho_coef <- qpK2ParCor(K)
  p.values <- 1 - pchisq(C, df=1)
  dimnames(rho_coef) <- dimnames(p.values) <- list(var.names, var.names)

  list2return <- list()

  if (return.K)
    list2return <- list(R=as(as(as(forceSymmetric(rho_coef), "dMatrix"), "symmetricMatrix"), "packedMatrix"),
                        P=as(as(as(forceSymmetric(p.values), "dMatrix"), "symmetricMatrix"), "packedMatrix"),
    list2return <- list(R=as(as(as(forceSymmetric(rho_coef), "dMatrix"), "symmetricMatrix"), "packedMatrix"),
                        P=as(as(as(forceSymmetric(p.values), "dMatrix"), "symmetricMatrix"), "packedMatrix"))


## function: qpPCC
## purpose: estimate pairwise Pearson correlation coefficients (PCCs) between all
##         pairs of variables
## parameters: X - data set from where to estimate the PCCs
##             long.dim.are.variables - if TRUE it assumes that when the data is
##                                      a data frame or a matrix, the longer
##                                      dimension is the one defining the random
##                                      variables, if FALSE then random variables
##                                      are assumed to be at the columns
## return: a list with two matrices, one with the estimated PCCs and the
##         other with their p-values

setGeneric("qpPCC", function(X, ...) standardGeneric("qpPCC"))

# X comes as an ExpressionSet object
setMethod("qpPCC", signature(X="ExpressionSet"),
          function(X) {
            X <- t(Biobase::exprs(X))

# X comes as a data frame
setMethod("qpPCC", signature(X="data.frame"),
          function(X, long.dim.are.variables=TRUE) {
            X <- as.matrix(X)
            if (!is.double(X))
              stop("X should be double-precision real numbers\n")

            if (long.dim.are.variables &&
                sort(dim(X),decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)$ix[1] == 1)
              X <- t(X)
            if (is.null(colnames(X)))
              colnames(X) <- 1:ncol(X)

# X comes as a matrix
setMethod("qpPCC", signature(X="matrix"),
          function(X, long.dim.are.variables=TRUE) {
            if (long.dim.are.variables &&
              sort(dim(X),decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)$ix[1] == 1)
              X <- t(X)

            if (is.null(colnames(X))) 
              colnames(X) <- 1:ncol(X)

.qpPCC <- function(X) {

  var.names <- colnames(X)

  ## calculate sample covariance matrix
  S <- qpCov(X)
  N <- S@n

  ## estimate PCCs by scaling the covariance matrix
  ## somehow Matrix::cov2cor() refuses to scale non-positive definite matrices stored as dspMatrix objects (?)
  R <- as(as(as(Matrix::cov2cor(as.matrix(S)), "dMatrix"), "symmetricMatrix"), "packedMatrix")

  ## calculate t-statistics
  T <- (N - 2) / (1 - R*R)
  diag(T) <- (N - 2) * 100000 # just to get 0 p-values on the diagonal
  T <- R * sqrt(T)

  ## calculate two-sided p-values
  p <- pt(as.matrix(T), df=N - 2)
  P <- as(as(as(2 * pmin(p, 1 - p), "dMatrix"), "symmetricMatrix"), "packedMatrix")

  list(R=R, P=P)

## function: qpK2ParCor
## purpose: obtain the partial correlation coefficients from a given
##          concentration matrix
## parameters: K - concentration matrix
## return: a matrix with the partial correlation coefficients

qpK2ParCor <- function(K) {
  R <- -cov2cor(K)
  diag(R) <- 1

## function: qpPrecisionRecall
## purpose: calculate the precision-recall curve for a given measure of
##          association with respect to some given reference graph
## parameters: measurementsMatrix - matrix containing the measure of association
##                                  between all pairs of variables
##             refGraph - a reference graph from which to calculate the precision-recall
##                        curve provided either as an adjacency matrix, a two-column matrix
##                        of edges, a graphNEL object, a graphAM object or a graphBAM object
##             decreasing - logical; if TRUE then the measurements are ordered
##                          in decreasing order; if FALSE then in increasing
##                          order
##             pairup.i - subset of vertices to pair up with subset pairup.j
##             pairup.j - subset of vertices to pair up with subset pairup.i
##             recallSteps - steps of the recall on which to calculate precision
## return: a matrix where rows correspond to recall steps and columns correspond,
##         respetively, to the actual recall, the precision, the number of true
##         positives at that recall rate and the threshold score that yields that
##         recall rate

qpPrecisionRecall <- function(measurementsMatrix, refGraph, decreasing=TRUE,
                              pairup.i=NULL, pairup.j=NULL,
                              recallSteps=seq(0.0, 1.0, by=0.1)) {

  if (!any(c("matrix", "dspMatrix", "dgeMatrix") %in% class(measurementsMatrix)))
    stop("measurementsMatrix should be a numerical matrix\n")

  p <- (d <- dim(measurementsMatrix))[1]
  if (p != d[2])
    stop("measurementsMatrix should be a squared matrix\n")

  if (!any(c("data.frame", "matrix", "graphNEL", "graphAM", "graphBAM") %in% class(refGraph)) &&
      length(grep("Matrix", class(refGraph))) == 0)
    stop("refGraph should be provided either as an adjacency matrix, a two-column matrix of edges, a graphNEL object, a graphAM object or a graphBAM object\n")

  if (any(c("data.frame", "matrix") %in% class(refGraph)) ||
      length(grep("Matrix", class(refGraph))) > 0) {
    p <- (d <- dim(refGraph))[1]
    if (p != d[2] && ncol(refGraph) != 2)
      stop("If refGraph is a matrix then it should be either a squared adjacency matrix or a two-column matrix with rows corresponding to edges \n")

    if (p != d[2] && ncol(refGraph) == 2) {
      if (class(refGraph[1, 1]) == "character") {
        refGraph <- cbind(match(refGraph[, 1], rownames(measurementsMatrix)),
                          match(refGraph[, 2], rownames(measurementsMatrix)))
        if (any(is.na(refGraph)))
          stop("Some of the identifiers in refGraph do not correspond to row and column names in measurementsMatrix\n")

      refA <- matrix(FALSE, nrow=nrow(measurementsMatrix),
      refA[as.matrix(refGraph)] <- TRUE
      refA <- refA | t(refA)
      rownames(refA) <- colnames(refA) <- rownames(measurementsMatrix)
    } else {
      refA <- as.matrix(refGraph)
      if (nrow(measurementsMatrix) != nrow(refA) ||
          ncol(measurementsMatrix) != ncol(refA))
        stop("measurementsMatrix and refGraph should have the same dimensions\n")

  } else { ## graphNEL, graphAM or graphBAM
    if (any(is.na(match(graph::nodes(refGraph), rownames(measurementsMatrix)))) ||
        length(graph::nodes(refGraph)) != dim(measurementsMatrix)[1])
      stop("The vertex set in refGraph does not correspond to the row and column names in measurementsMatrix\n")
    refA <- as(refGraph, "matrix") == 1
    if (!all(match(rownames(refA), rownames(measurementsMatrix)) == 1:dim(refA)[1])) { ## force matching the vertex order
      refA <- refA[match(rownames(measurementsMatrix), rownames(refA)), ] ## re-order rows
      refA <- refA[, match(colnames(measurementsMatrix), colnames(refA)), ] ## re-order columns

  n.var <- nrow(measurementsMatrix)

  ## by now we have to coerce it to a regular matrix
  ## but hopefully in the near future we can do [<- as well on a dspMatrix
  measurementsMatrix <- as.matrix(measurementsMatrix)

  if ((!is.null(pairup.i) && is.null(pairup.j)) ||
      (is.null(pairup.i) && !is.null(pairup.j)))
    stop("pairup.i and pairup.j should both either be set to NULL or contain subsets of variables\n")

  if (!is.null(pairup.i) && !is.null(pairup.j))  {
    if (is.null(colnames(measurementsMatrix)))
      stop("when using pairup.i and pairup.j, measurementsMatrix should have row and column names\n")

    var.names <- colnames(measurementsMatrix)
    pairup.i <- match(pairup.i, var.names)
    if (sum(is.na(pairup.i)) > 0)
      stop("pairup.i is not a subset of the variables forming the data\n")
    pairup.j <- match(pairup.j, var.names)
    if (sum(is.na(pairup.j)) > 0)
      stop("pairup.j is not a subset of the variables forming the data\n")

    pairup.ij.int <- intersect(pairup.i, pairup.j)
    pairup.i.noint <- setdiff(pairup.i, pairup.ij.int)
    pairup.j.noint <- setdiff(pairup.j, pairup.ij.int)

    nomeasurementsMask <- matrix(FALSE, nrow=n.var, ncol=n.var)
                                   c(pairup.i.noint, pairup.j.noint)))] <- TRUE
    nomeasurementsMask[as.matrix(expand.grid(pairup.i.noint, pairup.j.noint))] <- TRUE
    nomeasurementsMask[as.matrix(expand.grid(pairup.ij.int, pairup.ij.int))] <- TRUE
    diag(nomeasurementsMask) <- FALSE
    nomeasurementsMask <- nomeasurementsMask | t(nomeasurementsMask)
    nomeasurementsMask <- !nomeasurementsMask
    measurementsMatrix[nomeasurementsMask] <- NA

  upperTriRow <- row(measurementsMatrix)[upper.tri(measurementsMatrix) &
  upperTriCol <- col(measurementsMatrix)[upper.tri(measurementsMatrix) &
  measurementsUpperTriMatrix <- measurementsMatrix[upper.tri(measurementsMatrix) &
  orderedMeasurements <- sort(measurementsUpperTriMatrix,index.return=TRUE,
  edgeRnk <- cbind(upperTriRow[orderedMeasurements$ix],

  lenRnk <- dim(edgeRnk)[1]
  total_positives <- sum(refA[upper.tri(refA) & !is.na(measurementsMatrix)])

  status <- refA[as.matrix(edgeRnk[,c(1,2)])]
  status_tp <- rep(0, length(status))
  status_tp[status] <- 1:total_positives
  status_tp[which.max(status_tp):length(status_tp)] <- total_positives
  preRec <- matrix(0, nrow=length(recallSteps), ncol=5)
  colnames(preRec) <- c("Recall","Precision", "TP", "FP", "ScoreThreshold")

  for (i in 1:length(recallSteps)) {
    tp <- round(recallSteps[i] * total_positives, digits=0)
    rnkPos <- max(c(0, (1:lenRnk)[status_tp <= tp & status_tp != 0]))
    fp <- rnkPos - tp

    actualRecall <- tp / total_positives
    if (tp + fp > 0)
      precision <- tp / (tp + fp)
      precision <- 1.0

    if (rnkPos > 0)
      scoreThreshold <- edgeRnk[rnkPos, 3]
      scoreThreshold <- NA

    preRec[i, ] <- c(actualRecall, precision, tp, fp, scoreThreshold)


## function: qpPRscoreThreshold
## purpose: calculate the score threshold at a given precision or recall
##          level from a given precision-recall curve
## parameters: preRecFun - precision-recall function (output from
##                         qpPrecisionRecall)
##             level - recall or precision level
##             recall.level - logical; if TRUE then it is assumed that the value
##                            given in the level parameter corresponds to
##                            a desired level of recall; if FALSE then it
##                            is assumed a desired level of precision
##             max.score - maximum score given by the method that produced
##                         the precision-recall function to an association
## return: the score threshold at which a given level of precision or recall
##         is attained by the given precision-recall function

qpPRscoreThreshold <- function(preRecFun, level, recall.level=TRUE,
                               max.score=9999999) {
  preRecFun[1, "ScoreThreshold"] <- max.score

  levelCol <- "Recall"
  i1 <- max((1:length(preRecFun[,1]))[preRecFun[,"Recall"] <= level])

  if (!recall.level) {
    i1 <- max((1:length(preRecFun[,1]))[preRecFun[,"Precision"] >= level])
    levelCol <- "Precision"

  i0 <- i1 + 1
  x1 <- preRecFun[i1, levelCol]
  x0 <- preRecFun[i0, levelCol]
  y1 <- preRecFun[i1, "ScoreThreshold"]
  y0 <- preRecFun[i0, "ScoreThreshold"]

  y <- y0 + (level - x0) * (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0)


## function: qpImportNrr
## purpose: import non-rejection rates from a flat file
## parameters: filename - name of the flat file with the non-rejection rates
##             nTests - number of tests performed in the estimation of those
##                      non-rejection rates
## return: a matrix of non-rejection rates

qpImportNrr <- function(filename, nTests) {
  nrr <- as.matrix(read.table(filename))

  n.var <- max(nrr[,c(1,2)]) + 1
  nrrMatrix <- matrix(as.double(0), nrow=n.var, ncol=n.var)
  nrrMatrix[nrr[,c(1,2)]+1] <- nrr[,3] / nTests
  nrrMatrix <- nrrMatrix + t(nrrMatrix)
  diag(nrrMatrix) <- NA


## function: qpFunctionalCoherence
## purpose: estimate functional coherence of a transcripcional regulatory network
##          represented by means of an undirected graph encoded by an adjacency
##          matrix and of a set of transcription factor genes. In these
##          calculations Gene Ontology (GO) annotations are employed through a
##          given annotation .db package for the Entrez Gene IDs associated to
##          the rows and columns of the adjacency matrix.
## parameters: object - adjacency matrix of the undirected graph representing the
##                 transcriptional regulatory network
##             TFgenes - vector of transcription factor gene names (matching the
##                       genes at the rows and column names of A)
##             geneUniverse - vector of all genes relevant to the analysis
##             chip - name of the .db package containing the GO annotations
##             minRMsize - minimum size of the target gene set in each regulatory
##                         module where functional enrichment will be calculated
##                         and thus where functional coherence will be estimated
##             verbose - logical; if TRUE the function will show progress on the
##                       calculations; if FALSE will remain quiet (default)
##             clusterSize - size of the cluster of processors to do calculations
##                           in parallel via 'snow' and 'rlecuyer'
## return: a list with three slots, a first one containing the transcriptional
##         regulatory network as a list of regulatory modules and their targets,
##         a second one containing this same network but including only those
##         modules with GO BP annotations and a third one consisting of a vector
##         of functional coherence values

setGeneric("qpFunctionalCoherence", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("qpFunctionalCoherence"))

## the input object is a lsCMatrix adjacency matrix
          function(object, TFgenes, geneUniverse=rownames(object), chip, minRMsize=5, removeGOterm="transcription", verbose=FALSE, clusterSize=1)
            qpFunctionalCoherence(as(object, "matrix"), TFgenes, geneUniverse, chip, minRMsize, removeGOterm, verbose, clusterSize))

## the input object is a lspMatrix adjacency matrix
          function(object, TFgenes, geneUniverse=rownames(object), chip, minRMsize=5, removeGOterm="transcription", verbose=FALSE, clusterSize=1)
            qpFunctionalCoherence(as(object, "matrix"), TFgenes, geneUniverse, chip, minRMsize, removeGOterm, verbose, clusterSize))

## the input object is a lsyMatrix adjacency matrix
          function(object, TFgenes, geneUniverse=rownames(object), chip, minRMsize=5, removeGOterm="transcription", verbose=FALSE, clusterSize=1)
            qpFunctionalCoherence(as(object, "matrix"), TFgenes, geneUniverse, chip, minRMsize, removeGOterm, verbose, clusterSize))

## the input object is a regular adjacency matrix
          function(object, TFgenes, geneUniverse=rownames(object), chip, minRMsize=5, removeGOterm="transcription", verbose=FALSE, clusterSize=1) {

  if (!.qpIsPackageLoaded("GOstats"))
    stop("qpFunctionalCoherence() requires first loading Bioconductor package GOstats")

  if (clusterSize > 1 &&
      (!.qpIsPackageLoaded("rlecuyer") || !.qpIsPackageLoaded("snow")))
    stop("Using a cluster (clusterSize > 1) requires first loading packages 'snow' and 'rlecuyer'\n")

  if (is.null(colnames(object)) || is.null(rownames(object)))
    stop("the adjacency matrix contained in the 'object' argument should have row and column names corresponding to the gene IDs")

  if (class(object[1,1]) != "logical" && class(object[1,1]) != "numeric" && class(object[1,1]) != "integer")
    stop("the adjacency matrix should be either logical or binary")

  if (class(object[1,1]) == "numeric" || class(object[1,1]) == "integer")
    object <- object == 1

  if (length(TFgenes) < 1)
    stop("TFgenes should contain at least one transcription factor gene\n")

  if (!is.character(TFgenes))
    stop("gene identifiers in TFgenes should belong to the class character\n")

  if (sum(is.na(match(TFgenes, geneUniverse))) > 0)
    stop("TFgenes is not a subset from the genes comprising the gene universe\n")

  TFgenes_i <- match(TFgenes, geneUniverse)
  txRegNet <- lapply(TFgenes_i, function(x) geneUniverse[object[as.integer(x), ]])
  names(txRegNet) <- TFgenes

  return(.qpFunctionalCoherence(txRegNet, geneUniverse, chip, minRMsize, removeGOterm, verbose, clusterSize))

## the input object is a list of regulatory modules
          function(object, geneUniverse=unique(c(names(object), unlist(object, use.names=FALSE))),
                   chip, minRMsize=5, removeGOterm="transcription", verbose=FALSE, clusterSize=1) {

  if (clusterSize > 1 &&
      (!.qpIsPackageLoaded("rlecuyer") || !.qpIsPackageLoaded("snow")))
    stop("Using a cluster (clusterSize > 1) requires first loading packages 'snow' and 'rlecuyer'\n")

  TFgenes <- names(object)

  if (length(TFgenes) < 1)
    stop("names of the entries in the input list should correspond to the transcription factor gene identifiers\n")

  if (sum(is.na(match(TFgenes, geneUniverse))) > 0)
    stop("TFgenes is not a subset from the genes comprising the gene universe\n")

  return(.qpFunctionalCoherence(object, geneUniverse, chip, minRMsize, removeGOterm, verbose, clusterSize))

.qpFunctionalCoherence <- function(txRegNet, geneUniverse, chip, minRMsize, removeGOterm, verbose, clusterSize) {
  TFgenes <- names(txRegNet)
  regModuleSize <- unlist(lapply(txRegNet, length))

  hpTest <- get("hyperGTest", mode="function")
  goGraph <- get("GOGraph", mode="function")
  simui <- get("simUI", mode="function")
  sigcat <- get("sigCategories", mode="function")

  geneBPuniverse <- .qpFilterByGO(geneUniverse, chip, "BP")

  if (sum(regModuleSize >= minRMsize) == 0)
    stop(sprintf("qpFunctionalCoherence: No regulatory module has a minimum size of %d\n", minRMsize))

  if (verbose && minRMsize > 1)
    cat(sprintf("qpFunctionalCoherence: calculating GO enrichment in %d regulatory modules\n",
        length(TFgenes[regModuleSize >= minRMsize])))

  if (clusterSize > 1) {
    ## copying ShortRead's strategy, 'get()' are to quieten R CMD check, and for no other reason
    makeCl <- get("makeCluster", mode="function")
    clSetupRNG <- get("clusterSetupRNG", mode="function")
    clEvalQ <- get("clusterEvalQ", mode="function")
    clExport <- get("clusterExport", mode="function")
    clApply <- get("clusterApply", mode="function")
    stopCl <- get("stopCluster", mode="function")
    clCall <- get("clusterCall", mode="function")
    clOpt <- get("getClusterOption", mode="function")
    clParLapply <- get("parLapply", mode="function")

    message("Estimating functional coherence using a ", clOpt("type"),
            " cluster of ", clusterSize, " nodes\n")

    cl <- makeCl(clusterSize, type="MPI", snowlib=system.file(package="qpgraph"))
    res <- clEvalQ(cl, require(qpgraph, quietly=TRUE))
    if (!all(unlist(res))) {
      stop("The package 'qpgraph' could not be loaded in some of the nodes of the cluster")
    res <- clEvalQ(cl, requireNamespace("GOstats", quietly=TRUE))
    if (!all(unlist(res))) {
      stop("The package 'GOstats' could not be loaded in some of the nodes of the cluster")
    txRegNetGO <- clParLapply(cl, txRegNet[TFgenes[regModuleSize >= minRMsize]],
                              function(TFgeneTGs, geneBPuniverse, chip) {
                                TFgeneTGsWithGO <- .qpFilterByGO(TFgeneTGs, chip, "BP")
                                res <- list(TGgenesWithGO=TFgeneTGsWithGO,

                                if (length(TFgeneTGsWithGO) >= minRMsize && minRMsize > 1) {
                                  goHypGparams <- new("GOHyperGParams",
                                                      annotation=chip, ontology="BP",
                                                      pvalueCutoff=0.05, conditional=TRUE,
                                  goHypGcond <- hpTest(goHypGparams)
                                  res <- list(TGgenesWithGO=TFgeneTGsWithGO,
                             }, geneBPuniverse, chip)
    txRegNetGO <- txRegNetGO[which(sapply(txRegNetGO, length) > 0)]
  } else {
    txRegNetGO <- list()
    for (TFgene in TFgenes[regModuleSize >= minRMsize]) {
      if (verbose)
      TFgeneTGs <- txRegNet[[TFgene]]
      TFgeneTGsWithGO <- .qpFilterByGO(TFgeneTGs, chip, "BP")

      txRegNetGO[[TFgene]] <- list(TGgenesWithGO=TFgeneTGsWithGO,

      if (length(TFgeneTGsWithGO) >= minRMsize && minRMsize > 1) {
        goHypGparams <- new("GOHyperGParams",
                            annotation=chip, ontology="BP",
                            pvalueCutoff=0.05, conditional=TRUE,
        goHypGcond <- hpTest(goHypGparams)
        txRegNetGO[[TFgene]]$goBPcondResult <- goHypGcond
        txRegNetGO[[TFgene]]$goBPcondResultSigCat <- sigcat(goHypGcond)

  if (verbose)
    cat(sprintf("\nqpFunctionalCoherence: calculating functional coherence in %d regulatory modules\n",

  TFgenesWithGO <- .qpFilterByGO(TFgenes, chip, "BP")
  TFgenesWithGO <- AnnotationDbi::mget(TFgenesWithGO, get(gsub(".db","GO",chip)))
  TFgenesWithGO <- lapply(TFgenesWithGO,
                          function(x) if (is.list(x)) {
                                        z <- sapply(x, function(x) x$Ontology);
  TFgenesWithGOBP <- lapply(TFgenesWithGO,
                            function(x) if (sum(x=="BP",na.rm=TRUE) > 0) {
                                          names(x[x=="BP" & !is.na(x)])
                                        } else { NULL })

  goTermsEnv <- GOenv("TERM")
  goBPparentsEnv <- GOenv("BPPARENTS")

  TFgoTerms <- NULL
  if (!is.null(removeGOterm)) {
    ## remove from the GO annotation of the transcription factor and the target gene,
    ## if it's a single one, those GO terms matching the word in the argument
    ## 'removeGOTerm'. By default this is the word 'transcription', i.e., try to
    ## remove GO terms associated to transcriptional regulation from the transcription
    ## factor GO annotation

    goTerms <- unlist(AnnotationDbi::eapply(goTermsEnv, function(x) x@Term))
    goTermOntologies <- unlist(AnnotationDbi::eapply(goTermsEnv, function(x) x@Ontology))
    goTermBPOntology <- names(goTermOntologies[goTermOntologies == "BP"])

    TFgoTerms <- names(goTerms[grep(removeGOterm, goTerms)])
    TFgoTerms <- TFgoTerms[!is.na(match(TFgoTerms, goTermBPOntology))]

  GOgraphSim <- rep(NA, length(names(txRegNetGO)))
  names(GOgraphSim) <- names(txRegNetGO)
  for (TFgene in names(txRegNetGO)) {
    if (verbose)
    sUI <- NA
    # if the transcription factor has no GO Biological Process (BP) annotations
    # then the functional coherence value is NA
    if (length(TFgenesWithGOBP[[TFgene]]) > 0) {
      TFgoAnnot <- TFgenesWithGOBP[[TFgene]]
      mt <- match(TFgoAnnot, TFgoTerms)
      if (sum(!is.na(mt)) > 0)
        TFgoAnnot <- TFgoAnnot[is.na(mt)]

      # if the transcription factor has no GO BP annotations beyond
      # transcriptional regulation then the functional coherence value is NA
      if (length(TFgoAnnot) > 0) {
        txRegNetGO[[TFgene]][["TFgeneGOannot"]] <- TFgoAnnot

        # if the transcription factor has GO BP annotations beyond transcription
        # but the target gene set has no over-represented GO terms then the
        # functional coherence is 0
        if (length(txRegNetGO[[TFgene]]$goBPcondResultSigCat) == 0 && length(txRegNetGO[[TFgene]]$TGgenesWithGO) > 1)
          sUI <- 0
        else { # otherwise the functional coherence is estimated as the similarity
               # between the GO graphs associated to the transcription factor GO
               # annotations and the GO over-represented terms in the target gene set
          if (length(txRegNetGO[[TFgene]]$TGgenesWithGO) > 0) {
            gTF <- goGraph(TFgoAnnot, goBPparentsEnv)
            gTF <- removeNode("all", gTF)
            gTG <- goGraph("all", goBPparentsEnv)
            if (length(txRegNetGO[[TFgene]]$TGgenesWithGO) > 1)
              gTG <- goGraph(txRegNetGO[[TFgene]]$goBPcondResultSigCat, goBPparentsEnv)
            else { ## there's just one gene as target
              TGgene <- txRegNetGO[[TFgene]]$TGgenesWithGO
              if (length(.qpFilterByGO(TGgene, chip, "BP")) > 0) {
                TGgeneWithGO <- AnnotationDbi::mget(TGgene, get(gsub(".db","GO",chip)))
                TGgeneWithGO <- lapply(TGgeneWithGO,
                                        function(x) if (is.list(x)) {
                                                      z <- sapply(x, function(x) x$Ontology);
                TGgeneWithGOBP <- lapply(TGgeneWithGO,
                                function(x) if (sum(x=="BP",na.rm=TRUE) > 0) {
                                              names(x[x=="BP" & !is.na(x)])
                                            } else { NULL })
                TGgoAnnot <- TGgeneWithGOBP[[TGgene]]
                if (length(TGgoAnnot) > 0) {
                  mt <- match(TGgoAnnot, TFgoTerms)
                  if (sum(!is.na(mt)) > 0)
                    TGgoAnnot <- TGgoAnnot[is.na(mt)]
                  if (length(TGgoAnnot) > 0)
                    gTG <- goGraph(TGgoAnnot, goBPparentsEnv)
                    gTG <- goGraph("all", goBPparentsEnv)
                } else
                  gTG <- goGraph("all", goBPparentsEnv)
                txRegNetGO[[TFgene]][["TGgeneGOannot"]] <- TGgoAnnot
            gTG <- removeNode("all", gTG)

            sUI <- simui(gTF, gTG)
    GOgraphSim[TFgene] <- sUI
  if (verbose)


## function: qpTopPairs
## purpose: report a top number of pairs of variables from a network encoded by a given
##          graph and possibly adding annotation and other information
## parameters: measurementsMatrix - matrix of pairwise associations
##             refGraph - undirected graph of selected interactions provided either as
##                        an adjacency matrix, a graphNEL object, a graphAM object or a graphBAM object
##             n - number of pairs to report
##             file - file name to dump the pairs information as tab-separated column text
##             decreasing - logical; if TRUE then the measurements are ordered
##                          in decreasing order; if FALSE then in increasing
##                          order. It applies only when measurementsMatrix is not null
##             pairup.i - subset of vertices to pair up with subset pairup.j
##             pairup.j - subset of vertices to pair up with subset pairup.i
##             annotation - name of an annotation package to transform gene identifiers
##                          into gene symbols
##             fcOutput - output of qpFunctionalCoherence
##             digits - number of decimal digits reported in the association measure and
##                      functional coherence values

qpTopPairs <- function(measurementsMatrix=NULL, refGraph=NULL, n=6L, file=NULL,
                       decreasing=FALSE, pairup.i=NULL, pairup.j=NULL,
                       annotation=NULL, fcOutput=NULL, fcOutput.na.rm=FALSE,
                       digits=NULL) {

  haveMeasurements <- FALSE

  if (is.null(measurementsMatrix) && is.null(refGraph))
    stop("A proper value for either 'measurementsMatrix' or 'refGraph' should be provided\n")

  if (is.null(measurementsMatrix)) {
    if (!any(c("matrix", "graphNEL", "graphAM", "graphBAM") %in% class(refGraph)) &&
        length(grep("Matrix", class(refGraph))) == 0)
      stop("refGraph should be provided either as an adjacency matrix, a graphNEL object, a graphAM object or a graphBAM object\n")

    refGraph <- as(refGraph, "matrix")

    p <- (d <- dim(refGraph))[1]
    if (p != d[2])
      stop("'measurementsMatrix' should be a squared matrix\n")

    if (is.null(rownames(refGraph)) || is.null(colnames(refGraph)))
      stop("'refGraph' should have row and column names\n")
    else {
      if (!identical(rownames(refGraph), colnames(refGraph)))
        stop("Row and column names of 'refGraph' should be the same\n")

    measurementsMatrix <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(refGraph), ncol=ncol(refGraph), dimnames=dimnames(refGraph))
  } else {
    if (!any(c("matrix", "dspMatrix", "dgeMatrix") %in% class(measurementsMatrix)))
      stop("'measurementsMatrix' should be a numerical matrix\n")

    p <- (d <- dim(measurementsMatrix))[1]
    if (p != d[2])
      stop("'measurementsMatrix' should be a squared matrix\n")

    if (is.null(rownames(measurementsMatrix)) || is.null(colnames(measurementsMatrix)))
      stop("'measurementsmatrix' should have row and column names\n")
    else {
      if (!identical(rownames(measurementsMatrix), colnames(measurementsMatrix)))
        stop("Row and column names of 'measurementsMatrix' should be the same\n")

    haveMeasurements <- TRUE

  if (is.null(refGraph)) {
    refGraph <- matrix(TRUE, nrow=nrow(measurementsMatrix),
  } else {
    if (!any(c("matrix", "graphNEL", "graphAM", "graphBAM") %in% class(refGraph)) &&
        length(grep("Matrix", class(refGraph))) == 0)
      stop("'refGraph' should be provided either as an adjacency matrix, a graphNEL object, a graphAM object or a graphBAM object\n")

    if (any(c("graphNEL", "graphAM", "graphBAM") %in% class(refGraph)))
      refGraph <- graph::ugraph(refGraph)

    refGraph <- as(refGraph, "matrix")

    p <- (d <- dim(refGraph))[1]
    if (p != d[2])
      stop("'refGraph' should be a squared matrix\n")

    if (is.null(rownames(refGraph)) || is.null(colnames(refGraph)))
      stop("'refGraph' should have row and column names\n")
    else {
      if (!identical(rownames(refGraph), colnames(refGraph)))
        stop("Row and column names of 'refGraph' should be the same\n")

  if (!identical(rownames(measurementsMatrix), rownames(refGraph)))
    stop("Row and column names in 'measurementsMatrix' and 'refGraph' should be the same\n")

  if (fcOutput.na.rm && is.null(fcOutput))
    stop("When 'fcOutput.na.rm=TRUE then 'fcOutput' should be set.\n")

  var.names <- rownames(measurementsMatrix)
  n.var <- nrow(measurementsMatrix)

  ## by now we have to coerce it to a regular matrix
  ## but hopefully in the near future we can do [<- as well on a dspMatrix
  measurementsMatrix <- as.matrix(measurementsMatrix)

  if ((!is.null(pairup.i) && is.null(pairup.j)) ||
      (is.null(pairup.i) && !is.null(pairup.j)))
    stop("'pairup.i' and 'pairup.j' should both either be set to NULL or contain subsets of variables\n")

  if (!is.null(pairup.i) && !is.null(pairup.j))  {
    if (any(is.na(match(c(pairup.i, pairup.j), var.names))))
      warning("Some of the variables in 'pairup.i' or 'pairup.j' do not form part of 'measurementsMatrix' or 'refGraph'\n")

    pairup.i <- match(pairup.i, var.names)
    pairup.i <- pairup.i[!is.na(pairup.i)]

    pairup.j <- match(pairup.j, var.names)
    pairup.j <- pairup.j[!is.na(pairup.j)]

    pairup.ij.int <- intersect(pairup.i, pairup.j)
    pairup.i.noint <- setdiff(pairup.i, pairup.ij.int)
    pairup.j.noint <- setdiff(pairup.j, pairup.ij.int)

    nomeasurementsMask <- matrix(FALSE, nrow=n.var, ncol=n.var)
                                   c(pairup.i.noint, pairup.j.noint)))] <- TRUE
    nomeasurementsMask[as.matrix(expand.grid(pairup.i.noint, pairup.j.noint))] <- TRUE
    nomeasurementsMask[as.matrix(expand.grid(pairup.ij.int, pairup.ij.int))] <- TRUE
    diag(nomeasurementsMask) <- FALSE
    nomeasurementsMask <- nomeasurementsMask | t(nomeasurementsMask)
    nomeasurementsMask <- !nomeasurementsMask
    measurementsMatrix[nomeasurementsMask] <- NA

  upperTriRow <- row(measurementsMatrix)[upper.tri(measurementsMatrix) &
                                         !is.na(measurementsMatrix) & refGraph]
  upperTriCol <- col(measurementsMatrix)[upper.tri(measurementsMatrix) &
                                         !is.na(measurementsMatrix) & refGraph]
  measurementsUpperTriMatrix <- measurementsMatrix[upper.tri(measurementsMatrix) &
                                                   !is.na(measurementsMatrix) & refGraph]
  orderedMeasurements <- sort(measurementsUpperTriMatrix,index.return=TRUE,

  if (!fcOutput.na.rm) {
    if (n == Inf)
      n <- length(measurementsUpperTriMatrix)

    edgeRnk <- data.frame(i=var.names[upperTriRow[orderedMeasurements$ix[1:n]]],
                          x=orderedMeasurements$x[1:n], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  } else {
    n2 <- length(measurementsUpperTriMatrix)

    edgeRnk <- data.frame(i=var.names[upperTriRow[orderedMeasurements$ix[1:n2]]],
                          x=orderedMeasurements$x[1:n2], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

  if (!is.null(pairup.i)) {
    swapMask <- is.na(match(edgeRnk$i, var.names[pairup.i]))
    subRnk <- edgeRnk[swapMask, ]
    subRnk <- data.frame(subRnk$j, subRnk$i, subRnk$x, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    edgeRnk[swapMask, ] <- subRnk

  if (!is.null(annotation)) {
    haveSYMBOL <- !is.na(match(paste0(gsub(".db", "", annotation), "SYMBOL"),
                               ls(sprintf("package:%s", annotation))))
    haveGNAME <- !is.na(match(paste0(gsub(".db", "", annotation), "GENENAME"),
                              ls(sprintf("package:%s", annotation))))
    if (!haveSYMBOL && !haveGNAME)
      stop("No SYMBOL nor GENENAME mappings for the annotation package %s\n", annotation)

    syms <- NA
    if (haveSYMBOL)
      syms <- unlist(AnnotationDbi::mget(unique(c(edgeRnk$i, edgeRnk$j)),
                       annotate::getAnnMap(map="SYMBOL", chip=annotation, type="db"),
      syms <- unlist(AnnotationDbi::mget(unique(c(edgeRnk$i, edgeRnk$j)),
                       annotate::getAnnMap(map="GENENAME", chip=annotation, type="db"),
    edgeRnk <- edgeRnk[, c(1,2,4,5,3)]
    edgeRnk$iSymbol[is.na(edgeRnk$iSymbol)] <- as.vector(edgeRnk$i[is.na(edgeRnk$iSymbol)])
    edgeRnk$jSymbol[is.na(edgeRnk$jSymbol)] <- as.vector(edgeRnk$j[is.na(edgeRnk$jSymbol)])

  if (!is.null(digits))
    edgeRnk$x <- round(edgeRnk$x, digits=digits)

  if (!haveMeasurements)
    edgeRnk <- edgeRnk[, -dim(edgeRnk)[2]]

  if (!is.null(fcOutput)) {
    if (class(fcOutput) != "list")
      stop("'fcOutput' should be the output of 'qpFunctionalCoherence'.\n")

    if (!all(names(fcOutput) == c("txRegNet", "txRegNetGO", "functionalCoherenceValues")))
      stop("'fcOutput' should be the output of 'qpFunctionalCoherence'.\n")

    if (is.null(pairup.i) || length(pairup.i) == 0)
      stop("When 'fcOutput' is set 'pairup.i' and 'pairup.j' should be also set.\n")

    edgeRnk <- cbind(edgeRnk, funCoherence=NA_real_)
    fcMask <- !is.na(match(edgeRnk$i, names(fcOutput$functionalCoherenceValues)))
    if (any(fcMask)) {
      fcMask[fcMask] <- apply(edgeRnk[fcMask, ], 1, function(x, tx) !is.na(match(x[2], tx[[x[1]]])),
      edgeRnk$funCoherence[fcMask] <- fcOutput$functionalCoherenceValues[edgeRnk$i[fcMask]]

    if (!is.null(digits))
      edgeRnk$funCoherence <- round(edgeRnk$funCoherence, digits=digits)

    if (fcOutput.na.rm) {
      if (!any(!is.na(edgeRnk$funCoherence)))
        stop("No functional coherence value is different from NA. Please set 'fcOutput.na.rm=FALSE'\n")

      edgeRnk <- edgeRnk[!is.na(edgeRnk$funCoherence), ]

      if (n == Inf)
        n <- length(measurementsUpperTriMatrix)

      edgeRnk <- edgeRnk[1:n, ]

  rownames(edgeRnk) <- 1:dim(edgeRnk)[1]

  if (is.null(file))
    write.table(edgeRnk, file=file, quote=FALSE, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE)


## function: qpPlotNetwork
## purpose: plot a given network using Rgraphviz
## parameters: g - the network to plot given as a graph
##             vertexSubset - a subset of vertices inducing the subgraph we want to plot
##             boundary - flag set to TRUE if we want also to plot the vertices connected
##                        to the given vertex subset including their connecting edges;
##                        FALSE (default) otherwise
##             minimumSizeConnComp - minimum size of the connected components we want to plot
##             pairup.i - subset of vertices to pair up with subset pairup.j
##             pairup.j - subset of vertices to pair up with subset pairup.i
##             highlight - subset of vertices to highlight
##             annotation - name of an annotation package to transform gene identifiers
##                          into gene symbols
##             layout - layout employed by Rgraphviz

qpPlotNetwork <- function(g, vertexSubset=graph::nodes(g), boundary=FALSE,
                          minimumSizeConnComp=2, pairup.i=NULL, pairup.j=NULL,
                          highlight=NULL, annotation=NULL, layout=c("twopi", "dot", "neato", "circo", "fdp")) {
  ## require(graph)

  layout <- match.arg(layout)

  if (any(is.na(match(graph::nodes(g), vertexSubset)))) {
    vertexSubsetNoMatch <- vertexSubset[is.na(match(vertexSubset, graph::nodes(g)))]
    if (length(vertexSubsetNoMatch) > 0 && is.null(annotation))
      stop("Vertex names in 'vertexSubset' ", vertexSubsetNoMatch, " do not form part of the vertices in 'g' and 'annotation' is set to NULL.\n")

    if (length(vertexSubsetNoMatch) > 0 && !is.null(annotation)) {
      vertexSubsetNoMatchIDs <- unlist(AnnotationDbi::mget(vertexSubsetNoMatch,
                                         AnnotationDbi::revmap(annotate::getAnnMap(map="SYMBOL", chip=annotation, type="db")),
      if (any(is.na(vertexSubsetNoMatchIDs)))
        stop("Vertex names in 'vertexSubset' ", vertexSubsetNoMatch[is.na(vertexSubsetNoMatchIDs)], " do not form part of the vertices in 'g' and identifiers could not be found through the SYMBOL map from 'annotation'.\n")

      vertexSubset <- c(setdiff(vertexSubset, vertexSubsetNoMatch), vertexSubsetNoMatchIDs)

    if (boundary) {
      bd <- boundary(vertexSubset, g)
      bd <- bd[sapply(bd, length) > 0]
      vertexSubset <- unique(c(vertexSubset, unlist(bd)))
    g <- subGraph(vertexSubset, g)
    if (numEdges(g) == 0)
      stop("The resulting graph has no edges\n")

  if (minimumSizeConnComp > 1) {
    gCc <- connComp(g)
    gCcOfMinSize <- gCc[sapply(gCc, length) >= minimumSizeConnComp]
    vertexSubset <- unique(unlist(gCcOfMinSize))

    if (any(is.na(match(graph::nodes(g), vertexSubset)))) {
      g <- subGraph(vertexSubset, g)
      if (numEdges(g) == 0)
        stop("The resulting graph has no edges\n")

  if ((!is.null(pairup.i) && is.null(pairup.j)) ||
      (is.null(pairup.i) && !is.null(pairup.j)))
    stop("'pairup.i' and 'pairup.j' should both either be set to NULL or contain subsets of variables\n")

  if (!is.null(pairup.i) && !is.null(pairup.j))  {
    if (sum(is.na(match(graph::nodes(g), c(pairup.i, pairup.j)))) > 0)
      warning("Some of the vertices in the resulting graph do not form part of 'pairup.i' nor 'pairup.j'\n")

    edL <- matrix(unlist(sapply(graph::nodes(g),
                                function(x) t(cbind(x, graph::edges(g)[[x]])), USE.NAMES=FALSE)),
                   ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
    edL <- unique(t(apply(edL, 1, sort)))
    mask <- apply(edL, 1, function(x) sum(!is.na(match(x, pairup.i)))*sum(!is.na(match(x, pairup.j)))) == 0
    if (sum(mask) > 0)
      g <- removeEdge(from=edL[mask, 1], to=edL[mask, 2], g)

    edgemode(g) <- "directed"
    g.iNodes <- graph::nodes(g)[!is.na(match(graph::nodes(g), pairup.i))]
    wrongEdges <- boundary(setdiff(graph::nodes(g), g.iNodes), g)
    wrongEdges <- wrongEdges[sapply(wrongEdges, length) > 0]
    wrongEdges <- matrix(unlist(sapply(names(wrongEdges), function(x) t(cbind(x, wrongEdges[[x]])), USE.NAMES=FALSE)),
                         ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
    g <- removeEdge(from=wrongEdges[, 1], to=wrongEdges[, 2], g)

    nodeLabels <- graph::nodes(g)
    if (!is.null(annotation)) {
      haveSYMBOL <- !is.na(match(paste0(gsub(".db", "", annotation), "SYMBOL"),
                                 ls(sprintf("package:%s", annotation))))
      haveGNAME <- !is.na(match(paste0(gsub(".db", "", annotation), "GENENAME"),
                                ls(sprintf("package:%s", annotation))))
      if (!haveSYMBOL && !haveGNAME)
        stop("No SYMBOL nor GENENAME mappings for the annotation package %s\n", annotation)

      if (haveSYMBOL)
        nodeLabels <- unlist(AnnotationDbi::mget(graph::nodes(g),
                               annotate::getAnnMap(map="SYMBOL", chip=annotation, type="db"),
        nodeLabels <- unlist(AnnotationDbi::mget(graph::nodes(g),
                               annotate::getAnnMap(map="GENENAME", chip=annotation, type="db"),
      nodeLabels[is.na(nodeLabels)] <- graph::nodes(g)[is.na(nodeLabels)]

    pkg <- "Rgraphviz"
    if (!library(pkg, logical.return=TRUE, character.only=TRUE)) {
      warning("qpPlotNetwork() requires package 'Rgraphviz' to plot the network and does not seem to be installed\n")

    mkNodeAttrs <- get("makeNodeAttrs", mode="function")
    nodattr <- mkNodeAttrs(g, label=nodeLabels, shape="ellipse", fixedsize=FALSE,
                           fillcolor=grey(0.9), fontcolor="black")
    nodattr$fillcolor[g.iNodes] <- grey(0.65)
  } else {
    nodeLabels <- graph::nodes(g)
    if (!is.null(annotation)) {
      haveSYMBOL <- !is.na(match(paste0(gsub(".db", "", annotation), "SYMBOL"),
                                 ls(sprintf("package:%s", annotation))))
      haveGNAME <- !is.na(match(paste0(gsub(".db", "", annotation), "GENENAME"),
                                ls(sprintf("package:%s", annotation))))
      if (!haveSYMBOL && !haveGNAME)
        stop("No SYMBOL nor GENENAME mappings for the annotation package %s\n", annotation)

      if (haveSYMBOL)
        nodeLabels <- unlist(AnnotationDbi::mget(graph::nodes(g),
                               annotate::getAnnMap(map="SYMBOL", chip=annotation, type="db"),
        nodeLabels <- unlist(AnnotationDbi::mget(graph::nodes(g),
                               annotate::getAnnMap(map="GENENAME", chip=annotation, type="db"),
      nodeLabels[is.na(nodeLabels)] <- graph::nodes(g)[is.na(nodeLabels)]

    pkg <- "Rgraphviz"
    if (!library(pkg, logical.return=TRUE, character.only=TRUE)) {
      warning("qpPlotNetwork() requires package 'Rgraphviz' to plot the network and does not seem to be installed\n")

    mkNodeAttrs <- get("makeNodeAttrs", mode="function")
    nodattr <- mkNodeAttrs(g, label=nodeLabels, shape="ellipse", fixedsize=FALSE,
                           fillcolor=grey(0.9), fontcolor="black")

  if (!is.null(highlight)) {
    g.hNodes <- graph::nodes(g)[!is.na(match(graph::nodes(g), highlight))]
    nodattr$fontcolor[g.hNodes] <- "red"

  plot(g, layout, nodeAttrs=nodattr, lwd=2)


## function: qpPlotMap
## purpose: plot a map of associated pairs defined by adjusted p-values
## parameters: p.valueMatrix - a squared symmetric matrix with raw p-values for all pairs
##             markerPos - a two-column matrix containing chromosome and position of each feature
##             genePos - a two-column matrix containing chromosome and position of each feature
##             chrLen - a named vector with chromosome lengths
##             p.value - adjusted p-value cutoff
##             adjust.method - method employed to adjust the raw p-values. It is passed in a call
##                             call to p.adjust() in its 'method' argument
##             xlab - label for the x-axis
##             ylab - label for the y-axis
##             main - main title of the plot, set to the empty string by default

qpPlotMap <- function(p.valueMatrix, markerPos, genePos, chrLen,
                      p.value=0.05, adjust.method="holm",
                      xlab="Ordered Markers", ylab="Ordered Genes",
                      main="", ...) {

  ## get all variables
  var.names <- rownames(p.valueMatrix)

  ## get positions ordered by chr
  markerPos <- markerPos[order(markerPos[, 1], markerPos[,2]), ]
  genePos <- genePos[order(genePos[, 1], genePos[,2]), ]

  ## re-scale genes and marker positions between 0 and 1
  chrRelLen <- chrLen/sum(chrLen)
  chrRelCumLen <- c(0, cumsum(chrRelLen)[-length(chrRelLen)])
  geneRelPos <- chrRelCumLen[genePos[ ,1]] +
                chrRelLen[genePos[ ,1]]*(genePos[ ,2]/chrLen[genePos[ ,1]]) 
  names(geneRelPos) <- rownames(genePos)
  markerRelPos <- chrRelCumLen[markerPos[ ,1]] +
                  chrRelLen[markerPos[ ,1]]*(markerPos[ ,2]/chrLen[markerPos[ ,1]])
  names(markerRelPos) <- rownames(markerPos)

  ## build map matrix
  tp <- qpTopPairs(p.valueMatrix,
                   pairup.i=intersect(names(markerRelPos), var.names),
                   pairup.j=intersect(names(geneRelPos), var.names), n=Inf)
  tp <- cbind(tp, padj=p.adjust(tp$x, method=adjust.method))
  tp <- tp[tp$padj < p.value, ]
  if (nrow(tp) == 0)
    stop(sprintf("No association meets the p.value cutoff at %.2f. Increase the p.value or change the p-value adjusting method\n", p.value))

  tp <- tp[(tp$i %in% names(markerRelPos)) & (tp$j %in% names(geneRelPos)), ]
  colnames(tp) <- c("i", "j", "pval", "adjpval")

  ## jitter a bit equal positions
  lastIdx <- length(markerRelPos)
  while(sum(markerRelPos - c(0, markerRelPos[-lastIdx]) == 0) > 0) {
    wh.equal <- which(markerRelPos - c(0, markerRelPos[-lastIdx]) == 0)
    markerRelPos[wh.equal] <- markerRelPos[wh.equal] +
                            (markerRelPos[wh.equal + 1] - markerRelPos[wh.equal]) / 2

  lastIdx <- length(geneRelPos)
  while(sum(geneRelPos - c(0, geneRelPos[-lastIdx]) == 0) > 0) {
    wh.equal <- which(geneRelPos - c(0, geneRelPos[-lastIdx]) == 0)
    geneRelPos[wh.equal] <- geneRelPos[wh.equal] +
                            (geneRelPos[wh.equal + 1] - geneRelPos[wh.equal]) / 2

  ## plot the map
  x <- markerRelPos[tp[, 1]]
  y <- geneRelPos[tp[, 2]]
  plot(x, y, pch=".", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main,
       axes=FALSE, xlim=range(x), ylim=range(y), ...)
  segments(chrRelCumLen, 0, chrRelCumLen, 1, col=gray(0.75), lty="dotted", lwd=2)
  segments(0, chrRelCumLen, 1, chrRelCumLen, col=gray(0.75), lty="dotted", lwd=2)
  axis(1, at=(chrRelCumLen + c(chrRelCumLen[-1], 1))/2,
       labels=names(chrLen), tick=FALSE, cex.axis=0.9)
  axis(2, at=(chrRelCumLen + c(chrRelCumLen[-1], 1))/2,
       labels=names(chrLen), tick=FALSE, cex.axis=0.9, las=1)



## function: qpEdgePACSE
## purpose: calculate the standard errors for the partial correlations of the
##          edges of an undirected graphical Gaussian Markov model according to
##          the method by:
##          Roverato and Whittaker. Standard errors for the parameters of
##          graphical Gaussian models, STATISTICS AND COMPUTING, 6:297-302, 1996)

## parameters: S - estimate of the sample covariance matrix
##             A - adjacency matrix of the graph and thus it is assumed that the diagonal
##                 is set to either 0s or FALSE truth values since there should be no loops
##             R.code.only - flag set to FALSE when using the C implementation
## return: a list with two members: K - the concentration matrix; SE the matrix
##         with the standard errors of the edges

.qpEdgePACSE <- function(S, A, R.code.only=FALSE) {

  if (!R.code.only) {
    ## this should change so that the entire algorithm deals with *Matrix classes from the Matrix package
    return(.qpFastPACSE(as(S, "matrix"), as(A, "matrix")));

  A <- as(A, "matrix") ## idem

  n.var <- nrow(A)

  A <- A + diag(n.var) ## in the code below we need 1s in the main diagonal and
                       ## then at the same time we make sure we get a 0-1 matrix
                       ## as a truth value + 0 or 1 equals a number

  A[col(A) > row(A)] <- NA

  # selection row and column indices corr. to the non-zero elem.
  A[A == 0] <- NA
  r.nz <- c(row(A))[!is.na(A)]
  c.nz <- c(col(A))[!is.na(A)]

  # computation of the Fisher information matrix
  Iss <- S[c.nz,c.nz] * S[r.nz,r.nz] +
         S[c.nz,r.nz] * S[r.nz,c.nz]
  Iss <- solve(Iss)
  IssI <- matrix(rep(0, length(r.nz) * length(c.nz)), nrow=length(r.nz))
  diag(IssI) <- 1
  IssI[cbind((1:length(r.nz))[r.nz==c.nz], (1:length(r.nz))[r.nz==c.nz])] <- 2

  FISHER <- IssI %*% Iss %*% IssI

  # standard errors are in the diagonal of the Fisher information matrix
  FSHR <- diag(FISHER)
  SE <- matrix(NA, nrow(A), nrow(A))
  SE[cbind(r.nz,c.nz)] <- SE[cbind(c.nz,r.nz)] <- FSHR
  diag(SE) <- NA


## function: qpIPFpass
## purpose: implement the Iterative Proportional Fitting (IPF) algorithm. Part of
##          this R code has been borrowed from an implementation by Graham Wills
##          in June of 1992
## parameters: Vf - matrix to adjust
##             Vn - matrix to adjust
##             clqlst - list of (maximal) cliques
## return: the input matrix adjusted to the constraints of the list of cliques

.qpIPFpass <- function(Vf, Vn, clqlst) {
  n.var <- nrow(Vf)
  firstclq <- 1

  if (clqlst[[1]][1] > n.var) { # if the clique list has vertex-clique indices
    firstclq <- n.var + 1       # at the beginning

  V <- Vn
  for(i in firstclq:length(clqlst)) {
    V <- .qpIPFstep(Vf, V, i, clqlst)


## function: qpIPFstep
## purpose: implement the Iterative Proportional Fitting (IPF) algorithm. Part of
##          this R code has been borrowed from an implementation by Graham Wills
##          in June of 1992
## parameters: Vf - matrix to adjust
##             Vn - matrix to adjust
##             wh - clique index
##             clqlst - (maximal) clique
## return: the input matrix adjusted to the constraints of the clique

.qpIPFstep <- function(Vf, Vn, wh, clqlst) {
  a <- clqlst[[wh]]
  b <- (1:length(Vf[, 1]))[ - a]
  Vfaa <- Vf[a, a]
  Vni <- solve(Vn[a, a])
  Bnba <- Vn[b, a] %*% Vni
  Vnbba <- Vn[b, b] - Vn[b, a] %*% Vni %*% Vn[a, b]
  V <- Vf
  V[b, a] <- Bnba %*% Vfaa
  V[a, b] <- t(V[b, a])
  V[b, b] <- Vnbba + Bnba %*% Vfaa %*% t(Bnba)


## function: qpFilterByGO
## purpose: filter an input vector of Entrez Gene IDs returning only those that
##          have Gene Ontology (GO) annotations on a specified ontology branch
## parameters: entrezGeneIds - Entrez Gene Identifiers to be filtered
##             chip - .db package name containing the GO annotations
##             ontologyType - either "BP", or "MF" or "CC"
## return: the subset entrezGeneIds for which GO annotations of the specified
##         ontology branch are found

.qpFilterByGO <- function(entrezGeneIds, chip, ontologyType=c("BP", "MF", "CC")) {
  ontologyType <- match.arg(ontologyType)

  if (length(entrezGeneIds) == 0)
    stop(".qpFilterByGO: no input Entrez gene identifiers\n")

  haveGo <- sapply(AnnotationDbi::mget(entrezGeneIds,
                                       annotate::getAnnMap(map="GO", chip=chip, type="db"),
                   function(x) {
                     if (length(x) == 1 && is.na(x))
                     else {
                       onts <- subListExtract(x, "Ontology", simplify=TRUE)
                       ontologyType %in% onts

  filteredIds <- names(haveGo)[haveGo]


## from https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2005-September/078974.html
## function: qpIsPackageLoaded
## purpose: to check whether the package specified by the name given in
##          the input argument is loaded. this function is borrowed from
##          the discussion on the R-help list found in this url:
##          https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2005-September/078974.html
## parameters: name - package name
## return: TRUE if the package is loaded, FALSE otherwise

.qpIsPackageLoaded <- function(name) {
  ## Purpose: is package 'name' loaded?
  ## --------------------------------------------------
 (paste("package:", name, sep="") %in% search()) ||
 (name %in% loadedNamespaces())

## function: qpIsPackageInstalled
## purpose: to check whether the package specified by the name given in
##          the input argument is installed.
## parameters: name - package name
## return: TRUE if the package is installed, FALSE otherwise

.qpIsPackageInstalled <- function(name) {
  ## Purpose: is package 'name' installed?
  ## --------------------------------------------------
 (name %in% rownames(installed.packages()))

## function: clPrCall
## purpose: is a copy of the function clusterCall() from the 'snow' package
##          but allows the slave loops to report progress which is then
##          reported to the console of the master node
## parameters: cl - cluster data from makeCluster()
##             fun - function to call at each node
##             n.adj - total number of adjacencies through which computations
##                     should be made
##             ... - parameters passed to the function specified at 'fun'
## return: the result just as clusterCall() would do

clPrCall <- function(cl, fun, n.adj, ...) {
  ## checkCl <- get("checkCluster", mode="function")
  ## sndCall <- get("sendCall", mode="function")
  ## rcv1Result <- get("recvOneResult", mode="function")
  ## check4RmtErrors <- get("checkForRemoteErrors", mode="function")

  for (i in seq(along = cl))
    snow::sendCall(cl[[i]], fun, list(...))

  i <- rep(0, length(cl))
  k <- 0
  ppct <- -1
  pb <- txtProgressBar(style=3)

  r <- vector(mode="list", length=length(cl))
  foundError <- FALSE
  nodesDone <- 0
  while (nodesDone < length(cl) && !foundError) {
    r1 <- snow::recvOneResult(cl)
    if (!is.null(r1$tag)) {
      ## message("received value ", r1$value, " from node ", r1$node, " with tag ", r1$tag)
      if (r1$tag != "UPDATE") {
        if (inherits(r1, "try-error")) {
          stop("at least one node produced an error: ", r)
          foundError <- TRUE
      } else {
        k <- k - i[r1$node] + r1$value
        i[r1$node] <- r1$value
        pct <- floor((k * 100) / n.adj)
        if (pct != ppct) {
          setTxtProgressBar(pb, pct/100)
          ppct <- pct
    } else {
      r1 <- snow::checkForRemoteErrors(r1)
      r[[r1$node]] <- r1$value
      nodesDone <- nodesDone + 1




.qpFastNrr <- function(X, I, Y, q, restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests, alpha,
                       pairup.i.noint, pairup.j.noint, pairup.ij.int,
                       exact.test, verbose, startTime, nAdj2estimateTime) {

  ## nLevels <- apply(X[, I, drop=FALSE], 2, function(x) nlevels(as.factor(x)))
  nLevels <- rep(NA_integer_, times=ncol(X))
  nLevels[I] <- apply(X[, I, drop=FALSE], 2, function(x) nlevels(as.factor(x)))
  if (any(nLevels[I] == 1))
    stop(sprintf("Discrete variable %s has only one level", colnames(X)[I[nLevels[I]==1]]))

  return(.Call("qp_fast_nrr", X, as.integer(I), as.integer(nLevels),
                              as.integer(Y), as.integer(q), restrict.Q, ## restrict.Q can be a matrix
                              as.integer(fix.Q), as.integer(nTests), as.double(alpha),
                              as.integer(pairup.i.noint), as.integer(pairup.j.noint),
                              as.integer(pairup.ij.int), as.integer(exact.test),
                              as.integer(verbose), as.double(startTime),
                              as.integer(nAdj2estimateTime), .GlobalEnv))

.qpFastNrrIdenticalQs <- function(X, q, restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests, alpha,
                                  pairup.i.noint, pairup.j.noint, pairup.ij.int,
                                  verbose, startTime, nAdj2estimateTime) {

  return(.Call("qp_fast_nrr_identicalQs", X, as.integer(q), as.integer(restrict.Q),
                                          as.integer(nTests), as.double(alpha),
                                          as.integer(verbose), as.double(startTime),
                                          as.integer(nAdj2estimateTime), .GlobalEnv))

.qpFastNrrPar <- function(X, I, Y, q, restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests, alpha,
                          pairup.i.noint, pairup.j.noint, pairup.ij.int,
                          exact.test, verbose, estimateTime, nAdj2estimateTime) {
  clOpt <- get("getClusterOption", mode="function")
  myMaster <- clOpt("masterNode")

  startTime <- 0
  if (estimateTime)
    startTime <- proc.time()["elapsed"]

  ## nLevels <- apply(X[, I, drop=FALSE], 2, function(x) nlevels(as.factor(x)))
  nLevels <- rep(NA_integer_, times=ncol(X))
  nLevels[I] <- apply(X[, I, drop=FALSE], 2, function(x) nlevels(as.factor(x)))
  if (any(nLevels[I] == 1))
    stop(sprintf("Discrete variable %s has only one level", colnames(X)[I[nLevels[I]==1]]))

  ## clusterRank and clusterSize should have been defined by the master node
  return(.Call("qp_fast_nrr_par", X, as.integer(I), as.integer(nLevels),
                                 as.integer(Y), as.integer(q), restrict.Q, ## restrict.Q can be a matrix
                                 as.integer(fix.Q), as.integer(nTests), as.double(alpha),
                                 as.integer(pairup.i.noint), as.integer(pairup.j.noint),
                                 as.integer(pairup.ij.int), as.integer(exact.test),
                                 as.integer(verbose), as.double(startTime),
                                 as.integer(nAdj2estimateTime), as.integer(get("clusterRank")),
                                 as.integer(get("clusterSize")), myMaster, .GlobalEnv))

.qpFastNrrIdenticalQsPar <- function(X, q, restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests, alpha,
                                     pairup.i.noint, pairup.j.noint,
                                     pairup.ij.int, verbose, estimateTime,
                                     nAdj2estimateTime) {
  clOpt <- get("getClusterOption", mode="function")
  myMaster <- clOpt("masterNode")

  startTime <- 0
  if (estimateTime)
    startTime <- proc.time()["elapsed"]

  ## clusterRank and clusterSize should have been defined by the master node
  return(.Call("qp_fast_nrr_identicalQs_par",X,as.integer(q), as.integer(restrict.Q),
                                             as.integer(fix.Q), as.integer(nTests),
                                             as.double(alpha), as.integer(pairup.i.noint),
                                             as.integer(verbose), as.double(startTime),
                                             myMaster, .GlobalEnv))

.qpFastEdgeNrr <- function(X, S, i, j, q, restrict.Q, fix.Q, nTests, alpha, return.pcor) {
  Sx <- n <- p <- NULL
  if (!is.null(S)) {
    Sx <- S@ssd@x
    n <- S@n
    p <- ncol(S)
  } else {
    p <- ncol(X)
    n <- nrow(X)

  return(.Call("qp_fast_edge_nrr", X, Sx, p, as.integer(n), as.integer(i), as.integer(j),
                                  as.integer(q), as.integer(restrict.Q),
                                  as.integer(fix.Q), as.integer(nTests),
                                  as.double(alpha), as.integer(return.pcor)))

.qpFastEdgeNrrHMGM <- function(X, I, nLevels, Y, ssd, mapX2ssd, i, j, q, restrict.Q,
                               fix.Q, nTests, alpha, exact.test) {
  ssdx <- NULL
  if (!is.null(ssd)) {
    if (class(ssd) != "SsdMatrix")
      stop(".qpFastEdgeNrrHMGM: the ssd argument should be an object of class SsdMatrix\n")
    ssdx <- ssd@ssd@x

  return(.Call("qp_fast_edge_nrr_hmgm", X, as.integer(I), as.integer(nLevels),
                                        as.integer(Y), ssdx, as.integer(mapX2ssd),
                                        as.integer(i),as.integer(j), as.integer(q),
                                        as.integer(restrict.Q), as.integer(fix.Q),
                                        as.integer(nTests), as.double(alpha), as.integer(exact.test)))

.qpFastCliquerGetCliques <- function(A, clqspervtx, verbose) {
  return(.Call("qp_fast_cliquer_get_cliques", A, clqspervtx, verbose))

.qpFastUpdateCliquesRemoving <- function(A, clqlst, v, w, verbose) {
  return(.Call("qp_fast_update_cliques_removing", A, clqlst, v, w, verbose))

.qpFastPACSE <- function(Shat, A) {
  return(.Call("qp_fast_pac_se", Shat, A))

.qpFastIPF <- function(vv, clqlst, tol = 0.001, verbose = FALSE) {
  return(.Call("qp_fast_ipf", vv, clqlst, tol, verbose))

.qpFastHTF <- function(S, A, tol = 0.001, verbose = FALSE) {
  return(.Call("qp_fast_htf", S, A, tol, verbose))

.qpCliqueNumberLowerBound <- function(A, return.vertices, approx.iter, verbose) {
 return(.Call("qp_clique_number_lb", A, return.vertices, as.integer(approx.iter), verbose))

.qpCliqueNumberOstergard <- function(A, return.vertices, verbose) {
 return(.Call("qp_clique_number_os", A, return.vertices, verbose))

qpCov <- function(X, corrected=TRUE) {
  ## return(new("dspMatrix", Dim=c(ncol(X), ncol(X)),
  ##            Dimnames=list(colnames(X), colnames(X)),
  ##            x = .Call("qp_cov_upper_triangular", X, as.integer(corrected))))
  return(.Call("qp_fast_cov_upper_triangular", X, as.integer(corrected)))
rcastelo/qpgraph documentation built on Feb. 6, 2025, 3:34 a.m.