
Defines functions get_bison inat getextr get_dist_all gbif_get gbif_dl

Documented in gbif_dl gbif_get get_bison get_dist_all getextr inat

#' @import jsonlite
#' @import urltools
#' @import rinat
#' @import dplyr

##setup gbif_user, gbif_pw, and gbif_email as environmental variables in .Rprofile

#' Use rgbif to get a citable GBIF download
#' This function requests data from the GBIF database for one taxon or a list of taxa
#' using the rgbif access to the GBIF API. The raw data are stored and a reformatted data frame
#' is returned that is compatible with downstream cRacle functions.
#' Set up a GBIF account for access to downloads before using this function. Then you may either pass
#' your username (gbif_user), password (gbif_pw), and email (gbif_email) to this function OR write them
#' to your .Renviron file using:
#' system('echo "env_gbif_user=\'your_username\'" >> ~/.Renviron');
#' system('echo "env_gbif_pw=\'your_password\'" >> ~/.Renviron');
#' system('echo "env_gbif_email=\'your_email@gmail.com\'" >> ~/.Renviron');
#' system("source~/.Renviron");
#' @param taxa A string of the form 'genus species' or 'genus', or a vector of several names in this form.
#' @param kingdom Specify ONE taxonomic kingdom for this query. Valid strings are "all", or kingdom names as defined in the GBIF taxonomy.
#' @param dir.out Path to your output directory
#' @param maxrec Maximum number of records to download.
#' @param gbif_user Your GBIF username
#' @param gbif_pw Your GBIF password
#' @param gbif_email Your GBIF email
#' @author Yaniv Kovalski
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' test <- gbif_dl('Amborella trichopoda');
#' }

gbif_dl <- function(taxa,
                    kingdom = "all",
                    maxrec= Inf,
                     gbif_user = '',
                     gbif_pw = '',
                     gbif_email = '') {

  taxa = taxa
  maxrec = maxrec
  #set up some NULL local variables

 # env_gbif_user=NULL
#  env_gbif_pw=NULL
 # env_gbif_email=NULL

  # if values for gbif_user, gbif_pw, and gbif_email are not supplied get from environment (assuming .Renviron setup)

  if (gbif_user == '' & gbif_pw == '' & gbif_email == '') {

    print("No GBIF authentication defined. Trying to use definitions from .Renviron")
    gbif_user = env_gbif_user
    gbif_pw = env_gbif_pw
    gbif_email = env_gbif_email

  keys <- sapply(taxa,
                 function(x) {
                   if(kingdom == "all"){
                     find <- rgbif::name_backbone_verbose(name = x)
                   } else {
                     find <- rgbif::name_backbone_verbose(name = x, kingdom = kingdom)
                   if(find$data$matchType == "NONE"){
                     message(paste("Failed to find an exact match for", x))
                     message("\tTrying alternatives")
                     warning("\tEXAMINE your taxonomy closely for errors in these results!")
                   } else if (nrow(find$data) > 1) {
                   } else {
                 , USE.NAMES = F)
  keys2 <- sapply(keys,
                  function(x) {
                    find.again <- rgbif::name_backbone(name = x)$usageKey
                  USE.NAMES = F)

  # nombre = rgbif::name_lookup(higherTaxonKey = keys,
  #                      limit = length(taxa),
  #                      status = "accepted") ## do I need this?

  ## Get GBIF Citation
  x = rgbif::occ_download(
    rgbif::pred_in("taxonKey", unlist(keys2)),
    rgbif::pred("hasCoordinate", TRUE),
    rgbif::pred("hasGeospatialIssue", FALSE),
    format = "SIMPLE_CSV",
    ### change code above to get object 'keys' for output of getextr()
    user = gbif_user,
    pwd = gbif_pw,
    email = gbif_email

  z = 0
  while (z == 0) {
    meta = rgbif::occ_download_meta(x)
    if (meta$status == "SUCCEEDED") {
      print(paste('The status of the GBIF download is: ', meta$status))
      z = 1

  ret = rgbif::occ_download_get(x)
  dlGBIF = rgbif::occ_download_meta(x)
  citeGBIF = rgbif::gbif_citation(dlGBIF)

  df = rgbif::occ_download_import(ret) # import from zip as csv
  df$citation = rep(citeGBIF$download, nrow(df))

  # archive df

  meta = rgbif::occ_download_meta(x)

  data.table::fwrite(df, paste('gbif_dl/', meta$key, '.csv', sep=''))

  # convert to cRacle compatible form
  ret_df = df %>% dplyr::select(ind_id = gbifID, tax=species, lat = decimalLatitude, lon = decimalLongitude)
  file.remove(paste(meta$key, '.zip', sep=''))


#' Download distribution data directly from GBIF API
#' This function requests data from the GBIF database for a single taxon using the GBIF callback API.
#' @param taxon A string of the form 'genus species' or 'genus'.
#' @param maxrec Maximum number of records to download.
#' Under 300 really doesn't mean anything because a single page (300)
#' of results is returned and all records are kept.
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' abies <- gbif_get('Abies');
#' }

gbif_get <- function(taxon, maxrec = 200000) {
  # require('jsonlite');
  n = 0

  round = 0

  hold = list()

  offset = 0
  tori = taxon

  taxon = urltools::url_encode(taxon)

  while (n < 1) {
    html_str = paste(
      sep = ''

    jsonget = jsonlite::fromJSON(html_str)

    round = round + 1

    if (is.null(nrow(jsonget$results))) {
    } else {
      hold[[round]] = jsonget$results


    if (jsonget$endOfRecords == TRUE) {
      n = 1

    } else {
      offset = offset + 300

    if (offset > maxrec) {


    ##DO filtering step:
    #exclude fossils
    foss = grep('FOSSIL_', hold[[round]]$basisOfRecord, ignore.case = TRUE)

    cult = grep('cultivat', hold[[round]]$locality, ignore.case = TRUE)

    gard = grep('gard', hold[[round]]$locality, ignore.case = TRUE)

    botan = grep('botan', hold[[round]]$locality, ignore.case = TRUE)
    if (length(foss) != 0) {
      #    print(1)
      hold[[round]] = hold[[round]][-foss, ]
    if (length(cult) != 0) {
      #  print(2)

      hold[[round]] = hold[[round]][-cult, ]
    if (length(gard) != 0) {
      # print(3)

      hold[[round]] = hold[[round]][-gard, ]
    if (length(botan) != 0) {

      hold[[round]] = hold[[round]][-botan, ]



  # cols = c('key',
  # 'genus',
  # 'specificEpithet',
  # 'decimalLatitude',
  # 'decimalLongitude');
  if (length(df) > 0) {
    #df = plyr::rbind.fill.matrix(cbind(
    df = dplyr::bind_rows(
      rep(tori, nrow(hold[[1]])),
  } else {
  if (length(hold) > 1) {
    for (i in 2:length(hold)) {
      nex = (dplyr::bind_cols(
        rep(tori, nrow(hold[[i]])),
      #df = plyr::rbind.fill.matrix(df, nex)
      df = dplyr::bind_rows(df, nex)
  colnames(df) = c('ind_id', 'tax', 'lat', 'lon')
  df = as.data.frame(df)

  #   if (sum(cols %in% names(hold[[1]])) == length(cols)) {
  #     df = hold[[1]][, c(cols)]
  #     if (length(hold) > 1) {
  #       for (n in 2:length(hold)) {
  #         # print(n);
  #         if (sum(cols %in% colnames(hold[[n]])) == length(cols)) {
  #           nex = hold[[n]][, c(cols)]
  #           df = rbind(df, nex)
  #         } else {
  #           next
  #         }
  #       }
  #     }
  #     df[, 2] = paste(df[, 2], df[, 3])
  #     df = df[, -3]
  #     colnames(df) = c('ind_id', 'tax', 'lat', 'lon')
  #     #df$tax = rep(tori, nrow(df));
  #     return(df)
  #   } else {
  #     print("this")
  # #    return(NULL)
  #   }

#' Download distribution data from repositories
#' This function requests data from the GBIF database for a single taxon using the GBIF callback API.
#' @param taxon A string of the form 'genus species' or 'genus'.
#' @param maxrec Maximum number of records to download.
#' @param repo Which data repositor(ies) should be searched. Accepts 'gbif', 'inat', and/or 'bison'. Defaults to 'gbif'.
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' abies <- get_dist_all('Abies', maxrec = 1000);
#' }
get_dist_all <- function(taxon,
                         maxrec = 19999,
                         repo = c('gbif')) {
  #GET GBIF DATA direct
  gbif = cbind(1, 1, 1, 1)

  if ('gbif' %in% repo | "GBIF" %in% repo) {
      gbif <- gbif_get(taxon, maxrec = maxrec)
    error = function(cond) {
      message(paste("GBIF", cond))

  bien = cbind(1, 1, 1, 1)

  # tryCatch({
  # bien <-
  #   BIEN::BIEN_occurrence_species(
  #     species = taxon,
  #     native.status = TRUE,
  #     only.new.world = TRUE
  #   )
  # },
  # error = function(cond) {
  #   message(paste("BIEN", cond))
  #   return(NULL)
  # })

  #get bison data
  bison = cbind(1, 1, 1, 1)
  if ('bisont' %in% repo) {
      bison <- cRacle::get_bison(taxon, maxrec = maxrec)

    error = function(cond) {
      message(paste("BISON", cond))

  #get inaturalist data **research grade only**
  inatr = cbind(1, 1, 1, 1)

  if ('inat' %in% repo) {
      inatr = cRacle::inat(taxon, maxrec = maxrec)
    error = function(cond) {
      message(paste("inat", cond))

  cnames <- c('ind_id', 'tax', 'lat', 'lon')

  if (nrow(inatr) > 5) {
    inatr = inatr[, c('id', 'scientific_name', 'latitude', 'longitude')]
    colnames(inatr) = cnames
  } else {
    inatr = NA
  if (nrow(bison) > 5) {
    bison = bison[, c('occurrenceID',
    colnames(bison) = cnames
  } else {
    bison = NA
  #if (nrow(gbif) > 5) {
  #gbif = gbif[, c('key',
  #                   'genus',
  #                   'specificEpithet',
  #                   'decimalLatitude',
  #                   'decimalLongitude')]
  #gbif[, 2] = paste(gbif[, 2], gbif[, 3], sep = ' ')
  #gbif = gbif[,-3]
  #colnames(gbif) = cnames
  #} else {
  #  gbif = NA

  if (nrow(bien) > 5) {
    bien = bien[, c('datasource_id',
    colnames(bien) = cnames
  } else {
    bien = NA
  data <-
    rbind(inatr, bison, gbif, bien) ## Consider using plyr::rbind.fill here
  if (nrow(data) < 5) {
  } #effectively nothing returned and catches a NULL error from the rbind above.
  data$lat <- as.numeric(as.character(data$lat))
  data$lon <- as.numeric(as.character(data$lon))
  #data = subset(data, data$tax == taxon)
  data$tax = rep(taxon, nrow(data))
  data = stats::na.omit(data)

#' Download distribution data, filter, and merge with climate or environmental
#' getextr is a function that gets GBIF data and extracts climate or environmental
#' data for each occurrence. This is a whole workflow for distribution
#' data acquisition and value addition that draws on several other functions in cRacle
#' including gbif_get and extraction. Parallel option is useful for speeding up data collection for
#' many species when computational resources are available.
#' @param x A taxon name or list of taxon names. It is sometimes good to
#' test these on the cRacle::get_gbif() function first.
#' @param maxrec Maximum number of records to download.
#' @param clim A raster object of climate or other environmental data to extract from.
#' @param repo Pass to get_dist_all
#' @param schema To be passed to cRacle::extraction
#' @param rm.outlier To be passed to cRacle::extraction
#' @param factor To be passed to cRacle::extraction
#' @param alpha To be passed to cRacle::extraction
#' @param nmin To be passed to cRacle::extraction
#' @param parallel TRUE or FALSE. Should this be executed in parallel.
#' @param nclus If parallel == TRUE then how many cores should be used? Default is 4.
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' abies <- getextr(c('Abies fraseri', 'Abies lasiocarpa', 'Pinus strobus'),
#' clim = clim, maxrec=500,
#' schema= 'flat', rm.outlier = TRUE,
#' alpha=0.01, factor = 2, nmin = 5, parallel=FALSE, nclus = 4);
#' }
getextr = function(x,
                   clim = clim,
                   maxrec = 500,
                   schema = 'flat',
                   repo = c('gbif'),
                   rm.outlier = FALSE,
                   alpha = 0.01,
                   factor = 4,
                   nmin = 5,
                   parallel = FALSE,
                   nclus = 4) {
  clim = clim

  maxrec = maxrec

  schema = schema

  rm.outlier = rm.outlier

  alpha = alpha

  factor = factor

  nmin = nmin

  parallel = parallel

  nclus = nclus

  repo = repo

  subfun = function(x) {
    ex = list()

    for (i in 1:length(x)) {

      ex[[i]] = NULL

      dat2 = cRacle::get_dist_all(x[i], maxrec = maxrec, repo = repo)
      print(paste('There are ', nrow(dat2), ' records in this query from ', repo, ' for ', x[i]))
     # print(nrow(dat2))

      if (is.null(dat2)) {
        ex[[i]] = NULL


      dat2 = stats::na.omit(dat2)

      if (any(is.na(dat2))) {
        ex[[i]] = NULL
      if (nrow(dat2) < nmin) {
        ex[[i]] = NULL

      ex.hold = cRacle::extraction(
        schema = schema,
        rm.outlier = rm.outlier,
        alpha = alpha,
        factor = factor,
        nmin = nmin

      if (length(ex.hold) == 0) {
        ex[[i]] = NULL
      } else {
        ex.hold$tax = rep(x[i], nrow(ex.hold))
        ex[[i]] = ex.hold


    ex = stats::na.omit(ex)

    #	if(any(is.null(ex))){ return(NULL); }
    if (length(ex) == 0) {


    #ex2 = plyr::rbind.fill(ex[[1]])
    ex2 = dplyr::bind_rows(ex[[1]])

    if (length(ex) > 1) {
      for (k in 2:length(ex)) {
        #ex2 = plyr::rbind.fill(ex2, ex[[k]])
        ex2 = dplyr::bind_rows(ex2, ex[[k]])

    } else {



  if (parallel == FALSE) {

  } else {
    clim = clim

    maxrec = maxrec

    schema = schema

    rm.outlier = rm.outlier

    alpha = alpha

    factor = factor

    nmin = nmin

    parallel = parallel

    nclus = nclus

    cl = parallel::makeCluster(nclus, type = "SOCK", outfile = '')
      varlist = c(
      envir = environment()
    splits = parallel::clusterSplit(cl, x)

    extr = parallel::parLapply(cl, splits, subfun)


    #extall = plyr::rbind.fill(extr[[1]])
    extall = dplyr::bind_rows(extr[[1]])

    ##Need to check that this object is OK as below.

    for (k in 2:length(extr)) {
      if (is.null(extr[[k]])) {
      } else {
        if (length(ncol(extr[[k]])) == 0) {
        } else {
          #extall = plyr::rbind.fill(extall, extr[[k]])
          extall = dplyr::bind_rows(extall, extr[[k]])



##Add summary stats function calling stats::aggregate
#sum.stats = stats::aggregate(g$annualPET, by = list(g$tax), median); #for example

#' Download distribution data from iNaturalist
#' This function requests data from the iNaturalist database for a single species that
#' wraps the data access function(s) from the rinat library.
#' @param taxon A string of the form 'genus species'.
#' @param maxrec Limit on number of records to download.
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' abies <- inat('Abies fraseri', 10000);
#' }

inat <- function(taxon, maxrec = 10000) {
  #8/17/2018 ERROR NOTE: Getting errors "your search returned too many results" even when setting maxresults to <100.
  di = rinat::get_inat_obs(taxon_name = taxon,
                           maxresults = maxrec,
                           quality = 'research')


#' Download distribution data from BISON (https://bison.usgs.gov)
#' This function requests data from the BISON database for a single species.
#' Note that BISON requires exact name matching to binomial. Searching on a
#' genus, for example, will match only records that are enterred with that name
#' only, NOT all records in that genus identified by a binomial. Also note that
#' BISON has no name correction so mispelling and errors are likely.
#' @param taxon A string of the form 'genus species'.
#' @param maxrec Limit on number of records to download.
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' abies <- get_bison('Abies fraseri', 10000);
#' }

get_bison <- function(taxon, maxrec = 10000) {
  taxon = urltools::url_encode(taxon)

  ###Run test query here to get total number of records so can adjust maxrecs
  html_test = paste(
    sep = ''


  jsontest = jsonlite::fromJSON(html_test)

  ntotal = sum(unlist(jsontest$occurrences$legend))
  if (maxrec > ntotal) {
    maxrec = ntotal
  dat = matrix(ncol = 8, nrow = maxrec + 100)

  dat = as.data.frame(dat)

  tdat = jsontest$data

  colnames(dat) = colnames(tdat)

  if (maxrec < 500) {
    recs = maxrec
  } else{
    recs = 500
  if (maxrec > 500) {
    i = maxrec / 500

    for (z in 0:i) {
      n = z * 500

      if (n > maxrec) {
      if (n + 500 > maxrec) {
        recs = maxrec - n
      html_str = paste(
        sep = ''

      # print(html_str);

      jsonget = jsonlite::fromJSON(html_str)

      d = jsonget$data

      #d2 = subset(d, dat$geo != "No");
      # print(n)
      # print(n+nrow(d))
      # print(nrow(dat))
      dat[(n + 1):(n + nrow(d)), ] = d

      if (class(dat) == 'list' & n == 0) {
        stop('no data from bison\n')

  } else {
    n = 0
    html_str = paste(
      sep = ''

    # print(html_str);

    jsonget = jsonlite::fromJSON(html_str)

    d = jsonget$data

    #d2 = subset(d, dat$geo != "No");
    # print(d)
    dat[n + 1:(n + nrow(d)), ] = d

    if (class(dat) == 'list') {
      stop('no data from bison\n')


  ##Opportunity to provide filtering options here


rsh249/cRacle documentation built on Feb. 2, 2022, 2:01 p.m.