# /$$
# | $$
# /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$
# /$$__ $$|_ $$_/
# | $$ \ $$ | $$
# | $$ | $$ | $$ /$$
# | $$$$$$$ | $$$$/
# \____ $$ \___/
# /$$ \ $$
# | $$$$$$/
# \______/
# This file is part of the 'rstudio/gt' project.
# Copyright (c) 2018-2025 gt authors
# For full copyright and license information, please look at
# https://gt.rstudio.com/LICENSE.html
# tab_header() -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Add a table header
#' @description
#' We can add a table header to the **gt** table with a title and even a
#' subtitle using `tab_header()`. A table header is an optional
#' table part that is positioned just above the column labels table part. We
#' have the flexibility to use Markdown or HTML formatting for the header's
#' title and subtitle with the [md()] and [html()] helper functions.
#' @inheritParams fmt_number
#' @param title *Header title*
#' `scalar<character>` // **required**
#' Text to be used in the table title. We can elect to use the [md()] and
#' [html()] helper functions to style the text as Markdown or to retain HTML
#' elements in the text.
#' @param subtitle *Header subtitle*
#' `scalar<character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' Text to be used in the table subtitle. We can elect to use [md()] or
#' [html()] helper functions to style the text as Markdown or to retain HTML
#' elements in the text.
#' @param preheader *RTF preheader text*
#' `vector<character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' Optional preheader content that is rendered above the table for RTF output.
#' Can be supplied as a vector of text.
#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
#' @section Examples:
#' Let's use a small portion of the [`gtcars`] dataset to create a **gt** table.
#' A header part can be added to the table with the `tab_header()` function.
#' We'll add a title and the optional subtitle as well. With [md()], we can
#' make sure the Markdown formatting is interpreted and transformed.
#' ```r
#' gtcars |>
#' dplyr::select(mfr, model, msrp) |>
#' dplyr::slice(1:5) |>
#' gt() |>
#' tab_header(
#' title = md("Data listing from **gtcars**"),
#' subtitle = md("`gtcars` is an R dataset")
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_header_1.png")`
#' }}
#' If the table is intended solely as an HTML table, you could introduce your
#' own HTML elements into the header. You can even use the **htmltools** package
#' to help arrange and generate the HTML. Here's an example of that, where two
#' `<div>` elements are placed in a `htmltools::tagList()`.
#' ```r
#' gtcars |>
#' dplyr::select(mfr, model, msrp) |>
#' dplyr::slice(1:5) |>
#' gt() |>
#' tab_header(
#' title =
#' htmltools::tagList(
#' htmltools::tags$div(
#' htmltools::HTML(
#' web_image("https://www.r-project.org/logo/Rlogo.png")
#' ),
#' style = htmltools::css(`text-align` = "center")
#' ),
#' htmltools::tags$div(
#' "Data listing from ", htmltools::tags$strong("gtcars")
#' )
#' )
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_header_2.png")`
#' }}
#' If using HTML but doing something far simpler, we can wrap our title or
#' subtitle inside [html()] to declare that the text provided is HTML.
#' ```r
#' gtcars |>
#' dplyr::select(mfr, model, msrp) |>
#' dplyr::slice(1:5) |>
#' gt() |>
#' tab_header(
#' title = html("Data listing from <strong>gtcars</strong>"),
#' subtitle = html("From <span style='color:red;'>gtcars</span>")
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_header_3.png")`
#' }}
#' Sometimes, aligning the heading elements to the left can improve the
#' presentation of a table. Here, we use the [`nuclides`] dataset to generate a
#' display of natural abundance values for several stable isotopes.
#' [opt_align_table_header()] is used with `align = "left"` to make it so the
#' title and subtitle are left aligned in the header area.
#' ```r
#' nuclides |>
#' dplyr::filter(!is.na(abundance)) |>
#' dplyr::filter(abundance != 1) |>
#' dplyr::filter(z >= 1 & z <= 8) |>
#' dplyr::mutate(element = paste0(element, ", **z = ", z, "**")) |>
#' dplyr::mutate(nuclide = gsub("[0-9]+$", "", nuclide)) |>
#' dplyr::select(nuclide, element, atomic_mass, abundance, abundance_uncert) |>
#' gt(
#' rowname_col = "nuclide",
#' groupname_col = "element",
#' process_md = TRUE
#' ) |>
#' tab_header(
#' title = "Natural Abundance Values",
#' subtitle = md("For elements having atomic numbers from `1` to `8`.")
#' ) |>
#' tab_stubhead(label = "Isotope") |>
#' tab_stub_indent(
#' rows = everything(),
#' indent = 1
#' ) |>
#' fmt_chem(columns = stub()) |>
#' fmt_number(
#' columns = atomic_mass,
#' decimals = 4,
#' scale_by = 1 / 1e6
#' ) |>
#' fmt_percent(
#' columns = contains("abundance"),
#' decimals = 4
#' ) |>
#' cols_merge_uncert(
#' col_val = abundance,
#' col_uncert = abundance_uncert
#' ) |>
#' cols_label_with(fn = function(x) tools::toTitleCase(gsub("_", " ", x))) |>
#' cols_width(
#' stub() ~ px(70),
#' atomic_mass ~ px(120),
#' abundance ~ px(200)
#' ) |>
#' opt_align_table_header(align = "left") |>
#' opt_vertical_padding(scale = 0.5)
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_header_4.png")`
#' }}
#' @family part creation/modification functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 2-1
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.2.0.5` (March 31, 2020)
#' @export
tab_header <- function(
subtitle = NULL,
preheader = NULL
) {
# Perform input object validation
stop_if_not_gt_tbl(data = data)
data = data,
title = title,
subtitle = subtitle,
preheader = preheader
# tab_spanner() ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Add a spanner label
#' @description
#' With `tab_spanner()`, you can insert a spanner in the column labels part of a
#' **gt** table. This part of the table contains, at a minimum, column labels
#' and, optionally, an unlimited number of levels for spanners. A spanner will
#' occupy space over any number of contiguous column labels and it will have an
#' associated label and ID value. This function allows for mapping to be defined
#' by column names, existing spanner ID values, or a mixture of both. The
#' spanners are placed in the order of calling `tab_spanner()` so if a later call
#' uses the same columns in its definition (or even a subset) as the first
#' invocation, the second spanner will be overlaid atop the first. Options exist
#' for forcibly inserting a spanner underneath other (with `level` as space
#' permits) and with `replace`, which allows for full or partial spanner
#' replacement.
#' @inheritParams fmt_number
#' @param label *Spanner label text*
#' `scalar<character>` // **required**
#' The text to use for the spanner label. We can optionally use [md()] or
#' [html()] to style the text as Markdown or to retain HTML elements
#' in the text.
#' @param columns *Columns to target*
#' `<column-targeting expression>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' The columns to serve as components of the spanner. Can either be a series
#' of column names provided in `c()`, a vector of column indices, or a select
#' helper function (e.g. [starts_with()], [ends_with()], [contains()],
#' [matches()], [num_range()], and [everything()]). This argument works in
#' tandem with the `spanners` argument.
#' @param spanners *Spanners to target*
#' `vector<character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' The spanners that should be spanned over, should they already be defined.
#' One or more spanner ID values (in quotes) can be supplied here. This
#' argument works in tandem with the `columns` argument.
#' @param level *Spanner level for insertion*
#' `scalar<numeric|integer>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' An explicit level to which the spanner should be placed. If not provided,
#' **gt** will choose the level based on the inputs provided within `columns`
#' and `spanners`, placing the spanner label where it will fit. The first
#' spanner level (right above the column labels) is `1`.
#' In combination with [opt_interactive()] or `ihtml.active = TRUE` in
#' [tab_options()] only level `1` is supported, additional levels would be
#' discarded.
#' @param id *Spanner ID*
#' `scalar<character>` // *default:* `label`
#' The ID for the spanner. When accessing a spanner through the `spanners`
#' argument of `tab_spanner()` or [cells_column_spanners()] (when using
#' [tab_style()] or [tab_footnote()]) the `id` value is used as the reference
#' (and not the `label`). If an `id` is not explicitly provided here, it will
#' be taken from the `label` value. It is advisable to set an explicit `id`
#' value if you plan to access this cell in a later function call and the
#' label text is complicated (e.g., contains markup, is lengthy, or both).
#' Finally, when providing an `id` value you must ensure that it is unique
#' across all ID values set for spanner labels (the function will stop if `id`
#' isn't unique).
#' @param gather *Gather columns together*
#' `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `TRUE`
#' An option to move the specified `columns` such that they are unified under
#' the spanner. Ordering of the moved-into-place columns will be preserved in
#' all cases. By default, this is set to `TRUE`.
#' @param replace *Replace existing spanners*
#' `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `FALSE`
#' Should new spanners be allowed to partially or fully replace existing
#' spanners? (This is a possibility if setting spanners at an already
#' populated `level`.) By default, this is set to `FALSE` and an error will
#' occur if some replacement is attempted.
#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
#' @section Targeting columns with the `columns` argument:
#' The `columns` argument allows us to target a subset of columns contained in
#' the table. We can declare column names in `c()` (with bare column names or
#' names in quotes) or we can use **tidyselect**-style expressions. This can be
#' as basic as supplying a select helper like `starts_with()`, or, providing a
#' more complex incantation like
#' `where(~ is.numeric(.x) & max(.x, na.rm = TRUE) > 1E6)`
#' which targets numeric columns that have a maximum value greater than
#' 1,000,000 (excluding any `NA`s from consideration).
#' @section Details on spanner placement:
#' Let's take a hypothetical table that includes the following column names in
#' order from left to right: `year`, `len.pop`, `m.pop`, `len.dens`, and
#' `m.dens`. We'd like to have some useful spanners, but don't want to have any
#' over the `year` column (so we'll avoid using that column when defining
#' spanners). Let's start by creating a schematic representation of what is
#' wanted in terms of spanners:
#' ```{verbatim}
#' | ------- `"Two Provinces of Ireland"` ------ <- level 2 spanner
#' | ---- `"Leinster"` ---- | --- `"Munster"` -- <- level 1 spanners
#' `year` | `len.pop` | `len.dens` | `m.pop` | `m.dens` <- column names
#' ----------------------------------------------------
#' ```
#' To make this arrangement happen, we need three separate calls of
#' `tab_spanner()`:
#' - `tab_spanner(., label = "Leinster", columns = starts_with("len"))`
#' - `tab_spanner(., label = "Munster", columns = starts_with("m"))`
#' - `tab_spanner(., label = "Two Provinces of Ireland", columns = -year)`
#' This will give us the spanners we need with the appropriate labels. The ID
#' values will be derived from the labels in this case, but they can directly
#' supplied via the `id` argument.
#' An important thing to keep aware of is that the order of calls matters. The
#' first two can be in any order but the third one *must* happen last since we
#' build spanners from the bottom up. Also note that the first calls will
#' rearrange columns! This is by design as the `gather = TRUE` default will
#' purposefully gather columns together so that the columns will be united under
#' a single spanner. More complex definitions of spanners can be performed and
#' the *Examples* section demonstrates some of the more advanced calls of
#' `tab_spanner()`.
#' As a final note, the column labels (by default deriving from the column
#' names) will likely need to change and that's especially true in the above
#' case. This can be done with either of [cols_label()] or [cols_label_with()].
#' @section Incorporating units with **gt**'s units notation:
#' Measurement units are often seen as part of spanner labels and indeed it can
#' be much more straightforward to include them here rather than using other
#' devices to make readers aware of units for specific columns. Any text
#' pertaining units is to be defined alongside the spanner label. To do this, we
#' have to surround the portion of text in the label that corresponds to the
#' units definition with `"{{"`/`"}}"`.
#' Now that we know how to mark text for units definition, we know need to know
#' how to write proper units with the notation. Such notation uses a succinct
#' method of writing units and it should feel somewhat familiar though it is
#' particular to the task at hand. Each unit is treated as a separate entity
#' (parentheses and other symbols included) and the addition of subscript text
#' and exponents is flexible and relatively easy to formulate. This is all best
#' shown with a few examples:
#' - `"m/s"` and `"m / s"` both render as `"m/s"`
#' - `"m s^-1"` will appear with the `"-1"` exponent intact
#' - `"m /s"` gives the same result, as `"/<unit>"` is equivalent to
#' `"<unit>^-1"`
#' - `"E_h"` will render an `"E"` with the `"h"` subscript
#' - `"t_i^2.5"` provides a `t` with an `"i"` subscript and a `"2.5"` exponent
#' - `"m[_0^2]"` will use overstriking to set both scripts vertically
#' - `"g/L %C6H12O6%"` uses a chemical formula (enclosed in a pair of `"%"`
#' characters) as a unit partial, and the formula will render correctly with
#' subscripted numbers
#' - Common units that are difficult to write using ASCII text may be implicitly
#' converted to the correct characters (e.g., the `"u"` in `"ug"`, `"um"`,
#' `"uL"`, and `"umol"` will be converted to the Greek *mu* symbol; `"degC"`
#' and `"degF"` will render a degree sign before the temperature unit)
#' - We can transform shorthand symbol/unit names enclosed in `":"` (e.g.,
#' `":angstrom:"`, `":ohm:"`, etc.) into proper symbols
#' - Greek letters can added by enclosing the letter name in `":"`; you can
#' use lowercase letters (e.g., `":beta:"`, `":sigma:"`, etc.) and uppercase
#' letters too (e.g., `":Alpha:"`, `":Zeta:"`, etc.)
#' - The components of a unit (unit name, subscript, and exponent) can be
#' fully or partially italicized/emboldened by surrounding text with `"*"` or
#' `"**"`
#' @section Examples:
#' Let's create a **gt** table using a small portion of the [`gtcars`] dataset.
#' Over several columns (`hp`, `hp_rpm`, `trq`, `trq_rpm`, `mpg_c`, `mpg_h`)
#' we'll use `tab_spanner()` to add a spanner with the label `"performance"`.
#' This effectively groups together several columns related to car performance
#' under a unifying label.
#' ```r
#' gtcars |>
#' dplyr::select(
#' -mfr, -trim, bdy_style,
#' -drivetrain, -trsmn, -ctry_origin
#' ) |>
#' dplyr::slice(1:8) |>
#' gt(rowname_col = "model") |>
#' tab_spanner(
#' label = "performance",
#' columns = c(
#' hp, hp_rpm, trq, trq_rpm, mpg_c, mpg_h
#' )
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_spanner_1.png")`
#' }}
#' With the default `gather = TRUE` option, columns selected for a particular
#' spanner will be moved so that there is no separation between them. This can
#' be seen with the example below that uses a subset of the [`towny`] dataset.
#' The starting column order is `name`, `latitude`, `longitude`,
#' `population_2016`, `density_2016`, `population_2021`, and `density_2021`. The
#' first two uses of `tab_spanner()` deal with making separate spanners for the
#' two population and two density columns. After their use, the columns are
#' moved to this new ordering: `name`, `latitude`, `longitude`,
#' `population_2016`, `population_2021`, `density_2016`, and `density_2021`. The
#' third and final call of `tab_spanner()` doesn't further affect the ordering
#' of columns.
#' ```r
#' towny |>
#' dplyr::slice_max(population_2021, n = 5) |>
#' dplyr::select(
#' name, latitude, longitude,
#' ends_with("2016"), ends_with("2021")
#' ) |>
#' gt() |>
#' tab_spanner(
#' label = "Population",
#' columns = starts_with("pop")
#' ) |>
#' tab_spanner(
#' label = "Density",
#' columns = starts_with("den")
#' ) |>
#' tab_spanner(
#' label = md("*Location*"),
#' columns = ends_with("itude"),
#' id = "loc"
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_spanner_2.png")`
#' }}
#' While columns are moved, it is only the minimal amount of moving required
#' (pulling in columns from the right) to ensure that columns are gathered under
#' the appropriate spanners. With the last call, there are two more things to
#' note: (1) `label` values can use the [md()] (or [html()]) helper functions to
#' help create styled text, and (2) an `id` value may be supplied for reference
#' later (e.g., for styling with [tab_style()] or applying footnotes with
#' [tab_footnote()]).
#' It's possible to stack multiple spanners atop each other with consecutive
#' calls of `tab_spanner()`. It's a bit like playing Tetris: putting a spanner
#' down anywhere there is another spanner (i.e., there are one or more shared
#' columns) means that second spanner will reside a level above the prior. Let's
#' look at a few examples to see how this works, and we'll also explore a few
#' lesser-known placement tricks. We'll use a cut down version of [`exibble`]
#' for this, set up a few level-`1` spanners, and then place a level-`2` spanner
#' over two other spanners.
#' ```r
#' exibble_narrow <- exibble |> dplyr::slice_head(n = 3)
#' exibble_narrow |>
#' gt() |>
#' tab_spanner(
#' label = "Row Information",
#' columns = c(row, group)
#' ) |>
#' tab_spanner(
#' label = "Numeric Values",
#' columns = where(is.numeric),
#' id = "num_spanner"
#' ) |>
#' tab_spanner(
#' label = "Text Values",
#' columns = c(char, fctr),
#' id = "text_spanner"
#' ) |>
#' tab_spanner(
#' label = "Numbers and Text",
#' spanners = c("num_spanner", "text_spanner")
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_spanner_3.png")`
#' }}
#' In the above example, we used the `spanners` argument to define where the
#' `"Numbers and Text"`-labeled spanner should reside. For that, we supplied the
#' `"num_spanner"` and `"text_spanner"` ID values for the two spanners
#' associated with the `num`, `currency`, `char`, and `fctr` columns.
#' Alternatively, we could have given those column names to the `columns`
#' argument and achieved the same result. You could actually use a combination
#' of `spanners` and `columns` to define where the spanner should be placed.
#' Here is an example of just that:
#' ```r
#' exibble_narrow_gt <-
#' exibble_narrow |>
#' gt() |>
#' tab_spanner(
#' label = "Numeric Values",
#' columns = where(is.numeric),
#' id = "num_spanner"
#' ) |>
#' tab_spanner(
#' label = "Text Values",
#' columns = c(char, fctr),
#' id = "text_spanner"
#' ) |>
#' tab_spanner(
#' label = "Text, Dates, Times, Datetimes",
#' columns = contains(c("date", "time")),
#' spanners = "text_spanner"
#' )
#' exibble_narrow_gt
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_spanner_4.png")`
#' }}
#' And, again, we could have solely supplied all of the column names to
#' `columns` instead of using this hybrid approach, but it is interesting to
#' express the definition of spanners with this flexible combination.
#' What if you wanted to extend the above example and place a spanner above the
#' `date`, `time`, and `datetime` columns? If you tried that in the manner as
#' exemplified above, the spanner will be placed in the third level of spanners:
#' ```r
#' exibble_narrow_gt |>
#' tab_spanner(
#' label = "Date and Time Columns",
#' columns = contains(c("date", "time")),
#' id = "date_time_spanner"
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_spanner_5.png")`
#' }}
#' Remember that the approach taken by `tab_spanner()` is to keep stacking atop
#' existing spanners. But, there is space next to the `"Text Values"` spanner on
#' the first level. You can either revise the order of `tab_spanner()` calls,
#' or, use the `level` argument to force the spanner into that level (so long
#' as there is space).
#' ```r
#' exibble_narrow_gt |>
#' tab_spanner(
#' label = "Date and Time Columns",
#' columns = contains(c("date", "time")),
#' level = 1,
#' id = "date_time_spanner"
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_spanner_6.png")`
#' }}
#' That puts the spanner in the intended level. If there aren't free locations
#' available in the `level` specified you'll get an error stating which columns
#' cannot be used for the new spanner (this can be circumvented, if necessary,
#' with the `replace = TRUE` option). If you choose a level higher than the
#' maximum occupied, then the spanner will be dropped down. Again, these
#' behaviors are indicative of Tetris-like rules which tend to work well for the
#' application of spanners.
#' Using a subset of the [`towny`] dataset, we can create an interesting **gt**
#' table. First, only certain columns are selected from the dataset, some
#' filtering of rows is done, rows are sorted, and then only the first 10 rows
#' are kept. After the data is introduced to [gt()], we then apply some spanner
#' labels using two calls of [tab_spanner()]. In the second of those, we
#' incorporate unit notation text (within `"{{"`/`"}}"`) in the `label` to get a
#' display of nicely-formatted units.
#' ```r
#' towny |>
#' dplyr::select(
#' name, ends_with(c("2001", "2006")), matches("2001_2006")
#' ) |>
#' dplyr::filter(population_2001 > 100000) |>
#' dplyr::slice_max(pop_change_2001_2006_pct, n = 10) |>
#' gt() |>
#' fmt_integer() |>
#' fmt_percent(columns = matches("change"), decimals = 1) |>
#' tab_spanner(
#' label = "Population",
#' columns = starts_with("population")
#' ) |>
#' tab_spanner(
#' label = "Density, {{*persons* km^-2}}",
#' columns = starts_with("density")
#' ) |>
#' cols_label(
#' ends_with("01") ~ "2001",
#' ends_with("06") ~ "2006",
#' matches("change") ~ md("Population Change,<br>2001 to 2006")
#' ) |>
#' cols_width(everything() ~ px(120))
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_spanner_7.png")`
#' }}
#' @family part creation/modification functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 2-2
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.2.0.5` (March 31, 2020)
#' @seealso [tab_spanner_delim()] to create spanners and new column labels with
#' delimited column names.
#' @export
tab_spanner <- function(
columns = NULL,
spanners = NULL,
level = NULL,
id = label,
gather = TRUE,
replace = FALSE
) {
# Perform input object validation
stop_if_not_gt_tbl(data = data)
present_spanner_ids <- dt_spanners_get_ids(data = data)
# Get the columns supplied in `columns` as a character vector
column_names <-
expr = {{ columns }},
data = data,
null_means = "nothing"
# Get the spanner IDs supplied in `spanners` as a character vector
spanner_id_idx <-
vars = present_spanner_ids,
expr = spanners
# Stop function if `level` is provided and is less than `1`
if (!is.null(level) && level < 1) {
"A spanner level of {level} cannot be set.",
"*" = "Please choose a `level` value greater than or equal to `1`."
if (is.numeric(spanner_id_idx)) {
spanner_ids <- present_spanner_ids[spanner_id_idx]
} else {
if (
!is.null(spanner_id_idx) &&
!all(spanner_id_idx %in% present_spanner_ids)
) {
error_vars <-
base::setdiff(spanner_id_idx, present_spanner_ids)
"One or more spanner ID(s) supplied in `spanners` ({error_vars}),
for the new spanner with the ID `{id}` doesn't belong to any
existing spanners."
spanner_ids <- spanner_id_idx
# If `column_names` and `spanner_ids` have zero lengths then
# return the data unchanged
if (length(column_names) < 1 && length(spanner_ids) < 1) {
# Check new `id` against existing `id` values across column labels
# and spanner labels and stop if necessary
check_spanner_id_unique(data = data, spanner_id = id)
# Resolve the `column_names` that new spanner will span over
column_names <-
data = data,
column_names = column_names,
spanner_ids = spanner_ids
# Resolve the `level` of the new spanner
level <-
data = data,
column_names = column_names,
level = level
if (grepl("\\{\\{.*?\\}\\}", label)) {
spanner_units <- gsub("^.*?(\\{\\{.*?\\}\\}).*?$", "\\1", label)
spanner_pattern <- ""
} else {
spanner_units <- NA_character_
spanner_pattern <- NA_character_
# Add the spanner to the `_spanners` table
data <-
data = data,
vars = column_names,
spanner_label = label,
spanner_units = spanner_units,
spanner_pattern = spanner_pattern,
spanner_id = id,
spanner_level = level,
gather = gather,
replace = replace
# Move columns into place with `cols_move()` only if specific
# conditions are met:
# - `gather` should be TRUE
# - `spanner_ids` should be empty
# - `level` is NULL or `1`
if (
gather &&
length(spanner_ids) < 1 &&
(is.null(level) || level == 1)
) {
data <-
data = data,
columns = dplyr::all_of(column_names),
after = column_names[1]
resolve_spanner_level <- function(
) {
# If explicitly providing a `level` simply return that value
if (!is.null(level)) {
# Determine if there are any existing spanners
any_existing_spanners <- dt_spanners_exists(data = data)
# If there aren't any existing spanners, then the new spanner
# level will always be `1`
if (!any_existing_spanners) {
# Get the present `spanners_tbl`
spanners_tbl <- dt_spanners_get(data = data)
highest_level <- 0L
spanner_cols <- c("spanner_id", "vars", "spanner_level")
spanners_tbl <- spanners_tbl[ , spanner_cols, drop = FALSE]
cnd_highest_level <-
FUN.VALUE = logical(1L),
FUN = function(x) any(column_names %in% x)
highest_level <- spanners_tbl[cnd_highest_level, "spanner_level", drop = TRUE]
# Max of ^ and 0
highest_level <- max(c(0, highest_level))
highest_level + 1L
resolve_spanned_column_names <- function(
) {
if (length(spanner_ids) > 0) {
spanners_existing <- dt_spanners_get(data = data)
column_names_associated <-
spanners_existing[["spanner_id"]] %in% spanner_ids
column_names <- c(column_names, column_names_associated)
# tab_spanner_delim() ----------------------------------------------------------
#' Create column labels and spanners via delimited column names
#' @description
#' `tab_spanner_delim()` can take specially-crafted column names and generate
#' one or more spanners (and revise column labels at the same time). This is
#' done by splitting the column name by the specified delimiter text (`delim`)
#' and placing the fragments from top to bottom (i.e., higher-level spanners to
#' the column labels) or vice versa. Furthermore, neighboring text fragments on
#' different spanner levels that have the same text will be coalesced together.
#' For instance, having the three side-by-side column names `rating_1`,
#' `rating_2`, and `rating_3` will (in the default case at least) result in a
#' spanner with the label `"rating"` above columns with the labels `"1"`, `"2"`,
#' and `"3"`. There are many options in `cols_spanner_delim()` to slice and dice
#' delimited column names in different ways:
#' - delimiter text: choose the delimiter text to use for the fragmentation of
#' column names into spanners with the `delim` argument
#' - direction and amount of splitting: we can choose to split *n* times
#' according to a `limit` argument, and, we get to specify from which side of
#' the column name the splitting should commence
#' - reversal of fragments: we can reverse the order the fragments we get from
#' the splitting procedure with the `reverse` argument
#' - column constraints: it's possible to constrain which columns in a **gt**
#' table should participate in spanner creation using vectors or
#' **tidyselect**-style expressions
#' @inheritParams tab_spanner
#' @param delim *Delimiter for splitting*
#' `scalar<character>` // **required**
#' The delimiter text to use to split one of more column names (i.e., those
#' that are targeted via the `columns` argument).
#' @param columns *Columns to target*
#' `<column-targeting expression>` // *default:* `everything()`
#' The columns to consider for the splitting, relabeling, and spanner setting
#' operations. Can either be a series of column names provided in `c()`, a
#' vector of column indices, or a select helper function (e.g.,
#' [starts_with()], [ends_with()], [contains()], [matches()], [num_range()],
#' and [everything()]).
#' @param split *Splitting side*
#' `singl-kw:[last|first]` // *default:* `"last"`
#' Should the delimiter splitting occur from the `"last"` instance of the
#' `delim` character or from the `"first"`? The default here uses the `"last"`
#' keyword, and splitting begins at the last instance of the delimiter in the
#' column name. This option only has some consequence when there is a `limit`
#' value applied that is lesser than the number of delimiter characters for a
#' given column name (i.e., number of splits is not the maximum possible
#' number).
#' @param limit *Limit for splitting*
#' `scalar<numeric|integer|character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' An optional limit to place on the splitting procedure. The default `NULL`
#' means that a column name will be split as many times are there are
#' delimiter characters. In other words, the default means there is no limit.
#' If an integer value is given to `limit` then splitting will cease at the
#' iteration given by `limit`. This works in tandem with `split` since we can
#' adjust the number of splits from either the right side (`split = "last"`)
#' or left side (`split = "first"`) of the column name.
#' @param reverse *Reverse vector of split names*
#' `scalar<logical>` // *default:* `FALSE`
#' Should the order of split names be reversed? By default, this is `FALSE`.
#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
#' @section Details on column splitting:
#' If we take a hypothetical table that includes the column names
#' `province.NL_ZH.pop`, `province.NL_ZH.gdp`, `province.NL_NH.pop`, and
#' `province.NL_NH.gdp`, we can see that we have a naming system that has a
#' well-defined structure. We start with the more general to the left
#' (`"province"`) and move to the more specific on the right (`"pop"`). If the
#' columns are in the table in this exact order, then things are in an ideal
#' state as the eventual spanner labels will form from this neighboring.
#' When using `tab_spanner_delim()` here with `delim` set as `"."` we get the
#' following text fragments:
#' - `province.NL_ZH.pop` -> `"province"`, `"NL_ZH"`, `"pop"`
#' - `province.NL_ZH.gdp` -> `"province"`, `"NL_ZH"`, `"gdp"`
#' - `province.NL_NH.pop` -> `"province"`, `"NL_NH"`, `"pop"`
#' - `province.NL_NH.gdp` -> `"province"`, `"NL_NH"`, `"gdp"`
#' This gives us the following arrangement of column labels and spanner labels:
#' ```{verbatim}
#' --------- `"province"` ---------- <- level 2 spanner
#' ---`"NL_ZH"`--- | ---`"NL_NH"`--- <- level 1 spanners
#' `"pop"`|`"gdp"` | `"pop"`|`"gdp"` <- column labels
#' ---------------------------------
#' ```
#' There might be situations where the same delimiter is used throughout but
#' only the last instance requires a splitting. With a pair of column names like
#' `north_holland_pop` and `north_holland_area` you would only want `"pop"` and
#' `"area"` to be column labels underneath a single spanner (`"north_holland"`).
#' To achieve this, the `split` and `limit` arguments are used and the values
#' for each need to be `split = "last"` and `limit = 1`. This will give us
#' the following arrangement:
#' ```{verbatim}
#' --`"north_holland"`-- <- level 1 spanner
#' `"pop"` | `"area"` <- column labels
#' ---------------------
#' ```
#' @section Examples:
#' With a subset of the [`towny`] dataset, we can create a **gt** table and then
#' use `tab_spanner_delim()` to automatically generate column spanner labels.
#' In this case we have some column names in the form `population_<year>`.
#' The underscore character is the delimiter that separates a common word
#' `"population"` and a year value. In this default way of splitting, fragments
#' to the right are lowest (really they become new column labels) and moving
#' left we get spanners. Let's have a look at how `tab_spanner_delim()` handles
#' these column names:
#' ```r
#' towny_subset_gt <-
#' towny |>
#' dplyr::select(name, starts_with("population")) |>
#' dplyr::filter(grepl("^F", name)) |>
#' gt() |>
#' tab_spanner_delim(delim = "_") |>
#' fmt_integer()
#' towny_subset_gt
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_spanner_delim_1.png")`
#' }}
#' The spanner created through this use of `tab_spanner_delim()` is
#' automatically given an ID value by **gt**. Because it's hard to know what the
#' ID value is, we can use [tab_info()] to inspect the table's indices and ID
#' values.
#' ```r
#' towny_subset_gt |> tab_info()
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_spanner_delim_2.png")`
#' }}
#' From this informational table, we see that the ID for the spanner is
#' `"spanner-population_1996"`. Also, the columns are still accessible by the
#' original column names (`tab_spanner_delim()` did change their labels though).
#' Let's use [tab_style()] along with [cells_column_spanners()] to add some
#' styling to the spanner label of the `towny_subset_gt` table.
#' ```r
#' towny_subset_gt |>
#' tab_style(
#' style = cell_text(weight = "bold", transform = "capitalize"),
#' locations = cells_column_spanners(spanners = "spanner-population_1996")
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_spanner_delim_3.png")`
#' }}
#' We can plan ahead a bit and refashion the column names with **dplyr** before
#' introducing the table to [gt()] and `tab_spanner_delim()`. Here the column
#' labels have underscore delimiters where splitting is not wanted (so a period
#' or space character is used instead). The usage of `tab_spanner_delim()` gives
#' two levels of spanners. We can further touch up the labels after that with
#' [cols_label_with()] and [text_transform()].
#' ```r
#' towny |>
#' dplyr::slice_max(population_2021, n = 5) |>
#' dplyr::select(name, ends_with("pct")) |>
#' dplyr::rename_with(
#' .fn = function(x) {
#' x |>
#' sub("pop_change_", "Population Change.", x = _) |>
#' sub("_pct", ".pct", x = _)
#' }
#' ) |>
#' gt(rowname_col = "name") |>
#' tab_spanner_delim(delim = ".") |>
#' fmt_number(decimals = 1, scale_by = 100) |>
#' cols_label_with(
#' fn = function(x) gsub("pct", "%", x)
#' ) |>
#' text_transform(
#' fn = function(x) gsub("_", " - ", x, fixed = TRUE),
#' locations = cells_column_spanners()
#' ) |>
#' tab_style(
#' style = cell_text(align = "center"),
#' locations = cells_column_labels()
#' ) |>
#' tab_style(
#' style = "padding-right: 36px;",
#' locations = cells_body()
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_spanner_delim_4.png")`
#' }}
#' With a summarized, filtered, and pivoted version of the [`pizzaplace`]
#' dataset, we can create another **gt** table and then use
#' `tab_spanner_delim()` with the delimiter/separator also used in
#' `tidyr::pivot_wider()`. We can also process the generated column labels with
#' [cols_label_with()].
#' ```r
#' pizzaplace |>
#' dplyr::select(name, date, type, price) |>
#' dplyr::group_by(name, date, type) |>
#' dplyr::summarize(
#' revenue = sum(price),
#' sold = dplyr::n(),
#' .groups = "drop"
#' ) |>
#' dplyr::filter(date %in% c("2015-01-01", "2015-01-02", "2015-01-03")) |>
#' dplyr::filter(type %in% c("classic", "veggie")) |>
#' tidyr::pivot_wider(
#' names_from = date,
#' names_sep = ".",
#' values_from = c(revenue, sold),
#' values_fn = sum,
#' names_sort = TRUE
#' ) |>
#' gt(rowname_col = "name", groupname_col = "type") |>
#' tab_spanner_delim(delim = ".") |>
#' sub_missing(missing_text = "") |>
#' fmt_currency(columns = starts_with("revenue")) |>
#' data_color(
#' columns = starts_with("revenue"),
#' method = "numeric",
#' palette = c("white", "lightgreen")
#' ) |>
#' cols_label_with(
#' fn = function(x) {
#' paste0(x, " (", vec_fmt_datetime(x, format = "E"), ")")
#' }
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_spanner_delim_5.png")`
#' }}
#' @family part creation/modification functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 2-3
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.2.0.5` (March 31, 2020)
#' @seealso [tab_spanner()] to manually create spanners with more control over
#' spanner labels.
#' @export
tab_spanner_delim <- function(
columns = everything(),
split = c("last", "first"),
limit = NULL,
reverse = FALSE
) {
# Perform input object validation
stop_if_not_gt_tbl(data = data)
# Ensure that arguments are matched
split <- rlang::arg_match0(split, values = c("last", "first"))
# Perform various input checks for `limit` if it is provided
check_number_whole(limit, min = 1, allow_null = TRUE, allow_infinite = FALSE)
# Perform checks on `delim`
check_string(delim, allow_empty = FALSE)
# Get all of the columns in the dataset
all_cols <- dt_boxhead_get_vars(data = data)
# Get the columns supplied in `columns` as a character vector
columns <-
expr = {{ columns }},
data = data
if (!is.null(columns)) {
colnames_spanners <- base::intersect(all_cols, columns)
} else {
colnames_spanners <- all_cols
if (length(colnames_spanners) == 0) {
colnames_spanners_ordered <- colnames_spanners
# Determine the highest spanner level from these column names
max_level <-
FUN.VALUE = integer(1), FUN = function(x) {
delim = delim,
n = limit,
split = split,
reverse = reverse
na.rm = TRUE
# Create a matrix representation of the spanners
spanner_matrix <- matrix(data = NA_character_, nrow = max_level, ncol = 0)
for (col in all_cols) {
if (col %in% colnames_spanners) {
col_name <- colnames_spanners_ordered[colnames_spanners %in% col]
elements <-
x = col_name,
delim = delim,
n = limit,
split = split,
reverse = reverse
elements_n <- length(elements)
matrix_col_i <-
c(rep(NA_character_, max_level - elements_n), elements),
ncol = 1
} else {
matrix_col_i <- matrix(c(rep(NA_character_, max_level - 1), col))
spanner_matrix <- cbind(spanner_matrix, matrix_col_i)
# If the height of the spanner matrix isn't greater than
# one then return the data untouched
if (nrow(spanner_matrix) == 1) {
for (i in rev(seq_len(nrow(spanner_matrix)))) {
if (i == nrow(spanner_matrix)) next
level <- nrow(spanner_matrix) - i
rle_spanners_i <- rle(spanner_matrix[i, ])
spanners_i_lengths <- rle_spanners_i$lengths
spanners_i_values <- rle_spanners_i$values
spanners_i_col_i <- utils::head(cumsum(c(1, spanners_i_lengths)), -1)
# Initialize spanner ids to existing spanners in the data
spanner_id_vals <- dt_spanners_get_ids(data)
for (j in seq_along(spanners_i_lengths)) {
if (!is.na(spanners_i_values[j])) {
# Construct the ID for the spanner from the spanner matrix
spanner_id <-
spanner_matrix[seq(i, nrow(spanner_matrix)), spanners_i_col_i[j]],
collapse = delim
# Modify `spanner_id` to not collide with any other values
if (spanner_id %in% spanner_id_vals) {
if (startsWith(spanner_id, "spanner-")) {
# Add number to spanner ID values on first duplication
spanner_id <- gsub("^spanner-", "spanner:1-", spanner_id)
while (spanner_id %in% spanner_id_vals) {
# Increment number to spanner ID values on subsequent duplications
idx_str <- gsub("^spanner:([0-9]+)-.*", "\\1", spanner_id)
idx_int <- as.integer(idx_str)
spanner_id <-
paste0("\\1", idx_int + 1, "\\2"),
spanner_id_vals <- unique(c(spanner_id_vals, spanner_id))
spanner_columns <-
spanners_i_col_i[j] + spanners_i_lengths[j] - 1
# Set the spanner with a call to `tab_spanner()`
data <-
data = data,
label = spanners_i_values[j],
columns = spanner_columns,
spanners = NULL,
level = level,
id = spanner_id,
gather = FALSE
# Re-label column labels included in `colnames_spanners`
new_labels <- spanner_matrix[nrow(spanner_matrix), ]
new_label_list <- stats::setNames(as.list(new_labels), all_cols)
# Merge any column labels previously set by `cols_label()`
boxh <- dt_boxhead_get(data = data)
old_label_list <- as.list(boxh$column_label)
names(old_label_list) <- boxh$var
for (name in names(new_label_list)) {
if (!(name %in% names(old_label_list))) next
if (
!is.character(old_label_list[[name]]) ||
is.character(old_label_list[[name]]) &&
old_label_list[[name]] != name
) {
new_label_list[[name]] <- old_label_list[[name]]
# Conclude by invoking `cols_label()` on the data
cols_label(data, .list = new_label_list)
str_split_across <- function(
n = NULL,
split = "last",
reverse = FALSE
) {
delim_width <- nchar(delim)
if (is.null(n)) {
x_split <- unlist(strsplit(x, split = delim, fixed = TRUE))
if (reverse) {
x_split <- rev(x_split)
# Remove empty strings
x_split <- x_split[x_split != ""]
if (length(x_split) < 1) {
x_split <- x
x_delim_chars <-
unlist(gregexpr(pattern = delim, text = x, fixed = TRUE)[[1]])
if (length(x_delim_chars) == 1 && x_delim_chars == -1) {
x_split <- x
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
if (split == "last") {
x_split_i <- x_split[1]
x_split <- x_split[-1]
delim_chars <-
unlist(gregexpr(pattern = delim, text = x_split_i, fixed = TRUE)[[1]])
if (length(delim_chars) == 1 && delim_chars == -1) break
split_delim <- max(delim_chars)
x_split_n <- nchar(x_split_i)
x_split_1 <- substr(x_split_i, start = 1, stop = split_delim - 1)
x_split_2 <- substr(x_split_i, start = split_delim + delim_width, x_split_n)
x_split <- c(x_split_1, x_split_2, x_split)
} else {
x_split_i <- x_split[length(x_split)]
x_split <- x_split[-length(x_split)]
delim_chars <-
unlist(gregexpr(pattern = delim, text = x_split_i, fixed = TRUE)[[1]])
if (length(delim_chars) == 1 && delim_chars == -1) break
split_delim <- min(delim_chars)
x_split_n <- nchar(x_split_i)
x_split_1 <- substr(x_split_i, start = 1, stop = split_delim - 1)
x_split_2 <- substr(x_split_i, start = split_delim + delim_width, x_split_n)
x_split <- c(x_split, x_split_1, x_split_2)
if (length(delim_chars) == 1) break
if (reverse) {
x_split <- rev(x_split)
# Remove empty strings
x_split <- x_split[x_split != ""]
if (length(x_split) < 1) {
x_split <- x
# tab_row_group() --------------------------------------------------------------
#' Add a row group to a **gt** table
#' @description
#' We can create a row group from a collection of rows with `tab_row_group()`.
#' This requires specification of the rows to be included, either by supplying
#' row labels, row indices, or through use of a select helper function like
#' [starts_with()]. To modify the order of row groups, we can use
#' [row_group_order()].
#' To set a default row group label for any rows not formally placed in a row
#' group, we can use a separate call to `tab_options(row_group.default_label =
#' <label>)`. If this is not done and there are rows that haven't been placed
#' into a row group (where one or more row groups already exist), those rows
#' will be automatically placed into a row group without a label.
#' @inheritParams fmt_number
#' @param label *Row group label text*
#' `scalar<character>` // **required**
#' The text to use for the row group label. We can optionally use [md()] or
#' [html()] to style the text as Markdown or to retain HTML elements in the
#' text.
#' @param rows *Rows to target*
#' `<row-targeting expression>` // **required**
#' The rows to be made components of the row group. We can supply a vector of
#' row ID values within `c()`, a vector of row indices, or use select helpers
#' (e.g. [starts_with()], [ends_with()], [contains()], [matches()],
#' [num_range()], and [everything()]). We can also use expressions to filter
#' down to the rows we need (e.g., `[colname_1] > 100 & [colname_2] < 50`).
#' @param id *Row group ID*
#' `scalar<character>` // *default:* `label`
#' The ID for the row group. When accessing a row group through
#' [cells_row_groups()] (when using [tab_style()] or [tab_footnote()]) the
#' `id` value is used as the reference (and not the `label`). If an `id` is
#' not explicitly provided here, it will be taken from the `label` value. It
#' is advisable to set an explicit `id` value if you plan to access this cell
#' in a later function call and the label text is complicated (e.g., contains
#' markup, is lengthy, or both). Finally, when providing an `id` value you
#' must ensure that it is unique across all ID values set for row groups (the
#' function will stop if `id` isn't unique).
#' @param others_label *[Deprecated] Label for default row group*
#' `scalar<character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' This argument is deprecated. Instead use
#' `tab_options(row_group.default_label = <label>)`.
#' @param group *[Deprecated] The group label*
#' `scalar<character>` // *default:* `NULL` (`optional`)
#' This argument is deprecated. Instead use `label`.
#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
#' @section Examples:
#' Using a subset of the [`gtcars`] dataset, let's create a simple **gt** table
#' with row labels (from the `model` column) inside of a stub. This eight-row
#' table begins with no row groups at all but with a single use of
#' `tab_row_group()`, we can specify a row group that will contain any rows
#' where the car model begins with a number.
#' ```r
#' gtcars |>
#' dplyr::select(model, year, hp, trq) |>
#' dplyr::slice(1:8) |>
#' gt(rowname_col = "model") |>
#' tab_row_group(
#' label = "numbered",
#' rows = matches("^[0-9]")
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_row_group_1.png")`
#' }}
#' This actually makes two row groups since there are row labels that don't
#' begin with a number. That second row group is a catch-all `NA` group, and it
#' doesn't display a label at all. Rather, it is set off from the other group
#' with a double line. This may be a preferable way to display the arrangement
#' of one distinct group and an 'others' or default group. If that's the case
#' but you'd like the order reversed, you can use [row_group_order()].
#' ```r
#' gtcars |>
#' dplyr::select(model, year, hp, trq) |>
#' dplyr::slice(1:8) |>
#' gt(rowname_col = "model") |>
#' tab_row_group(
#' label = "numbered",
#' rows = matches("^[0-9]")
#' ) |>
#' row_group_order(groups = c(NA, "numbered"))
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_row_group_2.png")`
#' }}
#' Two more options include: (1) setting a default label for the 'others' group
#' (done through [tab_options()]), and (2) creating row groups until there are
#' no more unaccounted for rows. Let's try the first option in the next example:
#' ```r
#' gtcars |>
#' dplyr::select(model, year, hp, trq) |>
#' dplyr::slice(1:8) |>
#' gt(rowname_col = "model") |>
#' tab_row_group(
#' label = "numbered",
#' rows = matches("^[0-9]")
#' ) |>
#' row_group_order(groups = c(NA, "numbered")) |>
#' tab_options(row_group.default_label = "others")
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_row_group_3.png")`
#' }}
#' The above use of the `row_group.default_label` in [tab_options()] gets the
#' job done and provides a default label. One drawback is that the default/`NA`
#' group doesn't have an ID, so it can't as easily be styled with [tab_style()];
#' however, row groups have indices and the index for the `"others"` group here
#' is `1`.
#' ```r
#' gtcars |>
#' dplyr::select(model, year, hp, trq) |>
#' dplyr::slice(1:8) |>
#' gt(rowname_col = "model") |>
#' tab_row_group(
#' label = "numbered",
#' rows = matches("^[0-9]")
#' ) |>
#' row_group_order(groups = c(NA, "numbered")) |>
#' tab_options(row_group.default_label = "others") |>
#' tab_style(
#' style = cell_fill(color = "bisque"),
#' locations = cells_row_groups(groups = 1)
#' ) |>
#' tab_style(
#' style = cell_fill(color = "lightgreen"),
#' locations = cells_row_groups(groups = "numbered")
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_row_group_4.png")`
#' }}
#' Now let's try using `tab_row_group()` with our [`gtcars`]-based table such
#' that all rows are formally assigned to different row groups. We'll define two
#' row groups with the (Markdown-infused) labels `"**Powerful Cars**"` and
#' `"**Super Powerful Cars**"`. The distinction between the groups is whether
#' `hp` is lesser or greater than `600` (and this is governed by the expressions
#' provided to the `rows` argument).
#' ```r
#' gtcars |>
#' dplyr::select(model, year, hp, trq) |>
#' dplyr::slice(1:8) |>
#' gt(rowname_col = "model") |>
#' tab_row_group(
#' label = md("**Powerful Cars**"),
#' rows = hp < 600,
#' id = "powerful"
#' ) |>
#' tab_row_group(
#' label = md("**Super Powerful Cars**"),
#' rows = hp >= 600,
#' id = "v_powerful"
#' ) |>
#' tab_style(
#' style = cell_fill(color = "gray85"),
#' locations = cells_row_groups(groups = "powerful")
#' ) |>
#' tab_style(
#' style = list(
#' cell_fill(color = "gray95"),
#' cell_text(size = "larger")
#' ),
#' locations = cells_row_groups(groups = "v_powerful")
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_row_group_5.png")`
#' }}
#' Setting the `id` values for each of the row groups makes things easier since
#' you will have clean, markup-free ID values to reference in later calls (as
#' was done with the [tab_style()] invocations in the example above). The use of
#' the [md()] helper function makes it so that any Markdown provided for the
#' `label` of a row group is faithfully rendered.
#' @family part creation/modification functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 2-4
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.2.0.5` (March 31, 2020)
#' @export
tab_row_group <- function(
id = label,
others_label = NULL,
group = NULL
) {
# Perform input object validation
stop_if_not_gt_tbl(data = data)
arrange_groups_vars <- dt_row_groups_get(data = data)
if (!missing(group)) {
if (missing(label)) {
label <- group
"Since gt v0.3.0 the `group` argument has been deprecated.",
"*" = "Use the `label` argument to specify the group label."
.frequency = "regularly",
.frequency_id = "tab_row_group_group_arg_deprecated"
# Warn user about `others_label` deprecation
if (!is.null(others_label)) {
data <-
data = data,
row_group.default_label = others_label
"Since gt v0.3.0 the `others_label` argument has been deprecated.",
"*" = "Use `tab_options(row_group.default_label = <label>)` to set
this label."
.frequency = "regularly",
.frequency_id = "tab_row_group_others_label_arg_deprecated"
if (missing(label) && missing(rows) && missing(id)) {
# Check `id` against existing `id` values and stop if necessary
check_row_group_id_unique(data = data, row_group_id = id)
# Capture the `rows` expression
row_expr <- rlang::enquo(rows)
# Resolve the row numbers using `resolve_vars()`
resolved_rows_idx <-
expr = !!row_expr,
data = data
# Get the `stub_df` data frame from `data`
stub_df <- dt_stub_df_get(data = data)
# If the label is marked as HTML or Markdown and there's no `id` set
# (assumed when `id` is equal to `label`), strip away HTML tags in the
# `id` value
if (id == label && (inherits(id, "html") || inherits(id, "from_markdown"))) {
id <- remove_html(as.character(id))
# Place the `label` in the `groupname` column `stub_df`
stub_df[resolved_rows_idx, "group_label"] <- list(list(label))
stub_df[resolved_rows_idx, "group_id"] <- as.character(id)
data <- dt_stub_df_set(data = data, stub_df = stub_df)
# Set the `_row_groups` vector here with the group id; new groups will
# be placed at the front, pushing down `NA` (the 'Others' group)
arrange_groups_vars <- arrange_groups_vars[!is.na(arrange_groups_vars)]
arrange_groups_vars <- c(id, arrange_groups_vars)
arrange_groups_vars <- unique(arrange_groups_vars)
arrange_groups_vars <- arrange_groups_vars[arrange_groups_vars %in% stub_df$group_id]
if (dt_stub_groupname_has_na(data = data)) {
arrange_groups_vars <- c(arrange_groups_vars, NA_character_)
if (length(arrange_groups_vars) == 1 && is.na(arrange_groups_vars)) {
arrange_groups_vars <- character(0L)
data = data,
row_groups = arrange_groups_vars
# tab_stubhead() ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' Add label text to the stubhead
#' @description
#' We can add a label to the stubhead of a **gt** table with `tab_stubhead()`.
#' The stubhead is the lone part of the table that is positioned left of the
#' column labels, and above the stub. If a stub does not exist, then there is no
#' stubhead (so no visible change will be made when using this function in that
#' case). We have the flexibility to use Markdown formatting for the stubhead
#' label via the [md()] helper function. Furthermore, if the table is intended
#' for HTML output, we can use HTML inside of [html()] for the stubhead label.
#' @inheritParams fmt_number
#' @param label *Stubhead label text*
#' `scalar<character>` // **required**
#' The text to be used as the stubhead label. We can optionally use [md()] or
#' [html()] to style the text as Markdown or to retain HTML elements in the
#' text.
#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
#' @section Examples:
#' Using a small subset of the [`gtcars`] dataset, we can create a **gt** table
#' with row labels. Since we have row labels in the stub (via use of
#' `rowname_col = "model"` in the [gt()] function call) we have a stubhead, so,
#' let's add a stubhead label (`"car"`) with `tab_stubhead()` to
#' describe what's in the stub.
#' ```r
#' gtcars |>
#' dplyr::select(model, year, hp, trq) |>
#' dplyr::slice(1:5) |>
#' gt(rowname_col = "model") |>
#' tab_stubhead(label = "car")
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_stubhead_1.png")`
#' }}
#' The stubhead can contain all sorts of interesting content. How about an icon
#' for a car? We can make this happen with help from the **fontawesome**
#' package.
#' ```r
#' gtcars |>
#' dplyr::select(model, year, hp, trq) |>
#' dplyr::slice(1:5) |>
#' gt(rowname_col = "model") |>
#' tab_stubhead(label = fontawesome::fa("car"))
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_stubhead_2.png")`
#' }}
#' If the stub is two columns wide (made possible by using
#' `row_group_as_column = TRUE` in the [gt()] statement), the stubhead will be a
#' merged cell atop those two stub columns representing the row group and the
#' row label. Here's an example of that type of situation in a table that uses
#' the [`peeps`] dataset.
#' ```r
#' peeps |>
#' dplyr::filter(country %in% c("POL", "DEU")) |>
#' dplyr::group_by(country) |>
#' dplyr::filter(dplyr::row_number() %in% 1:5) |>
#' dplyr::ungroup() |>
#' dplyr::mutate(name = paste0(toupper(name_family), ", ", name_given)) |>
#' dplyr::select(name, address, city, postcode, country) |>
#' gt(
#' rowname_col = "name",
#' groupname_col = "country",
#' row_group_as_column = TRUE
#' ) |>
#' tab_stubhead(label = "Country Code / Person") |>
#' tab_style(
#' style = cell_text(transform = "capitalize"),
#' locations = cells_column_labels()
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_stubhead_3.png")`
#' }}
#' The stubhead cell and its text can be styled using [tab_style()] with
#' [cells_stubhead()]. In this example, using the [`reactions`] dataset, we
#' style the stubhead label so that it is vertically centered with text that is
#' highly emboldened.
#' ```r
#' reactions |>
#' dplyr::filter(cmpd_type == "nitrophenol") |>
#' dplyr::select(cmpd_name, OH_k298, Cl_k298) |>
#' dplyr::filter(!(is.na(OH_k298) & is.na(Cl_k298))) |>
#' gt(rowname_col = "cmpd_name") |>
#' tab_spanner(
#' label = "Rate constant at 298 K, in {{cm^3 molecules^-1 s^-1}}",
#' columns = ends_with("k298")
#' ) |>
#' tab_stubhead(label = "Nitrophenol Compound") |>
#' fmt_scientific() |>
#' sub_missing() |>
#' cols_label_with(fn = function(x) sub("_k298", "", x)) |>
#' cols_width(everything() ~ px(200)) |>
#' tab_style(
#' style = cell_text(v_align = "middle", weight = "800"),
#' locations = cells_stubhead()
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_stubhead_4.png")`
#' }}
#' @family part creation/modification functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 2-5
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.2.0.5` (March 31, 2020)
#' @export
tab_stubhead <- function(
) {
# Perform input object validation
stop_if_not_gt_tbl(data = data)
dt_stubhead_label(data = data, label = label)
# tab_stub_indent() ------------------------------------------------------------
#' Control indentation of row labels in the stub
#' @description
#' Indentation of row labels is an effective way for establishing structure in a
#' table stub. `tab_stub_indent()` allows for fine control over row label
#' indentation in the stub. We can use an explicit definition of an indentation
#' level (with a number between `0` and `5`), or, employ an indentation
#' directive using keywords (`"increase"`/`"decrease"`).
#' @inheritParams fmt_number
#' @param rows *Rows to target*
#' `<row-targeting expression>` // **required**
#' The rows to consider for the indentation change. We can supply a vector of
#' row ID values within `c()`, a vector of row indices, or use select helpers
#' here (e.g. [starts_with()], [ends_with()], [contains()], [matches()],
#' [num_range()], and [everything()]). We can also use expressions to filter
#' down to the rows we need (e.g., `[colname_1] > 100 & [colname_2] < 50`).
#' @param indent *Indentation directive*
#' `scalar<character|numeric|integer>` // *default:* `"increase"`
#' An indentation directive either as a keyword describing the indentation
#' change or as an explicit integer value for directly setting the indentation
#' level. The keyword `"increase"` (the default) will increase the indentation
#' level by one; `"decrease"` will do the same in the reverse direction. The
#' starting indentation level of `0` means no indentation and this values
#' serves as a lower bound. The upper bound for indentation is at level `5`.
#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
#' @section Compatibility of arguments with the `from_column()` helper function:
#' [from_column()] can be used with the `indent` argument of `tab_stub_indent()`
#' to obtain varying parameter values from a specified column within the table.
#' This means that each row label could be indented a little bit differently.
#' Please note that for this argument (`indent`), a [from_column()] call needs
#' to reference a column that has data of the `numeric` or `integer` type.
#' Additional columns for parameter values can be generated with [cols_add()]
#' (if not already present). Columns that contain parameter data can also be
#' hidden from final display with [cols_hide()].
#' @section Examples:
#' Using a subset of the [`photolysis`] dataset within a **gt** table, we can
#' provide some indentation to all of the row labels in the stub via
#' `tab_stub_indent()`. Here we provide an `indent` value of `3` for a very
#' prominent indentation that clearly shows that the row labels are subordinate
#' to the two row group labels in this table (`"inorganic reactions"` and
#' `"carbonyls"`).
#' ```r
#' photolysis |>
#' dplyr::select(cmpd_name, products, type, l, m, n) |>
#' dplyr::slice_head(n = 10) |>
#' gt(groupname_col = "type", rowname_col = "cmpd_name") |>
#' fmt_chem(columns = products) |>
#' fmt_scientific(columns = l) |>
#' tab_stub_indent(
#' rows = everything(),
#' indent = 3
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_stub_indent_1.png")`
#' }}
#' Let's use a summarized version of the [`pizzaplace`] dataset to create a
#' another **gt** table with row groups and row labels. With [summary_rows()],
#' we'll generate summary rows at the top of each row group. Using
#' `tab_stub_indent()` we can add indentation to the row labels in the stub.
#' ```r
#' pizzaplace |>
#' dplyr::group_by(type, size) |>
#' dplyr::summarize(
#' sold = dplyr::n(),
#' income = sum(price),
#' .groups = "drop"
#' ) |>
#' gt(rowname_col = "size", groupname_col = "type") |>
#' tab_header(title = "Pizzas Sold in 2015") |>
#' fmt_integer(columns = sold) |>
#' fmt_currency(columns = income) |>
#' summary_rows(
#' fns = list(label = "All Sizes", fn = "sum"),
#' side = "top",
#' fmt = list(
#' ~ fmt_integer(., columns = sold),
#' ~ fmt_currency(., columns = income)
#' )
#' ) |>
#' tab_options(
#' summary_row.background.color = "gray95",
#' row_group.background.color = "#FFEFDB",
#' row_group.as_column = TRUE
#' ) |>
#' tab_stub_indent(
#' rows = everything(),
#' indent = 2
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_stub_indent_2.png")`
#' }}
#' Indentation of entries in the stub can be controlled by values within a
#' column. Here's an example of that using the [`constants`] dataset, where
#' variations of a row label are mutated to eliminate the common leading text
#' (replacing it with `"..."`). At the same time, the indentation for those rows
#' is set to `4` in the `indent` column (value is `0` otherwise). The
#' `tab_stub_indent()` statement uses [from_column()], which passes values from
#' the `indent` column to the namesake argument. We hide the `indent` column
#' from view by use of [cols_hide()].
#' ```r
#' constants |>
#' dplyr::select(name, value, uncert, units) |>
#' dplyr::filter(
#' grepl("^atomic mass constant", name) |
#' grepl("^Rydberg constant", name) |
#' grepl("^Bohr magneton", name)
#' ) |>
#' dplyr::mutate(
#' indent = ifelse(grepl("constant |magneton ", name), 4, 0),
#' name = gsub(".*constant |.*magneton ", "...", name)
#' ) |>
#' gt(rowname_col = "name") |>
#' tab_stubhead(label = "Physical Constant") |>
#' tab_stub_indent(
#' rows = everything(),
#' indent = from_column(column = "indent")
#' ) |>
#' fmt_scientific(columns = c(value, uncert)) |>
#' fmt_units(columns = units) |>
#' cols_hide(columns = indent) |>
#' cols_label(
#' value = "Value",
#' uncert = "Uncertainty",
#' units = "Units"
#' ) |>
#' cols_width(
#' stub() ~ px(250),
#' c(value, uncert) ~ px(150),
#' units ~ px(80)
#' ) |>
#' tab_style(
#' style = cell_text(indent = px(10)),
#' locations = list(
#' cells_column_labels(columns = units),
#' cells_body(columns = units)
#' )
#' )
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_stub_indent_3.png")`
#' }}
#' @family part creation/modification functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 2-6
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.7.0` (Aug 25, 2022)
#' @export
tab_stub_indent <- function(
indent = "increase"
) {
# Perform input object validation
stop_if_not_gt_tbl(data = data)
# Capture the `rows` expression
row_expr <- rlang::enquo(rows)
# Get the `stub_df` data frame from `data`
stub_df <- dt_stub_df_get(data = data)
# Resolve the row numbers using `resolve_vars()`
resolved_rows_idx <-
expr = !!row_expr,
data = data
# Get existing indentation values
indent_vals <- stub_df[stub_df$rownum_i %in% resolved_rows_idx, ][["indent"]]
# Implement support for the `from_column()` helper function; when
# used for the `indent` arg, a `gt_column` object is provided
if (inherits(indent, "gt_column")) {
# Obtain the underlying data table
data_df <- dt_data_get(data = data)
# Obtain a `resolved_column` from a column name in the table
resolved_column <- resolve_cols_c(expr = indent[["column"]], data = data)
indent_vals <- data_df[resolved_rows_idx, ][[resolved_column]]
# Stop function if indentation values aren't numeric
if (!is.numeric(indent_vals)) {
cli::cli_abort("Values taken from a column must be numeric.")
# If a function supplied with `fn` in the `from_column()` output,
# apply that function to any `indent_vals`
if (!is.null(indent[["fn"]])) {
fn <- indent[["fn"]]
indent_vals <- fn(indent_vals)
# If there is an `na_value` provided along with `from_column()`, apply
# that to the `indent_vals` vector
if (!is.null(indent[["na_value"]])) {
na_value <- indent[["na_value"]]
# Stop function if the `na_value` isn't numeric
if (!is.numeric(na_value)) {
cli::cli_abort("The `na_value` provided must be numeric.")
indent_vals[is.na(indent_vals)] <- na_value
indent_vals <- abs(as.integer(indent_vals))
indent_vals[indent_vals > 5] <- 5L
indent_vals <- as.character(indent_vals)
} else {
for (i in seq_along(indent_vals)) {
if (is.na(indent_vals[i])) {
indent_val_i <- 0L
} else if (grepl("^[0-9]$", indent_vals[i])) {
indent_val_i <- as.integer(indent_vals[i])
} else {
indent_val_i <- indent_vals[i]
# Modify `indent_val_i` based on keyword directives
if (is.character(indent)) {
# Move `indent_val_i` up or down by one
if (indent == "increase") {
indent_val_i <- indent_val_i + 1L
} else if (indent == "decrease") {
indent_val_i <- indent_val_i - 1L
# Set hard boundaries on the indentation value (LB is `0`, UB is `5`)
if (indent_val_i > 5) indent_val_i <- 5L
if (indent_val_i < 0) indent_val_i <- 0L
# Modify `indent_val_i` using a fixed value
if (
is.numeric(indent) &&
!is.na(indent) &&
) {
# Stop function if `indent` value doesn't fall into the acceptable range
min = 0,
max = 5,
allow_infinite = FALSE
# Coerce `indent` to an integer value
indent_val_i <- as.integer(indent)
# Ensure that `indent_val_i` is assigned to `indent_vals` as
# a character value
indent_vals[i] <- as.character(indent_val_i)
stub_df[stub_df$rownum_i %in% resolved_rows_idx, ][["indent"]] <- indent_vals
dt_stub_df_set(data = data, stub_df = stub_df)
# tab_source_note() ------------------------------------------------------------
#' Add a source note citation
#' @description
#' Add a source note to the footer part of the **gt** table. A source note is
#' useful for citing the data included in the table. Several can be added to the
#' footer, simply use multiple calls of `tab_source_note()` and they will be
#' inserted in the order provided. We can use Markdown formatting for the note,
#' or, if the table is intended for HTML output, we can include HTML formatting.
#' @inheritParams fmt_number
#' @param source_note *Source note text*
#' `scalar<character>` // **required**
#' Text to be used in the source note. We can optionally use [md()] and
#' [html()] to style the text as Markdown or to retain HTML elements
#' in the text.
#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
#' @section Examples:
#' With three columns from the [`gtcars`] dataset, let's create a **gt** table.
#' We can use `tab_source_note()` to add a source note to the table
#' footer. Here we are citing the data source but this function can be used for
#' any text you'd prefer to display in the footer section.
#' ```r
#' gtcars |>
#' dplyr::select(mfr, model, msrp) |>
#' dplyr::slice(1:5) |>
#' gt() |>
#' tab_source_note(source_note = "From edmunds.com")
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_source_note_1.png")`
#' }}
#' @family part creation/modification functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 2-8
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.2.0.5` (March 31, 2020)
#' @export
tab_source_note <- function(
) {
# Perform input object validation
stop_if_not_gt_tbl(data = data)
data = data,
source_note = source_note
# tab_caption() ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Add a table caption
#' @description
#' Add a caption to a **gt** table, which is handled specially for a table
#' within an R Markdown, Quarto, or **bookdown** context. The addition of
#' captions makes tables cross-referencing across the containing document. The
#' caption location (i.e., top, bottom, margin) is handled at the document level
#' in each of these systems.
#' @inheritParams fmt_number
#' @param caption *Table caption text*
#' `scalar<character>` // **required**
#' The table caption to use for cross-referencing in R Markdown, Quarto, or
#' **bookdown**.
#' @return An object of class `gt_tbl`.
#' @section Examples:
#' With three columns from the [`gtcars`] dataset, let's create a **gt** table.
#' First, we'll add a header part with [tab_header()]. After that, a caption is
#' added with `tab_caption()`.
#' ```r
#' gtcars |>
#' dplyr::select(mfr, model, msrp) |>
#' dplyr::slice(1:5) |>
#' gt() |>
#' tab_header(
#' title = md("Data listing from **gtcars**"),
#' subtitle = md("`gtcars` is an R dataset")
#' ) |>
#' tab_caption(caption = md("**gt** table example."))
#' ```
#' \if{html}{\out{
#' `r man_get_image_tag(file = "man_tab_caption_1.png")`
#' }}
#' @family part creation/modification functions
#' @section Function ID:
#' 2-9
#' @section Function Introduced:
#' `v0.8.0` (November 16, 2022)
#' @export
tab_caption <- function(
) {
# Perform input object validation
stop_if_not_gt_tbl(data = data)
data = data,
option = "table_caption",
value = caption
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