
Defines functions make_helper_data

# simulated data for testing ----------------------------------------------

#' Helper Data for Examples
#' This list is a bundle of shared data and functions for CHIIMP examples.
#' @name test_data

# Saved via: save(test_data, file = "data/test_data.rda", compress = "bzip2")
make_helper_data <- function() {
  test_data <- within(list(), { # nolint: cyclocomp_linter.
    # This is a particularly awkward approach now that in the development branch
    # for version 3.6.0 the random number generator has changed its behavior.
    # The below is a stopgap measure but this should really be reorganized to
    # not need to generate the test data at build-time.
    # From ?RNGkind:
    # > sample.kind can be "Rounding" or "Rejection", or partial matches to
    # > these. The former was the default in versions prior to 3.6.0: it made
    # > sample noticeably non-uniform on large populations, and should only be
    # > used for reproduction of old results. See PR#17494 for a discussion."
    # Older R doesn't have have a third argument to RNGkind, so, only run this
    # if needed.  I'll temporarily disable warnings here so that R doesn't warn
    # about the Rounding option's behavior.
    rng_orig <- RNGkind()
    if (length(rng_orig) > 2) {
      warn_orig <- options()$warn
      options(warn = -1)
      RNGkind("Mersenne-Twister", "Inversion", "Rounding")
      options(warn = warn_orig)
    # Careful!  When running via a package check we might be in temporary
    # installed copy in /tmp or elsewhere, and probably won't have the "inst"
    # directory anymore.  Alternatively when running with devtools::test() we
    # will.
    f.locus_attrs <- unique(system.file(
      c("inst/example_locus_attrs.csv", "example_locus_attrs.csv"),
      package = methods::getPackageName()))
    locus_attrs <- utils::read.table(
      f.locus_attrs, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, sep = ",")
    rownames(locus_attrs) <- locus_attrs$Locus

    make.seq_junk <- function(N) {
      nucleotides <- c("A", "T", "C", "G")
      vapply(stats::runif(N, min = 1, max = 20), function(L) {
        paste0(sample(nucleotides, L, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")
      }, "character")

    simulate.seqs <- function(
      locus_name, locus_attrs, homozygous = NULL, N = 5000,
      off_target_ratio = 10, cross_contam_ratio = 100) {
      attrs <- locus_attrs[locus_name, ]
      L.min <- attrs$LengthMin - nchar(attrs$Primer)
      L.max <- attrs$LengthMax - nchar(attrs$Primer)
      L <- as.integer(stats::runif(2, min = L.min, max = L.max))
      if (!missing(homozygous)) {
        if (homozygous) {
          L[2] <- L[1]
        } else {
          while (L[1] == L[2])
            L <- as.integer(stats::runif(2, min = L.min, max = L.max))
      make.reps <- function(motif, len) {
        paste(rep(motif, floor(len / nchar(motif))), collapse = "")
      repeats1 <- make.reps(attrs$Motif, L[1])
      repeats2 <- make.reps(attrs$Motif, L[2])
      seq.correct.1 <- paste0(attrs$Primer, repeats1, attrs$ReversePrimer)
      seq.correct.2 <- paste0(attrs$Primer, repeats2, attrs$ReversePrimer)
      # The exact correct sequences, either one or two unique
      N1 <- N / 2 + stats::rnorm(10000) * N / 20
      N1 <- as.integer(max(min(N1, N * 0.9), N * 0.1))
      N2 <- N - N1
      seqs <- c(rep(seq.correct.1, N1),
                rep(seq.correct.2, N2))
      ## Mix in stutter
      N1.stutter <- as.integer(stats::runif(1, min = N1 / 20, max = N1 / 3))
      N2.stutter <- as.integer(stats::runif(1, min = N2 / 20, max = N2 / 3))
      seqs[1:N1.stutter] <- paste0(attrs$Primer,
                                             L[1] - nchar(attrs$Motif)),
      seqs[N1 + 1:N2.stutter] <- paste0(attrs$Primer,
                                                  L[2] - nchar(attrs$Motif)),
      ## Mix in off target amplification
      if (off_target_ratio > 0) {
        idx <- seq(1, length(seqs), off_target_ratio)
        seqs[idx] <- paste0(
          attrs$Primer, make.seq_junk(10), attrs$ReversePrimer)
      ## Mix in other loci
      if (cross_contam_ratio > 0) {
        others <- locus_attrs[-match(locus_name, rownames(locus_attrs)), ]
        for (i in seq_len(nrow(others))) {
          idx <- seq(i, length(seqs), cross_contam_ratio * nrow(others))
          seqs[idx] <- simulate.seqs(
            locus_name = others$Locus[i], locus_attrs = locus_attrs,
            N = length(idx), off_target_ratio = 0, cross_contam_ratio = 0)

      ## Shuffle vector
      seqs <- sample(seqs)

    simulate.set <- function(locus_attrs) {
      seqs <- lapply(rownames(locus_attrs), function(n) {
        simulate.seqs(n, locus_attrs)
      names(seqs) <- rownames(locus_attrs)

    # setting the set to an arbitrary value so the below is all arbitrary but
    # still deterministic.
    # Three sets of samples across all loci
    seqs1 <- simulate.set(locus_attrs)
    seqs2 <- simulate.set(locus_attrs)
    seqs3 <- simulate.set(locus_attrs)
    # 3 samples, then loci
    seqs <- list("1" = seqs1, "2" = seqs2, "3" = seqs3)

    # TODO support replicates
    write_seqs <- function(seq_sets, outdir, fmt = "%s-%s.fasta") {
      if (! dir.exists(outdir))
        dir.create(outdir, recursive = TRUE)
      for (sn in names(seq_sets)) {
        for (ln in names(seq_sets[[sn]])) {
          fp <- file.path(outdir, sprintf(fmt, sn, ln))
          n <- names(seq_sets[[sn]][[ln]])
          if (is.null(n))
            n <- seq_along(seq_sets[[sn]][[ln]])
            names = n, dna = seq_sets[[sn]][[ln]], fileName = fp)

    prepare_for_summary <- function() {
      data.dir <- tempfile()
      write_seqs(seqs, data.dir)
      dataset <- prepare_dataset(data.dir, "()(\\d+)-([A-Za-z0-9]+).fasta")
      results <- analyze_dataset(dataset, locus_attrs, ncores = 1)
      unlink(data.dir, recursive = TRUE)
      return(list(dataset = dataset, results = results))

    results_summary_data <- prepare_for_summary()

    kg1 <- subset(results_summary_data$results$summary,
                  Sample == 1)[, c("Locus", "Allele1Seq", "Allele2Seq")]
    kg1 <- cbind(Name = "ID002", kg1)
    kg2 <- subset(results_summary_data$results$summary,
                  Sample == 2)[, c("Locus", "Allele1Seq", "Allele2Seq")]
    kg2 <- cbind(Name = "ID001", kg2)

    # reset the RNG behavior
    do.call(RNGkind, as.list(rng_orig))
ressy/microsat documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 10:09 a.m.