# /$$
# | $$
# /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$
# /$$__ $$|_ $$_/
# | $$ \ $$ | $$
# | $$ | $$ | $$ /$$
# | $$$$$$$ | $$$$/
# \____ $$ \___/
# /$$ \ $$
# | $$$$$$/
# \______/
# This file is part of the 'rstudio/gt' project.
# Copyright (c) 2018-2025 gt authors
# For full copyright and license information, please look at
# https://gt.rstudio.com/LICENSE.html
# cols_nanoplot() --------------------------------------------------------------
#' Add a new column of nanoplots, taking input data from selected columns
#' @description
#' Nanoplots are tiny plots you can use in your **gt** table. They are simple by
#' design, mainly because there isn't a lot of space to work with. With that
#' simplicity, however, you do get a set of very succinct data visualizations
#' that adapt nicely to the amount of data you feed into them. With
#' `cols_nanoplot()` you take data from one or more columns as the basic inputs
#' for the nanoplots and generate a new column containing the plots. The
#' nanoplots are robust against missing values, and multiple strategies are
#' available for handling missingness.
#' Nanoplots try to show individual data with reasonably good visibility.
#' Interactivity is included as a basic feature so one can hover over the data
#' points and vertical guides will display the value ascribed to each data
#' point. Because **gt** knows all about numeric formatting, values will be
#' compactly formatted so as to not take up valuable real estate. If you need to
#' create a nanoplot based on monetary values, that can be handled by providing
#' the currency code to the [nanoplot_options()] helper (then hook that up to
#' the `options` argument). A guide on the left-hand side of the plot area will
#' appear on hover and display the minimal and maximal *y* values.
#' There are three types of nanoplots available: `"line"`, `"bar"`, `"boxplot"`.
#' A line plot shows individual data points and has smooth connecting lines
#' between them to allow for easier scanning of values. You can opt for
#' straight-line connections between data points, or, no connections at all
#' (it's up to you). You can even eschew the data points and just have a simple
#' line. Regardless of how you mix and match difference plot layers, the plot
#' area focuses on the domain of the data points with the goal of showing you
#' the overall trend of the data. The data you feed into a line plot can consist
#' of a single vector of values (resulting in equally-spaced *y* values), or,
#' you can supply two vectors representative of *x* and *y*.
#' A bar plot is built a little bit differently. The focus is on evenly-spaced
#' bars (requiring a single vector of values) that project from a zero line,
#' clearly showing the difference between positive and negative values. By
#' default, any type of nanoplot will have basic interactivity. One can hover
#' over the data points and vertical guides will display values ascribed to
#' each. A guide on the left-hand side of the plot area will display the minimal
#' and maximal *y* values on hover.
#' Every box plot will take the collection of values for a row and construct the
#' plot horizontally. This is essentially a standard box-and-whisker diagram
#' where outliers are automatically displayed outside the left and right fences.
#' While basic customization options are present in the `cols_nanoplot()`, many
#' more opportunities for customizing nanoplots on a more granular level are
#' possible with the [nanoplot_options()] helper function. That function should
#' be invoked at the `options` argument of `cols_nanoplot()`. Through that
#' helper, layers of the nanoplots can be selectively removed and the aesthetics
#' of the remaining plot components can be modified.
#' @inheritParams cols_align
#' @param columns *Columns from which to get data for the dependent variable*
#' `<column-targeting expression>` // **required**
#' The columns which contain the numeric data to be plotted as nanoplots. Can
#' either be a series of column names provided in `c()`, a vector of column
#' indices, or a select helper function (e.g. [starts_with()], [ends_with()],
#' [contains()], [matches()], [num_range()], and [everything()]). Data
#' collected from the columns will be concatenated together in the order of
#' resolution.
#' @param rows *Rows that should contain nanoplots*
#' `<row-targeting expression>` // *default:* `everything()`
#' With `rows` we can specify which rows should contain nanoplots in the new
#' column. The default [everything()] results in all rows in `columns` being
#' formatted. Alternatively, we can supply a vector of row IDs within `c()`, a
#' vector of row indices, or a select helper function (e.g. [starts_with()],
#' [ends_with()], [contains()], [matches()], [num_range()], and
#' [everything()]). We can also use expressions to filter down to the rows we
#' need (e.g., `[colname_1] > 100 & [colname_2] < 50`).
#' @param plot_type *The type of nanoplot to display*
#' `singl-kw:[line|bar|boxplot]` // *default:* `"line"`
#' Nanoplots can either take the form of a line plot (using `"line"`), a bar
#' plot (with `"bar"`), or a box plot (`"boxplot"`). A line plot, by default,
#' contains layers for a data line, data points, and a data area. Each of
#' these can be deactivated by using [nanoplot_options()]. With a bar plot,
#' the always visible layer is that of the data bars. Furthermore, a line plot
#' can optionally take in *x* values through the `columns_x_vals` argument
#' whereas bar plots and box plots both ignore any data representing the
#' independent variable.
#' @param plot_height *The height of the nanoplots*
#' `scalar<character>` // *default:* `"2em"`
#' The height of the nanoplots. The default here is a sensible value of
#' `"2em"`. By way of comparison, this is a far greater height than the
#' default for icons through [fmt_icon()] (`"1em"`) and is the same height as
#' images inserted via [fmt_image()] (also having a `"2em"` height default).
#' @param missing_vals *Treatment of missing values*
#' `singl-kw:[gap|marker|zero|remove]` // *default:* `"gap"`
#' If missing values are encountered within the input data, there are three
#' strategies available for their handling: (1) `"gap"` will show data gaps
#' at the sites of missing data, where data lines will have discontinuities
#' and bar plots will have missing bars; (2) `"marker"` will behave like
#' `"gap"` but show prominent visual marks at the missing data locations; (3)
#' `"zero"` will replace `NA` values with zero values; and (4) `"remove"` will
#' remove any incoming `NA` values.
#' @param autoscale *Automatically set x- and y-axis scale limits based on data*
#' `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `FALSE`
#' Using `autoscale = TRUE` will ensure that the bounds of all nanoplots
#' produced are based on the limits of data combined from all input rows. This
#' will result in a shared scale across all of the nanoplots (for *y*- and
#' *x*-axis data), which is useful in those cases where the nanoplot data
#' should be compared across rows.
#' @param autohide *Automatically hide the `columns`/`columns_x_vals` column(s)*
#' `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `TRUE`
#' An option to automatically hide any columns specified in `columns` and also
#' `columns_x_vals` (if used). Any columns with their state changed to
#' 'hidden' will behave the same as before, they just won't be displayed in
#' the finalized table. Should you want to have these 'input' columns be
#' viewable, set `autohide = FALSE`.
#' @param columns_x_vals *Columns containing values for the optional x variable*
#' `<column-targeting expression>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' We can optionally obtain data for the independent variable (i.e., the
#' *x*-axis data) if specifying columns in `columns_x_vals`. This is only for
#' the `"line"` type of plot (set via the `plot_type` argument). We can supply
#' either be a series of column names provided in `c()`, a vector of column
#' indices, or a select helper function (e.g. [starts_with()], [ends_with()],
#' [contains()], [matches()], [num_range()], and [everything()]). Data
#' collected from the columns will be concatenated together in the order of
#' resolution.
#' @param reference_line *Add a reference line*
#' `scalar<numeric|integer|character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' A reference line requires a single input to define the line. It could be a
#' static numeric value, applied to all nanoplots generated. Or, the input can
#' be one of the following for generating the line from the underlying data:
#' (1) `"mean"`, (2) `"median"`, (3) `"min"`, (4) `"max"`, (5) `"q1"`, (6)
#' `"q3"`, (7) `"first"`, or (8) `"last"`.
#' @param reference_area *Add a reference area*
#' `vector<numeric|integer|character>|list` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' A reference area requires two inputs to define bottom and top boundaries
#' for a rectangular area. The types of values supplied are the same as those
#' expected for `reference_line`, which is either a static numeric value or
#' one of the following keywords for the generation of the value: (1)
#' `"mean"`, (2) `"median"`, (3) `"min"`, (4) `"max"`, (5) `"q1"`, (6) `"q3"`,
#' (7) `"first"`, or (8) `"last"`. Input can either be a vector or list with
#' two elements.
#' @param expand_x,expand_y *Expand plot scale in the x and y directions*
#' `vector<numeric|integer>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' Should you need to have plots expand in the *x* or *y* direction, provide
#' one or more values to `expand_x` or `expand_y`. Any values provided that
#' are outside of the range of data provided to the plot should result in a
#' scale expansion.
#' @param new_col_name *Column name for the new column containing the plots*
#' `scalar<character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' A single column name in quotation marks. Values will be extracted from this
#' column and provided to compatible arguments. If not provided the new column
#' name will be `"nanoplots"`.
#' @param new_col_label *Column label for the new column containing the plots*
#' `scalar<character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' A single column label. If not supplied then the column label will inherit
#' from `new_col_name` (if nothing provided to that argument, the label will
#' be `"nanoplots"`).
#' @param before,after *Column used as anchor*
#' `<column-targeting expression>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' A single column-resolving expression or column index can be given to either
#' `before` or `after`. The column specifies where the new column containing
#' the nanoplots should be positioned among the existing columns in the input
#' data table. While select helper functions such as [starts_with()] and
#' [ends_with()] can be used for column targeting, it's recommended that a
#' single column name or index be used. This is to ensure that exactly one
#' column is provided to either of these arguments (otherwise, the function
#' will be stopped). If nothing is provided for either argument then the new
#' column will be placed at the end of the column series.
#' @param options *Set options for the nanoplots*
#' `obj:<nanoplot_options` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' By using the [nanoplot_options()] helper function here, you can alter the
#' layout and styling of the nanoplots in the new column.
#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
#' @section Targeting cells with `columns` and `rows`:
#' Targeting of values to insert into the nanoplots is done through `columns`
#' and additionally by `rows` (if nothing is provided for `rows` then entire
#' columns are selected). Aside from declaring column names in `c()` (with bare
#' column names or names in quotes) we can use also
#' **tidyselect**-style expressions. This can be as basic as supplying a select
#' helper like `starts_with()`, or, providing a more complex incantation like
#' `where(~ is.numeric(.x) & max(.x, na.rm = TRUE) > 1E6)`
#' which targets numeric columns that have a maximum value greater than
#' 1,000,000 (excluding any `NA`s from consideration).
#' Once the columns are targeted, we may also target the `rows` within those
#' columns. This can be done in a variety of ways. If a stub is present, then we
#' potentially have row identifiers. Those can be used much like column names in
#' the `columns`-targeting scenario. We can use simpler **tidyselect**-style
#' expressions (the select helpers should work well here) and we can use quoted
#' row identifiers in `c()`. It's also possible to use row indices (e.g.,
#' `c(3, 5, 6)`) though these index values must correspond to the row numbers of
#' the input data (the indices won't necessarily match those of rearranged rows
#' if row groups are present). One more type of expression is possible, an
#' expression that takes column values (can involve any of the available columns
#' in the table) and returns a logical vector.
#' @section How to supply data for nanoplots:
#' The input data for nanoplots naturally needs to be numeric and there are two
#' major ways to formulate that data: (1) from single values across many
#' columns, and (2) using text-based value streams. It's pretty easy to
#' rationalize the first, and we may already have wide data in the input data
#' frame anyway (take a look at the [`illness`] and [`towny`] datasets for
#' examples of this). There's one data value per column so the key thing here is
#' to reference the columns in the correct order. With a select helper, good
#' column naming, and the columns being in the intended order, this is a snap.
#' The second option is to use text-based value streams. Sometimes you simply
#' don't want or don't need multiple columns and so a single column with all of
#' the data might be more practical. To make this work, you'd need to have a set
#' of numerical values separated by some sort of delimiter (could be a comma, a
#' space, a semicolon, you get the idea). Here's an example with three numbers,
#' written three ways: `"3.6 -2.44 1.98"`, `"3.6, -2.44, 1.98"`, and
#' `"3.6;-2.44;1.98"`. You can include `NA` values, not a problem, and here's an
#' example of that: `"6.232 NA 3.7 0.93"`. Another form of value stream involves
#' using datetimes in the ISO 8601 form of `YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS`. These will
#' be internally converted to numeric values (seconds elapsed since
#' `"1970-01-01 00:00:00"`). An example of a datetime-based value stream is:
#' `"2012-06-12 08:24:13, 2012-06-12 10:37:08, 2012-06-12 14:03:24"`.
#' Value streams can be pretty big if you want them to be, and you don't have to
#' deal with containing individual values across multiple columns. For the case
#' where you need to provide two sets of values (*x* and *y*, for line plots
#' with `columns` and `columns_x_vals`), have two equivalently sized value
#' streams in two columns. Value streams can also be concatenated together by
#' referencing columns having their own separate value streams.
#' @section Reference line and reference area:
#' Neither a horizontal *reference line* nor a *reference area* is present in
#' the default view but these can be added by providing valid input values in
#' the `reference_line` and `reference_area` arguments. A reference line can
#' be either be a static numeric value (supply any number to `reference_line`),
#' or it can be a keyword that computes the reference line *y* value using the
#' data values for each nanoplot. The following keywords can be used:
#' 1. `"mean"`: The mean of the data values
#' 2. `"median"`: Median of data values
#' 3. `"min"`: Minimum value in set of data values
#' 4. `"max"`: The maximum value
#' 5. `"q1"`: The first, or lower, quartile of the data values
#' 6. `"q3"`: The third quartile, otherwise known as the upper quartile
#' 7. `"first"`: The first data value
#' 8. `"last"`: The last data value
#' The *reference area* accepts two inputs, and this can be two of the above
#' keywords, a keyword and a static numeric value, or two numeric values.
#' @section Examples:
#' Let's make some nanoplots with the [`illness`] dataset. The columns beginning
#' with 'day' all contain ordered measurement values, comprising seven
#' individual daily results. Using `cols_nanoplot()` we create a new column to
#' hold the nanoplots (with `new_col_name = "nanoplots"`), referencing the
#' columns containing the data (with `columns = starts_with("day")`). It's also
#' possible to define a column label here using the `new_col_label` argument.
#' ```r
#' illness |>
#' dplyr::slice_head(n = 10) |>
#' gt(rowname_col = "test") |>
#' tab_header("Partial summary of daily tests performed on YF patient") |>
#' tab_stubhead(label = md("**Test**")) |>
#' cols_hide(columns = starts_with("norm")) |>
#' fmt_units(columns = units) |>
#' cols_nanoplot(
#' columns = starts_with("day"),
#' new_col_name = "nanoplots",
#' new_col_label = md("*Progression*")
#' ) |>
#' cols_align(align = "center", columns = nanoplots) |>
#' cols_merge(columns = c(test, units), pattern = "{1} ({2})") |>
#' tab_footnote(
#' footnote = "Measurements from Day 3 through to Day 8.",
#' locations = cells_column_labels(columns = nanoplots)
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_cols_nanoplot_1.png")`
#' }}
#' The previous table showed us some line-based nanoplots. We can also make very
#' small bar plots with `cols_nanoplot()`. Let's take the [`pizzaplace`] dataset
#' and make a small summary table showing daily pizza sales by type (there are
#' four types). This will be limited to the first ten days of pizza sales in
#' 2015, so, there will be ten rows in total. We can use `plot_type = "bar"` to
#' make bar plots from the daily sales counts in the `chicken`, `classic`,
#' `supreme`, and `veggie` columns. Because we know there will always be four
#' bars (one for each type of pizza) we can be a little creative and apply
#' colors to each of the bars through use of the `data_bar_fill_color` argument
#' in [nanoplot_options()].
#' ```r
#' pizzaplace |>
#' dplyr::count(type, date) |>
#' tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = type, values_from = n) |>
#' dplyr::slice_head(n = 10) |>
#' gt(rowname_col = "date") |>
#' tab_header(
#' title = md("First Ten Days of Pizza Sales in 2015")
#' ) |>
#' cols_nanoplot(
#' columns = c(chicken, classic, supreme, veggie),
#' plot_type = "bar",
#' autohide = FALSE,
#' new_col_name = "pizzas_sold",
#' new_col_label = "Sales by Type",
#' options = nanoplot_options(
#' show_data_line = FALSE,
#' show_data_area = FALSE,
#' data_bar_stroke_color = "transparent",
#' data_bar_fill_color = c("brown", "gold", "purple", "green")
#' )
#' ) |>
#' cols_width(pizzas_sold ~ px(150)) |>
#' cols_align(columns = -date, align = "center") |>
#' fmt_date(columns = date, date_style = "yMMMEd") |>
#' opt_all_caps()
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_cols_nanoplot_2.png")`
#' }}
#' Now we'll make another table that contains two columns of nanoplots. Starting
#' from the [`towny`] dataset, we first reduce it down to a subset of columns
#' and rows. All of the columns related to either population or density will be
#' used as input data for the two nanoplots. Both nanoplots will use a reference
#' line that is generated from the median of the input data. And by naming the
#' new nanoplot-laden columns in a similar manner as the input data columns, we
#' can take advantage of select helpers (e.g., when using [tab_spanner()]). Many
#' of the input data columns are now redundant because of the plots, so we'll
#' elect to hide most of those with [cols_hide()].
#' ```r
#' towny |>
#' dplyr::select(name, starts_with("population"), starts_with("density")) |>
#' dplyr::filter(population_2021 > 200000) |>
#' dplyr::arrange(desc(population_2021)) |>
#' gt() |>
#' fmt_integer(columns = starts_with("population")) |>
#' fmt_number(columns = starts_with("density"), decimals = 1) |>
#' cols_nanoplot(
#' columns = starts_with("population"),
#' reference_line = "median",
#' autohide = FALSE,
#' new_col_name = "population_plot",
#' new_col_label = md("*Change*")
#' ) |>
#' cols_nanoplot(
#' columns = starts_with("density"),
#' plot_type = "bar",
#' autohide = FALSE,
#' new_col_name = "density_plot",
#' new_col_label = md("*Change*")
#' ) |>
#' cols_hide(columns = matches("2001|2006|2011|2016")) |>
#' tab_spanner(
#' label = "Population",
#' columns = starts_with("population")
#' ) |>
#' tab_spanner(
#' label = "Density ({{*persons* km^-2}})",
#' columns = starts_with("density")
#' ) |>
#' cols_label_with(
#' columns = -matches("plot"),
#' fn = function(x) gsub("[^0-9]+", "", x)
#' ) |>
#' cols_align(align = "center", columns = matches("plot")) |>
#' cols_width(
#' name ~ px(140),
#' everything() ~ px(100)
#' ) |>
#' opt_horizontal_padding(scale = 2)
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_cols_nanoplot_3.png")`
#' }}
#' The [`sza`] dataset can, with just some use of **dplyr** and **tidyr**, give
#' us a wide table full of nanoplottable values. We'll transform the solar
#' zenith angles to solar altitude angles and create a column of nanoplots using
#' the newly calculated values. There are a few `NA` values during periods where
#' the sun hasn't risen (usually before 06:30 in the winter months) and those
#' values will be replaced with `0` using `missing_vals = "zero"`. We'll also
#' elect to create bar plots using the `plot_type = "bar"` option. The height of
#' the plots will be bumped up to `"2.5em"` from the default of `"2em"`.
#' Finally, we will use [nanoplot_options()] to modify the coloring of the data
#' bars.
#' ```r
#' sza |>
#' dplyr::filter(latitude == 20 & tst <= "1200") |>
#' dplyr::select(-latitude) |>
#' dplyr::filter(!is.na(sza)) |>
#' dplyr::mutate(saa = 90 - sza) |>
#' dplyr::select(-sza) |>
#' tidyr::pivot_wider(
#' names_from = tst,
#' values_from = saa,
#' names_sort = TRUE
#' ) |>
#' gt(rowname_col = "month") |>
#' tab_header(
#' title = "Solar Altitude Angles",
#' subtitle = "Average values every half hour from 05:30 to 12:00"
#' ) |>
#' cols_nanoplot(
#' columns = matches("0"),
#' plot_type = "bar",
#' missing_vals = "zero",
#' new_col_name = "saa",
#' plot_height = "2.5em",
#' options = nanoplot_options(
#' data_bar_stroke_color = "GoldenRod",
#' data_bar_fill_color = "DarkOrange"
#' )
#' ) |>
#' tab_options(
#' table.width = px(400),
#' column_labels.hidden = TRUE
#' ) |>
#' cols_align(
#' align = "center",
#' columns = everything()
#' ) |>
#' tab_source_note(
#' source_note = "The solar altitude angle is the complement to
#' the solar zenith angle. TMYK."
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_cols_nanoplot_4.png")`
#' }}
#' You can use number and time streams as data for nanoplots. Let's demonstrate
#' how we can make use of them with some creative transformation of the
#' [`pizzaplace`] dataset. A value stream is really a string with delimited
#' numeric values, like this: `"7.24,84.2,14"`. A value stream can also contain
#' dates and/or datetimes, and here's an example of that:
#' `"2020-06-02 13:05:13,2020-06-02 14:24:05,2020-06-02 18:51:37"`. Having data
#' in this form can often be more convenient since different nanoplots might
#' have varying amounts of data (and holding different amounts of data in a
#' fixed number of columns is cumbersome). There are `date` and `time` columns
#' in this dataset and we'll use that to get *x* values denoting high-resolution
#' time instants: the second of the day that a pizza was sold (this is true
#' pizza analytics). We also have the sell price for a pizza, and that'll serve
#' as the *y* values. The pizzas belong to four different groups (in the `type`
#' column) and we'll group by that and create value streams with
#' `paste(..., collapse = ",")` inside the `dplyr::summarize()` call. With two
#' value streams in each row (having the same number of values) we can now make
#' a **gt** table with nanoplots.
#' ```r
#' pizzaplace |>
#' dplyr::filter(date == "2015-01-01") |>
#' dplyr::mutate(date_time = paste(date, time)) |>
#' dplyr::select(type, date_time, price) |>
#' dplyr::group_by(type) |>
#' dplyr::summarize(
#' date_time = paste(date_time, collapse = ","),
#' sold = paste(price, collapse = ",")
#' ) |>
#' gt(rowname_col = "type") |>
#' tab_header(
#' title = md("Pizzas sold on **January 1, 2015**"),
#' subtitle = "Between the opening hours of 11:30 to 22:30"
#' ) |>
#' cols_nanoplot(
#' columns = sold,
#' columns_x_vals = date_time,
#' expand_x = c("2015-01-01 11:30", "2015-01-01 22:30"),
#' reference_line = "median",
#' new_col_name = "pizzas_sold",
#' new_col_label = "Pizzas Sold",
#' options = nanoplot_options(
#' show_data_line = FALSE,
#' show_data_area = FALSE,
#' currency = "USD"
#' )
#' ) |>
#' cols_width(pizzas_sold ~ px(200)) |>
#' cols_align(columns = pizzas_sold, align = "center") |>
#' opt_all_caps()
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_cols_nanoplot_5.png")`
#' }}
#' Notice that the columns containing the value streams are hid due to the
#' default argument `autohide = TRUE` because, while useful, they don't need to
#' be displayed to anybody viewing a table. Since we have a lot of data points
#' and a connecting line is not as valuable here, we also set
#' `show_data_line = FALSE` in [nanoplot_options()]. It's more interesting to
#' see the clusters of the differently priced pizzas over the entire day.
#' Specifying a `currency` in [nanoplot_options()] is a nice touch since the *y*
#' values are sale prices in U.S. Dollars (hovering over data points gives
#' correctly formatted values). Finally, having a reference line based on the
#' median gives pretty useful information. Seems like customers preferred
#' getting the `"chicken"`-type pizzas in large size!
#' Using the [`gibraltar`] dataset, let's make a series of nanoplots across the
#' meteorological parameters of temperature, humidity, and wind speed. We'll
#' want to customize the appearance of the plots across three columns and we
#' can make this somewhat simpler by assigning a common set of options through
#' [nanoplot_options()]. In this table we want to make comparisons across
#' nanoplots in a particular column easier, so, we'll set `autoscale = TRUE` so
#' that there is a common y-axis scale for each of the parameters (based on the
#' extents of the data).
#' ```r
#' nanoplot_options_list <-
#' nanoplot_options(
#' data_point_radius = px(4),
#' data_point_stroke_width = px(2),
#' data_point_stroke_color = "black",
#' data_point_fill_color = "white",
#' data_line_stroke_width = px(4),
#' data_line_stroke_color = "gray",
#' show_data_line = TRUE,
#' show_data_points = TRUE,
#' show_data_area = FALSE,
#' )
#' gibraltar |>
#' dplyr::filter(date <= "2023-05-14") |>
#' dplyr::mutate(time = as.numeric(hms::as_hms(paste0(time, ":00")))) |>
#' dplyr::mutate(humidity = humidity * 100) |>
#' dplyr::select(date, time, temp, humidity, wind_speed) |>
#' dplyr::group_by(date) |>
#' dplyr::summarize(
#' time = paste(time, collapse = ","),
#' temp = paste(temp, collapse = ","),
#' humidity = paste(humidity, collapse = ","),
#' wind_speed = paste(wind_speed, collapse = ","),
#' ) |>
#' dplyr::mutate(is_satsun = lubridate::wday(date) %in% c(1, 7)) |>
#' gt(rowname_col = "date") |>
#' tab_header(
#' title = "Meteorological Summary of Gibraltar Station",
#' subtitle = "Data taken from May 1-14, 2023."
#' ) |>
#' fmt_date(columns = stub(), date_style = "wd_m_day_year") |>
#' cols_nanoplot(
#' columns = temp,
#' columns_x_vals = time,
#' expand_x = c(0, 86400),
#' autoscale = TRUE,
#' new_col_name = "temperature_nano",
#' new_col_label = "Temperature",
#' options = nanoplot_options_list
#' ) |>
#' cols_nanoplot(
#' columns = humidity,
#' columns_x_vals = time,
#' expand_x = c(0, 86400),
#' autoscale = TRUE,
#' new_col_name = "humidity_nano",
#' new_col_label = "Humidity",
#' options = nanoplot_options_list
#' ) |>
#' cols_nanoplot(
#' columns = wind_speed,
#' columns_x_vals = time,
#' expand_x = c(0, 86400),
#' autoscale = TRUE,
#' new_col_name = "wind_speed_nano",
#' new_col_label = "Wind Speed",
#' options = nanoplot_options_list
#' ) |>
#' cols_units(
#' temperature_nano = ":degree:C",
#' humidity_nano = "% (RH)",
#' wind_speed_nano = "m s^-1"
#' ) |>
#' cols_hide(columns = is_satsun) |>
#' tab_style_body(
#' style = cell_fill(color = "#E5FEFE"),
#' values = TRUE,
#' targets = "row",
#' extents = c("body", "stub")
#' ) |>
#' tab_style(
#' style = cell_text(align = "center"),
#' locations = cells_column_labels()
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_cols_nanoplot_6.png")`
#' }}
#' Box plots can be generated, and we just need to use `plot_type = "boxplot"`
#' to make that type of nanoplot. Using a small portion of the [`pizzaplace`]
#' dataset, we will create a simple table that displays a box plot of pizza
#' sales for a selection of days. By converting the string-time 24-hour-clock
#' time values to the number of seconds elapsed in a day, we get continuous
#' values that can be incorporated into each box plot. And, by supplying a
#' function to the `y_val_fmt_fn` argument within [nanoplot_options()], we can
#' transform the integer seconds values back to clock times for display on
#' hover.
#' ```r
#' pizzaplace |>
#' dplyr::filter(date <= "2015-01-14") |>
#' dplyr::mutate(time = as.numeric(hms::as_hms(time))) |>
#' dplyr::summarize(time = paste(time, collapse = ","), .by = date) |>
#' dplyr::mutate(is_weekend = lubridate::wday(date) %in% 6:7) |>
#' gt() |>
#' tab_header(title = "Pizza Sales in Early January 2015") |>
#' fmt_date(columns = date, date_style = 2) |>
#' cols_nanoplot(
#' columns = time,
#' plot_type = "boxplot",
#' options = nanoplot_options(y_val_fmt_fn = function(x) hms::as_hms(x))
#' ) |>
#' cols_hide(columns = is_weekend) |>
#' cols_width(everything() ~ px(250)) |>
#' cols_align(align = "center", columns = nanoplots) |>
#' cols_align(align = "left", columns = date) |>
#' tab_style(
#' style = cell_borders(
#' sides = "left", color = "gray"),
#' locations = cells_body(columns = nanoplots)
#' ) |>
#' tab_style_body(
#' style = cell_fill(color = "#E5FEFE"),
#' values = TRUE,
#' targets = "row"
#' ) |>
#' tab_options(column_labels.hidden = TRUE)
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_cols_nanoplot_7.png")`
#' }}
#' @family column modification functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 5-8
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.10.0` (October 7, 2023)
#' @export
cols_nanoplot <- function(
rows = everything(),
plot_type = c("line", "bar", "boxplot"),
plot_height = "2em",
missing_vals = c("gap", "marker", "zero", "remove"),
autoscale = FALSE,
autohide = TRUE,
columns_x_vals = NULL,
reference_line = NULL,
reference_area = NULL,
expand_x = NULL,
expand_y = NULL,
new_col_name = NULL,
new_col_label = NULL,
before = NULL,
after = NULL,
options = NULL
) {
# Perform input object validation
stop_if_not_gt_tbl(data = data)
# Ensure that arguments are matched
missing_vals <-
values = c("gap", "marker", "zero", "remove")
plot_type <-
values = c("line", "bar", "boxplot")
# Resolution of columns and rows as character vectors
resolved_columns <-
expr = {{ columns }},
data = data,
excl_stub = FALSE
resolved_columns_x <-
expr = {{ columns_x_vals }},
data = data,
excl_stub = FALSE,
null_means = "nothing"
resolved_rows_idx <-
expr = {{ rows }},
data = data
# Get the internal data table
data_tbl <- dt_data_get(data = data)
data_vals_plot_y <-
data_tbl = data_tbl,
resolved_columns = resolved_columns,
resolved_rows_idx = resolved_rows_idx
if (length(resolved_columns_x) > 0) {
data_vals_plot_x <-
data_tbl = data_tbl,
resolved_columns = resolved_columns_x,
resolved_rows_idx = resolved_rows_idx
} else {
data_vals_plot_x <- NULL
plot_height <- plot_height %||% "2em"
# use nanoplots_options() by default for options_plots if options not set.
options_plots <- options %||% nanoplot_options()
# Get all `y` vals into a vector
all_y_vals <- unlist(data_vals_plot_y)
# Get all `y` vals from single-valued components of `data_vals_plot_y`
# into a vector
all_single_y_vals <- c()
for (i in seq_along(data_vals_plot_y)) {
if (length(data_vals_plot_y[[i]]) == 1 && !is.na(data_vals_plot_y[[i]])) {
all_single_y_vals <- c(all_single_y_vals, data_vals_plot_y[[i]])
# Automatically apply `expand_x` and `expand_y` values as necessary if
# `autoscale` has been set to TRUE
if (autoscale) {
min_y_vals <- min(all_y_vals, na.rm = TRUE)
max_y_vals <- max(all_y_vals, na.rm = TRUE)
expand_y <- c(min_y_vals, max_y_vals)
if (!is.null(data_vals_plot_x)) {
all_x_vals <- unlist(data_vals_plot_x)
min_x_vals <- min(all_x_vals, na.rm = TRUE)
max_x_vals <- max(all_x_vals, na.rm = TRUE)
expand_x <- c(min_x_vals, max_x_vals)
# Initialize vector that will contain the nanoplots
nanoplots <- c()
for (i in seq_along(data_vals_plot_y)) {
data_vals_plot_y_i <- data_vals_plot_y[i][[1]]
if (!is.null(data_vals_plot_x)) {
data_vals_plot_x_i <- data_vals_plot_x[i][[1]]
} else {
data_vals_plot_x_i <- NULL
data_plot_i <-
y_vals = data_vals_plot_y_i,
y_ref_line = reference_line,
y_ref_area = reference_area,
x_vals = data_vals_plot_x_i,
expand_x = expand_x,
expand_y = expand_y,
missing_vals = missing_vals,
all_y_vals = all_y_vals,
all_single_y_vals = all_single_y_vals,
plot_type = plot_type,
line_type = options_plots$data_line_type,
currency = options_plots$currency,
y_val_fmt_fn = options_plots$y_val_fmt_fn,
y_axis_fmt_fn = options_plots$y_axis_fmt_fn,
y_ref_line_fmt_fn = options_plots$y_ref_line_fmt_fn,
data_point_radius = options_plots$data_point_radius,
data_point_stroke_color = options_plots$data_point_stroke_color,
data_point_stroke_width = options_plots$data_point_stroke_width,
data_point_fill_color = options_plots$data_point_fill_color,
data_line_stroke_color = options_plots$data_line_stroke_color,
data_line_stroke_width = options_plots$data_line_stroke_width,
data_area_fill_color = options_plots$data_area_fill_color,
data_bar_stroke_color = options_plots$data_bar_stroke_color,
data_bar_stroke_width = options_plots$data_bar_stroke_width,
data_bar_fill_color = options_plots$data_bar_fill_color,
data_bar_negative_stroke_color = options_plots$data_bar_negative_stroke_color,
data_bar_negative_stroke_width = options_plots$data_bar_negative_stroke_width,
data_bar_negative_fill_color = options_plots$data_bar_negative_fill_color,
reference_line_color = options_plots$reference_line_color,
reference_area_fill_color = options_plots$reference_area_fill_color,
vertical_guide_stroke_color = options_plots$vertical_guide_stroke_color,
vertical_guide_stroke_width = options_plots$vertical_guide_stroke_width,
show_data_points = options_plots$show_data_points,
show_data_line = options_plots$show_data_line,
show_data_area = options_plots$show_data_area,
show_ref_line = options_plots$show_reference_line,
show_ref_area = options_plots$show_reference_area,
show_vertical_guides = options_plots$show_vertical_guides,
show_y_axis_guide = options_plots$show_y_axis_guide,
interactive_data_values = options_plots$interactive_data_values,
svg_height = plot_height
nanoplots <- c(nanoplots, data_plot_i)
data <-
.data = data,
.before = dplyr::all_of(before),
.after = dplyr::all_of(after)
if (!is.null(new_col_name)) {
# TODO: Ensure that the new column name is validated for use
validated_new_col_name <- as.character(new_col_name)
colnames(data$`_data`) <-
fixed = TRUE
data$`_boxhead`[["var"]] <-
fixed = TRUE
data <-
data = data,
columns = dplyr::all_of(validated_new_col_name),
escape = FALSE
} else {
validated_new_col_name <- "nanoplots"
data <-
data = data,
columns = "nanoplots",
escape = FALSE
# The label ascribed to the new column needs to be modified in two cases:
# (1) If `new_column_name` provided and `new_col_label = NULL`, the label
# should be that provided in `new_column_name`
# (2) If `new_col_label` is provided, change the label of that new column
# to the value stored in that argument
if (!is.null(new_col_name) && is.null(new_col_label)) {
data <-
data = data,
var = validated_new_col_name,
column_label = validated_new_col_name
if (!is.null(new_col_label)) {
data <-
data = data,
var = validated_new_col_name,
column_label = new_col_label
data <-
style = paste0(
"padding-top:0; ",
"padding-bottom:0; ",
"vertical-align: middle; ",
"overflow-x: visible;"
locations = cells_body(columns = dplyr::all_of(validated_new_col_name))
if (isTRUE(autohide)) {
data <-
data = data,
columns = dplyr::all_of(resolved_columns)
if (length(resolved_columns_x) > 0) {
data <-
data = data,
columns = dplyr::all_of(resolved_columns_x)
# nanoplot_options() -----------------------------------------------------------
#' Supply nanoplot options to `cols_nanoplot()`
#' @description
#' When using [cols_nanoplot()], the defaults for the generated nanoplots
#' can be modified with `nanoplot_options()` within the `options` argument.
#' @param data_point_radius *Radius of data points*
#' `scalar<numeric>|vector<numeric>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' The `data_point_radius` option lets you set the radius for each of the data
#' points. By default this is set to `10`. Individual radius values can be
#' set by using a vector of numeric values; however, the vector provided must
#' match the number of data points.
#' @param data_point_stroke_color *Color of data points*
#' `scalar<character>|vector<character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' The default stroke color of the data points is `"#FFFFFF"` (`"white"`).
#' This works well when there is a visible data line combined with data points
#' with a darker fill color. The stroke color can be modified with
#' `data_point_stroke_color` for all data points by supplying a single color
#' value. With a vector of colors, each data point's stroke color can be
#' changed (ensure that the vector length matches the number of data points).
#' @param data_point_stroke_width *Width of surrounding line on data points*
#' `scalar<numeric>|vector<numeric>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' The width of the outside stroke for the data points can be modified with
#' the `data_point_stroke_width` option. By default, a value of `4` (as in
#' '4px') is used.
#' @param data_point_fill_color *Fill color for data points*
#' `scalar<character>|vector<character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' By default, all data points have a fill color of `"#FF0000"` (`"red"`).
#' This can be changed for all data points by providing a different color
#' to `data_point_fill_color`. And, a vector of different colors can be
#' supplied so long as the length is equal to the number of data points; the
#' fill color values will be applied in order of left to right.
#' @param data_line_type *Type of data line: curved or straight*
#' `scalar<character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' This can accept either `"curved"` or `"straight"`. Curved lines are
#' recommended when the nanoplot has less than 30 points and data points are
#' evenly spaced. In most other cases, straight lines might present better.
#' @param data_line_stroke_color *Color of the data line*
#' `scalar<character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' The color of the data line can be modified from its default `"#4682B4"`
#' (`"steelblue"`) color by supplying a color to the `data_line_stroke_color`
#' option.
#' @param data_line_stroke_width *Width of the data line*
#' `scalar<numeric>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' The width of the connecting data line can be modified with the
#' `data_line_stroke_width` option. By default, a value of `4` (as in '4px')
#' is used.
#' @param data_area_fill_color *Fill color for the data-point-bounded area*
#' `scalar<character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' The fill color for the area that bounds the data points in line plot. The
#' default is `"#FF0000"` (`"red"`) but can be changed by providing a color
#' value to `data_area_fill_color`.
#' @param data_bar_stroke_color *Color of a data bar's outside line*
#' `scalar<character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' The color of the stroke used for the data bars can be modified from its
#' default `"#3290CC"` color by supplying a color to the
#' `data_bar_stroke_color` option.
#' @param data_bar_stroke_width *Width of a data bar's outside line*
#' `scalar<numeric>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' The width of the stroke used for the data bars can be modified with the
#' `data_bar_stroke_width` option. By default, a value of `4` (as in '4px') is
#' used.
#' @param data_bar_fill_color *Fill color for data bars*
#' `scalar<character>|vector<character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' By default, all data bars have a fill color of `"#3FB5FF"`. This can be
#' changed for all data bars by providing a different color to
#' `data_bar_fill_color`. And, a vector of different colors can be supplied so
#' long as the length is equal to the number of data bars; the fill color
#' values will be applied in order of left to right.
#' @param data_bar_negative_stroke_color *Stroke color for negative values*
#' `scalar<character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' The color of the stroke used for the data bars that have negative values.
#' The default color is `"#CC3243"` but this can be changed by supplying a
#' color value to the `data_bar_negative_stroke_color` option.
#' @param data_bar_negative_stroke_width *Stroke width for negative values*
#' `scalar<numeric>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' The width of the stroke used for negative value data bars. This has the
#' same default as `data_bar_stroke_width` with a value of `4` (as in '4px').
#' This can be changed by giving a numeric value to the
#' `data_bar_negative_stroke_width` option.
#' @param data_bar_negative_fill_color *Fill color for negative values*
#' `scalar<character>|vector<character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' By default, all negative data bars have a fill color of `"#D75A68"`. This
#' can however be changed by providing a color value to the
#' `data_bar_negative_fill_color` option.
#' @param reference_line_color *Color for the reference line*
#' `scalar<character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' The reference line will have a color of `"#75A8B0"` if it is set to
#' appear. This color can be changed by providing a single color value to
#' `reference_line_color`.
#' @param reference_area_fill_color *Fill color for the reference area*
#' `scalar<character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' If a reference area has been defined and is visible it has by default
#' a fill color of `"#A6E6F2"`. This can be modified by declaring a color
#' value in the `reference_area_fill_color` option.
#' @param vertical_guide_stroke_color *Color of vertical guides*
#' `scalar<character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' Vertical guides appear when hovering in the vicinity of data points. Their
#' default color is `"#911EB4"` (a strong magenta color) and a fill opacity
#' value of `0.4` is automatically applied to this. However, the base color
#' can be changed with the `vertical_guide_stroke_color` option.
#' @param vertical_guide_stroke_width *Line widths for vertical guides*
#' `scalar<numeric>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' The vertical guide's stroke width, by default, is relatively large at `12`
#' (this is '12px'). This is modifiable by setting a different value with the
#' `vertical_guide_stroke_width` option.
#' @param show_data_points *Should the data points be shown?*
#' `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' By default, all data points in a nanoplot are shown but this layer can be
#' hidden by setting `show_data_points` to `FALSE`.
#' @param show_data_line *Should a data line be shown?*
#' `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' The data line connects data points together and it is shown by default.
#' This data line layer can be hidden by setting `show_data_line` to `FALSE`.
#' @param show_data_area *Should a data-point-bounded area be shown?*
#' `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' The data area layer is adjacent to the data points and the data line. It is
#' shown by default but can be hidden with `show_data_area = FALSE`.
#' @param show_reference_line *Should a reference line be shown?*
#' `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' The layer with a horizontal reference line appears underneath that of the
#' data points and the data line. Like vertical guides, hovering over a
#' reference will show its value. The reference line (if available) is shown
#' by default but can be hidden by setting `show_reference_line` to `FALSE`.
#' @param show_reference_area *Should a reference area be shown?*
#' `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' The reference area appears at the very bottom of the layer stack, if it is
#' available (i.e., defined in [cols_nanoplot()]). It will be shown in the
#' default case but can be hidden by using `show_reference_area = FALSE`.
#' @param show_vertical_guides *Should there be vertical guides?*
#' `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' Vertical guides appear when hovering over data points. This hidden layer is
#' active by default but can be deactivated by using
#' `show_vertical_guides = FALSE`.
#' @param show_y_axis_guide *Should there be a y-axis guide?*
#' `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' The *y*-axis guide will appear when hovering over the far left side of a
#' nanoplot. This hidden layer is active by default but can be deactivated by
#' using `show_y_axis_guide = FALSE`.
#' @param interactive_data_values *Should data values be interactively shown?*
#' `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' By default, numeric data values will be shown only when the user interacts
#' with certain regions of a nanoplot. This is because the values may be
#' numerous (i.e., clutter the display when all are visible) and it can be
#' argued that the values themselves are secondary to the presentation.
#' However, for some types of plots (like horizontal bar plots), a persistent
#' display of values alongside the plot marks may be desirable. By setting
#' `interactive_data_values = FALSE` we can opt for always displaying the data
#' values alongside the plot components.
#' @param y_val_fmt_fn,y_axis_fmt_fn,y_ref_line_fmt_fn *Custom formatting for y values*
#' `function` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' If providing a function to `y_val_fmt_fn`, `y_axis_fmt_fn`, or
#' `y_ref_line_fmt_fn` then customized formatting of the *y* values associated
#' with the data points/bars, the *y*-axis labels, and the reference line can
#' be performed.
#' @param currency *Define values as currencies of a specific type*
#' `scalar<character>|obj:<gt_currency>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' If the values are to be displayed as currency values, supply either: (1) a
#' 3-letter currency code (e.g., `"USD"` for U.S. Dollars, `"EUR"` for the
#' Euro currency), (2) a common currency name (e.g., `"dollar"`, `"pound"`,
#' `"yen"`, etc.), or (3) an invocation of the [currency()] helper function
#' for specifying a custom currency (where the string could vary across output
#' contexts). Use [info_currencies()] to get an information table with all of
#' the valid currency codes, and examples of each, for the first two cases.
#' @return A list object of class `nanoplot_options`.
#' @family helper functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 8-8
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.10.0` (October 7, 2023)
#' @export
nanoplot_options <- function(
data_point_radius = NULL,
data_point_stroke_color = NULL,
data_point_stroke_width = NULL,
data_point_fill_color = NULL,
data_line_type = NULL,
data_line_stroke_color = NULL,
data_line_stroke_width = NULL,
data_area_fill_color = NULL,
data_bar_stroke_color = NULL,
data_bar_stroke_width = NULL,
data_bar_fill_color = NULL,
data_bar_negative_stroke_color = NULL,
data_bar_negative_stroke_width = NULL,
data_bar_negative_fill_color = NULL,
reference_line_color = NULL,
reference_area_fill_color = NULL,
vertical_guide_stroke_color = NULL,
vertical_guide_stroke_width = NULL,
show_data_points = NULL,
show_data_line = NULL,
show_data_area = NULL,
show_reference_line = NULL,
show_reference_area = NULL,
show_vertical_guides = NULL,
show_y_axis_guide = NULL,
interactive_data_values = NULL,
y_val_fmt_fn = NULL,
y_axis_fmt_fn = NULL,
y_ref_line_fmt_fn = NULL,
currency = NULL
) {
data_point_radius <- data_point_radius %||% 10
data_point_stroke_color <- data_point_stroke_color %||% "#FFFFFF"
data_point_stroke_width <- data_point_stroke_width %||% 4
data_point_fill_color <- data_point_fill_color %||% "#FF0000"
data_line_type <- data_line_type %||% "curved"
data_line_stroke_color <- data_line_stroke_color %||% "#4682B4"
data_line_stroke_width <- data_line_stroke_width %||% 8
data_area_fill_color <- data_area_fill_color %||% "#FF0000"
data_bar_stroke_color <- data_bar_stroke_color %||% "#3290CC"
data_bar_stroke_width <- data_bar_stroke_width %||% 4
data_bar_fill_color <- data_bar_fill_color %||% "#3FB5FF"
data_bar_negative_stroke_color <- data_bar_negative_stroke_color %||% "#CC3243"
data_bar_negative_stroke_width <- data_bar_negative_stroke_width %||% 4
data_bar_negative_fill_color <- data_bar_negative_fill_color %||% "#D75A68"
reference_line_color <- reference_line_color %||% "#75A8B0"
reference_area_fill_color <- reference_area_fill_color %||% "#A6E6F2"
vertical_guide_stroke_color <- vertical_guide_stroke_color %||% "#911EB4"
vertical_guide_stroke_width <- vertical_guide_stroke_width %||% 12
show_data_points <- show_data_points %||% TRUE
show_data_line <- show_data_line %||% TRUE
show_data_area <- show_data_area %||% TRUE
show_reference_line <- show_reference_line %||% TRUE
show_reference_area <- show_reference_area %||% TRUE
show_vertical_guides <- show_vertical_guides %||% TRUE
show_y_axis_guide <- show_y_axis_guide %||% TRUE
interactive_data_values <- interactive_data_values %||% TRUE
# y_val_fmt_fn, y_axis_fmt_fn, and y_ref_line_fmt_fn
# are not assigned to a default value
# currency is also not assigned a default value.
nanoplot_options_list <-
data_point_radius = data_point_radius,
data_point_stroke_color = data_point_stroke_color,
data_point_stroke_width = data_point_stroke_width,
data_point_fill_color = data_point_fill_color,
data_line_type = data_line_type,
data_line_stroke_color = data_line_stroke_color,
data_line_stroke_width = data_line_stroke_width,
data_area_fill_color = data_area_fill_color,
data_bar_stroke_color = data_bar_stroke_color,
data_bar_stroke_width = data_bar_stroke_width,
data_bar_fill_color = data_bar_fill_color,
data_bar_negative_stroke_color = data_bar_negative_stroke_color,
data_bar_negative_stroke_width = data_bar_negative_stroke_width,
data_bar_negative_fill_color = data_bar_negative_fill_color,
reference_line_color = reference_line_color,
reference_area_fill_color = reference_area_fill_color,
vertical_guide_stroke_color = vertical_guide_stroke_color,
vertical_guide_stroke_width = vertical_guide_stroke_width,
show_data_points = show_data_points,
show_data_line = show_data_line,
show_data_area = show_data_area,
show_reference_line = show_reference_line,
show_reference_area = show_reference_area,
show_vertical_guides = show_vertical_guides,
show_y_axis_guide = show_y_axis_guide,
interactive_data_values = interactive_data_values,
y_val_fmt_fn = y_val_fmt_fn,
y_axis_fmt_fn = y_axis_fmt_fn,
y_ref_line_fmt_fn = y_ref_line_fmt_fn,
currency = currency
class(nanoplot_options_list) <- "nanoplot_options"
# Helpers -----------------
generate_data_vals_list <- function(
) {
data_vals_plot <- list()
for (i in seq_len(nrow(data_tbl))) {
if (!(i %in% resolved_rows_idx)) {
data_vals_plot <- c(data_vals_plot, list(NA_character_))
} else {
data_vals_i <- data_tbl[resolved_columns]
data_vals_i <- as.vector(data_vals_i[i, ])
data_vals_j <- c()
for (j in seq_along(data_vals_i)) {
if (
!is.na(data_vals_i[j][[1]]) &&
) {
# Detect value stream type and convert accordingly
if (
grepl("\\d{1,4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}", data_vals_i[j][[1]])
) {
data_vals_j <-
c(data_vals_j, process_time_stream(data_vals_i[j][[1]]))
} else {
data_vals_j <-
c(data_vals_j, process_number_stream(data_vals_i[j][[1]]))
} else {
data_vals_j <- c(data_vals_j, unlist(data_vals_i[j][[1]], use.names = FALSE))
data_vals_i <- list(data_vals_j)
data_vals_plot <- c(data_vals_plot, data_vals_i)
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