qc_species_verification: Check if sp_name and sp_ntrees coincides with plants...

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Coincidence See Also


qc_species_verification checks for coincidence in the number and species names between species_md and plant_md


qc_species_verification(species_md, plant_md, parent_logger = "test")



Data frame containing species metadata.


Data frame containing plant metadata.


In order to check if provided species metadata coincides with provided plant metadata, species names and number of plants in each species are checked against plant metadata.


A data frame with the species provided in plant and species metadata, as well as the number of trees of each species in both metadata. coincidence column indicates result of checking both numbers and presence of the same species.


Possible values of coincidence column in results data frame are: TRUE, indicating both metadata have the same species and the number of trees are the same; FALSE indicates that both metadata have the same species, but the number of trees are no the same; finally, NA indicates that the species are not the same in both metadata.

See Also

Other Quality Checks Functions: create_dic, qc_coordinates, qc_data_results_table, qc_env_ranges, qc_env_vars_presence, qc_ext_radiation, qc_factor_values, qc_fix_timestamp, qc_get_biomes_spdf, qc_get_biome, qc_get_sapw_md, qc_get_timestep, qc_get_timezone, qc_is_timestamp, qc_md_cols, qc_md_results_table, qc_mind_the_gap_eff, qc_mind_the_gap, qc_out_hampel_filter, qc_out_of_range, qc_out_remove, qc_outliers_process, qc_outliers_subs, qc_pl_treatments, qc_rad_conversion, qc_range_dic, qc_sapf_ranges, qc_sapw_area_calculator, qc_sapw_conversion, qc_set_timezone, qc_soil_texture, qc_species_names_info, qc_species_names, qc_start_process, qc_swc_check, qc_swc_fix, qc_time_interval, qc_timestamp_concordance, qc_timestamp_errors, qc_timestamp_nas

sapfluxnet/sapfluxnetQC1 documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:50 p.m.