
Defines functions bsCardBodyNoFill makeHTMLReportPlot makeHTMLReportPlotOld getHTMLReportPlotPath makePropReactable makePropTab makeReactableCompact makeReactable setReactSelRangeFilter setReactNumRangeFilters reactSelectFilter reactSuspectFilter reactExactFilter reactSelFilterButton

reactSelFilterButton <- function(id, name, target, ocFunc, title)
    htmltools::tags$button(class = "btn btn-secondary btn-sm", "data-bs-toggle" = "modal",
                           "data-bs-target" = target,
                           onclick = sprintf("%s('%s', '%s')", ocFunc, id, name), title)

reactExactFilter <- function()
    htmlwidgets::JS("function(rows, columnId, filterValue)
    return rows.filter(row => row.values[columnId] === filterValue);

reactSuspectFilter <- function()
    htmlwidgets::JS("function(rows, columnId, filterValue)
    return rows.filter(row => row.values[columnId] && row.values[columnId].split(', ').includes(filterValue));

reactSelectFilter <- function(id, values, name)
    # from examples
        onchange = sprintf("Reactable.setFilter('%s', '%s', event.target.value || undefined)", id, name),
        tags$option(value = "", "All"),
        lapply(unique(values), tags$option),
        "aria-label" = paste("Filter", name),
        style = "width: 100%; height: 28px;"

setReactNumRangeFilters <- function(id, tab, colDefs)
    for (col in names(tab))
        if (!is.numeric(tab[[col]]))
        if (is.null(colDefs[[col]]))
            colDefs[[col]] <- reactable::colDef()
        colDefs[[col]]$filterInput <- function(values, name) reactSelFilterButton(id, name, "#filterRangeModal",
                                                                                  "filtRangeModalInit", "Range")
        colDefs[[col]]$filterMethod <- htmlwidgets::JS("function(rows, columnId, filterValue)
            if (filterValue[0] == '')
                filterValue[0] = -Infinity;
            if (filterValue[1] == '')
                filterValue[1] = Infinity;
            return rows.filter(function(row)
                return row.values[columnId] >= filterValue[0] && row.values[columnId] <= filterValue[1];

setReactSelRangeFilter <- function(id, colDef)
    if (is.null(colDef))
        colDef <- reactable::colDef()
    colDef$filterInput <- function(values, name) reactSelFilterButton(id, name, "#filterSelModal",
                                                                      "filtColSelModalInit", "Select")
    colDef$filterMethod <- htmlwidgets::JS("function(rows, columnId, filterValue)
        return rows.filter(r => filterValue.has(r.values[columnId]));

makeReactable <- function(tab, id, bordered = TRUE, pagination = FALSE, ...)
    return(reactable::reactable(tab, elementId = id, resizable = TRUE, bordered = bordered, wrap = FALSE,
                                pagination = pagination, showPageSizeOptions = TRUE,
                                pageSizeOptions = c(25, 50, 100, 250, 500), defaultPageSize = 50,...))

makeReactableCompact <- function(tab, id, ...)
    makeReactable(tab, id = id, compact = TRUE, fullWidth = FALSE, striped = TRUE, sortable = FALSE,
                  rowStyle = list(fontSize = "11pt"), ...)

makePropTab <- function(tab, sets, idcol = FALSE)
    setCols <- if (!is.null(sets))
        grep(paste0("\\-(", paste0(sets, collapse = "|"), ")$"), names(tab), value = TRUE)
    haveSets <- !is.null(sets) && length(setCols) > 0
    propTabList <- lapply(split(tab, seq_len(nrow(tab))), function(trow)
        if (!isFALSE(idcol))
            trow <- removeDTColumnsIfPresent(trow, idcol)
        if (!haveSets)
            return(setnames(transpose(trow, keep.names = "property"), 2, "value"))
        commonRow <- trow[, setdiff(names(trow), setCols), with = FALSE]
        setRows <- sapply(sets, function(s)
            pat <- paste0("\\-", s, "$")
            sr <- trow[, grep(pat, setCols, value = TRUE), with = FALSE]
            if (nrow(sr) == 0) # set lacks data, make non-empty dummy table so it still gets added
                sr <- data.table(dummy = NA)
                setnames(sr, sub(pat, "", names(sr)))
        }, simplify = FALSE)
        ret <- rbindlist(c(setNames(list(commonRow), "common"), setRows), fill = TRUE, idcol = "row")
        if (!is.null(ret[["dummy"]]))
            ret[, dummy := NULL]
        return(transpose(ret, keep.names = "property", make.names = "row"))
    if (!isFALSE(idcol))
        names(propTabList) <- tab[[idcol]]
    return(rbindlist(propTabList, idcol = idcol))

makePropReactable <- function(tab, id, idcol = FALSE, minPropWidth = 150, minValWidth = 75, ...)
    colDefs <- list()
    if (!isFALSE(idcol))
        # exact match filter
        colDefs[[idcol]] <- reactable::colDef(show = FALSE, filterMethod = reactExactFilter())
    for (col in names(tab))
        if (col == idcol)
        colDefs[[col]] <- reactable::colDef(minWidth = if (col == "property") minPropWidth else minValWidth,
                                            align = if (col == "property") "left" else "right", html = TRUE)
        if (col %chin% c("property", "value", "common"))
            colDefs[[col]]$name <- ""
    return(makeReactableCompact(tab, id = id, columns = colDefs, ...))

getHTMLReportPlotPath <- function(outPath)
    plotPath <- file.path(outPath, "report_files", "plots")

makeHTMLReportPlotOld <- function(out, outPath, selfContained, code, ...)
    if (FALSE)
        # UNDONE: while embedding the SVG directly would be nice, this seems to give major headaches with scaling,
        # especially with Firefox... For now just base64 it :(
        if (selfContained)
            svgstr <- svglite::svgstring(standalone = FALSE, fix_text_size = FALSE, ...)
            on.exit(dev.off(), add = TRUE)
            ret <- as.character(svgstr())
            # replace fixed width/height properties to allow proper scaling (see https://stackoverflow.com/a/45144857).
            # NOTE: use sub so that only header (first occurrence) is modified. Furthermore, note that the svglite css class
            # is changed in report.Rmd.
            # ret <- sub("width=\\'[[:graph:]]+\\'", "width='100%'", ret)
            # ret <- sub("height=\\'[[:graph:]]+\\'", "height='auto'", ret)
    withSVGLite(file.path(getHTMLReportPlotPath(outPath), out), standalone = TRUE, code = code, ...)
    return(getHTMLReportFinalPlotPath(out, selfContained))
    # UNDONE: object tag makes text selectable but messes up layout...
    # return(paste0("<object data='", out, "' type='image/svg+xml' width=500 height=300></object>"))

makeHTMLReportPlot <- function(outPrefix, outPath, func, args, parParams = list(), cache = TRUE, doPrint = FALSE, ...)
    out <- if (cache)
        hash <- do.call(paste0(func, "Hash"), args)
        out <- paste0(outPrefix, "-", hash, ".svg")
        out <- paste0(outPrefix, ".svg")
    ppath <- file.path(getHTMLReportPlotPath(outPath), out)
    if (!cache || !file.exists(ppath))
        withSVGLite(ppath, standalone = TRUE, code = {
            if (length(parParams))
                do.call(par, parParams)
            if (doPrint)
                print(do.call(func, args))
                do.call(func, args)
        }, ...)

bsCardBodyNoFill <- function(...)
    if (packageVersion("bslib") > "0.4.2")
        # this was the default for bslib 0.4.2
        bslib::card_body(fillable = FALSE, fill = FALSE, ...)
rickhelmus/patRoon documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 4:32 p.m.