qc_pl_treatments: Check plant treatments for misspelling and concordance errors

Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also


qc_pl_treatments function looks for spelling errors in treatments provided in the plant metadata.


qc_pl_treatments(plant_md, parent_logger = "test")



Data frame containing the plant metadata


This function summarizes the treatments declared in the plant metadata to look for mispelling and concordance errors. At the moment, function only returns an informative data frame, but the search for spelling errors and fixes must be done at hand, as there is no automatized way of doing it.


A data frame with the information about the different treatments if any.

See Also

Other Quality Checks Functions: create_dic, qc_coordinates, qc_data_results_table, qc_env_ranges, qc_env_vars_presence, qc_ext_radiation, qc_factor_values, qc_fix_timestamp, qc_get_biomes_spdf, qc_get_biome, qc_get_sapw_md, qc_get_timestep, qc_get_timezone, qc_is_timestamp, qc_md_cols, qc_md_results_table, qc_mind_the_gap_eff, qc_mind_the_gap, qc_out_hampel_filter, qc_out_of_range, qc_out_remove, qc_outliers_process, qc_outliers_subs, qc_rad_conversion, qc_range_dic, qc_sapf_ranges, qc_sapw_area_calculator, qc_sapw_conversion, qc_set_timezone, qc_soil_texture, qc_species_names_info, qc_species_names, qc_species_verification, qc_start_process, qc_swc_check, qc_swc_fix, qc_time_interval, qc_timestamp_concordance, qc_timestamp_errors, qc_timestamp_nas

sapfluxnet/sapfluxnetQC1 documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:50 p.m.