
Defines functions loadStructure

Documented in loadStructure

# loadStructure.R
# Functions for parsing output from STRUCTURE

#' Read Structure Output
#' @param filename a string containing an .out_f file
#' @param logfile optional string containing logfile produced by structure (default NULL).
#' @importFrom readr read_lines
#' @import stringr
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # read in K = 10 Structure file (both out_f and log file)
#' k10_r1 <- system.file("extdata/microsat_testfiles", "locprior_K10.out_f", package = "starmie")
#' k10_log <- system.file("extdata/microsat_testfiles", "chain_K10.log", package = "starmie")
#' # no log
#' k10_data <- loadStructure(k10_r1)
#' k10_data
#' # with log
#' k10_data <- loadStructure(k10_r1, k10_log)
#' k10_data
loadStructure <- function(filename, logfile=NULL){
  # i/o checks
  if (!is.na(filename) & !is.character(filename)) stop("filename must be a string.")
  if (!is.null(logfile)) {
    if (!is.character(logfile) & !is.na(logfile)) stop("logfile must be a string.")

  #create new structure object
  structure_obj <- struct()

  # do the work
  s_f <- readr::read_lines(filename)

  #remove blank lines
  s_f <- s_f[s_f!=""]

  #Get run parameters
  # extract line for membership proportion, this is output from locprior model
  prop_membership <- grep("^Proportion of membership.*", s_f)
  locprior <- TRUE
  if (length(prop_membership) == 0) {
    prop_membership <- grep("^Overall proportion of membership*", s_f)
    locprior <- FALSE
  run_lines <- s_f[(grep("Run parameters:", s_f)+1):(prop_membership-2)]
  run_lines <- str_trim(run_lines)
  run_lines <- str_split_fixed(run_lines, " ", n=2)
  run_params <- data.frame(Parameter=run_lines[,2], Value=run_lines[,1], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  pops <- as.numeric(run_params[run_params$Parameter=="populations assumed",2])

  #Get membership proportion
  mem_lines <- s_f[(prop_membership+3):(grep("^Allele-freq", s_f)-2)]
  mem_lines <- str_trim(mem_lines)
  if (!locprior) {
    mem_lines <- str_split_fixed(mem_lines, "\\s+", n=pops)
    mem_lines <- t(mem_lines)
    class(mem_lines) <- "numeric"
    mem_df <- data.frame("Cluster" = mem_lines[,1],
                         "Proportion" = mem_lines[,2],
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  } else {
    mem_lines <- str_split_fixed(mem_lines, "\\s+", n=pops+2)
    mem_lines[,1] <- str_replace(mem_lines[,1], ":", "")
    mem_df <- data.matrix(data.frame(mem_lines[-1, ], stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
    colnames(mem_df) <- mem_lines[1,]

  #Get Allele-freq
  alle_lines <- s_f[(which(grepl("^Allele-freq", s_f))+4):which(grepl("^Average distances.*", s_f))-1]
  alle_lines <- str_trim(alle_lines)
  alle_lines <- str_split_fixed(alle_lines, "\\s+", n=pops+1)
  alle_freqs <- alle_lines[,2:ncol(alle_lines)]
  suppressWarnings(class(alle_freqs) <- "numeric")

  #Average distances
  avg_dist_lines <- s_f[(which(grepl("^Average distances.*", s_f))+1):(which(grepl("^Estimated Ln.*", s_f))-2)]
  avg_dist_lines <- str_trim(avg_dist_lines)
  avg_dist_lines <- str_split_fixed(avg_dist_lines, "  : ", n=2)
  avg_dist_lines[,1] <- str_replace(avg_dist_lines[,1], "cluster +", "")
  class(avg_dist_lines) <- "numeric"
  avg_dist_df <- data.frame("Cluster"=avg_dist_lines[,1], "Avg.dist"=avg_dist_lines[,2])

  #Model fit stats
  fit_lines <- s_f[(which(grepl("^Estimated Ln.*", s_f))):(which(grepl("^Mean value of Fst_1 .*", s_f))-1)]
  fit_lines <- str_trim(fit_lines)
  fit_lines <- str_split_fixed(fit_lines, "= ", n=2)
  fit_lines[,1] <- str_trim(fit_lines[,1])
  fit_stats_df <- data.frame(Statistic=fit_lines[,1], Value=as.numeric(fit_lines[,2]))

  #Fst values
  fst_lines <- s_f[(grep("^Mean value of Fst_1 .*", s_f)):(grep("^Inferred ancestry of.*", s_f)-1)]
  fst_lines <- str_trim(fst_lines)
  fst_lines <- str_split_fixed(fst_lines, "= ", n=2)
  fst_lines[,1] <- str_trim(fst_lines[,1])
  fst_lines[,1] <- str_replace(fst_lines[,1], "Mean value of Fst_", "")
  fst_df <- data.frame(Fst.Group=as.numeric(fst_lines[,1]), Value=as.numeric(fst_lines[,2]))

  #Inferred ancestry individuals
  ances_lines <- s_f[(grep("^Inferred ancestry of.*", s_f)+1):(grep("^Estimated Allele Frequencies .*", s_f)-1)]
  ances_lines <- str_trim(ances_lines)
  # extract genotype missing proportions for individuals
  header <- gsub("\\(|\\)|:","", ances_lines[1], " ")
  header <- str_split(header, " ")[[1]]
  ances_lines <- ances_lines[-1]
  missing_proportions <- as.numeric(gsub("[\\(\\)]", "",
                              regmatches(ances_lines, regexpr("\\(.*?\\)", ances_lines))))
  sample_label <- str_trim(gsub("\\(", "",
                        regmatches(ances_lines, regexpr(".*\\(", ances_lines))))
  sample_label <- str_split_fixed(sample_label, "\\s+", n = 2)[,-1]

  if (!locprior) {
    sample_summary <- data.frame(sample_label, missing_proportions)
    split_n <- 2
  } else {
    population_assignment <- as.integer(str_trim(gsub("\\)|:", "",
                                                      regmatches(ances_lines, regexpr("\\).*?:", ances_lines)))))
    sample_summary <- data.frame(sample_label, missing_proportions, population_assignment)
    split_n <- 3
  ancest_matrix <- gsub(":  ", "", regmatches(ances_lines, regexpr(":(.*)", ances_lines)))
  ancest_matrix <- str_split_fixed(ancest_matrix, "\\s+", n=pops)
  class(ancest_matrix) <- "numeric"
  ancest_df <- data.frame(sample_summary,
                          ancest_matrix, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(ancest_df)[1:split_n] <- header[1:split_n]
  colnames(ancest_df)[(split_n+1):ncol(ancest_df)] <- paste("Cluster", seq(1,ncol(ancest_matrix)))

  #Cluster allele frequencies
  clust_allel_lines <- s_f[(grep("^First column gives.*", s_f)+1):(grep("^Values of parameters used.*", s_f)-1)]
  pos <- grep("^Locus .*", clust_allel_lines)
  clust_allel_lines <- gsub("[()%]", "", clust_allel_lines)
  clust_allel_lines <- unname(split(clust_allel_lines, cumsum(seq_along(clust_allel_lines) %in% pos)))
  clust_allele_list <- purrr::map(clust_allel_lines[1:2], function(x){
    list(Locus=as.numeric(str_split(x[[1]], "\\s+")[[1]][2])
         , AlleleNumber=as.numeric(str_split(x[[2]], "\\s+")[[1]][1])
         , MissingDataPercentage=as.numeric(str_split(x[[3]], "\\s+")[[1]][1])
         , FreqMatrix=apply(str_split_fixed(str_trim(x[4:length(x)]), "\\s+", n=pops+2), 2, as.numeric)

  structure_obj$K = pops
  structure_obj$run_params = run_params
  structure_obj$mem_df = mem_df
  structure_obj$fit_stats_df = fit_stats_df
  structure_obj$fst_df = fst_df


    #do more work
    l_f <- readr::read_lines(logfile)
    #remove blank lines
    l_f <- l_f[l_f!=""]

    #Get burn and non-burn in iterations as seperate data frames.
    ##NOTE: This relies heavily on the current format.
    intervals <- unlist(lapply(which(grepl("^ Rep#:   Lambda   Alpha.*",l_f)), function(x){ x[1]:(x[1]+11) }))
    burn_lines <- l_f[intervals]
    burn_lines <- burn_lines[grepl("[0-9]|R.*", burn_lines)]
    burn_lines <- str_trim(burn_lines)
    mid <- which(grepl(".*Ln Like  Est Ln P.*",burn_lines))[1]
    nonburn_lines <- burn_lines[mid:length(burn_lines)]
    burn_lines <- burn_lines[1:mid-1]

    burn_header <- unlist(str_split(burn_lines[1], "\\s{2,}"))

    log_pops <- sum(str_count(burn_header, "F[0-9]"))
    if(log_pops!=pops) stop("Population mismatch between output and logfile.")

    burn_lines <- burn_lines[!grepl("Rep#:   Lambda   Alpha.*", burn_lines)]
    burn_lines <- str_split_fixed(burn_lines, "\\s+", n=length(burn_header))
    burn_lines[,1] <- gsub(":","",burn_lines[,1])
    suppressWarnings(burn_df <- data.matrix(data.frame(burn_lines, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)))
    colnames(burn_df) <- burn_header

    nonburn_header <- unlist(str_split(nonburn_lines[1], "\\s{2,}"))
    nonburn_lines <- nonburn_lines[!grepl("Rep#:.*", nonburn_lines)]
    nonburn_lines <- str_split_fixed(nonburn_lines, "\\s+", n=length(nonburn_header))
    nonburn_lines[,1] <- gsub(":","",nonburn_lines[,1])
    nonburn_df <- data.matrix(data.frame(nonburn_lines, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
    colnames(nonburn_df) <- nonburn_header

    structure_obj$burn_df = burn_df
    structure_obj$nonburn_df = nonburn_df

sa-lee/starmie documentation built on May 28, 2019, 11 a.m.