#' Liana Pipe which runs DE analysis and merges needed information for LR inference
#' @param sce SingleCellExperiment Object
#' @param op_resource resource tibble obtained via \link{liana::select_resource}
#' @inheritParams liana_scores
#' @inheritParams scran::findMarkers
#' @param assay assay to be used ("RNA" by default)
#' @param assay.type - the type of data to be used to calculate the means
#' (logcounts by default), available options are: "counts" and "logcounts"
#' @param verbose logical for verbosity
#' @param cell.adj cell adjacency tibble/dataframe /w weights by which we will
#' `multiply` the relevant columns. Any cell pairs with a weights of 0 will be
#' filtered out.
#' Note that if working with LIANA's default methods, we suggest weights >= 0 & =< 1.
#' This ensure that all methods' score will be meaningfully weighed without
#' changing the interpretation of their scores, thus allow one to filter SCA,
#' rank NATMI, etc.
#' @inheritParams .antilog1m
#' @import SingleCellExperiment SeuratObject
#' @importFrom scran findMarkers
#' @importFrom scuttle summarizeAssayByGroup
#' @export
#' @return Returns a tibble with information required for LR calculations downstream
liana_pipe <- function(sce,
test.type = "wilcox",
pval.type = "all",
assay = "RNA",
assay.type = "logcounts",
verbose = TRUE,
cell.adj = NULL){
# calculate global_mean required for SCA
global_mean <- fast_mean(exec(assay.type, sce))
### this whole chunk needs to move to liana_wrap
# Resource Format
transmitters <- op_resource$source_genesymbol %>%
as_tibble() %>%
select(gene = value) %>%
separate_rows(gene, sep="[_]") %>%
receivers <- op_resource$target_genesymbol %>%
as_tibble() %>%
select(gene = value) %>%
separate_rows(gene, sep="[_]") %>%
entity_genes <- union(transmitters$gene,
# Filter `sce` to only include ligand receptor genes
# and exclude any cells with 0 counts of LR genes
sce <- .prep_universe(sce,
entity_genes = entity_genes,
# Get Log2FC (done after non-expr. cell and gene filter from `liana_prep`)
# also any cells with 0 counts of LR genes are removed (in`.prep_universe`)
logfc_df <- get_log2FC(
assay.type = assay.type,
# Scale genes across cells
sce@assays@data[["scaledata"]] <- row_scale(exec(assay.type, sce))
# Get Avg and Prop. Expr Per Cluster
mean_prop <-
ids = colLabels(sce),
assay.type = assay.type,
statistics = c("mean", "prop.detected"))
means <- mean_prop@assays@data$mean
props <- mean_prop@assays@data$prop.detected
# scaled (z-transformed) means
scaled <- scuttle::summarizeAssayByGroup(sce,
ids = colLabels(sce),
assay.type = "scaledata",
statistics = c("mean"))
scaled <- scaled@assays@data$mean
# calculate PEM scores
pem_scores <- compute_pem_scores(sce = sce,
assay.type = assay.type)
# Find Markers and Format
cluster_markers <- scran::findMarkers(sce,
groups = colLabels(sce),
direction = "any",
full.stats = TRUE,
test.type = test.type,
pval.type = pval.type,
assay.type = assay.type) %>%
pluck("listData") %>%
map2(., names(.), function(cluster, cluster_name){
cluster %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
rownames_to_column("gene") %>%
as_tibble() %>%
select(gene, p.value, FDR, stat = summary.stats)
# Get all Possible Cluster pair combinations
pairs <- expand_grid(source = unique(colLabels(sce)),
target = unique(colLabels(sce)))
# Get DEGs to LR format
lr_res <- pairs %>%
pmap(function(source, target){
source_stats <- ligrec_degformat(cluster_markers[[source]],
entity = transmitters,
ligand_receptor = "ligand")
target_stats <- ligrec_degformat(cluster_markers[[target]],
entity = receivers,
ligand_receptor = "receptor")
op_resource %>%
select(ligand = source_genesymbol,
receptor = target_genesymbol) %>%
left_join(source_stats, by = "ligand") %>%
left_join(target_stats, by = "receptor") %>%
rename_with(~gsub(x = .x,
pattern = "p.value",
replacement = "pval"),
ends_with("p.value")) %>%
na.omit() %>%
distinct() %>%
mutate(source = source,
target = target)
}) %>%
# Join Expression Means
lr_res %<>%
join_means(means = means,
source_target = "source",
entity = "ligand",
type = "expr") %>%
join_means(means = means,
source_target = "target",
entity = "receptor",
type = "expr") %>%
join_means(means = scaled,
source_target = "source",
entity = "ligand",
type = "scaled") %>%
join_means(means = props,
source_target = "target",
entity = "receptor",
type = "prop") %>%
join_means(means = props,
source_target = "source",
entity = "ligand",
type = "prop") %>%
join_means(means = scaled,
source_target = "target",
entity = "receptor",
type = "scaled") %>%
join_sum_means(means = means,
entity = "ligand") %>%
join_sum_means(means = means,
entity = "receptor") %>%
# Join PEM scores
join_means(means = pem_scores,
source_target = "target",
entity = "receptor",
type = "pem") %>%
join_means(means = pem_scores,
source_target = "source",
entity = "ligand",
type = "pem") %>%
# logFC
source_target = "source",
entity="ligand") %>%
source_target = "target",
entity="receptor") %>%
# Global Mean
mutate(global_mean = global_mean)
liana_message("LIANA: LR summary stats calculated!",
verbose = verbose
# Weigh by (spatial) constrains
lr_res %<>%
# Join complexes (recomplexify) to lr_res
cmplx <- op_resource %>%
ligand = source_genesymbol,
ligand.complex = source_genesymbol_complex,
receptor = target_genesymbol,
receptor.complex = target_genesymbol_complex
lr_res %<>%
left_join(., cmplx,
by=c("ligand", "receptor")) %>%
# Inherit levels of idents
levels(lr_res$source) <- levels(colLabels(sce))
levels(lr_res$target) <- levels(colLabels(sce))
#' Helper Function to join DEG stats to LR
#' @param cluster_markers dataframe with DE stats for a cluster
#' @param entity Transmitter or Receiver vector passed as tibble
#' @param ligand_receptor whether this is the source or target cluster
#' @return A tibble with stats for receivers or transmitters per cluster
#' @noRd
ligrec_degformat <- function(cluster_markers,
columns=c("gene", "p.value", "FDR", "stat")){
cluster_markers %>%
left_join(entity, ., by = "gene") %>%
na.omit() %>%
select(columns) %>%
rename_with(~paste(ligand_receptor, .x, sep = "."), -gene) %>%
dplyr::rename({{ligand_receptor}} := gene) %>%
distinct() %>%
#' Join Expression per Cluster
#' @param lr_res LR formatted DE results from \link{ligrec_degformat}
#' @param means Gene avg expression per cluster
#' @param source_target target or source cell
#' @param entity ligand or receptor
#' @param type type of mean to join (count or scaled)
#' @param pb progress bar
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %<>%
#' @return Returns the Average Expression Per Cluster
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
join_means <- function(lr_res,
pb = NULL){
entity.avg <- sym(str_glue("{entity}.{type}"))
means %<>%
as.data.frame() %>%
rownames_to_column("gene") %>%
pivot_longer(-gene, names_to = "cell", values_to = "avg") %>%
dplyr::rename({{ source_target }} := cell,
{{ entity }} := gene,
{{ entity.avg }} := avg)
lr_res %>%
left_join(means, by=c(source_target, entity))
#' Join Expression per Cluster
#' @param lr_res LR formatted DE results from \link{ligrec_degformat}
#' @param means Gene avg expression per cluster
#' @param entity ligand or receptor
#' @return Returns the Summed Average Expression Per Cluster
#' @noRd
join_sum_means <- function(lr_res, means, entity){
entity.expr <- sym(str_glue("{entity}.sum"))
sums <- means %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
rownames_to_column("gene") %>%
rowwise("gene") %>%
mutate(sum.means = sum(c_across(where(is.numeric)))) %>%
select(gene, sum.means) %>%
dplyr::rename({{ entity }} := gene,
{{ entity.expr }} := sum.means) %>%
distinct() %>%
lr_res %>%
left_join(sums, by=c(entity))
#' Helper Function to join log2FC dataframe to LR_res
#' @param lr_res LR formatted DE results from \link{ligrec_degformat}
#' @param logfc_df obtained via \link{get_log2FC}
#' @param source_target target or source cell
#' @param entity ligand or receptor
#' @noRd
join_log2FC <- function(lr_res,
entity.fc <- sym(str_glue("{entity}.log2FC"))
logfc <- logfc_df %>%
{{ source_target }} := cell,
{{ entity }} := gene,
{{ entity.fc }} := avg_log2FC) %>%
lr_res %>%
left_join(logfc, by=c(entity, source_target))
#' Get Log2FC of Subject vs LOSO (i.e. 1 cell type vs all other cells FC)
#' @param sce SingleCellExperiment object
#' @param subject leave-one-out subject, i.e. the cluster whose log2FC we wish
#' to calculate when compared to all other cells
#' @inheritParams .antilog1m
#' @inheritParams liana_pipe
#' @return A log2FC dataframe for a given cell identity
#' @details log2FC is calculated using the raw count average + a pseudocount of 1.
#' `assay.type` should be the raw counts
#' @noRd
get_log2FC <- function(sce, assay.type, base){
# Get anti-logged normalized counts (preserves batch effets)
sce@assays@data[["normcounts"]] <- .get_invcounts(sce, assay.type, base)
} else{
# Get raw counts as they are
sce@assays@data[["normcounts"]] <- counts(sce)
# iterate over each possible cluster leaving one out
levels(colLabels(sce)) %>%
# Subject (i.e. target) Cluster avg
subject_avg <-
select = colLabels(sce)==subject),
assay.type = "normcounts"
) %>%
as_tibble(rownames = "gene") %>%
dplyr::rename(subject_avg = value)
# All other cells average
loso_avg <-
select = !(colLabels(sce) %in% subject)),
assay.type = "normcounts"
) %>%
as_tibble(rownames = "gene") %>%
dplyr::rename(loso_avg = value)
# Join avg and calculate FC
left_join(subject_avg, loso_avg, by="gene") %>%
mutate(avg_log2FC =
log2((subject_avg + 1)) - log2((loso_avg + 1))) %>%
select(gene, avg_log2FC)
}) %>% setNames(levels(colLabels(sce))) %>%
enframe(name = "cell") %>%
#' Helper Function to 'decomplexify' ligands and receptors into individual subunits
#' @param resource a ligrec resource
#' @param columns columns to separate and pivot long (e.g. genesymbol or uniprot),
#' `source_genesymbol` and `target_genesymbol` by default
#' @return returns a longer tibble with complex subunits on seperate rows
#' @details takes any number of columns, and assumes `_` as sep.
#' @export
decomplexify <- function(resource,
columns = c("source_genesymbol",
columns %>%
sep_cols <- c(str_glue("col{rep(1:5)}"))
col.complex <- str_glue("{col}_complex")
resource <<- resource %>%
mutate({{ col.complex }} :=
resource[[str_glue("{col}")]]) %>%
into = sep_cols,
sep = "_",
extra = "drop",
fill = "right") %>%
pivot_longer(cols = all_of(sep_cols),
values_to = col,
names_to = NULL) %>%
tidyr::drop_na(all_of(col)) %>%
distinct() %>%
mutate(across(all_of(c(col, col.complex)),
~str_replace(., "COMPLEX:", "")))
#' Helper Function to Get a rowwise scaled matrix
#' @param mat a matrix, typically the logcounts matrix from an SCE object
#' @noRd
row_scale <- function(mat){
col_means = rowMeans(mat,
na.rm = TRUE) # Get the column means
col_sd = MatrixGenerics::rowSds(mat,
center = col_means,
na.rm = TRUE) # Get the column sd
# return scaled mat
return(as.matrix((mat - col_means) / col_sd))
#' Helper function to inverse logged counts
#' @param x mat or array
#' @param base base for conversion from log-tranformed ~CPM back to ~CPM.
#' @keywords internal
.antilog1m <- function(x, base=2){base ^ (x) - 1}
#' Helper function to generate inversed counts (i.e. normalized but not logged)
#' @param sce SingleCellExperiment object
#' @param assay.type counts slot
#' @param base a positive or complex number: the base with respect to which
#' log-transformation was computed.
#' @noRd
.get_invcounts <- function(sce, assay.type, base){
antilogged <- .antilog1m(slot(exec(assay.type, sce), "x"), base = base)
i = slot(exec(assay.type, sce), "i"),
p = slot(exec(assay.type, sce), "p"),
Dim = slot(exec(assay.type, sce), "Dim"),
Dimnames = slot(exec(assay.type, sce), "Dimnames"),
x = antilogged,
factors = slot(exec(assay.type, sce), "factors")
#' Helper function to fix r mean
#' @param mat a matrix
#' @details r mean is slow and it overflows on memory.
#' @noRd
fast_mean <- function(mat){
sum(mat@x)/(as.numeric(nrow(mat)) * as.numeric(ncol(mat)))
} else{
#' Helper function to format SCE to the LR universe
#' @param sce SingleCellExperiment object
#' @param entity_genes union of ligand-receptor genes
#' @param verbose verbose - True/Flase
#' @noRd
.prep_universe <- function(sce, entity_genes, verbose){
# Keep only LR universe
sce <- sce[rownames(sce) %in% entity_genes, ]
# Check organism/gene intersect
if(nrow(sce) < 3){
"Low gene intersect (<3) detected!",
"Please check if the rownames of the data match the gene identities in the resource (i.e. human genesymbols).",
output = "stop",
verbose = verbose
# Check for non-zero cells
nonzero_cells <- colSums(counts(sce)) > 0
nzero_cells <- sum(map_dbl(nonzero_cells, function(x) rlang::is_false(x = x)))
stringr::str_glue("{nzero_cells} cells were excluded as they",
" did not express any ligand-receptor genes!"),
#' Weigh by spatial constrans
#' @param lr_res liana_pipe output prior to joining complexes
#' @param cell.adj cell adjacency weights (should be positive)
#' @param adjacency name of the column with cell pair adjacency scores
#' @return weighed lr_res
#' @details Note that for the case that there are weights from 0-1, the negative
#' values (in e.g. logFC, z-scores) might be counter-logically affected - i.e.
#' they would be brought closer to 0.
#' Thus, by default liana expects weights from 0-1. These are then multiplied
#' for positive values, while negative values are divided.
#' Alternatively, one could e.g. multiply the weights by a factor (e.g. 10,000),
#' if logFC and Connectome are used. However, this would change some of
#' the assumptions/interpretations of the scores, while
#' consensus ranking will be unaffected.
#' Also, note that any interactions between cell pairs with an adjacency of 0
#' will be excluded (this would affect the scores from CytoTalk).
#' NB! `%/*/%` is only applicable and relevant to logFC and z-scores from a
#' single-context, and should not be used when scaling between conditions!!!
#' @keywords internal
.sp_costrain <- function(lr_res,
adjacency = "adjacency"){
lr_res %>%
left_join(cell.adj, by=c("source", "target")) %>%
# remove any interactions between non-interacting cells
filter(.data[[adjacency]]!=0) %>%
# weigh relevant columns by adjacency
mutate(across(ends_with(c("expr", "pem") #**
), ~`*`(.x, adjacency))) %>%
rowwise() %>% # required as its done by element (not vector operation)
mutate(across(ends_with(c("log2FC", "scaled")),
# makes sense for single context
# but makes no sense for multiple (better to change to prod)
~`%/*/%`(.x, adjacency))) %>%
#' Helper function to multiply or divide depending on sign
#' @param x target for weighing
#' @param y weight
#' @noRd
`%/*/%` <- function(x, y){
if(y==0) return(0)
if(x >= 0){
x * y
} else{
x / y
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