#' Import V(D)J data
#' @param input Object containing single cell data, if set to NULL a data.frame
#' containing V(D)J results will be returned
#' @param vdj_dir Directory containing the output from cellranger vdj. A vector
#' or named vector can be given to load data from multiple runs. If a named
#' vector is given, the cell barcodes will be prefixed with the provided names.
#' This mimics the behavior of Seurat::Read10X().
#' @param prefix Prefix to add to new columns
#' @param data_cols Additional columns from filtered_contig_annotations.csv to
#' include in object.
#' @param filter_chains Only include chains with at least one productive and
#' full length contig.
#' @param filter_paired Only include clonotypes with paired chains. For TCR
#' data each clonotype must have at least one TRA and TRB chain, for BCR data
#' each clonotype must have at least one IGH chain and at least one IGK or IGL
#' chain.
#' @param define_clonotypes Define clonotype IDs based on V(D)J data. This is
#' useful if the V(D)J datasets being loaded do not have consistent clonotype
#' IDs, i.e., clonotype1 is not the same across samples. Possible values are:
#' - 'cdr3aa', define clonotypes based on the CDR3 amino acid sequence
#' - 'cdr3nt', define clonotypes based on the CDR3 nucleotide sequence
#' - 'cdr3_gene', define clonotypes based on the combination of the CDR3
#' nucleotide sequence and the V(D)J genes.
#' When defining clonotypes, only productive full length chains will be used.
#' Set to NULL (default) to use the clonotype IDs already present in the input
#' data.
#' @param include_mutations Include information about the number of
#' insertions/deletions/mismatches for each chain. This requires the
#' concat_ref.bam file from cellranger vdj to be present the directory provided
#' to vdj_dir. If include_mutations is TRUE, filter_chains is also
#' automatically set TRUE since indel data is only available for productive
#' chains.
#' @param include_constant If the constant region should be included in the
#' "all" mutation count. If TRUE, the constant region will be included in
#' the "all" mutation count and the length of the V + J + D + C regions
#' will be used to calculate the "all_freq". If FALSE (the default), any
#' mutations in the c region will not be counted in the "all" mutation count
#' and only the length of the V + J + D region will be used to calculate
#' the frequency.
#' @param aggr_dir Path to cellranger aggr output. To include mutation
#' information for each chain, also provide paths to the original cellranger
#' vdj output directories using the vdj_dir argument.
#' To correctly match cell barcodes to those in the object, gene expression
#' data for each sample must be loaded in the same order as the samples were
#' specified in the cellranger aggr config file. In addition, if loading
#' mutation data, sample paths provided to the vdj_dir argument must also be in
#' the same order as the samples were specified in the cellranger aggr config
#' file.
#' @param quiet If `TRUE` progress updates will not be displayed
#' @param sep Separator to use for storing per cell V(D)J data
#' @return Single cell object or data.frame with added V(D)J data
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @importFrom methods slot
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @examples
#' # Load GEX data
#' data_dir <- system.file("extdata/splen", package = "djvdj")
#' gex_dirs <- c(
#' BL6 = file.path(data_dir, "BL6_GEX/filtered_feature_bc_matrix"),
#' MD4 = file.path(data_dir, "MD4_GEX/filtered_feature_bc_matrix")
#' )
#' splen_so <- gex_dirs |>
#' Seurat::Read10X() |>
#' Seurat::CreateSeuratObject()
#' # Loading multiple datasets
#' # to ensure cell barcodes for the V(D)J data match those in the object
#' # load the datasets in the same order as the gene expression data
#' vdj_dirs <- c(
#' file.path(data_dir, "BL6_BCR"),
#' file.path(data_dir, "MD4_BCR")
#' )
#' res <- splen_so |>
#' import_vdj(vdj_dir = vdj_dirs)
#' head(slot(res, "meta.data"), 1)
#' # Specifying cell prefixes using vector names
#' # cell barcode prefixes can also be specified by passing a named vector
#' vdj_dirs <- c(
#' BL6 = file.path(data_dir, "BL6_BCR"),
#' MD4 = file.path(data_dir, "MD4_BCR")
#' )
#' res <- splen_so |>
#' import_vdj(vdj_dir = vdj_dirs)
#' head(slot(res, "meta.data"), 1)
#' # Only include V(D)J data for paired chains
#' res <- splen_so |>
#' import_vdj(
#' vdj_dir = vdj_dirs,
#' filter_paired = TRUE
#' )
#' head(slot(res, "meta.data"), 1)
#' # Defining clonotypes
#' # this is useful if the original clonotype IDs are not consistent across
#' # datasets, i.e. clonotype1 is not the same for all samples
#' res <- splen_so |>
#' import_vdj(
#' vdj_dir = vdj_dirs,
#' define_clonotypes = "cdr3_gene"
#' )
#' head(slot(res, "meta.data"), 1)
#' # Include mutation information for each chain
#' # this information will be included if the file concat_ref.bam is present
#' # including mutation information will cause data import to be slower
#' res <- splen_so |>
#' import_vdj(
#' vdj_dir = vdj_dirs,
#' include_mutations = TRUE
#' )
#' head(slot(res, "meta.data"), 1)
#' @export
import_vdj <- function(input = NULL, vdj_dir = NULL, prefix = "",
data_cols = NULL, filter_chains = TRUE,
filter_paired = FALSE, define_clonotypes = NULL,
include_mutations = FALSE, include_constant = FALSE,
aggr_dir = NULL, quiet = FALSE, sep = ";") {
# Set global variables based on prefix
global$chain_col <- paste0(prefix, "chains")
global$clonotype_col <- paste0(prefix, "clonotype_id")
global$cdr3_col <- paste0(prefix, "cdr3")
global$sep <- sep
# Check input classes
.check_args(data_cols = list(len_one = FALSE, allow_null = TRUE))
# Check input values
# vdj_dir or aggr_dir must be provided
load_aggr <- !is.null(aggr_dir)
if (is.null(vdj_dir) && !load_aggr) {
cli::cli_abort("`vdj_dir` or `aggr_dir` must be provided")
# Check that vdj_dir is also provided when loading mutation data for
# aggr results
if (load_aggr && is.null(vdj_dir) && include_mutations) {
"To include V(D)J mutation data when loading cellranger aggr results,
paths to the original cellranger vdj output directories must be
provided to the `vdj_dir` argument"
include_mutations <- FALSE
# When including indel data, only use productive full length chains
if (!filter_chains && include_mutations) {
filter_chains <- TRUE
"When `include_mutations` is `TRUE`, `filter_chains` is
automatically set `TRUE` since mutation data is only available for
productive chains"
# Sequence columns to include
# lengths will be calculated for these columns
# by default only include CDR3 sequences unless user specifies others
seq_cols <- c("fwr1", "cdr1", "fwr2", "cdr2", "fwr3", "cdr3", "fwr4")
seq_cols <- purrr::map(seq_cols, ~ c(.x, paste0(.x, "_nt")))
seq_cols <- purrr::reduce(seq_cols, c)
cdr3_cols <- grep("^cdr3", seq_cols, value = TRUE)
seq_cols <- seq_cols[seq_cols %in% c(cdr3_cols, data_cols)]
data_cols <- data_cols[!data_cols %in% seq_cols]
# V(D)J columns to include
gene_cols <- c("v_gene", "d_gene", "j_gene", "c_gene")
count_cols <- c("reads", "umis")
qc_cols <- c("productive", "full_length")
len_cols <- paste0(seq_cols, "_length")
# Columns containing per-cell info
cell_cols <- c("barcode", "clonotype_id", "paired")
# Optional aggr columns
aggr_cols <- c("donor", "origin")
# Columns containing per-chain info that needs to be collapsed for each cell
# user provided columns are included here
sep_cols <- c(
gene_cols, "chains",
seq_cols, count_cols,
data_cols <- data_cols[!data_cols %in% c(sep_cols, cell_cols, len_cols)]
sep_cols <- c(sep_cols, data_cols)
# Set cell barcode prefixes
# if input object is provided, must match barcodes
.add_progress_step("Loading V(D)J data", quiet = quiet)
if (!is.null(input)) {
bcs <- .get_meta(input)[[global$cell_col]]
prfx_df <- .extract_cell_prefix(bcs, strip_bcs = FALSE)
prfx_df <- dplyr::distinct(prfx_df, .data$prfx, .data$sfx)
prfxs <- prfx_df$prfx
sfxs <- prfx_df$sfx
if (!is.null(names(vdj_dir))) {
vdj_prfxs <- names(vdj_dir) <- paste0(names(vdj_dir), "_")
if (any(duplicated(prfxs))) {
"To match the provided cell prefixes ({vdj_prfxs}) with those
in the object ({prfxs}), the cell prefixes in the object
cannot be duplicated"
if (!all(names(vdj_dir) %in% prfxs)) {
"The provided cell prefixes ({vdj_prfxs}) do not match
those in the input object ({prfxs})"
sfxs <- sfxs[match(names(vdj_dir), prfxs)]
prfxs <- names(vdj_dir)
# If no prefixes, auto-generate, do not add prefix if only one sample
# Read10X() will add the prefix, "1_", "2_", "3_", etc. for each sample
} else if (!is.null(vdj_dir)) {
prfxs <- names(vdj_dir)
if (is.null(prfxs)) {
prfxs <- ""
if (length(vdj_dir) > 1) prfxs <- paste0(seq_along(vdj_dir), "_")
sfxs <- rep("-1", length(vdj_dir)) # for cellranger data sfx will be "-1"
} # for each sample
# Load V(D)J data and add cell prefixes
if (!is.null(aggr_dir)) {
cell_cols <- c(cell_cols, aggr_cols)
if (is.null(input)) prfxs <- sfxs <- NULL
contigs <- .load_aggr_data(aggr_dir, prfxs, sfxs)
contigs <- list(contigs)
} else {
contigs <- .load_vdj_data(vdj_dir, prfxs, sfxs)
# vdj_cols should have all columns that should be included in output
vdj_cols <- c(cell_cols, sep_cols)
# For genes replace NAs
# if a chain is missing a V(D)J segment, the gene name will be left empty
# when read into R this results in an NA
contigs <- purrr::map(contigs, ~ {
dplyr::mutate(.x, dplyr::across(
all_of(gene_cols), ~ tidyr::replace_na(.x, "None")
# Filter for productive full length chains
if (filter_chains) {
contigs <- purrr::map(contigs, dplyr::filter, !!!syms(qc_cols))
# Add indel info for each contig
# if indel data is included, always filter for productive contigs since most
# non-productive contigs are missing indel data
if (include_mutations) {
.check_packages("Rsamtools", db = "Bioconductor")
.add_progress_step("Calculating mutation frequencies", quiet = quiet)
# Fix contig_ids in contigs
contigs <- purrr::map(contigs, ~ {
contig_sfx = unlist(.str_extract_all(.data$contig_id, "_contig_[0-9]+$")),
contig_id = paste0(.data$barcode, .data$contig_sfx),
contig_sfx = NULL
# Load mutation data
indels <- .load_muts(
vdj_dir, prfxs, sfxs, include_constant = include_constant
if (!is.null(indels)) {
if (!is.null(aggr_dir)) indels <- list(dplyr::bind_rows(indels))
indel_cols <- names(indels[[1]])
indel_cols <- indel_cols[indel_cols != "contig_id"]
# Join indel data
# check that barcodes match
# if barcodes do not match, 0s will get added for mutation columns
indel_ctigs <- purrr::map2(
contigs, indels, dplyr::left_join, by = "contig_id",
relationship = "many-to-one"
purrr::walk2(contigs, indels, ~ {
if (any(!.y$contig_id %in% .x$contig_id)) {
"cell barcodes from concat_ref.bam and
filtered_contig_annotations.csv do not match"
# Replace NAs with 0s
# contigs that did not have any mutations will have NAs
indel_ctigs <- purrr::map(
~ mutate(.x, dplyr::across(
all_of(indel_cols), ~ tidyr::replace_na(.x, 0)
contigs <- indel_ctigs
count_cols <- c(count_cols, indel_cols)
sep_cols <- c(sep_cols, indel_cols)
vdj_cols <- c(vdj_cols, indel_cols)
# Classify input data as TCR or BCR
.add_progress_step("Formatting V(D)J data", quiet = quiet)
vdj_class <- purrr::map_chr(contigs, .classify_vdj)
vdj_class <- unique(vdj_class)
if (length(vdj_class) > 1) {
"Multiple data types detected ({vdj_class}), provided data must be
either TCR or BCR. To add both TCR and BCR data to the same object,
run {.fn import_vdj} separately for each and use the `prefix` argument to
add distinct column names."
# Identify paired chains
contigs <- purrr::map(contigs, .identify_paired, vdj_class)
# Calculate cell barcode overlap
# use map to check each sample separately
# bind contig data.frames
overlap_stats <- purrr::imap(contigs, ~ .calc_overlap(input, .x, .y))
if (all(purrr::map_chr(overlap_stats, ~ .x$Status) == "x")) {
"Cell barcodes do not match those in the object,
this will occur if you are loading the samples in the wrong order or are
providing the wrong cell barcode prefixes. If loading results
from `cellranger aggr`, check that gene expression data for each sample
was loaded into the object in the same order as the samples were
specified in the `cellranger aggr` config file."
contigs <- dplyr::bind_rows(contigs)
# Check for 'exact_subclonotype_id' columns, not included in all versions of
# cellranger
ex_sub_cols <- identical(vdj_class, "BCR") &&
"exact_subclonotype_id" %in% colnames(contigs)
if (ex_sub_cols) {
cell_cols <- c(cell_cols, "exact_subclonotype_id")
vdj_cols <- c(vdj_cols, "exact_subclonotype_id")
# Calculate sequence lengths
# report length 0 if there is no reported CDR3 sequence
contigs <- dplyr::mutate(
all_of(seq_cols), ~ ifelse(.x == "None", 0, nchar(.x)),
.names = "{.col}_length"
sep_cols <- c(sep_cols, len_cols)
vdj_cols <- c(vdj_cols, len_cols)
# Remove contigs that do not have an assigned clonotype_id
n_remove <- contigs$clonotype_id
n_remove <- n_remove[is.na(n_remove)]
n_remove <- length(n_remove)
if (n_remove > 0) {
"{n_remove} contig{?s} do not have an assigned clonotype_id,
these contigs will be removed"
contigs <- dplyr::filter(contigs, !is.na(.data$clonotype_id))
# Select V(D)J columns to keep
# check that all vdj_cols are in data
# some columns could be duplicated if also provided to data_cols argument
vdj_cols <- unique(vdj_cols)
.check_obj_cols(contigs, vdj_cols, list_avail = TRUE)
contigs <- dplyr::select(contigs, all_of(vdj_cols))
# Check for NAs in data, additional NAs would indicate malformed input
if (!all(stats::complete.cases(contigs))) {
.malformed_data_error("unexpected `NA`s are present")
# Check if sep is already present in sep_cols
sep <- .check_sep(contigs, sep_cols, sep)
# Sum contig reads, UMIs, and mutations for chains since some chains are
# supported by multiple contigs
# In the vloupe browser the UMI count is summed, but the summed read count
# and summed mutations do not always match
grp_cols <- vdj_cols[!vdj_cols %in% count_cols]
contigs <- dplyr::group_by(contigs, !!!syms(grp_cols))
contigs <- dplyr::summarize(
contigs, across(all_of(count_cols), sum), .groups = "drop"
# Filter paired chains
if (filter_paired) contigs <- dplyr::filter(contigs, .data$paired)
# Order chains and CDR3 sequences
# when rows are collapsed, the cdr3 sequences must be in the same order for
# every cell. This is required so the cdr3 columns can be used directly as
# the clonotype ID
contigs <- dplyr::arrange(
.data$barcode, .data$chains, .data$cdr3_nt
# Extract isotypes from c_gene for IGH chain (for BCR data only)
if (vdj_class %in% c("BCR", "Multi")) {
contigs <- .extract_isotypes(contigs)
cell_cols <- c(cell_cols, "isotype")
# Collapse chains into a single row for each cell
# include columns containing per-cell info groups so they are included in the
# summarized results
sep_cols <- sep_cols[!sep_cols %in% cell_cols]
contigs <- dplyr::group_by(contigs, !!!syms(cell_cols))
meta <- summarize(
~ paste0(as.character(.x), collapse = sep)
n_chains = n(),
.groups = "drop"
# Reorder columns
meta <- dplyr::relocate(meta, "paired", .after = "full_length")
meta <- dplyr::relocate(meta, all_of(len_cols), .after = last(seq_cols))
meta <- dplyr::relocate(meta, "n_chains", .after = "chains")
meta <- dplyr::relocate(meta, all_of(gene_cols), .after = last(len_cols))
if (vdj_class %in% c("BCR", "Multi")) {
meta <- dplyr::relocate(meta, "isotype", .after = last(gene_cols))
# Check for duplicated cell barcodes
if (any(duplicated(meta$barcode))) {
.malformed_data_error("some cell barcodes have multiple clonotype IDs")
# Allow user to redefine clonotypes
res <- tibble::column_to_rownames(meta, "barcode")
if (!is.null(define_clonotypes)) {
.add_progress_step("Defining clonotypes", quiet = quiet)
clone_cols <- list(
cdr3aa = "cdr3",
cdr3nt = "cdr3_nt",
cdr3_gene = c("cdr3_nt", gene_cols[gene_cols != "c_gene"])
if (!define_clonotypes %in% names(clone_cols)) {
"`define_clonotypes` must be {.or {names(clone_cols)}}"
clone_cols <- clone_cols[[define_clonotypes]]
filt_chains <- NULL
if (filter_chains) filt_chains <- qc_cols
res <- define_clonotypes(
res, data_cols = clone_cols, filter_chains = filt_chains
# Filter to only include cells with valid clonotype_id
# cells with missing clonotype have a clonotype_id of 'None'
res <- dplyr::filter(
.data$clonotype_id != "None", !is.na(.data$clonotype_id)
if (nrow(res) == 0) .malformed_data_error("no valid clonotypes present")
# Add prefix to V(D)J columns
res <- dplyr::rename_with(res, ~ paste0(prefix, .x))
# Add new meta.data to input object
res <- .merge_meta(input, res)
if (!quiet) .print_import_summary(overlap_stats)
#' Load V(D)J data
#' @param vdj_dir Directory containing the output from cellranger vdj. A vector
#' or named vector can be given to load data from several runs. If a named
#' vector is given, the cell barcodes will be prefixed with the provided names.
#' This mimics the behavior of the Read10X function found in the Seurat
#' package.
#' @param contig_file cellranger vdj output file containing data for each
#' contig annotation
#' @param chk_none Value of 'None' will be replaced with FALSE for the
#' specified columns and converted to logical
#' @return List containing one data.frame for each path provided to vdj_dir
#' @noRd
.load_vdj_data <- function(vdj_dir, cell_prfxs, cell_sfxs,
contig_file = "filtered_contig_annotations.csv",
chk_none = c("productive", "full_length")) {
col_spec <- readr::cols(
v_gene = readr::col_character(),
d_gene = readr::col_character(),
j_gene = readr::col_character(),
c_gene = readr::col_character()
# Check for file and return path
res <- purrr::map_chr(vdj_dir, .get_vdj_path, file = contig_file)
# Load data
res <- purrr::map(res, ~ {
col_types = col_spec,
progress = FALSE,
show_col_types = FALSE
# Replace 'None' in productive with FALSE
res <- purrr::map(res, ~ {
d <- dplyr::filter(.x, is_cell)
d <- .replace_none(d, chk_none)
d <- dplyr::rename(
chains = chain,
clonotype_id = raw_clonotype_id
# Format cell barcode prefixes
prfx_args <- list(
df_in = res,
cell_prfxs = cell_prfxs,
cell_sfxs = cell_sfxs
res <- purrr::pmap(prfx_args, ~ {
.format_cell_prefixes(..., bc_col = "barcode")
#' Load data from cellranger aggr
#' @param aggr_dir Directory containing the output from cellranger aggr
#' @param contig_file cellranger aggr output file containing data for each
#' contig annotation
#' @param chk_none Value of 'None' will be replaced with FALSE for the
#' specified columns and converted to logical
#' @return data.frame
#' @noRd
.load_aggr_data <- function(aggr_dir, cell_prfxs, cell_sfxs,
contig_file = "filtered_contig_annotations.csv",
chk_none = c("productive", "full_length")) {
col_spec <- readr::cols(
v_gene = readr::col_character(),
d_gene = readr::col_character(),
j_gene = readr::col_character(),
c_gene = readr::col_character()
# Check for file and return path
res <- .get_vdj_path(aggr_dir, file = contig_file)
# Load data
res <- readr::read_csv(
col_types = col_spec,
progress = FALSE,
show_col_types = FALSE
# Filter for contigs in cells
res <- dplyr::filter(res, .data$is_cell)
# Replace 'None' with FALSE for QC columns
res <- .replace_none(res, chk_none)
res <- dplyr::rename(res, chains = "chain", clonotype_id = "raw_clonotype_id")
# Format cell barcode prefixes
res <- .format_cell_prefixes(
bc_col = "barcode",
cell_prfxs = cell_prfxs,
cell_sfxs = cell_sfxs
#' Format cell barcode prefixes
#' @param df_in data.frame
#' @param bc_col Column containing cell barcodes
#' @param prfxs Named vector containing new cell prefixes
#' @return data.frame with formatted barcodes
#' @noRd
.format_cell_prefixes <- function(df_in, bc_col = "barcode", cell_prfxs,
cell_sfxs) {
if (is.null(cell_prfxs) || is.null(cell_sfxs)) return(df_in)
# Extract current cell prefixes
bcs <- df_in[[bc_col]]
prfx_df <- .extract_cell_prefix(bcs, strip_bcs = TRUE)
# Match old and new prefixes
new <- dplyr::distinct(prfx_df, .data$prfx, .data$sfx)
if (nrow(new) != length(cell_prfxs)) {
"The number of provided cell prefixes does not match the number of
unique prefixes present on barcodes"
new$new_prfx <- cell_prfxs
new$new_sfx <- cell_sfxs
prfx_df <- dplyr::left_join(prfx_df, new, by = c("prfx", "sfx"))
# Format cell barcodes
prfx_df <- dplyr::mutate(
prfx = ifelse(is.na(.data$new_prfx), .data$prfx, .data$new_prfx),
sfx = ifelse(is.na(.data$new_sfx), .data$sfx, .data$new_sfx),
bc = paste0(.data$prfx, .data$bc, .data$sfx)
df_in[[bc_col]] <- prfx_df$bc
.extract_cell_prefix <- function(bcs, strip_bcs, bc_len = 16) {
bc_re <- paste0("[ATGCN]{", bc_len, "}")
sep_re <- "[^[:alnum:]]"
p <- .extract_pattern(bcs, paste0("^.+", sep_re, "(?=", bc_re, ")"))
s <- .extract_pattern(bcs, paste0("(?<=", bc_re, ")", sep_re, ".+$"))
res <- tibble::tibble(
bc = bcs,
prfx = p,
sfx = s
# Would be nice to implement base R version of str_remove that accepts a
# vector of patterns
if (strip_bcs) {
res <- dplyr::mutate(
bc = stringr::str_remove(.data$bc, paste0("^", .data$prfx)),
bc = stringr::str_remove(.data$bc, paste0(.data$sfx, "$"))
.extract_pattern <- function(x, pattern) {
res <- .str_extract_all(x, pattern)
res <- purrr::map_chr(res, ~ ifelse(purrr::is_empty(.x), "", .x))
#' Replace 'None' with FALSE
#' @param df_in data.frame
#' @param clmns Columns to replace 'None' and convert to logical
#' @return data.frame
#' @noRd
.replace_none <- function(df_in, clmns) {
clmns <- clmns[!purrr::map_lgl(df_in[clmns], is.logical)]
if (purrr::is_empty(clmns)) return(df_in)
res <- dplyr::mutate(
dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(clmns), ~ {
as.logical(stringr::str_replace(.x, "^None$", "FALSE"))
#' Load mutation information for each contig
#' @param vdj_dir Directory containing the output from cellranger vdj. A vector
#' or named vector can be given to load data from several runs. If a named
#' vector is given, the cell barcodes will be prefixed with the provided names.
#' This mimics the behavior of the Read10X function found in the Seurat
#' package.
#' @param bam_file bam file from cellranger vdj containing alignment data
#' comparing each contig with the germline reference
#' @return List containing one data.frame for each path provided to vdj_dir
#' @noRd
.load_muts <- function(vdj_dir, cell_prfxs, cell_sfxs,
bam_file = "concat_ref.bam",
airr_file = "airr_rearrangement.tsv",
include_constant = FALSE) {
# Retrieve bam and airr file paths
file_paths <- c(bam = bam_file, airr = airr_file)
file_paths <- purrr::map(file_paths, ~ {
fl <- .x
purrr::map_chr(vdj_dir, .get_vdj_path, file = fl, warn = TRUE)
any_missing <- any(purrr::map_lgl(file_paths, ~ any(is.na(.x))))
if (any_missing) {
"To add mutation data to object {bam_file} and {airr_file}
must be present for all samples, check that these files are in the
provided directory paths, mutation data not added to object"
# Extract mutations from bam file
mut_coords <- purrr::map(file_paths$bam, .extract_mut_coords)
# Extract VDJ coords from AIRR
vdj_coords <- purrr::map(file_paths$airr, .extract_vdj_coords)
# Map mutations to VDJ segments
res <- purrr::map2(
mut_coords, vdj_coords,
.map_muts, include_constant = include_constant
# Extract cell barcode from contig_id
id_re <- "^.+(?=_contig_[0-9]+$)"
res <- purrr::map(
barcode = unlist(.str_extract_all(.data$contig_id, id_re))
# Format cell barcode prefixes
prfx_args <- list(
df_in = res,
cell_prfxs = cell_prfxs,
cell_sfxs = cell_sfxs
res <- purrr::pmap(prfx_args, .format_cell_prefixes, bc_col = "barcode")
res <- purrr::map(
contig_sfx = unlist(.str_extract_all(.data$contig_id, "_contig_[0-9]+$")),
contig_id = paste0(.data$barcode, .data$contig_sfx),
contig_sfx = NULL,
barcode = NULL
.extract_mut_coords <- function(bam_file) {
bam_info <- Rsamtools::scanBam(bam_file)[[1]]
wdths <- as.data.frame(bam_info$seq@ranges)$width
bam_info <- tibble::tibble(
cigar = bam_info$cigar,
contig_id = bam_info$qname,
len = wdths
bam_info <- dplyr::filter(bam_info, grepl("_contig_[0-9]+$", .data$contig_id))
# Get 0-based coordinates for mutations
# set width of deletion coordinates as 0
res <- dplyr::mutate(
n = .str_extract_all(.data$cigar, "[0-9]+(?=[^0-9])"),
type = .str_extract_all(.data$cigar, "(?<=[0-9])[^0-9]{1}")
res <- tidyr::unnest(res, all_of(c("n", "type")))
res <- dplyr::group_by(res, .data$contig_id)
res <- dplyr::mutate(
n = as.numeric(.data$n),
idx = ifelse(.data$type != "D", .data$n, 0),
end = cumsum(.data$idx),
start = lag(.data$end, default = 0)
res <- dplyr::ungroup(res)
res <- dplyr::filter(res, .data$type != "=")
res <- dplyr::select(
all_of(c("contig_id", "len", "start", "end", "type", "n"))
.extract_vdj_coords <- function(airr_file) {
col_spec <- readr::cols(
v_call = readr::col_character(),
v_cigar = readr::col_character(),
d_call = readr::col_character(),
d_cigar = readr::col_character(),
j_call = readr::col_character(),
j_cigar = readr::col_character(),
c_call = readr::col_character(),
c_cigar = readr::col_character(),
v_sequence_start = readr::col_double(),
v_sequence_end = readr::col_double(),
d_sequence_start = readr::col_double(),
d_sequence_end = readr::col_double(),
j_sequence_start = readr::col_double(),
j_sequence_end = readr::col_double(),
c_sequence_start = readr::col_double(),
c_sequence_end = readr::col_double()
airr <- readr::read_tsv(
col_types = col_spec,
progress = FALSE,
show_col_types = FALSE
# Pull V(D)J gene coordinates from AIRR file
# tidyr::extract is much faster than tidyr::separate
coord_cols_re <- "^([vdjc])(?=_).*(?<=_)(start|end)$"
res <- dplyr::select(
contig_id = "sequence_id",
dplyr::matches(coord_cols_re, perl = TRUE)
if (ncol(res) == 1) {
msg <- "columns containing V(D)J coordinates were not found in "
.malformed_data_error(paste0(msg, basename(airr_file)))
res <- tidyr::pivot_longer(res, -"contig_id")
res <- dplyr::filter(res, !is.na(.data$value))
res <- tidyr::extract(res, "name", c("seg", "pos"), coord_cols_re)
res <- tidyr::pivot_wider(res, names_from = "pos")
res <- dplyr::mutate(res,
start = .data$start - 1, len = .data$end - .data$start
res <- dplyr::select(
all_of(c("contig_id", "len", "start", "end", "seg"))
.map_muts <- function(mut_coords, vdj_coords, include_constant = FALSE) {
mut_key <- c(I = "ins", D = "del", X = "mis")
# Get the full length sequence of the vdj region with and without c region
vdj_coords <- dplyr::group_by(vdj_coords, .data$contig_id)
vdj_coords <- dplyr::mutate(
vdj_len = sum(.data$len[.data$seg != "c"]),
vdjc_len = sum(.data$len)
vdj_len_cols <- c("len", "vdj_len", "vdjc_len")
mut_coords <- dplyr::mutate(
type = dplyr::recode(.data$type, !!!mut_key)
# If no vdj_coords, return mutation totals
if (identical(vdj_coords, NA)) {
res <- tidyr::pivot_wider(
names_from = "type", values_from = "n", values_fill = 0
res <- dplyr::mutate(
across(starts_with("all_"), ~ .x / .data$len, .names = "{.col}_freq")
# Intersect mutations with VDJ gene coordinates for each contig
# some annotations from cellranger overlap each other!
# Example: AAACCTGAGAACTGTA-1_contig_1
# left_join + mutate is much faster than valr::bed_intersect, probably due
# to the extreme number of "chromosomes"
vdj_muts <- dplyr::left_join(
mut_coords, vdj_coords, by = "contig_id", suffix = c("", ".seg"),
relationship = "many-to-many"
vdj_muts <- dplyr::filter(
vdj_muts, .data$start < .data$end.seg & .data$end > .data$start.seg
vdj_muts <- dplyr::mutate(
len = .data$len.seg,
new_start = ifelse(
.data$start >= .data$start.seg, .data$start, .data$start.seg
new_end = ifelse(
.data$end <= .data$end.seg, .data$end, .data$end.seg
new_end = ifelse(
.data$type == mut_key[["D"]], .data$new_end + 1, .data$new_end
n = ifelse(
.data$type != mut_key[["D"]], .data$new_end - .data$new_start, .data$n
# Identify junction indels
jxn_muts <- filter(vdj_muts, .data$type %in% unname(mut_key[c("I", "D")]))
jxn_muts <- mutate(
seg = case_when(
.data$seg == "v" & .data$end.seg == .data$new_end ~ "vd",
.data$seg == "d" & .data$start.seg == .data$new_start ~ "vd",
.data$seg == "d" & .data$end.seg == .data$new_end ~ "dj",
.data$seg == "j" & .data$start.seg == .data$new_start ~ "dj",
TRUE ~ as.character(NA)
jxn_muts <- dplyr::filter(jxn_muts, !is.na(.data$seg))
jxn_muts <- dplyr::select(jxn_muts, -"len")
vdj_muts <- bind_rows(vdj_muts, jxn_muts)
# Summarize mutation counts for each segment for each contig
vdj_muts <- dplyr::group_by(
vdj_muts, .data$contig_id, !!!syms(vdj_len_cols), .data$type, .data$seg
vdj_muts <- dplyr::summarize(vdj_muts, n = sum(.data$n), .groups = "drop")
# Summarize total mutations and total length per contig
# for each mutation type, sum total for v, d, j, and c segments, exclude jxns
all_muts <- dplyr::filter(vdj_muts, !.data$seg %in% c("vd", "dj"))
if (include_constant) {
vdj_len_col <- "vdjc_len"
} else {
all_muts <- dplyr::filter(all_muts, .data$seg != "c")
vdj_len_col <- "vdj_len"
all_muts <- dplyr::group_by(
all_muts, !!!syms(c("contig_id", "type", vdj_len_col))
all_muts <- dplyr::summarize(
n = sum(.data$n),
seg = "all",
.groups = "drop"
vdj_muts <- dplyr::bind_rows(vdj_muts, all_muts)
res <- tidyr::unite(
vdj_muts, "type", all_of(c("seg", "type")), sep = "_"
# Set final output columns
freq_cols <- mut_cols <- c("v", "d", "j", "c", "all")
jxn_cols <- c("vd", "dj")
mut_cols <- purrr::map(mut_cols, paste0, "_", mut_key)
mut_cols <- purrr::reduce(mut_cols, c)
jxn_cols <- purrr::map(jxn_cols, paste0, "_", unname(mut_key[c("I", "D")]))
jxn_cols <- purrr::reduce(jxn_cols, c)
mut_cols <- c(mut_cols, jxn_cols)
freq_cols <- purrr::map_chr(freq_cols, paste0, "_", mut_key[["X"]])
# Calculate mismatch frequency
freq <- dplyr::filter(res, .data$type %in% freq_cols)
freq <- dplyr::mutate(
n = round(.data$n / !!sym(vdj_len_col), digits = 6),
type = paste0(.data$type, "_freq"),
len = NULL
res <- dplyr::bind_rows(res, freq)
res <- dplyr::select(res, -dplyr::all_of(vdj_len_cols))
res <- tidyr::pivot_wider(
names_from = "type",
values_from = "n",
values_fill = 0
# Check for duplicated rows, should be 1 row per contig_id
if (any(duplicated(res$contig_id))) {
cli::cli_abort("Some contigs have duplicated stats", .internal = TRUE)
# Add 0s for missing columns and set column order
# these are segments with no mutations for any chain
mut_cols <- c(mut_cols, paste0(freq_cols, "_freq"))
missing_cols <- mut_cols[!mut_cols %in% names(res)]
res[, missing_cols] <- 0
res <- res[, c("contig_id", mut_cols)]
#' Check for V(D)J data file in provided directory
#' @param vdj_dir Directory containing the output from cellranger vdj
#' @param file Name of cellranger vdj output file
#' @param warn When the file is not found display a warning message instead of
#' an error
#' @return path to cellranger vdj output file
#' @noRd
.get_vdj_path <- function(vdj_dir, file, warn = FALSE) {
path <- file.path(vdj_dir, file)
if (!file.exists(path)) path <- paste0(path, ".gz")
if (!file.exists(path)) path <- NA
if (is.na(path)) {
fn <- cli::cli_abort
if (warn) fn <- cli::cli_warn
if (!file.exists(vdj_dir)) {
fn("{.file {vdj_dir}} does not exist")
} else {
fn("{file} not found in {.file {vdj_dir}}")
#' Check for separator in data.frame
#' @param df_in data.frame
#' @param sep_cols Names of columns to check for sep, if `NULL` all columns
#' will be checked
#' @param sep Separator to use for storing V(D)J data
#' @param n_rows Number of rows to use for checking
#' @param return_names Should the names of columns containing `sep` be returned,
#' if `FALSE`, a logical vector will be returned
#' @return Separator with white space stripped
#' @noRd
.check_sep <- function(df_in, sep_cols, sep) {
if (is.null(sep_cols)) sep_cols <- colnames(df_in)
if (is.null(sep)) return(sep)
if (!is.character(sep)) cli::cli_abort("`sep` must be a character")
# Strip whitespace from sep
sep <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", sep)
if (identical(sep, "")) cli::cli_abort("`sep` cannot be a blank string")
sep_cols <- .detect_sep(df_in, sep_cols, sep)
if (!is.null(sep_cols)) {
"The string '{sep}' is already present in the input data,
select a different value for `sep`"
.detect_sep <- function(df_in, sep_cols, sep, n_rows = NULL,
return_names = TRUE) {
if (is.null(sep_cols)) return(FALSE)
df_in <- dplyr::select(df_in, all_of(sep_cols))
res <- stats::na.omit(df_in)
if (!is.null(n_rows)) res <- utils::head(res, n_rows)
res <- grepl(sep, res, fixed = TRUE)
if (return_names) {
if (any(res)) res <- colnames(df_in)[res]
else res <- NULL
#' Determine whether TCR or BCR data were provided
#' @param df_in data.frame containing V(D)J data formatted so that each row
#' represents a single contig
#' @param chain_col Column in input data containing chain identity
#' @return Character string indicating whether TCR or BCR data were provided
#' @noRd
.classify_vdj <- function(df_in, chain_col = "chains") {
chains <- list(
"TCR" = c("TRA", "TRB", "TRD", "TRG"),
"BCR" = c("IGH", "IGK", "IGL")
n_chains <- purrr::imap(chains, ~ purrr::set_names(rep(.y, length(.x)), .x))
n_chains <- purrr::flatten(n_chains)
# Classify chains
# remove values that do not match, such as chains with "None"
n_chains <- n_chains[df_in[[chain_col]]]
n_chains <- n_chains[!is.na(names(n_chains))]
n_chains <- table(as.character(n_chains))
# Error if no chains match
if (purrr::is_empty(n_chains)) {
chains <- unlist(chains, use.names = FALSE)
"None of the expected chains ({.or {chains}}) were found,
unable to determine whether TCR or BCR data were provided"
# Calculate fraction of BCR/TCR chains
# set type if >50% match
res <- n_chains / sum(n_chains)
res <- names(res[res > 0.5])
if (purrr::is_empty(res)) {
res <- "Multi"
n_bcr <- n_chains[["BCR"]]
n_tcr <- n_chains[["TCR"]]
"Equal number of BCR ({n_bcr}) and TCR ({n_tcr}) chains detected, unable
to determine data type"
#' Check cell barcode overlap with object
#' @param input Single cell object
#' @param meta meta.data to check against object
#' @param nm Sample name to use for messages
#' @param pct_min Warn user if the percent overlap is less than pct_min
#' @return input data
#' @noRd
.calc_overlap <- function(input, meta, nm, pct_min = 25) {
met_dat <- dplyr::distinct(meta, .data$barcode, .data$paired)
met_cells <- met_dat$barcode
n_met_cells <- length(met_cells)
n_met_pair <- length(met_cells[met_dat$paired])
if (is.null(input)) {
n_obj_cells <- n_overlap <- pct_overlap <- NA
} else {
obj_meta <- .get_meta(input)
obj_cells <- obj_meta[[global$cell_col]]
n_obj_cells <- length(obj_cells)
n_overlap <- length(obj_cells[obj_cells %in% met_cells])
pct_overlap <- round(n_overlap / n_met_cells, 2) * 100
status <- dplyr::case_when(
n_overlap == 0 ~ "x",
pct_overlap < pct_min ~ "!",
TRUE ~ "v"
res <- list(
"Status" = status,
"Sample" = nm,
"# cells" = n_obj_cells,
"# VDJ" = n_met_cells,
"# paired" = n_met_pair,
"# overlap" = n_overlap,
"% overlap" = pct_overlap
.print_import_summary <- function(stats) {
stats <- purrr::map(stats, ~ purrr::map(.x, ~ {
if (is.na(.x)) .x <- "NA"
stats <- purrr::map(stats, ~ {
names(.x)[names(.x) == "Sample"] <- "\u00a0"
# Calculate maximum char width for header and values in each column
# exclude sample from header
clmn_wdth <- dplyr::bind_rows(stats)
clmn_wdth <- purrr::imap(clmn_wdth, ~ max(nchar(c(.x, .y))))
nms <- names(clmn_wdth)
nms <- nms[nms != "Status"]
# Format header
header <- purrr::map2(nms, clmn_wdth[nms], .add_padding)
header <- paste0(header, collapse = "\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0")
header <- paste0("\u00a0\u00a0", header, "\u00a0")
# Format rows
purrr::walk(stats, ~ {
rw <- .x[nms]
add_pct <- grepl("^%", names(rw)) & unname(rw) != "NA"
rw[add_pct] <- paste0(rw[add_pct], "%")
rw <- purrr::map2(rw, clmn_wdth[names(rw)], .add_padding)
rw[add_pct] <- cli::col_blue(rw[add_pct])
res <- paste0(rw, collapse = " | ")
names(res) <- .x$Status
.add_padding <- function(x, n) {
n_pad <- n - nchar(x)
pad <- paste0(rep("\u00a0", n_pad), collapse = "")
res <- paste0(pad, x)
#' Identify clonotypes with paired chains
#' @param df_in data.frame containing V(D)J data formatted so each row
#' represents a single contig
#' @return Input data.frame with paired column added
#' @noRd
.identify_paired <- function(df_in, vdj_class) {
res <- dplyr::group_by(df_in, .data$barcode)
if (identical(vdj_class, "TCR")) {
res <- dplyr::mutate(
paired = all(c("TRA", "TRB") %in% .data$chains)
} else if (identical(vdj_class, "BCR")) {
res <- dplyr::mutate(
paired = "IGH" %in% .data$chains & any(c("IGL", "IGK") %in% .data$chains)
} else {
res <- dplyr::mutate(res, paired = FALSE)
res <- dplyr::ungroup(res)
#' Add isotypes to V(D)J data
#' @param df_in data.frame containing V(D)J data formatted so each row
#' represents a single contig
#' @param iso_col Column containing data to use for extracting isotypes
#' @param chain_col Column in input data containing chain identity
#' @return Input data.frame with isotype column added
#' @noRd
.extract_isotypes <- function(df_in, iso_col = "c_gene", chain_col = "chains") {
# Pull data for isotypes
isos <- df_in[[iso_col]]
chains <- df_in[[chain_col]]
idx <- chains == "IGH" & isos != "None"
isos[idx] <- substr(isos[idx], 1, 4)
isos[!idx] <- as.character(NA)
# Identify cells with multiple isotypes
iso_df <- df_in[, c("barcode", iso_col)]
iso_df[iso_col] <- isos
iso_df <- dplyr::distinct(iso_df, .data$barcode, .data$c_gene)
iso_df <- stats::na.omit(iso_df)
dups <- iso_df$barcode
dups <- dups[duplicated(dups)]
# Add isotypes to meta.data
iso_df <- mutate(
isotype = ifelse(.data$barcode %in% dups, "Multi", !!sym(iso_col))
isos <- purrr::set_names(
res <- mutate(
isotype = unname(isos[.data$barcode]),
isotype = tidyr::replace_na(.data$isotype, "None")
#' Add cli progress step
#' @param msg Message for progress step
#' @param quiet If `TRUE` do nothing, if `FALSE` add progress step
#' @param envir Environment to set progress step
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to cli::cli_progress_step()
#' @noRd
.add_progress_step <- function(msg, quiet = FALSE, envir = parent.frame(),
...) {
if (!quiet) cli::cli_progress_step(msg, .envir = envir, ...)
#' Malformed data error
#' @noRd
.malformed_data_error <- function(msg, call = NULL) {
"Malformed input data, {msg}. Did you modify the `cellranger` output
files? {.fn import_vdj} requires files that are in the format generated by
If you are having trouble loading your data, please file an issue at
{.url https://github.com/rnabioco/djvdj/issues}.",
call = call
#' Define clonotypes based on V(D)J data
#' This will assign new clonotype IDs based on the combination of values
#' present in the provided columns
#' @param input Single cell object or data.frame containing V(D)J data. If a
#' data.frame is provided, the cell barcodes should be stored as row names.
#' @param data_cols meta.data columns containing V(D)J data to use for defining
#' clonotypes
#' @param clonotype_col Name of column to use for storing clonotype IDs
#' @param filter_chains Column(s) to use for filtering chains prior to defining
#' clonotypes (e.g. productive, full_length). The column(s) must contain TRUE
#' or FALSE for each chain. If NULL, all chains are used when defining
#' clonotypes.
#' @param sep Separator used for storing per cell V(D)J data
#' @return Single cell object or data.frame with added clonotype IDs
#' @examples
#' # Define clonotypes using the CDR3 nucleotide sequence
#' res <- define_clonotypes(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_cols = "cdr3_nt"
#' )
#' head(slot(res, "colData"), 1)
#' # Define clonotypes based on the combination of the CDR3 nucleotide sequence
#' # and the V and J genes
#' res <- define_clonotypes(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_cols = c("cdr3_nt", "v_gene", "j_gene")
#' )
#' head(slot(res, "colData"), 1)
#' # Modify the name of the column used to store clonotype IDs
#' res <- define_clonotypes(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_cols = "cdr3_nt",
#' clonotype_col = "NEW_clonotype_id"
#' )
#' head(slot(res, "colData"), 1)
#' # When defining clonotypes only use chains that are productive
#' res <- define_clonotypes(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_cols = "cdr3_nt",
#' filter_chains = "productive"
#' )
#' head(slot(res, "colData"), 1)
#' @export
define_clonotypes <- function(input, data_cols, clonotype_col = "clonotype_id",
filter_chains = c("productive", "full_length"),
sep = global$sep) {
# Check that columns are present in object
.check_obj_cols(input, data_cols, filter_chains)
# Check input classes
.check_args(filter_chains = list(Class = "character", len_one = FALSE))
# Get meta.data
# overwrite exising clonotype_col if it has the same name
meta <- .get_meta(input)
meta <- dplyr::select(meta, -any_of(clonotype_col))
all_cols <- c(data_cols, filter_chains)
# Remove cells with NAs for any data_cols
vdj <- dplyr::filter(
dplyr::if_all(dplyr::all_of(all_cols), ~ !is.na(.x))
vdj <- dplyr::select(vdj, all_of(c(global$cell_col, all_cols)))
# Only use values in data_cols that are TRUE for all filter_chains columns
# first identify contigs TRUE for all filter_chains columns
# subset each data_cols column based on .clone_idx
if (!is.null(filter_chains)) {
clmns <- syms(filter_chains)
vdj <- tibble::column_to_rownames(vdj, global$cell_col)
vdj <- mutate_vdj(
.clone_idx = list(purrr::reduce(list(!!!clmns), ~ .x & .y)),
~ paste0(.x[.data$.clone_idx], collapse = ""),
.names = ".clone_{.col}"
clonotype_col = NULL,
data_cols = all_cols
data_cols <- paste0(".clone_", data_cols)
vdj <- .get_meta(vdj)
# Add new clonotype IDs
vdj <- dplyr::mutate(
.new_clone = paste(!!!syms(data_cols), sep = ""),
.new_id = rank(.data$.new_clone, ties.method = "min"),
!!sym(clonotype_col) := ifelse(
.data$.new_clone == "", "None", paste0("clonotype", .data$.new_id)
# Add new clonotype IDs to meta.data
vdj <- dplyr::select(vdj, all_of(c(global$cell_col, clonotype_col)))
meta <- dplyr::left_join(meta, vdj, by = global$cell_col)
res <- .add_meta(input, meta)
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