
Defines functions `do.TranscriptBlend.SteepDescent` `do.TranscriptBlend.GenSA` `fit.transcriptBlend` `fileSet.syntheticTranscriptome` `transcriptBlend`

# transcriptBlend.R -- code to implement transcript deconvolution, by modeling sum of component 'dimensions'

# create one transcript (named gene intensities) from a blend of column weights of a matrix of reference transcriptomes
`transcriptBlend` <- function( m, wts) {

	NT <- ncol(m)
	NWT <- length( wts)
	if (NT != NWT) stop( "transcriptBlend:  size of matrix & weights disagree")

	wts[ is.na(wts)] <- 0
	wts[ wts < 0] <- 0

	mTmp <- m
	for ( i in 1:NT) mTmp[ , i] <- m[ , i] * wts[i]

	out <- apply( mTmp, 1, sum, na.rm=T)
	names(out) <- rownames(m)

# small function to generate synthetic transcriptome from blend of files
`fileSet.syntheticTranscriptome` <- function( fset, sids, wts=rep.int( 1, length(fset)), noise=0.1, 
				geneColumn="GENE_ID", intensityColumn="RPKM_M", sep="\t", rescale=TRUE) {
	if ( ! all( found <- file.exists( fset))) {
		cat( "\nSome named transcript files not found: \n", fset[ !found])
		return( NULL)

	m <- expressionFileSetToMatrix( fset, sids, geneColumn=geneColumn, intensityColumn=intensityColumn,
					sep=sep, verbose=F)
	NG <- nrow(m)
	NC <- ncol(m)

	# add random noise to the data
	if ( noise > 0) {
		for ( i in 1:NC) {
			v <- m[ ,i]
			myNoise <- runif( NG, (1-noise), (1+noise))
			m[ ,i] <- v * myNoise

	wts <- as.numeric( wts)
	if ( any( is.na(wts))) stop( "Blending weights must be numeric and not NA")

	# do that blend
	ans <- transcriptBlend( m, wts)
	ans[ is.na(ans)] <- 0
	ans[ ans < 0] <- 0

	if ( sum( wts) != 1 && rescale) {
		scaleFac <- 1 / sum(wts)
		ans <- ans * scaleFac

	# if units were TPM, force that per million rule
	if (grepl( "TPM", intensityColumn)) {
		scaleFac <- 1000000 / sum(ans)
		ans <- ans * scaleFac

	# OK, make our result file, using one input file as a guide
	oldDF <- read.delim( fset[1], as.is=T, sep=sep)

	gids <- names(ans)
	wh <- match( gids, oldDF[[geneColumn]], nomatch=0)
	prods <- rep.int( "", NG)
	prods[wh > 0] <- oldDF$PRODUCT[ wh]

	out <- data.frame( "GENE_ID"=gids, "PRODUCT"=prods, "RPKM_M"=round(ans,digits=3), stringsAsFactors=F)
	ord <- order( out$RPKM_M, decreasing=T)
	out <- out[ ord, ]
	rownames(out) <- 1:nrow(out)

	if ( geneColumn != "GENE_ID") names(out)[1] <- geneColumn
	if ( intensityColumn != "RPKM_M") names(out)[3] <- intensityColumn


# the NLS fit function:  find the optimal blend
`fit.transcriptBlend` <- function( x, m, geneColumn="GENE_ID", intensityColumn="RPKM_M", useLog=FALSE, 
				minIntensity=0, arrayFloorIntensity=NULL, 
				dropLowVarianceGenes=NULL, geneUniverse=NULL,
				algorithm=c("port", "default", "plinear", "LM", "GenSA", "steepDescent"), 
				startFractions=NULL, verbose=TRUE) {

	# argument can be a data frame or a file name
	if ( is.data.frame(x)) {
		tbl <- x
	} else {
		f <- x[1]
		if ( ! file.exists(f)) {
			cat( "\nTranscriptome file not found:  ", f)
		tbl <- read.delim( f, as.is=T)

	if ( ! all( c( geneColumn, intensityColumn) %in% colnames(tbl))) {
		cat( "\nSome needed column names not in transcriptome.   Needed: ", geneColumn, intensityColumn)
		cat( "\nFound:  ", colnames(tbl))

	# get gene IDs and make sure we see most in both
	genes <- tbl[[ geneColumn]]
	where <- match( genes, rownames(m), nomatch=0)

	# if not enough found, try reducing the target matrix gene names to the short form...
	if ( sum( where > 0) < length(genes)/2) {
		rownames2 <- shortGeneName( rownames(m), keep=1)
		genes2 <- shortGeneName( genes, keep=1)
		where2 <- match( genes2, rownames2, nomatch=0)
		if ( sum( where2 > 0) > sum(where > 0)) where <- where2

	tblUse <- tbl[ where > 0, ]
	NG <- nrow(tblUse)
	if (NG < 2*ncol(m)) {
		cat( "\n\nError:  Not enough gene IDs in common.  Check speciesID, transcriptome, & target matrix.\n")
		stop( "Unable to continue..")

	genesUse <- tblUse[[ geneColumn]]
	intenUse <- tblUse[[ intensityColumn]]
	mUse <- m[ where, ]
	NC <- ncol( mUse)

	# the given transcriptome may be a microarray with non-zero baseline...  If so, clip and shift it toward zero
	if ( ! is.null( arrayFloorIntensity)) {
		floor <- as.numeric( arrayFloorIntensity)
		intenUse <- pmax( rep.int(0,NG), intenUse - floor)

	# we also need to not use genes that can't help with the fit, e.g. those that are zero
	drops <- union( which( intenUse < minIntensity), which( apply( mUse, MARGIN=1, max, na.rm=T) < minIntensity))
	if ( length( drops)) {
		intenUse <- intenUse[ -drops]
		mUse <- mUse[ -drops, ]
		genesUse <- genesUse[ -drops]

	# we also need to drop any NA's, as they will be dropped from NLS and break our results creation...
	drops <- which( is.na( intenUse))
	if ( length( drops)) {
		intenUse <- intenUse[ -drops]
		mUse <- mUse[ -drops, ]
		genesUse <- genesUse[ -drops]

	# we may be asked to drop low variance genes from the target, i.e. those that don't differ by dimension
	if ( ! is.null( dropLowVarianceGenes)) {
		pctDrop <- 0
		if ( is.logical(dropLowVarianceGenes)) pctDrop <- 0.25
		if ( is.numeric( dropLowVarianceGenes)) pctDrop <- dropLowVarianceGenes
		pctDrop <- max( 0, pctDrop)
		pctDrop <- min( 0.9, pctDrop)
		if ( pctDrop > 0) {
			# generate the CVs for each gene
			myM <- apply( mUse, 1, mean, na.rm=T)
			myM <- ifelse( myM < 1, 1, myM)
			mySD <- apply( mUse, 1, sd, na.rm=T)
			myCV <- mySD / myM
			ord <- order( myCV, decreasing=T)
			nKeep <- round( nrow(mUse) * (1.0 -pctDrop))
			whoToKeep <- sort( ord[1:nKeep])
			if (verbose) cat( "\nDropping some low variance target genes..  Keeping ", nKeep, "of", nrow(mUse))
			intenUse <- intenUse[ whoToKeep]
			mUse <- mUse[ whoToKeep, ]
			genesUse <- genesUse[ whoToKeep]

	# we may be asked to use just a explicit subset of genes, from a smaller gene universe
	if ( ! is.null( geneUniverse)) {
		geneUniverse <- as.GeneUniverse( geneUniverse)
		keep <- which( shortGeneName(genesUse,keep=1) %in% as.character( geneUniverse))
		intenUse <- intenUse[ keep]
		mUse <- mUse[ keep, ]
		genesUse <- genesUse[ keep]

	# ready to do the fit
	if (verbose) {
		cat( "\nFitting", length(genesUse), "genes as a blend of", NC, "transcriptomes:\n")
		cat( colnames(mUse), "\n")

	# log scale transform ??
	if ( useLog) {
		intenUse <- log2( intenUse + 1)
		mUse <- log2( mUse + 1)

	# always force the deconvolution reference matrix to match the magnitude scaling of the observed...
	mSums <- apply( mUse, MARGIN=2, sum, na.rm=T)
	tSum <- sum( intenUse, na.rm=T)
	mScale <- tSum / mSums
	for (j in 1:ncol(mUse)) mUse[,j] <- mUse[ ,j] * mScale[j]

	# set the controls used by NLS
	controlList <- nls.control( tol=1e-05, maxiter=500, minFactor=1/2048, warnOnly=T)

	# one call for any number of dimensions
	# starting guess is 1/K if we were not given anything explicit
	if ( is.null( startFractions)) {
		startFractions <- rep.int( 1/NC, NC)
	} else {
		if ( length(startFractions) != NC) stop( "'startFractions' length incompatible with target matrix")
	starts <- list( "WTi"=startFractions)
	WTi <- startFractions

	# never let a coefficient go negative
	# and since all the model terms are the same scale as our sample, never let a coefficient get too big either
	lowerBound <- rep.int( 0, NC)
	upperBound <- rep.int( 5, NC)
	algorithm <- match.arg( algorithm)

	# load what we need and call it
	if (algorithm == "GenSA") require( GenSA)
	if (algorithm == "LM") require( minpack.lm)
	if (verbose) cat( "\nFitting Algorithm:  ", algorithm)

	if ( algorithm == "port") {
		fitAns <- try( nls( intenUse ~ transcriptBlend( mUse, WTi), start=starts,
				control=controlList, algorithm="port", lower=lowerBound, 
	} else if (algorithm == "GenSA") {
		fitAns <- try( do.TranscriptBlend.GenSA( intenUse, mUse, WTi, start=starts,
				lower=lowerBound, upper=upperBound))
	} else if (algorithm == "LM") {
		fitAns <- try( nlsLM( intenUse ~ transcriptBlend( mUse, WTi), start=starts,
				control=controlList, algorithm="LM"))  
	} else if (algorithm == "steepDescent") {
		fitAns <- try( do.TranscriptBlend.SteepDescent( intenUse, mUse, start=startFractions, verbose=verbose))
	} else {
		fitAns <- try( nls( intenUse ~ transcriptBlend( mUse, WTi), start=starts,
				control=controlList, algorithm=algorithm))

	if ( class( fitAns) == "try-error") {
		cat( "\nFitting of transcriptome failed...")

	# the simulated annealling answer is all set, but the others need the summary done explicitly
	if ( algorithm %in% c( "GenSA", "steepDescent")) { 
		out <- fitAns
	} else {
		fractions <- coef( fitAns)
		names(fractions) <- colnames(mUse)
		resids <- residuals(fitAns)
		fits <- fitted(fitAns)
		obs <- intenUse
		names(obs) <- names(resids) <- names(fits) <- shortGeneName( genesUse, keep=1)
		rms <- sqrt( mean( resids^2))
		# let's do a few other stats...
		cor.ans <- cor.test( obs, fits)
		r2.pearson <- cor.ans$estimate ^ 2
		pv <- cor.ans$p.value
		# also do the more general coefficient of determination
		meanI <- mean( obs, na.rm=T)
		SStotal <- sum( (obs - meanI) ^ 2)
		SSresid <- sum( resids ^ 2)
		r2.cod <- 1.0 - (SSresid / SStotal)

		out <- list( "BestFit"=fractions, "Observed"=obs, "Residuals"=resids, 
				"RMS.Deviation"=rms, "R2.CoD"=r2.cod, "R2.Pearson"=r2.pearson, "Pvalue"=pv)

	return( invisible(out))

`do.TranscriptBlend.GenSA` <- function( inten, m, wts, start, lower, upper, seed=NULL) {

	# wrapper to implement fitting transcriptome by Generalize Simulated Annealing

	# GenSA as implemented has a hard coded seed for RNG.  We want random behavior each time thru
	# GEnSA docs suggest using a negative value
	my.seed <- -(as.integer( Sys.time()))

	# the penalty function that GenSA will minimize
	genSA.intensity.residual <- function( wts, obs, m) {

		model <- transcriptBlend( m, wts)

		# use mean absolute difference
		#resid <- abs( obs - model)
		#return( mean( resid, na.rm=T))

		# switching to RSS
		resid2 <- (obs - model) ^ 2
		return( sum( resid2, na.rm=T))

	# set up to call GenSA

	# say 'good enough' if we explain 95% of the intensity
	stopValue <- mean( inten, na.rm=T) * 0.01
	control.list <- list( "maxit"=5000, "threshold.stop"=stopValue, 
				"temperature"=6000, "smooth"=FALSE, "max.call"=10000000,
				"max.time"=100, "trace.mat"=TRUE, "seed"=my.seed)

	# the GenSA tool seems unable to push any parameter all the way to zero, as if it can't 
	# equal the lower bound, instead must stay above it
	# so let's let the lower bounds go a bit bit negative, and clean up later
	lower[ lower == 0] <- -0.5
	#make sure the starts are above zero
	#cat( "\nDebug GenSA: starts: ", wts)
	wts[ wts <= lower] <- 0.001

	ans <- GenSA( par=wts, lower=lower, upper=upper, fn=genSA.intensity.residual, 
			control=control.list, obs=inten, m=m)

	# extract the answers
	fractions <- ans$par
	# Clean up:  don't let any final calls be below zero percent
	# and let's get rid of the idea that final proportions must sum to 1.0
	fractions[ fractions < 0] <- 0

	GenSA.Trace <<- ans$trace.mat
	names( fractions) <- colnames(m)
	model <- transcriptBlend( m, fractions)
	resids <- inten - model
	rms <- sqrt( mean( resids^2))
	# let's do a few other stats...
	cor.ans <- cor.test( inten, model)
	r2.pearson <- cor.ans$estimate ^ 2
	pv <- cor.ans$p.value
	# also do the more general coefficient of determination
	meanI <- mean( inten, na.rm=T)
	SStotal <- sum( (inten - meanI) ^ 2)
	SSresid <- sum( resids ^ 2)
	r2.cod <- 1.0 - (SSresid / SStotal)

	out <- list( "BestFit"=fractions, "Observed"=inten, "Residuals"=resids, 
			"RMS.Deviation"=rms, "R2.CoD"=r2.cod, "R2.Pearson"=r2.pearson, "Pvalue"=pv)

	return( out)

`do.TranscriptBlend.SteepDescent` <- function( inten, m, start, max.iterations=200, tolerance=1, verbose=TRUE) {

	# do our own steepest descent optimazation in Gene Intensity space
	# minimize delta gene expression by adjusting cell type proportions

	# start with given weights, and adjust as we go
	wts.in <- start
	wts.in[ wts.in < 0] <- 0

	# OK, iteratively evaluate what genes are out of whack, and try to push them

	# Use the starting percentages
	model.pcts <- wts.in
	genes <- rownames(m)
	# ready to iteratively compare the model to the observed. 
	# track the best and some metrics for seeing stalling
	if (verbose) cat( "\n")
	prevRMSD <- 99999999
	best.model <- model.pcts
	best.rmsd <- prevRMSD
	nTimesStuck <- 0
	for ( i in 1:max.iterations) {
		# make the latest model with the current percentages
		# remove the forcing of summing to one
		# model.pcts <- model.pcts / sum( model.pcts)
		modelInten <- transcriptBlend( m, model.pcts)
		# assess the current deviation
		deltas <- inten - modelInten
		rmsd <- round( sqrt( mean( deltas^2, na.rm=T)), digits=4)
		if (verbose) cat( "\rIter: ", i, "   RMSD: ", rmsd)
		if ( rmsd <= tolerance) {
			cat( "\nConverged..")
		deltaRMSD <- prevRMSD - rmsd
		if ( abs(deltaRMSD) < 0.01) {
			nTimesStuck <- nTimesStuck + 1
		} else {
			nTimesStuck <- 0
		if ( nTimesStuck > 5) {
			cat( "\nStalled..")
		# we did not bail out, see if we are better
		if (rmsd < best.rmsd) {
			best.model <- model.pcts
			best.rmsd <- rmsd
			nTimesStuck <- 0
		prevRMSD <- rmsd
		# now use the deltas to push the model percentages
		# turn the 'too high' gene expression into one set of cell type force vectors
		# and turn the 'too low' gene expression into a second set of force vectors
		intenTooHigh <- ifelse( deltas < 0, abs(deltas), 0)
		intenTooLow <- ifelse( deltas > 0, deltas, 0)
		# turn these 'residual' intensities into 'residual' cell type percentages
		tooHighAns <- calcCellTypeProfile( genes, intenTooHigh)
		profileTooHigh <- tooHighAns$Profile
		tooLowAns <- calcCellTypeProfile( genes, intenTooLow)
		profileTooLow <- tooLowAns$Profile
		# now increase what we need more of, and decrease what we need less of
		# note that the Profile tool returns 0..100 while our units are 0..1
		netDiff <- (profileTooLow*0.01) - (profileTooHigh*0.01)
		# since both deltas may say the same thing, it may be 2x what we want
		# and then just step 'toward' the goal, not all the way to it
		netDiff <- netDiff * 0.5 * 0.75
		model.pcts <- model.pcts + netDiff
		# prevent negative contributions, and renormalize
		model.pcts[ model.pcts < 0] <- 0
		model.pcts[ is.nan(model.pcts)] <- 0
		# remove the forcing of summing to one
		# model.pcts <- model.pcts / sum( model.pcts)
		# and go around again
	# fell out of the loop
	if ( i == max.iterations) cat( "\nMax.iterations..")
	# regardless of how we ended, use the best we saw
	model.pcts <- best.model
	rmsd <- best.rmsd

	# Clean up:  don't let any final calls be below zero percent
	wts <- model.pcts
	wts[ wts < 0] <- 0
	# remove the forcing of summing to one
	# wts <- wts / sum(wts)
	names( wts) <- colnames(m)
	model <- transcriptBlend( m, wts)
	resids <- inten - model
	rms <- sqrt( mean( resids^2))
	# let's do a few other stats...
	cor.ans <- cor.test( inten, model)
	r2.pearson <- cor.ans$estimate ^ 2
	pv <- cor.ans$p.value
	# also do the more general coefficient of determination
	meanI <- mean( inten, na.rm=T)
	SStotal <- sum( (inten - meanI) ^ 2)
	SSresid <- sum( resids ^ 2, na.rm=T)
	r2.cod <- 1.0 - (SSresid / SStotal)

	out <- list( "BestFit"=wts, "Observed"=inten, "Residuals"=resids, 
			"RMS.Deviation"=rms, "R2.CoD"=r2.cod, "R2.Pearson"=r2.pearson, "Pvalue"=pv)
	return( out)
robertdouglasmorrison/DuffyTools documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 4:51 p.m.