
Defines functions cdt.Season.Cessation Season.Cessation.RR_PET Season.Cessation.WB cdt.Season.Onset Season.Onset

## Compute Onset date
Season.Onset <- function(dates, precip, evapo = NULL, onset.pars, min.frac)
    method <- onset.pars$method
    total.days <- onset.pars$total.days
    rain.total <- onset.pars$rain.total
    min.rain.day <- onset.pars$min.rain.day
    dryspell.days <- onset.pars$dryspell.days
    dryspell <- onset.pars$dryspell
    thres.rain.day <- onset.pars$thres.rain.day
    etp.frac <- onset.pars$evapo.frac
    initCol <- ncol(precip)

    yearO <- if(onset.pars$latest$month <= onset.pars$earliest$month) 2015 else 2014
    search.days <- as.numeric(as.Date(paste(yearO, onset.pars$latest$month, onset.pars$latest$day, sep = '-'))
                    - as.Date(paste(2014, onset.pars$earliest$month, onset.pars$earliest$day, sep = '-'))) + 1

    wsearch <- 1:search.days
    if(length(wsearch) > nrow(precip)) wsearch <- wsearch[seq(nrow(precip))]
    MATdeb <- precip[wsearch, , drop = FALSE]
    dates <- dates[wsearch]
    if(method == 2) ETPdeb <- evapo[wsearch, , drop = FALSE]

    ## remove NA
    colID <- colSums(is.na(MATdeb)) / nrow(MATdeb) > (1 - min.frac)
    if(method == 2){
        etpID <- colSums(is.na(ETPdeb)) / nrow(ETPdeb) > (1 - min.frac)
        colID <- colID | etpID
    colretenu <- seq(initCol)[!colID]
    MATdeb <- MATdeb[, !colID, drop = FALSE]
    if(method == 2) ETPdeb <- ETPdeb[, !colID, drop = FALSE]
    if(ncol(MATdeb) == 0){
        return(rep(NA, initCol))
        # return(rep(dates[length(dates)], initCol))

    MATdeb[is.na(MATdeb)] <- 0
    if(method == 2) ETPdeb[is.na(ETPdeb)] <- 0

    MATdeb.truncated <- rbind(matrix(0, nrow = total.days, ncol = ncol(MATdeb)), utils::head(MATdeb, -total.days))
    if(method == 2) ETPdeb.truncated <- rbind(matrix(0, nrow = total.days, ncol = ncol(ETPdeb)), utils::head(ETPdeb, -total.days))

    MATtotal <- (matrixStats::colCumsums(MATdeb) - matrixStats::colCumsums(MATdeb.truncated))
    if(method == 2) ETPtotal <- (matrixStats::colCumsums(ETPdeb) - matrixStats::colCumsums(ETPdeb.truncated))

    istotal <- if(method == 2) MATtotal >= etp.frac * ETPtotal else MATtotal >= rain.total

    ## remove no onset
    colID <- colSums(istotal) == 0
    colretenu <- colretenu[!colID]
    istotal <- istotal[, !colID, drop = FALSE]
    MATdeb <- MATdeb[, !colID, drop = FALSE]
    if(ncol(istotal) == 0){
        return(rep(NA, initCol))
        # return(rep(dates[length(dates)], initCol))

    ## remove 1st day onset
    colID <- colSums(istotal) == nrow(istotal)
    colDEB <- colretenu[colID]
    colretenu <- colretenu[!colID]
    istotal <- istotal[, !colID, drop = FALSE]
    MATdeb <- MATdeb[, !colID, drop = FALSE]
    if(ncol(istotal) == 0){
        res <- rep(NA, initCol)
        if(length(colDEB) > 0) res[colDEB] <- 1
        # ons <- dates[res]
        # ons[is.na(ons)] <- dates[length(dates)]
        # return(ons)

    onset <- lapply(seq(ncol(istotal)), function(j){
        y <- istotal[, j]
        ipos <- which(y)

        if(method %in% 1:2){
            istart <- ipos[1]
            x <- MATdeb[, j] >= thres.rain.day

            if(method %in% 4:5){
                is.onset <- sapply(ipos, function(i){
                    x1 <- !x[i + (1:dryspell.days)]
                    x1 <- x1[!is.na(x1)]
                    x2 <- rle(x1)
                    !any(x2$lengths[x2$values] >= dryspell)

                if(!any(is.onset)) return(NA)
                ipos <- ipos[is.onset]

            if(method == 4) istart <- ipos[1]

            if(method %in% c(3, 5)){
                istart <- NA
                for(i in ipos){
                    io <- i - (total.days:1) + 1
                    io <- io[io > 0]
                    if(sum(x[io]) >= min.rain.day){
                        istart <- i

    onset <- do.call(c, onset)

    res <- rep(NA, initCol)
    if(length(colDEB) > 0) res[colDEB] <- 1
    res[colretenu] <- onset

    if(all(is.na(res))) res else dates[res]

    # if(all(is.na(res))){
    #     ons <- rep(dates[length(dates)], initCol)
    # }else{
    #     ons <- dates[res]
    #     ons[is.na(ons)] <- dates[length(dates)]
    # }

    # return(ons)

## Onset date wrapper
cdt.Season.Onset <- function(dates, subdiv, criteria,
                            rr.data, et.data = NULL,
                            min.frac = 0.95)
    res <- lapply(seq_along(subdiv), function(j){
        onset.pars <- criteria[[j]]
        index <- cdt.index.DailyYears(dates, onset.pars$earliest$month, onset.pars$earliest$day)
        len.index <- length(index$index)

        precip <- rr.data[, subdiv[[j]], drop = FALSE]
        evapo <- if(onset.pars$method == 2) et.data[, subdiv[[j]], drop = FALSE] else NULL

        ons <- lapply(seq(len.index), function(ii){
            idx <- index$index[[ii]]
            rr <- precip[idx, , drop = FALSE]
            evp <- evapo[idx, , drop = FALSE]
            daty <- dates[idx]
            min.frac <- if(ii == len.index) 0 else min.frac
            Season.Onset(daty, rr, evp, onset.pars, min.frac)
        ons <- do.call(rbind, ons)
        start.date <- as.character(index$range.date[, 1])
        list(onset = ons, start = start.date)

    start.date <- lapply(res, function(x) as.Date(x$start, "%Y%m%d"))
    start.date <- as.Date(matrixStats::rowMins(do.call(cbind, start.date)), origin = "1970-1-1")
    onset <- matrix(NA, length(start.date), ncol(rr.data))
    for(j in seq_along(subdiv)) onset[, subdiv[[j]]] <- res[[j]]$onset

    onset.num <- as.Date(onset, "%Y%m%d")
    dim(onset.num) <- dim(onset)

    list(onset.date = onset, onset.num = onset.num, start.date = start.date)

## Compute Cessation date using water balance
Season.Cessation.WB <- function(dates, waterbalance, onset.pars, min.frac)
    total.days <- onset.pars$total.days
    min.wb <- onset.pars$min.wb
    if(min.wb == 0) min.wb <- 0.01
    initCol <- ncol(waterbalance)

    yearO <- if(onset.pars$latest$month <= onset.pars$earliest$month) 2015 else 2014
    search.days <- as.numeric(as.Date(paste(yearO, onset.pars$latest$month, onset.pars$latest$day, sep = '-'))
                    - as.Date(paste(2014, onset.pars$earliest$month, onset.pars$earliest$day, sep = '-'))) + 1

    wsearch <- 1:search.days
    if(length(wsearch) > nrow(waterbalance)) wsearch <- wsearch[seq(nrow(waterbalance))]
    MATdeb <- waterbalance[wsearch, , drop = FALSE]
    dates <- dates[wsearch]

    ## remove NA col
    colID <- colSums(is.na(MATdeb)) / nrow(MATdeb) > (1 - min.frac)
    colretenu <- seq(initCol)[!colID]
    MATdeb <- MATdeb[, !colID, drop = FALSE]
    if(ncol(MATdeb) == 0) return(rep(NA, initCol))

    #### MATdeb[is.na(MATdeb)] <- 0
    dropWB <- MATdeb < min.wb & !is.na(MATdeb)

    ## remove no cessation or replace to the latest date
    colID <- colSums(dropWB) == 0
    colFIN <- colretenu[colID]
    colretenu <- colretenu[!colID]
    dropWB <- dropWB[, !colID, drop = FALSE]
    ## MATdeb <- MATdeb[, !colID, drop = FALSE]

    # if(ncol(dropWB) == 0) return(rep(NA, initCol))
    if(ncol(dropWB) == 0){
        res <- rep(NA, initCol)
        if(length(colFIN) > 0) res[colFIN] <- length(wsearch)

    ## remove 1st day cessation
    colID <- colSums(dropWB) == nrow(dropWB)
    colDEB <- colretenu[colID]
    colretenu <- colretenu[!colID]
    dropWB <- dropWB[, !colID, drop = FALSE]
    ## MATdeb <- MATdeb[, !colID, drop = FALSE]
    if(ncol(dropWB) == 0){
        res <- rep(NA, initCol)
        if(length(colDEB) > 0) res[colDEB] <- 1

    cess <- lapply(seq(ncol(dropWB)), function(j){
        xx <- dropWB[, j]
        rle.succ <- rle(xx)
        isfin <- rle.succ$lengths >= total.days & rle.succ$values
        # if(!any(isfin)) return(NA)
        if(!any(isfin)) return(length(xx))
        pos <- cumsum(rle.succ$lengths)
        ipos <- which(isfin) - 1
        pos <- if(ipos[1] == 0) 1 else pos[ipos[1]] + 1
    cess <- do.call(c, cess)

    res <- rep(NA, initCol)
    if(length(colDEB) > 0) res[colDEB] <- 1
    if(length(colFIN) > 0) res[colFIN] <- length(wsearch)
    res[colretenu] <- cess
    if(all(is.na(res))) res else dates[res]

## Compute Cessation date using cumulated rainfall and evapotranspiration
Season.Cessation.RR_PET <- function(dates, rr.data, et.data, onset.pars, min.frac)
    initCol <- ncol(rr.data)

    yearO <- if(onset.pars$latest$month <= onset.pars$earliest$month) 2015 else 2014
    search.days <- as.numeric(as.Date(paste(yearO, onset.pars$latest$month, onset.pars$latest$day, sep = '-'))
                    - as.Date(paste(2014, onset.pars$earliest$month, onset.pars$earliest$day, sep = '-'))) + 1

    wsearch <- seq(search.days + onset.pars$accum.day - 1)
    if(length(wsearch) > nrow(rr.data)) wsearch <- wsearch[seq(nrow(rr.data))]

    MATrr <- rr.data[wsearch, , drop = FALSE]
    MATet <- et.data[wsearch, , drop = FALSE]
    dates <- dates[wsearch][-seq(onset.pars$accum.day - 1)]

    ## remove NA col
    colID0 <- colSums(is.na(MATrr)) / nrow(MATrr) > (1 - min.frac)
    colID1 <- colSums(is.na(MATet)) / nrow(MATet) > (1 - min.frac)
    colID <- colID0 & colID1
    colretenu <- seq(initCol)[!colID]
    MATrr <- MATrr[, !colID, drop = FALSE]
    MATet <- MATet[, !colID, drop = FALSE]
    if(ncol(MATrr) == 0) return(rep(NA, initCol))

    min.data <- onset.pars$accum.day - 1
    if(min.data < 1) min.data <- 1
    MATrr <- cdt.roll.fun(MATrr, onset.pars$accum.day, "sum", na.rm = TRUE, min.data = min.data, align = "right")
    MATet <- cdt.roll.fun(MATet, onset.pars$accum.day, "sum", na.rm = TRUE, min.data = min.data, align = "right")
    MATrr <- MATrr[-seq(onset.pars$accum.day - 1), , drop = FALSE]
    MATet <- MATet[-seq(onset.pars$accum.day - 1), , drop = FALSE]
    matnc <- ncol(MATrr)
    matnr <- nrow(MATrr)

    cess <- lapply(seq(matnc), function(j){
        rr <- MATrr[, j]
        et <- MATet[, j]
        nonNA <- !is.na(rr) & !is.na(et)
        rrinf <- nonNA & (rr < et * onset.pars$evapo.frac)
        if(onset.pars$accum.method == 2){
            rrsup <- nonNA & (rr > et)
                isup <- which(rrsup)
                jsup <- isup[length(isup)]
                xsup <- rep(FALSE, matnr)
                xsup[jsup:matnr] <- TRUE
                all.isup <- isup[diff(isup) > 1]
                cs <- which(rrinf & xsup)[1]
                while (is.na(cs) & length(all.isup) > 0)
                    jsup <- all.isup[length(all.isup)]
                    xsup <- rep(FALSE, matnr)
                    xsup[jsup:matnr] <- TRUE
                    cs <- which(rrinf & xsup)[1]
                    all.isup <- all.isup[-length(all.isup)]
                rrinf <- rrinf & xsup
                if(all(!rrinf)) rrinf[matnr] <- TRUE
        cs <- which(rrinf)[1]
        ## replace no cessation to the latest date
        # if(length(cs) == 0) cs <- matnr
        if(length(cs) == 0 | is.na(cs)) cs <- matnr
    cess <- do.call(c, cess)

    res <- rep(NA, initCol)
    res[colretenu] <- cess
    if(all(is.na(res))) res else dates[res]

## Cessation date wrapper
cdt.Season.Cessation <- function(dates, subdiv, criteria,
                            wb.data = NULL, rr.data = NULL, et.data = NULL,
                            min.frac = 0.95)
    res <- lapply(seq_along(subdiv), function(j){
        onset.pars <- criteria[[j]]
        index <- cdt.index.DailyYears(dates, onset.pars$earliest$month, onset.pars$earliest$day)
        len.index <- length(index$index)

        if(onset.pars$method == 1){
            cess <- lapply(seq(len.index), function(ii){
                idx <- index$index[[ii]]
                watb <- wb.data[idx, subdiv[[j]], drop = FALSE]
                daty <- dates[idx]
                min.frac <- if(ii == len.index) 0 else min.frac
                Season.Cessation.WB(daty, watb, onset.pars, min.frac)
        if(onset.pars$method == 2){
            start.roll <- as.Date(paste(2015, onset.pars$earliest$month, onset.pars$earliest$day, sep = "-"))
            start.roll <- start.roll - onset.pars$accum.day + 1
            start.mon <- as.numeric(format(start.roll, "%m"))
            start.day <- as.numeric(format(start.roll, "%d"))
            index.roll <- cdt.index.DailyYears(dates, start.mon, start.day)

            cess <- lapply(seq(len.index), function(ii){
                idx <- index.roll$index[[ii]]
                rr <- rr.data[idx, subdiv[[j]], drop = FALSE]
                etp <- et.data[idx, subdiv[[j]], drop = FALSE]
                daty <- dates[idx]
                min.frac <- if(ii == len.index) 0 else min.frac
                Season.Cessation.RR_PET(daty, rr, etp, onset.pars, min.frac)
        cess <- do.call(rbind, cess)
        start.date <- as.character(index$range.date[, 1])
        list(cessation = cess, start = start.date)

    start.date <- lapply(res, function(x) as.Date(x$start, "%Y%m%d"))
    start.date <- as.Date(matrixStats::rowMins(do.call(cbind, start.date)), origin = "1970-1-1")
    nbpts <- if(!is.null(wb.data)) ncol(wb.data) else ncol(rr.data)
    cessation <- matrix(NA, length(start.date), nbpts)
    for(j in seq_along(subdiv)) cessation[, subdiv[[j]]] <- res[[j]]$cessation

    cessation.num <- as.Date(cessation, "%Y%m%d")
    dim(cessation.num) <- dim(cessation)
    list(cessation.date = cessation, cessation.num = cessation.num, start.date = start.date)
rijaf-iri/CDT documentation built on July 3, 2024, 2:54 a.m.