
Defines functions checkDT9 DT10Names legacyRenderDataTable renderDataTable downloadHandler renderUI renderText createRenderPrintPromiseDomain renderPrint isTemp renderImage markOutputAttrs addAttributes renderFunctionAttributes as.tags.shiny.render.function useRenderFunction createRenderFunction print.shiny.render.function markRenderFunction

Documented in createRenderFunction downloadHandler markOutputAttrs markRenderFunction renderDataTable renderImage renderPrint renderText renderUI

utils::globalVariables('func', add = TRUE)

#' Mark a function as a render function
#' `r lifecycle::badge("superseded")` Please use [`createRenderFunction()`] to
#' support async execution. (Shiny 1.1.0)
#' Should be called by implementers of `renderXXX` functions in order to mark
#' their return values as Shiny render functions, and to provide a hint to Shiny
#' regarding what UI function is most commonly used with this type of render
#' function. This can be used in R Markdown documents to create complete output
#' widgets out of just the render function.
#' Note that it is generally preferable to use [createRenderFunction()] instead
#' of `markRenderFunction()`. It essentially wraps up the user-provided
#' expression in the `transform` function passed to it, then passes the resulting
#' function to `markRenderFunction()`. It also provides a simpler calling
#' interface. There may be cases where `markRenderFunction()` must be used instead of
#' [createRenderFunction()] -- for example, when the `transform` parameter of
#' [createRenderFunction()] is not flexible enough for your needs.
#' @param uiFunc A function that renders Shiny UI. Must take a single argument:
#'   an output ID.
#' @param renderFunc A function that is suitable for assigning to a Shiny output
#'   slot.
#' @param outputArgs A list of arguments to pass to the `uiFunc`. Render
#'   functions should include `outputArgs = list()` in their own parameter list,
#'   and pass through the value to `markRenderFunction`, to allow app authors to
#'   customize outputs. (Currently, this is only supported for dynamically
#'   generated UIs, such as those created by Shiny code snippets embedded in R
#'   Markdown documents).
#' @param cacheHint One of `"auto"`, `FALSE`, or some other information to
#'   identify this instance for caching using [bindCache()]. If `"auto"`, it
#'   will try to automatically infer caching information. If `FALSE`, do not
#'   allow caching for the object. Some render functions (such as [renderPlot])
#'   contain internal state that makes them unsuitable for caching.
#' @param cacheWriteHook Used if the render function is passed to `bindCache()`.
#'   This is an optional callback function to invoke before saving the value
#'   from the render function to the cache. This function must accept one
#'   argument, the value returned from `renderFunc`, and should return the value
#'   to store in the cache.
#' @param cacheReadHook Used if the render function is passed to `bindCache()`.
#'   This is an optional callback function to invoke after reading a value from
#'   the cache (if there is a cache hit). The function will be passed one
#'   argument, the value retrieved from the cache. This can be useful when some
#'   side effect needs to occur for a render function to behave correctly. For
#'   example, some render functions call [createWebDependency()] so that Shiny
#'   is able to serve JS and CSS resources.
#' @return The `renderFunc` function, with annotations.
#' @seealso [createRenderFunction()]
#' @export
markRenderFunction <- function(
  outputArgs = list(),
  cacheHint = "auto",
  cacheWriteHook = NULL,
  cacheReadHook = NULL
) {
  # (Do not emit warning for superseded code, "since there’s no risk if you keep using it")
  # # This method is called by the superseding function, createRenderFunction().
  # if (in_devmode()) {
  #   shinyDeprecated("1.1.0", "markRenderFunction()", "createRenderFunction()")
  # }


  # a mutable object that keeps track of whether `useRenderFunction` has been
  # executed (this usually only happens when rendering Shiny code snippets in
  # an interactive R Markdown document); its initial value is FALSE
  hasExecuted <- Mutable$new()

  if (is.null(uiFunc)) {
    uiFunc <- function(id) {
        "No UI/output function provided for render function. ",
        "Please see ?shiny::markRenderFunction and ?shiny::createRenderFunction."

  if (identical(cacheHint, "auto")) {
    origUserFunc <- attr(renderFunc, "wrappedFunc", exact = TRUE)
    # The result could be NULL, but don't warn now because it'll only affect
    # users if they try to use caching. We'll warn when someone calls
    # bindCache() on this object.
    if (is.null(origUserFunc)) {
      cacheHint <- NULL
    } else {
      # Add in the wrapper render function and they output function, because
      # they can be useful for distinguishing two renderX functions that receive
      # the same user expression but do different things with them (like
      # renderText and renderPrint).
      cacheHint <- list(
        origUserFunc = origUserFunc,
        renderFunc   = renderFunc,
        outputFunc   = uiFunc

  if (!is.null(cacheHint) && !is_false(cacheHint)) {
    if (!is.list(cacheHint)) {
      cacheHint <- list(cacheHint)
    # For functions, remove the env and source refs because they can cause
    #   spurious differences.
    # For expressions, remove source refs.
    # For everything else, do nothing.
    cacheHint <- lapply(cacheHint, function(x) {
      if      (is.function(x)) formalsAndBody(x)
      else if (is_quosure(x)) zap_srcref(quo_get_expr(x))
      else if (is.language(x)) zap_srcref(x)
      else                     x

  wrappedRenderFunc <- function(...) {
    # if the user provided something through `outputArgs` BUT the
    # `useRenderFunction` was not executed, then outputArgs will be ignored,
    # so throw a warning to let user know the correct usage
    if (length(outputArgs) != 0 && !hasExecuted$get()) {
      warning("Unused argument: outputArgs. The argument outputArgs is only ",
              "meant to be used when embedding snippets of Shiny code in an ",
              "R Markdown code chunk (using runtime: shiny). When running a ",
              "full Shiny app, please set the output arguments directly in ",
              "the corresponding output function of your UI code.")
      # stop warning from happening again for the same object
    if (is.null(formals(renderFunc))) renderFunc()
    else renderFunc(...)

    class          = c("shiny.render.function", "function"),
    outputFunc     = uiFunc,
    outputArgs     = outputArgs,
    hasExecuted    = hasExecuted,
    cacheHint      = cacheHint,
    cacheWriteHook = cacheWriteHook,
    cacheReadHook  = cacheReadHook

#' @export
print.shiny.render.function <- function(x, ...) {

#' Implement custom render functions
#' Developer-facing utilities for implementing a custom `renderXXX()` function.
#' Before using these utilities directly, consider using the [`htmlwidgets`
#' package](http://www.htmlwidgets.org/develop_intro.html) to implement custom
#' outputs (i.e., custom `renderXXX()`/`xxxOutput()` functions). That said,
#' these utilities can be used more directly if a full-blown htmlwidget isn't
#' needed and/or the user-supplied reactive expression needs to be wrapped in
#' additional call(s).
#' To implement a custom `renderXXX()` function, essentially 2 things are needed:
#'   1. Capture the user's reactive expression as a function.
#'      * New `renderXXX()` functions can use `quoToFunction()` for this, but
#'      already existing `renderXXX()` functions that contain `env` and `quoted`
#'      parameters may want to continue using `installExprFunction()` for better
#'      legacy support (see examples).
#'   2. Flag the resulting function (from 1) as a Shiny rendering function and
#'   also provide a UI container for displaying the result of the rendering
#'   function.
#'      * `createRenderFunction()` is currently recommended (instead of
#'      [markRenderFunction()]) for this step (see examples).
#' @param func A function without parameters, that returns user data. If the
#'   returned value is a promise, then the render function will proceed in async
#'   mode.
#' @param transform A function that takes four arguments: `value`,
#'   `session`, `name`, and `...` (for future-proofing). This
#'   function will be invoked each time a value is returned from `func`,
#'   and is responsible for changing the value into a JSON-ready value to be
#'   JSON-encoded and sent to the browser.
#' @param outputFunc The UI function that is used (or most commonly used) with
#'   this render function. This can be used in R Markdown documents to create
#'   complete output widgets out of just the render function.
#' @inheritParams markRenderFunction
#' @return An annotated render function, ready to be assigned to an
#'   `output` slot.
#' @examples
#' # A custom render function that repeats the supplied value 3 times
#' renderTriple <- function(expr) {
#'   # Wrap user-supplied reactive expression into a function
#'   func <- quoToFunction(rlang::enquo0(expr))
#'   createRenderFunction(
#'     func,
#'     transform = function(value, session, name, ...) {
#'       paste(rep(value, 3), collapse=", ")
#'     },
#'     outputFunc = textOutput
#'   )
#' }
#' # For better legacy support, consider using installExprFunction() over quoToFunction()
#' renderTripleLegacy <- function(expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE) {
#'   func <- installExprFunction(expr, "func", env, quoted)
#'   createRenderFunction(
#'     func,
#'     transform = function(value, session, name, ...) {
#'       paste(rep(value, 3), collapse=", ")
#'     },
#'     outputFunc = textOutput
#'   )
#' }
#' # Test render function from the console
#' reactiveConsole(TRUE)
#' v <- reactiveVal("basic")
#' r <- renderTriple({ v() })
#' r()
#' #> [1] "basic, basic, basic"
#' # User can supply quoted code via rlang::quo(). Note that evaluation of the
#' # expression happens when r2() is invoked, not when r2 is created.
#' q <- rlang::quo({ v() })
#' r2 <- rlang::inject(renderTriple(!!q))
#' v("rlang")
#' r2()
#' #> [1] "rlang, rlang, rlang"
#' # Supplying quoted code without rlang::quo() requires installExprFunction()
#' expr <- quote({ v() })
#' r3 <- renderTripleLegacy(expr, quoted = TRUE)
#' v("legacy")
#' r3()
#' #> [1] "legacy, legacy, legacy"
#' # The legacy approach also supports with quosures (env is ignored in this case)
#' q <- rlang::quo({ v() })
#' r4 <- renderTripleLegacy(q, quoted = TRUE)
#' v("legacy-rlang")
#' r4()
#' #> [1] "legacy-rlang, legacy-rlang, legacy-rlang"
#' # Turn off reactivity in the console
#' reactiveConsole(FALSE)
#' @export
createRenderFunction <- function(
  transform = function(value, session, name, ...) value,
  outputFunc = NULL,
  outputArgs = NULL,
  cacheHint = "auto",
  cacheWriteHook = NULL,
  cacheReadHook = NULL
) {
  renderFunc <- function(shinysession, name, ...) {
      function(value) {
        transform(value, shinysession, name, ...)

  # Hoist func's wrappedFunc attribute into renderFunc, so that when we pass
  # renderFunc on to markRenderFunction, it is able to find the original user
  # function.
  if (identical(cacheHint, "auto")) {
    attr(renderFunc, "wrappedFunc") <- attr(func, "wrappedFunc", exact = TRUE)

  markRenderFunction(outputFunc, renderFunc, outputArgs, cacheHint,
                     cacheWriteHook, cacheReadHook)

useRenderFunction <- function(renderFunc, inline = FALSE) {
  outputFunction <- attr(renderFunc, "outputFunc")
  outputArgs <- attr(renderFunc, "outputArgs")
  hasExecuted <- attr(renderFunc, "hasExecuted")

  for (arg in names(outputArgs)) {
    if (!arg %in% names(formals(outputFunction))) {
      stop(paste0("Unused argument: in 'outputArgs', '",
                  arg, "' is not an valid argument for ",
                  "the output function"))
      outputArgs[[arg]] <- NULL

  id <- createUniqueId(8, "out")

  o <- getDefaultReactiveDomain()$output
  if (!is.null(o)) {
    o[[id]] <- renderFunc
    # If there's a namespace, we must respect it
    id <- getDefaultReactiveDomain()$ns(id)

  # Make the id the first positional argument
  outputArgs <- c(list(id), outputArgs)

  if (is.logical(formals(outputFunction)[["inline"]]) && !("inline" %in% names(outputArgs))) {
    outputArgs[["inline"]] <- inline

  do.call(outputFunction, outputArgs)

#' @export
#' @method as.tags shiny.render.function
as.tags.shiny.render.function <- function(x, ..., inline = FALSE) {
  useRenderFunction(x, inline = inline)

# Get relevant attributes from a render function object.
renderFunctionAttributes <- function(x) {
  attrs <- c("outputFunc", "outputArgs", "hasExecuted", "cacheHint")
  names(attrs) <- attrs
  lapply(attrs, function(name) attr(x, name, exact = TRUE))

# Add a named list of attributes to an object
addAttributes <- function(x, attrs) {
  nms <- names(attrs)
  for (i in seq_along(attrs)) {
    attr(x, nms[i]) <- attrs[[i]]

#' Mark a render function with attributes that will be used by the output
#' @inheritParams markRenderFunction
#' @param snapshotExclude If TRUE, exclude the output from test snapshots.
#' @param snapshotPreprocess A function for preprocessing the value before
#'   taking a test snapshot.
#' @keywords internal
markOutputAttrs <- function(renderFunc, snapshotExclude = NULL,
  snapshotPreprocess = NULL)
  # Add the outputAttrs attribute if necessary
  if (is.null(attr(renderFunc, "outputAttrs", TRUE))) {
    attr(renderFunc, "outputAttrs") <- list()

  if (!is.null(snapshotExclude)) {
    attr(renderFunc, "outputAttrs")$snapshotExclude <- snapshotExclude

  if (!is.null(snapshotPreprocess)) {
    attr(renderFunc, "outputAttrs")$snapshotPreprocess <- snapshotPreprocess


#' Image file output
#' Renders a reactive image that is suitable for assigning to an `output`
#' slot.
#' The expression `expr` must return a list containing the attributes for
#' the `img` object on the client web page. For the image to display,
#' properly, the list must have at least one entry, `src`, which is the
#' path to the image file. It may also useful to have a `contentType`
#' entry specifying the MIME type of the image. If one is not provided,
#' `renderImage` will try to autodetect the type, based on the file
#' extension.
#' Other elements such as `width`, `height`, `class`, and
#' `alt`, can also be added to the list, and they will be used as
#' attributes in the `img` object.
#' The corresponding HTML output tag should be `div` or `img` and have
#' the CSS class name `shiny-image-output`.
#' @seealso For more details on how the images are generated, and how to control
#'   the output, see [plotPNG()].
#' @param expr An expression that returns a list.
#' @inheritParams renderUI
#' @param deleteFile Should the file in `func()$src` be deleted after
#'   it is sent to the client browser? Generally speaking, if the image is a
#'   temp file generated within `func`, then this should be `TRUE`;
#'   if the image is not a temp file, this should be `FALSE`. (For backward
#'   compatibility reasons, if this argument is missing, a warning will be
#'   emitted, and if the file is in the temp directory it will be deleted. In
#'   the future, this warning will become an error.)
#' @param outputArgs A list of arguments to be passed through to the implicit
#'   call to [imageOutput()] when `renderImage` is used in an
#'   interactive R Markdown document.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#' options(device.ask.default = FALSE)
#' ui <- fluidPage(
#'   sliderInput("n", "Number of observations", 2, 1000, 500),
#'   plotOutput("plot1"),
#'   plotOutput("plot2"),
#'   plotOutput("plot3")
#' )
#' server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'   # A plot of fixed size
#'   output$plot1 <- renderImage({
#'     # A temp file to save the output. It will be deleted after renderImage
#'     # sends it, because deleteFile=TRUE.
#'     outfile <- tempfile(fileext='.png')
#'     # Generate a png
#'     png(outfile, width=400, height=400)
#'     hist(rnorm(input$n))
#'     dev.off()
#'     # Return a list
#'     list(src = outfile,
#'          alt = "This is alternate text")
#'   }, deleteFile = TRUE)
#'   # A dynamically-sized plot
#'   output$plot2 <- renderImage({
#'     # Read plot2's width and height. These are reactive values, so this
#'     # expression will re-run whenever these values change.
#'     width  <- session$clientData$output_plot2_width
#'     height <- session$clientData$output_plot2_height
#'     # A temp file to save the output.
#'     outfile <- tempfile(fileext='.png')
#'     png(outfile, width=width, height=height)
#'     hist(rnorm(input$n))
#'     dev.off()
#'     # Return a list containing the filename
#'     list(src = outfile,
#'          width = width,
#'          height = height,
#'          alt = "This is alternate text")
#'   }, deleteFile = TRUE)
#'   # Send a pre-rendered image, and don't delete the image after sending it
#'   # NOTE: For this example to work, it would require files in a subdirectory
#'   # named images/
#'   output$plot3 <- renderImage({
#'     # When input$n is 1, filename is ./images/image1.jpeg
#'     filename <- normalizePath(file.path('./images',
#'                               paste('image', input$n, '.jpeg', sep='')))
#'     # Return a list containing the filename
#'     list(src = filename)
#'   }, deleteFile = FALSE)
#' }
#' shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
renderImage <- function(expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE,
                        deleteFile, outputArgs=list())
  func <- installExprFunction(expr, "func", env, quoted, label = "renderImage")

  # missing() must be used directly within the function with the given arg
  if (missing(deleteFile)) {
    deleteFile <- NULL

  # Tracks whether we've reported the `deleteFile` warning yet; we don't want to
  # do it on every invalidation (though we will end up doing it at least once
  # per output per session).
  warned <- FALSE

    transform = function(imageinfo, session, name, ...) {
      shouldDelete <- deleteFile

      # jcheng 2020-05-08
      # Until Shiny 1.5.0, the default for deleteFile was, incredibly, TRUE.
      # Changing it to default to FALSE might cause existing Shiny apps to pile
      # up images in their temp directory (for long lived R processes). Not
      # having a default (requiring explicit value) is the right long-term move,
      # but would break today's apps.
      # Compromise we decided on was to eventually require TRUE/FALSE, but for
      # now, change the default behavior to only delete temp files; and emit a
      # warning encouraging people to not rely on the default.
      if (is.null(shouldDelete)) {
        shouldDelete <- isTRUE(try(silent = TRUE,
          file.exists(imageinfo$src) && isTemp(imageinfo$src, mustExist = TRUE)

        if (!warned) {
          warned <<- TRUE
          warning("The renderImage output named '",
            "' is missing the deleteFile argument; as of Shiny 1.5.0, you must ",
            "use deleteFile=TRUE or deleteFile=FALSE. (This warning will ",
            "become an error in a future version of Shiny.)",
            call. = FALSE

      if (shouldDelete) {
        on.exit(unlink(imageinfo$src), add = TRUE)

      # If contentType not specified, autodetect based on extension
      contentType <- imageinfo$contentType %||% getContentType(imageinfo$src)

      # Extra values are everything in imageinfo except 'src' and 'contentType'
      extra_attr <- imageinfo[!names(imageinfo) %in% c('src', 'contentType')]

      # Return a list with src, and other img attributes
      c(src = session$fileUrl(name, file=imageinfo$src, contentType=contentType),
    cacheHint = FALSE

# TODO: If we ever take a dependency on fs, it'd be great to replace this with
# fs::path_has_parent().
isTemp <- function(path, tempDir = tempdir(), mustExist) {
  if (!isTRUE(mustExist)) {
    # jcheng 2020-05-11: I added mustExist just to make it totally obvious that
    # the path must exist. We don't support the case where the file doesn't
    # exist because it makes normalizePath unusable, and it's a bit scary
    # security-wise to compare paths without normalization. Using fs would fix
    # this as it knows how to normalize paths that don't exist.
    stop("isTemp(mustExist=FALSE) is not implemented")

  if (mustExist && !file.exists(path)) {
    stop("path does not exist")

  if (nchar(tempDir) == 0 || !dir.exists(tempDir)) {
    # This should never happen, but just to be super paranoid...
    stop("invalid temp dir")

  path <- normalizePath(path, winslash = "/", mustWork = mustExist)

  tempDir <- normalizePath(tempDir, winslash = "/", mustWork = TRUE)
  if (path == tempDir) {

  tempDir <- ensure_trailing_slash(tempDir)
  if (path == tempDir) {

  return(substr(path, 1, nchar(tempDir)) == tempDir)

#' Text Output
#' @description
#' `renderPrint()` prints the result of `expr`, while `renderText()` pastes it
#' together into a single string. `renderPrint()` is equivalent to [print()];
#' `renderText()` is equivalent to [cat()]. Both functions capture all other
#' printed output generated while evaluating `expr`.
#' `renderPrint()` is usually paired with [verbatimTextOutput()];
#' `renderText()` is usually paired with [textOutput()].
#' @details
#' The corresponding HTML output tag can be anything (though `pre` is
#' recommended if you need a monospace font and whitespace preserved) and should
#' have the CSS class name `shiny-text-output`.
#' @return
#' For `renderPrint()`, note the given expression returns `NULL` then `NULL`
#' will actually be visible in the output. To display nothing, make your
#' function return [invisible()].
#' @param expr An expression to evaluate.
#' @inheritParams renderUI
#' @param width Width of printed output.
#' @param outputArgs A list of arguments to be passed through to the implicit
#'   call to [verbatimTextOutput()] or [textOutput()] when the functions are
#'   used in an interactive RMarkdown document.
#' @example res/text-example.R
#' @export
renderPrint <- function(expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE,
                        width = getOption('width'), outputArgs=list())
  func <- installExprFunction(expr, "func", env, quoted, label = "renderPrint")

  # Set a promise domain that sets the console width
  #   and captures output
  # op <- options(width = width)
  # on.exit(options(op), add = TRUE)

  renderFunc <- function(shinysession, name, ...) {
    domain <- createRenderPrintPromiseDomain(width)
        promises::with_promise_domain(domain, func())
      function(value) {
        res <- withVisible(value)
        if (res$visible) {
          cat(file = domain$conn, paste(utils::capture.output(res$value, append = TRUE), collapse = "\n"))
        paste(readLines(domain$conn, warn = FALSE), collapse = "\n")
      finally = function() {

    cacheHint = list(
      label = "renderPrint",
      origUserExpr = installedFuncExpr(func)

createRenderPrintPromiseDomain <- function(width) {
  f <- file()

    wrapOnFulfilled = function(onFulfilled) {
      function(...) {
        op <- options(width = width)
        on.exit(options(op), add = TRUE)

        sink(f, append = TRUE)
        on.exit(sink(NULL), add = TRUE)

    wrapOnRejected = function(onRejected) {
      function(...) {
        op <- options(width = width)
        on.exit(options(op), add = TRUE)

        sink(f, append = TRUE)
        on.exit(sink(NULL), add = TRUE)

    wrapSync = function(expr) {
      op <- options(width = width)
      on.exit(options(op), add = TRUE)

      sink(f, append = TRUE)
      on.exit(sink(NULL), add = TRUE)

    conn = f

#' @param sep A separator passed to `cat` to be appended after each
#'   element.
#' @export
#' @rdname renderPrint
renderText <- function(expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE,
                       outputArgs=list(), sep=" ") {

  func <- installExprFunction(expr, "func", env, quoted, label = "renderText")

    function(value, session, name, ...) {
      paste(utils::capture.output(cat(value, sep=sep)), collapse="\n")

#' UI Output
#' Renders reactive HTML using the Shiny UI library.
#' The corresponding HTML output tag should be `div` and have the CSS class
#' name `shiny-html-output` (or use [uiOutput()]).
#' @param expr An expression that returns a Shiny tag object, [HTML()],
#'   or a list of such objects.
#' @template param-env
#' @templateVar x expr
#' @templateVar env env
#' @templateVar quoted quoted
#' @template param-quoted
#' @templateVar x expr
#' @templateVar quoted quoted
#' @param outputArgs A list of arguments to be passed through to the implicit
#'   call to [uiOutput()] when `renderUI` is used in an
#'   interactive R Markdown document.
#' @seealso [uiOutput()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#' ui <- fluidPage(
#'   uiOutput("moreControls")
#' )
#' server <- function(input, output) {
#'   output$moreControls <- renderUI({
#'     tagList(
#'       sliderInput("n", "N", 1, 1000, 500),
#'       textInput("label", "Label")
#'     )
#'   })
#' }
#' shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
renderUI <- function(expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE,
                     outputArgs = list())
  func <- installExprFunction(expr, "func", env, quoted, label = "renderUI")

    function(result, shinysession, name, ...) {
      if (is.null(result) || length(result) == 0)

      processDeps(result, shinysession)

#' File Downloads
#' Allows content from the Shiny application to be made available to the user as
#' file downloads (for example, downloading the currently visible data as a CSV
#' file). Both filename and contents can be calculated dynamically at the time
#' the user initiates the download. Assign the return value to a slot on
#' `output` in your server function, and in the UI use
#' [downloadButton()] or [downloadLink()] to make the
#' download available.
#' @param filename A string of the filename, including extension, that the
#'   user's web browser should default to when downloading the file; or a
#'   function that returns such a string. (Reactive values and functions may be
#'   used from this function.)
#' @param content A function that takes a single argument `file` that is a
#'   file path (string) of a nonexistent temp file, and writes the content to
#'   that file path. (Reactive values and functions may be used from this
#'   function.)
#' @param contentType A string of the download's
#'   [content type](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_media_type), for
#'   example `"text/csv"` or `"image/png"`. If `NULL`, the content type
#'   will be guessed based on the filename extension, or
#'   `application/octet-stream` if the extension is unknown.
#' @param outputArgs A list of arguments to be passed through to the implicit
#'   call to [downloadButton()] when `downloadHandler` is used
#'   in an interactive R Markdown document.
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#' ui <- fluidPage(
#'   downloadButton("downloadData", "Download")
#' )
#' server <- function(input, output) {
#'   # Our dataset
#'   data <- mtcars
#'   output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
#'     filename = function() {
#'       paste("data-", Sys.Date(), ".csv", sep="")
#'     },
#'     content = function(file) {
#'       write.csv(data, file)
#'     }
#'   )
#' }
#' shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @export
downloadHandler <- function(filename, content, contentType=NULL, outputArgs=list()) {
  renderFunc <- function(shinysession, name, ...) {
    shinysession$registerDownload(name, filename, contentType, content)
    markRenderFunction(downloadButton, renderFunc, outputArgs, cacheHint = FALSE)

#' Table output with the JavaScript DataTables library
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' This function is deprecated, use
#' [DT::renderDT()](https://rstudio.github.io/DT/shiny.html) instead. It
#' provides a superset of functionality, better performance, and better user
#' experience.
#' @param expr An expression that returns a data frame or a matrix.
#' @inheritParams renderTable
#' @param options A list of initialization options to be passed to DataTables,
#'   or a function to return such a list.  You can find a complete list of
#'   options at <https://datatables.net/reference/option/>.
#'   Any top-level strings with class `"AsIs"` (as created by [I()]) will be
#'   evaluated in JavaScript. This is useful when the type of the option value
#'   is not supported in JSON, e.g., a JavaScript function, which can be
#'   obtained by  evaluating a character string. This only applies to the
#'   root-level elements of options list, and does not worked for lower-level
#'   elements in the list.
#' @param searchDelay The delay for searching, in milliseconds (to avoid too
#'   frequent search requests).
#' @param callback A JavaScript function to be applied to the DataTable object.
#'   This is useful for DataTables plug-ins, which often require the DataTable
#'   instance to be available.
#' @param escape Whether to escape HTML entities in the table: `TRUE` means
#'   to escape the whole table, and `FALSE` means not to escape it.
#'   Alternatively, you can specify numeric column indices or column names to
#'   indicate which columns to escape, e.g. `1:5` (the first 5 columns),
#'   `c(1, 3, 4)`, or `c(-1, -3)` (all columns except the first and
#'   third), or `c('Species', 'Sepal.Length')`.
#' @param outputArgs A list of arguments to be passed through to the implicit
#'   call to `dataTableOutput()` when `renderDataTable()` is used
#'   in an interactive R Markdown document.
#' @export
#' @inheritParams renderPlot
#' @examples
#' ## Only run this example in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   # pass a callback function to DataTables using I()
#'   shinyApp(
#'     ui = fluidPage(
#'       fluidRow(
#'         column(12,
#'           dataTableOutput('table')
#'         )
#'       )
#'     ),
#'     server = function(input, output) {
#'       output$table <- renderDataTable(iris,
#'         options = list(
#'           pageLength = 5,
#'           initComplete = I("function(settings, json) {alert('Done.');}")
#'         )
#'       )
#'     }
#'   )
#' }
#' @keywords internal
renderDataTable <- function(expr, options = NULL, searchDelay = 500,
                            callback = 'function(oTable) {}', escape = TRUE,
                            env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE,
                            outputArgs = list()) {

  legacy <- useLegacyDataTable(
    from = "shiny::renderDataTable()",
    to = "DT::renderDT()"

  if (!quoted) {
    expr <- substitute(expr)
    quoted <- TRUE

  if (legacy) {

      expr, env = env, quoted = quoted,
      options = options,
      searchDelay = searchDelay,
      callback = callback,
      escape = escape,
      outputArgs = outputArgs

  } else {

    if (!missing(searchDelay)) {
      warning("Ignoring renderDataTable()'s searchDelay value (since DT::renderDT() has no equivalent).")


      expr, env = env, quoted = quoted,
      options = if (is.null(options)) list() else options,
      # Turn function into a statement
      callback = DT::JS(paste0("(", callback, ")(table)")),
      escape = escape,
      outputArgs = outputArgs

legacyRenderDataTable <- function(expr, options = NULL, searchDelay = 500,
                                  callback = 'function(oTable) {}', escape = TRUE,
                                  env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE,
                                  outputArgs=list()) {

  func <- installExprFunction(expr, "func", env, quoted, label = "renderDataTable")

  renderFunc <- function(shinysession, name, ...) {
    if (is.function(options)) options <- options()
    options <- checkDT9(options)
    res <- checkAsIs(options)
      function(data) {
        if (length(dim(data)) != 2) return() # expects a rectangular data object
        if (is.data.frame(data)) data <- as.data.frame(data)
        action <- shinysession$registerDataObj(name, data, dataTablesJSON)
        colnames <- colnames(data)
        # if escape is column names, turn names to numeric indices
        if (is.character(escape)) {
          escape <- stats::setNames(seq_len(ncol(data)), colnames)[escape]
          if (any(is.na(escape)))
            stop("Some column names in the 'escape' argument not found in data")
        colnames[escape] <- htmlEscape(colnames[escape])
        if (!is.logical(escape)) {
          if (!is.numeric(escape))
            stop("'escape' must be TRUE, FALSE, or a numeric vector, or column names")
          escape <- paste(escape, collapse = ',')
          colnames = colnames, action = action, options = res$options,
          evalOptions = if (length(res$eval)) I(res$eval), searchDelay = searchDelay,
          callback = paste(callback, collapse = '\n'), escape = escape

  renderFunc <- markRenderFunction(dataTableOutput, renderFunc, outputArgs,
    cacheHint = FALSE)

  renderFunc <- snapshotPreprocessOutput(renderFunc, function(value) {
    # Remove the action field so that it's not saved in test snapshots. It
    # contains a value that changes every time an app is run, and shouldn't be
    # stored for test snapshots. It will be something like:
    # "session/e0d14d3fe97f672f9655a127f2a1e079/dataobj/table?w=&nonce=7f5d6d54e22450a3"
    value$action <- NULL


# a data frame containing the DataTables 1.9 and 1.10 names
DT10Names <- function() {
      system_file('www/shared/datatables/upgrade1.10.txt', package = 'shiny'),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    c('aoColumns', 'Removed')  # looks like an omission on the upgrade guide

# check DataTables 1.9.x options, and give instructions for upgrading to 1.10.x
checkDT9 <- function(options) {
  nms <- names(options)
  if (length(nms) == 0L) return(options)
  DT10 <- DT10Names()
  # e.g. the top level option name for oLanguage.sSearch should be oLanguage
  i <- nms %in% gsub('[.].*', '', DT10[, 1])
  if (!any(i)) return(options)  # did not see old option names, ready to go!
  msg <- paste(
    'shiny (>= 0.10.2) has upgraded DataTables from 1.9.4 to 1.10.2, ',
    'and DataTables 1.10.x uses different parameter names with 1.9.x. ',
    'Please follow the upgrade guide https://datatables.net/upgrade/1.10-convert',
    ' to change your DataTables parameter names:\n\n',
    paste(utils::formatUL(nms[i]), collapse = '\n'), '\n', sep = ''
  j <- gsub('[.].*', '', DT10[, 1]) %in% nms
  # I cannot help you upgrade automatically in these cases, so I have to stop
  if (any(grepl('[.]', DT10[j, 1])) || any(grepl('[.]', DT10[j, 2]))) stop(msg)
  nms10 <- DT10[match(nms[i], DT10[, 1]), 2]
  if (any(nms10 == 'Removed')) stop(
    "These parameters have been removed in DataTables 1.10.x:\n\n",
    paste(utils::formatUL(nms[i][nms10 == 'Removed']), collapse = '\n'),
    "\n\n", msg
  names(options)[i] <- nms10
rstudio/shiny documentation built on June 14, 2024, 4:25 p.m.