
Defines functions convertAlias checkSYMBOLS geneInfo setAnnotation.list getAnnotation.list setAnnotation.default setAnnotation getAnnotation.default getAnnotation hasAnnotation

Documented in checkSYMBOLS convertAlias geneInfo getAnnotation getAnnotation.default getAnnotation.list hasAnnotation setAnnotation setAnnotation.default setAnnotation.list

# Project: xbioc
# Functions for biological feature annotations
# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
# Created: Jul 3, 2014

#' Handling Object Annotations
#' Annotation utility functions.
#' @param object an object
#' @param ... extra parameters (currently not used) 
#' @name annotation-utils

#' @describeIn annotation-utils tells if an object has some -- non empty -- attached annotation.
#' @export
hasAnnotation <- function(object, ...){
    !is.null( getAnnotation(object, ...) )
#' @describeIn annotation-utils try extracting embedded annotations.
#' @export
getAnnotation <- function(object, ...){

#' @describeIn annotation-utils the default method returns \code{NULL} if the object contains 
#' no annotation.
#' @param null logical that indicates if an empty character string should 
#' be return as \code{NULL}.
#' @export
getAnnotation.default <- function(object, ..., null=TRUE){
    ann <- if( hasMethod('annotation', class(object)) ) annotation(object)
            else attr(object, 'annotation')
    if( null && isString(ann) && nchar(ann) == 0L ) ann <- NULL
    else if( !null && is.null(ann) ) ann <- '' 

#' @describeIn annotation-utils embbeds an annotation string into an object 
#' (typically the name of an annotation package, e.g., \code{'hgu133plus2.db'}).
#' \code{setAnnotation} uses a suitable \code{annotation<-} method if it 
#' exists, or sets the annotation string into attribute \code{'annotation'}.
#' It returns the modified object.
#' @param value new annotation string, e.g., \code{'hgu133plu2.db'}.
#' @export
setAnnotation <- function(object, value, ...){

#' @param as.attribute logical that indicates that the annotation string can be
#' stored as an attribute, if no suitable \code{`annotation <-`} method is found.
#' @rdname annotation-utils
#' @export
setAnnotation.default <- function(object, value, as.attribute = TRUE, ...){
    if( length(extras <- list(...)) ) 
        stop("Unused arguments ", str_out(sapply(extras, class), Inf, use.names = TRUE))
    # pre-process
    if( is.null(value) ) value <- ''
    else if( length(value) > 1L ) value <- .glue_anndb(value)
    # set annotation
    if( hasMethod('annotation<-', c(class(object), class(value))) ) annotation(object) <- value
    else if( as.attribute ) attr(object, 'annotation') <- value
    else stop("Could not set annotation string: no suitable method `annotation <-` found for signature (", class(object), ",", class(value), ")")
    # return modified object

#' @describeIn annotation-utils gets annotation for each element in a list of `ExpressionSet`
#' objects. 
#' @export
getAnnotation.list <- function(object, ...){
    # handle list of ExpressionSet objects
    if( all(sapply(object, isExpressionSet)) ){
        gpl <- sapply(object, annotation)
        return( gpl )

#' @describeIn annotation-utils set annotation on each element of a list of `ExpressionSet` objects.
#' @param force single logical that indicates if the annotation string should be set
#' even if the objects do not share the same original annotation.
#' @export
setAnnotation.list <- function(object, value, force = FALSE, ...){
    # handle list of ExpressionSet objects
    if( all(sapply(object, isExpressionSet)) ){
        gpl <- sapply(object, annotation)
        # try set annotation if provided
        if( all(gpl == gpl[1L]) || force ){
            sapply(seq_along(object), function(i){
                        annotation(object[[i]]) <<- value
        }else warning("Could not set provided annotation '", value,"': datasets are not from the same platform [", str_out(gpl, Inf), "]")
        return( object )

#' Simple Feature Annotation 
#' @param x feature identifiers to annotate
#' @param annotation Annotation package to use.
#' It can be the name of an annotation package or of an organism supported by 
#' \code{\link{biocann_orgdb}}. 
#' It can also be a `AnnDbBimap` object that converts the features into `ENTREZID`, e.g., `org.Hs.egSYMBOL2EG`.
#' @param extras Indicates the type of information/resource to add for each feature.
#' Out-links to online resource can be added the prefix \code{'~'} to selected resources.
#' Note that the resources \code{'NCBI'} and \code{'bioGPS'} are \emph{de facto} online resources, 
#' and make ENTREZID and SYMBOL as links to the respective gene page. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{biocann_orgdb}}
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' # Entrez IDs
#' geneInfo(1:5)
#' geneInfo(1:5, extras = 'bioGPS')
#' # probe ids
#' ids <- c("1007_s_at", "1053_at", "117_at", "121_at", "not_a_probe_id")
#' geneInfo(ids, 'hgu133plus2.db')
#' geneInfo(ids, 'hgu133plus2.db', extras = 'bioGPS')
#' geneInfo(ids, 'hgu133plus2.db', extras = 'pathway')
geneInfo <- function(x, annotation = 'human', extras = c('biogps', 'ncbi', 'pathway', 'kegg')){
    # handle ExpressionSet objects
    if( isExpressionSet(x) ){
        if( missing(annotation) || is.null(annotation) ) annotation <- annotation(x)
        x <- fData(x)
    # use rownames from data.frame and append/cbind original data at the end 
    bind_data <- NULL
    if( is.data.frame(x) ){
      bind_data <- x
      x <- rownames(x)
    x0 <- x
    use_org <- FALSE
    add_id <- TRUE
    if( !is.annpkg(annotation) ){
        use_org <- TRUE
        # assume that it will convert to ENTREZID
        if( is(annotation, 'AnnDbBimap') ){
          x <- bimap_lookup(as.character(x), annotation, multiple = FALSE)
        } else add_id <- FALSE
        # use annotation from organism (key: ENTREZID)
        annotation <- biocann_orgdb_pkgname(annotation)
    irequire(annotation, ptype = 'BioCann')
    x <- as.character(x)
    ez <- if( use_org ) x else bimap_lookup(x, biocann_object('ENTREZID', annotation), multiple = FALSE)
    symb <- bimap_lookup(x, biocann_object('SYMBOL', annotation), multiple = FALSE)
    ez[is.na(symb)] <- NA
    desc <- bimap_lookup(x, biocann_object('GENENAME', annotation), multiple = FALSE)
    df <- data.frame(ENTREZID = ez, SYMBOL = symb, Description = desc, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    if( add_id ) df$ID <- x0
    df <- df[order(match(colnames(df), 'ID'))]
    if( !is.null(bind_data) ){
      df <- cbind(df, bind_data)
    #rownames(df) <- x
    # add extra ressource
    if( missing(extras) || is_NA(extras) ) return(df)
    extras <- tolower(extras)
    # check which must be links
    with_link <- grepl("^~", extras)
    as_names <- grepl("\\+$", extras)
    as_is <- grepl("^\\.", extras)
    extras <- gsub("^[~.]", "\\1", extras)
    extras <- gsub("\\+$", "", extras)
    extras <- match.arg(extras, several.ok = TRUE)
    if( length(i <- which(extras %in% c('ncbi', 'biogps'))) ){
        tolink <- c('ENTREZID', 'SYMBOL')
        olink <- extras[i[1L]]
        base <- switch(olink
                , biogps = "http://biogps.org/gene/"
                , ncbi = "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/")
        .link <- function(x, id = x){
            ok <- !is.na(id) & nzchar(x)
            x[ok] <- sprintf('<a target="_%s" href="%s%s">%s</a>', olink, base, id[ok], x[ok])
        df[tolink] <- sapply(df[tolink], .link, id = ez, simplify = FALSE)
    .format <- function(x, i, .link = NULL, id = x, collapse = FALSE){
        ok <- !is.na(x)
        sep <- "|" 
        if( do_collapse <- !as_is[i] ){
            is_num <- all(sapply(x[ok], function(...) all(grepl(...)), pattern = '^[0-9]+$'))
            sep <- ifelse(is_num, ",", "\n")
        if( with_link[i] && !is.null(.link) ){
            sep <- "<br />\n"
            x[ok] <- mapply(.link, x[ok], id[ok], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        if( do_collapse ) x[ok] <- sapply(x[ok], paste0, collapse = sep)
        if( collapse ) x <- paste0(x, collapse = sep)  
    if( length(i <- which(extras == 'pathway')) ){
        p <- pid <- bimap_lookup(ez, reactome.db::reactomeEXTID2PATHID)
        # http://pid.nci.nih.gov/search/pathway_landing.shtml?what=graphic&jpg=on&pathway_id=xxxxxx&source=ReactomeImported
        .link <- function(x, id) sprintf('<a target="_pathway" href="http://reactome.org/pathway/%s">%s</a>', id, x)
        if( as_names[i] ){
            p <- sapply(pid, function(x){
                        if( is_NA(x) ) NA
                            pn <- bimap_lookup(x, reactome.db::reactomePATHID2NAME)
                            fpn <- .format(pn, i, .link = .link, id = x, collapse = TRUE)
                            df$Pathway <- unlist(fpn)
                    }, simplify = FALSE)
            .link <- NULL
        # format
        df$Pathway <- as.character(.format(p, i, id = pid, .link = .link))
    if( length(i <- which(extras == 'kegg')) ){
        k <- bimap_lookup(x, biocann_object('PATH', annotation), multiple = TRUE)
        df$KEGG <- .format(k, i, function(x, id) sprintf('<a target="_pathway" href="http://kegg.org/pathway/%s">%s</a>', x, x))

#' Checks Gene Symbol Validity
#' Look for gene symbols that were transformed by Excel nasty default
#' setting, which interpreted them as dates or numeric.
#' This issue, although well known in the bioinformatics community, regularly 
#' surfaces to the detriment of the person who analyses the data. 
#' It has been reported to affect several publications and even large genomic projects 
#' (\cite{Zeeberg2004;Ziemann2016}).
#' @param x Character vector of gene symbols to check
#' @param value Logical that indicates if the value of invalid symbols 
#' should be returned (\code{TRUE}), or only their index (\code{FALSE}).
#' @param replace logical that indicates if fixable symbols should be replaced
#' with their correct value.
#' If \code{value = FALSE}, then the corrected symbols are set as names of the 
#' result integer vector, and the incorrect (input) symbols as values.
#' If \code{value = FALSE}, then the corrected symbols are returned as values of the 
#' result character vector, and the incorrect (input) symbols as names. 
#' @return character or integer vector depending on the value of argument 
#' \var{value}.
#' See help for argument \var{replace}, as this affects what goes into
#' names and values of the result vector.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' bad_symbols <- c('AAA', 'BBB', '1-Dec', '10-JAN')
#' # index of incorrect symbols
#' checkSYMBOLS(bad_symbols)
#' # incorrect symbols
#' checkSYMBOLS(bad_symbols, value = TRUE)
#' # return fixed symbols as names (index vector)
#' checkSYMBOLS(bad_symbols, replace = TRUE)
#' # return fixed symbols as values (mapping)
#' checkSYMBOLS(bad_symbols, value = TRUE, replace = TRUE)
checkSYMBOLS <- function(x, value = FALSE, replace = FALSE, quiet = TRUE){
	# build regexp
	m <- paste0('(', tolower(month.abb), ')', collapse = '|')
	reg <- sprintf("^(([0-9]+)-(%s))|([0-9]\\.[0-9][0-9]E\\+[0-9][0-9])$", m)
	# match
	m <- str_match(x, regex(reg, ignore_case = TRUE))
	# identify matches
	i <- which(!is.na(m[, 1L]))
	if( !length(i) ) return(i)
	# distinguish month from scientific numbers
	is_month <- !is.na(m[i, 2L])
	if( !quiet ){
		msg <- sprintf("Gene symbols encoded as months: %s\n  Gene symbols encoded as numerics: %s"
						, str_out(m[i[is_month], 1L], total = TRUE)
						, str_out(m[i[!is_month], 1L], total = TRUE)
	if( !replace ) names(i) <- m[i, 1L] 
	else names(i) <- ifelse(is_month, paste0(m[i, 4L], m[i, 3L]), NA)
	# use value if requested
	if( value ){
		i[] <- m[i, 1L]
		if( replace ) i <- setNames(names(i), i)
	# return

#' Converts Gene Alias to Official Gene Symbols
#' @param x character vector of gene aliases
#' @param nomatch value to use for those aliases that could not 
#' be mapped. 
#' This argument can also be set to `TRUE` to make unmapped aliases 
#' keep their original input values.
#' @param organism name of the reference organism.
#' Currently only Human ('Hs') is supported.
#' @param verbose logical that indicates if mapped and unmapped symbols
#' should be output to the `stderr`.
#' @return a character vector of the mapped symbols, whose names correspond to 
#' the original values in `x`.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' convertAlias(c('A', 'IL10'))
#' convertAlias(c('A', 'IL-10', 'IL1RA'))
#' convertAlias(c('A', 'IL-10', 'IL1RA'), nomatch = TRUE)
convertAlias <- function(x, nomatch = NA, organism = 'Hs', verbose = TRUE){
  if( !verbose ) message <- function(...) NULL
  # load annotation mappings
  org.pkg <- biocann_orgdb_pkgname(organism)
  if( !requireNamespace(org.pkg) )
    stop("Could not resolve gene aliases: missing annotation pacakge ", org.pkg)
  ALIAS_map <- biocann_object('ALIAS2EG', org.pkg)
  SYMBOL_map <- alias_map <- biocann_object('SYMBOL', org.pkg)
  x <- as.character(x)
  x0 <- x
  x <- toupper(x)
  x <- gsub(".", "-", x, fixed = TRUE)
  x <- gsub(" ", "-", x, fixed = TRUE)
  # first populate mapping with the elements that are already valid/official SYMBOLs
  map <- setNames(bimap_lookup(x, revmap(SYMBOL_map), multiple = NA), x0)
  .trymap <- function(x, recursive = TRUE){
    if( anyNA(map) ) map[is.na(map)] <<- bimap_lookup(x[is.na(map)], ALIAS_map, multiple = FALSE)
    # try shortening greek letters
    if( recursive ){
      .trymap(gsub("ALPHA[$ ]?", "A", x), recursive = FALSE)
      .trymap(gsub("BETA[$ ]?", "B", x), recursive = FALSE)
      .trymap(gsub("GAMMA[$ ]?", "G", x), recursive = FALSE)
  # try removing all hyphen
  .trymap(gsub("-", "", x))
  # try removing hypen before number
  .trymap(gsub("-([0-9]+)", "\\1", x))
  # map to official gene symbol
  map[!is.na(map)] <- bimap_lookup(map[!is.na(map)], SYMBOL_map, multiple = FALSE)
  stopifnot(length(x) == length(map) )
  names(map) <- x0
  if( any(was_mapped <- !is.na(map) & names(map) != map) ) 
    message("Mapped:", str_out(map[was_mapped], Inf, use.names = TRUE, total = TRUE))
  if( any(was_not_found <- is.na(map)) ) 
    message("Not found:", str_out(names(map)[was_not_found], Inf, use.names = TRUE, total = TRUE))
  if( isTRUE(nomatch) ) map[is.na(map)] <- names(map)[is.na(map)]
  else if( !is_NA(nomatch) ) map[is.na(map)] <- nomatch
renozao/xbioc documentation built on Sept. 3, 2020, 1:13 a.m.