
Defines functions cdt.nn.index.all cdt.index.Region.Subdiv cdt.index.DailySeason cdt.index.DailyYears cdt.index.RA.PET cdt.index.aggregate cdt.index.rollSeasonal cdt.index.daypen2dekad cdt.index.daily2pentad cdt.index.minhr2daily cdt.index.min2hour cdt.index.hour2hour cdt.index.min2min cdt.index.flexseason cdt.index.Anomalies cdt.index.Climatologies

## Climatology index
cdt.index.Climatologies <- function(dates, tstep = "daily", xwin = 0){
    monval <- as.numeric(substr(dates, 5, 6))
    if(tstep == 'daily'){
        endmon <- c(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)
        vtimes <- cbind(unlist(sapply(endmon, function(j) 1:j)), rep(1:12, endmon), 1:365)
        xdaty <- paste(as.numeric(substr(dates, 7, 8)), monval, sep = '_')
        xvtm <- paste(vtimes[, 1], vtimes[, 2], sep = '_')
        times.stn <- vtimes[match(xdaty, xvtm), 3]
        times.stn[is.na(times.stn)] <- 59

        ## sliding windows xwin
        ixmovwin <- lapply(unique(times.stn), function(nt){
            ix1 <- which(times.stn == nt)
            ix1 <- c(sapply(ix1, function(x) x + (-xwin:xwin)))
            cbind(nt, ix1[ix1 > 0 & ix1 <= length(dates)])
        ixmovwin <- do.call(rbind, ixmovwin)
        times.stn <- ixmovwin[, 1]
        idx.stn <- ixmovwin[, 2]

    if(tstep == 'pentad'){
        vtimes <- cbind(expand.grid(1:6, 1:12), 1:72)
        xdaty <- paste(as.numeric(substr(dates, 7, 7)), monval, sep = '_')
        xvtm <- paste(vtimes[, 1], vtimes[, 2], sep = '_')
        times.stn <- vtimes[match(xdaty, xvtm), 3]
        idx.stn <- seq_along(dates)

    if(tstep == 'dekadal'){
        vtimes <- cbind(expand.grid(1:3, 1:12), 1:36)
        xdaty <- paste(as.numeric(substr(dates, 7, 7)), monval, sep = '_')
        xvtm <- paste(vtimes[, 1], vtimes[, 2], sep = '_')
        times.stn <- vtimes[match(xdaty, xvtm), 3]
        idx.stn <- seq_along(dates)

    if(tstep == 'monthly'){
        times.stn <- monval
        idx.stn <- seq_along(dates)

    if(tstep %in% c('seasonal', 'annual')){
        times.stn <- rep(1, length(dates))
        idx.stn <- seq_along(dates)

    index <- split(idx.stn, times.stn)
    return(list(id = as.numeric(names(index)), index = index))


## Anomaly index
cdt.index.Anomalies <- function(dates, index.clim, tstep = "daily")
    index <- cdt.index.Climatologies(dates, tstep, 0)
    ixx <- match(index$id, index.clim$id)
    ixx <- ixx[!is.na(ixx)]

    if(length(ixx) >= 12){
        index$id <- index$id[ixx]
        index$index <- index$index[ixx]

    index1 <- lapply(seq_along(index$id), function(j){
        cbind(index$id[j], index$index[[j]], ixx[j])

    index1 <- do.call(rbind, index1)
    index1 <- index1[order(index1[, 2]), , drop = FALSE]
    dates <- dates[index1[, 2]]
    return(list(date = dates, index = index1))


## Flexible seasonal index
## startSeas: YYYYMMDD
## endSeas: YYYYMMDD
## Ex: 
## startSeas <- c("20030201", "20040201", "20050201", "20060201")
## endSeas <- c("20030430", "20040630", "20050530", "20061030")

cdt.index.flexseason <- function(startSeas, endSeas, dates, inTimestep)
    len.start <- length(startSeas)
    odaty <- paste0(startSeas, "_", endSeas)

    idx <- vector(mode = "list", length = len.start)
    ina <- is.na(startSeas) | is.na(endSeas)
    idx[ina] <- NA
    startSeas <- startSeas[!ina]
    endSeas <- endSeas[!ina]
    odaty[ina] <- NA
    if(length(startSeas) == 0){
        idx <- lapply(idx, function(x) x[!is.na(x)])
        return(list(index = idx,
                    date = odaty,
                    nb0 = rep(1, len.start),
                    nba = rep(0, len.start)

    if(inTimestep == "daily"){
        start.seas <- as.numeric(as.character(startSeas))
        end.seas <- as.numeric(as.character(endSeas))
    if(inTimestep == "pentad"){
        start.seas1 <- as.numeric(substr(startSeas, 1, 6))
        end.seas1 <- as.numeric(substr(endSeas, 1, 6))
        start.seas2 <- as.numeric(substr(startSeas, 7, 8))
        end.seas2 <- as.numeric(substr(endSeas, 7, 8))
        start.seas2 <- findInterval(start.seas2, c(1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 31), rightmost.closed = TRUE, left.open = TRUE)
        end.seas2 <- findInterval(end.seas2, c(1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 31), rightmost.closed = TRUE, left.open = TRUE)
        start.seas <- as.numeric(paste0(start.seas1, start.seas2))
        end.seas <- as.numeric(paste0(end.seas1, end.seas2))
    if(inTimestep == "dekadal"){
        start.seas1 <- as.numeric(substr(startSeas, 1, 6))
        end.seas1 <- as.numeric(substr(endSeas, 1, 6))
        start.seas2 <- as.numeric(substr(startSeas, 7, 8))
        end.seas2 <- as.numeric(substr(endSeas, 7, 8))
        start.seas2 <- findInterval(start.seas2, c(1, 10, 20, 31), rightmost.closed = TRUE, left.open = TRUE)
        end.seas2 <- findInterval(end.seas2, c(1, 10, 20, 31), rightmost.closed = TRUE, left.open = TRUE)
        start.seas <- as.numeric(paste0(start.seas1, start.seas2))
        end.seas <- as.numeric(paste0(end.seas1, end.seas2))
    if(inTimestep == "monthly"){
        start.seas <- as.numeric(substr(startSeas, 1, 6))
        end.seas <- as.numeric(substr(endSeas, 1, 6))


    if(inTimestep == 'monthly'){
        dtmp <- range(as.Date(paste0(dates, '01'), '%Y%m%d'), na.rm = TRUE)
        pastemps <- 'month'
        dtmp <- range(as.Date(dates, '%Y%m%d'), na.rm = TRUE)
        pastemps <- 'day'
    cdates <- seq(dtmp[1], dtmp[2], pastemps)
    ystart <- seq(as.Date(paste0(format(cdates[1], '%Y'), '-1-1')), cdates[1], pastemps)
    ystart <- ystart[-length(ystart)]
    yend <- seq(cdates[length(cdates)], as.Date(paste0(format(cdates[length(cdates)], '%Y'), '-12-31')), pastemps)
    yend <- yend[-1]
    if(length(ystart) > 0) cdates <- c(ystart, cdates)
    if(length(yend) > 0) cdates <- c(cdates, yend)
    if(inTimestep == 'daily') cdates <- format(cdates, "%Y%m%d")
    if(inTimestep == 'pentad'){
        pen <- as.numeric(format(cdates, '%d'))
        cdates <- paste0(format(cdates, "%Y%m")[pen <= 6], pen[pen <= 6])
    if(inTimestep == 'dekadal'){
        dek <- as.numeric(format(cdates, '%d'))
        cdates <- paste0(format(cdates, "%Y%m")[dek <= 3], dek[dek <= 3])
    if(inTimestep == 'monthly') cdates <- format(cdates, "%Y%m")

    idrow <- seq_along(dates)
    idrow <- idrow[match(cdates, dates)]


    cdates <- as.numeric(as.character(cdates))
    istart <- match(start.seas, cdates)
    iend <- match(end.seas, cdates)

    idrow <- lapply(seq_along(istart), function(j) {
        if(!is.na(iend[j])) idrow[istart[j]:iend[j]] else NA
    idx[!ina] <- idrow
    nbd0 <- unname(sapply(idx, length))
    idx <- lapply(idx, function(x) x[!is.na(x)])
    nbda <- unname(sapply(idx, length))
    list(index = idx, date = odaty, nb0 = nbd0, nba = nbda)


## Example: 5 minutes to 30 minutes
## aggr.period = 'start', 2023-01-01 00:00 to 2023-01-01 00:25
## aggr.date = 'start', date will be 2023-01-01 00:00
## aggr.date = 'end', date will be 2023-01-01 00:30 ????

## aggr.period = 'end', 2023-01-01 00:05 to 2023-01-01 00:30
## aggr.date = 'start', date will be 2023-01-01 00:00 (does it even make sense???)
## aggr.date = 'end', date will be 2023-01-01 00:30

cdt.index.min2min <- function(times, out.step, aggr.date, aggr.period){
    if(aggr.period == 'start'){
        ttn <- as.numeric(substr(times, 11, 12))
        ttn <- floor(ttn / out.step) * out.step
        ttn <- stringr::str_pad(ttn, 2, pad = "0")
        index <- split(seq_along(ttn), paste0(substr(times, 1, 10), ttn))
        if(aggr.date == 'end'){
            obs_d <- as.POSIXct(names(index), tz = "UTC", format = "%Y%m%d%H%M")
            names(index) <- format(obs_d + out.step * 60, "%Y%m%d%H%M")
        ttn <- as.numeric(substr(times, 11, 12))
        ttn <- ttn - 1/60
        ttn <- floor(ttn / out.step) * out.step
        ttn <- (ttn + out.step) %% 60
        ttn <- stringr::str_pad(ttn, 2, pad = "0")
        trle <- rle(ttn)
        ie <- cumsum(trle$lengths)
        is <- c(1, (ie + 1)[-length(ie)])
        index <- lapply(seq_along(is), function(j) is[j]:ie[j])

        tth <- times[ie]
        step <- !substr(tth, 11, 12) %in% unique(trle$values)
            td <- as.POSIXct(tth[step], tz = "UTC", format = "%Y%m%d%H%M")
            tth[step] <- paste0(format(td + out.step * 60, "%Y%m%d%H"), trle$values[step])
        names(index) <- tth

        if(aggr.date == 'start'){
            obs_d <- as.POSIXct(names(index), tz = "UTC", format = "%Y%m%d%H%M")
            names(index) <- format(obs_d - out.step * 60, "%Y%m%d%H%M")



## Example: 1 hour to 12 hours
## aggr.period = 'start', 2023-01-01 00:00 to 2023-01-01 11:00
## aggr.date = 'start', date will be 2023-01-01 00:00
## aggr.date = 'end', date will be 2023-01-12 00:00 ????

## aggr.period = 'end', 2023-01-01 01:00 to 2023-01-01 12:00
## aggr.date = 'start', date will be 2023-01-01 00:00 (does it even make sense???)
## aggr.date = 'end', date will be 2023-01-12 00:00

cdt.index.hour2hour <- function(times, out.step, aggr.date, aggr.period){
    if(aggr.period == 'start'){
        ttn <- as.numeric(substr(times, 9, 10))
        ttn <- floor(ttn / out.step) * out.step
        ttn <- stringr::str_pad(ttn, 2, pad = "0")
        index <- split(seq_along(ttn), paste0(substr(times, 1, 8), ttn))

        if(aggr.date == 'end'){
            obs_d <- as.POSIXct(names(index), tz = "UTC", format = "%Y%m%d%H")
            names(index) <- format(obs_d + out.step * 3600, "%Y%m%d%H")
        ttn <- as.numeric(substr(times, 9, 10))
        ttn <- ttn - 1/60
        ttn <- floor(ttn / out.step) * out.step
        ttn <- (ttn + out.step) %% 24
        ttn <- stringr::str_pad(ttn, 2, pad = "0")
        trle <- rle(ttn)
        ie <- cumsum(trle$lengths)
        is <- c(1, (ie + 1)[-length(ie)])
        index <- lapply(seq_along(is), function(j) is[j]:ie[j])

        tth <- times[ie]
        step <- !substr(tth, 9, 10) %in% unique(trle$values)
            td <- as.POSIXct(tth[step], tz = "UTC", format = "%Y%m%d%H")
            tth[step] <- paste0(format(td + out.step * 3600, "%Y%m%d"), trle$values[step])
        names(index) <- tth

        if(aggr.date == 'start'){
            obs_d <- as.POSIXct(names(index), tz = "UTC", format = "%Y%m%d%H")
            names(index) <- format(obs_d - out.step * 3600, "%Y%m%d%H")


## Example: 10 minute to 1 hour
## aggr.period = 'start', 2023-01-01 00:00 to 2023-01-01 00:50
## aggr.date = 'start', date will be 2023-01-01 00:00
## aggr.date = 'end', date will be 2023-01-01 01:00 ????

## aggr.period = 'end', 2023-01-01 00:10 to 2023-01-01 01:00
## aggr.date = 'start', date will be 2023-01-01 00:00 (does it even make sense???)
## aggr.date = 'end', date will be 2023-01-01 01:00

cdt.index.min2hour <- function(times, out.step, aggr.date, aggr.period){
    if(aggr.period == 'start'){
        index <- split(seq_along(times), substr(times, 1, 10))
        if(out.step > 1){
            idx <- cdt.index.hour2hour(names(index), out.step, aggr.date, aggr.period)
            index <- lapply(idx, function(j) unlist(index[j], use.names = FALSE))
            if(aggr.date == 'end'){
                obs_d <- as.POSIXct(names(index), tz = "UTC", format = "%Y%m%d%H")
                names(index) <- format(obs_d + 3600, "%Y%m%d%H")
        ttn <- as.POSIXct(times, tz = "UTC", format = "%Y%m%d%H%M")
        ttn <- ttn - 1
        ttn <- format(ttn, "%Y%m%d%H%M")
        index <- split(seq_along(ttn), substr(ttn, 1, 10))

        tth <- names(index)
        tth <- as.POSIXct(tth, tz = "UTC", format = "%Y%m%d%H")
        tth <- format(tth + 3600, "%Y%m%d%H")
        names(index) <- tth

        if(out.step > 1){
            idx <- cdt.index.hour2hour(tth, out.step, aggr.date, aggr.period)
            index <- lapply(idx, function(j) unlist(index[j], use.names = FALSE))
            if(aggr.date == 'start'){
                obs_d <- as.POSIXct(names(index), tz = "UTC", format = "%Y%m%d%H")
                names(index) <- format(obs_d - 3600, "%Y%m%d%H")



## precip obs hour: aggr.period = 'start'; aggr.date = 'start'
## params aggregation with conversion from UTC to local time: 
## aggr.period = 'start'; aggr.date = 'end'

## Example: hourly data to daily, times 00 - > 23

## Aggregation period 'aggr.period', 
## period in which the data will be aggregated
## available option 'start' and 'end'
## Example aggr.period: hourly data with obs.hour = 00
## if aggr.period = 'start', aggregation hours 00 to 23; 2023-01-01 00:00 to 2023-01-01 23:00
## if aggr.period = 'end', aggregation hours 01 to 00; 2023-01-01 01:00 to 2023-01-02 00:00

## Date of the observation to be taken 'aggr.date': available options 'start' and 'end'
## Example aggr.date: hourly data with obs.hour = 21 and aggr.period = 'start'
## aggregation hours 21 to 20; 2022-12-31 21:00 to 2023-01-01 20:00
## if aggr.date = 'start', date will be 2022-12-31
## if aggr.date = 'end', date will be 2023-01-01

cdt.index.minhr2daily <- function(times, instep, obs.hour, aggr.date, aggr.period){
    format <- switch(instep, 'minute' = "%Y%m%d%H%M", 'hourly' = "%Y%m%d%H")
    ttn <- as.POSIXct(times, tz = "UTC", format = format)
    if(aggr.period == 'end') ttn <- ttn - 1
    ttn <- ttn - 3600 * obs.hour
    ttn <- format(ttn, format)
    index <- split(seq_along(ttn), substr(ttn, 1, 8))
    if(aggr.date == 'end'){
        dates <- as.Date(names(index), '%Y%m%d') + 1
        names(index) <- format(dates, '%Y%m%d')



cdt.index.daily2pentad <- function(dates){
    yymm <- substr(dates, 1, 6)
    jour <- as.numeric(substr(dates, 7, 8))
    jour <- cut(jour, c(1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 31), labels = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE)
    index <- split(seq_along(dates), paste0(yymm, jour))



cdt.index.daypen2dekad <- function(dates, instep){
    yymm <- substr(dates, 1, 6)
    pars <- switch(instep,
                   "daily" = list(8, c(1, 10, 20, 31)),
                   "pentad" = list(7, c(1, 2, 4, 6))
    x <- as.numeric(substr(dates, 7, pars[[1]]))
    x <- cut(x, pars[[2]], labels = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE)
    index <- split(seq_along(dates), paste0(yymm, x))



cdt.index.rollSeasonal <- function(dates, seas.len){
    index <- split(seq_along(dates), substr(dates, 1, 6))
    odaty <- names(index)
    dtmp <- range(as.Date(paste0(odaty, "01"), '%Y%m%d'), na.rm = TRUE)
    cdates <- seq(dtmp[1], dtmp[2], "month")
    ystart <- seq(as.Date(paste0(format(cdates[1], '%Y'), '-1-1')), cdates[1], "month")
    ystart <- ystart[-length(ystart)]
    last <- as.Date(paste0(format(cdates[length(cdates)], '%Y'), '-12-31'))
    yend <- seq(cdates[length(cdates)], last, "month")
    yend <- yend[-1]
    if(length(ystart) > 0) cdates <- c(ystart, cdates)
    if(length(yend) > 0) cdates <- c(cdates, yend)
    cdates <- format(cdates, "%Y%m")
    idrow <- seq_along(odaty)
    idrow <- idrow[match(cdates, odaty)]

    roll.mon <- rle(cdates)
    ij <- seq_along(roll.mon$values)
    ij <- ij[ij <= (length(ij) - seas.len + 1)]
    ij <- lapply(ij, function(i) i:(i + seas.len - 1))
    ij <- lapply(ij, function(j) which(cdates %in% roll.mon$values[j]))
    idx <- utils::relist(idrow[unlist(ij)], ij)
    idx <- lapply(idx, function(x) x[!is.na(x)])

    cdates <- do.call(rbind, lapply(ij, function(j) cdates[j][c(1, seas.len)]))
    ix <- sapply(idx, length) > 0
    cdates <- cdates[ix, , drop = FALSE]
    idx <- idx[ix]
    index <- lapply(idx, function(j) unlist(index[j], use.names = FALSE))

    year1 <- substr(cdates[, 1], 1, 4)
    mon1 <- substr(cdates[, 1], 5, 6)
    year2 <- substr(cdates[, 2], 1, 4)
    mon2 <- substr(cdates[, 2], 5, 6)
    odaty <- paste0(year1, "-", mon1, "_", year2, "-", mon2)
    names(index) <- odaty


## Time series aggregation
cdt.index.aggregate <- function(dates, tstep.in = c("minute", "hourly", "daily", "pentad", "dekadal", "monthly"),
                                tstep.out = c("minute", "hourly", "daily", "pentad", "dekadal", "monthly", "annual", "seasonal", "roll.seas"),
                                inMinHour = 5, outMinHour = 30, seasonLength = 3, startMonth = 1,
                                obs.hour = 0, aggr.date = 'end', aggr.period = 'start')
    tstep.in <- tstep.in[1]
    tstep.out <- tstep.out[1]

    if(tstep.out == "minute"){
        index <- cdt.index.min2min(dates, outMinHour, aggr.date, aggr.period)
        pmon <- lapply(index, function(x) as.numeric(unique(substr(dates[x], 5, 6))))
        nbd1 <- lapply(seq_along(pmon), function(j){
                        list(mo = pmon[[j]], nb = outMinHour/inMinHour)

    if(tstep.out == "hourly"){
        fun2hour <- switch(tstep.in, 'minute' = cdt.index.min2hour, 'hourly' = cdt.index.hour2hour)
        fac <- switch(tstep.in, 'minute' = 60, 'hourly' = 1)
        index <- fun2hour(dates, outMinHour, aggr.date, aggr.period)
        pmon <- lapply(index, function(x) as.numeric(unique(substr(dates[x], 5, 6))))
        nbd1 <- lapply(seq_along(pmon), function(j){
                        list(mo = pmon[[j]], nb = fac * outMinHour/inMinHour)

    if(tstep.out == "daily"){
        index <- cdt.index.minhr2daily(dates, tstep.in, obs.hour, aggr.date, aggr.period)
        fac <- switch(tstep.in, 'minute' = 60, 'hourly' = 1)
        pmon <- lapply(index, function(x) as.numeric(unique(substr(dates[x], 5, 6))))
        nbd1 <- lapply(seq_along(pmon), function(j){
                        list(mo = pmon[[j]], nb = fac * 24/inMinHour)

    if(tstep.out == "pentad"){
        index <- cdt.index.daily2pentad(dates)
        pmon <- lapply(index, function(x) as.numeric(unique(substr(dates[x], 5, 6))))
        nbd1 <- lapply(seq_along(pmon), function(j){
                        list(mo = pmon[[j]], nb = nb.Day.Of.Pentad(names(pmon[j])))

    if(tstep.out == "dekadal"){
        index <- cdt.index.daypen2dekad(dates, tstep.in)
        pmon <- lapply(index, function(x) as.numeric(unique(substr(dates[x], 5, 6))))
        nbd1 <- switch(tstep.in,
                       "daily" = lapply(seq_along(pmon), function(j){
                                    list(mo = pmon[[j]], nb = nb.Day.Of.Dekad(names(pmon[j])))
                       "pentad" = lapply(seq_along(pmon), function(j){
                                    list(mo = pmon[[j]], nb = 2)

    if(tstep.out == "monthly"){
        index <- split(seq_along(dates), substr(dates, 1, 6))
        pmon <- lapply(index, function(x) as.numeric(unique(substr(dates[x], 5, 6))))
        nbd1 <- switch(tstep.in,
                       "daily" = lapply(seq_along(pmon), function(j){
                                    list(mo = pmon[[j]], nb = nb.Day.Of.Month(names(pmon[j])))
                       "pentad" = lapply(seq_along(pmon), function(j){
                                    list(mo = pmon[[j]], nb = 6)
                       "dekadal" = lapply(seq_along(pmon), function(j){
                                    list(mo = pmon[[j]], nb = 3)

    if(tstep.out == "annual"){
        index <- split(seq_along(dates), substr(dates, 1, 4))
        pmon <- lapply(index, function(x) 1:12)
        nbd1 <- switch(tstep.in,
                       "daily" = lapply(seq_along(pmon), function(j){
                                    mon <- as.Date(paste(names(pmon[j]), pmon[[j]], 1, sep = '-'))
                                    mon <- format(mon, "%Y%m")
                                    list(mo = pmon[[j]], nb = nb.Day.Of.Month(mon))
                       "pentad" = lapply(seq_along(pmon), function(j){
                                    list(mo = pmon[[j]], nb = rep(6, length(pmon[[j]])))
                       "dekadal" = lapply(seq_along(pmon), function(j){
                                    list(mo = pmon[[j]], nb = rep(3, length(pmon[[j]])))
                       "monthly" = lapply(seq_along(pmon), function(j){
                                    list(mo = pmon[[j]], nb = rep(1, length(pmon[[j]])))

    if(tstep.out %in% c("seasonal", "roll.seas")){
        index <- cdt.index.rollSeasonal(dates, seasonLength)
        dmon <- lapply(names(index), function(x){
            mon <- as.Date(paste(strsplit(x, "_")[[1]], 1, sep = '-'))
            format(seq(mon[1], mon[2], 'month'), "%Y%m")
        pmon <- lapply(dmon, function(x) as.numeric(substr(x, 5, 6)))
        nbd1 <- switch(tstep.in,
                       "daily" = lapply(dmon, function(x){
                                    list(mo = as.numeric(substr(x, 5, 6)), nb = nb.Day.Of.Month(x))
                       "pentad" = lapply(seq_along(pmon), function(j){
                                    list(mo = pmon[[j]], nb = rep(6, length(pmon[[j]])))
                       "dekadal" = lapply(seq_along(pmon), function(j){
                                    list(mo = pmon[[j]], nb = rep(3, length(pmon[[j]])))
                       "monthly" = lapply(seq_along(pmon), function(j){
                                    list(mo = pmon[[j]], nb = rep(1, length(pmon[[j]])))

        if(tstep.out == "seasonal"){
            seasMonth <- (startMonth:(startMonth + (seasonLength - 1))) %% 12
            seasMonth[seasMonth == 0] <- 12
            mon <- stringr::str_pad(seasMonth[c(1, seasonLength)], width = 2, pad = "0")
            monseas <- lapply(strsplit(names(index), "_"), strsplit, split = '-')
            mon1 <- sapply(lapply(monseas, '[[', 1), '[[', 2)
            mon2 <- sapply(lapply(monseas, '[[', 2), '[[', 2)
            ix <- mon1 == mon[1] & mon2 == mon[2]
            index <- index[ix]
            nbd1 <- nbd1[ix]

    odaty <- names(index)
    nbd0 <- sapply(lapply(nbd1, '[[', 'nb'), sum)

    nbd1 <- lapply(seq_along(nbd1), function(j){
        mon <- substr(dates[index[[j]]], 5, 6)
        nba <- lapply(split(rep(1, length(mon)), mon), sum)
        nba <- nba[match(nbd1[[j]]$mo, as.numeric(names(nba)))]
        nba <- lapply(nba, function(ii) if(is.null(ii)) 0 else ii)
        imx <- which.max(do.call(c, nba))
        nba <- unlist(nba, use.names = FALSE)
        mo <- nbd1[[j]]$mo
        if(tstep.out %in% c("minute", "hourly", "daily")){
            nba <- sum(nba)
            mo <- mo[imx]
        list(mo = mo, nb0 = nbd1[[j]]$nb, nba = nba, tsmo = as.numeric(mon))

    nbda <- sapply(lapply(nbd1, '[[', 'nba'), sum)

    list(index = index, date = odaty,
         nb0 = nbd0, nba = nbda, nb.mon = nbd1)


## Extraterrestrial Radiation index and PET multipliers
cdt.index.RA.PET <- function(dates, tstep)
    year <- as.numeric(substr(dates, 1, 4))
    mon <- as.numeric(substr(dates, 5, 6))

    if(tstep == "daily"){
        day <- as.numeric(strftime(as.Date(dates, "%Y%m%d"), format = "%j"))
        leap <- is.leapyears(year) & day >= 60
        day[leap] <- day[leap] - 1
        idxRa <- day
        multip <- rep(1, length(day))
    if(tstep == "pentad"){
        pen <- as.numeric(substr(dates, 7, 7))
        vpen <- cbind(expand.grid(1:6, 1:12), 1:72)
        vpen <- vpen[match(paste0(pen, ".", mon), paste0(vpen[, 1], ".", vpen[, 2])), 3]
        idxRa <- vpen
        end.day.mon <- as.numeric(format(as.Date(paste(year, (mon %% 12) + 1, 1, sep = '-')) - 1, "%d"))
        multip <- ifelse(pen != 6, 5, end.day.mon - 25)
    if(tstep == "dekadal"){
        dek <- as.numeric(substr(dates, 7, 7))
        vdek <- cbind(expand.grid(1:3, 1:12), 1:36)
        vdek <- vdek[match(paste0(dek, ".", mon), paste0(vdek[, 1], ".", vdek[, 2])), 3]
        idxRa <- vdek
        end.day.mon <- as.numeric(format(as.Date(paste(year, (mon %% 12) + 1, 1, sep = '-')) - 1, "%d"))
        multip <- ifelse(dek != 3, 10, end.day.mon - 20)
    if(tstep == "monthly"){
        idxRa <- mon
        multip <- as.numeric(format(as.Date(paste(year, (mon %% 12) + 1, 1, sep = '-')) - 1, "%d"))
    list(index = idxRa, multi = multip)


## Yearly index from daily data (Water balance, Onset,  Cessation, PICSA)

cdt.index.DailyYears <- function(dates, start.month, start.day){
    start.daty <- paste0(stringr::str_pad(start.month, 2, pad = '0'),
                         stringr::str_pad(start.day, 2, pad = '0'))

    dtmp <- range(as.Date(dates, '%Y%m%d'), na.rm = TRUE)
    dmonday <- format(seq(dtmp[1], dtmp[2], "day"), "%m%d")
    nmod <- length(dmonday)

    rleday1 <- rle(dmonday == start.daty)
    cumidx <- cumsum(rleday1$length)
    debidx <- cumidx[rleday1$values]
    if(debidx[1] != 1) debidx <- c(1, debidx)
    if(debidx[length(debidx)] != nmod) debidx <- c(debidx, nmod + 1)
    nbsplit <- diff(debidx)

    if(!nbsplit[1] %in% c(365, 366)){
        deb <- paste0(format(dtmp[1] - (366 - nbsplit[1]), "%Y"), start.daty)
        deb <- as.Date(deb, '%Y%m%d')
    }else deb <- dtmp[1]

    if(!nbsplit[length(nbsplit)] %in% c(365, 366)){
        fin <- format(dtmp[2] + (366 - nbsplit[length(nbsplit)]), "%Y")
        fin <- as.Date(paste0(fin, start.daty), '%Y%m%d') - 1
    }else fin <- dtmp[2]

    cdates <- format(seq(deb, fin, "day"), "%Y%m%d")
    idrow <- seq(length(dates))
    idrow <- idrow[match(cdates, dates)]

    ix <- c(which(substr(cdates, 5, 8) == start.daty), length(cdates) + 1)
    idx <- rep(seq(length(ix) - 1), ix[-1] - ix[-length(ix)])
    index <- split(idrow, idx)
    dates <- do.call(rbind, lapply(split(cdates, idx), function(x) c(x[1], x[length(x)])))
    return(list(index = index, range.date = dates))


## Daily to seasonal index
cdt.index.DailySeason <- function(dates, start.mon, start.day, end.mon, end.day){
    dtmp <- range(as.Date(dates, '%Y%m%d'), na.rm = TRUE)

    cdates <- seq(dtmp[1], dtmp[2], 'day')
    ystart <- as.Date(paste0(as.numeric(format(cdates[1], '%Y')) - 1, '-', start.mon, '-', start.day))
    ystart <- seq(ystart, cdates[1], 'day')
    ystart <- ystart[-length(ystart)]
    yend <- as.Date(paste0(as.numeric(format(cdates[length(cdates)], '%Y')) + 1, '-', end.mon, '-', end.day))
    yend <- seq(cdates[length(cdates)], yend, 'day')
    yend <- yend[-1]
    if(length(ystart) > 0) cdates <- c(ystart, cdates)
    if(length(yend) > 0) cdates <- c(cdates, yend)
    cdates <- format(cdates, "%Y%m%d")

    idrow <- seq(length(dates))
    idrow <- idrow[match(cdates, dates)]

    mon <- as.numeric(substr(cdates, 5, 6))
    day <- as.numeric(substr(cdates, 7, 8))

    sstart <- which(mon == start.mon & day == start.day)
    send <- which(mon == end.mon & day == end.day)

    idx <- lapply(seq_along(sstart), function(j) idrow[sstart[j]:send[j]])
    outdates <- lapply(seq_along(sstart), function(j) c(cdates[sstart[j]], cdates[send[j]]))

    ina <- sapply(idx, function(x) isTRUE(all(is.na(x))))
    idx <- idx[!ina]
    outdates <- outdates[!ina]
    return(list(index = idx, date = outdates))


## Region subdivision index (onset, cessation)
cdt.index.Region.Subdiv <- function(lat, lon = NULL, shpf = NULL, shpdiv = NULL,
                                    region.pars = list(
                                            region = "One", subdiv = "Latitude",
                                            lat = list(nb = 2, div = list(8))
    subdiv <- list(seq_along(lat))
    if(region.pars$region == "Multiple"){
        if(region.pars$subdiv == "Latitude"){
            nbreg <- region.pars$lat$nb
            latdiv <- region.pars$lat$div
            subdiv <- list()
            if(nbreg > 2){
                subdiv[[1]] <- which(lat <= latdiv[[1]])
                for(i in 1:(length(latdiv) - 1))
                    subdiv[[i + 1]] <- which(latdiv[[i + 1]] >= lat & lat > latdiv[[i]])
                subdiv[[nbreg]] <- which(lat > latdiv[[length(latdiv)]])
                div <- lat <= latdiv[[1]]
                subdiv[[1]] <- which(div)
                subdiv[[2]] <- which(!div)

        if(region.pars$subdiv == "Shapefile"){
            coords <- data.frame(x = lon, y = lat)
            sp::coordinates(coords) <- ~x+y
            subdiv <- lapply(shpdiv, function(x){
                xov <- sp::over(coords, shpf[shpdiv == x, ])
                which(!is.na(xov[, 1]))


## all nearest neighbor index: grid and points
cdt.nn.index.all <- function(grd, pts, maxdist){
    # dst <- distance.Matrix(pts, grd)
    dst <- fields::rdist(pts, grd)
    dst <- dst <= maxdist
    # dst <- split(dst, col(dst))
    dst <- split(dst, row(dst))
    Reduce("|", dst)
rijaf-iri/CDT documentation built on July 3, 2024, 2:54 a.m.