
Defines functions ttkcombobox_search cdt.tkmessageBox updateProgressText updateProgressBar resizeTclImage setScrollCanvas ScrollCanvas bwTabScrollableFrame bwScrollableFrame bwScrolledWindow bwRaiseTab bwAddTab bwNoteBook addTo_all_Combobox_List Set_Combobox_Values Listen_OpenFiles_Change openFile_ttkcomboList1 openFile_ttkcomboList refreshCDT fileORdir2Save tk_get_SaveFile spinbox.state ttkspinbox tkbutton.toolbar table.deleteSelRow table.insertRowBelow table.insertRowAbove menuRowHandleCopyPaste.OpenTable menuInsertDeleteRow.OpenTable menuCopyPaste.OpenTable defile.menu.OpenFiles menuCopyPaste btn_releases btn_press helpWidget status.bar.display infobulle Insert.Messages.curl Insert.Messages.httr Insert.Messages.Out errorFun warningFun

## error and warning handling
warningFun <- function(w){
    retW <- paste("Warning:", conditionMessage(w))
    Insert.Messages.Out(retW, format = TRUE, type = "warning")

errorFun <- function(e){
    txt <- as.character(e)
    retE <- gsub('[\r\n]', '', txt)
    Insert.Messages.Out(retE, format = TRUE, type = "error")


## Insert text on output message
Insert.Messages.Out <- function(texta, format = FALSE,
                                type = c("error", "warning", "info", "success"),
                                GUI = TRUE)
        font1 <- tkfont.create(family = "times", weight = "bold", slant = "roman", size = 10)
        font2 <- tkfont.create(family = "times", weight = "bold", slant = "italic", size = 10)
        tktag.configure(.cdtEnv$tcl$main$out.text, "errortag", foreground = "red4", background = "lightpink", font = font1)
        tktag.configure(.cdtEnv$tcl$main$out.text, "warningtag", foreground = "goldenrod3", background = "beige", font = font1)
        tktag.configure(.cdtEnv$tcl$main$out.text, "infotag", foreground = "blue", background = "lightcyan", font = font2)
        tktag.configure(.cdtEnv$tcl$main$out.text, "successtag", foreground = "green4", background = "honeydew", font = font2)
        type <- match.arg(type)
        txtformated <- switch(type,
                            "error" = "errortag",
                            "warning" = "warningtag",
                            "info" = "infotag",
                            "success" = "successtag")

            tkinsert(.cdtEnv$tcl$main$out.text, "end", paste(texta, "\n"), txtformated)
            tkinsert(.cdtEnv$tcl$main$out.text, "end", paste(texta, "\n"))

        tcl(.cdtEnv$tcl$main$out.text, 'yview', 'moveto', '1.0')
        cat(texta, "\n")

Insert.Messages.httr <- function(res, type = "error", GUI = TRUE){
    msg <- httr::content(res, type = 'text', encoding = 'UTF-8')
    Insert.Messages.Out(msg, TRUE, type, GUI)

Insert.Messages.curl <- function(res, type = "error", GUI = TRUE){
    msg <- rawToChar(res$content)
    Insert.Messages.Out(msg, TRUE, type, GUI)


## BWidget info-bulle help
## https://core.tcl-lang.org/bwidget/doc/bwidget/BWman/DynamicHelp.html
## https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/interp+alias
## Tcl command: interp alias {} new_name {} existing_command
# infobulle <- function(widget, text){
#     tcl("interp", "alias", "", "help", "", "DynamicHelp::register") 
#     tcl('help', widget, 'balloon', text)
#     # delay in millisecond of mouse inactivity
#     # before displaying the balloon
#     tcl("DynamicHelp::configure", delay = 100)
# }

##  DynamicHelp::register is deprecated.

infobulle <- function(widget, text){
    tcl('DynamicHelp::add', widget, type = 'balloon', text = text)
    tcl("DynamicHelp::configure", delay = 100)

## Binding event in toolbar and display on status bar
status.bar.display <- function(widget, text){
    tkbind(widget, "<Enter>", function(){
        tclvalue(.cdtEnv$tcl$status$help) <- text
    tkbind(widget, "<Leave>", function(){
        tclvalue(.cdtEnv$tcl$status$help) <- ""

helpWidget <- function(widget, text_balloon, text_statusbar){
    status.bar.display(widget, text_statusbar)
    # tcl("DynamicHelp::register", widget, 'balloon', text_balloon)
    tcl("DynamicHelp::add", widget, type = 'balloon', text = text_balloon)
    tcl("DynamicHelp::configure", delay = 100)


## Close Tabs buttons

btn_press <- function(x, y, W){
    elem <- tclvalue(tcl(W, 'identify', 'element', x, y))
    index <- tclvalue(tcl(W, 'identify', 'tab', x, y))
    if(elem == 'Fermer'){
        .Tcl(paste(W, 'state pressed'))
        tclvalue(.cdtEnv$tcl$main$pressed_index) <- index

btn_releases <- function(x, y, W){
    if(as.logical(.Tcl(paste(W, 'instate pressed')))){
        elem <- tclvalue(tcl(W, 'identify', 'element', x, y))
        index <- tclvalue(tcl(W, 'identify', 'tab', x, y))
        if(elem == 'Fermer' &  tclvalue(.cdtEnv$tcl$main$pressed_index) == index){
        .Tcl(paste(W, 'state !pressed'))
        tclvalue(.cdtEnv$tcl$main$pressed_index) <- ""
    }else return(NULL)


## tktext copy/paste/cut defile menu

menuCopyPaste <- function(parent, scopy = 'normal', scut = 'disabled', spaste = 'disabled')
    cpmenu <- tkmenu(parent, tearoff = FALSE)

    tkadd(cpmenu, "command", label = "Select All  ... <Ctrl+/>",
          command = function()
            tktag.add(parent, "sel", "1.0", "end")
    tkadd(cpmenu, "separator")
    tkadd(cpmenu, "command", label = "Copy   ........ <Ctrl+C>", state = scopy,
          command = function()
            .Tcl(paste("event", "generate", .Tcl.args(.Tk.ID(parent), "<<Copy>>")))

            if(parent$ID == .cdtEnv$tcl$main$out.text$ID){
                    ret <- lapply(.cdtEnv$tcl$main$out.copy, function(x){
                        ix <- as.numeric(x[1])
                        tktag.add(parent, x[2], paste0(ix, '.0'), paste0(ix + 1, '.0'))
                    .cdtEnv$tcl$main$out.copy <- NULL
    tkadd(cpmenu, "separator")
    tkadd(cpmenu, "command", label = "Cut    ........ <Ctrl+X>", state = scut,
          command = function()
            .Tcl(paste("event", "generate", .Tcl.args(.Tk.ID(parent), "<<Cut>>")))
    tkadd(cpmenu, "separator")
    tkadd(cpmenu, "command", label = "Paste  ........ <Ctrl+V>", state = spaste,
          command = function()
            .Tcl(paste("event", "generate", .Tcl.args(.Tk.ID(parent), "<<Paste>>")))

    tkbind(parent, "<Button-3>", function(x, y){
        rootx <- as.integer(tkwinfo("rootx", parent))
        rooty <- as.integer(tkwinfo("rooty", parent))
        xTxt <- as.integer(x) + rootx
        yTxt <- as.integer(y) + rooty
        .Tcl(paste("tk_popup", .Tcl.args(cpmenu, xTxt, yTxt)))


## open files defile menu
defile.menu.OpenFiles <- function(x, y){
    rootx <- as.integer(tkwinfo("rootx", .cdtEnv$tcl$main$Openfiles))
    rooty <- as.integer(tkwinfo("rooty", .cdtEnv$tcl$main$Openfiles))
    xTxt <- as.integer(x) + rootx
    yTxt <- as.integer(y) + rooty
    tkselection.clear(.cdtEnv$tcl$main$Openfiles, "0", as.character(length(.cdtData$OpenFiles$Data) - 1))
    idsel <- tclvalue(tkindex(.cdtEnv$tcl$main$Openfiles, paste0("@", x, ",", y)))
    tkselection.set(.cdtEnv$tcl$main$Openfiles, idsel)
    .Tcl(paste("tk_popup", .Tcl.args(.cdtEnv$tcl$main$menu.opfiles, xTxt, yTxt)))


## table copy/paste/cut defile menu
menuCopyPaste.OpenTable <- function(){
    tabid <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tkindex(.cdtEnv$tcl$main$tknotes, 'current'))) + 1
    table1 <- .cdtData$OpenTab$Data[[tabid]][[2]][[1]]
    data.arr <- .cdtData$OpenTab$Data[[tabid]][[2]][[2]]

    popup.CXV <- tkmenu(table1, tearoff = FALSE)

    tkadd(popup.CXV, "command", label = "Copy  ........ <Ctrl-C>",
          command = function()
            .Tcl(paste("event", "generate", .Tcl.args(.Tk.ID(table1), "<<Copy>>")))
    tkadd(popup.CXV, "separator")
    tkadd(popup.CXV, "command", label = "Cut    ........ <Ctrl-X>",
          command = function()
            .Tcl(paste("event", "generate", .Tcl.args(.Tk.ID(table1), "<<Cut>>")))
    tkadd(popup.CXV, "separator")
    tkadd(popup.CXV, "command", label = "Paste ........ <Ctrl-V>",
        command = function()
            .Tcl(paste("event", "generate", .Tcl.args(.Tk.ID(table1), "<<Paste>>")))

    tkbind(table1, "<Button-3>", function(x, y){
        rootx <- as.integer(tkwinfo("rootx", table1))
        rooty <- as.integer(tkwinfo("rooty", table1))
        xTxt <- as.integer(x) + rootx
        yTxt <- as.integer(y) + rooty
        index.col <- tclvalue(tkindex(table1, paste0("@", x, ",", y), "col"))
        index.row <- tclvalue(tkindex(table1, paste0("@", x, ",", y), "row"))
        not.1st.col <- index.col != "0" & index.row %in% as.character(seq(0, data.arr$nrow, 1))
        not.1st.row <- index.row != "0" & index.col %in% as.character(seq(0, data.arr$ncol, 1))
        if(not.1st.col & not.1st.row)
            .Tcl(paste("tk_popup", .Tcl.args(popup.CXV, xTxt, yTxt)))


## table 1st column defile menu, insert and delete row
menuInsertDeleteRow.OpenTable <- function(){
    tabid <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tkindex(.cdtEnv$tcl$main$tknotes, 'current'))) + 1
    table1 <- .cdtData$OpenTab$Data[[tabid]][[2]][[1]]
    data.arr <- .cdtData$OpenTab$Data[[tabid]][[2]][[2]]
    nl <- data.arr$nrow

    popup.EditTable <- tkmenu(table1, tearoff = FALSE)

    tkadd(popup.EditTable, "command", label = "Insert row above",
          command = function()
            nl <<- table.insertRowAbove(table1, data.arr, nl)
    tkadd(popup.EditTable, "command", label = "Insert row below",
        command = function()
            nl <<- table.insertRowBelow(table1, data.arr, nl)
    tkadd(popup.EditTable, "separator")
    tkadd(popup.EditTable, "command", label = "Delete selected rows",
        command = function()
            nl <<- table.deleteSelRow(table1, data.arr, nl)

    tkbind(table1, "<Button-3>", function(x, y){
        rootx <- as.integer(tkwinfo("rootx", table1))
        rooty <- as.integer(tkwinfo("rooty", table1))
        xTxt <- as.integer(x) + rootx
        yTxt <- as.integer(y) + rooty
        index.col <- tclvalue(tkindex(table1, paste0("@", x, ",", y), "col"))
        if(index.col == "0"){
            selrow <- tclvalue(tkindex(table1, paste0("@", x, ",", y), "row"))
            tkselection.set(table1, paste0(selrow, ',', 0), paste0(selrow, ',', data.arr$ncol))
            .Tcl(paste("tk_popup", .Tcl.args(popup.EditTable, xTxt, yTxt)))


menuRowHandleCopyPaste.OpenTable <- function(){
    tabid <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tkindex(.cdtEnv$tcl$main$tknotes, 'current'))) + 1
    table1 <- .cdtData$OpenTab$Data[[tabid]][[2]][[1]]
    data.arr <- .cdtData$OpenTab$Data[[tabid]][[2]][[2]]
    nl <- data.arr$nrow

    popup.EditTable <- tkmenu(table1, tearoff = FALSE)

    tkadd(popup.EditTable, "command", label = "Insert row above",
          command = function()
            nl <<- table.insertRowAbove(table1, data.arr, nl)
    tkadd(popup.EditTable, "command", label = "Insert row below",
        command = function()
            nl <<- table.insertRowBelow(table1, data.arr, nl)
    tkadd(popup.EditTable, "separator")
    tkadd(popup.EditTable, "command", label = "Delete selected rows",
        command = function()
            nl <<- table.deleteSelRow(table1, data.arr, nl)

    popup.CXV <- tkmenu(table1, tearoff = FALSE)

    tkadd(popup.CXV, "command", label = "Copy  ........ <Ctrl-C>",
          command = function()
            .Tcl(paste("event", "generate", .Tcl.args(.Tk.ID(table1), "<<Copy>>")))
    tkadd(popup.CXV, "separator")
    tkadd(popup.CXV, "command", label = "Cut    ........ <Ctrl-X>",
          command = function()
            .Tcl(paste("event", "generate", .Tcl.args(.Tk.ID(table1), "<<Cut>>")))
    tkadd(popup.CXV, "separator")
    tkadd(popup.CXV, "command", label = "Paste ........ <Ctrl-V>",
        command = function()
            .Tcl(paste("event", "generate", .Tcl.args(.Tk.ID(table1), "<<Paste>>")))

    tkbind(table1, "<Button-3>", function(x, y){
        rootx <- as.integer(tkwinfo("rootx", table1))
        rooty <- as.integer(tkwinfo("rooty", table1))
        xTxt <- as.integer(x) + rootx
        yTxt <- as.integer(y) + rooty

        index.col <- tclvalue(tkindex(table1, paste0("@", x, ",", y), "col"))
        index.row <- tclvalue(tkindex(table1, paste0("@", x, ",", y), "row"))

        if(index.col == "0"){
            col.start <- paste0(index.row, ',', 0)
            tkselection.set(table1, col.start, paste0(index.row, ',', data.arr$ncol))
            .Tcl(paste("tk_popup", .Tcl.args(popup.EditTable, xTxt, yTxt)))

        not.1st.col <- index.col != "0" & index.row %in% as.character(seq(0, data.arr$nrow, 1))
        not.1st.row <- index.row != "0" & index.col %in% as.character(seq(0, data.arr$ncol, 1))
        if(not.1st.col & not.1st.row)
            .Tcl(paste("tk_popup", .Tcl.args(popup.CXV, xTxt, yTxt)))


table.insertRowAbove <- function(parent, data.arr, nl){
    row.nb <- unlist(strsplit(tclvalue(tcl(parent, "curselection")), ','))[1]
    tkinsert(parent, "rows", row.nb, "-1")
    nl <- nl + 1
    data.arr$nrow <- nl
    for(i in 1:nl) data.arr[i, 0] <- i

table.insertRowBelow <- function(parent, data.arr, nl){
    row.nb <- unlist(strsplit(tclvalue(tcl(parent, "curselection")), ','))[1]
    tkinsert(parent, "rows", row.nb, "1")
    nl <- nl + 1
    data.arr$nrow <- nl
    for(i in 1:nl) data.arr[i, 0] <- i

table.deleteSelRow <- function(parent, data.arr, nl){
    tmp <- unlist(strsplit(tclvalue(tcl(parent, "curselection")), ' '))
    tmp <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(tmp, ','))
    remrow <- sort(as.numeric(levels(as.factor(tmp[, 1]))))
    tkdelete(parent, "rows", remrow[1], length(remrow))
    nl <- nl - length(remrow)

    data.arr$nrow <- nl
    for(i in 1:nl) data.arr[i, 0] <- i


## Create button on toolbar
tkbutton.toolbar <- function(frame, img.file, txt.tooltip, txt.status)
    picture <- tkimage.create('photo', '-file', file.path(.cdtDir$Root, "images", img.file))
    button <- tkbutton(frame, image = picture, relief = 'flat')
    helpWidget(button, txt.tooltip, txt.status)


## spinbox
# ttkspinbox <- function(parent, ...) tkwidget(parent, "ttk::spinbox", ...)
ttkspinbox <- function(parent, ...){
    test <- try(tkwidget(parent, "ttk::spinbox"), silent = TRUE)
    if(!inherits(test, "try-error")){
        spinbox_widget <- "ttk::spinbox"
    }else spinbox_widget <- "spinbox"
    tkwidget(parent, spinbox_widget, ...)

## deactivate spinbox
spinbox.state <- function(state = 'disabled'){
    tkconfigure(.cdtEnv$tcl$toolbar$spinH, state = state)
    tkconfigure(.cdtEnv$tcl$toolbar$spinV, state = state)
    tkconfigure(.cdtEnv$tcl$toolbar$plotRedraw, state = state)


## Save dialog box
tk_get_SaveFile <- function(initialdir = getwd(), initialfile = "", filetypes = filetypes)
        f2save <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(initialdir = initialdir,
                                         initialfile = initialfile,
                                         filetypes = filetypes,
                                         defaultextension = TRUE))
        f2save <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(initialdir = initialdir,
                                         initialfile = initialfile,
                                         filetypes = filetypes))

## File or directory to save result
## filedirVar tclVar
fileORdir2Save <- function(filedirVar, initialdir = getwd(), isFile = TRUE,
                           filetypes = .cdtEnv$tcl$data$filetypesA)
            file2save <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(initialdir = initialdir,
                                                initialfile = "",
                                                filetypes = filetypes,
                                                defaultextension = TRUE))
            file2save <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(initialdir = initialdir,
                                                initialfile = "",
                                                filetypes = filetypes))
        tclvalue(filedirVar) <- if(!is.na(file2save)) file2save else ""
        dir2save <- tk_choose.dir(default = initialdir, caption = "")
            dir.create(dir2save, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
            tclvalue(filedirVar) <- dir2save
        }else tclvalue(filedirVar) <- ""


## Refresh all environment, destroy left panel widgets, active button run
refreshCDT <- function(staterun = "disabled"){
    .cdtEnv$tcl$data$lcmd.frame <- NULL
    .cdtData$EnvData <- NULL
    .cdtData$EnvTmp <- NULL
    tkconfigure(.cdtEnv$tcl$toolbar$run, state = staterun)

    unlink(file.path(.cdtEnv$tcl$dir, list.files(.cdtEnv$tcl$dir, "\\.png$")))
    tclvalue(.cdtEnv$tcl$status$pbLab) <- ""
    tclvalue(.cdtEnv$tcl$status$pbBar) <- 0
    tclvalue(.cdtEnv$tcl$status$pbnmax) <- 1


## Get list of all open files

openFile_ttkcomboList <- function(){
    nopfs <- length(.cdtData$OpenFiles$Type)
    if(nopfs > 0){
        listOpenFiles <- lapply(1:nopfs, function(j) .cdtData$OpenFiles$Data[[j]][[1]])
        if(length(listOpenFiles) == 1) listOpenFiles <- c("", listOpenFiles)
        listOpenFiles <- list()
        listOpenFiles[[1]] <- ""

openFile_ttkcomboList1 <- function(){
    nb_files <- as.integer(tclvalue(tcl(.cdtEnv$tcl$main$Openfiles, 'size')))
    if(nb_files > 0){
        listOpenFiles <- lapply(seq(nb_files) - 1, function(i){
            tclvalue(tkget(.cdtEnv$tcl$main$Openfiles, i))
        listOpenFiles <- list()
        listOpenFiles[[1]] <- ""



Listen_OpenFiles_Change <- function(){
    # after 1000 ms execute Listen_OpenFiles_Change() again
    .cdtEnv$tcl$task_openFiles$id <- tcl("after", 1000, Listen_OpenFiles_Change)
    open_files <- unlist(openFile_ttkcomboList1())

    if(length(.cdtEnv$tcl$task_openFiles$openFiles) != length(open_files)){
        if(!all(.cdtEnv$tcl$task_openFiles$openFiles %in% open_files)){
    .cdtEnv$tcl$task_openFiles$openFiles <- open_files

Set_Combobox_Values <- function(open_files){
    if(length(open_files) == 1){
        if(open_files != "") open_files <- c("", open_files)
    nc <- length(.cdtEnv$tcl$task_openFiles$all_Combobox)
    if(nc > 0){
        for(j in 1:nc){
            ret <- try(tkget(.cdtEnv$tcl$task_openFiles$all_Combobox[[j]]), silent = TRUE)
            if(!inherits(ret, "try-error")){
                tkconfigure(.cdtEnv$tcl$task_openFiles$all_Combobox[[j]], values = open_files)

addTo_all_Combobox_List <- function(cb){
    nc <- length(.cdtEnv$tcl$task_openFiles$all_Combobox)
    if(nc > 0){
        cb_existsL <- rep(TRUE, nc)
        for(j in 1:nc){
            ret <- try(tkget(.cdtEnv$tcl$task_openFiles$all_Combobox[[j]]), silent = TRUE)
            if(inherits(ret, "try-error")) cb_existsL[j] <- FALSE
        .cdtEnv$tcl$task_openFiles$all_Combobox[!cb_existsL] <- NULL
        nc <- length(.cdtEnv$tcl$task_openFiles$all_Combobox)
    .cdtEnv$tcl$task_openFiles$all_Combobox[[nc + 1]] <- cb


## BWidget NoteBook
isaTabBwNb <- local({
    k <- 0
    function() {
        k <<- k + 1

bwNoteBook <- function(parent, side = 'top', ...) tkwidget(parent, "NoteBook", side = side, ...)

bwAddTab <- function(parent, text = "Tab", ...){
    IDtab <- paste0('_BwNb', isaTabBwNb())
    tab <- tkinsert(parent, 'end', IDtab, text = text, ...)
    win <- .Tk.newwin(tclvalue(tab))
    win$IDtab <- IDtab

bwRaiseTab <- function(parent, tab) tcl(parent, 'raise', tab$IDtab)


## BWidget ScrolledWindow
bwScrolledWindow <- function(parent, ...) tkwidget(parent, "ScrolledWindow", ...)

## BWidget ScrollableFrame
bwScrollableFrame <- function(parent, ...){
    scrfrm <- tkwidget(parent, "ScrollableFrame", ...)
    tcl(parent, "setwidget", scrfrm)
    # return(scrfrm)
    subfram <- tclvalue(tcl(scrfrm, "getframe"))
    win <- .Tk.newwin(subfram)

bwTabScrollableFrame <- function(parent, wscrlwin = .cdtEnv$tcl$data$wscrlwin,
                                 hscrlwin = .cdtEnv$tcl$data$hscrlwin, ...)
    frTab <- tkframe(parent)
    tkgrid(frTab, padx = 1, pady = 1, ipadx = 1, ipady = 1)
    tkgrid.columnconfigure(frTab, 0, weight = 1)
    tkgrid.rowconfigure(frTab, 0, weight = 1)

    scrwin <- bwScrolledWindow(frTab)
    tkgrid.columnconfigure(scrwin, 0, weight = 1)
    tkgrid.rowconfigure(scrwin, 0, weight = 1)

    scrfr <- bwScrollableFrame(scrwin, width = wscrlwin, height = hscrlwin, ...)


## ScrollableCanvas
ScrollCanvas <- function(parent, ...){
    canvas <- tkcanvas(parent, ...)
    tcl(parent, "setwidget", canvas)

setScrollCanvas <- function(parent, width, height){
    bbox <- tkbbox(parent, "all")
    tkconfigure(parent, width = width, height = height, scrollregion = bbox)


## Resize Tcl image type photo
resizeTclImage <- function(file, factor = 2, zoom = TRUE){
    imgtmp <- tkimage.create('photo', file = file)
    imgrsz <- tkimage.create("photo")
        tcl(imgrsz, "copy", imgtmp, zoom = factor)
        tcl(imgrsz, "copy", imgtmp, subsample = factor)  
    tcl('image', 'delete', imgtmp)


## update progress bar
updateProgressBar <- function(n){
    nmax <- as.numeric(tcltk::tclvalue(.cdtEnv$tcl$status$pbnmax))
    newvalue <- 100 * n / nmax
    newlabel <- sprintf("%.f %%", round(newvalue))
    tcltk::tclvalue(.cdtEnv$tcl$status$pbLab) <- newlabel
    tcltk::tclvalue(.cdtEnv$tcl$status$pbBar) <- newvalue
    tcltk::tcl("update", "idletask")

updateProgressText <- function(n){
    nmax <- as.numeric(tcltk::tclvalue(.cdtEnv$tcl$status$pbnmax))
    newvalue <- 100 * n / nmax
    cat(sprintf("Task %.f done; %.1f %% completed\n", n, newvalue))


cdt.tkmessageBox <- function(parent, message, ...){
    tcl('wm', 'attributes', parent, topmost = FALSE)
    tkmessageBox(message = message, ...)
    tcl('wm', 'attributes', parent, topmost = TRUE)


ttkcombobox_search <- function(parent, values, textvariable, ...,
                               placeholder = "Search or select")
    cb_widget <- ttkcombobox(parent, values = values, textvariable = textvariable, ...)
    tclvalue(textvariable) <- placeholder
    cb_val <- gsub('[^[:alnum:][:space:]]', '', tolower(values))

    tkbind(cb_widget, "<FocusIn>", function(){
        input <- tclvalue(tkget(cb_widget))
        if(input == placeholder){
            tkconfigure(cb_widget, values = values)
            tclvalue(textvariable) <- ''

    tkbind(cb_widget, "<FocusOut>", function(){
        input <- tclvalue(tkget(cb_widget))
        if(!input %in% values){
            tclvalue(textvariable) <- placeholder

    tkbind(cb_widget, "<KeyRelease>", function(){
        input <- tclvalue(tkget(cb_widget))
        if(nchar(input) < 3){
            isrch <- grep(paste0('^', input), cb_val, ignore.case = TRUE)
            isrch <- grep(input, cb_val, ignore.case = TRUE)
        if(length(isrch) == 0){
            tkconfigure(cb_widget, values = values)
        vals <- values[isrch]
        vals <- if(length(vals) == 1) c(vals, '') else vals
        tkconfigure(cb_widget, values = vals)

rijaf-iri/CDT documentation built on July 3, 2024, 2:54 a.m.