
Defines functions toPolar toCartesian distance coordinatesBetweenRectangles latticeGrob drawDetails.lattice prepanel.parental convertToEnlargedCoordinates grobNodeNameSize grobNodeName grobNodeLevelPlotSize grobNodeLevelPlotDefaultTheme grobNodeLevelPlot panel.parental grplot grplot.parental grplot.parental.list grplot.bvsresponse nodeLevelplot

Documented in convertToEnlargedCoordinates coordinatesBetweenRectangles distance drawDetails.lattice grobNodeLevelPlot grobNodeLevelPlotDefaultTheme grobNodeLevelPlotSize grobNodeName grobNodeNameSize grplot grplot.bvsresponse grplot.parental grplot.parental.list latticeGrob nodeLevelplot panel.parental prepanel.parental toCartesian toPolar

# Part of the "parental" package, http://github.com/rjbgoudie/parental
# This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license.  It is free,
# open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) in
#   http://github.com/rjbgoudie/parental
# Note that it is required that attributions are retained with each function.
# Copyright 2008 Robert J. B. Goudie, University of Warwick

#' Convert cartesian coordinates to polars.
#' Currently unused. Not sure if this is vectorised
#' @param x Cartesian x-coordinates
#' @param y Cartesian y-coordinates
#' @return A list with two components, named \code{r} and \code{theta}, 
#'   containing the radius and angle to the supplied point.
toPolar <- function(x, y){
  r <- sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
  theta <- rep(NULL, times = length(r))
  theta[x >= 0] <- asin(y[x >= 0]/r[x >= 0])
  theta[x < 0] <- -asin(y[x < 0]/r[x < 0]) + pi
  theta[is.null(theta)] <- 0
  list(r = r, theta = theta)

#' Convert polar coordinates to Cartesian.
#' Currently unused. Not sure if this is vectorised
#' @param r Polar coordinates
#' @param theta Polar coordinates
#' @return A list with two components, named \code{x} and \code{y}, 
#'   containing the coordinates of the supplied point.
toCartesian <- function(r, theta){
  list(x = r * cos(theta), y = r * sin(theta))

#' Calculate distance between two points.
#' A vectorised function for calculating the distance between two 
#' points in Cartesian space. Computes the distance between \code{(x[1], 
#' y[1])} and \code{(x[2], y[2])}.
#' @param x A numeric vector of length 2, containing the x-coordinates of 
#'   the two points
#' @param y A numeric vector of length 2, containing the y-coordinates of 
#'   the two points
#' @return A numeric vector of length 1. The distance.
distance <- function(x, y){
  sqrt((y[1] - x[1])^2 + (y[2] - x[2])^2)

#' Calculate coordinates of line between bounding boxes.
#' We have points \code{(x1, y1)} and \code{(x2, y2)} in Cartesian space. 
#' We wish to draw a line between these two points.
#' However, these two points have rectangles centred around them.
#' The first point has a rectangle width \code{w1} and height \code{h1} drawn 
#' around it; the second has a rectangle with \code{w2} and height \code{h2}
#' drawn around it. Note that the vertices of the first rectangle are 
#' \code{(x1-w1/2, x1+h1/2)}, \code{(x1+w1/2, x1+h1/2)},
#' \code{(x1+w1/2, x1-h1/2)} \code{(x1-w1/2, x1-h1/2)}.
#' This function returns the coordinates of the points on which the 
#' line drawn between the two points intersects with each bounding box.
#' @param x1 The x-coordinate of the first point
#' @param y1 The y-coordinate of the first point
#' @param x2 The x-coordinate of the second point
#' @param y2 The y-coordinate of the second point
#' @param w1 The width of the bounding box around \code{(x1, y1)}
#' @param h1 The height of the bounding box around \code{(x1, y1)}
#' @param w2 The width of the bounding box around \code{(x2, y2)}
#' @param h2 The height of the bounding box around \code{(x1, y1)}
#' @return A numeric vector of length 4. The first two are the x- and 
#'   y-coordinates on the bounding box of \code{(x1, y1)}. The 
#'   third and fourth are the x- and y-coordinates on the bounding box of 
#'   \code{(x2, y2)}
coordinatesBetweenRectangles <- function(x1, y1, x2, y2, w1, h1, w2, h2){
  switchBack <- F
  if (x1 > x2){
    switchBack <- T
    s1 <- x1
    t1 <- y1
    u1 <- w1
    v1 <- h1
    x1 <- x2
    y1 <- y2
    w1 <- w2
    h1 <- h2
    x2 <- s1
    y2 <- t1
    w2 <- u1
    h2 <- v1
  s <- (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)
  if (s > h1/w1){
    # so top edge
    # top edge y = y1 + h1/2
    ox1 <- h1/2 * (x2 - x1)/(y2 - y1) + x1
    oy1 <- y1 + h1/2
  else if (-h1/w1 <= s && s <= h1/w1){
    # so side edge
    # side edge x = x1 + w1/2
    ox1 <- x1 + w1/2
    oy1 <- y1 + (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1) * w1/2
  else if (s < h1/w1){
    # so bottom edge
    # bottom edge y = y1 - h1/2
    ox1 <- (-h1/2) * (x2 - x1)/(y2 - y1) + x1
    oy1 <- y1 - h1/2
  else {

  if (s > h2/w2){
    # so bottom edge
    # bottom edge y = y2 - h2/2
    ox2 <- (y2 - h2/2 - y1) * (x2 - x1)/(y2 - y1) + x1
    oy2 <- y2 - h2/2
  else if (-h2/w2 <= s && s <= h2/w2){
    # so side edge
    # side edge x = x2 - w2/2
    ox2 <- x2 - w2/2
    oy2 <- y1 + (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1) * (x2 - w2/2 - x1)
  else if (s < h2/w2){
    # so top edge
    # top edge y = y2 + h2/2
    ox2 <- (y2 + h2/2 - y1) * (x2 - x1)/(y2 - y1) + x1
    oy2 <- y2 + h2/2
  else {
  if (switchBack){
    tox1 <- ox1
    toy1 <- oy1
    ox1 <- ox2
    oy1 <- oy2
    ox2 <- tox1
    oy2 <- toy1
  c(ox1, oy1, ox2, oy2)

#' Convert a lattice object to a grob.
#' See Paul Murrell's message to r-help - Mar 21, 2010 8:21:39 pm.
#' "Re: [R] lattice grob"
#' http://markmail.org/message/tg6kdxsr74fynncy
#' @param p A lattice object
#' @param ... further arguments
#' @return A grob
latticeGrob <- function(p, ...){
   grob(p = p, ..., cl = "lattice")

#' drawDetails for lattice plots.
#' See Paul Murrell's message to r-help - Mar 21, 2010 8:21:39 pm.
#' "Re: [R] lattice grob"
#' http://markmail.org/message/tg6kdxsr74fynncy
#' @param x ....
#' @param recording ...
#' @return ....
drawDetails.lattice <- function(x, recording = F){
   lattice:::plot.trellis(x$p, newpage = F)

#' Pre-panel function for plotting parental objects.
#' Computes the bounds of the final plot.
#' @param x The x-coordinates of the nodes
#' @param y The y-coordinates of the nodes
#' @param parents An object of class 'parental'
#' @param rawdata A data frame containing the raw data
#' @param grobNodeSize A function that returns the size of a node grob
#' @param offset An offset
#' @param islist A logical
#' @param widthMultiplier A width multiplier
#' @param heightMultipler A height multiplier
#' @return A list of length two. This contains two components: \code{xlim} 
#'   and \code{ylim}, each of which contain the max and min values in 
#'   that dimension.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{grplot}}
prepanel.parental <- function(x, y, parents, rawdata = NULL, 
                              grobNodeSize, offset, islist = F,
                              widthMultiplier = 2, heightMultipler = 1){
  if (!islist){
    parents <- list(parents)
  out <- sapply(parents, function(parents){
    nodeSize <- sapply(seq_along(parents), function(i){
      out <- grobNodeSize(node = i, parents, rawdata)
      # this spawns a new plot, and is probably the wrong approach
      # anyway
      c(width  = out[[1]] + offset, 
           height = out[[2]] + offset)
    totals <- rowSums(nodeSize)
    widths <- nodeSize["width", ] / totals["width"] * 
                max(diff(range(x)), diff(range(y))) * widthMultiplier
    heights <- nodeSize["height", ] / totals["height"] * 
                 max(diff(range(x)), diff(range(y))) * heightMultipler
    c(range(c(x - widths/2, x + widths/2)),
      range(c(y - heights/2, y + heights/2)))
  list(xlim = c(min(unlist(out[1, ])), max(unlist(out[2, ]))),
       ylim = c(min(unlist(out[3, ])), max(unlist(out[4, ]))))

#' Expand coordinates.
#' Expand the coordinates. Not currently used
#' @param width A vector of widths?
#' @param height A vector of heights?
#' @param x x-coordinates
#' @param y y-coordinates
#' @return A list with two components: \code{width} and \code{height}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{grplot}}
convertToEnlargedCoordinates <- function(width, height, x, y){
  curr.xlim <- current.panel.limits()$xlim
  curr.ylim <- current.panel.limits()$ylim
  list(width = width * (diff(range(x)) / diff(range(curr.xlim))),
       height = height * (diff(range(y)) / diff(range(curr.ylim))))

#' Return the size of node when the name of the node is plotted.
#' This returns size of the label. Specifically, the return width is number 
#' of characters in the label.
#' The height is the number of newlines.
#' @param node An integer of length 1, indicating which node the dimensions
#'   should be computed for.
#' @param parents An object of class "parental" containing the graph that 
#'   is to be plotted
#' @param rawdata The rawdata
#' @return A list of length 2 containing two items:
#'     width: An integer vector of length 1. The width in characters.
#'     height: An integer vector of length 1. The height in lines.
#' @seealso \code{\link{grplot}}
#' @export
grobNodeNameSize <- function(node, parents, rawdata = NULL){
  # grobWidth etc can not be used here because  this function is used in 
  # prepanel.parental, when the dimensions of the device are not known
  list(width  = max(nchar(strsplit(names(parents)[node], "\n")[[1]])),
       height = length(gregexpr("\n", names(parents)[node], fixed = T)[[1]]))

#' Return a grob for node "node" when the name of the node is plotted.
#' @param node An integer of length 1, indicating which node the dimensions
#'   should be computed for.
#' @param parents An object of class "parental" containing the graph that 
#'   is to be plotted
#' @param rawdata The rawdata
#' @param gp Graphical parameters, passed to \code{\link[grid]{textGrob}}.
#' @return A "grob"
#' @seealso \code{\link{grplot}}
#' @export
grobNodeName <- function(node, parents, rawdata = NULL, gp){
  textGrob(label = names(parents)[node], gp = gp)

#' Levelplot size for a node.
#' Return the size of levelplot for node "node". If the node has no 
#' parents, the size of a grobNodeName is returned instead.
#' @param node An integer of length 1, indicating which node the dimensions
#'   should be computed for.
#' @param parents An object of class "parental" containing the graph that 
#'   is to be plotted.
#' @param rawdata The rawdata
#' @return A list of length 2 containing two items:
#'     width: A object of class "unit"
#'     height: A object of class "unit"
#' @seealso \code{\link{grplot}}
#' @export
grobNodeLevelPlotSize <- function(node, parents, rawdata){
  # grobWidth etc can not be used here because  this function is used in 
  # prepanel.parental, when the dimensions of the device are not known
  nParents <- length(parents[[node]])
  if (nParents > 0){
    nLevels <- nlevels(rawdata[, node])
    nLevelsParents <- sapply(parents[[node]], function(j){
      nlevels(rawdata[, j])
    list(width = (nParents + nLevels),
         height = (prod(nLevelsParents) + 3))
  else {
    grobNodeNameSize(node, parents, rawdata)

#' Return the default theme.
#' Returns the default theme
#' @return Returns the default theme
#' @export
grobNodeLevelPlotDefaultTheme <- function(){
  list(layout.heights = list(top.padding       = 0,
                             main.key.padding  = 0.5,
                             key.axis.padding  = 0,
                             axis.xlab.padding = 0,
                             xlab.key.padding  = 0,
                             key.sub.padding   = 0,
                             bottom.padding    = 0),
       layout.widths = list(left.padding      = 0,
                            key.ylab.padding  = 0,
                            ylab.axis.padding = 0,
                            axis.key.padding  = 0,
                            right.padding     = 0),
        par.main.text = list(cex = 0.5))

#' Levelplot node grob.
#' Return a grob for node "node" when a levelplot is plotted on each node
#' @param node  An integer of length 1, indicating which node the dimensions
#'   should be computed for.
#' @param parents An object of class "parental" containing the graph that 
#'   is to be plotted
#' @param rawdata The rawdata
#' @param strip.lines ...
#' @param strip.left.lines ...
#' @param theme ...
#' @param horizontal ...
#' @param ... ...
#' @return A "grob"
#' @seealso \code{\link{grplot}}
#' @export
grobNodeLevelPlot <- function(node,
                              strip.lines = 20, 
                              strip.left.lines = 15,
                              theme = grobNodeLevelPlotDefaultTheme(),
                              horizontal = F,
  if (length(parents[[node]]) > 0){
    rd <- rawdata[, c(node, parents[[node]])]
    df <- data.frame(.dummy1 = factor(0), .dummy2 = factor(0), rd)
    propSeq <- seq(from = 4, to = length(c(node, parents[[node]])) + 2)
    dft <- as.data.frame(prop.table(table(df), propSeq))
    roundedFreq <- round(dft[, "Freq"], 2)
    countTable <- as.data.frame(table(df))[, "Freq"]
    dft[, "Freq"] <- paste(roundedFreq, " (", countTable, ")")
    conds <- paste("`", names(rd), "`", collapse = "+", sep = "")
    form <- eval(as.formula(
      paste("Freq ~ .dummy1 + .dummy2 | ", conds)), 
    col.l <- colorRampPalette(c('white', 'blue'))(30)
    p1 <- levelplot(
      data = dft,
      xlab = NULL,
      ylab = NULL,
      main = list(label = paste(names(parents)[node], "\nParents: ", 
                            collapse = ", "), width = 60), collapse = ""), 
                            "."), fontsize = 7),
      colorkey = NULL,
      panel = function(x, y, z, subscripts, ...){

        thisseq <- seq(1, 2*length(z), by = 2)
        z2 <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(z, " (", fixed = T))[thisseq])
        panel.levelplot(x, y, z2, subscripts, ...)
        ltext(x[1], y[1], z[subscripts], col = "black", cex = 0.3)
      at = do.breaks(c(-0.01, 1.01), 30),
      col.regions = col.l,
      scales = list(draw = F),
      par.strip.text = list(cex = 0.5),
      par.settings = theme
    p1 <- useOuterStrips2(p1,
                          strip.lines      = strip.lines,
                          strip.left.lines = strip.left.lines,
                          horizontal = horizontal)
  else {
    grobNodeName(node, parents, rawdata)

#' Panel function for ploting a parental graph.
#' Panel function for grplot.
#' @param x The x-coordinates of the nodes
#' @param y The y-coordinates of the nodes
#' @param parents An object of class parental
#' @param coords The coords (not currently used??)
#' @param col A vector of colours for the nodes (not currently used??)
#' @param alpha A vector of alpha values for the nodes (not currently used??)
#' @param edgecol A matrix of edge colours
#' @param edgealpha A matrix of edge alpha values
#' @param islist A logical of length 1
#' @param rawdata A data frame of raw data.
#' @param grobNode A function that returns the grob for a given node
#' @param grobNodeSize A function that returns the size of a grob for a 
#'   given node
#' @param offset An offset
#' @param widthMultiplier A width multiplier
#' @param heightMultipler A height multiplier
#' @param ... Further arguments
#' @return A panel
#' @seealso \code{\link{grplot}}
#' @export
panel.parental <- function(x, y, parents, coords, col, alpha,
                           edgealpha, islist = F, rawdata = NULL,
                           widthMultiplier = 2,
                           heightMultipler = 3,
  if (missing(edgecol)){
    edgecol <- standard.theme(color = T)$col[[1]]
  numberOfNodes <- length(parents)
  if (length(edgecol) == 1){
    edgecol <- matrix(edgecol, ncol = numberOfNodes, nrow = numberOfNodes)
  if (missing(edgealpha)){
    edgealpha <- matrix(1, ncol = numberOfNodes, nrow = numberOfNodes)
  if (length(edgealpha) == 1){
    edgealpha <- matrix(edgealpha,
                        ncol = numberOfNodes, nrow = numberOfNodes)
  if (islist){
    parents <- parents[[panel.number()]]
  # compute the node dimensions
  nodeSize <- lapply(seq_along(parents), function(i){
    size <- grobNodeSize(node = i, parents, rawdata)
#    browser()
    size[[1]] <- (size[[1]] + offset) / max(diff(range(x)), diff(range(y)))
    size[[2]] <- (size[[2]] + offset) / max(diff(range(x)), diff(range(y)))
    #size <- convertToEnlargedCoordinates(size[[1]], size[[2]], x, y)
    c(width  = size[[1]], 
      height = size[[2]])
  nodeSize <- sapply(seq_along(parents), function(i){
    out <- grobNodeSize(node = i, parents, rawdata)
    # this spawns a new plot, and is probably the wrong approach
    # anyway
    c(width  = out[[1]] + offset, 
         height = out[[2]] + offset)
  totals <- rowSums(nodeSize)
  widths <- nodeSize["width", ] / totals["width"] * 
              max(diff(range(x)), diff(range(y))) * widthMultiplier
  heights <- nodeSize["height", ] / totals["height"] * 
               max(diff(range(x)), diff(range(y))) * heightMultipler
  nodeSize <- lapply(seq_along(parents), function(i){
    c(width  = widths[i], 
      height = heights[i])
  nodeSizeNoOffset <- lapply(seq_along(parents), function(i){
    size <- grobNodeSize(node = i, parents, rawdata)
    size[[1]] <- (size[[1]]) / max(diff(range(x)), diff(range(y)))
    size[[2]] <- (size[[2]]) / max(diff(range(x)), diff(range(y)))
    #size <- convertToEnlargedCoordinates(size[[1]], size[[2]], x, y)
    c(width  = size[[1]], 
      height = size[[2]])
  nodeSizeNoOffset <- sapply(seq_along(parents), function(i){
    out <- grobNodeSize(node = i, parents, rawdata)
    # this spawns a new plot, and is probably the wrong approach
    # anyway
    c(width  = out[[1]], 
         height = out[[2]])
  totals <- rowSums(nodeSizeNoOffset)
  widths <- nodeSizeNoOffset["width", ] / totals["width"] * 
              max(diff(range(x)), diff(range(y))) * widthMultiplier
  heights <- nodeSizeNoOffset["height", ] / totals["height"] * 
               max(diff(range(x)), diff(range(y))) * heightMultipler
  nodeSizeNoOffset <- lapply(seq_along(parents), function(i){
    c(width  = widths[i], 
      height = heights[i])
  # plot the nodes
  # each node is plotted in its own viewport
  for (i in seq_along(parents)){
    grob <- grobNode(node = i, parents, rawdata, gp = gpar(col = col[i]))
    vpWidth <- unit(nodeSizeNoOffset[[i]][[1]], "native")
    vpHeight <- unit(nodeSizeNoOffset[[i]][[2]], "native")
    vp <- viewport(x      = unit(x[i], "native"),
                   y      = unit(y[i], "native"),
                   width  = vpWidth,
                   height = vpHeight,
                   clip   = "on")
    #grid.rect(gp = gpar(col = "red"))
  for (sj in seq_along(parents)){
    for (si in seq_along(parents[[sj]])){
      j <- sj # head
      i <- parents[[sj]][si] # tail
      if (!j %in% parents[[i]] | i < j){
        boundingRectPoints <- coordinatesBetweenRectangles(
                                                     x1 = x[i],
                                                     y1 = y[i],
                                                     x2 = x[j],
                                                     y2 = y[j],
                                                     w1 = nodeSize[[i]][1],
                                                     h1 = nodeSize[[i]][2],
                                                     w2 = nodeSize[[j]][1],
                                                     h2 = nodeSize[[j]][2])

        d1 <- distance(c(x[i], y[i]), c(boundingRectPoints[1],
        d2 <- distance(c(x[i], y[i]), c(boundingRectPoints[3],
        if (d2 < d1){
          a <- boundingRectPoints[1]
          b <- boundingRectPoints[2]
          boundingRectPoints[1] <- boundingRectPoints[3]
          boundingRectPoints[2] <- boundingRectPoints[4]
          boundingRectPoints[3] <- a
          boundingRectPoints[4] <- b
        #panel.rect(xleft = x[j] - nodeSize[[j]][1]/2,
        #           ybottom = y[j] - nodeSize[[j]][2]/2,
        #           xright = x[j] + nodeSize[[j]][1]/2,
        #           ytop = y[j] + nodeSize[[j]][2]/2)
        if (!j %in% parents[[i]]){
          panel.arrows(x0     = boundingRectPoints[1],
                       y0     = boundingRectPoints[2],
                       x1     = boundingRectPoints[3],
                       y1     = boundingRectPoints[4],
                       length = unit(0.05, "native"),
                       col    = edgecol[i, j],
                       alpha  = edgealpha[i, j],
        else {
          panel.arrows(x0     = boundingRectPoints[3],
                       y0     = boundingRectPoints[4],
                       x1     = boundingRectPoints[1],
                       y1     = boundingRectPoints[2],
                       length = unit(0.05, "native"),
                       col    = edgealpha[i, j],
                       alpha  = edgealpha[i, j],
                       ends   = "both",

#' Plot a graph.
#' A generic for plotting graph objects
#' @param ... Passed to method
#' @seealso \code{\link{grplot.parental}}, \code{\link{grplot.parental.list}}
#' @export
grplot <- function(...){

#' Plot a graph.
#' Plots a parental graph, by default using the layout routines of the 
#' package 'network'.
#' @param parents An object of class 'parental'
#' @param col A vector of colours for the nodes (FIXME - does not currently 
#'   work.)
#' @param alpha A vector of alpha values for the nodes (FIXME - does not 
#'   currently work.)
#' @param edgecol A matrix of edge colours.
#' @param edgealpha A matrix of edge alpha values
#' @param layout.par Passed to 
#'   \code{\link[network]{network.layout.fruchtermanreingold}}
#' @param grobNode A grob function that will be used to draw the nodes
#' @param grobNodeSize A function that can compute the sizes of the nodes
#' @param offset A offset
#' @param hideIsolates A logical of length 1. If true, isolates nodes 
#'   (those not connected to any other node) are removed.
#' @param coords Optionally provide the coordinates at which each node will
#'   be drawn. This should be supplied as a data.frame with columns
#'   \code{xcoord} and \code{ycoord}.
#' @param ... Further arguments (not currently passed on?)
#' @return A lattice plot
#' @S3method grplot parental
#' @method grplot parental
#' @seealso \code{\link{grplot.parental.list}}, \code{\link{panel.parental}}
#' @examples
#' x <- parental(c(), c(1), c(2))
#' grplot(x)
grplot.parental <- function(parents,
                            col          = 1,
                            alpha        = 1,
                            edgealpha    = 1,
                            layout.par   = list(niter = 100000), 
                            grobNode     = grobNodeName, 
                            grobNodeSize = grobNodeNameSize,
                            offset       = 0.25,
                            hideIsolates = F,
  if (require(network)){
    stopifnot("parental" %in% class(parents))
    ocall <- sys.call(sys.parent())
    ccall <- match.call()
    ccall$panel <- panel.parental
    ccall$prepanel <- prepanel.parental
    if (is.null(names(parents))){
      names(parents) <- as.character(seq_along(parents))
    ccall$parents <- parents
    adj <- as.adjacency(parents)
    numberOfNodes <- length(parents)
    isolates <- which(rowSums(adj) == 0 & colSums(adj) == 0)
    if (hideIsolates){
      adj <- adj[-isolates, -isolates]
    if (missing(coords)){
      net <- network(adj)
      coords <- network.layout.fruchtermanreingold(net, layout.par)
      coords <- as.data.frame(coords)
      colnames(coords) <- c("xcoord", "ycoord")
    if (hideIsolates){
      newcoords <- matrix(NA, nrow = numberOfNodes, ncol = 2)
      temp <- setdiff(seq_len(numberOfNodes), isolates)
      newcoords[temp, ] <- as.matrix(coords)
      range <- range(coords$xcoord)
      s <- seq(from = range[1], to = range[2], length = length(isolates))
      x <- c(s, rep(min(coords$ycoord), length(isolates)))
      newcoords[isolates, ] <- matrix(x,
                                      byrow = T,
                                      nrow  = length(isolates),
                                      ncol  = 2)
      coords <- newcoords
    inputs <- coords
    form <- ycoord ~ xcoord
    ccall$islist <- F
    if (length(col) < numberOfNodes){
      col <- rep(col, length.out = numberOfNodes)
    ccall$col <- col
    ccall$alpha <- alpha
    if (!missing(edgecol)){
      ccall$edgecol <- edgecol
    ccall$edgealpha <- edgealpha
    # axs means no extension of the xlim values from the prepanel function is
    # added. See Lattice (Sarkar) book page 141.
    ccall$scales <- list(draw = F,
                         axs = "i" # no padding on the axis
    ccall$aspect <- "fill"
    ccall$as.table <- T
    ccall$xlab <- list(NULL)
    ccall$ylab <- list(NULL)
    ccall$x <- form
    ccall$data <- inputs
    ccall$grobNodeSize <- grobNodeSize
    ccall$grobNode <- grobNode
    ccall$offset <- offset
    ccall[[1]] <- quote(lattice::xyplot)
    ans <- eval(ccall, parent.frame())
    ans$call <- ocall
  } else {
    cat("Package 'network' required for plotting")

#' Plot a 'parental list'.
#' Plots a parental graph, by default using the layout routines of the 
#' package 'network'.
#' @param parentallist An object of class 'parental.list'
#' @param col A vector of colours for the nodes (FIXME - does not currently 
#'   work.)
#' @param alpha A vector of alpha values for the nodes (FIXME - does not 
#'   currently work.)
#' @param edgecol A matrix of edge colours.
#' @param edgealpha A matrix of edge alpha values
#' @param layout.par Passed to 
#'   \code{\link[network]{network.layout.fruchtermanreingold}}
#' @param grobNode A grob function that will be used to draw the nodes
#' @param grobNodeSize A function that can compute the sizes of the nodes
#' @param offset A offset
#' @param ... Further arguments (not currently passed on?)
#' @return A lattice plot
#' @S3method grplot parental.list
#' @method grplot parental.list
#' @seealso \code{\link{grplot.parental}}, \code{\link{panel.parental}}
#' @examples
#' x <- parental(c(), c(1), c(2))
#' y <- parental(c(), c(3), c())
#' grplot(parental.list(x, y))
grplot.parental.list <- function(parentallist,
                                 col          = 1, 
                                 alpha        = 1,
                                 edgecol      = 1, 
                                 edgealpha    = 1,
                                 layout.par   = list(niter = 200000),
                                 grobNode     = grobNodeName, 
                                 grobNodeSize = grobNodeNameSize,
                                 offset       = 0.25,
  if (require(network)){
    ocall <- sys.call(sys.parent())
    ocall[[1]] <- quote(hexbinplot)
    ccall <- match.call()
    ccall$panel <- panel.parental
    ccall$prepanel <- prepanel.parental
    for (i in seq_along(parentallist)){
      if (is.null(names(parentallist[[i]]))){
        names(parentallist[[i]]) <- as.character(seq_along(parentallist[[i]]))
    ccall$parents <- parentallist
    numberOfGraphs <- length(parentallist)
    numberOfNodes <- length(parentallist[[1]])
    adj <- as.adjacency(lpunion(parentallist))
    net <- network(adj)
    coords <- network.layout.fruchtermanreingold(net, layout.par)
    coords <- as.data.frame(coords)
    colnames(coords) <- c("xcoord", "ycoord")
    torbind <- lapply(seq_len(numberOfGraphs), function(i) coords)
    coordss <- do.call("rbind", torbind)
    graphIndicator <- gl(n      = numberOfGraphs,
                         k      = numberOfNodes,
                         length = numberOfGraphs * numberOfNodes)
    if (is.null(names(parentallist))){
      names(parentallist) <- seq_along(parentallist)
    levels(graphIndicator) <- names(parentallist)
    inputs <- cbind(coordss, whichgraph = graphIndicator)
    form <- xcoord ~ ycoord | whichgraph
    ccall$islist <- T
    if (missing(edgecol)){
      edgecol <- matrix(1, ncol = numberOfNodes, nrow = numberOfNodes)
    if (missing(edgealpha)){
      edgealpha <- matrix(1, ncol = numberOfNodes, nrow = numberOfNodes)
    if (length(col) < numberOfNodes){
      col <- rep(col, length.out = numberOfNodes)
    ccall$col <- col
    ccall$alpha <- alpha
    ccall$edgecol <- edgecol
    ccall$edgealpha <- edgealpha
    ccall$scales <- list(draw = F)
    ccall$as.table <- T
    ccall$xlab <- list(NULL)
    ccall$ylab <- list(NULL)
    ccall$grobNodeSize <- grobNodeSize
    ccall$grobNode <- grobNode
    ccall$offset <- offset
    ccall$x <- form
    ccall$data <- inputs
    ccall[[1]] <- quote(lattice::xyplot)
    ans <- eval(ccall, parent.frame())
    ans$call <- ocall
  } else {
    cat("Package 'network' required for plotting")

#' Plot a 'bvsresponse' graph. 
#' @param x A 'bvsresponse' object
#' @param col A vector with each component indicating the colour of the 
#'   corresponding node. The default character vector vector "default"
#'   makes the response node red and the other nodes black.
#' @param ... further arguments
#' @return A lattice plot of the graph
#' @S3method grplot bvsresponse
#' @method grplot bvsresponse
grplot.bvsresponse <- function(x, col = "default", ...){
  stopifnot(class(x) == "bvsresponse")
  bvs <- as.bvs(x)
  response <- x$response
  nNodes <- x$nNodes
  if (col == "default"){
    col <- rep(1, nNodes) # 1 = black
    col[response] <- 2 # 2 = red
  grplot(bvs, col = col, ...)

#' Multi-page plot of nodeLevelPlots.
#' Creates a plot with a level plot for each variable, each of which is 
#' presented on a separate page.
#' @param parents An object of class 'parental'
#' @param rawdata A data frame.
#' @export
nodeLevelplot <- function(parents, rawdata){
  for (node in seq_along(parents)){
    grob <- grobNodeLevelPlot(node, parents, rawdata, strip.lines = 2,
                              strip.left.lines = 2, 
                              theme = standard.theme())
rjbgoudie/parental documentation built on May 27, 2019, 9:11 a.m.