
Defines functions `pipe.BuildCellTypeGeneAssociation`

# pipe.BuildCellTypeGeneAssociation.R -- turn a CellType TargetMatrix and a DE MetaResults result
#					into the mapping from genes to cell types.
#		Note that Gene to Cell Type mappings are now based on maximal Expression results,
#		no longer on just differential expression results.  They are usually the same but need not be.

`pipe.BuildCellTypeGeneAssociation` <- function( reference=NULL, folderName="", optionsFile="Options.txt",
						results.path=NULL, min.fold=0.1, min.expression=1.0) {

	speciesID <- getCurrentSpecies()
	prefix <- getCurrentSpeciesFilePrefix()
	# use the target matrix of gene expression from the same reference as the starting data
	if ( is.null( reference)) stop( "'reference' argument of a cell type target matrix must be specified")
	CellTypeSetup( reference=reference, optionsFile=optionsFile)
	targetM <- getCellTypeMatrix()
	cellNames <- colnames(targetM)
	geneNames <- rownames(targetM)
	NG <- nrow(targetM)
	NC <- ncol(targetM)

	# use the DE results folder path, to extract all the DE details we want for every gene
	if ( is.null( results.path)) {
		results.path <- getOptionValue( optionsFile, "results.path", notfound="results", verbose=F)
	de.path <- file.path( results.path, "MetaResults", paste( prefix, folderName, sep="."))
	if ( ! file.exists( de.path)) {
		cat( "\nError:  unable to find the MetaResults folder: ", de.path)
	deFiles <- dir( de.path, pattern=paste( prefix, "Meta.UP.txt$", sep="."), full.name=T)
	if ( ! length( deFiles)) {
		cat( "\nError:  unable to find any 'Meta.UP.txt' DE results files")
	deNames <- sub( paste( ".", prefix, ".Meta.UP.txt", sep=""), "", basename(deFiles))
	if ( !all( cellNames %in% deNames)) {
		cat( "\nError:  failed to find all Cell Type names in DE results: ")
		cat( "\n  Missing: ", setdiff( cellNames, deNames))

	# local function that does all the extraction work per cell type file...
	extractGeneCellRanks <- function( defile, min.fold=0.1, min.expression=1.0) {

		# Collect genes that are up-regulated, using thresholds for both DE fold and expression level
		# extract the cell type terms from the filename
		myCellType <- sub( paste( ".", prefix, ".Meta.UP.txt", sep=""), "", basename(defile))

		# skip any that do not belong to the target
		if ( ! (myCellType %in% cellNames)) {
			cat( "\nWarning:  skipping DE results not in target matrix: ", myCellType)

		tbl <- read.delim( defile, as.is=T)
		myGenes <- shortGeneName( tbl$GENE_ID, keep=1)
		fold <- tbl$LOG2FOLD
		if ( myCellType %in% colnames(tbl)) {
			expres <- tbl[[ myCellType]]
		} else {
			cat( "\nError:  column of gene expression not found in DE file.  Looked for: ", myCellType,
				" in file: ", basename(defile))

		# we only want those real genes that are UP and expressed high enough
		keep <- which( fold >= min.fold)
		keep2 <- which( expres >= min.expression)
		nonGenes <- grep( "(ng)", tbl$GENE_ID, fixed=T)
		keep <- sort( setdiff( intersect(keep,keep2), nonGenes))
		if ( length(keep) < 10) {
			cat( "\nWarning: too few genes expressed and up-regulated.  Check DE file:\n", defile)

		out <- data.frame( "GENE_ID"=myGenes[keep], "CellType"=myCellType, 
				"Expression"=expres[keep], "Log2Fold"=round( fold[keep], digits=3), 
				"Pvalue"=tbl$AVG_PVALUE[keep], "Rank"=1:length(keep), 
		# never let any duplicates stay
		dups <- which( duplicated( out$GENE_ID))
		if ( length(dups)) out <- out[ -dups, ]

		cat( "\n", i, myCellType, nrow(out))
		return( out)

	getManualGeneFixes <- function() {

		cat( "\nManually fixing hemoglobins, etc...")
		# since we filter out hemoglobin, it may not even be seen here
		hgbNames <- c( "HBA1", "HBA2", "HBB", "HBBP1", "HBD", "HBE1", "HBG1",  
					"HBG2", "HBM", "HBQ1", "HBZ", "HBZP1")
		if ( speciesID %in% MAMMAL_SPECIES && speciesID != "Hs_grc") {
			hgbNames <- ortholog( hgbNames, from="Hs_grc", to=speciesID)
			hgbNames <- setdiff( hgbNames, "")
			if ( ! length(hgbNames)) return( data.frame())
		smlDF <- data.frame( "GENE_ID"=hgbNames, "CellType"="RBC", 
					"Expression"=100, "Log2Fold"=10, 
					"Pvalue"=1e-10, "Rank"=1, 
		return( smlDF)
	# end of local functions..

	# OK, run the gene collector
	cat( "\nExtracting Gene cell types from DE folder: ", de.path)
	ans <- data.frame()
	for ( i in 1:length( deFiles)) {
		sml <- extractGeneCellRanks( deFiles[i], min.fold=min.fold, min.expression=min.expression)
		if( ! is.null(sml) && nrow(sml)) ans <- rbind( ans, sml)

	# apply manual currated fixes, like for HGB
	if (speciesID %in% MAMMAL_SPECIES && all( c("RBC") %in% cellNames)) {
		sml <- getManualGeneFixes()
		if( nrow(sml)) ans <- rbind( ans, sml)
	# only keep those genes that are in the target matrix
	keep <- which( ans$GENE_ID %in% geneNames)
	ans <- ans[ keep, ]

	# now we can factor on the gene name, and find which cell type(s) is best for each gene
	cat( "\nSelecting best cell type(s) for each gene..")
	geneFac <- factor( ans$GENE_ID)
	ansPct <- rep.int( NA, nrow(ans))

	# use the global gene expression data where possible
	pctM <- matrix( 0, nrow(targetM), ncol(targetM))
	rownames(pctM) <- rownames(targetM)
	colnames(pctM) <- colnames(targetM)
	for ( i in 1:nrow(targetM)) { x <- targetM[ i, ]; pctM[ i, ] <- round( x * 100 / sum(x), digits=1)}

	# define some minimum metrics about if a gene can be called cell associated
	MIN_PCT <- 100 / NC * 2
	MIN_PCT_ANY <- 100 / (NC-1)

	bestAnsRows <- tapply( 1:nrow(ans), geneFac, function(x) {

			myExpress <- round( ans$Expression[x], digits=1)
			myFolds <- ans$Log2Fold[x]
			myPvals <- ans$Pvalue[x]
			myRanks <- ans$Rank[x]
			myCells <- ans$CellType[x]
			myPcts <- round( myExpress * 100 / sum(myExpress,na.rm=T), digits=1)
			# whenever possible, use the global expression and Percentage data to know these key details
			myGene <- ans$GENE_ID[x[1]]
			whereGene <- match( myGene, geneNames, nomatch=0)
			if ( whereGene > 0) {
				whereCell <- match( myCells, cellNames)
				myExpress <- targetM[ whereGene, whereCell]
				myPcts <- pctM[ whereGene, whereCell]
			# save those pcts, and order by expression, more than by fold change alone
			ansPct[ x] <<- myPcts
			myOrder <- order( myExpress, myFolds, decreasing=T)

			# allow a gene to record more than one cell type?
			# and if not at least 2x the expected background, skip it completely
			# Let's be a bit looser here, such that if not over the threshold perhaps return the one highest anyway
			if ( max(myPcts) < MIN_PCT) {
				if ( max(myPcts) > MIN_PCT_ANY) {
					return( x[ myOrder[1]])
				return( 0)

			# if any above the minimum, send back all that are
			keep <- which( myPcts >= MIN_PCT)
			myOrder <- order( myExpress[keep], myFolds[keep], decreasing=T)
			return( x[ keep[ myOrder]])
	# store this Pct by cell type data into the global version
	ans$PctExpression <- round( ansPct)

	# might have a list now, so revert to a vector
	bestAnsRows <- unlist( bestAnsRows)

	# extract the subset of the big answer, that is just the best cell type(s) of each
	geneCellTypes <- ans[ bestAnsRows, ]
	ord <- order( toupper( geneCellTypes$GENE_ID))
	geneCellTypes <- geneCellTypes[ ord, ]

	# don't let certain junk get through...
	drops <- which( geneCellTypes$GENE_ID == "")
	if ( length(drops)) geneCellTypes <- geneCellTypes[ -drops, ]
	rownames(geneCellTypes) <- 1:nrow(geneCellTypes)

	# give it the final object name
	# .CSV ruins Human gene names!!
	cat( "\nSaving gene association results..")
	finalFile <- paste( prefix, reference, "GeneAssociation.txt", sep=".")
	write.table( geneCellTypes, finalFile, sep="\t", quote=F, row.names=F)
	finalFile <- paste( prefix, reference, "GeneAssociation.rda", sep=".")
	save( geneCellTypes, file=finalFile)

	# also save orthologged versions for our other systems
	saveTypes <- geneCellTypes
	saveGenes <- geneCellTypes$GENE_ID
	orthoSpecies <- orthoPrefix <- vector()
	if ( speciesID %in% MAMMAL_SPECIES) {
		orthoSpecies <- MAMMAL_SPECIES
		orthoPrefix <- MAMMAL_PREFIXES
	} else if ( speciesID %in% PARASITE_SPECIES) {
		orthoSpecies <- PARASITE_SPECIES
		orthoPrefix <- PARASITE_PREFIXES
	} else if ( speciesID %in% BACTERIA_SPECIES) {
		orthoSpecies <- BACTERIA_SPECIES
		orthoPrefix <- BACTERIA_PREFIXES

	if ( length( orthoSpecies) > 0) {
		cat( "\nOrthologging gene associations..")
		for (j in 1:length(orthoSpecies)) {
			destSpecies <- orthoSpecies[j]
			if ( destSpecies == speciesID) next
			destGenes <- ortholog( saveGenes, from=speciesID, to=destSpecies)
			keep <- which( destGenes != "")
			if ( length(keep) < 10) { 
				cat( "\n ", destSpecies, "  Too few ortholog genes..  Skip.")
			geneCellTypes <- saveTypes[ keep, ]
			geneCellTypes$GENE_ID <- destGenes[keep]
			# orthologging could induce duplicates
			key <- paste( geneCellTypes$GENE_ID, geneCellTypes$CellType, sep=":")
			geneCellTypes <- geneCellTypes[ ! duplicated( key), ]
			# revert to alphabetical gene ordering
			geneCellTypes <- geneCellTypes[ order( geneCellTypes$GENE_ID, -geneCellTypes$Expression), ]
			rownames(geneCellTypes) <- 1:nrow(geneCellTypes)
			cat( "\n ", destSpecies, "  N_Genes =", length( unique( geneCellTypes$GENE_ID)))
			save( geneCellTypes, file=paste( orthoPrefix[j], reference, "GeneAssociation.rda", sep="."))

	# all done
	geneCellTypes <- saveTypes
	setCurrentSpecies( speciesID)

	# also make a "allGeneSets" gene set version that keeps all genes
	# Refine this idea a bit, to put an upper limit on how many genes can be in each cell type
	# and a minimum fold change to be in the gene set
	max.genes <- nrow(targetM) / NC
	# and only use the top cell type for each gene, so no gene ends up in 2+ groups
	firstGeneRow <- which( ! duplicated( geneCellTypes$GENE_ID))
	cat( "\nMaking Gene Sets object..")
	allGeneSets <- tapply( firstGeneRow, factor( geneCellTypes$CellType[firstGeneRow]), function(x) {

			#order by fold change vs other cell types
			myFold <- geneCellTypes$Log2Fold[x]
			myExpress <- geneCellTypes$Expression[x]
			myGenes <- geneCellTypes$GENE_ID[x]
			keep <- which( myFold >= min.fold & myExpress >= min.expression)
			myFold <- myFold[keep]
			myExpress <- myExpress[keep]
			myGenes <- myGenes[keep]
			ord <- order( myFold, myExpress, decreasing=T)
			finalGenes <- myGenes[ord]
			if ( length(finalGenes) > max.genes) finalGenes <- finalGenes[ 1:max.genes]
			return( unique( finalGenes))
	# append the gene counts to the names for each gene set, then save it
	for ( k in 1:length(allGeneSets)) { 
		ng <- length( allGeneSets[[k]]); 
		newname <- paste( names(allGeneSets)[k], " (N=", ng, ")", sep="")
		names(allGeneSets)[k] <- newname
	save( allGeneSets, file=paste( prefix, reference, "AllGeneSets.rda", sep="."))

	# and make orthologged versions of the gene sets too...
	saveGeneSets <- allGeneSets
	if ( length( orthoSpecies) > 0) {
		cat( "\nOrthologging gene sets..")
		for (j in 1:length(orthoSpecies)) {
			destSpecies <- orthoSpecies[j]
			if ( destSpecies == speciesID) next
			allGeneSets <- saveGeneSets
			for ( k in 1:length(allGeneSets)) {
				destGenes <- ortholog( allGeneSets[[k]], from=speciesID, to=destSpecies)
				destGenes <- setdiff( destGenes, c("", " "))
				allGeneSets[[k]] <- destGenes
			# append the gene counts to the names for each gene set, then save it
			for ( k in 1:length(allGeneSets)) { 
				ng <- length( allGeneSets[[k]]); 
				oldname <- sub( " \\(N=.+", "", names(allGeneSets)[k])
				newname <- paste( oldname, " (N=", ng, ")", sep="")
				names(allGeneSets)[k] <- newname
			finalFile <- paste( orthoPrefix[j], reference, "AllGeneSets.rda", sep=".")
			cat( "\n ", destSpecies, "  N_Genes =", length( unique( unlist( allGeneSets))))
			save( allGeneSets, file=finalFile)


	# when all done, restore the human answer
	allGeneSets <- saveGeneSets
	# last item is to make the 'Top N' gene sets, where we highlight small numbers of the most cell type specific genes
	smallSetCounts <- if ( nrow( targetM) > 15000) c(25,50,100,250,500) else c(5,10,25,50,100)
	if ( length( orthoSpecies) > 0) {
		cat( "\nBuilding 'Top N' gene sets..")
		for (j in 1:length(orthoSpecies)) {
			thisSpecies <- orthoSpecies[j]
			thisPrefix <- orthoPrefix[j]
			genesFile <- paste( thisPrefix, reference, "GeneAssociation.rda", sep=".")
			if ( ! file.exists( genesFile)) next
			genesetFile <- paste( thisPrefix, reference, "AllGeneSets.rda", sep=".")
			load( genesFile, envir=environment())
			load( genesetFile, envir=environment())

			# make small sets from each large set
			smallGeneSets <- vector( mode="list")
			nSmall <- 0
			for ( k in 1:length(allGeneSets)) {
				bigSet <- allGeneSets[[k]]
				bigName <- names(allGeneSets)[k]
				# get those genes from the gene association data
				wh <- match( bigSet, geneCellTypes$GENE_ID)
				bigDF <- geneCellTypes[ wh, ]
				# use the DE ranks for ordering within the cell type
				ord <- order( bigDF$Rank)
				bigDF <- bigDF[ ord, ]
				for (n in smallSetCounts) {
					# do we not make 'top N' gene sets if there are not enough genes?
					# no, lets make them anyway, with too few genes, just so all tools
					# that look for a 'top 100' find some data object, instead of it being missing
					#if ( n > nrow(bigDF)) next
					gNow <- bigDF$GENE_ID[ 1:min(n,nrow(bigDF))]
					nSmall <- nSmall + 1
					smallGeneSets[[nSmall]] <- gNow
					names(smallGeneSets)[nSmall] <- paste( bigName, ": top ", n, " genes", sep="")
			allGeneSets <- smallGeneSets
			finalFile <- paste( thisPrefix, reference, "TopGeneSets.rda", sep=".")
			cat( "\n ", thisSpecies, "  N_Genes =", length( unique( unlist( allGeneSets))))
			save( allGeneSets, file=finalFile)

	# when all done, restore the human answer
	geneCellTypes <- saveTypes
	allGeneSets <- saveGeneSets
	cat( "\nDone.  \nCopy these new 'GeneAssociation.rda' and 'GeneSets.rda' files to your DuffyTools/data/ subfolder and then remake the R package.\n")
	return( invisible( geneCellTypes))
robertdouglasmorrison/DuffyNGS documentation built on May 16, 2024, 10:14 a.m.